Page created by Martin Murray
SEED PRODUCT GUIDE                      2018/2019

As usual, the spring of 2018 had its share of challenges.     west and new genetic combinations. We feel that they
A cold rainy, snowy April and then the summer switch          have a lot of offer. In addition, we also have added two
went on allowing spring planting to catch up. Excess          experimental hybrids to the catalog. These two look
moisture in some areas caused planting delays and             very promising and I encourage you to try them if they
some seed exchanges. As of now, the crop situation            fit into your maturity range.
looks like it is off to a good start.
                                                              Again, we stress the importance of checking hybrid
We are excited about the new hybrids that have been           variety numbers, bags, bag tags and labels, making sure
added to our 2019 seed lineup. These are the result           the seed product is compatible with your cropping and
of replication yield trials, silage trials around the mid-    spraying plans.

                                            Don Hanke and Darwin Lawson

                  Call O’Brien Hybrids toll free at 1-800-925-2676                            Early Order and
              for a price quote or contact your Seed Representative:                         Payment Discounts
             Darwin Lawson                                Don Hanke
              Darlington, WI                               Chilton, WI                              See your
            Cell: 608-553-4053                         Cell: 920-366-7101                        O’Brien Hybrids                                    Representative.

                                                                              Insects Controlled                                                                                             Insects Controlled
                                                        Herbicide               Above/Below                                                                            Herbicide               Above/Below
                      Trait                             Tolerance                  Ground                                                  Trait                       Tolerance                  Ground

 GT                                                       Glyphosate                                            GTCBLL                                                   Glyphosate,         European corn borer,
                                                                                                                                                                         Glufosinate         southwestern corn borer, Fall
 Agrisure® GT                                                                                                   Agrisure® GT/CB/LL                                        (Liberty)          armyworm, suppression of corn
                                                                                                                                                                                             earworm, southern cornstalk
                                                                                                                                                                                             borer, sugarcane borer,
                                                                                                                                                                                             common stalk borer, lesser
                                                                                                                                                                                             cornstalk borer

                                                                                                                GT3                                                      Glyphosate,         European corn borer,
                                                                                                                Agrisure® 3000GT                                         Glufosinate         southwestern corn borer,
Hybrids beginning with the following numbers will help identify the traits                                                                                                (Liberty)          suppression of corn earworm,
they contain.                                                                                                                                                                                southern cornstalk borer,
                                                                                                                                                                                             sugarcane borer, common
1 = Conventional                                                                                                                                                                             stalk borer, lesser cornstalk
3 = Glyphosate Tolerant (GT)
4 = Agrisure® 3000GT, Glyphosate, LibertyLink, Corn Borer, Rootworm
5 = Glyphosate Tolerant (GT), LibertyLink, Corn Borer, Agrisure Viptera®                                                                                                                     Western corn rootworm,
                                                                                                                                                                                             Northern corn rootworm and
6 = Glyphosate, LibertyLink, Corn Borer                                                                                                                                                      Mexican corn rootworm
7 = Glyphosate Tolerant, Corn Borer, Corn Rootworm, Agrisure® E-Z Refuge®
                                                                                                                3110                                                     Glyphosate,         European corn borer,
                                                                                                                Agrisure® 3110                                           Glufosinate         southwestern corn borer,
                                                                                                                                                                          (Liberty)          southern cornstalk borer,
                                                                                                                                                                                             lesser cornstalk borer,
                                                                                                                                                                                             sugarcane borer, black
                                                                                                                                                                                             cutworm, beet armyworm,
                                                                                                                                                                                             common stalk borer,
                                                                                                                                                                                             western bean cutworm, corn
                                                                                                                                                                                             earworm, true armyworm, fall
                                                                                                                                                                                             armyworm,dingy cutworm

                                                                                                                3122                                                     Glyphosate,         European corn borer,
                                                                                                                Agrisure® 3122 E-Z Refuge®                               Glufosinate         Southwestern corn borer,
                                                                                                                                                                          (Liberty)          suppression of corn earworm,
                                                                                                                                                                                             southern cornstalk borer,
                                                                                                                                                                                             fall armyworm, sugarcane
                                                                                                                                                                                             borer, common stalk borer,
                                                                                                                  Insect Protection                                                          western bean cutworm, black
                                                                                                                                                                                             cutworm, lesser cornstalk


                                                                                                                                                                                             Western corn rootworm,
                                                                                                                                                                                             Northern corn rootworm and
                                                                                                                                                                                             Mexican corn rootworm

Herculex® I Insect Protection technology is a trademark of Dow AgroSciences. Herculex® and the HX logo are registered trademarks of Dow AgroSciences, LLC. Agrisure®, Agrisure Viptera®, CruiserMaxx®, Agrisure Artesian®, E-Z
Refuge® are trademarks of Syngenta Group Company. Agrisure® Technology incorporated into these seeds is commercialized under license from Syngenta Seeds, Inc. Herculex®, Cruiser®, and Maxim® Technology incorporated
into these seeds is commercialized under license from Dow AgroSciences LLC. Poncho 250®, LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are registered trademarks of Bayer. For additional product information call toll-free
1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our Web site at
Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some crop protection products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to
ensure registration status. CruiserMaxx Corn 250 is an on-seed application of Cruiser 5FS insecticide delivered at the 0.25 mg a.i./seed rate and Maxim Quattro fungicide.
Important: Always read and follow label and bag tag instructions; only those labeled as tolerant to glufosinate may be sprayed with glufosinate ammonium based herbicides.

O’B1080                        NEW                 O’B1085                          NEW               O’B1090                           NEW                 O’B1095
80 day RM                                          85 day RM                                          90 day RM                                             95 day RM
A very early hybrid with medium plant height       Medium tall and early. A dual purpose hybrid.      A taller hybrid with medium fast dry down.            Strong early vigor gets this hybrid going at a
and medium ear placement. Best for early           A good choice for corn after corn with excellent   Just right for early silage. Also has excellent       fast pace. Flowers early for its maturity for a
grain production with fast drydown and very        plant health and very good stay green.             grain quality for early harvest. Best use corn        longer grain fill period. A shorter hybrid that
good grain.                                                                                           following soybeans or sod.                            has great standability. Works well at a wide
                                                                                                                                                            range of populations. Great on medium-light
                                                                                                                                                            soils. Average leaf habitat. Great yields. Very
                                                                                                                                                            competitive hybrid.

