SCHEDULE OF CLASSES SPRING 2020 - AAC/Ozark 3405 South U.S. HWY 231 AAC/Andalusia 21760 Bill Benton Lane - Enterprise State Community

Page created by Stanley Long
SCHEDULE OF CLASSES SPRING 2020 - AAC/Ozark 3405 South U.S. HWY 231 AAC/Andalusia 21760 Bill Benton Lane - Enterprise State Community

                                         AAC/Ozark • 3405 South U.S. HWY 231
                                         AAC/Andalusia • 21760 Bill Benton Lane

                                         AAC/Ozark • 334-774-5113
                                         AAC/Andalusia • 334-222-0133


32   Schedule of Classes   Spring 2020
       ACADEMIC HELP                                                                                   LOCATE A STUDENT ON CAMPUS
               Instructor for course                                                                           Dean of Students, SC100, ext. 2235
               Counseling Office,SC102, ext. 2293                                                      LOST AND FOUND
               Dean of Instruction, WA106, ext. 2241                                                           Chief of Safety and Security, WA103, ext. 2344
               Student Support Services, SC111, ext. 2265                                              MAKING A SCHEDULE
       ADD/DROP A COURSE                                                                                       Academic Advisor
               Registrar, SC111, ext. 2272                                                                     Counseling Office, SC102, ext. 2293
               Evening Program Director, WA106, ext. 2276                                                      Evening Program Director, WA106, ext. 2276
       ADULT EDUCATION                                                                                 NIGHT CLASSES
               Director, WA113, ext. 2218, 2273, or 2209                                                       Evening Program Director, WA106, ext. 2276
       APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION                                                                       PARKING APPEALS
               Admissions, SC102, ext. 2272                                                                    Chief of Safety and Security, WA103, ext. 2344
       APPLICATION FOR GRADUATION                                                                      PARKING PERMITS
               Counseling Office, SC102, ext. 2293                                                             Information Center, ext. 0/2257
       CAMPUS SECURITY                                                                                 PAY TUITION

               Security Officer, WA101, 447-7564 or 447-6555                                                   Business Office, WA114, ext. 2250
       CAREER INFORMATION                                                                              PIN - PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER
               Counseling Office, SC102, ext.2293                                                              Counseling Office, SC102, ext. 2293
       CASE LAB                                                                                        BOLL WEEVIL CENTRAL - TUTORING, ADVISING, STUDY
               Lab, L110.  ext. 2260                                                                           LRC, ext. 2271
       CHANGE OF ADDRESS                                                                               SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES
               Registrar, SC102, ext. 2272                                                                     504 Compliance Officer, SC102, ext. 2293
       CHANGE OF SCHEDULE                                                                              SECURITY
               Registrar, SC102, ext. 2272                                                                     Campus Security, WA 101, Ext. 2277
       COMMUNITY EDUCATION CLASSES                                                                     STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES
               Instructional Resources and Community Education                                                 Student Activities Coordinator, SC105A, EXT. 2339
               Director, ext. 2340                                                                     TESTING SERVICES/REGISTRATION
       COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES                                                                               Counseling Office, SC102, ext. 2293
               Dean of Instruction, WA106, ext. 2241                                                   TEXTBOOKS AND SUPPLIES
               Dean of Students, SC100, ext. 2235                                                              Bookstore, SC Weevil Center, ext. 2278
       COMPLETE WITHDRAWAL                                                                             TRANSCRIPTS
               Counseling Office, SC102, ext. 2293                                                             Registrar, SC102, ext. 2295
               Evening Program Director, WA106, ext. 2276                                              TRANSPORTATION NEEDS
       DISTANCE LEARNING                                                                                       Dean of Students, SC100, ext. 2235
               Distance Learning Office, WA120A, ext. 2282                                             TUTORIAL AND ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE
       DUAL ENROLLMENT                                                                                         Student Support Services, SC111, ext. 2265
               Instructional Resources and Community Education                                                 Student Academic Support Lab, SN100, ext. 2304
               Director, ext 2340                                                                      VETERANS AFFAIRS
       FINANCIAL AID (GRANTS AND WORK-STUDY)                                                                   Stephen Adcock, Financial Aid, SC107, ext. 2313
               Financial Aid, SC107, ext. 2214                                                         WITHDRAWALS
       GRADES                                                                                                  Registrar, SC102, ext. 2272
               Registrar, SC102 ext. 2272                                                                      Counseling Office, SC102, ext. 2293
       HELP FINDING A JOB                                                                              WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
                Counseling Office, SC102, ext. 2293                                                            Instructional Resources and Community Education
       IDENTIFICATION CARDS                                                                                    Director, ext 2340
               SC102, ext. 2295                                                                        WORK-STUDY
       INFORMATION CENTER                                                                                      Financial Aid, SC107, ext. 2214
               Information Center, ext. 0/2257

