Page created by Terry Warren


                                Saturday, December 5th, 2020
Our December 5th 2020 Expo was          on what property managers look for        There were many questions asked by
well attended, by a few hundred         when they serve the owners.               the viewers. I answered dozens myself,
participants. Adjusting to the Zoom     Lucian Ioja, a financial planner who      and the guests fielded many as well.
format, we have shortened the Expo      had been a part of my Public Televi-      The questions brought depth and new
to four hours. That still allowed the   sion program “Life 201”, was again        learning for everyone.
market teams to present, but in a       original and interesting with his over-   By virtue of being on Zoom, the
shortened format. We also brought       all take of financial planning.           event has been recorded and is avail-
several experts to present.                                                       able to watch on our website: www.ic-
                                        Gary Sipos was fascinating to many
Tom Weclew, the owner of The Re-        of us who have kids, who plan to go, under RESOURCES->WE-
alty Medics Property Management in      to college. Gary opened a door for        BINARS.
Central Florida, gave an illuminating   us to get financial help, talked about    Our next event is on March 6, 2021.
presentation about property man-        filling the paperwork correctly, and
agement, the issues involved in good    overall presented very useful material
management, and shed some light         for the parents among us.
I get many calls from people interested
in buying in various cities and want my
                                                                             Wrong Place to
                                                                             Invest in 2021?
                                                you want to be a buyer in a market that
                                                is “already bonkers” and now is being
                                                pushed up even more? They have a name
                                                                                               Salt Lake City, Boise, and others. I even
                                                                                               get some investor talking about Seattle
                                                                                               and Portland, which make no sense at all.
                                                for such a market in the real estate world:    Some misguided reporters (who in many
One of the popular markets right now is
                                                “A strong Seller’s’ Market”.                   cases have no actual experience in real
the Austin metro area (people get excited
                                                                                               estate investing themselves), confuse high
about the overall thriving of the local         Do you want to be the BUYER in that
                                                                                               prices and growth with an attractive place
high-tech scene, Elon Musk publicly             strong sellers’ market? You will be the
                                                                                               to invest in. The two are not necessarily
decamping to Austin, and others moving          one paying “bonkers” price to the savvy
there from California). It is tempting to       sellers, fending off multiple offers higher
think of Austin as a good destination to        than list price.                               An example of another very popular
buy in 2021. However, in my opinion, it                                                        destination for Silicon Valley people
                                                It is very tempting for a California
is not! Austin, in fact, is a good city to be                                                  leaving to other states, is Miami. Miami is
                                                resident to say, “What? I can buy a new
a SELLER in 2021. Austin prices have                                                           popular, large (much larger than Aus-
                                                home in Austin for “only” $320,000?
climbed rapidly in the past six years,                                                         tin, for example), has an international
                                                That is so cheap! Yes, it is. “Cheap”
while rents went up much more slowly. As                                                       airport, good weather, beautiful beaches,
                                                relative to San Francisco prices. However,
a result, the rents are too low to cover all                                                   and proximity to great vacation spots.
                                                it is not cheap to buy as a sound rental
expenses.                                                                                      Miami also has a thriving tech sector.
                                                home, and has bad cash flow.
                                                                                               Sounds perfect, right? We should invest
One expense in Austin (and in the state
                                                Austin is a place where many of our            in Miami, right? No! Miami prices are
of Texas overall) is the very high property
                                                savvy investors are now SELLING, as the        way too high to make sense at this time.
taxes. The property taxes in the Austin
                                                selling market is strong. It is not uncom-     While the property tax is “only” about
metro can get to almost 3% of the home
                                                mon to see an investor selling one Austin      160% of that in Oklahoma or California,
value per year (depending on county and
                                                home and buying 3 brand new homes in           the price/rent ratio makes it an unat-
town). That is over 2.5 TIMES the prop-
                                                a 1031 tax-deferred exchange in Okla-          tractive place to invest. Miami has been
erty tax rate in Oklahoma (or California).
                                                homa City, or Tulsa, or Baton Rouge, or        a magnet for the wealthier set of tech
Together, the high prices, relatively low
                                                Central Florida. This move creates much        and finance people as of late. The prices
rents (relative to the prices, that is), and
                                                more quality real estate owned, more 30-       reflect it.
the high property taxes, as well as high
                                                year fixed loans at todays’ super low rates,
insurance costs, create an untenable cash                                                      There is an interesting article in Business
                                                and brand-new properties with brand
flow.                                                                                          Insider written by a tech person who had
                                                new roofs, ACs and all other parts of the
                                                                                               moved from San Diego to Austin and
Here is a partial headline of a Business        homes.
