Page created by Juan Diaz
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We are so pleased you and your student
have chosen to join the SCAD family!

For 40 years, our university has been dedicated to educating,
inspiring and preparing the next generation of art and design leaders.
Within these pages, you’ll find a quick reference guide to all the
resources, tools and people who will help you and your student make
the most of this time at SCAD.
The parent relations department can help you stay connected with
what’s happening at SCAD and keep an eye on upcoming academic
and financial deadlines. Visit scad.edu/parentemail to complete
your parent profile and sign up for the monthly parent e-newsletter.
This e-newsletter covers student accounts, housing and financial aid
deadlines; move-in timelines and volunteer opportunities; and career
prep activities, upcoming event details and much more. Additionally,
you can join the conversation with other SCAD parents and stay
up to date by following us on Facebook, at facebook.com/groups/
We understand that this is a new adventure for both you and your
student, and we are here to provide support along the way. Contact us
at parents@scad.edu if you have questions.
▪   Find information about SCAD programs,
    locations, events and exhibitions.
▪   Search for course information and grades.
▪   Look up a professor’s email address.

      and so much more!
2 academics and                        26 student life
  advising                             		   Get Involved
		   Student Success and Advising      		   Fitness and Recreation
		   Orientation                       		   Signature Events
		   Course Exemptions                 		   Residence Life and Housing
		   College Credit and More           		   Network Access and
		   First Year Experience             		   Tech Support
		   First-quarter Registration        		   SCAD Card Services
		   Full-time Course Load             		   Octopus Card
		   Advising Appointments             		   Dining in Hong Kong
		   SCAD PRO Adviser                  		   SCAD Language Studio
		   Major Exploration                 		   Student Health
		   Creative Curriculum               		   Student Success Center
		   SCAD Core                         		   Student Conduct
		   Math Competency                   		   Settling Disagreements
		   Internship Credit                 		   Community of Respect
		   The Registrar’s Role              		   Map of Sham Shui Po
		   Study Abroad                      		   SCAD Hong Kong Floor Plans
		   Graduation Requirements
		   Academic Policies                 38 student ACCOUNTS
		   Grades                            		   About Student Accounts
		   Right to Privacy                  		   Account Changes
		   SCAD Support                      		   Account Balances
                                       		   Payment Terms
16 career prep                         		   Make a Payment (HKD)
		   Career and Alumni Success         		   Make a Payment (USD)
		   Parents’ Guide to Career and 		   		   Canceled Enrollment
		   Alumni Success                    		   Course Withdrawal
                                       		   Financial Aid
22 safety and security                 		   Scholarships

		   Security in Action                		   Accepting Financial Aid
                                       		   and Scholarships
		   Electronic Security Measures
                                       		   Payout of Financial Aid Funds
		   SCAD Alerts
                                       		   Maintaining Financial Aid
		   SCAD Shuttle
                                       		   Financial Wellness
		   Be Prepared
		   Clery Act
		   SCAD Hong Kong Severe             46 academic calendar
		   Weather Policy
                                       47 quick reference
Architect. Painter. Interior designer. Photographer.
Writer. Creative director. Whatever profession your
students pursues, SCAD has lined up the essential
tools to help your student excel.

Your student’s path to a creative career starts now, so keep
reading to discover the outlets, information and opportunities
designed to help your student choose the direction that best
suits their unique interests and goals.

    AND ADVISING                                     RESPONSIBILITIES
    Student success advisers are the primary        ▪ Serves as the primary resource and guide
    contacts for all undergraduate students for       for student success
    assistance in successfully completing an        ▪ Assists students in developing educational
    educational program at SCAD. Advisers help        goals and selecting a major
    students assess and match their interests,      ▪ Recommends course selections
    skills and abilities to programs available at     for registration
    SCAD; assist students with major declaration,   ▪ Serves as a referral for university
    course selection, course sequencing and           resources
    registration; and provide students with         ▪ Provides information on financial
    information about SCAD academic and               policies and resources
    financial policies, procedures, resources
    and programs.
    Success advisers provide students with           RESPONSIBILITIES
    guidance in understanding, planning for and
                                                    ▪ Schedules and attends advising
    funding the cost of their education. Advisers
    assist with all finance-related questions
                                                    ▪ Becomes familiar with the policies in the
    and work individually with each student to
                                                      SCAD catalog and Student Handbook
    help him or her plan a strategy for meeting
                                                    ▪ Follows through on actions identified
    educational expenses.
                                                      in success advising or faculty advising
    Success advisers work closely with
    incoming freshmen during the First Year         ▪ Knows at all times his or her academic
                                                      standing and academic needs in order to
    Experience course to teach them about their
                                                      fulfill degree requirements
    responsibilities and roles in the educational
                                                    ▪ Learns and meets course requirements,
    process. Advisers also meet with incoming
                                                      appropriate course sequencing and any
    transfer students during the first quarter of     other requirements
    enrollment. All students are given the tools
                                                    ▪ Web registers on the assigned dates and
    to be proactive in seeking advisement and in      makes all schedule changes before the
    following through on actions that help them       end of drop/add week
    succeed academically.                           ▪ Accepts final responsibility for all decisions
    hkadvise@scad.edu | 852.2253.8018
                                                    ▪ Knows and adheres to payment deadlines
    SCAD Hong Kong | Rooms 113 and 115                in order to secure future course
                                                    ▪ Seeks counsel on available financial
                                                      resources and policies

Faculty Adviser                                  a required course does not earn academic
                                                 credit for that course, but may substitute
Once your student declares a major, he
                                                 a course from the same subject area as
or she will also be assigned a faculty
                                                 approved by the department chair to fulfill
adviser. The faculty adviser serves as a
                                                 the number of hours required to complete
subject matter expert who guides students
                                                 degree requirements.
throughout their course selection and
professional development.

                                                 COLLEGE CREDIT AND MORE
ORIENTATION                                      Official transcripts and scores must be
                                                 submitted to the admission department
At orientation, students attend a student
                                                 for all previous credit a student wishes to
success and advising presentation and get
                                                 transfer during the first term of enrollment.
information about their schedules, the drop/
                                                 These credits are evaluated based on
add and registration process, and the role of
                                                 whether course content, level of instruction
their student success adviser.
                                                 and contact hours are at least equivalent to
The student success and advising                 SCAD requirements.
presentation also addresses academic issues
                                                 For required studio classes, a portfolio,
and questions that students encounter
                                                 course description and syllabus must
during the first few weeks of the quarter,
                                                 be submitted during the first quarter of
including the process of making changes to
                                                 enrollment. Transfer credit is granted when
a schedule and the attendance policy. Other
                                                 a panel of faculty members determines
academic issues are addressed during the
                                                 that the quality of work in the portfolio is
First Year Experience class and in advising
                                                 consistent with the quality of work required
                                                 of students in comparable courses at SCAD.

