SAP Security Forum June 17-18, 2021 SAP Live Class

SAP Security Forum June 17-18, 2021 SAP Live Class
SAP Security Forum
June 17–18, 2021
SAP Live Class

SAP Security Forum June 17-18, 2021 SAP Live Class
Thursday, June 17, 2021
8:30 a.m.                  Get ready! Virtual check-in

8:40 a.m.–8:55 a.m.        Additional offer: 15 minutes get ready (part I) – Activate and energize yourself with Mindfulness & Motion activities

9:00 a.m.–9:10 a.m.        Welcome
                           Michael Janning and Manfred Wittmer, SAP

9:10 a.m.–10:00 a.m.       Opening session
                           Sarah Yvonne Elßer, Moderator and Editor

10:10 a.m.–11:10 a.m.      Keynote 1: Development rush vs. security | Speed and security don’t mix well? We beg to differ.
                           Tobias Pahlings and Niklas Miroll, SAP

11:20 a.m.–12:20 p.m.      Keynote 2: Secure by default
                           Michael Altmaier and Matthias Ems, SAP

12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m.       Lunch break

1:10 p.m.–1:25 p.m.        Additional offer: 15 minutes break (part II) – Refresh and reactivate yourself with Mindfulness & Motion activities

                           A Infrastructure and                       B Identity and access                    C Compliance and                          D Further topics and
                           communication security                     management                               data protection                           repeat the track

1:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m.        A1 HTTP – One protocol to rule             B1 Compliant identity management         C1 Automated privacy assessments          D1 How to build a strong security
                           them all                                   in hybrid landscapes (IAG/IPS/IAS)       and procedures (with demo)                and compliance foundation for your
                           Tobias Lejczyk, SAP                        Sonia Petrescu, Gunnar Kosche,           Dr. Sandro Lovisa and Yuankai Fan,        SAP landscape
                                                                      Gerald Fest, SAP                         SAP                                       Arndt Lingscheid, SAP

3:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m.        Coffee break

3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m.        A2 SAP® Enterprise Threat Detection,       B2 SAP ID Management –                   C2 SAP Information Lifecycle              D2 Don’t panic: A security
                           Cloud edition, and on-premise              Current status and what’s new            Management – Essential companion          administrator’s guide to moving
                           version 2.0 SP03: Features, use            Regine Schimmer, René Feister,           on your journey to the Intelligent        to SAP S/4HANA®
                           cases und demo                             Norman Nürnberger, SAP                   Enterprise                                Tobias Lejczyk, SAP
                           Dr. Fatih Gey and Dr. Michael Schmitt,                                              Wolfgang Epting, SAP

5:15 p.m.–5:45 p.m.        Claim your front row seat and be enchanted by magic at home!
                           Virtual magic show by Felix Gauger

5:45 p.m.                  End of first day

Each lecture is marked according to its level of detail:
  Basic: Introduction to the topic, no previous knowledge necessary      Intermediate: Basic knowledge of the solution necessary     Advanced: Extensive knowledge of the solution necessary   2
SAP Security Forum June 17-18, 2021 SAP Live Class
Friday, June 18, 2021
8:30 a.m.–9:00 a.m.        Get ready! Virtual check-in

8:40 a.m.–8:55 a.m.        Additional offer: 15 minutes get ready (part I) – Activate and energize yourself with Mindfulness & Motion activities

                           A Infrastructure and                       B Identity and access                    C Compliance and                                          D Further topics and
                           communication security                     management                               data protection                                           repeat the track

9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.       A3 Live SAP Hack: How attackers            B3 Authorizations in SAP S/4HANA –       C3 Automated controls with                                D3 Compliant identity management
                           gain full access to the SAP production     Live demo and project hints              machine learning capabilities                             in hybrid landscapes (IAG/IPS/IAS)
                           system and how SAP Enterprise              Dr. Ronald Baudisch and                  Umut Soenmez and                                          Sonia Petrescu, Gunnar Kosche,
                           Threat Detection catches them              Markus Griem, SAP                        Konstantin Pabst, SAP                                     Gerald Fest, SAP
                           Holger Stumm, log(2);
                           Martin Müller, SAP

