Schedule of Tolls 1 April 2020-31 March 2021 - Broads ...

Page created by Laurie Lowe
Schedule of Tolls
1 April 2020–31 March 2021

  Within the Broads Authority's navigation
  area, or adjacent waters, you must have

  • either an annual toll or a short visit toll
  • third party insurance
     except unpowered vessels with a block area
     of less than 6m2

  • a valid boat safety certificate
     for vessels within the scope of the scheme
     (not required for short visit toll)

Tolls Office, Broads Authority, Yare House,
62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich NR1 1RY
tel: 01603 610734 email:
Tolls direct 01603 756080

General tolls information
    Annual tolls                                  There are also other tolls for particular
    All vessels kept or used in the               circumstances (see page 6 and 7).
    navigation area, or adjacent waters*,         Insurance
    for more than 28 days in any tolls year
    require an annual toll and must be            Owners of all boats are required to have
    registered with the Authority.                third party insurance with a minimum
                                                  cover of £2 million except unpowered
    The tolls year runs from 1 April to 31        craft with a block area of less than 6m2.
    March, the following year. If you apply
    for an annual toll at any time after          You will be asked to sign an insurance
    1 April, the full annual fee is payable       declaration when you pay for your
    and you will be issued with a toll which      annual or short visit toll.
    is valid until the end of the                 Boat Safety Scheme
    following March.
                                                  The National Boat Safety Scheme (BSS)
    Short visit tolls                             has been introduced to the Broads. It
    These are available for periods of 1–7,       applies to all boats with engines and/or
    8–14, 15–21 or 22–28 consecutive              cooking, heating, lighting, refrigeration
    days, or for any combination of these         and other domestic appliances,
    days, up to a maximum of 28 days              including open boats propelled by
    within any tolls year starting 1 April (eg.   outboard motors with fixed electrical
    four periods of 1–7 days, or one period       systems such as outboard powered
    of 1–7 days plus one period of                boats with electric starts. It does not
    15–21 days).                                  apply to open boats propelled solely by
                                                  outboard motors and not fitted with any
    Display of tolls                              of the above appliances/systems.
    When you purchase a short visit toll you      Compulsory compliance with the
    will be issued numbers which must be          scheme is required for all craft that
    displayed on the vessel. We will send         fall within the scope of the scheme
    you instructions of how to display these      and details of a valid certificate must
    when we issue them.                           be produced when applying for
                                                  registration and an annual toll.
    For annual tolls we operate a plaqueless
    system which means we use registration        Any visiting craft that fall within the
    marks and names of vessels to verify          scope of the scheme and do not have a
    whether owners have paid the                  valid BSS certificate may be subject to a
    appropriate toll.                             hazardous boat check.
    All tolls must be paid before the vessel
    is launched into or enters the navigation
    area or adjacent waters. It is an offence
    not to have a current toll.
Registration                                On sale or change of
Every vessel kept or used within the        ownership
Broads Authority’s navigation area, or      When you sell or otherwise dispose of
adjacent waters*, for more than 28 days     a vessel you are required, under the
must be registered with the Authority.      byelaws, to notify the Broads Authority
There is no charge for registration.        immediately. You must tell us the details
You will be issued with adhesive            of the change of ownership, giving the
registration marks for each vessel          name and address of the new owner.
showing the Broads registration number.     The new owner is also required to
They must be permanently displayed on       inform the Authority so that the vessel
each side of the bow and on the stern       may be registered in his/her name.
of the vessel. This registration number     The vessel’s Broads registration marks
stays with the vessel even if she is sold   will not be changed and the registration
or otherwise disposed of.                   marks should not be removed from
You must complete an application form       the vessel. The vessel’s annual toll will
for Registration and Payment                remain with the vessel.
of Toll for all new applications and when   Tolls are not refundable
transferring a previously registered        The toll is not transferable to any other
vessel to your ownership. Application       vessel and no return of tolls will be
forms are available from the Broads         made in the event of cancellation of the
Authority Tolls Office and the              toll before the end of the tolls year.
Authority's website.

