Scien&stsuncoverpoten&altargetforMND - MND Association

Page created by Katie Thornton
Scien&stsuncoverpoten&altargetforMND - MND Association
NEWSLETTER                            CAMBRIDGESHIRE BRANCH                                SPRING 2021


Researchers) part8funded) by) the) MND)                 the! axons! and! their! connec'on! to! muscle! from!
Associa&on) have) discovered) a) new) target) for)      degenera'on.!Work!is!now!underway!to!iden'fy!
poten&al) drug) trials) to) treat) motor) neurone       exis'ng! licensed! drugs! that! can! boost!
disease.!!                                              mitochondrial! func'on! and! repair! the! motor!
                                                        neurons.! This! will! then! pave! the! way! to! test!
Scien'sts!at!the!Euan!MacDonald!Centre,!led!by!         them!in!clinical!trials.”!!
Dr! Arpan! Mehta,! the! Associa'on’s! Lady! Edith
Wolfson! Clinical! Fellow! (funded! in! partnership!    Dr! Brian! Dickie,! the! Associa'on’s! Director! of!
with!the!Medical!Research!Council),!have!shown          Research! Development,! said:! “Neurons! are! the
that! improving! the! func'on! of! mitochondria! –      most! energy! hungry! cells! in! the! body! and! the
the! power! supply! of! nerve! cells! –! could! be! a   unique! structure! of! motor! neurons! in! par'cular!
poten'al!treatment!for!MND.!!                           means! they! need! to! closely! regulate! and
                                                        maintain! their! energy! produc'on.! These! new!
The! study! paves! the! way! for! the! genera'on! of!   findings! indicate! that! a! deficiency! is! occurring,
novel! therapies! targeted! at! boos'ng! energy!        but!it!is!a!deficiency!that!also!offers!a!poten'al!
levels!in!mitochondria!in!MND.!                         therapeu'c!target.”!!

The! key! cells! affected! in! MND! are! the! motor!     This!work!advances!our!understanding!of!MND!
neurons!that!allow!us!to!move,!eat!and!breathe.         and! points! to! a! possible! target! for! drug!
Each! cell! has! long! thin! processes! called! axons   development,!but!geTng!to!the!point!of!clinical!
which! connect! to! the! muscles.! The! researchers     trials!is!s'll!several!years!away.!!
with! MND! were! shorter! than! in! healthy! cells      To! read! more! about! the! scien'fic! detail! the!
and!that!the!transport!of!mitochondria,!the!cell’s      Associa'on!has!posted!a!blog!ar'cle!which!has!
energy! source,! was! impaired.! For! the! first! 'me    a! link! to! the! original! research! paper! hUps://
the! scien'sts! showed! that! by! boos'ng! the'ng[
mitochondria!the!axon!reverted!to!normal.!!             energy[in[nerve[cells[is[a[promising[target[for[
Scien&stsuncoverpoten&altargetforMND - MND Association
NEWSLETTER                              CAMBRIDGESHIRE BRANCH                                SPRING 2021