10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m.      Coffee break

11:00 a.m.– 12:30 p.m.     A4 SAP Landscape –                         B4 Identity access governance –          C4 Integrated UI data protection:                         D4 SAP Fiori® for SAP S/4HANA:
                           Secure design pattern                      The SAP toolset in a cloud-only          Take protection of your crown jewel                       New tools for UI activation and
                           Michael Altmaier, SAP                      scenario and live demo                   data assets to the next level                             simplification of content management
                                                                      Sonia Petrescu, Gunnar Kosche,           Rashmi Gurupad Hegde and                                  Kattia Jordan-Philipp, Marek Barwicki,
                                                                      Gerald Fest, SAP                         Tobias Keller, SAP                                        Dieter Mauer, SAP

12:30 p.m–1:30 p.m         Lunch break

1:10 p.m.–1:25 p.m.        Additional offer: 15 minutes break (part II) – Refresh and re-activate yourself with Mindfulness & Motion activities

1:30 p.m–3:00 p.m          A5 Don’t panic: A security                 B5 Identity Lifecycle Process            C5 Information Security                                   D5 Authorizations in SAP S/4HANA –
                           administrator’s guide to moving            Automation in the Cloud                  Compliance Management for                                 Live demo and project hints
                           to SAP S/4HANA                             Jannis Rondorf and Aydin Tekin,          Intelligent Enterprises                                   Dr. Ronald Baudisch and Markus Griem,
                           Tobias Lejczyk, SAP                        IBsolution                               Kedar Warunkar, SAP                                       SAP

3:00 p.m                   End

Each lecture is marked according to its level of detail:
  Basic: Introduction to the topic, no previous knowledge necessary      Intermediate: Basic knowledge of the solution necessary                      Advanced: Extensive knowledge of the solution necessary

Overview of lectures

K    Keynotes

K1   Development rush vs. security speed and security don’t mix well ?
     We beg to differ. | Our experience with the development of Corona Apps
     In this presentation we will analyze different applications that were developed by
     SAP during the early phase of the Corona Pandemic. We will give an overview on
     the applications and their architectures. Then we will identify lessons learned as
     well as draw conclusions applicable to other projects. We will especially focus on
     the “Need for Speed” during the development and the security challenges that
     arose from that.

K2   Secure by default
     When dealing with security, there is often an argument what to prioritize: business
     or security. The assumption to prioritize one over the other is not state-of-the-art.
     Stable operations and security measures are not two sides of a coin but that they
     must go hand-in-hand to achieve a professional, robust system performance that
     keeps your business up and running in a secure manner. This presentation will
     show how delivery of no-disruptive default configurations will support increasing
     security whilst not affecting the business.

A    Infrastructure and communication security

A1   HTTP – One protocol to rule them all                                                 A3   Live SAP Hack: How attackers gain full access to the SAP production system
     Our world is ruled by web applications. From cloud applications to SAP Fiori              and how SAP Enterprise Threat Detection catches them
     appli­cations, our business applications run on HTTP. Since 1991, this protocol           SAP customers facing targeted Hacks, Cyber Threats and Backdoor attacks that
     shapes the way we communicate today. But for a lot of people it still is “Neuland”        leads to ­massive identity theft and critical network access. How does this trans-
     (uncharted territory). So how does HTTP actually work? How do messages                    late to specific dangerous, successful hacks against SAP production systems?
     flow? How can we secure HTTP communication? In this talk we will dive deep                And how can customers protect themselves against such attacks?
     into the world of HTTP, HTTP infrastructure, encryption (TLS), authentication             We will show this live during that session.
     and security risks.
                                                                                          A4   SAP Landscape – Secure design pattern
A2   SAP Enterprise Threat Detection, Cloud edition, and on-premise version                    By introducing mobile scenarios and cloud services, the complexity of SAP
     2.0 SP03: Features, use cases und demo                                                    landscapes is rising fast. It is becoming more important to design SAP land-
     SAP Enterprise Threat Detection is available as a Cloud Edition since March 2021.         scapes and infrastructures with a focus on security to be able to integrate all
     It comes along with a shared managed security base service which already                  services securely. This session recommends secure design pattern for common
     covers the processing of most important customer related security alerts in his           use cases.
     connected SAP landscape! In part 1, the presentation describes the combined
     software/service offering. In part 2 we provide insight into SAP Enterprise          A5   Don’t panic: A security administrator’s guide to moving to SAP S/4HANA
     Threat Detection, on-premise version 2.0, Feature- and Support Package 03                 Everything is new, and everything is different. Or isn’t it? To secure something,
     (and 04 if already available). Additionally we show a demo with some real                 we first have to understand it. We will have a look at the architecture of
     attack scenarios, as they occur at customers, plus how SAP Enterprise Threat              SAP S/4HANA and see what the consequences for security are. Which
     ­Detection will detect those.                                                             topics are new? Which topics are old? And which opportunities does an
                                                                                               SAP S/4HANA software project create for your enterprise-wide security?