Stalk Strength                                     Stalk Strength                                     Stalk Strength                                        Stalk Strength
Root Strength                                      Root Strength                                      Root Strength                                         Root Strength
Seedling Vigor                                     Seedling Vigor                                     Seedling Vigor                                        Seedling Vigor
Stress Tolerance                                   Stress Tolerance                                   Stress Tolerance                                      Stress Tolerance
Drydown                                            Drydown                                            Drydown                                               Drydown
        1         2        3         4         5           1         2         3         4        5           1          2         3         4          5           1         2         3         4           5

O’B1096                        NEW                 O’B980                                             O’B1099                                               O’B1101
95 day RM                                          98 day RM                                          99 day RM                                             101 day RM
New genetics combine to produce this               Medium-tall standard canopy plants with            Excellent emergence gets this healthy mid-            Unique genetics combine to produce this great
medium-tall hybrid with medium ear                 medium- placed ears. Top notch health and          season hybrid off to a fast start. Dark green         mid- season hybrid. Dual purpose aspect for
placement. Very good stay green along with         stay green. Very good stalks and roots with        healthy wide leaves soak up the sunshine. Very        grain or silage use. Excellent yield results can
excellent plant health and roots will pump out     dual purpose plant stature will give this          good roots and stalks. A dual purpose hybrid.         be expected. Strong health and agronomics.
satisfying yields.                                 positive yield response to higher population                                                             Upright leaf canopy with medium placed ears.
                                                   and good fertility. A trial topper in its
                                                   maturity range.

Stalk Strength                                     Stalk Strength                                     Stalk Strength                                        Stalk Strength
Root Strength                                      Root Strength                                      Root Strength                                         Root Strength
Seedling Vigor                                     Seedling Vigor                                     Seedling Vigor                                        Seedling Vigor
Stress Tolerance                                   Stress Tolerance                                   Stress Tolerance                                      Stress Tolerance
Drydown                                            Drydown                                            Drydown                                               Drydown
        1         2        3         4         5           1         2         3         4        5           1          2         3         4          5           1         2         3         4           5

O’B1125                                            O’B1104                         NEW                O’B1105                                               O’BX8964                         NEW
102 day RM                                         104 day RM                                         105 day RM                                            104 day RM
A hybrid of medium stature and medium ear          Excellent vigor gets this hybrid off to a fast     Good saturated cold tests indicate this to            A very attractive hybrid that was a trial topper
height. Healthy plants with an upright leaf        start and it just keeps going! Very good stay      be a good hybrid for cool soils and no-till           in our 2017 replicated yield trials. Very healthy
habitat that can handle stress. Girthy ears with   green along with excellent stalk, root and         planting. Expect wide leaf, standard canopy           with good roots and stalks. Dual purpose
good tip fill and complete husk cover. Plot        plant health contribute to a strong finish. High   with medium sized plants and low leaf disease         use. Give it a try, you won’t be disappointed.
topping yields in trials in Iowa in 2012.          average test weight along with great yield         ratings. Good kernel depth contributes to great       (Limited Supply)
                                                   make this hybrid a winner.                         yields.

Stalk Strength                                     Stalk Strength                                     Stalk Strength                                        Stalk Strength
Root Strength                                      Root Strength                                      Root Strength                                         Root Strength
Seedling Vigor                                     Seedling Vigor                                     Seedling Vigor                                        Seedling Vigor
Stress Tolerance                                   Stress Tolerance                                   Stress Tolerance                                      Stress Tolerance
Drydown                                            Drydown                                            Drydown                                               Drydown
        1         2        3         4         5           1         2         3         4        5           1          2         3         4          5           1         2         3         4           5

4                                                                         1 = Satisfactory, 3 = Good, 5 = Excellent
O’BX2555                        NEW                   O’B1106                         NEW                 O’B1165                                            O’B1108
106 day RM                                            106 day RM                                          106-107 day RM                                     108 day RM
Unique genetics combine to make this new              A very attractive tall hybrid with upright          A taller hybrid with wide dark green leaves.       A very impressive hybrid with strong
106 day hybrid dual purpose with good yields          leaf habitat. Medium-high ear placement             Flex ears of good quality grain positioned         agronomics and lots of eye appeal. A top
in our 2017 trials. A very healthy hybrid with        on healthy stalks. Very good overall disease        medium-high on very healthy stalks. Very           yielding hybrid in our plots in 2013-14. Could
lots of eye appeal. This hybrid is entered into       ratings and solid agronomics create good            good emergence for a fast start. Good plant        be used for grain or silage.
silage trials and various locations around the        yields. Certainly has dual purpose capabilities.    health for a strong finish. A dual purpose
mid-west this year. We expect good results.           Super silage qualities.                             hybrid. Trial winner in 2014.
(Limited Supply)

Stalk Strength                                        Stalk Strength                                      Stalk Strength                                     Stalk Strength
Root Strength                                         Root Strength                                       Root Strength                                      Root Strength
Seedling Vigor                                        Seedling Vigor                                      Seedling Vigor                                     Seedling Vigor
Stress Tolerance                                      Stress Tolerance                                    Stress Tolerance                                   Stress Tolerance
Drydown                                               Drydown                                             Drydown                                            Drydown
        1         2         3         4           5           1         2         3         4        5            1         2        3         4         5           1         2        3         4           5

O’B1109                                               O’B1111                                             O’S110
109 day RM                                            111 day RM                                          110 day RM
A late season hybrid that can pump out great          New genetics team up to produce this very           A tall healthy wide leaf plant with medium-
yields. Qualifies for dual purpose use. Top           healthy hybrid with dark green extreme              high ear placement. Very strong stalks and stay
notch yields can be expected across soil types.       upright leaf habitat to soak up lots of sunshine.   green. Excellent silage hybrid for tonnage and
Medium tall showy wide leaf plants with               Strong roots and stalks top off the great           nutrition. You can also depend on good grain
standard canopy having great health and stay          agronomics. Limited supply of this new hybrid.      yields from this late season hybrid.
green. Excellent plot results two years in a row.

Stalk Strength                                        Stalk Strength                                      Stalk Strength
Root Strength                                         Root Strength                                       Root Strength
Seedling Vigor                                        Seedling Vigor                                      Seedling Vigor
Stress Tolerance                                      Stress Tolerance                                    Stress Tolerance
Drydown                                               Drydown                                             Drydown
        1         2         3         4           5           1         2         3         4        5            1         2        3         4         5

                                                                             1 = Satisfactory, 3 = Good, 5 = Excellent                                                                                    5
O’B3080GT                                          O’B3089GT                                              O’B3094GT                        NEW
80 day RM                                          90 day RM                                              95 day RM
                                                                                                                                                             • Provides tolerance to in-crop applications of
                                                                                                                                                               glyphosate-based herbicides while offering
Very early, medium tall showy plants. Tall         Genetic diversity combines to create this              A taller hybrid with excellent silage utility.       growers a full range of assurances and the
enough for an early silage hybrid. Expect high     medium-tall showy hybrid. Excellent plant              Medium dry down with excellent plant health.         freedom to choose their preferred glyphosate
yields and fast drydown with husks that flare.     health and stay green. Noted stress tolerance          A work horse hybrid for less productive soils.       brand.
Very good field emergence for cool spring soils.   for use on tougher soils. You can expect good          Excellent grain quality with average test
                                                                                                          weight.                                            • Exhibits outstanding tolerance to in-crop
                                                   natural European Corn Borer protection.
                                                                                                                                                               applications of glyphosate-based herbicides—
                                                                                                                                                               the active ingredient in Roundup® and
Stalk Strength                                     Stalk Strength                                         Stalk Strength                                       Touchdown® herbicides.
Root Strength                                      Root Strength                                          Root Strength
Seedling Vigor                                     Seedling Vigor                                         Seedling Vigor
Stress Tolerance                                   Stress Tolerance                                       Stress Tolerance
Drydown                                            Drydown                                                Drydown
        1         2         3        4         5           1          2         3         4           5           1         2         3        4         5

O’B3095GT                                          O’B3098GT                                              O’B3101GT
95 day RM                                          98 day RM                                              101 day RM

Medium height showy plants with semi-erect         Medium-tall standard canopy plants with                Unique genetics combine to produce this great
wide leaves let this hybrid shine. Expect strong   medium- placed ears. Top notch health and              mid- season hybrid. Dual purpose aspect for
yield at medium-high to high populations.          stagger. Very good stalks and roots with dual          grain or silage use. Excellent yield results can
Strong agronomics and good health for great        purpose plant stature will give this positive          be expected. Strong health and agronomics.
yields.                                            yield response to higher population and good           Upright leaf canopy with medium placed ears.
                                                   fertility. A trial topper in its maturity range.