Ri c k) Ne l m s) a n d) p a i n& n g)                    Suddenly! Rick! had! gone! from! a! person!
                                                          who! knew! virtually! everything! there! was!
without)brushes.!!                                        to! know! about! his! subject! (Botany! and!
Rick! was! siTng! on! a! beach! in! Mauri'us!             Biology)! to! someone! whose! brain!
watching! the! sun! go! down! when! he!                   appeared! to! be! full! of! coUon! wool!!
realized! that! this! would! be! his! last! trip!         Reading! was! difficult,! because! by! the!
abroad,! working! as! a! Biological! Sciences!            boUom! of! a! page! he! had! forgoUen! what!
P r o d u c t! M a n a g e r! f o r! C a m b r i d g e!   was! at! the! top!! Watching! television! or!
Interna'onal! Examina'ons.! Over! recent!                 films!was!problema'c!because!he!couldn’t!
months!he!had!become!aware!that!he!was!                   remember! who! any! of! the! characters!
not! well,! he! had! started! to! stumble! and!           were.! Going! out! for! walks/trundles! were!
walk! like! an! old! man! and! had! also!                 enjoyable! and! he! started! to! take! some!
forgoUen! large! chunks! of! how! to! do! his!            photographs![!then!as!'me!progressed!he!
job.!The!final!straw!came!when!he!started!                 stopped!being!able!to!hold!the!camera!so!
falling! over! in! the! laboratory! and! he! took!        his! wife! Sue! started! taking! the! pictures.!
early!re'rement!in!November!2013.!!                       But! what! else! could! he! do! with! the!
It! s'll! took! several! visits! to! the! GP,!
of! mental! illness,! followed! by! more! visits!
neurologists,! who! s'll! said! that! his!
symptoms! were! connected! to! the! period!
of! mental! illness.! One! day,! however,! the!
GP! was! concerned! about! some! new!
neurologist,! sent! him! to! A! &! E.! There,! a!
very! detailed! examina'on! and! then!
offered! Rick! and! his! wife! a! cup! of! tea! –!
never! a! good! sign!! She! arranged! for! him!           When!Rick!was!younger!he!wanted!to!be!
to!be!admiUed!and!the!next!morning!Rick!                  an!ar'st!but!was!told!by!a!teacher!that!he!
saw!a!wonderful!consultant!who!told!him!                  was!useless!at!art,!so!he!had!given!up!on!
that! there! was! nothing! wrong! with! his!              that!idea.!PLS!meant!that!he!couldn’t!hold!
head! but! that! he! did! have! some! very!               a! paintbrush,! but! he! wondered! if! there!
definite!and!serious!symptoms.!Rick!burst!                 was!anything!he!could!do!with!his!laptop.!
into!tears!–!at!last!someone!believed!him!!!              As!a!start!he!found!computer!programmes!
It!s'll!took!another!two!years!to!reach!his!              on!the!photographs!he!and!Sue!had!taken,!
current! diagnosis! of! Primary! Lateral!                 so! he! started! to! play! around.! He! had!
Sclerosis,! a! reasonably! slow! burning!                 taken! some! pictures! of! bumble! bees! at! a!
version! of! Motor! Neurone! Disease.!                    Day! Therapy! session! run! by! the! Arthur!
However! mobility! was! lost! fairly! quickly!            Rank! Hospice,! so! started! with! them! and!
and!he!now!spends!most!of!his!day!in!his!                 discovered! that! they! worked! really! well.!
powerchair,! an! impressive! machine! with!               So!he!did!more!
leg! lieers! so! that! he! can! keep! his! legs!
Scien&stsuncoverpoten&altargetforMND - MND Association
NEWSLETTER                           CAMBRIDGESHIRE BRANCH                                         SPRING 2021

As!he!spent!more!and!more!'me!pain'ng!                labelled! useless! at! art!! Here! is! a! pain'ng!
on! his! computer,! he! started! to! get!             (below)! based! on! one! of! the! photos! from!
problems! with! his! lymphoedema! so! wife!           that!beach!in!Mauri'us,!‘Through!a!Glass,!
Sue!managed!to!source!a!wide,!high!desk!              Darkly’,! painted! on! the! quiet! morning,!
that! he! could! drive! his! wheelchair! under!       thinking! about! the! transforma'on! that!
and! put! his! feet! up,! thus! solving! the!         Rick!is!undergoing.!!
'me! as! he!wanted! pain'ng,! so! he! is! now!        As! 'me! moves! on,! Rick’s! pictures! get!
very!happy.!!                                         more! and! more! complex,! some! taking!
                                                      months! to! work! on! and! he! has! started!
Since! then,! Rick! has! spent! 'me! doing!           d o i n g! t a l k s ,! s h a r i n g! h i s! t a l e n t s ,!
things!like!trundling!round!the!gardens!at!           encouragement! and! pictures! with! other!
Anglesey! Abbey! and! then! making!                   people.!!
pain'ngs! from! Sue’s! photographs.! He!
discovered! that! different! programs! allow!          He!is!thinking!about!ways!of!spreading!his!
him!to!do!different!things,!and!that!some!             output! further! afield! and! any! sugges'ons!