                                                 Credit for A-level, Advanced Placement,

COURSE EXEMPTIONS                                Caribbean Advanced Proficiency,
                                                 CLEP, DANTES/DSST and International
Newly admitted students may request and          Baccalaureate exams may be awarded
submit documentation for portfolio-based         based upon score; for specific criteria, visit
course exemption through the admission           scad.edu/transfer. Transfer credit from all
department. Currently enrolled students          sources may not exceed 90 quarter hours.
should request and submit documentation
for portfolio-based course exemption to the
appropriate department chair.
                                                 FIRST YEAR EXPERIENCE
Documentation should demonstrate a
                                                 The First Year Experience course, or FYE, is
mastery of skills and sufficient knowledge of
                                                 a unique opportunity for incoming freshmen
the content taught in a specific college-level
                                                 designed to ease the transition to college
course. A student who is exempted from

                                                      Each quarter, students are emailed
                                                      a copy of their grades to their SCAD
                                                      email account, approximately one
                                                      week after classes end. They can
                                                      also access their grades through
                                                      MySCAD. Grades are not released
                                                      over the phone.
    life and prepare students for academic
    excellence and their professional careers.

    Taught by student success advisers, FYE          their student success adviser. First-quarter
    covers topics such as academic resources,        freshmen who remain undeclared following
    university policies, registration processes,     FYE have an advising hold placed on their
    and major and career options. Students are       account each quarter until they’ve declared
    encouraged to get involved and connect           a major.
    with peers through group and individual
    exercises, assignments and lectures.

    Students attend their FYE class for one hour,    FULL-TIME COURSE LOAD
    once per week. Successful completion of
    FYE is a requirement for graduation.             A full-time undergraduate student is defined
                                                     as one who is registered for at least 15 credit
    Transfer students are not required to complete   hours per quarter. Students may register for
    the course, but may opt to participate to take   a maximum of 20 quarter hours, provided
    advantage of the learning opportunities. There   they have maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA
    is no tuition charge for FYE.                    during the previous quarter. Students are in
                                                     classes for 15 hours per week. For each hour
                                                     a student is in class, approximately two hours

    FIRST-QUARTER                                    of outside work will be required.

    All first-quarter, first-year and transfer       ADVISING APPOINTMENTS
    students are registered for their classes by
    an adviser. Advisers take into account all       First-year students must meet with their
    awarded transfer credit when registering         student success advisers once per quarter
    students. First-year students are registered     until they declare their majors. Once
    for classes based on their major of interest     students have declared their majors, we
    as indicated on their application. Transfer      recommend they meet with their student
    students are registered for classes required     success advisers once per year and once
    by their declared major.                         they’ve completed 120 credit hours to create
                                                     a graduation plan. However, students are
                                                     encouraged to meet with their advisers as
    Advising Holds
                                                     often as they find helpful.
    All incoming transfer students have an
    advising hold placed on their account that
    prevents them from registering for the next
    quarter’s classes until they have met with

                                                          MAJOR CHANGE
                                                         At any point before graduation,
                                                         a student may change his or her
                                                         major or add a minor.
Students use SCAD PRO Adviser for
conveniently mapping out their classes. This
online degree progress resource is designed
to make navigating the curriculum simple
and help students decide what classes to          about career options from the office for
take next. SCAD PRO Adviser is available in       career and alumni success.
                                                  Undecided students are encouraged to talk
                                                  to upperclassmen and faculty, attend SCAD
Registration Rules                                Days and consider trying out introductory
Each quarter, students are given a                classes in majors of interest.
registration time ticket that assigns them
to a registration period. This time ticket is
                                                  Declaring a Major
located on the Registration Tools channel in
MySCAD. Registration times are determined         First-year students may declare a major
by credit hours earned and current account        during their first quarter. Once a major is
balance, and students may register for            declared, a student is assigned a faculty
classes from their initial registration time      adviser and a success adviser who specialize
through the fifth business day at the             in that area. Transfer students declare their
beginning of each quarter. After the first        majors by selecting an intended area of
quarter, your student will register for classes   study on their applications for admission.
in MySCAD using instructions from his or her
student success adviser.

                                                  CREATIVE CURRICULUM
                                                  Undergraduate degree programs are
MAJOR EXPLORATION                                 four-year courses of study that require
Many students have skills and interests           180 quarter credit hours and incorporate
across a wide range of art and design             a fine arts foundation studies curriculum,
disciplines and are uncertain of what major       comprehensive general education
they should declare. It is essential students     curriculum, major program or area of
take the initiative and explore majors and        concentration curriculum and electives.
minors offered at SCAD.
                                                  Undergraduate programs embrace a wide
                                                  range of major areas and are designed to
Majors and Minors Fair                            challenge students to perform at a high level
Each fall, SCAD hosts the Majors and Minors       to prepare them for professional careers. A
Fair, where students are introduced to each       well-rounded curriculum provides students
program offered at SCAD. Students also            with technical and analytical skills, aesthetic
have the opportunity to interact with faculty     sensibilities, an academic background and the
members in each area of study and learn           ability to express ideas visually and verbally.

    Double Majors and Minors                      study and also prepares them for work in
                                                  their chosen majors. Students should consult
    Many of the undergraduate majors offered
                                                  their programs of study for specific course
    at SCAD complement one another, and
    students may choose to earn degrees in
    two majors. With careful course selection,
    students may earn a double major in only a
    few extra quarters. Students should consult
                                                  MATH COMPETENCY
    their student success advisers to determine
    what additional coursework may be required.   SCAD ensures all undergraduate students
    Each SCAD minor consists of five to six       are able to demonstrate fundamental
    courses, depending on the program of study.   mathematics competency. Students who
    The time required to complete a minor         do not demonstrate math competency are
    area of study varies depending on which       required to complete one or more math
    combination of major and minor programs       courses at SCAD.
    is being completed. Based upon this
    combination, a student may be required to     Students should consult with a student
    complete more than the minimum number of      success adviser before registering for any
    credit hours required for graduation.         math or science courses to be sure they
                                                  meet the requirements for their specific
                                                  programs of study.