Stalk Strength                                     Stalk Strength                                         Stalk Strength
Root Strength                                      Root Strength                                          Root Strength
Seedling Vigor                                     Seedling Vigor                                         Seedling Vigor
Stress Tolerance                                   Stress Tolerance                                       Stress Tolerance
Drydown                                            Drydown                                                Drydown
        1         2         3        4         5           1          2         3         4           5           1         2         3        4         5

6                                                                          1 = Satisfactory, 3 = Good, 5 = Excellent
O’B3125GT                                             O’B3104GT
102 day RM                                            105 day RM White Cob
                                                                                                                         • Provides tolerance to in-crop applications of
                                                                                                                           glyphosate-based herbicides while offering
A hybrid of medium stature and medium ear             Healthy and attractive plants with wide leaves.                      growers a full range of assurances and the
height. Healthy plants with an upright leaf           Ears have white cobs and deep kernels. Dual                          freedom to choose their preferred glyphosate
habitat that can handle stress. Girthy ears with      purpose, grain or silage. Strong agronomics                          brand.
good tip fill and complete husk cover.                and very good stay green. Strong heat and
                                                      stress tolerance.                                                  • Exhibits outstanding tolerance to in-crop
                                                                                                                           applications of glyphosate-based herbicides—
                                                                                                                           the active ingredient in Roundup® and
Stalk Strength                                        Stalk Strength                                                       Touchdown® herbicides.
Root Strength                                         Root Strength
Seedling Vigor                                        Seedling Vigor
Stress Tolerance                                      Stress Tolerance
Drydown                                               Drydown
        1         2         3         4           5           1         2        3         4        5

O’B3106GT                                             O’B3108GT
105 day RM                                            108 day RM

Excellent seedling vigor get this hybrid off to       New genetics combine to produce this healthy
a fast start allowing for a quick canopy. Well        mid-season hybrid. Good agronomics on both
suited as a dual purpose hybrid. Good stalks          sides contribute to excellent roots, stalks and
and roots for dependability throughout the            low disease pressure. A great choice for either
whole season. Great grain quality with high           grain or silage. Good drydown for its maturity.
test weight.

Stalk Strength                                        Stalk Strength
Root Strength                                         Root Strength
Seedling Vigor                                        Seedling Vigor
Stress Tolerance                                      Stress Tolerance
Drydown                                               Drydown
        1         2         3         4           5           1         2        3         4        5

                                                                             1 = Satisfactory, 3 = Good, 5 = Excellent                                                     7
Monsanto Company is a member of
Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS).
                                                       O’B6090GTCBLL                                          O’B6092GTCBLL                                         O’B6125GTCBLL
                                                       90 day RM                                              93 day RM                                             102 day RM
Monsanto products are commercialized
in accordance with ETS Product
Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in
compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for                  Excellent yields can be expected from this early       An early very healthy hybrid having good leaf         A hybrid of medium stature and medium ear
Commercialization of Biotechnology-                    dual purpose hybrid . Medium tall wide leaf            disease ratings. Medium tall plant stature and        height. Healthy plants with an upright leaf
Derived Plant Products in Commodity                    plants with medium placed ears. Dual purpose           good grain quality. Excellent field emergence         habitat that can handle stress. Girthy ears with
Crops. Only commercialized products                    hybrid . Early flowering for fast grain fill and       scores allow for early planting or no till use.       good tip fill and complete husk cover. Plot
                                                       early finish.                                                                                                topping yields in trials in Iowa in 2012.
have been approved for import into
key export markets with functioning
regulatory systems. Any crop or material                Stalk Strength                                        Stalk Strength                                        Stalk Strength
produced from this product can only be                  Root Strength                                         Root Strength                                         Root Strength
exported to, or used, processed or sold in              Seedling Vigor                                        Seedling Vigor                                        Seedling Vigor
countries where all necessary regulatory                Stress Tolerance                                      Stress Tolerance                                      Stress Tolerance
approvals have been granted. It is a                    Drydown                                               Drydown                                               Drydown
violation of national and international                           1        2           3           4      5           1         2         3         4           5           1         2        3         4         5
law to move material containing
biotech traits across boundaries into
nations where import is not permitted.                 O’B6104GTCBLL                                          O’B6107GTCBLL
Growers should talk to their grain                     105 day RM White Cob                                   107 day RM
handler or product purchaser to confirm
their buying position for this product.
Excellence Through Stewardship® is a                   Healthy and attractive plants with wide leaves.        Excellent seedling vigor emergence get this
registered trademark of Biotechnology                  Ears have white cobs and deep kernels. Dual            hybrid off to a fast start allowing for a quick
Industry Organization.                                 purpose, grain or silage. Strong agronomics            canopy. Well suited as a dual purpose hybrid.
                                                       and very good stay green. Strong heat and              Good stalks and roots for dependability
                                                       stress tolerance.                                      throughout the whole season. Great grain
                                                                                                              quality with high test weight.

                                                        Stalk Strength                                        Stalk Strength
                                                        Root Strength                                         Root Strength
                                                        Seedling Vigor                                        Seedling Vigor
                                                        Stress Tolerance                                      Stress Tolerance
                                                        Drydown                                               Drydown
                                                                  1        2           3           4      5           1         2         3         4           5

    Refuge Planting Designs Northern Cornbelt
    On each farm, plant up                   Adjacent                          1/2 Mile Option
    to 80% Corn Borer and/
    or Corn Rootworm hybrids
    and a 20% or greater non-
    Corn Borer or Non-Corn
    Rootworm refuge                                                                        ≤ 1/2 mile

    – can treat with any non-
      BT insecticide, but only
                                  Can be separated by a road, path,
      as needed                  ditch, etc., but not by another field.   Corn Corer Refuge Option Only

               Block                    Strips (Split Planter)                      Perimeter

8                                                                                 1 = Satisfactory, 3 = Good, 5 = Excellent
O’B5108GTCBLLBL                                                                                AGRISURE VIPTERA®
108 day RM                                                              NEW

