SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE Metro Toronto Convention Centre - APERÇU DU PROGRAMME - Family Medicine Forum

SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE Metro Toronto Convention Centre - APERÇU DU PROGRAMME - Family Medicine Forum
                                                      # MY F FM F

 SCHEDULE                                  APERÇU DU
AT A GLANCE                               PROGRAMME
  Metro Toronto                           Palais des congrès
Convention Centre                             du Toronto

        NOV 14–17, 2018
      TORONTO, ONTARIO        familymedicineforum    @familymedforum

                    @familymedforum            FMF 2018
                        803AB                    706                  707                      709                     711                       712                     713A                      713B                  714AB             715AB                716AB                  717AB                 718A                718B           700 Foyer              601AB               602AB                 603               604             605                205C

 08:00–09:30     IAN MCWHINNEY KEYNOTE ADDRESS / DISCOURS D'OUVERTURE IAN MCWHINNEY : “A Call to Heal” / Un appel à guérir - Dr. Michael Kidd ²                                   D Hall F/G
 09:30–10:00     BREAK / PAUSE             Poster Viewing / Exposition d’affiches. 700 Foyer

 10:00–11:00     Socially Accountable                                                                                                                                                                                Mitigating                              Examination of                           Building a Commu-                      Facilitated Poster   Mifepristone                              Climate Change     TRANS-form-   Autism Spectrum
                 Family Medicine                                                                                                                                                                                     the Opioid                              the Shoulder                             nity of Practice for                   Session              Abortion in your                          101 for Family     ing Your      Disorders
                 Worldwide: The critical                                                                                                                                                                             Epidemic from                           (MSK)                                    Teachers/Preceptors                      D                  Office: What you                          Physicians:        Practice: A   Multidisciplinary
                 role of deans and                                                                                                                                                                                   the Emergency                                                                   D                                                           need to know                              World café         compre-       Panel: Screening,
                 academic leaders                                                                                                                                                                                    Room                                                                                                                                                                                  of practical       hensive       diagnosis, phys-
                 D                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        implications for   transgender   ical and mental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            practice           workshop      health, adult ASD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
 11:15–12:15     Family Medicine           Bringing Learners   Selection              Leadership Transi-      Improving Feedback:       Teaching Family           Fire Up Your              You’ve Been Asked                         Evidence-based         The OA Tool:      Increasing Family                             Presentations                                            Case-based HIV                                                              ADHD:
                 Innovations:              into Your Office:   Bootcamp: Brain-       tions in Family         Tips and tricks for       Medicine Maternity        Lectures: Take your       to be on a Scientific                     Remediation            Primary care      Physicians’ Capac-                            by Research                                              Workshop for                                                                Overcome
                 Snapshots from            Reducing barri-     storming solutions     Medicine: Harness       teaching the CanMEDS      Care: Lessons learned     medical presenta-         Planning Committee:                       Interventions          comprehensive     ity to Coach and                              Award                                                    the Primary Care                                                            misconceptions
                 around the globe          ers to effective    to barriers and        your potential to       Communicator role         from the 2018             tions from great to       Now what?                                 for Learners in        management        Mentor Each Other:                            Winners                                                  Practitioner: Prac-                                                         and treat with
                 PART 1                    teaching in your    pitfalls in the        take on new things!     D                         National Forum            outstanding               D                                         Difficulty: A new                       Who benefits?                                                                                          tical knowledge                                                             confidence (1)
                 D                         practice            selection process      D                                                 D                         D                                                                   interactive tool                         Why?                                                                                                   and advice
                                           D                   D                                                                                                                                                                      D                                        D                                                                                                      
                 LUNCH / DÎNER             OCFP Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle des membres du CMFO. 501A • Section of Communities of Practice in Family Medicine Networking Lunch / Dîner de réseautage de la Section des Communautés de pratique en médecine familiale. 701A/701B
                 700 Foyer                 Teachers and Preceptors Knowledge Café and Lunch / Dîner des enseignants et des superviseurs au Café du savoir. 718A • Section of Researchers Lunch / Dîner et réunion de la Section des chercheurs. 718B • Besrour Lunch / Dîner Besrour. 803AB

 13:30–14:30     Family Medicine           Hooks and Traps:    #Milleducation:        Learning Plans:         Generalism: A key         Paging Dr. Scorsese:      Simulation-based          Third Year Programs:     Bring Sim to     Buprenorphine          Perinatal Care:   Increasing Family                             Distinguished                        Use of Vulvar       Case-based HIV        Advance Care       TRANS-form-   Promoting
                 Innovations:              Everything you      Facing the             Individualized road     competency for socially   So you want to make       Teaching: A practical     Part of the problem      Your Hospital    for Opioid Use         What’s new        Physicians’                                   Papers                               Biopsy in the       Workshop …            Planning: A        ing Your      Health Through
                 Snapshots from            wanted to know      generational           maps to competence      accountable family        an educational video?     review                    or part of the           D                Disorder:              and important     Capacity …                                                                         Diagnosis and       cont’d                primary care       Practice …    Planning for Life
                 around the globe          about clinical      divide in medical      for residents           physicians                D                         D                         solution?                                 Prescribing a          in antepartum,    cont’d                                                                             Management of                             priority and       cont’d        Phase: Transitions
                 PART 2                    teaching            education              D                       D                                                                            D                                         way out                postpartum, and                                                                                      Common Vulvar                             responsibility                   for people with
                 D                         D                   D                                                                                                                                                                                            newborn care                                                                                         Conditions                                                                developmental