       ACCOMMODATIONS FOR DISABILITIES: It is the policy of Enterprise State Community College to provide reasonable accommodations for environmental and program accessibility
       for persons defined as disabled in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Anyone who desires information about accessibility
       or services should contact the College Coordinator for ADA. For persons using a TTY, the Alabama Relay Center is available by calling 1-800-548-2546. If special accommodations are
       required, persons must contact Felisha Ford at (334) 347-2623
       Enterprise State Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associates degrees and certificates. Contact the
       Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, or call (404)-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Enterprise State Community College.
       All persons attending any event, class, service, or other function of Enterprise State Community College should be aware that videotaping, audio taping, photography, or other means of
       capturing their image or voice may take place at any time and may be used for security and/or promotion of the College.
       Enterprise State Community College reserves the right to make changes in the contents of this schedule. The class schedule is published by ESCC’s Dean of Instruction’s office.

       2      Schedule of Classes             Spring 2020
Important Information___________________________________4-5                                                        Ozark Campus Classes___________________________________7-9
Tuition, Fees, and Refund Information_______________6                                                              Ozark Campus 1st Mini-Term Classes__________10
Andalusia Campus Classes________________________________7 Ozark Campus 2nd Mini-Term Classes_________10

Last day to pay for pre-registration for Spring 2020 is January 6, 2020. Payment is due by 4:00 p.m. for pre-registrations
received prior to that time. Unpaid pre-registrations will be deleted each day at 4:00 p.m. after these dates.

January 2, Thursday........................................................................................................................................................................Begins Spring Term Calendar
January 2-3, Thursday & Friday........................................................................................................................................................Duty Non-Instructional Day
January 6, Monday............................................................................................................................................Payment Due for Pre-Registration by 4:00 p.m.
				                                                                                                                         (Beginning January 6, payment is due at the time of registration.)
January 6, Monday................................................................................................................................................................................................Faculty Duty Day
January 7, Tuesday....................................................................................................................................................................Local Professional Development
January 8-10, Wednesday - Friday.....................................................................................................................................................................Registration Days
January 13, Monday..........................................................................................................................................First Official Class Day (Full Term and 1st Mini)
January 14, Tuesday...........................................................................................................................................Last Day to Drop/Add (Full Term and 1st Mini)
January 16, Thursday.......................................................................................................................Attendance Verification Open for Full Term and 1st Mini
January 20, Monday............................................................................................................................................................State Holiday, Lee – King Birthday(s)
January 21, Tuesday.......................................................................................NO EXCEPTIONS- Attendance Verification Due from ALL faculty by 9:00 a.m.
January 24, Friday..........................................................................................................................Last Day to Withdraw Without Academic Penalty, 1st Mini
March 4, Wednesday......................................................................................................................................................................1st Mini Exams (M/W classes)
March 5, Thursday..........................................................................................................................................................................1st Mini Exams (T/Th classes)
March 6, Friday.............................................................................................................................................................................................Midpoint of Full Term
March 9, Monday......................................................................................................................................................................................Begin of 2nd Mini Term
March 10, Tuesday............................................................................................................................................................Last Day to Drop/Add 2nd Mini Term
March 12, Thursday...............................................................................................................................................Attendance Verification Opens for 2nd Mini
March 16, Monday...............................................................................................................................Attendance Verification Due for 2nd Mini by 9:00 a.m.
March 18, Wednesday.......................................................................................................................................................60% Title IV Tuition Adjustment Date
March 27, Friday..........................................................................................................................Last Day to Withdraw Without Academic Penalty, Full Term
March 30-April 3, Monday-Friday................................................................................................................Duty Non-Instructional Personnel (Spring Break)
April 6, Monday...........................................................................................................................................................................Classes Resume/Faculty Return
April 10, Friday...................................................................................................................Student Holiday ONLY (Faculty & Duty Non-Instruction work day)
April 14, Tuesday..............................................................................................................................................................ESCC-Enterprise Campus Honors Day
April 14-15, Tuesday & Wednesday..............................................................................................................................Priority Registration for Summer Term
April 16, Thursday.................................................................................................................................................Open Registration begins for Summer Term
April 21 -22 Tuesday & Wednesday..........................................................................................................................Priority Registration begins for Fall Term
April 23, Thursday..........................................................................................................................................................Open Registration begins for Fall Term
April 27, Monday..........................................................................................................................Last Day to Withdraw Without Academic Penalty, 2nd Mini
May 4, Monday..............................................................................................................................................................Last Class Day (Full Term and 2nd Mini)
May 5- May 11, Tuesday- Monday.....................................................................................................................Final Exams (Full Term and 2nd Mini Classes)
May 7, Thursday.....................................................................................................................................................................................GED Graduation 6:00 PM
May 12, Tuesday.......................................................................................................................................................................Grades Due – 10:00 p.m. (NOON)
May 14, Thursday.......................................................................................................................................Graduation-Faculty Duty Day (Enterprise Campus)
May 15-20, Friday-Wednesday.........................................................................................................................................................Duty Non-Instructional Day