  How to pay
  Annual toll renewals can be paid by post: Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road,
  Norwich NR1 1RY, by telephone: 01603 756080 (you will be asked to make a
  declaration of insurance) or online via the link from our website For new applications and transfers of ownership
  we must be in receipt of your completed application form before a telephone
  payment can be made. Short visit tolls are available from the Tolls Office in
  person or by telephone, or in person at Broads Authority information centres or
  from some boatyards (see website for details).

*Adjacent waters are dykes, marinas and broads off the main navigation where boats
owned by more than one person are moored. Further information is available from the
Tolls Office (01603 756080)

Annual toll            based on the block area in m2 of the vessel

    To calculate the block area of                   Tolls for Private vessels:
    the vessel:
    • measure hull length and beam                   Motor craft               £13.98 per m2
       in metres to nearest centimetre               Electric motor craft      £10.68 per m2
    • multiply length times beam.                    Motorised sailing craft   £10.34 per m2
    The toll is based on the nearest whole           (MSC)
    square metre below so disregard any              Sailing craft and         £8.54 per m2
    decimal parts of square metres -                 electric MSC
    eg. if the vessel is 9.75m2, you will
    be charged for 9m2.                              Non powered               £5.50 per m2
    To calculate the toll multiply the block
                                                     Sailboards,               Set rate
    area by the relevant charge per square
                                                     paddleboards,             £35.07
    metre – eg. If you have a 9m2 private
                                                     rowboats, punts,
    motor boat the toll will be £125.82
                                                     canoes and kayaks
    (9 x £13.98)
    Please note minimum rates apply: all             Tolls for Hire vessels:
    vessels 5m2 and below will be charged at
    the applicable 5m2 rate .                        Weekly hired motor        £31.49 per m2
    Electrically propelled vessels
                                                     Electric weekly hired     £21.67 per m2
    The Authority encourages more                    motor craft
    environmentally-friendly forms of
                                                     Day hired motor craft*    £48.18 per m2
    propulsion with reduced charges for
    electrically powered motor craft.                Electric day hired        £32.99 per m2
                                                     motor craft*
    Hire boat licensing
                                                     Passenger craft           £41.44 per m2
    All powered hire boats and their operators
    need to be licensed, please enquire for full     Motorised sailing craft   £25.56 per m2
    details.                                         (MSC)
    Operators licence fee £18.00.                    Sailing craft and         £18.69 per m2
    Powered hire boat licence fee £5.00              electric MSC
    per vessel.                                      Non powered               £15.96 per m2
                                                     Sailboards,               Set rate
    hire vessel is any vessel which is let, lent,   paddleboards,             £70.13
    hired or engaged for gift, pay or reward or      rowboats, punts,
    promise of payment.                              canoes and kayaks
    * day hire boat is defined as a boat without
    any berths (sleeping accommodation), toilet
    or cooker.
Table of Annual tolls (£) for private craft 1 April 2020 - 31 March 2021

                                                                                             (c) sailing
                                             electric           (b) motorised                                         (d) non-
 boat size            (a) motor                                                              craft and
                                              motor              sailing craft                                        powered
 in m2                   craft                                                                electric
                                              craft                 (MSC)                                            houseboats
 5 & under               69.90                 53.40                     ....                   42.70                     27.50
 6                       83.88                 64.08                   62.04                    51.24                     33.00
 7                       97.86                 74.76                   72.38                    59.78                     38.50
 8                      111.84                 85.44                   82.72                    68.32                     44.00
 9                      125.82                 96.12                   93.06                    76.86                     49.50
 10                     139.80                106.80                  103.40                    85.40                     55.00
 11                     153.78                117.48                  113.74                    93.94                     60.50
 12                     167.76                128.16                  124.08                   102.48                     66.00
 13                     181.74                138.84                  134.42                   111.02                     71.50
 14                     195.72                149.52                  144.76                   119.56                     77.00
 15                     209.70                160.20                  155.10                   128.10                     82.50
 16                     223.68                170.88                  165.44                   136.64                     88.00
 17                     237.66                181.56                  175.78                   145.18                     93.50
 18                     251.64                192.24                  186.12                   153.72                     99.00
 19                     265.62                202.92                  196.46                   162.26                    104.50
 20                     279.60                213.60                  206.80                   170.80                    110.00
 for each
 m2 add                  13.98                 10.68                   10.34                     8.54                      5.50
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­sailboards, paddleboards, rowboats, punts, canoes and kayaks set rate £ 35.07

