Senior Living the way it should be - Call today to schedule a tour - Dominion Post

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Senior Living the way it should be - Call today to schedule a tour - Dominion Post
Senior Living the
                    way it should be.

Call 304.241.8112 today to schedule a tour •
Senior Living the way it should be - Call today to schedule a tour - Dominion Post

                                                             3 - Senior centers and facilities
                                                             4 - How your marital status affects your estate
                                                             6 - Foster Huffman: ‘I just want to enjoy life.’
                                                             8 - Senior center activities
                                                             9 - Senior Monongalians: Events and activities
                                                             9 - Crossword
                                                             10 - The many and varied aspects of time
                                                             10 - Assisted living and residential care communities
                                                             11 - Effective exercises for seniors
                                                             11 - Senior emergency assistance

                                                             On the cover: Foster Huffman participating at a local parade. Submitted photo.
Senior Living the way it should be - Call today to schedule a tour - Dominion Post

Senior Living

Harmony Senior Services is proud to share that because of our high vaccine participation rates we are officially
COVID-19 free. Indoor visitation is once again available for all residents, full dining services have been reopened and
everyone can now engage socially with a full slate of programming. All of the joys of a post-COVID life are finally here.
Senior living the way it should be.

                                            INDEPENDENT LIVING | ASSISTED LIVING | MEMORY CARE

                              304.241.8112 • • 50 Harmony Drive | Morgantown | WV | 26505
Senior Living the way it should be - Call today to schedule a tour - Dominion Post
4    THE DOMINION POST            SENIOR POST        SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2021

                  BY DOREEN SEAMON                   weddings, but as we know while the wedding         personal family dynamics. Accordingly, for       itance controlled by a trust. Sometimes heirs
                  for The Dominion Post              is a momentous occasion, the wedding is just       achievement of their goals, many people          are not healthy, are spendthrifts or may not
                                                     a celebration of the main event – the actual       formally document their intentions in their      have reached adulthood when they inherit. All
                      Traditionally, June has        marriage. In estate planning, getting married      estate planning documents. Generally, if         of these situations cause complications. If the
                   been the most popular             changes things quite a bit in the eyes of the      there are children outside the marriage, the     children are minors, they are entitled to their
                   month to marry and there are      law so we should update our estate planning        law will just reduce the amount that goes to     entire share once they reach 18. My clients
                   many reasons why. The             documents to reflect that change in status.        the surviving spouse to make sure the dece-      generally prefer the children to not have full
                   Roman goddess of mar-                                                                dent’s children are provided for.                access at such a young age.
                   riage, Juno, is said to be a         Most states, including West Virginia, have
protector of women, in particular in marriage        laws that help cover the gaps for those who do        In some cases, a decedent may have               Ideally, every adult should have a valid will
and childbearing, so for those who marry in          not update their estate planning documents         purposefully or inadvertently disinherited his   that clearly lays out their decisions as to who
June it was said they would be blessed with          when they marry. The general presumption is        spouse. If there was a prenuptial agreement      their heirs are and when they will inherit their
prosperity and happiness. That sounds pretty         that we would want to include our spouse as        that stipulated this outcome, then that is       share of the estate. Most of us have worked
inspiring as opposed to another reason that          an heir of our estate. But, the law also           usually honored. But otherwise, the law pro-
                                                                                                                                                         very hard for whatever we have so it seems
came about during medieval times. At that            considers how we would wish to provide for         tects that survivor by providing a process for
                                                                                                                                                         foolish to leave inheritances disbursed per
time, people only bathed about once a year           our children. If all the children are joint bio-   them to “elect against” the deceased spouse’s
                                                                                                                                                         default state laws or based on a will that was
and that was usually in the spring, so it was        logical or adopted children of the spouses,        estate. The amount they are entitled to varies
                                                                                                                                                         not professionally drafted.
common to marry while the bride still smelled        West Virginia law presumes, the surviving          based on how long they have been married
relatively fresh, but just to be safe, she carried   spouse will take care of the children and will     but the maximum is one-half of the estate.
a bouquet of fresh flowers to mask any               be the sole beneficiary of the estate.                                                                  Doreen L. Seamon, J.D. is an attorney with
unpleasant odors.                                                                                         While a person may be fine with those          Seamon Law Offices PLLC. Her experience
                                                       It gets a little more complicated if either      potential outcomes, it does not take into        includes elder care and estate planning. She writes
                                                     spouse has children outside the marriage.          consideration whether the spouse or child        a regular column for Senior Post. Contact her at
    Today, June is still a popular month for         Even a well-written law cannot anticipate          should inherit outright or have their inher-
Senior Living the way it should be - Call today to schedule a tour - Dominion Post
Senior Living the way it should be - Call today to schedule a tour - Dominion Post
                                                             BY JENIFFER GRAHAM                                  any battles,” he said. “We watched for sub-
                                                             The Dominion Post                                   marines. They are the biggest threat to car-
                                                                                                                 riers so we couldn’t go out without three
                                                                 KINGWOOD – World War II veteran Fos-            escorts, (ships that traveled with the aircraft
                                                             ter Huffman celebrated his 96th birthday May        carrier).”
                                                             8. Huffman, who has been a member of the
                                                             Preston County Honor Guard since 1985,                Huffman said he was impressed when the
                                                             served on an aircraft carrier during WW II          aircraft carrier he was aboard went through
                                                             from1943-46.                                        the Panama Canal.