                                                                                                                                                           Spring 2020                 Schedule of Classes                    3
ESCC uses the email and calendar platform provided by G Suite.                    ADMISSIONS PROCEDURES FOR
You can access your student email directly from Gmail on your web browser         NEW STUDENTS
and device, or by using the web address              1.   Apply for admission at
You have access to Gmail (including Inbox by Gmail), Calendar, Classroom,         2.   Submit the following documentation to the Admissions Office:
Contacts, Drive, Docs, Forms, Groups, Sheets, Sites and Slides.                             • In-State Residence Form
Your login username will be your first initial, last name and first 4 digits of             • Photo I.D. - Acceptable forms of identification include: one
your birthday followed by For example: if your name                 primary form of documentation such as an unexpired driver’s license
is Bo Weevil with a birthday of January 1st 2017, your user name will be               (must be notarized if mailed or copies can be made in the Admissions                                                          Office); an unexpired identification card; an unexpired U. S. passport;
Your password will be your 6 digit birthday and the last 4 numbers of your             an unexpired U. S. permanent resident card.
social security number. So using the example SSN of 123456789 and the                       • Official copies of your high school transcript and previous
example birthday your password would be 0101176789. If you have any                    college transcript(s).  Official transcripts may be hand delivered by the
issues with your email account please contact us at                 student or mailed from the school but must be in a SEALED ENVELOPE.
                                                                                  3.   First time college students must take the ACCUPLACER placement
ID CARD                                                                                exam if without satisfactory ACT/SAT scores. This allows ESCC to place
All students are required to obtain an ESCC identification card.  Students             you in the English, reading, and/or math courses that best fit your
must present current state or federal photo identification before requests             current skill level.  Until you have taken the ACCUPLACER placement
for student ID cards will be processed. Check with the Admissions Office at            exam and your scores are onfile—OR— acceptable ACT or SAT scores
each campus to find location to take ID Card Photo.                                    are on file at ESCC, you will not be allowed to register for English or
                                                                                       Math courses at ESCC. To schedule test on the Enterprise Campus call
FINANCIAL AID                                                                          (334) 347-2623, ext. 2272, the Ozark Campus call (334) 347-2623, ext.
You are responsible for attending classes and dropping or adding courses.              3640, and the Alabama Aviation Center in Albertville at (256) 279-0940,
Your failure to do so could result in loss of financial aid.  Please call (334)        or in Mobile at 251-438-2816. See the College Catalog and Student
347-2623, ext. 2214, if you have questions.                                            Handbook for the Placement Testing Policy.
                                                                                  4.   First-time college students must apply for orientation and attend the
FINANCIAL AID APPLICATION CHECKLIST                                                    session selected. First-time students should attend orientation for
Use this checklist to apply for all types of federal financial aid at ESCC.            scheduling and advisement.  Students should schedule an orientation
Failure to follow this process can delay our ability to process your aid               session at the campus location they plan to attend.  See page five
application.                                                                           for scheduling information. Contact Jennifer Olsen for additional
                                                                                       information at (334) 347-2623, ext. 2320.
1.   Apply for admission to ESCC by visiting
2.   Provide admissions with an official transcript from your high school         RE-ADMISSION PROCEDURES
     and each college you attended prior to coming to ESCC. “Unofficial” or       If you have previously attended ESCC, you must re-apply online at www.escc.
     faxed transcripts are not  acceptable.  Your Financial Aid applications      edu if you have:
     will not be processed until all supporting documents are received and        1.   Been out of school one or more terms (excluding the summer term), or
     reviewed by the ESCC Financial Aid staff.                                    2.   Enrolled at another college or university since attending ESCC.
3.   Apply for a Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID online at  Your
     FSA ID will allow you to electronically “sign” financial aid applications    ADVISING
                                                                                  Counseling is available on the Enterprise and Ozark Campuses
     and federal loan promissory notes. Parents of dependent students will
                                                                                  Mondays-Thursdays 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. / Fridays 7:30 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
     need their own FSA ID.
                                                                                  To make appointments for advising at the Enterprise Campus call (334) 347-
4.   Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online
                                                                                  2623, ext. 2293, for the Ozark Campus call (334) 774-5113, ext. 3640, for the
     at If you are planning to attend ESCC,  please list the ESCC
                                                                                  Andalusia Center call (334) 347-2623.
     school code (001015) as one of the colleges you may attend.