                                                                                               regrets it. It’s titled: “I moved my family
Insider article “Elon Musk and other
                                                Similar logic applies to the Dallas Ft         from California to Austin, Texas, and
tech powerhouses are flocking to Texas,
                                                Worth metro area (DFW), Houston,
pushing an already bonkers real-estate
                                                Phoenix, Las Vegas, Nashville, Denver,
market to new heights”. Just logically, do                                                                         Continued on page 6
Investment Properties
During COVID-19
                              Things I’ve Learned
                                                                               1. The single family
                                                                           product became very attractive.
                                                                           With so many people spending
                                                                           increased amounts of time at
                   JOSH FARMER                                             home, the demand for more
                   Caber Property Management                               square footage, private laundry,
                   in Oklahoma City
                                                                           outdoor entertaining areas and
                                      in our world, that I really didn’t   backyards increased. The fear
In Spring 2020, as we began to
                                      know how bad this would get.         of sharing space with so many
see how serious Covid-19 was
                                                                           others was also real. Most of
and we all became familiar with       In terms of impact, the OKC          our local moves were tenants
the term pandemic, I was very         metro area was extremely             of urban style and large multi
concerned. I was worried not          fortunate in that single family      family properties to single
only for my clients, but also for     homes, duplexes and quadplex-        family style neighborhoods in
myself as a fellow investor. The      es didn’t see the projected drop,    suburban towns.
questions of will tenants be able     it was larger multi-family con-
to pay rent, will we still be able    dos and apartments that were             2. Will tenants pay
to lease properties? Would our        more negatively impacted.            rent? From the beginning of
investors’ properties still be able                                        the pandemic to present, we
to cash flow and appreciate?          Why is this? I think there were      have had zero evictions, we
There was so much uncertainty         several reasons.                     were fortunate enough to not
even have to file on any           With so many people spending increased
tenants. While we normally
                                   amounts of time at home, the demand for
have low rates of eviction
due to our thorough vetting      more square footage, private laundry, outdoor
process, we had even lower       entertaining areas and backyards increased.
numbers during Covid vs
pre-pandemic. This isn’t
to say that we didn’t have       that are completely outside      have seen an increase in the
tenants that couldn’t pay        of their control.                number of tenants that are
rent. One of the hallmarks                                        moving from out of state.
                                      3. Tenant Reten-
of my company and the way                                         With so many businesses
                                 tion. We have seen a dramat-
we do business is that we find                                    and people operating and
                                 ic increase in tenant renew-
the best solution for every-                                      working from home the
                                 als and at higher rates. This
one. For example, if a tenant                                     need to be close to an office
                                 coupled with low inventory,
truly can’t pay rent, the best                                    was no longer a huge factor.
                                 our ability to be even more
thing is to help the tenant to                                    This has been a tremendous
                                 selective in the tenant place-
end their lease and vacate                                        boost for our market to have
                                 ment process and greater
the property. This allows us                                      so many new prospective
                                 demand for these types of
to get a new paying tenant in                                     tenants and homebuyers.
                                 homes will create scarcity. If
quickly, sometimes so quickly    this continues, we should see    While I don’t have a crys-
that the former tenants were     investor returns skyrocket as    tal ball, there is so much
able to get some of their de-    rents and home values con-       to be grateful for and to be
posit back. A win-win in my      tinue to climb even higher.      encouraged by for the future
book. The owner was made         Which is exactly what you        of the rental market in the
whole on most occasions and      want to see in your single       OKC metro area. I would be
the former tenant didn’t have    family home investments.         happy to discuss in greater
an eviction on their record,                                      detail why this market should
                                      4. Influx of people
because let’s be honest, these                                    be on the top of your list
                                 moving to smaller cities and
times have been extremely                                         for investment opportunities
                                 less restrictive states. We
tough on so many by factors                                       should you be interested.
AUSTIN, Continued from page 3

regretted it. Here are 10 key points every
person should consider before relocat-
ing.” The author mentions the harsh Tex-
as heat, coupled with humidity, which,
in the summer keeps you indoors and
runs your AC 24/7, while also bringing
scorpions and the like, and being hard
on the houses. Of course, he mentions
the super-high property taxes and high
insurance costs. He talks about the very
high cost of power and water, much high-
er than he had in California. Overall, he
was surprised by the cost of living being
much higher than he had anticipated. He
mentions the travel difficulty, as Austin
doesn’t have a large airport, requiring an
extra “hop”. He laments the relative lack
of public parks and spaces, to which he
was used in California. While this is only
                                               will appreciate a lot!” Really? You mean         loans, leaving several free and clear homes,
the account of one high tech family who
                                               you know the future? No one else does.           enabling them to retire.
moved to Austin, and may not reflect
                                               Just because a market behaves a certain
everyone’s experience, some of the points                                                       People also see how this can send kids to
                                               way, and even booms, it is not necessarily
are absolute.                                                                                   college (even costly colleges), and achieve
                                               a guarantee of everlasting constant ap-
                                                                                                many other long-term financial life goals.