                                                     Stalk Strength
A very impressive hybrid with strong                 Root Strength
agronomics and lots of eye appeal. A traited         Seedling Vigor
version of our O’B1108. Contains the Agrisure        Stress Tolerance
Viptera® trait for improved above ground             Drydown
insect control. A dual purpose hybrid excellent
for silage use.                                              1         2         3        4         5

O’B4093GT3                                           O’B4101GT3
93 day RM                                            101 day RM

                                                                                                                        © 2016 Bayer CropScience LP, 2 TW Alexander
Medium tall standard                                 Unique genetics combine to produce this great
                                                                                                                        Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Always
canopy plants with ears that dry rapidly and         mid- season hybrid. Dual purpose aspect for                        read and follow label instructions. Bayer, the Bayer
have nice grain quality. First rate agronomics       grain or silage use. Excellent yield results can                   Cross, Balance, Corvus, Liberty, and LibertyLink
and super yield to moisture ratio.                   be expected. Strong health and agronomics.                         are registered trademarks of Bayer. Liberty is
                                                     Upright leaf canopy with medium placed ears.                       not registered for use in all states. Herculex is a
                                                                                                                        registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC.
Stalk Strength                                       Stalk Strength                                                     Genuity and SmartStax are registered trademarks of
                                                                                                                        Monsanto Technology LLC. Agrisure is a trademark
Root Strength                                        Root Strength
                                                                                                                        of a Syngenta Group Company. For additional
Seedling Vigor                                       Seedling Vigor                                                     product information, call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER
Stress Tolerance                                     Stress Tolerance                                                   (1-866-992-2937) or visit our website at www.
Drydown                                              Drydown                                                  

        1         2         3        4           5           1         2         3        4         5
                                                                                                                        LibertyLink® Corn
                                                                                                                        The LibertyLink® system enables powerful
                                                                                                                        Liberty®, the only working nonselective
O’B4106GT3                                           O’B4108GT3                       NEW                               herbicide that is effective on tough-to-control
106 day RM White Cob                                 108 day RM                                                         grasses and broadleaves, for over-the-top
                                                                                                                        use on over 50 million LibertyLink®-enabled
                                                                                                                        corn hybrid acres with Herculex®, Genuity®
                                                                                                                        SmartStax® and Agrisure® hybrids with corn
Super top-end yield potential. A medium-tall                                                                            borer protection.
                                                     New genetics combine to produce this healthy
hybrid with medium-high ear placement.               mid-season hybrid. Good agronomics on both                         The LibertyLink system is a simply better
Excellent stalk ratings with above average dry       sides contribute to excellent roots, stalks and                    solution built upon high-performing genetics
down and average test weight.                        low disease pressure. A great choice for either                    and excellent weed control that delivers real
                                                     grain or silage. Good drydown for its maturity.                    yield.

Stalk Strength                                       Stalk Strength
Root Strength                                        Root Strength
Seedling Vigor                                       Seedling Vigor
Stress Tolerance                                     Stress Tolerance
Drydown                                              Drydown
        1         2         3        4           5           1         2         3        4         5

                                                                            1 = Satisfactory, 3 = Good, 5 = Excellent                                                     9
O’B7101-3122                                                       O’B7113-3122                      NEW
101 day RM                                                         113 day RM

Great agronomics and good             Insect Protection
                                                                   A medium-tall slightly upright       Insect Protection

plant health team up for strong                                    healthy hybrid with plenty of traits
yields, topped off by excellent grain                     TM

                                                                   to tackle your problem areas. Dark                       TM

                                                                                                                                                                               Before opening a bag of seed, be sure to read and
quality with above average test weights. A                         green plants with deep kernels Top shelf                                                                    understand the stewardship requirements, including
robust early hybrid to use in a continuous corn                    roots and stalks allow for delayed harvest and                                                              applicable refuge requirements for insect resistance
situation.                                                         continuous corn use.                                                                                        management, for the biotechnology traits expressed in
                                                                                                                                                                               the seed as set forth in the Trait Providers Agreement that
                                                                                                                                                       you sign. By opening and using a bag of seed, you are reaffirming your obligation
Stalk Strength                                                     Stalk Strength                                                                      to comply with those stewardship requirements.
Root Strength                                                      Root Strength
Seedling Vigor                                                     Seedling Vigor
Stress Tolerance                                                   Stress Tolerance                                                                                                   Insect Protection

Drydown                                                            Drydown
        1         2        3         4                         5           1        2         3        4                         5


Bio-Forge Seed Treatment                                                                                                             CruiserMaxx® Corn 250 is an on-seed
can be used on any crop. An                                                                                                          application of Cruiser 5FS insecticide
economical and convenient                                                                                                            delivered at the 0.25 mg a.i./seed rate
way to apply this growth                                           CruiserMaxx® Corn 250 is                                          and Maxim Quattro fungicide. Cruiser®,
enhancing antioxident that                                         a seed applied insecticide                                        CruiserMaxx®, and Maxim® are trademarks
has shown excellent yield                                          offering broad-spectrum                                           of a Syngenta Group Company.
trial results.                                                     protection against early-
                                                                   season insects and disease.
                                                                   It is require on all O'Brien
                                                                   corn rootworm products
                                                                   but can be applied to any
                                                                   seeds upon request.

                                          Leroy Beyer                                                                                                                           D&D Beyers

10                                                                                        1 = Satisfactory, 3 = Good, 5 = Excellent
                                 Plant     Ear       Stalk      Root     Seedling     Stress     Dry       Ear       Cob     Plant   Plant
Variety                 RM        Ht.      Ht.     Strength   Strength    Vigor     Tolerance   Down      Rows      Color    Pop.    Health

                                                     CONVENTIONAL HYBRIDS
O’B 1080                 80       M         M         4          5          4           4         5       14-16      P       34-36     4
O’B 1085                 85      M-T       M-L        4          5          4           5         4       14-16      R       34-36     5
O’B 1090                 90        T        M         4          4          5           4         5       14-16      P       32-34     4
O’B 1095                 95       M         L         5          4          5           5         4       16-20      P       28-36     4
O’B 1096                 96      M-T        M         4          5          4           5         4       16-18      R       32-34     5
O’B 980                  98      M-T        M         4          5          5           5         4       16-18      R       30-34     5
O’B 1099                 99       M         M         4          5          5           5         4       16-18      R       30-34     5
O’B 1101                101      M-T        M         5          5          5           4         4       16-18      R       32-38     5
O’B 1125                102       M         M         5          5          5           5         4       16-18      R       28-34     5
O’B 1104                104      M-T        M         5          5          5           5         4       16-18      P       32-36     5
O’B 1105                105       M         M         4          5          5           5         5       18-20      P       32-36     5
O’BX 8964               105        T        M         5          5          5           5         4       16-18      P       32-36     5
O’BX 2555               106      M-T        M         4          5          5           5         4       16-18      P       32-36     5
O’B1106                 106      M-T        M         4          5          5           5         4       18-20      R       32-36     5
O’B 1165                107        T       M-H        5          5          5           4         4       16-18      R       32-36     5
O’B 1108                108      M-T        M         4          4          5           5         4       16-18      R       28-34     5
O’B1109                 109      M-T       M-H        5          5          5           5         3       16-18      R       32-38     5
O’B 1111                110       M         M         5          5          5           5         4       18-20      R       28-34     5
O’S 110                 110        T       M-H        4          3          4           5         3       16-18      P       32-38     5