    SCAD CORE                                     Math Transfer Credit
    The undergrad core curriculum is made up      Scores may qualify for transfer credit in
    of foundation studies and general education   addition to satisfying the math requirement.
    courses. Foundation studies are designed      Students who have successfully completed
    as studio classes where students can build    a course similar in content and level of
    visual, conceptual and creative abilities.    instruction to a mathematics course at
                                                  SCAD at another college or university may
    The general education courses in liberal      be permitted to transfer that course in
    arts are designed to help develop students’   satisfaction of the mathematics requirement.
    critical-thinking skills by providing an
    intellectual foundation and breadth of
    knowledge for endless learning.
                                                  INTERNSHIP CREDIT
    Students are required to complete SCAD
    Core coursework within their first 90 hours   Students can take internships on a credit or
    of study. The organization of these courses   noncredit basis and these may be paid or
    into a two-year sequence allows students to   unpaid. Typical internships place students
    complete necessary prerequisites for future   with artists, designers or organizations
                                                  such as museums, advertising agencies,

   MATH COMPETENCY                                Students studying in Hong Kong on a
   Students can present: proof of a qualifying    student visa must obtain a No Objection
   SAT score (580 or above) or ACT score (24      Letter (NOL) in order to be eligible for
   or above), proof of qualifying math scores     internships. NOLs are provided only to
   on Advanced Placement, International           students studying full time on a student visa
   Baccalaureate, College-level Examination       for more than three consecutive quarters.
   Program, or other equivalent international
   examinations as published on the SCAD
   admission website.
                                                  THE REGISTRAR’S ROLE
                                                  The registrar’s office provides students
media production companies, theaters and
                                                  with information regarding attendance,
architecture firms in the U.S. and abroad. An
                                                  withdrawals and incompletes, transcripts,
undergraduate student seeking an internship
                                                  registration, graduation requirements,
for credit must have completed at least 90
                                                  enrollment verification and other enforced
credit hours with a cumulative GPA of at
                                                  policies regarding courses.
least 3.0.
                                                  Registrar staff members interact most
Internship Rules                                  frequently with students by providing
Prior to the quarter in which a for-credit        transcripts and enrollment verifications and
internship is to be conducted, students must      assisting with registration and graduation.
submit an electronic internship application       registrar@scad.edu
and liability waiver signed by the student, the
faculty member and the department chair.          Enrollment Verification
The application must show that the student        An enrollment verification is an official
will have adequate faculty and supervisor         document showing proof of a student’s
contact hours during the 10-week quarter          status at the university. It provides
when the internship is to take place.             information regarding full- or part-time
                                                  registration status, dates of attendance,
Students are required to work a minimum
                                                  expected graduation date and current course
of 150 hours of internship activity, and must
                                                  enrollment. Insurance companies, both
request and obtain approval for an internship
                                                  health and auto, loan agencies (Sallie Mae,
prior to the start of the quarter.
                                                  Direct Loans or AES, for example) and other
The necessary tuition must be paid upon           organizations may require a verification
submission of the internship application          in order for the student to be eligible for
in order to complete registration of the          certain benefits (health insurance coverage
internship for credit.                            or good student discounts, for example) or
                                                  loan deferments.

                                                        STUDENT ENROLLMENT
    Enrollment verifications for the current           International students may need an
    quarter can only be generated after                enrollment verification for banks, government
    drop/add week. Students can generate               scholarships, visas and U.S. customs.
    emailed enrollment verifications online
    through MySCAD, or they may visit the               STUDENT VISAS
    registrar’s office for a hard copy that can be
    mailed, faxed, or scanned and emailed. There       Visa applications for SCAD Savannah and
    is no fee for an enrollment verification.          Atlanta are one quarter in advance, and SCAD
                                                       Lacoste is two quarters in advance.
    Some organizations have specific forms
    that must be completed verifying student
    enrollment. The registrar’s office can also
    complete these and mail, fax or email them
    on behalf of the student.

                                                     programs focus on specific academic and

    STUDY ABROAD                                     studio disciplines, while others feature a
                                                     variety of study options.
    Have a student who’s ready to take on the
                                                     Students expand their knowledge of other
    world? SCAD Study Abroad develops and
                                                     cultures and societies, which puts them
    offers programs that broaden and enhance
                                                     ahead of the game as they step into careers
    the total educational experience. Through
                                                     in the global marketplace. In the U.S.,
    short- and full-term international and
                                                     they can study in the university’s coastal
    domestic study programs, students have
                                                     hometown of Savannah or explore life in
    the opportunity to earn degree credit while
                                                     the heart of Midtown Atlanta, or take
    gaining a more global perspective on art,
                                                     advantage of short-term programs in the
    architecture and design.
                                                     design, arts and entertainment industries
    Students in all majors can find programs         of Southeast Asia in locations such as
    relevant to their career preparation that        Macau, Shanghai, Tokyo or Sri Lanka.
    develop cross-cultural competencies and          Students can also immerse themselves in
    expand their understanding of other cultures     the rich culture and pastoral setting of
    and societies. SCAD Study Abroad hosts           Provence at SCAD Lacoste.
    several informational meetings each quarter,
    and students can further explore these           Short Transfers
    options with their student success advisers.
                                                     A transfer from a student’s permanent
                                                     location to SCAD Atlanta or SCAD Savannah
    SCAD Hong Kong | Room 116
                                                     for just one or two quarters presents
                                                     the opportunity to learn from additional
    At Home and Overseas                             professors and interact with students in
    SCAD offers programs in a variety of             different settings.
    locations in the U.S. and abroad. Some

  Students should meet with their student
  success adviser to find out if they are eligible
  for study abroad programs and to consider
                                                     ACADEMIC POLICIES
  how these courses may fit into their overall
                                                     Academic policies are available online
  programs of study.
                                                     at scad.edu/policies and in the Student
                                                     Handbook available through MySCAD. Within
                                                     these documents, you’ll find full definitions
                                                     and descriptions of policies that cover
                                                     academic standing, attendance, course loads,
                                                     dropping and adding courses, the grading
GRADUATION                                           system, GPA requirements and withdrawals.