(a) motor craft is a vessel which at any time is propelled by a motor of any kind,
including an outboard motor. It includes a houseboat if fitted with a propulsion engine
and sailing dinghies of less than 6m2 area fitted with a propulsion engine.
(b) motorised sailing craft is a vessel of 6m2 area or over which is normally propelled
by sail, but which is also used with a motor. The motor must not be capable of
producing more than 10bhp. The sail area must exceed the block area of the vessel.
The vessel’s sails must be carried in the vessel ready for use at all times.
(c) sailing craft is a vessel normally propelled by sails and not used with any kind of
motor, whether outboard or inboard.
(d) non-powered houseboat is a vessel used to provide stationary accommodation
afloat, not fitted with a propulsion engine and not used for navigation.
Other tolls and charges
    1 Passage toll £13.43                         4 Trade Plate toll £133.32
    Payable by a vessel making a single, one      Bona fide traders (boatyards, repairers,
    way journey through the Authority’s           brokers etc) may, subject to certain
    navigation area from a starting point         conditions, apply for a Trade Plate toll
    outside the navigation area to a finishing    which is transferable between vessels and
    point also outside the navigation area.       permits their use in connection with
    The journey must be completed within a        the trade.
    single day.
                                                  5 Outboard Motor toll
    This allows vessels entering from Great       Allows you to exchange one outboard
    Yarmouth or Lowestoft Harbours to make        motor between vessels as opposed to
    passage to a private dyke or mooring          paying the motor craft toll on each one.
    place outside the navigation area without     Applicable if you have paid tolls for three
    payment of a short visit or annual toll.      or more rowing or sailing craft of 5m or
    2 Race Craft toll                             less in length. The outboard motor and
    Payable if no toll has been paid for your     the craft must be registered in the same
    vessel and it will be used on waters within   ownership. Private £89.06,
    the navigation area for any organised         hire £133.32, private electric £43.23.
    race, regatta, competition or other event.    6 Winter Lay-Up toll
    It is £5.50 per day, for a maximum of two     Equivalent to one third of the appropriate
    consecutive days. If your vessel is to be     annual toll – covers the permanent
    used for longer periods, the short visit or   mooring of a vessel at a specified location
    annual toll must be paid.                     during any continuous period between
                                                  25 September and 30 April the following
    3 Motor Work Boat toll £99.40
                                                  year. It covers the return of the vessel to
    Payable by any vessel, including floating
                                                  a point outside the navigation area. You
    plant, which is:
                                                  must have a valid Boat Safety certificate
    • used exclusively for the good               and third party insurance.
      management of the Broads, or for the
                                                  If the vessel is used for navigation or
      maintenance or dredging of
                                                  accommodation during the period, you
      the waterways,
                                                  must pay the balance of the annual toll.
    • or is used by bona fide boatyards for
      the towing or servicing of                  7 British Canoeing Members
      other vessels,                              Membership of British Canoeing includes
    • or is used by commercial fishermen for      usage of the Broads navigation area, at no
      servicing or operating nets.                extra cost, provided that at all times your
    Non-powered workboats/pontoons pay            membership card is carried with you.
    the toll for rowing craft.