                                                 HERBICIDE TOLERANT HYBRIDS
O’B 3080GT               80      M-T        M         4          4          5           4         5       14-16      P       34-36     4
O’B 3089GT               89      M-T        M         4          3          4           5         4       16-18      R       28-34     4
O’B 3094GT               94        T        M         4          4          5           5         4       16-18      P       32-36     5
OB 3095GT                95       M         M         4          4          5           4         4       16-18      R       30-38     4
O’B 3098GT               98      M-T        M         4          5          5           5         4       16-18      R       30-34     5
O’B 3101GT              101      M-T        M         5          5          5           4         4       16-18      R       32-38     5
O’B 3125GT              102       M         M         5          5          5           5         4       16-18      R       28-34     5
O’B 3104GT              104      M-T       M-H        5          5          4           4         5       16-18      W       28-32     5
O’B 3106GT              106      M-T        M         5          5          5           5         4       16-18      R       32-36     5
OB 3108GT               108        T       M-H        5          4          5           4         4       18-20      R       28-34     5

             KEY: 5 = Excellent, 1 = Satisfactory, L = Low, F = Flexible, V = Variable, T = Tall, M = Medium, S = Short, H = High
                                                         R = Red, P = Pink, W = White

                                     Plant         Ear            Stalk                         Root                                      Seedling                                          Stress     Dry     Ear     Cob    Plant   Plant
Variety                      RM       Ht.          Ht.          Strength                      Strength                                     Vigor                                          Tolerance   Down    Rows    Color   Pop.    Health
O’B 6090GTCBLL               90       M             M                 5                                  4                                                    5                              4          5     16-18    R      28-34     5
O’B 6092GTCBLL               92      M-T            M                 5                                  4                                                    5                              5          4     16-18    R      28-34     5
O’B 6125GTCBLL               102      M             M                 5                                  5                                                    5                              5          4     16-18    R      28-34     5
O’B 6104GTCBLL               104     M-T           M-H                5                                  4                                                    5                              5          4     18-20    W      30-34     5
O’B 6107GTCBLL               107     M-T            M                 5                                  4                                                    5                              5          4     18-20    P      28-34     5

O’B 5108GTCBLLBL             108     M-T            M                 5                                  4                                                    5                              5          4     16-18    R      30-34     5

O’B 4093GT3                  93      M-T            M                 5                                  5                                                    4                              4          5     16-18    P      30-34     5
O’B 4101GT3                  101     M-T            M                 5                                  5                                                    5                              4          4     16-18    R      32-38     5
O’B 4106GT3                  106     M-T           M-H                5                                  4                                                    4                              4          5     16-18    W      28-34     4
O’B 4108GT3                  108     M-T            M                 5                                  4                                                    5                              5          4     18-20    P      28-34     5

O’B 7101-3122                100      M             M                 5                                  5                                                    4                              4          3     16-18    R      28-34     4
O’B 7113-3122                113      T             M                 5                                  5                                                    4                              5          4     18-20    P      32-36     5

                                                                    3                           111
              KEY: 5 = Excellent, 1 = Satisfactory, L = Low, F = Flexible, V = Variable, T = Tall, M = Medium, S = Short, H = High
          Agrisure                Viptera                 R = Red, P = Pink, W = White
              Master Brand                 Suffix                      Te                              Br              Co                     Co
                                                                         c   hn                         oa                  rn                   rn
                                                                               olo                           d                   Bo                       Ro
                                                                                                                 Le                    re                         ot
                                                                                    gy                                pid                 r                         wo
                                                                                         Se                              op                   Tr                        rm
                                                                                            rie                                  te              a       it
                                                                                                  s                                ra                                        Tr
                                                                                                                                        n                                       a    it
                                                                                                                                                a   it

          Agrisure                                                  3 Te
                                                                                                122   Br              Co                  Co
                                                                                                                                                                            E-Z Refuge
              Master Brand                 Suffix                         chn                            oa                  rn                   rn                           Integrated, Single-bag Refuge
                                                                              olo                         d                      Bo                      Ro
                                                                                                                 Le                   re                      ot
                                                                                  gy                               pid                   r                         wo
                                                                                       Se                               op                   Tr                        rm
                                                                                          rie                                te                 a   it
                                                                                              s                                  ra                                         Tr
                                                                                                                                      n                                        ait
                                                                                                                                             a it

                                                    ©2013 Syngenta. Agrisure ®, Agrisure Artesian®, Agrisure Duracade™, Agrisure Viptera®, E-Z Refuge™, the Alliance Frame, the Purpose Icon and the Syngenta
                                                    logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. HERCULEX® and the HERCULEX Shields are trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC. HERCULEX Insect
                                                    Protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and Pioneer Hi-Bred. LibertyLink ®, Liberty® and the Water Droplet logo are registered trademarks of Bayer.


                                                             AGRISURE® TRAITS
                                         Glyphosate and
                 Glyphosate and       LibertyLink Tolerant      Glyphosate         Glyphosate and      Glyphosate Tolerant
Conventional   LibertyLink Tolerant        Corn Borer            Tolerant        LibertyLink Tolerant Corn Borer Rootworm
    Corn            Corn Borer          Agrisure Viptera®           GT          Corn Borer Rootworm        E-Z Refuge®
   O’B980                                                       O’B3098GT
  O’B1101                                                       O’B3101GT           O’B4101GT3
  O’B1125        O’B6125GTCBLL                                  O’B3125GT
                 O’B6104GTCBLL                                  O’B3104GT           O’B4106GT3
  O’B1108                                O’B5108-3110
                 O’B6107GTCBLL                                  O’B3108GT           O’B4108GT3

                                                                                                                TOLERANT SOYBEANS
                                                                                                                O’SOY1900GT                                             O’SOY196NR2Y
                                                                                                                O’SOY1900GT is Glyphosate tolerant. Plant is            O’SOY196NR2Y is a medium height plant with
                                                                                                                medium height with good standabilty and                 a semi-bush type plant. They are a light tawny
                                                                                                                semi-bushy planting in rows or drilled. A good          plant with excellent standability and a solid
                                                                                                                disease rating on SDS & BSR and a rating of 1.7         disease package. A great SDS score and white
                                                                                                                                                                        mold rating. Emergence is excellent. Lodging
                                                                                                                on white mold & 1.6 shattering.
                                                                                                                                                                        and shatter ratings are very low for easy
                                                                                                                                                                        harvest. SCN resistant.
                                                                                                                O’SOY2500GT                                             O’SOY 245NR2Y is a 2.4 to 2.5 maturity. SCN
                                                                                                                O’S 2500GT is Glyphosate tolerant. It is a              rating of 1.6. A fantastic yielder in its maturity.
                                                                                                                                                                        Above average height with lots of intermediate