We have investors who actually LIVE in         preciation. We have seen it in many areas
Austin. They are absolutely not interested     of the country.                                  The reason I hark back to this point in
in investing in Austin. They live there, and                                                    this article, is to remind you that the
                                               One other factor that is important to
know how little sense it makes to buy in                                                        most important point is to buy a good
                                               discuss is, again, the heart and soul
Austin in 2021. They seek investments in                                                        new single family rental home, put a
                                               of single-family home investing in the
saner markets where the prices, rents, and                                                      down payment, and then get the constant
                                               United States. The reason single family
property taxes, are in much better balance.                                                     power of inflation and the payments by
                                               rental homes change futures so effectively
We also have investors who live in Mi-                                                          the tenant, to pay off and erode the loan
                                               and powerfully: The 30-year fixed-rate
ami, Phoenix, AND Las Vegas, as well as                                                         balance, building equity for your future
                                               loan. I talk a lot about the wonder of this
Portland and Seattle, among many other                                                          wealth. With today’s astoundingly low
                                               loan. A very quick recap for new readers:
places. All these investors wouldn’t dream                                                      rates, strong results may be seen even
                                               The monthly PI payment never changes,
of buying rental homes in the market they                                                       sooner, perhaps 10, 11 years.
                                               while everything else in the US economy
live in, at this time. They know the insane                                                     The single-family home is the VEHICLE
                                               constantly changes with the cost of living.
sellers’ market that exists there, and the                                                      to let inflation work its magic on the
                                               The same is true for the mortgage bal-
way-too-high prices.                                                                            30-year fixed-rate loan. The location of
                                               ance, which goes down due to amortiza-
This phenomenon is not new. Investors          tion, but also never keeps up with the cost      where you buy the home (as long as it’s
declare they want to “Buy Low, Sell            of living. This creates incredible financial     large metro areas in the Sun Belt states,
High”. However, in reality, many inves-        futures for people, as inflation constantly      where the numbers make sense), is of
tors end up “Buying High and Selling           erodes the real value of the loan balance        secondary importance. It would behoove
Low”. Right now, Austin is the darling         and the monthly PI payment. There is no          the smart investor to buy in a market
market touted for its growth and Elon          need to wait for 30 years.                       where the prices are not “bonkers” and
Musk. The people who are buying su-                                                             where the rents measure up to the price
                                               Typically, after 12, 14, 16 years, the loan
per-high in a “bonkers” market, pumped                                                          well, preferably in an environment where
                                               balances are very small relative to the home
by the media hype, will be the first ones                                                       property tax and insurance costs are low.
                                               price. The monthly payment is very small
to sell frantically when a recession hits,                                                      This enables the owner to enjoy cash flow
                                               relative to the rent. It is not uncommon
or even lose those homes to foreclosure.                                                        (especially with today’s low rates), which
                                               for a person to find, after 14 years, that the
We have seen these scenarios throughout                                                         building their wealth for the future with
                                               loan balance (even though the loan still has
history, time and time again. You see the                                                       the help of inflation.
                                               16 years to go), is merely 20%-25% or so
same phenomena in the stock market.                                                             I will discuss this in further detail during
                                               of the home price. Many sell a couple of
People secretly love to “Buy High”.                                                             our upcoming Expo on Saturday March
                                               homes at this point, and use the after-tax
The reason is usually “But this market         proceeds to pay off several other small          6, 2021.
                                MARKET TEAM SAYS THEY HAVE
                                           NO HOMES AVAILABLE?

At this time, demand exceeds supply in                            The Fed has already said
most good markets in the US. We have
discussed, in this very newsletter, that
                                                      they have no plans to raise interest rates until
it makes no investment sense to buy in                  at least 2023, so that is not an emergency.
a strong sellers’ market like Austin or
                                              There is no rush. These are long-term          standards, looking for brand-new homes
However even in markets which are not
                                              investments. Waiting a few weeks means         in appropriate cities and in good areas.
strong sellers’ market, there is a short-
                                              nothing. The Fed has already said they         Homes which come under warranty, and
age. The pandemic contributed to it.