                                                                                  STUDENT ACADEMIC SUPPORT LAB (SAS)
                                                                                  The Student Academic Support Lab (SAS), located on the Enterprise
All vehicles must be registered with a current parking permit. The permit
                                                                                  Campus, is designed to offer all students access to computers for academic
must be displayed properly. Permits are available at the Information
                                                                                  enhancement and serves as a Distance Learner/Proctored Test Site for
Desk (Enterprise) Admission Office (Mobile), Reception Area (Ozark) and
                                                                                  ESCC distance learning classes. Please check the Library or Online Learning
Administrative Office (Albertville).
                                                                                  page on our website for current hours of service, location, and specific
                                                                                  contact information.

4     Schedule of Classes         Spring 2020
STUDENT GRADES                                                                  6.   Click the Registration link under the Scheduling section

Grade Reports are not mailed.  Students must check their grades online at       7.   Select the Registration Term from the drop down box.                                                                   8.   Enter the five digit call/section number associated with the course,
                                                                                     or click “Select Course” option to choose a course from the term
GETTING GRADES ONLINE                                                                schedule.
1.   Go to the ESCC website at                                    9.   Click “Add Selected Course.”
2.   Select Students at the top of the homepage.                                10. When all classes are selected, click “I’m Done Adding Courses.”
3.   Under Student Services select Student Info Center.                         11. If you have 100% financial aid, a scholarship, or wish to pay with credit
4.   In the User ID box, enter your Student ID.                                      card, click “Apply Financial Aid/Scholarship/Pay Charges.”
5.   In the PIN box, enter your birth date or the new PIN you created.          12. If you click “Pay Later” you must pay before the published last day to
6.   Under Student Records, click on My Grades.                                      pay date or your classes will be dropped.

Grades are displayed by the term, as entered by the instructors. Grades
                                                                                ACADEMIC WITHDRAWAL POLICY
                                                                                A student who wishes to withdraw from a course after the College’s official
for previous terms are posted in history, and can be viewed from the
                                                                                drop and add period and prior to the official start of final exams may do
transcript option.
                                                                                so by completing a course withdrawal form in the Office of the Registrar.
REGISTRATION                                                                    Students who withdraw before the beginning of the 12th week of this
GENERAL INFORMATION                                                             semester will receive a grade of “W” for any course withdrawn.  After the
Students who have earned 30 hours or more at Enterprise State                   7th week a grade of “WP” if the student is doing satisfactory work at the
Community College are eligible for priority registration on                     time of withdrawal or “WF” for unsatisfactory work at the time grades are
November 12, 2019. Registration will be open to all students                    posted.
beginning November 13, 2019.  All freshman students are unathorized             1st Mini Term students who withdraw before the beggining of the 6th week
to register online until they schedule an appointment to meet with their        of classes will not recieve an academic penalty.
faculty advisor. Students may also use the online system to change their        2nd Mini Term students who withdraw before the beginning of the 7th
schedule until fees are paid.  After payment of fees, schedule changes          week of classes will not recieve an academic penalty.
must be keyed at one of the Enterprise State Community College locations.       Please see page 3 for exact dates.
Beginning January 6, 2020, payment is due at time of registration.
Unpaid registrations will be removed at 4:00 p.m. each day.
                                                                                GED TEST
                                                                                Call 1-334 347-2623, ext. 2273 for information and test dates.
1.   Obtain your degree plan from the online Student Information Center
                                                                                TEXT BOOK INFORMATION
                                                                                To find the ISBN and retail price of text books, please go to
     then meet with your academic advisor to discuss your proposed
                                                                                homepage. At the bottom of the homepage, please select the Textbook
     class schedule for the upcoming semester. Follow your degree plan
                                                                                Cost icon.
     carefully and read all class requirements on your STARS articulation
     guide.  Obtain a STARS contract at this website: http//
                                                                                STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES
2.   Prepare a tentative class schedule listing the proper course titles,
                                                                                The Student Support Services (SSS) program provides opportunities for
     class times, dates, and five-digit call numbers, that you will use to
                                                                                academic development and assists students. Applications are available in
     register online.
                                                                                the following locations: Enterprise Campus-Lurleen B. Wallace Hall, Room
                                                                                111; and Alabama Aviation College at Ozark- Steagall Hall, Room 102. For
                                                                                more information call 334-347-2623 Ext. 2290 for Enterprise Campus or
To find your Student User ID sign-on information, go to
                                                                                Ext. 3624 for Ozark Campus.
Click on the My ESCC link. At the log-in screen, enter
your User ID and PIN (social security number OR student ID and birthdate
                                                                                SUMMER 2019 ORIENTATION DATES
OR the new PIN you created). At the Student Information Center page
                                                                                Register online at For more information please
under Student Records, click on My Schedule. Your Student User ID is the
                                                                                contact Jennifer Olsen- 334-347- 2623 ext 2320
item on the screen labeled “Student ID.” You should use this Student User
ID instead of your social security number for all future transactions. Do not
share this ID with anyone else.