                                                                                                                medium tall semi-bush type plant that
                                                                                                                handles stress very well. O’SOY2500GT is SCN            branches for more pods. Emergence, shatter
                                                                                                                resistant and nematode resistance. Excellent            and lodging are all 1.0. It carries the Rps1c
                                                                                                                emergence for good plant population. Very               gene with outstanding field tolerance. This
                                                                                                                good white mold and SDS scores. Top yields              bean has a fantastic yield output in the 2.4
                                                               Seeds containing the Genuity® Roundup            can be expected.                                        maturity range and works well in rows or
                                                               Ready 2 Yield® trait are protected under                                                                 drilled.
                                                               numerous U.S. patents. Seed containing
                                                               patented traits, such as seed containing         O’SOY173R2Y
                                                               Roundup Ready 2 Yield® traits, can only          O’SOY173R2Y is a 1.7 RM medium plant height
                                                               be used to plant a single commercial             with semi bush type plant. Outstanding yield
                                                               crop. It is unlawful to save and replant
                                                               Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield®                  for a mid-maturity plant. O’SOY173R2Y is
                                                               soybeans. Additional information and             suited for areas with lighter soils and also
                                                               limitations on these products are provided       areas with higher IDC scores. Early emergence
                                                               in the Monsanto Technology Stewardship           and easy to combine with a low shatter rating.
                                                               Agreement and the Monsanto Technology
                                                               Use Guide. The licensed U.S. patents for
                                                               Monsanto technologies can be found at
                                                               the following webpage: http://www.
                                                                                                                                                                        ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL
                                                               Monsanto Company is a member of                                                                          DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® technology contains
                                                               Excellence Through Stewardship®                                                                          genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, an
                                                               (ETS). Monsanto products are                                                                             active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural
                                                               commercialized in accordance with ETS                                                                    herbicides. Agricultural herbicides containing
                                                               Product Launch Stewardship Guidance,                                                                     glyphosate will kill crops that are not tolerant to
                                                               and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy                                                                 glyphosate.
for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. Certain products have
                                                                                                                                                                        NOTE: All soybean product trademark statements
been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material
                                                                                                                                                                        are included here. Only include trademark attri-
produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all           Roundup Ready 2 Yield® is a trademark of Monsanto Co.   butions for products mentioned in your material.
necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move
material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers                                                                Acceleron®, NemaStrikeTM, Roundup Ready
should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position                                                                                2 Xtend®, Genuity®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®,
for this product. Growers should refer to for any updated                                                                                Roundup Ready PLUS®, Roundup®, Roundup Ready®,
information on import country approvals. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark                                                                      SR and Design®, VaporGrip®, and XtendiMax® are
of Biotechnology Industry Organization.                                                                                                                                 trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC.

Early Order and Payment Discounts Available
                                                                                   See your O’Brien Hybrids Representative.

                                                                            CHARACTERISTICS RATINGS
                                                                    Traits                                                                                            Disease Ratings                                                                                      Color
                                                                                                           Field         PRR    PRR
                         Plant Plant Seeds/ Shatter                                                        Emer- Stand- Genetic Field                                                  BSR            IDC White                                                                    Pubes-
  Variety       Maturity Type Ht. Pound Resist.                                                            gence ability  Tol.   Tol.                                                  Tol.           Tol. Mold                        Hilum                Flower                 cence                      Pod

                                                                                 O’SOY HERBICIDE TOLERANT SOYBEANS
1900GT              1.9             MB             M              2900                   1.0                  1.0                1.0                  1K                1.5             1.8            2.0            2.0                  BL               Purple                   Gray                     Tan
2500GT              2.4              SB           MT              2800                   1.0                  1.0                1.5                  Rc                1.0             1.3            1.8            1.5               Black                White               LT Tawny                     Tan
173R2Y              1.7              SB            M             2600-                   1.0                  1.0                1.5                  Rc                1.7             1.8            1.6            2.0                Buff               Purple                   Gray                     Tan
196NR2Y             2.0              SB            M             2600-                   1.1                  1.0                1.5                  Rc                1.6             1.8            1.8            1.7             Brown                 Purple              Light Tan                     Tan
245NR2Y             2.4               B            M              2800                   1.0                  1.0                2.0                  Rc                1.7             1.8            2.1            1.9             Brown                 Purple                    Tan              Tan/Brown

                                                       Key:                 Rating                                        Plant Type                                                 Plant Height
                                                         1 = High                                                         B = Bushy                                                  M = Medium
                                                         5 = Low                                                          SB = Semi-Bushy                                            T = Tall
                                                       		                                                                 I = Intermediate

                      Think Before You Bin-Run
                      Verification Required                                                                                                        Yield Loss
                      Most soybeans are still covered by a variety patent, and                                                                     Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybean
                      you will not be able to save and plant the seed from                                                                         seed outyielded bin-run Roundup Ready®
                      those varieties without a license giving you that added                                                                      soybeans by 6.1 bu/A.1
                      right. Check with your seed supplier before saving.                                                                          Cleanout Loss
                                                                                                                                                   Loss of seed or shrink occurs during seed cleaning
                      Higher Seeding Rate                                                                                                          and handling processes for bin-run seed.
                      Higher seeding rates may be required for bin-run
                      compared to new branded seed.                                                                                                Lost Income

                                                                                                                                                   Income lost by not selling a bushel of soybeans that is
                                                                                                                                                   saved for planting the next year.

                      The higher yielding trait technology of Roundup Ready 2 Yield soybeans showed
                      a 6.1 bushel per acre advantage over original Roundup Ready soybeans.

                     High Value of New Branded Seed
                     Latest Technology                                                                                     Customer Service                                                                      Reliable Germination and Quality
                     • Highest yielding soybean technology available                                                       • Dealer agronomic support                                                            • Rigorously tested for quality and meets
                     • Six soybean trait products anticipated                                                                before and after the sale                                                             US Federal Seed Act requirements
                       to come from Monsanto in the next 2-7 years*                                                        • Replant policy support                                                              • Free of seed-borne diseases
                     • Leading seed treatment options                                                                      • Convenient packaging and delivery                                                   • Properly stored and conditioned
                      *Pending regulatory approvals.
                      1First year results of 2-year protocol study with independent cooperators across 8 locations examining the yield differences of saved Roundup Ready soybeans versus newly purchased Roundup Ready 2 Yield soybeans.

                                                       For more information about seed technology, visit ASTA’s Beyond the Seed Program at ASTA, as a trade industry association, does not endorse products, services or technology of individual companies.
                                                       Monsanto receives hundreds of calls and letters nationwide each year about potential seed compliance matters. Anyone with concerns or questions can anonymously call 1-800-768-6387, Option 2.
                                                       Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for
                                                       Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be
                                                       exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where
                                                       import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Biotechnology Industry Organization.                            Individual results may vary, and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. This result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate
                                                       data from multiple locations and years whenever possible.
                                                       ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in
                                                       Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity®, Monsanto and Vine Design®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready®, and Roundup® are
                                                       registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2015 Monsanto Company. 32219 3J8L149893

SHANNON III                                                           KERRY
                  High Traffic Alfalfa                                                  Economical Alfalfa
                  Fall dormancy 4.3                                                     Fall dormancy 3
                  Winter survival rating 1.9                                            Winter survival rating 3.0
                  Shannon III will handle all soil types and gives you an               Designed for the farmer whose operation does not need
                  outstanding disease resistant package. It can handle                  a top end alfalfa. Ideal choice for the operator who wants
                  heavy wheel traffic and will also work in wetter soils.               an economical alfalfa with a good disease package. An
                  Shannon III is an outstanding choice for the producer                 alfalfa with above average performance and good winter
                  who demands the complete package.                                     hardiness. A great alfalfa for a short-term rotation.