                                              have no plans to raise interest rates until    with all the benefits I discuss in my article
People seek to purchase or rent single
                                              at least 2023, so that is not an emergency.    “Why We Should Buy New Homes”,
family homes with a yard and room for a
                                                                                             which I will be happy to send you if you
home office, in the suburbs. The Fed has      It is important not to somehow behave
                                                                                             email me for it.
lowered interest rates to an absurd level,    in self-detrimental ways due to these
prompting a larger number of people to        temporary shortages. I see investors           It is infinitely better to buy quality new
seek purchasing homes.                        forgetting that buying brand-new homes         homes in the right metro areas in good
                                              is a good idea, and seek older and older       areas within the metro area, then start
Thus, it is normal, at this time, to expe-
                                              properties. I see investors seeking existing   to lower our standards just for the sake
rience shortages. It is not uncommon
                                              homes in lesser cities, lesser areas, and of   of an imagined “urgency”. There is no
that the broker in the market will tell you
                                              lesser quality. Why? Only to satisfy some      urgency.
things like “We’ll have homes available
                                              “urgent urge?” Nothing here is urgent.
in a few weeks” or “We’ll put you on a                                                       I will discuss in much further details at
waiting list”.                                I recommend NOT dropping our                   our Online Expo on March 6th, 2021.

                       Retirement Riches Testimonials
“Hi Adiel, I am an engineer, working in       “Thank you so much. We really enjoyed          I have followed you for over 15 years.
the semiconductor industry.                   the webinar. There was so much great           Bought 2 homes 15 years ago, brand new
I was invited by my good friend to attend     information! You are a GEM! We are             in a good area for $120K each with 20%
your webinar and I won’t be able to tell      considering 2 properties. Your teams and       down.
you enough on how much value I found          are hoping to pre order soon!”                 Today each is worth over $200K and the
in the 4 hours I spent with you and your                                    — Mitchell L.    loan balance is under $50K. Wish I’d
presenters. Thank you.                                                                       bought 10 of those! These two homes
I find what you do noble work and I’d                                                        will send my kids to college. Bought 2
                                              “The two initial houses are working very
like to work with you and stand on your                                                      more brand new homes. Now want to
                                              well. We have a nice positive cash flow
shoulders to rebuild my assets as well.”                                                     buy several homes in Oklahoma.
                                              from the beginning. Thank you!”
                               — Joseph Y.                                                                                    — Adam B
                                                                           — Dr. Isaac E.
Q: I bought 2 homes in one metropoli-            your debt. It is not uncommon to see that
                 tan area. I must buy my next homes in            after 14 years or so, your loan balance is a
ADIEL’S corner

                 other states for diversification, right?         mere 20-25% of the home value. That is a
                                                                  life-changing moment, as some people sell a
                 A: Not right. The word “HOME” is
                                                                  couple of homes, pay capital gains, and use
                 misleading. If you live in a place where a
                                                                  the proceeds to pay off the remaining small
                 typical home costs $2M, your brain tends
                                                                  loans. Once there are several free and clear
                 to tell itself “WOW, I have two HOMES –
                                                                  homes, financial lives are changed. With
                 that feels like $4M. Now I must buy some-
                                                                  today’s super low rates, these life changes
                 where else”. However, in reality, these two
                                                                  might occur faster, perhaps in 11 years or
                 homes may have been bought for $200K
                                                                  so, depending on future events.
                 each, for a total of $400K. That is not very
                 much real estate, and is about 20% of the        Since we consider the 30-year fixed rate
                 value of one home where you live. You            loan to be a sort of a gift, why would we
                 would need to buy 10 homes in that out-of-       want to make the gift smaller? I would say
                 state market, to match one home where you        that no more than 20% down payment
                 live. There is no issue buying your first 5-10   should be used. Some people may consid-
                 homes in one market. I will discuss more at      er putting only 15% down (the minimum
                 our next event.                                  allowed), with PMI (Private Mortgage
                 Q: Should I put a higher down payment
                 so I get a slightly better interest rate?        It never fails that, when I talk to people
                                                                  a dozen years down the road, they say “I
                 A: As we have discussed, the 30-year fixed
                                                                  should have bought more homes”. Using
                 rate loan is very special. By never chang-
                                                                  less for a down payment frees up your cash
                 ing with the cost of living (neither the
                                                                  to actually buy more. This, in my opinion,
                 PI payment nor the loan balance, which
                                                                  far exceeds the slight benefit of a somewhat
                 also goes down with amortization), the
                                                                  lower interest rate, especially when rates are
                 loan becomes a “gift” over the long term.
                                                                  so low to begin with.
                 Inflation constantly erodes the true value of
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