                                                     Academic Standing
Bachelor’s degrees are awarded to students
                                                     Students are expected to make satisfactory
who have earned a minimum of 180 quarter
                                                     progress toward their degree and are
hours (equivalent to 120 semester credit
                                                     responsible at all times for knowing their
hours) of appropriate credit in an approved
                                                     academic standing and for fulfilling all
program of study with an overall cumulative
                                                     requirements of the university.
GPA of 2.0 or higher, as well as a 3.0 or
higher GPA in their major or concentration.          These requirements are found in published
                                                     academic policies, regulations and
Students pursuing a minor must earn a GPA
                                                     standards, and students can consult with
of 2.0 or higher in their minor program.
                                                     the appropriate dean, department chair or
To graduate with a double major, students            adviser if they have questions.
must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in each
                                                     Students are responsible for understanding
major and a minimum overall GPA of 2.0.
                                                     and meeting course requirements,
The final 45 hours of any degree program             prerequisite requirements, graduation
must be completed at SCAD, including                 requirements, appropriate course sequencing
eLearning and off-campus study courses.              and any other university requirements.

                                                     At the sole discretion of the university,
                                                     a student may be placed on academic
                                                     warning or probation, or may be suspended
   APPLY EARLY                                       or dismissed for any reason deemed by
   Students must complete the online                 SCAD officials to be in the best interest of
   application for graduation at least two
   quarters before they complete their
   degree requirements.

                                                           A complete listing and description of
                                                           all academic policies is available at

     the student or of the university as a whole
     or if they determine that the student is not           READY TO REGISTER?
     making satisfactory progress toward degree
                                                           Students are expected to attend and
                                                           participate in all scheduled classes and
                                                           examination periods. SCAD operates on a
     First Week of Class                                   10-week quarter system, and all regular
                                                           classes meet 20 times each quarter. Classes
     Only students who are properly registered
                                                           meet twice each week for 2 1/2 hours per
     for a class may attend and participate in
                                                           class session, for a total of 50 contact hours
     that class. Students are not permitted to             (five credit hours).
     participate in classes in which they are
                                                           Absences in excess of four class periods per
     not registered.
                                                           quarter, or 20 percent of the course, result in

     Not attending class during the first week of          the student receiving a failing grade for the
     any quarter will result in a delay in financial       course. Tardiness, early departure or other
     aid disbursement and may also result in               time away from class in excess of 15 minutes
     the student being dropped from the class.             per class session is considered absence for
     Students should contact their success                 that class session. There are no excused
     adviser in advance if they anticipate missing
     class during the first week.                          Classes missed due to late registration are
                                                           included in the overall absences permitted
                                                           for the class.
     Quarter System
     SCAD is on the quarter system and classes
     meet for 10 weeks. The normal academic
     year includes three quarters. Students
     can attend summer quarter to complete
     additional coursework based on availability.       GRADES
                                                        Students receive an email copy of their
     Drop/Add Week                                      grades via their SCAD email account
     The first five business days of every quarter      approximately one week after classes end
     are designated the drop/add period when            for the quarter. Grades are also accessible
     students may change their class schedules.         in MySCAD. Grades are not released over
     Students must attend the classes for which         the phone.
     they are registered by the end of the
     drop/add period.
     All students should check their schedule           Grades are assigned according to the
     prior to the start of each quarter to see if any   following system of letter and quality
     changes have occurred.                             points evaluation:

                                                  the illness or emergency circumstance. The
LETTER                   QUALITY POINTS
                                                  dean’s decision is final. Students assigned a
GRADE                    UNDERGRAD
                                                  temporary grade of incomplete are required
A   EXCELLENT            4                        to complete the remainder of the unfinished
                                                  work in a satisfactory manner by midterm
B   GOOD                 3
                                                  of the following quarter. A temporary grade
C   AVERAGE              2                        of incomplete automatically changes to
D   POOR                 1                        an F if the required work is not completed
                                                  satisfactorily by midterm of the following
F   FAILURE              0
                                                  quarter. A student may not withdraw from a
                                                  course after receiving a grade of incomplete.
The following codes may appear on
transcripts and do not affect a student’s GPA:    A student who has missed more than four
                                                  class sessions, 20 percent, in a quarter is not
W WITHDRAWAL             G   GRANTED/             eligible for a grade of incomplete, but may
			                          FULFILLED CREDIT
                                                  withdraw at any time after the end of the
T   TRANSFER CREDIT      U   UNSATISFACTORY       drop/add period and through the last day of
I   INCOMPLETE           N   AUDIT                the quarter.

GPA Requirements
                                                  After the end of the drop/add period and
Undergraduate students must earn a                through the last day of the quarter, a student
quarterly GPA of 2.0 to remain in satisfactory    may officially withdraw from a class. The
academic standing. Undergraduate students         student will receive no credit for the class and
who fail to maintain a quarterly GPA of           is given a grade of W for the course. Students
2.0 for three consecutive quarters will be        demonstrate their intent to withdraw from a
academically suspended for one year.              class by completing the electronic withdrawal
                                                  form available in MySCAD. Withdrawal from
Incompletes                                       one or more classes may impact students'
                                                  visa status.
A student who has experienced serious
personal illness or other emergency
                                                  The withdrawal form is processed automatically
circumstances during the academic term
                                                  and is effective immediately upon receipt of
should notify the dean of students as soon as
                                                  the request by the registrar’s office.
possible for assistance or accommodations.
                                                  A student will be unofficially withdrawn from
If your student falls into this category and is
                                                  a course after incurring absences for more
therefore unable to complete all assignments
                                                  than 20 percent of the term (usually five
by the end of the quarter, he or she may
                                                  absences) in a class when he or she does not
request a temporary grade of incomplete
                                                  provide an official notification of withdrawal,
through the appropriate school dean
                                                  as described above. The accumulation of
before the end of the quarter, explaining
                                                  absences can either be consecutive or occur
the reason and including documentation of
                                                  at any point during the quarter. The student

                                                                   FERPA WHAT?
                                                                  Manage your FERPA preferences in
                                                                  MySCAD by navigating to the SCAD
                                                                  Forms channel under the Resources
     will be sent an email after each absence                     tab, searching “FERPA” in the search
     and will be instructed to contact his or her                 field, and clicking the “FERPA
     success adviser for assistance.                              Management” link.