B    Identity and access management

B1   Compliant identity management in hybrid landscapes (IAG/IPS/IAS)                    B4   Identity access governance – The SAP toolset in a cloud-only scenario
     In this architecture session we will present different options to implement a            and live demo
     so-called compliant identity management scenario in your company. The design             In this presentation we show what identity access governance (IAG) is doing
     will reflect on-premise and cloud applications in a hybrid setup. We will discuss        as a product compared to and combined with SAP Cloud Identity Services.
     the pros and cons of the different tool-combinations and approaches.                     This presentation will give a brief overview of parts of the SAP Cloud Identity
                                                                                              Services and compliant architecture sessions but focus on a deep-dive into the
B2   SAP ID Management – Current status and what’s new                                        IAG product including a live-demo and dos and don’ts related to features and
     Join us for the latest updates on the SAP Identity Management roadmap, our               the general use.
     current Customer Connection initiative, and find out details about new customer
     projects. Learn about SAP’s approach for hybrid IAM scenarios and take away         B5   Identity Lifecycle Process Automation in the Cloud
     best practices for a holistic identity management on any premise.                        Based on various use cases, you will learn about options for automating pro-
                                                                                              cesses related to identity lifecycle in the cloud, including the provision of your
B3   Authorizations in SAP S/4HANA – Live demo and project hints                              user accounts and authorizations into a cloud system.
     This presentation will provide you with some insights into the basics and imple-         We will explain in a technical live-demo which products and solutions are offered
     mentation approaches for authorization concepts in SAP S/4HANA on-premise                by SAP today and show you best practices that you can use when setting up
     including system demo. You will get some hints from the current SAP S/4HANA              such scenarios.
     authorization projects covering following topics: methods for troubleshooting,
     evaluation options of SAP Fiori artefacts, authorizations for SAP S/4HANA
     ­project team, some well-known challenges, and integration of the authorization
      implementation into current project methodologies.

C    Compliance and data protection

C1   Automated privacy assessments and procedures (with demo)                            C4   Integrated UI data protection: Take protection of your crown jewel data
     In this presentation you will learn how SAP Privacy Governance can help your             assets to the next level
     Data Protection Officer with the fulfillment of mandatory EU-GDPR requirements.          Protecting critical and sensitive data against abuse and theft is an increasingly
     You will get an overview of the delivered features as for example the fulfillment        important topic in today’s business and IT environments. It is usually your SAP
     of data subject rights or the data protection impact assessment. Further you will        systems which hold your most business relevant and valuable data assets –
     receive detailed insights (with demo) on how to set up privacy programs based            your vital “crown jewels”.
     on automated privacy assessments as well as privacy risk detection strategies            Join this session to get introduced to integrated UI Logging and Masking
     via Automated Privacy Procedures.                                                        Solution and to :
                                                                                              • Experience a comprehensive demo of many new features, such as data
C2   SAP Information Lifecycle Management – Essential companion                                 blocking and ‘Reveal on Demand’ with attribute-based authorizations
     on your journey to the Intelligent Enterprise
                                                                                              • Know how these data accesses are reflected in the latest analysis views with
     Smart information lifecycle management saves money, brings valuable time and               basic and conditional logging and discover a new analysis option for change
     reduces the risk of any SAP S/4HANA migration. In this session you will learn how          logging
     SAP customers can use SAP Information Lifecycle Management to intelligently
                                                                                              • Explore the solutions’ roadmap and product direction
     reconcile data protection compliance and proactive management of their data
     volume and its growth in order to prepare for the journey to SAP S/4HANA and
                                                                                         C5   Information Security Compliance Management for Intelligent Enterprises
     to innovate when running SAP S/4HANA.
                                                                                              This session will offer a framework and roadmap to manage ‘Information Security
                                                                                              Compliance for Intelligent Enterprises’. The roadmap highlights on leveraging the
C3   Automated controls with machine learning capabilities
                                                                                              automation capabilities available within SAP GRC Solutions to adopt a proactive
     In this session we will give you a short overview on SAP Tax Compliance and
                                                                                              approach of dealing with the information security compliance monitoring. The
     SAP Business Integrity Screening, two mass data analysis tools with integrated
                                                                                              roadmap will address the information security strategy and process across dif-
     automated workflows. We then will elaborate on the utilization outside tax and
                                                                                              ferent security layers described within the SOM (Security Operations Model)
     compliance and how machine learning can be applied with various business
                                                                                              thereby helping the customers to leverage their investment within SAP GRC
     cases and demonstrate the respective functionalities. You will also learn about
                                                                                              and Security applications. The presentation will also include a demo showing
     the process, technical requirements, and best practices for a successful
                                                                                              the possible use of a security control and automated monitoring to facilitate
                                                                                              information security compliance.