cheap!or!free!apps!for!mobile!or!iPad!can!            to!help!him!do!this!would!be!welcome.!!
be! just! as! much! fun! as! the! more!
expensive! pain'ng! packages! that! he! also!         Current! ideas! are! cards,! some! sort! of!
persuades!people!to!buy!him!from!'me!to!              exhibi'on,!a!television!documentary!(!),!all!
'me.!!                                                of! which! could! be! used! to! fundraise! for!
A t! a! C h u r c h! Q u i e t! M o r n i n g! o n!   we!have!no!idea!how!to!take!these!ideas!
transforma'on! his! pictures! came! to! the!          forward,! so! if! this! is! your! area! of!
aUen'on! of! the! people! leading! the!               exper'se,!please!talk!to!us.!
session! and! they! invited! him! to! become!
‘ar'st[in[residence’! for! Under! the!
Scien&stsuncoverpoten&altargetforMND - MND Association
NEWSLETTER                                   CAMBRIDGESHIRE BRANCH                                        SPRING 2021

Associa&on)Visitors)and))                                       people!at!this!'me!was!amazing.!I!learnt!so!much!
                                                                through! these! years! about! the! illness! and! also!
                                                                life.! I! think! it! was! my! husband! who! suggested! I!
The!following!gives!a!liUle!detail!about!our!current!           became! a!volunteer.! He!would! have!wriUen! me! a!
AV/CSN!Cambridgeshire!Team!and!puts!a!face!to!a!                good!reference!I!think!!
These! volunteers! offer! confiden'al! support,! help!            have! met! inspira'onal! people.! It! can! be! difficult!
and! guidance! to! people! with! MND,! their! families!         but! generally! very! rewarding.! Working! with! the!
and! carers! by! phone,! email! or! face[to[face! visits!       'MNDA! and!volunteer! family! '! becomes! addic've!!
(at!present!due!to!the!Covid!situa'on!these!visits!             We!would!love!some!more!volunteers!though.!
                                                                Pam! Wilkie! has! been! a!
Prior! to! re'rement,! I!                                       volunteer! with! the! MND!
worked! as! a! community!                                       Associa'on! for! 12! years.!
Occupa'onal! Therapist!                                         Professionally! she! had! been!
with!the!Physical!Disability!                                   a! paediatric! Physiotherapist!
T e a m!    i n!  S o u t h!                                    s p e c i a l i s i n g! i n! n e u r o!
Lincolnshire.!!                                                 developmental! delay.! Her!
                                                                other! main! interest! was! the!
I! ini'ally! joined! MNDA! as!                                  access! of! sports! for! children!
an! Associa'on! Visitor! in! Peterborough/                      with! disabili'es.! Since! her!
Cambridgeshire! and! then! later! became! a! Care!              re'rement! she! has! focussed! on! volunteering! for!
Services! Navigator.! In! this! role! I! try! to! ‘join! the!   MND! as! a! member! of! her! close! family! had! been!
dots! up’!with! any! of! the! services! the! person!with!       diagnosed!with!MND.!
MND! might! need! at! the! 'me.! Because! of! the!
complexi'es!of!MND,!this!can!be!quite!a!challenge!              Fred)Smith)8)Associa&on)Visitor)
                                                                My! name! is! Frederick! Smith!
Chris)Glover)8)Associa&on)Visitor)                              and! I! took! on! the! role! of!
                                                                Associa'on! Visitor! about! 18!
I! am! the! longest! serving!                                   months!aeer!my!wife!passed!
member! of! the! Cambs!                                         away!due!to!MND.!!
when!I!re'red!as!a!Speech!                                      I! e n j oy! co n t a c ' n g! a n d!
and! Language!Therapist! at!                                    visi'ng!people!with!MND,!so!
Pete r b o ro u g h! Di s t r i c t!                            that! they! and! their! family!
Hospital.!I!have!served!as!a!                                   know!that!they!are!not!alone.!!
C o m m i U e e! M e m b e r ,!                                 !!
Associa'on! Visitor! and! AV!                                   Jenni)BarneM)8)Associa&on)Visitor)
Co[ordinator! and! found! it! all! very! fulfilling.!!
Recently,! I! have! reduced! my! workload! but! s'll!           I! am! a! new! volunteer! who!
support!several!families.!                                      previously! worked! as! a!
                                                                hospice! pallia've! care!
Sue)Hallifax)8)Associa&on)Visitor)                              Occupa'onal! Therapist!
                                                                before! joining! the! MNDA.!
I!spent!my!working!life!as!                                     My! work! focused! on! the!
a!teacher!and!my!husband!                                       mental!and!physical!aspects!
was! a! civil! engineer.! We!                                   of! living! with! an! incurable!
worked! in! many! African!                                      disease,! so! I! am! hoping! my!
countries! for! over! 15!                                       professional! background! will! help! me! in! my!
years.! Sadly,! my! husband!                                    volunteering!role.!
in! 2002! at! the! age! of! 51.!                                During! my! career! I! have! met! some! truly!
He! died! six! and! a! half!                                    inspira'onal! people! living! with! MND! who! have!
years! later.! It! was! a! challenging! 'me! with! lots! of!    without!doubt!been!the!catalyst!to!my!joining!the!
'downs'! but! many! 'ups'.! The! support! of! so! many!         associa'on.!!
Scien&stsuncoverpoten&altargetforMND - MND Association
NEWSLETTER                             CAMBRIDGESHIRE BRANCH                                     SPRING 2021