1.   Go to the ESCC website at
2.   Select Students at the top of the homepage.
3.   Under Student Services select Student Info Center.
4.   In the User ID box, enter your Student ID.
5.   In the PIN box, enter your birthdate (MM/DD/YY) or the unique PIN
     you created.

                                                                                                          Spring 2020        Schedule of Classes         5
TUITION/FEES PER CREDIT HOUR                                                              REFUND POLICY—COMPLETE WITHDRAWAL SPRING 2020
In-State Total                 $160.00*                                                   FULL TERM AND MINI-TERM
Out-of-State Total             $291.00*                                                   A student who officially or unofficially withdraws from all classes
                                                                                          before the first day of class will be refunded the total tuition and other
*Subject to change without notice. MasterCard and Visa Accepted.                          institutional charges. The “first day of class” is the first day classes are
There is an additional charge of $35.00 per credit hour for Airframe                      offered within any term configuration, including, but not limited to,
Technology (AMT) and Powerplant Technology (AMP) classes.                                 full terms, split terms, mini-terms, and weekend terms. A student who
      .                                                                                   officially or unofficially withdraws completely on or after the first day
                                                                                          of class but prior to the end of the third week of class will be refunded
                                                                                          according to the withdrawal date as follows. A 5% Administrative Fee shall
All students must pay by the published time to avoid cancellation of
                                                                                          be assessed for each withdrawal within the period begginning the first
their schedule (see the semester calendar on page 3) whether paying
tuition by cash, check, scholarship, grant, or other financial aid,  (see the             day of class and ending at the end of the third week of class.
semester calendar on page 3). Students may be receipted at the following
locations:  Enterprise Campus Business Office and Ozark.                                  PARTIAL WITHDRAWAL
ONLINE SERVICES are available for payment of charges by using the                         Students who do not completely withdraw from the institution but drop a
following:                                                                                class during the regular drop/add period will be refunded the difference
•     100% Financial Aid - Select the option to apply your financial aid to               in the tuition paid and the tuition rate applicable to the reduced number
      cover ALL tuition and fees.                                                         of hours, including fees appropriate to the classes dropped.  There is no
      OR                                                                                  refund due to a student who partially withdraws after the official drop/
•     A Credit Card (MasterCard or Visa)                                                  add period.
                                                                                          Withdrawal Administrative Fee of 5%, not to exceed $100.00
Note:  Online students who do not test at ESCC campuses or sites may
incur a proctoring fee. All cash, checks, or partial scholarships MUST BE
paid at one of the ESCC locations.
Attention WIA Students: All expenses including tuition, fees, textbooks,
supplies, etc., must be charged to WIA by January 27, 2020.

SESSION                   100% REFUND                        75% REFUND:                 50% REFUND:                    25% REFUND:                   NO REFUND
                          BEFORE:                                                                                                                     AFTER:

FULL TERM &               January 13, 2020                   January 13-17, 2020         January 18-27, 2020            January 28, 2020 -            February 3, 2020
1st MINI TERM                                                                                                           February 3, 2020

2nd MINI TERM             March 9, 2020                      March 9-11, 2020            March 12-16, 2020              March 17-19, 2020             March 19, 2020

                                                 *The Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees reserves the right to make changes in the Tuition/Fees as deemed necessary.