                                                             An aircraft carrier is a Naval vessel that serves   “We went through it twice,” he said. “Going
                                                             as a seagoing airbase. It is equipped with a        through that was something to see. There was
                                                             full-length flight deck and facilities for car-     only a few inches of space on both sides of the
                                                             rying, arming, deploying and recovering air-        ship.”
                                                                                                                   Huffman said there is one place he visited
                                                               Huffman said after completing boot camp           that he will never forget.
                                                             he traveled the Atlantic until the Normandy
                                                             Invasion; then the carrier he served on was           “Pearl Harbor – I will always remember the
                                                             sent to Africa.                                     Arizona,” he said. “It’s there as a museum;
                                                                                                                 1,000 sailors are buried there. It was never
                                                             He said during his time on the carrier he spent     raised.”
                                                             a year or so on deck force and maintenance
                                                             then he switched over to gunners mate.                Huffman has served as a member of the
                                                                                                                 Preston County Honor Guard for 36 years. He
                                                             “I took care of the bomb magazine – the area        said he is proud of the crew he serves with.
                                                             we stored the bombs,” Huffman said.
                                                                                                                 “They are the best we’ve ever had,” he said
                                                             He said after Africa the aircraft carrier went      during a recent breakfast at Little Sandy’s
                                                             back to dry dock to be overhauled. Huffman          Restaurant in Bruceton Mills. “They are the
                                                             said from there they went to the Pacific and        best.”
                                                             was all over the place.
                                                                                                                   When asked about future plans, he smiled
                                                             “Our planes went out but we weren’t close to        and said: “Enjoy life. I just want to enjoy life.”
Senior Living the way it should be - Call today to schedule a tour - Dominion Post

Foster Huffman. Submitted photo.
Senior Living the way it should be - Call today to schedule a tour - Dominion Post
Senior Living the way it should be - Call today to schedule a tour - Dominion Post

                              Crossword solution on page 11.
Senior Living the way it should be - Call today to schedule a tour - Dominion Post
10     THE DOMINION POST           SENIOR POST        SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2021