                                                        I! keep! myself! busy! with! a! variety! of!
                                                        representa've! roles! for! Cambridge! City!
Melanie! White,! stood! down.! Melanie! has!
                                                        treasurer! for! the! Cambridge! Branch! of! the!
                                                        Society! of! Recorder! Players! so,! I! am! familiar!
and! will! soon! be! guiding! our! new! Treasurer,!
Joy! Cavanagh,! on! the! complicated! work!
                                                        I! used! to! work! as! a! special! needs! teacher! in!
                                                        Cambridge! but! have! now! re'red.! I! enjoy!
In! September! 2020,! Simon! Crooke! who! had!
                                                        dance! class! and! walking! my! dogs! Didi! and!
Support! Coordinator! for! over! 5!years,! moved!
overseas! to! live.!Julia!Wilson! (Joy’s! daughter)!
We! are! very! grateful! to! Melanie! and! Simon!
for! all! the! work! they! have! done! for! the!
Cambridgeshire! Branch! and! the! MND!
                                                                                 and! I’m! now! officially!
                                                                                 Fu n d r a i s e r! f o r! t h e!
                                                                                 Cambridgeshire! Motor!
Read! a! bit! more! about! Joy! and! Julia,! in! the!
                                                                                 N e u r o n e! D i s e a s e!
t r e a s u r e r! f o r! t h e!
                                                        You’ll! see! posts! on! our! social! media! pages!
C a m b r i d g e s h i r e!
                                                        with! all! kinds! of! fundraising! ideas! and! links!
                                                        that! you! can! do! and! I’m! here! to! help! you! in!
I! have! been! a! member!
of! the! MNDA! for! five!
y e a r s! a n d! m y!
knowledge! of! MND!
h a s! c o m e! a b o u t!


Scien&stsuncoverpoten&altargetforMND - MND Association
NEWSLETTER                              CAMBRIDGESHIRE BRANCH                                                    SPRING 2021

   PosAbility![!Exercise!Classes!                               c a n! i m p rove! w e l l [ b e i n g .! Fo r! t h e!
                                                                foreseeable! future! and! un'l! the! end! of!
                                                                March! at! least,! these! online! Zoom!
   Exercise! cannot! reverse! or! delay! the!
   progression! of! Motor! Neurone! Disease!
   (MND)! but! it! may! help! strengthen!
   unaffected! muscles,! relieve! 'ghtness! and!
                                                                Disclaimer:! Please! note! the! MND!
   increase! flexibility.! However,! with! MND,!
                                                                Associa'on! and! the! Cambridgeshire!
   assessment! by! a! physiotherapist! is!
                                                                Branch! cannot! accept! responsibility! for!
   important! to! ensure! any! new! exercise!
                                                                the! accuracy! of! this! informa'on! and! are!
                                                                n o t! p r o m o ' n g ,! e n d o r s i n g! o r!
                                                                recommending! these! classes.! We! are!
   We! understand! the! groups! are! friendly!
                                                                merely! bringing! to! members’! aUen'on!
   and! very! suppor've! of! each! other! and!