     The Family Educational Rights and Privacy
     Act, or FERPA, affords students certain                  SCAD SUPPORT
     rights with respect to their education
     records. This means students can request                 SCAD offers a comprehensive support
     to read their education record and propose               network to provide students the academic
     amendment if they believe it contains                    resources they need to excel in the
     misleading or inaccurate information.                    classroom and beyond. These programs
                                                              complement academic offerings and are
     It also means they must consent to                       designed with the student in mind.
     disclosure of their education record under
     FERPA. For example, if you as the parent
                                                              Academic Resource Center
     make most of the payments on your
     student’s account and will need to know                  The Academic Resource Center offers free,
     the current account balance, your student                ongoing tutoring for writing, speaking,
     must sign a FERPA waiver so university staff             math, software and major-specific skills.
     members are allowed to discuss the account               Support is also available to guide students
     balance with you.                                        through the research process, concept
                                                              development and time-management skills.

                                                              Writing skills
                                                              Students can get individual support with
         FINANCIAL AID                                        all aspects of the writing process, whether
                                                              they are working on a course project
        Withdrawal from one or more classes may
                                                              or something related to their personal
        alter financial aid status or eligibility. Students
                                                              passions. Staff members will help with
        should consult with their student success
                                                              outlining, developing thesis statements,
        advisers for details.
                                                              sentence structure, transitions, citations,
        Students who stop attending a class without           grammar and revising drafts. They will
        officially withdrawing may be considered in           not, however, proofread, edit or act as a
        violation of the attendance policy and could          substitute for the ongoing dialogue the
        receive a grade of F.                                 student should be having with his or her
                                                              faculty members and adviser.

Presentation skills                              art images, trend and business research tools
                                                 and more. These are all available online to
Staff members in the Academic Resource
                                                 the entire SCAD community 24 hours a day,
Center assist students with their public
                                                 seven days a week at library.scad.edu.
speaking and presentation skills, a key part
                                                 ref_hk@scad.edu | 852.2253.8010
to many courses. This could be in terms
                                                 SCAD Hong Kong Library | Ground floor
of organization, overcoming fear, avoiding
common mistakes, presentation language,
body language or simply being an objective       Foundation Studies Help
audience to watch students practice.             The Foundation and Fine Art Studio helps
hktutor@scad.edu | scad.mywconline.net           refine skills and techniques while generating
SCAD Hong Kong | Room 016                        ideas that could be beneficial to your
                                                 student’s growth as an artist. The manager
Peer Tutoring                                    provides individual and group appointments
                                                 promoting out-of-class learning and
Peer tutors are current students from a
                                                 studio practice to support the foundations
variety of majors who have been highly
                                                 in drawing and painting programs.
recommended by their professors to offer
                                                 Students can make appointments
support to other students. They provide
                                                 at scad.mywconline.net.
friendly, professional, one-on-one tutoring
                                                 tdangvu@scad.edu | 852.2253.8192
to assist students with specific academic
                                                 SCAD Hong Kong | Rooms 506 and 508
needs, enabling them to become more
confident and independent learners.
Students can make appointments
at scad.mywconline.net.
hktutor@scad.edu | 852.2253.8185
SCAD Hong Kong | Room 016

SCAD Libraries, which includes full-service
locations in Savannah, Atlanta and Hong
Kong, is a global art resource network that
serves the entire university community.
Librarians and staff offer research assistance
in person and online to connect all
SCAD students to the most cutting-edge
information in their fields.

The libraries’ collections include more than a
million books, DVDs and multimedia, industry
magazines and research journals, unique and
rare artistic and published works, e-books,
e-journals and magazines, high-quality digital

Achieve professional goals by taking advantage
of what SCAD has to offer beyond the classroom.

SCAD prepares students and alumni to become leaders in the
creative class through ongoing and individualized advising,
professional development resources, internship and career
opportunities, connections to industry leaders, recruitment
events and exclusive online resources.

Delve into career prep to be competitive in the ever-changing
job market. Learn more at scad.edu/careers.

                                                         CAREER NEWS
                                                        All students receive Career News, a
                                                        weekly e-newsletter that features
                                                        jobs and internships, employer visits,
                                                        workshops and career tips. Interested
                                                        parents may also subscribe to Career
     CAREER AND ALUMNI                                  News by visiting scad.edu/careers,
                                                        selecting “Jobs and internships” and
     SUCCESS                                            clicking on “Subscribe now.”
                                                        Visit scad.edu/careers to learn more.
     Known as CAS, the office for career and
     alumni success prepares SCAD students and
     alumni to become industry leaders through
     a carefully tailored program of offerings that   Industry and Alumni Engagement
     helps students hit their career goals as they    Once students have completed their career
     simultaneously explore their talents in class.   action plan with the career adviser, they
     careers-hk@scad.edu | 852.2253.8089              can meet with the industry and alumni
     SCAD Hong Kong | Room 122                        engagement managers to discuss current
                                                      employment, networking and industry
     Career Adviser                                   opportunities.

     Career advisers are available to offer           Based in seven markets around the U.S. and
     individual career coaching for professional      southeast Asia, SCAD industry and alumni
     development and job search assistance.           engagement manager continually foster
     Students can make an appointment with            and develop relationships with employers
     their career advisers using the online           and alumni in an effort to expand career
     appointment scheduler in MySCAD.                 opportunities for SCAD students and alumni.

     Workshops                                        Interview Day
     Career workshops and seminars are offered        An annual event held in Hong Kong,
     on an ongoing basis and topics include           Interview Day is a chance for students who
     résumé building, cover-letter writing,           have completed their career action plan to
     interviewing and networking skills, portfolio    connect with top local employers. Students
     development, tips for finding an internship      share their portfolio, speak with employers,
     and more.                                        and network during the event.