       January 14, 2020

      March 10, 2020

      January 20, 2020

6    Schedule of Classes         Spring 2020
CALL # COURSE #		                                   COURSE		                               CREDIT HOURS TIME                        DAY             ROOM             INSTRUCTOR

08537       AMT100                    TECHNICAL PREPARATION                                      5          07:30A 09:15A     M-F                   BARTON M E
08538       AMT113                    AIRFRAME SYSTEMS II                                        5          01:45P 03:30P     M-F                   BARTON M E

CALL # COURSE #		                                   COURSE		                               CREDIT HOURS TIME                        DAY             ROOM             INSTRUCTOR

08535              AMT000                                GENERAL COMPREHENSIVE EXAM              0          TBA              TBA                                    HENDERSON C W
08536 AMT001                                             AIRFRAME COMPREHENSIVE EXAM             0          TBA              TBA                                    HENDERSON C W
08557 AMT100                                             TECHNICAL PREPARATION                   5          01:45P 03:30P                  M-F        ATTC205     RASH L D
08559 AMT100                                             TECHNICAL PREPARATION                   5          07:00A 01:45P                  M            ATTC205 JOHNSON M A
                                                                                                            07:00A 10:00A                  TU          ATTC205
08542 AMT100                                             TECHNICAL PREPARATION                   5          04:00P 10:30P                  M           ATTC107 BRACKIN G A
                                                                                                            04:00P 07:00P                  TU         ATTC107
08560 AMT101                                             BASIC ELECTRICITY                       5          10:10A 01:45P                  TU          ATTC205     JOHNSON M A
                                                                                                            07:00A 01:45P                  W           ATTC205
08543 AMT101                                             BASIC ELECTRICITY                       5          07:30P 10:30P                  TU        ATTC107 BRACKIN G A
                                                                                                            04:00P 10:30P                  W         ATTC107
08561 AMT102                                             MATERIALS AND PROCESSES                 5          07:00A 01:45P                  TH         ATTC119      ROBERSON G E
                                                                                                            07:00A 10:00A                  F              ATTC119
08544 AMT102                                             MATERIALS AND PROCESSES                 5          04:00P 10:30P                  TH        ATTC107 ORR D W
                                                                                                            04:00P 07:00P                  F           ATTC107
08562 AMT110                                             NON-METALLIC STRUCTURES AND             5          07:00A 01:45P                  M            ATTC105 HARBERT II G J
                                                                                                            07:00A 10:00A                  TU          ATTC105
08563 AMT110                                             NON-METALLIC STRUCTURES AND             5          10:10A 01:45P                  TU           ATTC105 HARBERT II G J
                                                                                                            07:00A 01:45P                  W            ATTC105
08564 AMT110                                             NON-METALLIC STRUCTURES AND             5          07:00A 01:45P                  TH          ATTC105 HARBERT II G J
                                                                                                            07:00A 10:00A                  F             ATTC105
08545 AMT110                                             NON-METALLIC STRUCTURES AND             5          04:00P 10:30P                  M                       STAFF
                                                                                                            04:00P 07:00P                  TU
08565 AMT111                                             AIRCRAFT SHEETMETAL STRUCTUR            5          07:00A 01:45P                  M           ATTC119 ROBERSON G E
                                                                                                            07:00A 10:00A                  TU         ATTC119
08566 AMT111                                             AIRCRAFT SHEETMETAL STRUCTUR            5          10:10A 01:45P                  TU         ATTC119 ROBERSON G E
                                                                                                            07:00A 01:45P                  W           ATTC119
08567 AMT111                                             AIRCRAFT SHEETMETAL STRUCTUR            5          07:00A 01:45P                  TH         ATTC216 KOSIK K E
                                                                                                            07:00A 10:00A                  F            ATTC216
08546 AMT111                                             AIRCRAFT SHEETMETAL STRUCTUR            5          07:30P 10:30P                  TU        ATTC119 ROBERSON G E
                                                                                                            04:00P 10:30P                  W         ATTC119
08568 AMT112                                             AIRFRAME SYSTEMS I                      5          07:00A 01:45P                  M          ATTC201 HERNDON C P
                                                                                                            07:00A 10:00A                  TU        ATTC201
08569 AMT112                                             AIRFRAME SYSTEMS I                      5          10:10A 01:45P                  TU        ATTC201 HERNDON C P
                                                                                                            07:00A 01:45P                  W         ATTC201
                                                                                                                                 Spring 2020                  Schedule of Classes   7
CALL # COURSE #		                                          COURSE		                            CREDIT HOURS TIME               DAY         ROOM             INSTRUCTOR