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           disabilities
 14:30–15:00     BREAK / PAUSE             Poster Viewing / Exposition d’affiches. 700 Foyer • New FMF Delegate Orientation - Meet at Registration

 15:00–15:15                               Hooks and Traps     Teaching Decision      The Successful          The Effect of Urban       Wellness Wheel            Implementation            Co-design of a           The Older        Buprenorphine          Perinatal Care:   A Shared Definition    Peer Consultation                      Facilitated Poster   Use of Vulvar       Case-based HIV        Advance Care                     Implementing
                                           … cont’d            Making to              Integration of an       Density on Mental         Clinic Evaluation:        and Barriers to           Naloxone Kit for         Patient in the   for Opioid Use         What’s new ...    of Feedback is         and Mentorship                         Session              Biopsy … cont’d     Workshop …            Planning: ...                    Comprehensive
                                                               Medical Students       eConsult Service        Health: A systematic      Community-partnered       Identification            Family Practice,         Emergency        Disorder: ....         cont’d            Essential in Faculty   D                                        D                                      cont’d                cont’d                           Health
                                                               and Residents          into a Family Health    review                    care model improving      and Treatment of          Emergency                Department:      cont’d                                   Development                                                                                                                                                   Assessments
                                                               D                      Team’s Workflow                                   access to care on         Perinatal Alcohol         Departments              What you                                                  (FD) for Improving                                                                                                                                            (“Health
                                                                                                                                        reserve                   and Tobacco Use                                    need to know                                              Teaching                                                                                                                                                      Checks”) for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  D                                                                                                                                                         Adults with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Intellectual and
 15:15–15:30                                                                          How Long are            Is There an Association   Ambulatory Care           Factors Influencing       Opioid Agonist                                                                     Family Medicine                                                                                                                                               Developmental
                                                                                      Canadians Waiting       Between Screen Time       Sensitive Condition       Rural Career Choice       Treatment During                                                                   Journal Club: To                                                                                                                                              Disabilities
                                                                                      to Access Specialty     and Depression in         Hospital Admissions       of Urban-origin           Residential Treatment                                                              tweet or not to                                                                                                                                               
                                                                                      Care?                   Patients Ages 13 to 25?   in MB First Nations       Family Medicine           for Opioid Use                                                                     tweet?
                                                                                                                                                                  Graduates                 Disorder: Access                                                                       D
                                                                                                                                                                                            and Outcomes

 15:30–15:45                                                                          Defining Pediatric      Implementing              Patient Experiences of    Practical Apps:           New Integrated                                                                     If You Build It,
                                                                                      Diabetes Using          Personalized Cancer       a Lifestyle Program for   Assessing the quality     Balanced Methadone                                                                 They Will Stay:
                                                                                      EMR Records and         Medicine into Primary     Metabolic Syndrome        of mobile health          Maintenance                                                                        Resident training
                                                                                      Validation from         Care: Challenges          in Family Medicine        apps for chronic          Treatment Program                                                                  in an under-served
                                                                                      Linkable Manitoba       and solutions             Clinics                   disease management        Embedded in a                                                                      community
                                                                                      Cohort Data                                                                                           Family Practice Clinic                                                                 D

 15:45–16:00                                                                          Protocol for a          The Barriers to           Addressing                Feeling                   Effects of Training                                                                “Nightmares”
                                                                                      Large QI-PBRN           Breastfeeding on          Malnutrition in           Overwhelmed?              Laypeople to Deliver                                                               Course is an
                                                                                      Collaborative Study     Prince Edward Island      Hospitalized              Examining                 Emergency Care                                                                     Effective Acute Care
                                                                                      on Improving Care       in 2017                   and Discharged            perceptions of CBME       in Underserviced                                                                   Teaching Tool for
                                                                                      for Complex Elders                                Patients: Identifying     graduates three years     Populations                                                                        Family Medicine
                                                                                                                                        opportunities in...       into practice                                                                                                (FM) Residents
 16:00–16:15                                                                          Characterizing High     Use of Conscious          Food is Medicine:         Evaluation of the         Assessments and
                                                                                      System Use Across       Sedation to Facilitate    Nutrition algorithm       Factors Related To        Provisions of Medical
                                                                                      the Primary-Tertiary    Intrauterine Device       improves patient care     Focused Practices         Assistance in Dying
                                                                                      Care Continuum:         Insertion                 on an accountable         in FM                     in Canada in 2017
                                                                                      Manitoba high                                     care unit
                                                                                      system users

 16:15–16:30     Reflections of the                                                   Optimal Primary                                   Obesity Prevention                                  End of Life Care and     Chest Pain in    Care of the Older                                               Fireside Chat /                                             Talk to me!: An
                 Global Family                                                        Care Team Processes                               Education During                                    Medical Assistance       the ER           Patient: Evidence to                                            Discussion                                                  approach to
                 Medicine Community                                                   for Complex Patients                              Infancy: What do                                    in Dying Knowledge                       change practice                                                 informelle                                                  enhancing empathy
                 D                                                                    with Multimorbidity                               parents think about                                 within Marginalized                                                                                      D                                                           and advance
                                                                                                                                        our messages?                                       Populations                                                                                                                                                           care planning
 16:30–16:45                                                                          Hypoglcyemia                                      Systematic Review
                                                                                      Vigilance from                                    and Meta-analysis
                                                                                      the Perspective of                                of Exposure to Child
                                                                                      Patients’ Significant                             Abuse Amongst
                                                                                      Other                                             Canadian Prisoners