                  EMERALD*                                                              RR Alfalfa
                  Lower Cost                                                            Great Forage Yield Potential Alfalfa
                  Premium Blend Alfalfa                                                 Fall dormancy 4
                  Fall dormancy 2                                                       Winter survival rating 1.0
                  Winter survival rating 2.5                                            428RR is one of the latest generation Genuity® Roundup
                  Superior disease resistance to upper Midwest                          Ready® alfalfa varieties that lets you produce cleaner,
                  diseases. Excellent winter hardiness for our area.                    higher quality alfalfa for greater profit potential. The
                  Excellent yield and high quality. Rapid regrowth                      simplicity and improved crop safety of using one herbicide
                  after cutting. 23-25 D.R.I.                                           with the widest window of application available. This
                                                                                        alfalfa features a disease index rating of 30/30, high
     Ed McGrath   *Both coated and uncoated seed.
                                                                                        multifoliate leaf expression for improved forage quality,
                                                                                        a winter survival rating of 1.0 and germinating seed salt

ALFALFA                                                                                 tolerance.

                                               DISEASE RESISTANCE RATINGS
                                                                         RR           Shannon III          Emerald             Kerry
                     Bacterial Wilt                                      HR               HR                 HR                  R
                     Verticillium Wilt                                   HR               HR                 HR                  R
                     Fusarium Wilt                                       HR               HR                  R                 MR
                     Anthracnose                                         HR               HR                 HR                 MR
                     PRR                                                 HR               HR                  R                  R
                     Aphanomyces Race 1                                  HR               HR                  R                  S
                     Spotted Alfalfa Aphid                               —                —                   R                  S
                     Pea Aphid                                           HR               —                   R                 LR
                     Blue Alfalfa Aphid                                  —                —                  —                   S
                     Stem Nematode                                       MR               —                   R                 LR
                     Northern Root Knot Nemotode                         —                —                  —                  —
                     Traffic                                             —                 T                 —                  —
                     Aphanomyces Race 2                                  —                HR                 —                   S
                     Leafhopper Yellowing                                —                 R                 —                   S
                     Disease Rating Index                               30/30            35/35              28/30              23/30

                  R - Resistance; RY - Resistant to Yellowing; S - Susceptible; EXC - Excellent; H - Hardy; VH - Very Hardy;
                  HR - High Resistance; MR - Moderate Resistance; LR - Low Resistance

                                                                                 AND BLENDED WATER WAY MIXES
                                                                                  We will custom blend any pasture or grazing mix you want for
                                                                                  your cattle or horses. We mix it to your animal’s needs or the
                                                                                  soil type for the best pasture and animal health.

                                                                                  Pastures Mixes may be custom blended with Emerald Alfalfa,
                                                                                  Brome Grass, Orchardgrass, Timothy, Primose Timothy, Red
                                                                                  Clover, Kemial Rye Grass, Alsike Clover, Dutch White Clover,
                                                                                  Blue Grass, Rye Grass Brome, Reed Canary Grass and Satin

     Bur-Wall Buckeye Gigi EX 94 3E • 8 -02 74650 2.8 2126 3.0 2251
       1st in world for milk • 1st national for age group for protein

 SWEET FORAGE                                                 SWEET ALFALFA
 ENHANCER MIX                                                   PLUS MIX
• Great general use mixture for                             • Performs best on well drained
  pastures, feed lots, farmyards                              soils with adequate pH and
  and waterways                                               fertility for alfalfa
• Produces high-quality,                                    • Components are present in
  balanced hay                                                the proper ratios to provide
• Premium quality ingredients                                 optimum pasture                                   BENEFITS OF HIGH SUGAR
  selected for regional                                     • Produces high-quality,                            RYEGRASSES
  adaptation and performance                                  balanced hay                                      • Double the sugar content
• Strong persistence and                                    • Excellent palatability                              compared to conventional
  regrowth                                                  • Strong persistence and                              ryegrasses
          SEEDING RATE                                      • Maximum production per acre                       • Non GMO/Qualifies for
          35 lbs per acre                                                                                         Organic Certification
                                                                         SEEDING RATE                           • Reduced Nitrogen Emission
                                                                        25-30 lbs per acre                      • Higher Dry Matter Intake per
                                                                                                                  Head per Day
                                                             ORCHARDGRASS     FESTULOLIUM
                TIMOTHY                                           4%              4%                            • Increased Livestock
                   5%                                     FORAGE                            TIMOTHY               Production
                                                         SWEETENER                             2%

                                                                TALL FESCUE
  FESTULOLIUM                 TALL FESCUE                          13%
      15%                        50%                                                 ALFALFA

OATS                                                                                           FORAGE MIXES
BADGER                                                                                         FORAGEPLUS OATS MIXED WITH 4010 PEAS
Badger is an early season oat developed at the University of Wisconsin. It has the
same heading date as Dane and is two days earlier than Kame. Badger has had high               TRITICALE PEAS
consistently high grain yields and excellent test weight. Lodging percentage is about          2700 FORAGE MIX
equal to Vista. Badger is one inch shorter than Kame. It has good barley yellow dwarf
virus tolerance and very good crown rust resistance.                                           2700 Forage Mix is a premium mix of Trical® 2700 pvp Spring Triticale and new forage
                                                                                               pea “Arvica.” With its outstanding forage quality, and excellent palatability, you may find
FORAGEPLUS                                                                                     it can produce milk in your lactating herd like you thought only alfalfa could!
ForagePlus is a tall, very late maturity oat that heads 5 to 7 days later than Ensiler and
Belle. ForagePlus has exceptionally high forage yields. ForagePlus can be harvested            4010 FIELD PEAS
over a longer time period because of very good yields, even with an early harvest.             High yield and medium maturity. Medium vine length and small cream-colored seed.
ForagePlus has good grain yields, yellow kernels and good resistance to crown rust.            Ideal to mix with oats or barley.

ANTIGO OATS                      NEW
Antigo Oats is a high yielding variety having excellent test weight. It has a heading
date one day later than Badger Oats. An average plant height of 35 to 38 inches.
                                                                                               WINTER WHEAT
Moderately resistant to crown rust and showed low crown rust infection levels in most
trials. It has good grain quality properties such as high dehulling efficiency with high       PRO-260
groat protein and oil percent.                                                                 Pro 240 is a beardless, white chaffed, soft red winter wheat. Its maturity is similar to
                                                                                               Kaskaskia. Pro 260 is resistant to stripe rust, leaf rust and is moderately resistant to
                                                                                               powdery mildew and septoria leaf blotch. It is moderately susceptible to Fusarium.