                 BY IRENE MARINELLI                 Jumping to 1250 BCE, we find the ancient            of time “flying by” and time seemingly “stand-        It seems a shame to waste this gift we call
                 for The Dominion Post              Egyptians had begun to measure time using           ing still,” depending on the situation we hap-     time, yet how we humans do waste it with our
                                                    sundials carved in stone.                           pen to be in. I remember a night long ago,         greed, our jealousy, our constant conflicts!
                   “What then is time? If no one                                                        when one of the children was hospitalized. I       Now, as we age, time truly seems priceless. It
                 asks me, I know what it is. If I     A concept of time even more difficult to          remember sitting by the hospital bed through       becomes even more precious as we admit to
                 wish to explain it to him who      unravel and understand is eternity. In our          that long, dark night. Time somehow seemed         ourselves that one day it will be gone. Now we
                 asks, I do not know”               modern thinking eternity goes on and on and         lost in that dark room, as the hours crawled
                                                                                                                                                           begin to consider our priorities in the light of
                                                    on, beyond our capability to understand how         slowly toward dawn. Completely opposite
                               ~ St. Augustine                                                          from this experience, most likely we’ve all had    our remaining time. We begin to measure how
                                                    this happens. Does eternity simply exist in a                                                          we go about our daily life against the reality of
                                                                                                        days when time rushes like a runaway train
   When did we first begin our relationship         static state forever or is it moving ever for-                                                         time. Now time leads us away from the rush
                                                                                                        through the hours of a busy day filled with too
with time? Perhaps the earliest humans gave         ward? For centuries, scientists and philoso-                                                           and competition of our early years. It gives us
                                                                                                        many tasks and commitments.
some thought to the sun’s daily path across         phers have argued about the concept of time.                                                           long days and quiet hours.
the sky or to the migration of the animal herds     St. Augustine wrote, “In you, my mind, I
                                                                                                           One reason time is so fascinating and so
they followed, but even a vague idea of time        measure time.” He considered time to be an          important is because it is finite. Time lives in       As we age, the good advice of Carl Sand-
as we have come to know it, could not have          internal, rather than an external experience.       the past through our memories. It lives in the     burg seems pertinent: “Time is the coin of your
been part of their collective knowledge.            Theories abound and I wonder if the concept         present as we go through our days and it lives     life. It is the only coin you have, and only you
                                                    of time will ever be unraveled to reveal its true   also in the future as we plan for tomorrow and     can determine how it will be spent. Be careful,
  It’s interesting to note around 50,000 BCE        nature. What is time; a question for con-           the years to come. Time offers us tomorrows        lest you let other people spend it for you”.
the first inhabitants of Australia (ancestors of    templation and perhaps even some personal           and tomorrows; then suddenly it stops. For
today’s aboriginal people) considered nature        exploration.                                        each of us death is the end of time. Was St.
timeless. They believed their long-dead                                                                 Augustine right when he perceived time as             Irene Marinelli writes a regular column for Senior
ancestors’ spirits inhabited the living world.         Almost everyone has had the experience           internal, within the human mind?                   Post. Contact her at

Metro Creative Connection                          band workouts can be especially useful for
                                                   seniors who spend a lot of time at home.
  Losing interest in an exercise regimen is a      Resistance bands are inexpensive and don’t
situation many fitness enthusiasts have con-       take up a lot of space, making them ideal for
fronted at one point or another. Overcoming a      people who like to exercise at home but don’t
stale workout routine can be simple for young      have much space. Resistance bands can be
athletes, whose bodies can typically handle a      used to strengthen muscles in various parts of
wide range of physical activities. That flex-      the body, including the legs, arms and back.
ibility allows younger athletes the chance to      Resistance bands can be pulled or pushed in
pursue any number of physical activities when      any direction, which allows for more versatility
their existing fitness regimens grow stale. But    in a workout than weight machines and dumb-
what about seniors who have grown tired of         bells. That versatility allows seniors to spice
their workouts?                                    up their workout regimens when things get a
                                                   little stale.
   Even seniors who have lived active
lifestyles since they were youngsters are            • Pilates: Pilates is another low-impact exer-
likely to encounter certain physical limitations   cise that can be ideal for seniors with bone
associated with aging. According to the Cen-       and joint issues. According to SilverSneak-
ters for Disease Control and Prevention, the       ers¨, a community fitness program for seniors
likelihood of dealing with one or more physical    that promotes living through physical and
limitations increases with age. CDC data           social engagement, Pilates can help seniors
indicates that 8 percent of adults between the     build overall strength, stability and coordi-
ages of 50 and 59 have three or more physical      nation. SilverSneakers¨ even notes that
limitations. That figure rises to 27 percent       seniors can experience improvements in
among adults age 80 and over.                      strength and stability by committing to as little
                                                   as 10 to 15 minutes of daily Pilates exer-
  Physical limitations may be a part of aging      cises.
for many people, but such obstacles need not
limit seniors looking to banish boredom from          • Strength training: Seniors on the lookout
their workout routines. In fact, many seniors      for something more challenging than a daily
can successfully engage in a variety of exer-      walk around the neighborhood should not
cises that benefit their bodies and are unlikely   overlook the benefits of strength training. The
to grow stale.                                     CDC notes that seniors who participate in
                                                   strength training can stimulate the growth of
  • Water aerobics: Sometimes referred to as       muscle and bone, thereby reducing their risk
“aqua aerobics,” water aerobics may involve        for osteoporosis and frailty. In fact, the CDC
jogging in the water, leg lifts, arm curls, and    notes that people with health concerns like
other activities that can safely be performed in   arthritis or heart disease often benefit the
a pool. The YMCA notes that water aerobics         most from exercise regimens that include
exercises are low impact, which can make           lifting weights a few times each week.
them ideal for seniors with bone and joint
issues like arthritis.                               Physical limitations are a part of aging. But
                                                   seniors need not let such limitations relegate
  • Resistance band workouts: Resistance           them to repetitive, boring workouts.
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