 The language of the session title indicates the language in which the session will be presented. For sessions with simultaneous interpretation, this symbol ² will appear beside the titles.
 Les séances seront présentées dans la langue du titre mentionné. Le symbole des écouteurs indique que l’interprétation simultanée sera offerte. ²

Enhanced Clinical Session • Séance sur les compétences cliniques avancées          Research • Recherche  D Teaching | Precepting • Enseignement | Supervision             Keynote • Plénière
                           Hall F                Hall G            801AB              802AB               803AB              701A               701B                705               707                 709                 713AB               714AB                   715AB              716AB              717AB               718A              718B            700 Foyer           601AB               602AB              603                  604                605                   501A

08:00–09:30       The Happiness Equation / L’équation du bonheur - Neil Pasricha ² Hall F/G

09:30–10:00       BREAK / PAUSE                Poster Viewing / Exposition d’affiches. 700 Foyer • New FMF Delegate Orientation - Meet at Registration

10:00–11:00       Childhood                    Managing                                              Stories of FP      What’s New in      How to Make a                                                                 Practical Patient    Somatizing:            Preparing for                         Follow-up             Dangerous     Mucky Meds: A          Facilitated    Mental Health        Mentorship:     Forward Feeding        Le leader-        Chronic              Preparing for
                  Anxiety                      the 2017                                              Experiences        Breastfeeding      Self-management                                                               Education            What every             Practice: The                         Care of Breast        Ideas         practical approach     Poster         Disparities in       The hidden      in Family              ship et           Hepatitis C          Retirement: The
                  Disorders:                   Canadian                                              with Adults        Medicine?          Asthma Action                                                                 Pointers for Your    family                 CFPC’s self-                          Cancer Survivors:     Soapbox       to the nightmare       Session        Trans Popula-        essential       Medicine               l’enseignant      Eradication in       challenges for
                  Identification               Opioid                                                with                                 Plan for Your                                                                 Practice             physician              guided learning                       ...recommendations    ²             medication list                       tions, Minority      throughout      Residency Training     en médecine       BC: Important        family physi-
                  and management               Guidelines                                            Intellectual and                      Patient with                                                                                       needs to know          approach from                         for primary care                                                         Stress, Discrim-     your teaching   Programs               familiale :       role of primary      cians and their
                  ²                                                                                 Developmental                         Asthma                                                                                                                   residency into                                                                                                 ination, and         trajectory                             pour y voir       care                 patients
                                                                                                    Disabilities                                                                                                                                                    practice                                                                                                        Intersectional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 plus clair
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Oppression
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                D
11:15–12:15       Hear Ye, Hear Ye: The        Acne            Jeopardy:             Back to the                                                               Air Pollution:    TRANS-form-       Exercise              Chronic Disease      Applying the           Expanding the                         I am Feeling a                      Using Innovative                      The Best of                          Improvisational                          Getting a Piece
                  COPD management              Therapy         Rapid-fire            Future                                                                    What you can      ing your          Prescription for      Prevention and       New 2018 Di-           PC Toolbox:                           Little Strange:                     Point-of-care                         Primary Care                         Theatre: Applying                        of the Pie: The
                  paradigm has shifted!        Demystified     pearls for                                                                                     do about it in    practice in       Chronic               Management           abetes Canada          Buprenorphine                         An approach to                      Tools to Enhance                      Research from                        the improv/ment                          CFPC’s Pii
                  ²                                            common                                                                                          the office and    2018: An          Conditions            in Immigrant         Guidelines in          for opiate use                        altered level of                    Decision Making in                    NAPCRG 2017                          model to medical
                                                              primary care                                                                                    community         introduction                            Populations          Your Practice:         disorders                             consciousness                       Primary Care                                                               education, FD,
                                                                                                                                                                                 to transgender
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The essentials
                                                               presentations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and wellness
                                                                                                                                                                                 medicine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                D
12:15–13:30       LUNCH / DÎNER
                  Exhibit Hall D               CFPC Annual Meeting of Members / Assemblée annuelle des membres du CMFC ² 718A • 13:00-13:30 New FMF Delegate Orientation - Meet at Registration
                  Hall d’exposition D

12:30–13:30       Superficial Chronic Venous Disease (sCVD)  701A • Clinical Conundrums: Practical strategies for atrial fibrillation management in real world practice with real world worsening kidney function vignette  701B

13:30–14:30       More Than                    Nutrition for   Hot Topics in         Top Five                                                                                                      To Screen or Not      Living Well and      Your                   From the Annual       Simulation      Artificial                          How Long Do I                         Adverse Child-       Rural           Development of         Team-based        Supporting           Convalescence
                  Hot Flashes:                 Dummies         Osteoporosis          Articles in                                                                                                   to Screen: Cancer     Living Hell:         Patients are           Physical to           Olympiad        intelligence                        Have to Live, Doc?:                   hood Experienc-      Road Map:       Global Health          Teaching:         an Innovative        and the Artist
                  Addressing the other                         and Fracture          Hospital                                                                                                      screening outside     Triumphs and         Self-medicating        Osteoarthritis:                      and the Digital                     Prognostication                       es: Identification   Collaborative   Care: Competen-        Tips from the     CPD Envi-            
                  menopausal symptoms                          Prevention:           Medicine                                                                                                      the organized         tribulations of      with Cannabis:         Five CFPC tools/                      Revolution: What                    tools in palliative                   and strategies for   Forum           cies for Canadian      trenches          ronment for
                  and risks                                    Answers to                                                                                                                          programs              collaborative        What they              programs to                           does it mean for                    care                                  intervention                         post-grad FM                             Physicians in
                                                               your questions                                                                                                                                            practice             (and you)              support practice                      FM?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          D                                      D
                  ²                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   programs                                 Practice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             need to know                                                                                                                                                               D
14:30–15:00       BREAK / PAUSE                Poster Viewing / Exposition d’affiches. 700 Foyer