08570 AMT112                                             AIRFRAME SYSTEMS I                          5          07:00A 01:45P       TH        ATTC201 HERNDON C P
                                                                                                                07:00A 10:00A       F           ATTC201
08547 AMT112                                             AIRFRAME SYSTEMS I                          5          04:00P 10:30P       TH        ATTC201 WALKER A C
                                                                                                                04:00P 07:00P       F           ATTC201
08571 AMT113                                             AIRFRAME SYSTEMS II                         5          07:00A 01:45P       M          ATTC107 BRACKIN G A
                                                                                                                07:00A 10:00A       TU        ATTC107
08548 AMT113                                             AIRFRAME SYSTEMS II                         5          04:00P 10:30P       TH        ATTC205    LOFTON O
                                                                                                                04:00P 07:00P       F           ATTC205
08572 AMT114                                             AIRFRAME SYSTEMS III                        5          10:10A 01:45P       TU         ATTC101 LANE T A
                                                                                                                07:00A 01:45P       W          ATTC101
08549 AMT114                                             AIRFRAME SYSTEMS III                        5          04:00P 10:30P       M                      STAFF
                                                                                                                04:00P 07:00P       TU
08573 AMT115                                             AIRFRAME SYSTEMS IV                         5          07:00A 01:45P       TH        ATTC205 JOHNSON M A
                                                                                                                07:00A 10:00A       F           ATTC205
08550 AMT115                                             AIRFRAME SYSTEMS IV                         5          07:30P 10:30P       TU        ATTC101      TOBIN M A
                                                                                                                04:00P 10:30P       W         ATTC101

01510         AVT121                        PRINCIPLES OF SOLID STATE                                5          07:15A 10:05A       M-F      ATTC219      SMITH L B
01511         AVT131                        DIGITAL CONCEPTS                                         4          10:15A 12:40P       M-F      ATTC219      SMITH L B
01512         AVT141                        INTRODUCTION TO AVIONICS                                 2          12:50P 01:40P       M-TH   ATTC219      SMITH L B
01513         AVT214                        NAVIGATION/ILS                                           4          07:15A 09:05A       M-F      ATTC221      MULLINS J A
01514         AVT215                        DME/TRANSPONDER                                          4          09:15A 11:05A       M-F      ATTC221      MULLINS J A
01515         AVT216                        AUTOPILOT/AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS                               4          11:50A 01:40P       M-TH  ATTC221      MULLINS J A

02409         CIS146                        MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS                               3          02:00P 03:15P       M            ATTC117     WARREN R L
                   NOTE: HYBRID/MEETS MONDAY 2:00P-3:15P

07908 SPH107                      FUND OF PUBLIC SPEAKING                                            3          02:00P 03:15P       W            ATTC219     SCOTT II G L
                   NOTE: HYBRID/MEETS WEDNESDAYS 2-3:15 PM ATTC219

01113         ART100                        ART APPRECIATION                                         3          02:00P 03:15P       TTH          ATTC119     FINE J L

08402         ILT120          INTRO TO AC/DC CIRCUITS                                                3          11:00A 12:00P       M            HIG 106      HANSON A C
              NOTE: HYBRID MEETS MON 11 AM-NOON HIG106
08403         ILT121          AC/DC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS                                                 3          01:00P 02:00P       M            HIG 106      HANSON A C
              NOTE: HYBRID MEETS MONDAY 1:00 PM-2:00 HIG106
08404         ILT163          DIGITAL ELECTRONICS                                                    3          01:00P 02:00P       W            HIG 106      HANSON A C
              NOTE: HYBRID MEETS WEDNESDAY 1:00-2:00 HIG106
08401         MET222          MECHANICAL SYSTEMS I                                                   3          11:00A 12:00P       W            HIG 106     HANSON A C

828     Schedule of Classes                    Spring 2020
CALL # COURSE #		              COURSE		                      CREDIT HOURS TIME                       DAY            ROOM       INSTRUCTOR