     Parents can receive a full slate of weekly CAS
     programming by subscribing to Career News.       SCAD Job Portal
                                                      The SCAD Job Portal is your student’s
     Employer Visits                                  exclusive online gateway to hundreds of jobs
                                                      and internships at top companies. Students
     Top companies, brands and organizations
                                                      can upload their résumé and portfolio to
     from around the world recruit at SCAD.
                                                      avail themselves for recruitment.
     Potential employers routinely visit to give
     presentations and interview students,            Students can also schedule an appointment
     providing students and alumni with the tools,    with their career adviser, sign up for
     access and exposure needed to gain an edge       workshops and employer presentations and
     in seeking employment.                           apply for on-campus interviews. Students
                                                      can visit the SCAD Job Portal by visiting

Career News                                        skills, values, personality traits and enduring
                                                   interests do you observe in your student?
All students receive Career News, a
                                                   In what areas does he or she still need
weekly e-newsletter that features jobs and
                                                   to develop?
internships, employer visits, workshops and
career tips. Interested parents may also
subscribe to Career News by visiting               3 Provide personal contacts for
scad.edu/careers, selecting “Jobs and                your student.
internships” and clicking on “Subscribe now.”      Neighbors, friends and relatives are great
                                                   resources for informational interviews used
                                                   to learn more about a job, career field,
                                                   industry or company and differ from job
PARENTS’ GUIDE TO                                  interviews.
                                                   These face-to-face connections with
ALUMNI SUCCESS                                     employers can be vital and can lead to an
                                                   actual job interview, as up to 80 percent of
Check out these top tips for supporting your
                                                   jobs are never advertised.
student throughout the career prep and job
search processes.
                                                   4 Participate in career and
                                                     alumni success.
1 Listen to your student’s career
                                                   If you are an employer, consider contacting
  concerns and ideas.
                                                   the office for career and alumni success with
You can provide support, feedback and
                                                   job and internship openings, or volunteer to
information as new interests and goals
                                                   take part in workshops or panels about your
develop. Talk about your own work, your
                                                   career field.
industry and your employer.

Don’t be afraid to share your own values,          5 Encourage your student to obtain
interests and goals, but take care to respect        marketable skills.
your student’s interests, especially if they       As part of or in addition to your student’s
differ from your own.                              education in an art and design major at
                                                   SCAD, your student should be encouraged to
Career advisers are available to assist            develop computer/technical skills, business/
students with any challenges they might            entrepreneurial skills, communication
encounter, a benefit that extends to them          skills (written and oral), marketing/selling
indefinitely as alumni. Encourage your             skills (sales, publicity and fundraising),
student to schedule an appointment on the          foreign language skills and leadership skills
SCAD Job Portal.                                   (supervisory, co-curricular leadership roles
                                                   and teamwork/collaboration).
2 Help your student maintain a strong,
  positive self-image.                             Take advantage of internships and real-world
                                                   professional opportunities. The office for
Self-confidence is a critical personal attribute
                                                   career and alumni success offers individual
in the job search process. What positive

     advising and workshops focused on finding
     relevant professional experiences.

     Make the most of the office for career and
     alumni success. Encourage your student         RECENT EMPLOYER
     to become familiar with the wide range         VISITS
     of services available, including portfolio
     critiques, entrepreneur resources, alumni      LVMH, Gensler, PVH, Hasbro,
                                                    Fendi, Microsoft, Chanel,
     panels, mock interviews and much more.
                                                    Lululemon, McDonalds, HSBC,
     Participate in co-curricular activities.       Industrial Light & Magic Singapore,
                                                    Facebook, Adobe
     Community service, athletics, clubs and
     other school leadership activities can help
     broaden and define career and leisure
     interests, while providing valuable career
     skills and experiences such as team-building
     and leadership.

     Try direct employer contact. Encourage
     your student to find 15–20 companies
     or organizations that fit with his or her
     interests, research them through company
     websites, and then contact them directly
     about opportunities to work or intern
     for them.

     Career advisers are available to assist
     students with any challenges they might
     encounter, a benefit that extends to them
     indefinitely as alumni. With many demands
     on time, students often delay career
     planning. Encourage your student to use
     resources provided by the office for career
     and alumni success early and often.

The core of what we do at SCAD is provide your student
with a safe environment where they are free to pursue their
passion for art and design.

We do this by using best practices, connecting with our
partners and creating a culture of safety and security
where innovation can flourish. Keep reading to learn
about information and tools to help your student navigate
daily life at SCAD and in Hong Kong.

     SECURITY IN ACTION                                ELECTRONIC SECURITY
     Student safety is a top priority at SCAD, and     MEASURES
     we have designed a dynamic safety program
                                                       SCAD is committed to using the latest
     that pairs skilled staff with cutting-edge
                                                       technology to increase university safety and
     technology so students are comfortable in all
                                                       uses electronic security measures including
     university buildings.
                                                       access control systems, security cameras and
     Security staff members are available 24/7,        timely notification of security incidents and
     365 at SCAD Hong Kong and Gold Coast              emergency alerts.
     Residences. Hong Kong is considered a
     safe city with frequent police patrols to
     ensure the safety of residents and visitors.
     Students are encouraged to follow the
                                                       SCAD ALERTS
     same safety precautions — locking doors,          When a crisis or emergency situation occurs,
     traveling in groups at night, being cautious      students receive information and direction
     of surroundings — as they would in any major      via MySCAD and their student email account.
     city. SCAD Department of University Safety
     staff works with SCAD community members           Students should make sure their contact
     to identify safety- and security-related issues   information is up to date in MySCAD by
     and engage students, staff and faculty to         visiting the My Info tab, My Personal Info
     solve problems.                                   channel to verify information and to make
     securityhk@scad.edu | 852.2253.8036               any necessary changes.
     SCAD Hong Kong | South entrance,
     lower ground floor

                                                       SCAD SHUTTLE
                                                       SCAD provides free transportation between
                                                       SCAD housing at Gold Coast Residences and
       UNIVERSITY SAFETY                               SCAD Hong Kong. Schedules are available
                                                       in the office of student success. Students
       When classes are in session, SCAD Hong          will be emailed at their SCAD email account
       Kong is open 7 a.m. to 12 a.m. SCAD Hong
                                                       if there are updates or cancellations to the
       Kong is open 24 hours per day during the
       last week of each quarter.                      shuttle schedule.