15:00–16:00       Weeding Through the          Men’s Health    Pearls and                            My Patient is      Advances           Improve Your                                                                  Archie’s Final       Screening              First Five Years in   Simulation                            An            Calling for a                         La périnatalité      Rural Road      Fundamentals of        What              Research             Effective FD for
                  Evidence for Medical         in 2018:        Pitfalls of                           a Pilot: What      in Care for        Access to                                                                     Journey: It took     for Adverse            Family Practice:      Olympiad                              Information   Medical Home for                      sociale pour         Map: ...        Assessment 101:        Residents         and QI for           Quality Family
                  Marijuana 3.0                UP date         Topical Steroid                       do I need to       Pregnant and       Specialists Using                                                             a village but        Childhood              Improving             ... cont’d                            Session on    Canadian Military                     sortir des silos     cont’d          Principles and         Want: The         Beginners:           Medicine
                  ²                           on DOWN         Therapy                               know?              Postpartum         eConsult Services                                                             it was done          Events (ACEs):         efficiency and                                              Medical       Families                              d’intervention                       approaches for         learning          Essential meth-      Worldwide
                                               below                                                1                 Women with         Available in                                                                  magnificently        Evidence,              time management                                             Cannabis                                                                               assessing learners     plan              odology and          D
                                                                                                                        Mental Illness     Canada                                                                                            challenges, and        in early career                                             ²                                                                                       in clinical training                     exploring QI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            tools/resources                                                                                                                                                            D                                        and research
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              for improving                                                                                                                                                                                                        interface
16:15–17:15       Derm DDx Stat Rounds         Best            Medical                                                  Pearls in Throm-                                                                                 Rebranding                                  Enough About                          Anecdote and          Managing      Social MEDia:                         Social Perinatal                                                              Strategizing         Get Ready
                  ²                           Practices in    Cannabinoids                                             bosis Update                                                                                     Digital Health                              Burnout, Let’s                        Evidence in the       Insomnia      Pearls and pitfalls                   Care, to Break                                                                for Writing          to Get Fit:
                                               Concussion      Prescribing                                              for Family                                                                                       in an Age of                                Talk Wellness:                        Orthotic Industry     in Primary    when technology                       Away from In-                                                                 Manuscripts:         Priming the
                                               Assessment      Guideline:                                               Physicians:                                                                                      Continuous                                  Strategies to fire                                          Care          meets medicine                        tervention Silos:                                                             Developing           mind and body
                                               and             Sorting “doo-                                            A case-based                                                                                     Quality                                     up faculty and                                              ²                                                 The Maison Blue                                                               one’s own            for movement
                                               Management      bie”-ous claims                                          approach                                                                                         Improvement                                 residents                                                                                                       case                                                                          template
                                                             from “high”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
                                                               level evidence

17:15–18:15       In Control: Long-acting insulins for the management of type 2 diabetes  701B

The language of the session title indicates the language in which the session will be presented. For sessions with simultaneous interpretation, this symbol ² will appear beside the titles.
Les séances seront présentées dans la langue du titre mentionné. Le symbole des écouteurs indique que l’interprétation simultanée sera offerte. ²
 Earn additional Mainpro+ credits by participating in Ancillary Sessions!
 Obtenez des crédits Mainpro+ additionnels en participant aux séances auxiliaires !

             Scanners and credit entry: Badge scanners will be used to track all sessions attended at FMF and add credits to your Mainpro+® account automatically! Exception: two- and three-credit-per-hour certified Mainpro+ workshops.
             Scanneurs et inscription des crédits : Des scanneurs d’insigne seront utilisés pour garder le compte de toutes les séances auxquelles vous assistez au FMF ; les crédits seront automatiquement ajoutés à votre compte Mainpro+ MD !
             Exceptions : Ateliers certifiés Mainpro+ donnant droit à 2 et 3 crédits par heure.

             FMF Mobile App: Our new FMF Mobile App is available in the App Store and Google Play Store—just search “FMF 2018” and download.
             Application mobile du FMF : Notre nouvelle application mobile du FMF est offerte sur l’App Store et sur le Google Play Store : il suffit de rechercher « FMF 2018 » et de la télécharger.