00818   AMP000        POWERPLANT COMPREHENSIVE EXAM                0          TBA              TBA                               ENDERSON C W
00825   AMP120        ENGINE THEORY AND PROPELLERS                 5          07:00A 01:45P    M                   ATTC216     KOSIK K E
                                                                              07:00A 10:00A    TU                  ATTC216
00826   AMP120         ENGINE THEORY AND PROPELLERS                5          10:10A 01:45P    TU                  ATTC216     KOSIK K E
                                                                              07:00A 01:45P    W                   ATTC216
00819   AMP120         ENGINE THEORY AND PROPELLERS                5          04:00P 10:30P    M                   BNT 107     SUCGANG N T
                                                                              04:00P 07:00P    TU                  BNT 107
00827   AMP121         RECIPROCATING ENGINE SYSTEMS                5          07:00A 01:45P    TH                  ATTC101     LANE T A
                                                                              07:00A 10:00A    F                   ATTC101
00820   AMP121         RECIPROCATING ENGINE SYSTEMS                5          07:30P 10:30P    TU                               STAFF
                                                                              04:00P 10:30P    W
00828   AMP122         ENGINE SYSTEMS AND OVERHAUL                 5          07:00A 01:45P    TH                  ATTC128     HENDERSON C W
                                                                              07:00A 10:00A    F                   ATTC128
00829   AMP122         ENGINE SYSTEMS AND OVERHAUL                 5          10:10A 01:45P    TU                  ATTC128     HENDERSON C W
                                                                              07:00A 01:45P    W                   ATTC128
00821   AMP122         ENGINE SYSTEMS AND OVERHAUL                 5          04:00P 10:30P    M                   ATTC128     HENDERSON C W
                                                                              04:00P 07:00P    TU                  ATTC128
00830   AMP123         RECIPROCATING ENGINE INSPECT                5          07:00A 01:45P    M                   ATTC101     LANE T A
                                                                              07:00A 10:00A    TU                  ATTC101
00822   AMP123         RECIPROCATING ENGINE INSPECT                5          04:00P 10:30P    TH                  ATTC128     WISE M A
                                                                              04:00P 07:00P    F                   ATTC128
00831   AMP124         TURBINE ENGINE SYSTEMS THEOR                5          07:00A 01:45P    M                   BNT 103     NORTHWAY J L
                                                                              07:00A 10:00A    TU                  BNT 103
00832   AMP124         TURBINE ENGINE SYSTEMS THEOR                5          10:10A 01:45P    TU                  BNT 103     NORTHWAY J L
                                                                              07:00A 01:45P    W                   BNT 103
00823   AMP124         TURBINE ENGINE SYSTEMS THEOR                5          04:00P 10:30P    TH                  BNT 107     SUCGANG N T
                                                                              04:00P 07:00P    F                   BNT 107
00833   AMP125         TURBINE ENGINE SYSTEMS OVERH                5          07:00A 01:45P    TH                  BNT 103     NORTHWAY J L
                                                                              07:00A 10:00A    F                   BNT 103
00824   AMP125         TURBINE ENGINE SYSTEMS OVERH                5          07:30P 10:30P    TU                  BNT 107     SUCGANG N T
                                                                              04:00P 10:30P    W                   BNT 107

                                                                                                  Spring 2020           Schedule of Classes   9
CALL # COURSE #		                COURSE		                 CREDIT HOURS TIME               DAY         ROOM           INSTRUCTOR

08405   ILT120          INTRO TO AC/DC CIRCUITS                 3          03:00P 05:00P       M            HIG 106     HANSON A C
        NOTE: HYBRID MEETS MONDAY 3:00 PM-5:00 HIG106
08407   ILT162          SOLID STATE ELECTRONICS                 3          03:00P 05:00P       W            HIG 106     HANSON A C
08406   INT258          INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICITY & ELECT          3          01:00P 03:00P       TU           HIG 106     HANSON A C
        NOTE: HYBRID MEETS TUESDAY 1:00 PM-3:00 HIG106

CALL # COURSE #		                COURSE		                 CREDIT HOURS TIME               DAY          ROOM           INSTRUCTOR

08409   ADM292          QUALITY PRACTICES & MEASUREMEN          3          01:00P 03:50P       TU           HIG 106     HANSON A C
        NOTE: HYBRID MEETS TUESDAY 1:00-3:30 HIG112
08408   ILT121          AC/DC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS                  3          03:00P 05:00P       M            HIG 106    HANSON A C
        NOTE: HYBRID MEETS MONDAY 3:00 PM-5:00 HIG 106
08410   ILT163          DIGITAL ELECTRONICS                     3          03:00P 05:00P       W            HIG 106    HANSON A C

30   Schedule of Classes   Spring 2020

                                                                                                               Spring 2020         Schedule of Classes      11
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