Senior School Online Learning Guide - A guide to the transition to Distance Learning for parents and pupils - Moreton Hall

Page created by Joshua Willis
Senior School Online Learning Guide - A guide to the transition to Distance Learning for parents and pupils - Moreton Hall
Senior School
Online Learning Guide
A guide to the transition to Distance
Learning for parents and pupils
Senior School Online Learning Guide - A guide to the transition to Distance Learning for parents and pupils - Moreton Hall
Senior School Online Learning Guide - A guide to the transition to Distance Learning for parents and pupils - Moreton Hall
Online Learning
This short guide offers an overview of how         This will undoubtedly be a term like no
Moreton has made the transition to Distance        other, but I hope that we have managed to
Learning and outlines the various ways in          distil many of the elements of a Moreton
which we intend to continue with business          Education and know that - despite the
as usual, albeit in a slightly different format.   circumstances - this new term still heralds
                                                   all of the hope and optimism that previous
We have already communicated with parents          terms at Moreton have done over the years.
about Distance Learning, but education does
not end in the classroom. In this brochure,        Parents or guardians with children in
you will see the broad range of opportunities      Moreton First will have received a distance
available to pupils over the next couple of        learning guide before the start of the
weeks in many areas of school life as well         Summer Term. Therefore, this guide is aimed
as the continuing pastoral support that            at Senior School parents, guardians and
has become the hallmark of a Moreton               pupils.

George Budd

                 Academic Programme - Summer Term 2020
04               Remove, Lower Four, Upper Four, Lower Five and Lower Sixth

                 Academic Programme - Summer Term 2020 - Bridging the Gap
05               Upper Five and Upper Sixth

                 Learning Support Arrangements
06               EAL Arrangements

07               Bridging the Gap

08 - 12          Co-Curricular and Extended Curriculum

13               Pastoral/Health and Wellbeing

14               Network of Support
Senior School Online Learning Guide - A guide to the transition to Distance Learning for parents and pupils - Moreton Hall
Continuity of
                                                                             Education in the
    Academic Programme                                                       Summer Term 2020
    Summer Term 2020

                          Remove, Lower Four,
                                                                                      Lower Five
                       Upper Four and Lower Sixth

April 2020

                                         Lessons continue as per the timetable via Distance Learning
Friday 22nd May

                                                                      Half Term
Monday 1st June

                              School Exam Week                                School Exam Week
                                 Monday 1st June - Friday 5th June*            Monday 1st June - Tuesday 9th June*
Friday 5th June

Monday 8th June
Tuesday 9th June                Lessons continue as per the
                              timetable via Distance Learning

                                                                               Lessons continue as per the
                                                                             timetable via Distance Learning

Friday 3rd July

NB all programmes subject to adjustment
* exam dates are subject to school circumstances at this time

For any further information please visit
Senior School Online Learning Guide - A guide to the transition to Distance Learning for parents and pupils - Moreton Hall
Bridging the Gap
                                                                   Welcome to our bespoke summer
                                                                   programme for the Upper Five
                                                                   and Upper Sixth.
    Academic Programme
    Summer Term 2020

                                 Upper Five                            Upper Sixth
April 2020
                           GCSE preparation and revision            A Level preparation and revision
                           continue as timetabled until the         continue as timetabled until the
Friday 15th May            start of formal study leave              start of formal study leave

Monday 18th May
                          Bridging the Gap to Sixth Form           Bridging the Gap to Life
                                                                   Beyond Moreton
                          ‚‚Introducing the Rylands Diploma
                            and our interactive summer             ‚‚Introducing our post-A Level
Friday 22nd May           		           programme                   		           programme

                                                        Half Term
Monday 1st June
                          Bridging the Gap to Sixth Form           Bridging the Gap to Life Beyond
                          cont.                                    Moreton cont.
                          Morning Sessions:                        Morning Sessions:
                          ‚‚A Level Taster Lessons                 ‚‚What to do on results day
                          ‚‚Faculty based research projects        ‚‚Student finances
                          ‚‚EPQ preparation                        ‚‚Post-A level Study skills
                          ‚‚Rylands Diploma Life Skills            ‚‚Research project
                            sessions                               ‚‚University webinairs
                          ‚‚Academic enrichment 		                 ‚‚OM zoom chats: “what I wish I
                            opportunities                            had known on leaving school!”
                          ‚‚Practical and creative 		              Afternoon Sessions:
                            enrichment opportunities               ‚‚Fitness and well-being
                          Afternoon Sessions:                        challenges
                          ‚‚Fitness and well-being 		              ‚‚Mindfulness
                            challenges                             ‚‚Cooking for independence
                          ‚‚Cooking for friends