   Addiction Medicine | Mental Health • Médecine des toxicomanies | Santé mentale            Choosing Wisely | Screening | Preventive Medicine •                              Emergency Medicine • Médecine d’urgence                                        Humanities • Sciences humaines                                                       Palliative Care • Soins palliatifs                                           Research • Recherche
   Cancer Care • Soins aux patients atteints du cancer                                            Choisir avec soin | Dépistage | Médecine préventive                           First Five | Resident | Student •                                             Infectious Disease • Maladies infectieuses                                           Social Accountability • Responsabilité sociale                           D Teaching | Precepting • Enseignement | Supervision
   Cardiology | Respiratory Medicine • Cardiologie | Médecine respiratoire                       Chronic Pain • Douleur chronique                                                 Cinq premières années de pratique | Résident | Étudiant                        aternity and Newborn Care | Women’s Health •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 M                                                                                    Practice Management • Gestion de la pratique                               Sessions shaded in pink are not certified by the CFPC. •
   Child and Adolescent Health • Santé de l’enfant et de l’adolescent                            Compassionate Care • Soins prodigués avec compassion                            Global Health • Santé mondiale                                                    Soins de maternité et de périnatalité | Santé des femmes                         S port Medicine | MSK | Orthopedics •                                      Les séances surlignées en rose ne sont pas certifiées par le CMFC.
                                                                                                  Dermatology • Dermatologie                                                      Health Care of the Elderly • Soins aux personnes âgées                      1    Occupational Medicine • Médecine du travail                                          Médecine du sport | Musculosquelettique | Orthopédie                       eynote • Plénière
ROOM / SALLE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 700
                             Hall F                Hall G                801AB               802AB              701A             701B                705                707                709              711              713AB                  714AB             715AB              716AB                 717AB                  718A                 718B                             601AB               602AB                   603                 604                605
08:00–09:30           Equitable Health Care for First Nations Children / Des soins de santé équitables pour les enfants des Premières Nations - Dr. Cindy Blackstock, TD Insurance Spotlight on Achievement Award / Prix Pleins feux sur les réalisations TD Assurance
                      State of the College Address / Discours sur l’état du Collège • President’s Installation / Installation du président ²  Hall F/G
09:30–10:00           BREAK / PAUSE           Poster Viewing / Exposition d’affiches. 700 Foyer
                      Managing Chronic        Update on             Non-Melanoma         Giving            Identifying Po-     Tongue-ties                        Exercise,                                              Red Eye,              Neurobiolog-        What Do I         The Road to           Numeracy 101:        Top Five Articles    Canadian             Facilitated                      Health Advocacy:       Fundamentals        From Enhanced       Research
10:00–11:00           Pain in FM Within       Screening             Skin Cancer in       Ourselves the     tentially Harmful   Demysti-                           Pregnancy,                                             a Simple              ically-based        Do With My        Living Well as        How do we best       in Respiratory       Cardiovascular       Poster                           Exploring the          of Assessment       Skills to           Highlights from
                      the Climate of an       Recommendations:      the FM Office:       Tools to Assess   Medications         fied                               and Impact on                                          Approach:             Approaches to       Residency QI      an MD: From           teach patients       Medicine             Society Antiplate-   Session                          levers that drive      102: Applying       Enhanced            Wednesday
                      Opioid Crisis           What is new?          Practical pearls     Comprehen-        when Prescribed                                       Future Health:                                         Evidence,             the “Difficult      Project After     survive to            about the            ²                   let Guidelines:                                       teaching and           assessment          Competence:
                      ²                      What is                                   siveness Across   Inappropriately                                        Update 2018                                            pearls, and           Patient”: Part 1    Residency?        thrive                numbers?                                  Management of                                         learning in your       principles          Triple C and
                                              controversial?                             Inter-            to Patients with                                                                                             medico-legal          of understand-                                                                                      APT for the                                           setting                to designing        enhanced
                                                                                        national          Impaired Kidney                                                                                               pitfalls              ing complex                                                                                           family physician                                      D                      programmatic        skills residency
                                                                                         Primary Care      Function                                                                                                                           trauma                                                                                                                                                                            assessment          training
                                                                                         Settings                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               D                   D

11:15–12:15           Top 10 Missteps         CCS Atrial Fibril-    Young Adults:        Using Data                                           “Will Mommy         Fact or Fiction:    Money,           The Best of       Hepatitis C:                              First Five        Management            The HARMS                                                                    Bridging
                      when Treating Skin      lation Guidelines:    Prevention tools     and Resources                                        Die?”: Introduc-    Understanding       Time, and        Both Worlds:      Tools, pearls,                            Years in          of Palliative         Initiative for                                                               Canadian and
                      Diseases                Management of         and strategies       to Improve the                                       ing new online      the true risks      Medicine: Is     Maintaining       and new                                   Family            Care                  Safer Opioid Pre-                                                            International
                      ²                      Atrial Fibrillation                       Care of Elderly                                      resource for        and benefits        it worth it?     optimum           treatments for                            Practice:         Emergencies           scribing Through                                                             Experience in
                                              for the FP                                 Patients with                                        supporting griev-   of intrauterine                      health for        primary care                              Locums 101                             Systematic Urine                                                             FM Towards
                                                                                        Polypharmacy                                         ing children        contraceptives                       refugees                                                                                           Drug Testing                                                                 Health for All
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
12:15–13:30           LUNCH / DÎNER
                      Exhibit Hall D          Teachers and Preceptors Town Hall / Assemblée générale des enseignants et superviseurs. 718A • First Five Years in Family Practice Luncheon / Dîner pour les médecins de famille dans les cinq premières années de pratique. 718B
                      Hall d’exposition D