D    Further topics and repeat the track

D1   How to build a strong security and compliance foundation for your                      D3   Compliant identity management in hybrid landscapes (IAG/IPS/IAS)
     SAP landscape                                                                          B1   In this architecture session we will present different options to implement a
     Cyber-attacks can have severe consequences when it comes to SAP S/4HANA                     ­so-called compliant identity management scenario in your company. The design
     applications. These attacks increasingly focus on the company’s application                  will reflect on-premise and cloud applications in a hybrid setup. We will discuss
     layer and use privileged user accounts. Unfortunately, many security departments             the pros and cons of the different tool-combinations and approaches.
     see the SAP application layer as a “black box,” and they view the security of SAP
     applications as the responsibility of their Basis or SAP application colleagues,       D4   SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA: New tools for UI activation and simplification
     leaving these applications at risk. Securing an SAP S/4HANA business appli­                 of content management
     cation environment involves more than roles and authorizations. The loss of                 In SAP S/4HANA on-premise projects there are many manual and tedious steps
     sensitive data can lead to severe penalties, damages reputation, and endanger               to be performed when activating SAP Fiori applications or configuring SAP Fiori
     the overall business of businesses within minutes.                                          launchpad content. This process is now much simpler and faster with new tools
     This session helps SAP decision makers (CIOs, CFOs, and CISOs) and IT                       like the SAP Fiori rapid activation task lists or the new SAP Fiori launchpad
     operations managers successfully meet these challenges and secure their                     ­content manager. These tools help to automate activation of SAP or customer
     SAP landscapes.                                                                              business roles and to manage SAP Fiori catalogs effectively.

D2   Don’t panic: A security administrator’s guide to moving to SAP S/4HANA                 D5   Authorizations in SAP S/4HANA – Live demo and project hints
A5   Everything is new, and everything is different. Or isn’t it? To secure something, we   B3   This presentation will provide you with some insights into the basics and imple-
     first have to understand it. We will have a look at the architecture of SAP S/4HANA         mentation approaches for authorization concepts in SAP S/4HANA on-premise
     and see what the consequences for security are. Which topics are new? Which                 including system demo. You will get some hints from the current SAP S/4HANA
     topics are old? And which opportunities does an SAP S/4HANA software project                authorization projects covering following topics: methods for troubleshooting,
     create for your enterprise-wide security?                                                   evaluation options of SAP Fiori artefacts, authorizations for SAP S/4HANA project
                                                                                                 team, some well-known challenges, and integration of the authorization imple-
                                                                                                 mentation into current project methodologies.

Finally, a bit of fun

Our diverse entertainment program is sure to surprise you. There will be something for everyone!

15-minute Mindfulness & Motion session
It pays to start in time with preparing your event’s environment and with our 15 minutes Mindfulness
& Motion session. It prepares yourself to join in a relaxed and positive and focused way. Take part
in front of your monitor and with a little space to move – no special clothing is required.
Just be there!
Carla Flohr

Take a seat in the front row and be enchanted by Magic at home!
The virtual magic show by Felix Gauger is a completely new genre of magic that is streamed live
completely virtually via the PC. Felix performs stunning feats while constantly interacting with his
In addition to visual magic, viewers experience a lot of interactive mental magic and amazing tricks.
And every single spectator even has a seat in the front row.
Especially in these special times, Felix Gauger’s magic creates unique miracles and shared moments.
Be curious!
Virtual magic show by Felix Gauger

Virtual Escape Game: Sherlock Holmes – Race against time
Become one of London’s best private detectives and help Dr. Watson in his frantic race against
time to find Sherlock and capture the killer! This virtual Escape Game takes you to London in 1891.
You play alone, supported by a game master, and have 75 minutes to stop the killer. The clock is
ticking . . .
Before you can start, please register. After your registration to this game you will receive an invitation
and can start and play at any time.

Studio SAP | 75009enUS (21/04)

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