EC MADISON PARKS                                               EC QUICK-2-GRO                                                           Call us for all your
Ideal for home lawns, public parks or school grounds.
Excellent for new lawns or upgrading existing turf.
                                                               Mixture performs well in full sun to light shade.
                                                               Germinates quickly and grows rapidly. Excellent choice
                                                                                                                                         turf grass needs!
Establishes quick and permanently.                             when fast results are required. Ideal for areas needing
                                                               quick establishment.

SUPERSILE                                                    SuperSile Forage                                                                   SWEET ‘N’ BALE
                                                             Supersile Forage is a water soluble forage inoculant.
SuperSile Silage                                             This premium blend of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and                               Liquid Hay Preservative
Supersile Silage is a water soluble corn silage              enzymes ensures a quick and efficient fermentation of                              A buffered liquid blend of organic acids for use in the
inoculant. This premium blend of lactic acid bacteria        your different forages.                                                            preservation of high moisture (up to 25%) baled hay.
(LAB) and enzymes ensures a quick and efficient              When you use Supersile inoculant you can expect
fermentation of your corn silage.                            • Reduce the growth of yeasts and mold                                             • Reduces heating and spoilage by controlling mold
When you use Supersile inoculant you can expect              • Reduced dry matter loss                                                            and yeast growth
• Reduce the growth of yeasts and mold                       • More nutrients persevered in your feed                                           • Helps improve digestibility by reducing ADF
• Reduced dry matter loss                                    • Better gains during feed-out                                                     • Helps reduce NDF which relates to increased
• More nutrients persevered in your feed                                                                                                          dry matter consumption
                                                             This formula works great with all pressure controlled
• Better gains during feed-out                               liquid applicators.
                                                                                                                                                Guaranteed Analysis:
This formula works great with all pressure controlled        Package Size: 35 gram pouch treats 50 tons of CS
liquid applicators.                                                                                                                             Propionic acid: 68% min.
                                                             150 gram pouch treats 200 tons of CS
                                                                                                                                                pH: 5.8 - 6.0
Package Size: 25 gram pouch treats 50 tons of CS             Active Ingredients: Lactobacillus plantarum,                                       Density: 8.89 lb/gal
100 gram pouch treats 200 tons of CS                         Enterococcus faecium, Pediococcus acidilactici,
Active Ingredients: Lactobacillus plantarum,                 Lactobacillus casei, Bacillus pumilus, Aspergillus niger,                          Ingredients:
Enterococcus faecium, Pediococcus acidilactici,              Trichoderma longibrachiatrum, Bacillus subtlis
                                                                                                                                                Propionic Acid, Ammonium Hydroxide, Acetic Acid,
Lactobacillus casei, Bacillus pumilus, Aspergillus niger,    CFU/gram Guarantee: 2 x 1011 CFU/gram                                              Propylene Glycol, and Food Color.
Trichoderma longibrachiatrum, Bacillus subtlis               Delivers minimum 150,000 CFU/gram of crop
CFU/gram Guarantee: 2 x 1011 CFU/gram                        Directions: Same as SuperSile Silage.                                              For use on all types of baled hay, corn silage, feed
Delivers minimum 100,000 CFU/gram of crop                                                                                                       blends and TMR blended feed.
Directions: Dissolve in water. Do not use chlorinated
or hot water. For best results use in a sprayer that has a                                                                                      Directions:
recirculating pump. Use only flood jets. Use NO SCREENS.                                                                                        Before applying accurately determine the moisture
Use any leftover mixture within 18 hours after mixing.                                                                                          content using a reliable moisture tester. Follow
Run clear water through applicator after use. For longest                                                                                       applicator instructions to calculate baling rate. Apply
shelf life, store package in a cool dry area.                                                                                                   uniformly and completely using a three nozzle spray
                                                                                                                                                bar. Always stack hay in a well ventilated area with
SuperSile Silage LB+                                                                                                                            cut side up and with space between rows.
Supersile Silage LB+ is a water soluble corn silage
                                                             SWEET ENSILE                                                                       For large square bales use the higher
inoculant with Lactobacillus buchneri added.                                                                                                    recommended rate and only bale at up
                                                             Dry Inoculant                                                                      to 25% moisture.
This premium blend of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and
enzymes ensures a quick and efficient fermentation of        A stabilized and concentrated silage inoculant
your corn silage.                                            containing homolactic strains of Lactobacillus                                     APPLICATION RATES:
                                                             plantarum, Pediococcus acidilacti, Pediococcus
When you use Supersile with buchneri you can expect          pentosaceus and Lactobacillus xylosus aids                                                    Moisture             Rate (lb/ton*)
• Decreased bunk heating                                     in the fermentation of all types of silage.                                                  12-18%                 4-5 lbs./ton
• Reduce the growth of yeasts and mold                                                                                                                    19-21%                 5-6 lbs./ton
• Reduced dry matter loss                                    Guaranteed MicroBial Analysis:
                                                             Lactic Acid                                                                                  22-23%                 7-9 lbs./ton
• More nutrients persevered in your feed                                                                                                                  24-25%                10-12 lbs./ton
• Better gains during feed-out                               Bacteria, *min.:  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  122 Billion CFU**/lb.
                                                             *Lactobacillus plantarum, Pediococcus acidilacti, Pediococcus                                26-28%*                 15 lbs./ton
This formula works great with all pressure controlled         pentosaceus, Lactobacillus xylosus                                                          29-30%*                 20 lbs./ton
liquid applicators.                                          **CFU (colony-forming units)
                                                             Directions:                                                                        *For first and fourth cutting or rained-on hay increase
Package Size: 25 gram pouch treats 50 tons of CS
100 gram pouch treats 200 tons of CS                         Haylage/Silage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1 lb./ton        above rates by 3-5 lbs. per ton.
                                                             Ground High – Moisture Grain/Ear Corn.......... 2 lb./ton
Active Ingredients: Lactobacillus buchneri,
                                                             Baled Hay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2 lb./ton
Lactobacillus plantarum, Enterococcus faecium,                                                                                                             SIZE                   DRUM WEIGHT
                                                             Applied by meter or over top of load.
Pediococcus acidilactici, Lactobacillus casei,
Bacillus pumilus, Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma             One 50 lb. bag will inoculate 50 tons of silage or hay-                                   55 gal. drum                    480 lbs.
longibrachiatrum, Bacillus subtlis                           lage, or 25 tons of baled hay or high moisture grain.
CFU/gram Guarantee: 2 x 1011 CFU/gram                        Inoculation Rate:                                                                               E.P.A. Reg. No. 73550
Delivers minimum 100,000 CFU/gram of crop                    61 Million CFU/pound of silage                                                              E.P.A. Est. No. 81298-WI-001
Directions: Same as SuperSile Silage.

          O’BRIEN FARMS, INC.
            552 Glenway Road
            Brooklyn, WI 53521
              (608) 835-3564

              (608) 455-6615

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