12:30–13:30           Hypertension 2020: Putting the guidelines into practice  701A • Patients and Health Care Providers: Partners in obesity management  701B
13:30–14:30           Top 10 Things Every     Marijuana for         How to Integrate                                                          Management          “I Never            Acne             Student           Simple                Top 10 Care         Supporting        Approach to           Downward                                                                     Helping Your                              Addressing          Teaching Out-       Quality
                      Family                  Medical               Pharmacists                                                               of Nausea and       Learned that        Treatment:       and Resident      Spirometry for        of the Elderly      Participation     the Suicidal          Docs: Mindful                                                                Patients Living                           Minimal             side the Box:       Improvement
                      Doctor Should           Purposes: The         Effectively in the                                                        Vomiting in         in School!”:        Prescribing      Leadership        Asthma Diag-          Articles            in Decision       Patient in            movement work-                                                               With Obesity                              Competence          Creative ways       to Strengthen
                      Know About Cancer       essentials for        Patient’s Medical                                                         Palliative Care     Clinical skills     Isotretinoin     Workshop -        nosis in Prima-                          Making of         Primary Care          shop for family                                                                                                       in a Compe-         to revitalize the   Health Services
                      ²                      effective practice    Home                                                                                         for working with    safely           by invitation     ry Care: What                             Adults with                            practice                                                                                                               tency-based         classroom           Integration
                                                                                                                                                                diverse patients                    only              guidelines                                Intellectual                                                                                                                                                   Curriculum          D
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        don’t tell us                             and DD                                                                                                                                                         D
14:30–15:00           BREAK / PAUSE           Poster Viewing / Exposition d’affiches. 700 Foyer
                      Prevention in           STIs/Contra-          Update in                              Applying 2018       Kittens and    Intrapartum                             First            Student           How to                Colorectal          Supporting                              Group Medical        Helping Patients     Diagnosis and                      Helping Your                              A Roadmap           Digital             Global
15:00–16:00           Practice: What to       ception for the       Management of                          Diabetes Canada     Brownies:      Skills: A                               Responders       and Resident      Prevent               Cancer Screen-      Participation                           Visits: Means to     and Families         Treatment of                       Patients Living                           for Teaching        Storytelling:       Family
                      do less often, or not   Primary Care          Thyroid Nodules                        Guidelines in       Unique         refresher of                            and PTSD         Leadership        Burnout Like          ing in Canada       in Decision                             educate patients/    Understand           Alcohol Use                        With Obesity                              Complex             An innovative,      Medicine
                      at all                  Provider: Choose      and Cancer                             Your Practice:      rural          specific skills                         1               Workshop ...      Thor, While           in 2018:            Making of                               manage chronic       Frailty ... Before   Disorders in                       ... cont’d                                Conversations       narrative           Narratives:
                      ²                      your own              Including                              Comorbid            emergency                                                              cont’d            Saving the            What’s all the      Adults ....                             illness              a Health Crisis      Your Busy Family                                                             to Medical          approach to         The Storybooth
                                              adventure!            Long-term                              mental illness      cases                                                                                     Universe              fuss about FIT?     cont’d                                                      ²                   Practice                                                                     Learners:           facilitate          experience
                                                                    Follow-up                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Stories from        CanMEDS-FM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  palliative care     role acquisition
16:15–17:15           ADHD: Overcome          O-MI-G, That’s        Science of Food                        Practising to       What are                                               Applying                           Substance             Femoral                               Opioid Use            Developing           Healthy Baby:        “Do the Need-                      Storytelling in    Learner                D                   D                   Supporting
                      misconceptions          a Lot of Drugs!:      Allergy: Latest                        Choose Wisely in    Best                                                   2018 Diabe-                        Use Disorder          Acetabular                            for Chronic           and Enhancing        Nutrition in the     ful”: QuRE—                        Medicine           Assessment:                                                    Family Doctors
                      and treat with confi-   Navigating current    research findings                      Long-term Care      Practices                                              tes Canada                         Guidelines for        Impingement                           Non-cancer            FP Emotional         first 12 months      improving the                                        How preceptors                                                 in Building
                      dence (2)               issues in post-MI     and implications                                          for                                                    Guidelines in                      Older Adults:         Simplified                            Pain: The big         Awareness with       ²                   quality of the                                        can use validity                                               Mental Health
                      ²                      pharmacotherapy       for FM                                                     Managing                                               Your Practice:                     Helping you                                               picture               Complex and                               referral/consulta-                                    evidence to                                                    Capacity: The
                                                                                                                              Infant Sleep                                           Elderly                            prevent and                                                                      Emotionally                               tion process                                          assist with                                                    ECHO Model
                                                                                                                               Problems?                                              patients                           treat                                                                             Demanding                                                                                       decision making
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Cases                                                                                           D
The language of the session title indicates the language in which the session will be presented. For sessions with simultaneous interpretation, this symbol ² will appear beside the titles.
Les séances seront présentées dans la langue du titre mentionné. Le symbole des écouteurs indique que l’interprétation simultanée sera offerte. ²

 Earn additional Mainpro+ credits by participating in Ancillary Sessions!
 Obtenez des crédits Mainpro+ additionnels en participant aux séances auxiliaires !

             Scanners and credit entry: Badge scanners will be used to track all sessions attended at FMF and add credits to your Mainpro+® account automatically! Exception: two- and three-credit-per-hour certified Mainpro+ workshops.
             Scanneurs et inscription des crédits : Des scanneurs d’insigne seront utilisés pour garder le compte de toutes les séances auxquelles vous assistez au FMF ; les crédits seront automatiquement ajoutés à votre compte Mainpro+ MD !
             Exceptions : Ateliers certifiés Mainpro+ donnant droit à 2 et 3 crédits par heure.