                                                 Registered Charity: 1149783

                   Keep moving at home with our online

                PosAbility usually runs chair-based exercise groups for people living with all kinds of
                 long-term illnesses, including, but not limited to, Stroke, Parkinson’s, Neurological
                               Conditions, Multiple Sclerosis and Muscular Dystrophy.
                 To stay covid-19 secure we are piloting online services. Exercise and social zoom
                                              groups are available.

                    Have you got reduced mobility?

                    Need some company and motivation to get moving and keep moving from the comfort
                    of your own home?

                    You could join one of our online groups! Everyone is welcome, including
                    wheelchair users.

                    Whatever your age or ability - why not get in touch?

                    Call : 07565 598 193 or Email:

                    Our experienced and qualified instructors are waiting to hear from you

                  Our simple and achievable exercises can help you maintain your level of mobility and help to
                                                   alleviate pain and fatigue.

                   Tel: 07565 598 193, Email: Web site: We are
                                               positive about YOUR ability
Scien&stsuncoverpoten&altargetforMND - MND Association
NEWSLETTER                          CAMBRIDGESHIRE BRANCH                                         SPRING 2021

  In! addi'on! to! our! Facebook! page! and! branch!
  website,! you! can! now! keep! up! to! date! on! the!
  latest! branch! news! through! our! TwiUer!

  Watch! out! for! fundraising! info! and! posts! on!
  developments! rela'ng! to! MND! from! around!


  Would! you! like! to! raise! money! for!
  MNDA! by! simply! registering! on! the!

  It’s!easy,!just!open!the!Amazon!website!           Online)Support)Mee&ngs)
  and! type! Amazon! Smile! in! the! search!
                                                     can! take! place,! alterna've! online! support!
                                                     mee'ngs! are! taking! place! for! anyone! who!
  Enter!your!email!address!and!follow!the!           would!like!to!join!these!informal!get!togethers.!
  direc'ons! entering! ‘Motor! Neurone!              Cambridgeshire! Branch! combines! with!
  Disease! Associa'on’! as! your! charity! of!       Lincolnshire! and! these! are! hosted! on! Zoom! by!
  choice.! From! then! onwards! every! 'me!          either! Liz! Cooper! (Cambridgeshire)! or! Rachel!
  you! order! an! item,! Amazon! send! a!            Norman! (Lincolnshire),! Area! Support! Co[
  percentage! of! your! purchase! price! to!         Ordinators.!!!
  Na'onal! Office.!This! does! not! come! to!
  the!Branch!and!you!are!not!charged!any!            For!anybody!new!please!do!feel!free!to!join!us,!
  extra!by!Amazon.!                                  we!are!a!friendly!and!suppor've!group!and!you!
                                                     will! be! warmly! welcomed.! We! use! the! chat!
                                                     func'on! alongside! the! mee'ng! and! are! happy!
  Dona'ons! for! the! quarter! ending!
                                                     for!you!to contribute!as!much!or!as!liUle!as!you!
  December2020! were! £2,373.57! from!

                                                     As! soon! as! we! are! able! we! will! get! back! to!
                                                     holding! our! face[to[face! social! aeernoon!
                                                     but! un'l! this! is! possible! online! is! one! way! of!

Scien&stsuncoverpoten&altargetforMND - MND Association
NEWSLETTER                         CAMBRIDGESHIRE BRANCH                               SPRING 2021

Cambridgeshire Branch Contacts
Branch Chair and Branch Contact
Cynthia George
01954 202095
07515 534430
Branch Secretary and Financial Support Coordinator
Maire Collins
01954 200873
52 Lambs Lane
CB24 8TA
Branch Newsletter Editor
Anthony Flynn
Fundraising Coordinator and Social Media
Julia Wilson
07709 215196                       Dates of Get-Togethers in 2021

                                                        All Get-Togethers are
                                                   postponed until further notice
MND Connect
0808 8026262
MND National Office
01604 250505
Registered charity number 294354
To find out more about the Cambridgeshire Branch visit

Unsubscribe: If you prefer to receive Newsletters electronically or not at all, please contact:

Mrs Maire Collins (contact details above)
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