       Students should be aware of the guidelines
       outlined in the Student Handbook available
       on MySCAD regarding building access and
       guest rules.                                    BE PREPARED
                                                       SCAD has a great relationship with the Hong
                                                       Kong Police Force. HKPF patrols the Sham
                                                       Shui Po area regularly and has partnered
                                                       with SCAD to educate students on personal

     SCAD security measures are online
     at scad.edu/security.
                                                 daily log that records the university incident
     SCAD evacuation procedures are online
     at scad.edu/evacuationprocedure.            number; the local police department incident
                                                 number (if reported to local police); and the
                                                 date, time, general location, type of incident
                                                 and disposition, if known, of any on- or off-
                                                 campus incident reported to SCAD.

safety. Should something happen in the city      The physical log is maintained at the south
at large, SCAD Hong Kong will determine          entry security desk. It is also posted online
any impact there may be for students and         for easy access. This log is updated
issue timely news and guidance if necessary.     once each business day and is available at

In accordance with Article II of the Student’s
                                                    SCAD HONG KONG
Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act,
SCAD provides a report of occurrences              SEVERE WEATHER POLICY
of crime for the past year known as the
                                                   The rainy season in Hong Kong is between
Clery Report.
                                                   April and September. The Rainstorm
                                                   Warning System is designed to notify the
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus
                                                   public that heavy rains are imminent and
Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics
                                                   are likely to cause major disruptions. The
Act, part of the Higher Education Act, is a
                                                   system also puts essential services
U.S. federal law that requires colleges and        personnel on emergency alert.
universities to disclose certain timely and
                                                   ▪ If Typhoon Signal #8 or Black Rainstorm
annual information about campus crime and
                                                     Warning is in effect at 7 a.m., all morning
security policies.
                                                     classes (8 a.m. and 11 a.m.) will be
                                                     canceled. No bus service will be provided
Accordingly, SCAD must annually
                                                     from Gold Coast Residences
disclose crime statistics for the university,
                                                     to SCAD Hong Kong 7 a.m. to 12 p.m.
unobstructed public areas immediately
adjacent to or running through the university      ▪ If Typhoon Signal #8 or Black Rainstorm
                                                     Warning is in effect at 12 p.m., afternoon
and certain non-university facilities.
                                                     classes (2 p.m. and 5 p.m.) will be
Statistics for SCAD are available by visiting
                                                     canceled. There will be no bus service
scad.edu/security or by contacting the
                                                     12–4 p.m.
SCAD Department of University Safety.
                                                   ▪ If Typhoon Signal #8 or Black Rainstorm
                                                     Warning is in effect at 4:30 p.m.,
                                                     there will be no 8 p.m. classes and no
DAILY LOG                                            nighttime bus service. Whenever classes
                                                     are canceled, students will be notified
In accordance with the Clery Act, the SCAD           via their SCAD email accounts.
Department of University Safety maintains a
Whatever your student’s interests, whatever they choose, they
will discover defining moments designed with them in mind.

The perfect daily complement to their academic pursuit
is our wide variety of dynamic student life activities.
Keep reading for details about SCAD signature events,
student clubs and activities, fitness and recreation,
student media and other diverse experiences.

     GET INVOLVED                                     If your student lives in Gold Coast
                                                      Residences, he or she will also have access
     Students can explore their interests, meet       to an outdoor swimming pool, a gym,
     others of similar or different backgrounds,      billiards, and tennis and squash courts.
     and expand their breadth of experience
     through engagement opportunities.

                                                      SIGNATURE EVENTS
     Student involvement
     The office of student success offers a variety   SCAD events are all about putting students
     of ways for students to become active            in touch with the people and experiences
     members of the university community.             that will give them an edge as they get
     Students can develop leadership skills,          started in their careers. Each year, we host
     meet other students, expand their cultural       events across all SCAD locations so students
     awareness, make professional contacts,           can showcase their best work to their
     participate in one of the dozens of diverse      creative heroes, ask questions and learn what
     student clubs and organizations and              it’s like to work in their chosen fields.
     volunteer in the local community.
                                                      The rise of the Asian fashion market
     Student Clubs                                    means up-and-coming designers no
                                                      longer exclusively eye New York or Paris as
     Student clubs at SCAD provide social,
                                                      launching pads for their careers. SCAD Hong
     recreational and professional activities
                                                      Kong Fashion Showcase, which coincides
     for every member of the student body.
                                                      with Hong Kong Fashion Week, gives senior
     Students can email involve-hk@scad.edu
                                                      fashion students and recently graduated
     to learn more.
                                                      alumni the opportunity to present their
                                                      designs to representatives from Polo Ralph
     Community Service                                Lauren, DKNY and Shanghai Tang.
     Students serve the community while gaining
     valuable life skills. Working with local
                                                      Students discover the best in contemporary
     agencies in a spirit of cooperation, SCAD
                                                      art at SCAD deFINE ART. Exciting
     students learn the importance of networking,
                                                      exhibitions and gallery talks and tours,
     recruiting, project planning, decision-making
                                                      screenings, lectures and performances
     and more.
                                                      connect students with leading artists.

                                                      At SCADstyle, students have front-row
     FITNESS AND RECREATION                           seats for casual chats between style icons
                                                      and can have their say at Q&A sessions and
     From parks and beaches to gardens, hiking
                                                      workshops with magazine editors, fashion
     trails and campgrounds, Hong Kong has
                                                      designers and more.
     something for every outdoor enthusiast.

During SCAD Sidewalk Arts Festival,              Mail Services
students create amazing chalk-art
                                                 Each apartment at Gold Coast is assigned a
masterpieces in the north parking lot.
                                                 mailbox. Letters and small packages will be
                                                 delivered, but larger items cannot be stored
Save the Date                                    at Gold Coast.
The master calendar on scad.edu/calendar
                                                 If your student receives a large package, a
contains listings for upcoming events,
                                                 note will be left in their mailbox or on their
lectures and workshops. You can also view
                                                 door with instructions about pickup..
the full academic calendar using the search
function on the site.

                                                     CARE PACKAGE?
Having a comfortable, safe and inspiring
place to live sets students up for success in       Limit care packages to the size of a shoebox.
the classroom. Dedicated residence life and
housing staff members promote a sense of             EXPECTING A LETTER
community among resident students and                OR PACKAGE?
are present in Gold Coast Residences to
help with routine concerns and answer               Mail to students living at Gold Coast should
student questions.                                  be addressed as follows:
reslife-hk@scad.edu | 852.2253.8047                 Student name (first and last)
SCAD Hong Kong | Room 113                           Block number, floor number, flat (A or B)
                                                    Gold Coast Residences, Phase I or II
                                                    1 Castle Peak Road
Residence Hall Staff                                Castle Peak Bay New Territories, Hong Kong
The residence life and student success
coordinator is a full-time professional staff        BOOKING FLIGHTS?
member responsible for managing the daily
operations of Gold Coast Residences. The            Always review the residence hall opening
coordinator lives on-site to manage daily           and closing dates in MySCAD before
operations and plan student activities.             making travel plans.
This staff member is a student’s first call in
the event of an emergency, room lockout,
disagreement among roommates or family

     NETWORK ACCESS AND                                  SCAD Quick Start Technology Guide
                                                         This quick start guide has all the information
     TECH SUPPORT                                        students need to get up and running. From
     To help students communicate, learn and share       passwords to software, Wi-Fi to connecting
     information, the SCAD network is accessible in      gaming systems in their residence halls,
     every room in Gold Coast Residences. We also        they’ll find answers to just about every tech
     have technology support available if students       question here at scad.edu/techguide.
     need help setting things up or have questions
     about SCAD technology.