             FMF Mobile App: Our new FMF Mobile App is available in the App Store and Google Play Store—just search “FMF 2018” and download.
             Application mobile du FMF : Notre nouvelle application mobile du FMF est offerte sur l’App Store et sur le Google Play Store : il suffit de rechercher « FMF 2018 » et de la télécharger.

   Addiction Medicine | Mental Health • Médecine des toxicomanies | Santé mentale          Choosing Wisely | Screening | Preventive Medicine •                  Emergency Medicine • Médecine d’urgence                                Humanities • Sciences humaines                                             Palliative Care • Soins palliatifs                                        Research • Recherche
   Cancer Care • Soins aux patients atteints du cancer                                         Choisir avec soin | Dépistage | Médecine préventive                First Five | Resident | Student •                                     Infectious Disease • Maladies infectieuses                                 Social Accountability • Responsabilité sociale                         D Teaching | Precepting • Enseignement | Supervision
   Cardiology | Respiratory Medicine • Cardiologie | Médecine respiratoire                    Chronic Pain • Douleur chronique                                       Cinq premières années de pratique | Résident | Étudiant               aternity and Newborn Care | Women’s Health •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           M                                                                          Practice Management • Gestion de la pratique                              Sessions shaded in pink are not certified by the CFPC.
   Child and Adolescent Health • Santé de l’enfant et de l’adolescent                         Compassionate Care • Soins prodigués avec compassion                  Global Health • Santé mondiale                                           Soins de maternité et de périnatalité | Santé des femmes               Sport Medicine | MSK | Orthopedics •                                 • Les séances surlignées en rose ne sont pas certifiées
                                                                                               Dermatology • Dermatologie                                            Health Care of the Elderly • Soins aux personnes âgées             1    Occupational Medicine • Médecine du travail                                 Médecine du sport | Musculosquelettique | Orthopédie                 par le CMFC.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Keynote • Plénière
 ROOM / SALLE           Hall F             Hall G        801AB         803AB          701A           701B             709            711             713AB        714AB            715AB         716AB            717AB            718A           718B        601AB           602AB            603             604             605

 08:30–09:30         What’s New,       Changing the    A Strategic                Optimizing                      Améliorer                     Navigating      Approaches       A Practical   “Help, I       Lifestyle        Approach         Infectious
                     What’s True,      Approach        Approach                   Prenatal                        les taux de                   the Moral       to Common        Update on     Think I’m      Medicine:        to Post-         Diseases
                     and What’s        to Treating     to Syncope                 Care for                        vaccination                   Terrain in      Family           Prevention    Going          New              Traumatic        Update
                     Poo: Top          Hypertension                              Women with                      chez les                      a Case of       Medicine                      Crazy!”: An    tools, new       Stress           2018
                     studies of last   in the                                     Substance                       adultes :                     Feeding Tube    Resident                       approach to    outcomes,        Disorder         
                     year              Elderly: Slow                              Use                             stratégies et                 Withdrawal      Leadership                     pruritus in    empowered        in Primary
                     ²                 down or                                    Disorders: …                    commu-                                        Challenges                     the elderly    patients         Care
                                       SPRINT                                                                   nication                                                                                                   ²
 09:30–10:00         BREAK / PAUSE
 10:00–11:00         Clinical Tools    Fatal Rashes    Vicarious                  Advance        Cycling,         Is Medical      Teaching      Exercise        First Five       Opioid                       The Value        Current                       Humanities    A Practical      Transition     Uncertainty      Patient
                     to Help Rule      You Cannot      Traumati-                  Care           Food, Energy:    Education       Social        Prescription:   Years in         Crisis                       Proposition      Issues in                     and           Approach to      to Practice:   in Medical       Safety
                     in Medically      Miss!           zation:                    Planning:      Leadership       Synonymous      Account-      The FITT        Family           Simulation                   of Having an     Long-term                     Wellness      Remediation      A guide        Education        Culture
                     Unexplained                     Self-care in               What’s the     opportunities    with            ability in    Approach        Practice:        Workshop                     Occupational     Care:                         Toolkit 2:    in Medical       for the        and Practice:    Bundle
                     Symptoms                          a changing                 point?         for family       Burnout?        Practice:                   Top five                                     Therapist on     National                      Reading,      Education        graduating     An intergen-     for CEOs/
                     ²                                 world                                    physicians       D               Translating                   essentials                                    Your Team        perspectives                  writing,      D                resident       erational        Senior
                                                                                                 in planetary                     theory to                     for early                                                      ²                            and arts                       D             look at          Leaders
                                                                                                 health                           practice                      career                                                                                       can save                                      the “good
                                                                                                                                  D                            physicians                                                                                   your life                                     enough”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         doctor
 11:15–12:15         Keeping           CCS Heart       Melanoma       Reducing                                                                  What You        Things                         Treating       Office                                         Abnormal      Questions        Locuming:                       Navigate
                     the Flame         Failure         Skin           Harm                                                                      Need to         You Didn’t                     Acute Pain     Management                                     Uterine       About            A guide for                     Evidence
                     Burning!: Ten     Guidelines:     Cancer: An     From                                                                      Know About      Learn in                       in Patients    of Patients                                    Bleeding      Teaching         the early                       Around a
                     critical rules    Key messages    overview       Opioids                                                                   ACS/STEMI/      Residency:                     with           with a                                                      You Were         career                          Research
                     to prevent        for primary     and            in Family                                                                 NSTEMI in       Medical-                       Opioid Use     Borderline                                                   Always           physician                       Question
                     physician         care            practical      Practice                                                                  Women!          legal tips for                 Disorder in    Personality                                                  Scared to        D
                     burnout           practitioners   approach                                                                                                early career                   the ED         Disorder                                                     Ask
                     ²                                                                                                                                        physicians                                                                                               D
 12:15–13:30         LUNCH / DÎNER
                     Exhibit Hall D                    Medical Student and Family Medicine Resident Networking Luncheon / Dîner de réseautage des étudiants et des résidents en médecine familiale. 718B
                     Hall d’exposition D
 12:30–13:30         Hot Topics in Atrial Fibrillation  701A • Get to Target: Considerations for adding long-acting GLP-1 RAs  701B