Monday 29th June
                          Moreton Sixth Induction Week
                          ‚‚ME application process
                          ‚‚Virtual open days
                          ‚‚Countdown to September
Friday 3rd July           ‚‚Summer reading lists

NB all programmes subject to adjustment

Learning Support
The Learning Support department is               The department is in contact with pupils
continuing to provide interventions and          and staff to maintain access to all of the
support for its pupils in the new online         curriculum. Staff continue to adapt their
learning environment. Sessions have              teaching for all learners. The department is
transitioned online through a variety of         on hand for any queries and all pupils are
methods from Zoom to online platforms            welcome to contact for support.
such as spell zone and typing club. Pupils are
able to engage with their teacher to access      The normal study skills programme that has
additional support and continue to progress.     already been delivered to Upper Five and
For pupils moving onto further education,        Upper Sixth earlier in the year will continue
study skills for university are being run via    for the Lower School through a series of
online learning platforms through their          online tutorials and videos.

EAL Arrangements
The EAL department are continuing to             Upper Sixth pupils who were unable to
support all international pupils across many     take their final exam have been reminded
time zones to ensure pupils have access to       to contact their individual universities for
the full curriculum whilst learning from a       advice and a new IELTS indicator test is
distance as well as opportunities to remain      currently being piloted and being used by
culturally and socially engaged. Pupils are      some universities in these times.
joining live lessons where their time zones
permit and carrying out their other tasks set    The EAL teachers are always here for you if
within their own time zones and are doing a      you have any questions at all and here are
great job of this. Provisions have been made     some useful self study websites to keep up
for pupils to access Firefly from their home     your English in your free time. Remember
countries to allow continuity of education to    that reading a good book is one of the
be smooth.                                       best ways to improve your vocabulary and
                                                 sentence structures!
All pupils have weekly year group meetings
with the Head of EAL to discuss approaches
to study skills (such as time management
and essay structuring), accessing online
resources and to check in with each other.
Please continue to keep bringing your very
valid suggestions to these meetings and
to share your home learning experiences.
EAL pupils are encouraged to utilise the full
Housemistress and tutor support as they
normally would. Please remember we are all
still here to support you!
Bridging the Gap
Our Bridging the Gap programme is a              and future plan. In addition, a wide ranging
bespoke series of activities and talks           series of sessions led by Old Moretonians
designed to prepare and equip our Upper          and focusing on pertinent issues such as
Five and Upper Sixth students for the next       ‘managing student budgets’, ‘student self-
stage in their adult lives.                      catering’, ‘funding a Gap Year’, ‘life as an Art
                                                 Foundation student’ and ‘top tips to make
With public examinations cancelled, the          the most of your work time and downtime’,
time traditionally allocated to study leave      will ensure our Upper Sixth students leave
has provided us with a unique opportunity        the Moreton Hall bubble ready to take on
to provide a varied and lively programme of      the world beyond.
tailored, life skills based sessions.
                                                 For the Upper Five, Bridging the Gap
For the Upper Sixth, the programme has           includes introductions to the Rylands
been shaped by and in many sessions              Diploma Life Skills programme and to the
led by OMs and will include a specially          Extended Project Qualification. Fun sessions
commissioned series of life skills challenges    creating an end of Upper Five Year Book;
with OM Jo Chavasse. An introduction to          team building sessions as the next Lower
university level study skills; university led    Sixth, and a series of A Level Taster lessons
sessions on ‘What to do on Results Day’          ensures there is something for every taste.
and ‘Research Skills’; practical sessions        The programme also includes our traditional
and challenges including Mrs Davenport’s         Moreton Sixth Induction Week with the
Kitchen lessons, Miss Jones’s ‘Well-being        Moreton Enterprises application and
Workshops’ and many fun fitness challenges,      interview process.
will ensure there is something for every taste

Co-Curricular and
Extended Curriculum
The current situation presents an ideal           programme. Some activities continue to
opportunity for Moreton pupils to try new         run on a weekly basis, as outlined in the
things and discover new ways of working           programme below, whereas other challenges
together. It is as important as ever to engage    and competitions are running over the
with peers and staff through the activities       course of the term.