     Use of SCAD technology is considered                SCAD CARD SERVICES
     a privilege; your student has certain
                                                         Your student’s SCAD Card is his or her
     responsibilities intended to keep the university,
                                                         official student ID and is used to access
     its student body and especially his or her
                                                         academic buildings, special events, library
     private information safe and secure.
                                                         resources, SCAD transportation and more.
     techsupporthk@scad.edu | 852.2452.6566
                                                         Students must present a government-issued
                                                         photo ID to receive a SCAD Card.
                                                         Students should keep their SCAD Card with
     Students can also get discounts on software
                                                         them at all times. Lost or stolen cards can be
     packages and computer components as well
                                                         suspended 24 hours a day at scadcard.com
     as training from Lynda.com on programs
                                                         to prevent fraudulent activity.
     they need to know to succeed in class. More
     information is available on the IT channel in       Report any lost or stolen SCAD Cards to the
     MySCAD.                                             office of student success.

     MySCAD is the university’s digital portal
     for students. MySCAD provides student               Validation
     access to course registration, SCAD webmail,        While your student’s SCAD Card can last for
     financial services accounts, posted grades,         their entire time at SCAD, they will need to
     course assignment submissions, online test          get a validation sticker at the start of each
     administration, FERPA management, important         quarter. A current validation sticker allows
     announcements and more. For this reason,            them to get discounts at off-campus movies,
     students are prohibited from sharing their          art supply stores and more. Students should
     MySCAD passwords with others.                       meet with the student financial manager
                                                         to receive their validation sticker for each
     Parents may appropriately access their student’s
     financial services account via TouchNet, but
     are asked not to log in to their student’s
     MySCAD account.

OCTOPUS CARD                                     SCAD LANGUAGE STUDIO
The Octopus card is widely used in Hong          The English as a Second Language program
Kong to pay for transportation and other         includes a variety of undergraduate and
small transactions. Your student can add         graduate courses focused on reading,
money to his or her card at any 7-Eleven,        writing and grammar proficiency as well as
the Mass Transit Railway customer service        advanced presentation, pronunciation and
counter, the Market Place grocery at Gold        research skills necessary for a career in art
Coast Piazza and the Gold Coast parking          and design.
                                                 Through the SCAD Language Studio,
Students typically spend about HK$200            students gain skills that enable them to be
every two weeks using their Octopus cards.       successful at the university and professional
                                                 level, including how to:
At the office of student success, students
can pick up an application form to complete      ▪ Write academic papers and take exams
and submit to MTR customer service in order
                                                 ▪ Make formal presentations
to receive a student discount of 50 percent
on all MTR transportation during their time in   ▪ Read university-level materials
Hong Kong.                                       ▪ Comprehend academic lectures

                                                 ▪ Speak fluently in both formal and
                                                   informal settings
DINING IN HONG KONG                              ESL students connect with peers and
Hong Kong is the culinary capital of Asia,       professors, use their language skills to
and your student can easily find any flavor      succeed in their studies, and begin their
he or she has in mind, from street food to       academic and artistic journeys with
fine dining.                                     confidence and competence.

If your student lives at Gold Coast, he or she
will have access to fully equipped kitchens,
and the Market Place grocery store is nearby.
The Gold Coast Piazza is also home to
numerous restaurants and eateries.

No food is permitted in classrooms
or computer labs!

                                                        NORTH KOWLOON
                                                       SCAD revitalized the historic North
                                                       Kowloon Magistracy Building after the
                                                       Hong Kong Development Bureau entrusted
     STUDENT HEALTH                                    it to the university in 2009.
                                                       This UNESCO award-winning building hosts
     Support for students isn’t limited to             tours twice daily Monday through Friday
     academic endeavors; SCAD is also here to          and the third Saturday of every month.
     support students’ health and well-being. The      Students and visitors are expected to treat
     professionals in the student health support       this heritage site with the utmost respect
     network can help students with anything,          and conduct themselves professionally
     such as dealing with the challenges of            at all times.
     college life or getting treatment for a
     sore throat.
                                                        SUCCESS CENTER
     Counseling Services
                                                       Located on the ground floor and first floor
     SCAD counseling and student support
                                                       of SCAD Hong Kong, the office of student
     services keeps counselors on hand to assist
                                                       success is your go-to spot for student
     students with a wide range of concerns, from      advisers, the registrar, student financial
     boosting their coping skills to managing          services, SCAD Card services, financial aid,
     stress and anxiety. Counselors can help on        student services administration, counseling
     an individual and short-term basis, organize      and student support services, and
     support groups, make community referrals,         career services.
     plan educational workshops and provide
     self-help resources.

     Therapy groups are available for students
     who need general support. Counselors can        Accessibility Services
     also reach out to students when a professor,    SCAD highly values the opportunity
     staff member or parent is concerned for their   to provide support for students with
     well-being.                                     accessibility needs. To receive services
                                                     and accommodations, students need to
     Services are free and confidentiality
                                                     self-identify by contacting the counseling
     is guaranteed within legal and ethical
                                                     and student support services office. They
     guidelines. Counselor communication is
                                                     are encouraged to access their SCAD
                                                     Accommodate account in MySCAD >
                                                     Resources tab > Academic Resources
     Students can reach a counselor during
                                                     Network channel. Students can use this
     business hours by calling 852.2253.8055.
                                                     system to request appointments and upload
     Twenty-four-hour emergency support is
                                                     supportive documentation.
     available by contacting the on-call counselor
     through the SCAD Department of University
                                                     Once a student has scheduled an
     Safety at 852.2253.8080.
                                                     appointment, he or she will meet with staff
     counseling-hk@scad.edu | 852.2253.8055
                                                     to discuss an accommodation plan according
     SCAD Hong Kong | Room 020
                                                     to his or her individual needs. A staff
                                                     member will write an accommodation memo
You can also read