8 Broads Authority Paddling                    11 Water ski permits £28.00
Scheme (BAPS)                                  There are designated areas on the Broads
For youth groups operating in the              where water skiing is permitted. If you
voluntary sector. To join, the group           wish to water ski you must apply for a
must be registered with the Council of         water ski permit. Please contact the Tolls
Voluntary Youth Services or be a scout or      Office for full details of the requirements
guide troop.                                   and an application form.
Member groups can nominate up to
                                               12 Great Yarmouth
10 kayaks or canoes for use for a single
                                               and Lowestoft Harbours
payment of £81.05. Further blocks of 10
                                               Broads tolls do not include harbour dues
can be purchased or additional individual
                                               payable by vessels entering the Broads via
craft added at £16.22 each.
                                               or using the waters of Great Yarmouth or
There is a BAPS scheme for commercial          Lowestoft Harbours. For information on
operators, apply to the Tolls Office for       these dues contact:
details. Blocks of 10 kayaks or canoes         EastPort UK tel: (01493) 335500,
£162.07, additional individual craft           Associated British Ports, Lowestoft
£32.43 each.                                   tel: (01502) 572286.
9 Broads Authority                             Vessels may enter the Broads via Mutford
Sailing Scheme (BASS)                          Lock, Lowestoft. A charge of £13 is made
For youth groups operating in the              per vessel for the use of the lock. This
voluntary sector. To join, the group or        charge also covers visiting vessels for the
organisation must be a Royal Yachting          use of Oulton Broad (only) on the day
Association recognised teaching                of entry and up to midnight on the day
establishment, a school or registered          following. Vessels seeking to pass through
with their local education authority as a      the lock must book by telephoning:
recognised voluntary youth service such        Lock Control (01502) 531778; or Oulton
as a scout or guide troop.                     Broad Yacht Station
Member groups can nominate up to 10            (01502) 574946; or
sailing dinghies, of no more than 10m2         Waveney District Council
in size, for a single payment of £140.24.      (01502) 562111.
Further blocks of 10 can be purchased          Private boats which can show they have
or additional individual craft added at        paid their annual EastPort UK dues
£28.05 each.                                   will receive a discount of 50% on the
                                               appropriate Broads toll; this is available
10 Broads Authority Rowing
                                               against both the annual Broads toll and
Scheme (BARS)
                                               Broads short visit toll.
For youth rowing boats operated by a
British Rowing affiliated club.                13 Craft registered between
Member organisations can nominate up           1 January and 31 March
to 10 junior rowing craft, for the exclusive   New craft registered with the Authority,
use by juniors, for a single payment of        or craft being registered to a new owner
£81.05. Further blocks of 10 can be            and not previously licensed, on or after 1
purchased or additional individual craft       January will receive a 50% discount on the
added at £16.22 each.                          appropriate annual toll up to 31 March.
Short visit toll             based on length of vessel’s hull in metres

    Any form of motor fitted to a vessel             Sailboards, paddleboards, rowboats,
    classes the vessel as a motor craft and          punts, canoes and kayaks
    you must pay the motor craft toll.               1–7 days £ 7.90
    This includes an outboard motor                  8–14 days £ 15.80
    fitted to a sailing dinghy.

     boat length
                                            motor                             sail
     metres (feet)
                              1-7 days          8-14 days          1-7 days          8-14 days
     4 (13'2")& under          13.60                27.20            8.25             16.50
     5 (16'5")                 21.50                43.00           13.05             26.10
     6 (19'9")                 29.35                58.70           17.90             35.80
     7 (23'0")                 37.25                74.50           22.70             45.40
     8 (26'3")                 45.15                90.30           27.50             55.00
     9 (29'7")                 53.00                106.00          32.30             64.60
     10 (32'10")               60.90                121.80          37.10             74.20
     11 (36'2")                68.80                137.60          41.90             83.80
     12 (39'5")                76.65                153.30          46.70             93.40
     13 (42'8")                84.55                169.10          51.50             103.00
     14 (46'0")                92.45                184.90          56.30             112.60
     15 (49'3")                100.30               200.60          61.10             122.20
     16 (52'6")                108.20               216.40          65.90             131.80
     17 (55'10")               116.10               232.20          70.70             141.40
     18 (59'1")                123.95               247.90          75.50             151.00
     19 (62'5")                131.85               263.70          80.30             160.60
     20 (65'8")                139.75               279.50          85.10             170.20

    q For larger boats, please enquire at the Broads Authority Tolls Office.

    If your vessel is kept or used in the            Your craft may be subject to a
    navigation area or adjacent waters               hazardous boat check, see Boat
    for more than 28 days in the tolls               Safety Scheme (page 2).
    year you must buy an annual toll.
    You will be given credit for short
    visit payments already made.
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