Monday              Tuesday            Wednesday          Thursday                 Friday
1:20PM              1:20PM             4:15PM             4:00PM                   12:00PM
Chamber Choir       Show Choir         Mini MUN           School                   Lower School
                                                          Production               Reading Club
                                                          of Lion King
                                                          Rehearsals for
                                                          Stables & U4
4:00PM                                 5:00PM             5:00PM                   1:00PM
Prep Chamber                           Eco Team           Art-at-home              Upper School
Choir                                                     A new activity will be   Reading Club
                                                          posted every week

5:00PM                                                    5:00PM                   1:20PM
North Shropshire                                          Model UN                 Chamber Choir
5:00PM                                                                             5:10PM
Senior Sport Chat                                                                  Virtual Jenner
                                                                                   Face 2 Face
Extended Curriculum
Art                                                Volunteering and Physical sections of your
The Art department are posting an Art              award. Changes have been made to the way
activity suitable for any age, once a week         that sections of the award can be completed
on a Thursday, on our Firefly page. These          and participants can make changes to their
aim to get you flexing your creative muscles       chosen activities for the duration of this
with objects you have around you. Art is           time. There are plenty of ideas of activities
everywhere!                                        that you can undertake on the DofE website If you require help to change
design                                             your activities on eDofE or are unsure of
                                                   how to progress please contact either Miss
                                                   Randle (Bronze participants) or Mr Lang
Charities                                          (Gold participants).
Moreton Hall wants to do something to help
health services here and around the world          Some examples of changes that you might
to fight the Coronavirus outbreak. And so          like to make are:
the Charities Team and the Jenner Society
are joining forces to raise money for local        Physical Activity - if you have been logging
hospitals around the school in the first half      hours of participation in team sports such as
of term and a hospital in Tanzania that the        hockey or lacrosse or completing sports that
school has links with in the second half of        require access to facilities that you cannot
term. The idea is for pupils, staff, parents and   use at the moment such as badminton
OM’s to take a photograph of themselves            you might like to switch to logging your
wearing sunglasses* and to send this to            personal fitness activities. I suggest you use where the                a fitness tracking app on your phone such as
photograph will be added to a wall of images       RunKeeper or Strava to log your activity to
that will build up over time. And of course,       use as evidence.
to make a donation on the Schools Just
Giving page. Further details will be posted        Volunteering - it is unlikely that you
on social media and any donations will be          will be able to undertake your normal
really appreciated and divided between local       community based activities and visits such
hospitals.                                         as volunteering at Dolywern or the RJAH
                                                   hospital but there are plenty of activities
*Why wearing sunglasses? The Jenner                in the local community that can still be
Society has links with the Robert Jones            undertaken. Have a good look at the DofE
and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital in             website for details but helping to collect
Gobowen and the League of Friends has              shopping or prescriptions for vulnerable
asked for support for different projects           neighbours or family members can be
including a Wellbeing Room for staff and           recorded towards your volunteering hours
sunglasses for patients so they can sit            during this time.
outside safely!
                                                   Skills - you may still be able to continue with
                                                   the skill that you had previously chosen but if
                                                   you do need to change for a few weeks then
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
                                                   that’s fine. It may be a good time to start a
Although the Bronze and Gold expeditions
                                                   completely different skill or you may find you
are on hold for the time being there is still
                                                   have more time to devote to an existing skill
plenty that you can be doing to continue
                                                   for example learning a musical instrument.
working towards completing the Skills,

Extended Curriculum cont.
English and Drama                                Geography
The English department reading list, with        The theme for this year’s RGS Young
recommendations for all ages, is available on    Geographer of the Year competition is ‘The
Firefly.                                         world beyond my window’. Pupils from Year    3 upwards can take part and further details
reading-lists.                                   can be found at
Avid readers may also enjoy Project              geographer-of-the-year/2020-competition
Gutenberg, a website           Mrs Plowden will provide more details about
dedicated to publishing every work of            how we will be taking part at Moreton. The
literature no longer under copyright law. It’s   Geography department are also working on
particularly good for 19th century novels.       some challenges to get you out and about
These can be freely downloaded to an             to discover the geography on your doorstep.
e-reader. Mr Reynolds recommends Mary            Why not use this time to delve deeper into
Elizabeth Braddon’s sensation novel ‘Lady        the subject.
Audley’s Secret’:
h/8954-h.htm                                     History and Classics
                                                 Sixth Form historians and classicists may
The Creative Writing club will continue this     wish to contribute to this term’s edition of
term with Mr Reynolds. Keep a lookout for        The Historian which will be published during
further details of how to take part.             the first half of the term. All year groups can
                                                 participate in the ‘Object: History’ project
                                                 that Mr Dennison has launched. Pupils are
Digital Theatre                                  encouraged to undertake a piece of Antiques is a        Roadshow-style research to investigate and
great way to watch theatre productions and       interpret objects of material history within
can be watched on smart TVs. Login details       their own home. It can be anything - from
can be found on Firefly.                         a marvellous painting to a piece of 1960s
                                                 cutlery. We won’t be investigating value.
You may enjoy tuning into The National
Theatre live screenings on YouTube at 7pm        Both the History and Classics department
on Thursday evenings or The Shows Must Go        reading lists can also be found on Firefly and
On with Andrew Lloyd Webber on YouTube           exam classes may also enjoy exploring the In
at 7pm on Fridays.                               Our Time archives of radio programmes.