 13:30–14:30         How did you do it? Team Subban’s Vision for Success / Comment réussir ? La vision de l’équipe - Karl Subban ² Hall F/G

 14:30–15:00         BREAK / PAUSE
                                                       Top 10                     Practising     The Cost                                       CCS             Assessing        Approach                                      Changes in       Motiva-                    Transition to                                    Origami:
 15:00–16:00                                           Family                     Anti-          of Caring:                                     Dyslipidemia    the              to Bipolar                                    Management       tional                     Residency:                                       Under-
                                                       Medicine                   oppression     Addressing                                     Guidelines:     Quality of       Disorder                                      of COPD          Interview-                 A medical                                        standing
                                                       Papers to                  in Medicine    grief among                                    A case-based    Guidelines       in Primary                                    2018             ing for                    student’s                                        the (not
                                                       Change                                   health care                                    approach to     to Choose        Care                                                          Opioid                     guide                                            so) ancient
                                                       Your                                      professionals                                  review new      for Your                                                                       Tapering                   D                                                art of
                                                       Practice                                  in palliative                                  evidence        Practice                                                                                                                                                   evaluation
                                                                                                 care                                                                                                                                                                                                                     in rural
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           research

 16:15–17:15                                           Treatment                  Screen Time    Women and                                      Introduction                     Approach                     Applying         Top 10                                                                                       Scholarly
                                                       of Asthma                  and Young      Heart Disease:                                 to System                        to Psycho-                   the 2018         Emergency                                                                                    Writing
                                                       in Canada:                 Children:      Sex- and                                       Level                            therapy in                   Diabetes         Medicine                                                                                     for Family
                                                       What are                   Promoting      gender-                                        Advocacy                         Primary                      Canada           Articles of                                                                                  Practice:
                                                       Canadian                   health and     specific risk                                  For Family                       Care                         Guidelines in    2017/2018                                                                                    Finding
                                                       physicians                 development    assessment in                                  Physicians                                                   Your Practice:                                                                                               your oasis
                                                       doing?                     in a digital   primary care                                                                                                Pregnant and
                                                                                 world                                                                                                                      peripartum
                                                                                                                                                                                                             patients
 The language of the session title indicates the language in which the session will be presented. For sessions with simultaneous interpretation, this symbol ² will appear beside the titles.
 Les séances seront présentées dans la langue du titre mentionné. Le symbole des écouteurs indique que l’interprétation simultanée sera offerte. ²
  Earn additional Mainpro+ credits by participating in Ancillary Sessions!
  Obtenez des crédits Mainpro+ additionnels en participant aux séances auxiliaires !

Fill out session evaluations on the Mobile App or at for your chance to win a registration for FMF 2019!
Remplissez l’évaluation de votre séance dans l’appli mobile ou au et courez la chance de gagner l’inscription gratuite au FMF 2019 !
Your opinions matter! Help us make FMF even better by filling out the FMF survey at
Votre opinion compte ! Aidez-nous à faire encore mieux en remplissant le sondage du FMF au

 Addiction Medicine | Mental Health • Médecine des toxicomanies | Santé mentale                  Dermatology • Dermatologie                                                       aternity and Newborn Care | Women’s Health •
                                                                                                                                                                                  M                                                                             Research • Recherche
 Cancer Care • Soins aux patients atteints du cancer                                             Emergency Medicine • Médecine d’urgence                                           Soins de maternité et de périnatalité | Santé des femmes                D Teaching | Precepting • Enseignement | Supervision
 Cardiology | Respiratory Medicine • Cardiologie | Médecine respiratoire                         First Five | Resident | Student •                                            1  Occupational Medicine • Médecine du travail                               S essions shaded in pink are not certified by the CFPC. •
 Child and Adolescent Health • Santé de l’enfant et de l’adolescent                                 Cinq premières années de pratique | Résident | Étudiant                        Palliative Care • Soins palliatifs                                          Les séances surlignées en rose ne sont pas certifiées par le CMFC.
 Choosing Wisely | Screening | Preventive Medicine •                                              Global Health • Santé mondiale                                                 Social Accountability • Responsabilité sociale                              Keynote • Plénière
    Choisir avec soin | Dépistage | Médecine préventive                                             Health Care of the Elderly • Soins aux personnes âgées                         Practice Management • Gestion de la pratique
   Chronic Pain • Douleur chronique                                                                Humanities • Sciences humaines                                               Sport Medicine | MSK | Orthopedics •
   Compassionate Care • Soins prodigués avec compassion                                            Infectious Disease • Maladies infectieuses                                      Médecine du sport | Musculosquelettique | Orthopédie
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