The Theatre For Life are running monologue
workshops that you can sign up to take part      Languages
in via their website                             As we look forward to a time when we can                        travel again why not use this current period
                                                 to build your existing linguistic skills or start
                                                 learning a new language? In the coming
                                                 weeks the Languages department will be
                                                 sharing ideas and challenges to help you
                                                 explore both the language and culture of
                                                 different countries.
Extended Curriculum cont.
Music                                             Moreton’s Dawn Chorus Composition
Despite living in a virtual world, the Music      In a bid to get a little closer to nature we
department is constantly thinking of ways         would like to encourage pupils and staff to
to bring the Moreton community together.          submit a short audio clip of ‘bird song’ that
Choir and orchestra rehearsals continue to        they hear whilst in their garden or on their
meet up on a weekly basis to offer support        daily walk. The clips will be combined and
to each other and look at different ways we       layered together to create our very own
can make music together. The Show Choir           Moreton ‘dawn chorus’. Again, the more
have already created a virtual rendition of       recordings, the better, so please feel free to
Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi and plans are      get involved by recording your audio on the
underway for their next piece. There will         ‘voice memo’ app on your phone and send it
be plenty of opportunities for the whole          in to your Divisional Head:
Moreton community (pupils, siblings, parents      Roberts -
and staff) to join in with over the coming        Calvert -
weeks.                                            Norton -
                                                  Vincent -
Moreton Hall ‘Practice-a-thon’ 2020
We all know that ‘practice makes perfect’ but     Each recording earns a divisional point -
do we know how to actually turn that into         parents who send them in will gain points for
reality? We are all very good at the ‘I don’t     their child’s Division.
have enough time’ excuse but now that we
all have plenty, let’s put it to the test. We     Barbirolli Society Virtual Informal Concerts
are running this for the whole term and it        We are planning to hold some informal
can include anything that takes time, effort      ‘virtual’ concerts this term. For this, we need
and work - practice - to make it better. It can   you to send in your performances. You can
be practising a musical instrument, juggling      either just record the audio or do a video.
skills, a new dance move, Diablo skills,          The deadline for the first set of recordings is
unicycling, learning sign language, or even       Monday 4th May. Again, we would love staff
beatboxing.                                       and parents to take part. So please, don’t
                                                  be shy, record your pieces and send them
Each entry of 20 minutes or more earns a          into If you have
divisional point, the more you practise the       family members who are musicians, then
more points you earn! Pupils and staff can all    brilliant, even better! I look forward to seeing
contribute to this to help their division to be   and hearing your contributions!
crowned the ‘Practice-a-thon’ masters at the
end of term!                                      Music Challenge Board
                                                  The ‘Music Challenge Board’ gives pupils
Let’s see how many skills we can learn this       (and their siblings!) an opportunity to
term. Please send in videos of you practising     get ‘offline’ and try out some fun musical
your different skills at home during the term     activities. As part of the their class music
to - the more             lessons students in Remove, Lower Four and
imaginative the better and then maybe we          Upper Four will given a series of challenges
can make way for Moreton’s Got Talent Show        that they can choose to get involved in.
when we return to school!                         Please send any completed challenges videos
                                                  directly to Mrs Diack on
                                         We would love to
                                                  see what you have been doing!

Extended Curriculum cont.
Rylands Diploma                                   Why not record your sports practices for the
In these unprecedented times, the                 Practice-a-thon! Senior pupils can join Mrs
importance of ‘life skills’ is brought into       McDonald each Monday evening for Sports
stark focus. Our Life Skills programme for        Chat to discuss sporting topics such as
Lower Sixth (The Rylands Diploma) this term       nutrition and strength and conditioning. Mrs
will focus on skills that couldn’t be more        McDonald has even volunteered to do a live
relevant at this time. We will be covering the    cookery demonstration on healthy snacks
following topics: How to develop Resilience,      that you can follow along with at home!
Healthy Mind and Body and Cooking on a
We are lucky enough to have OM Jo                 If coding is your thing or a skill that you
Chavasse joining us to deliver the Healthy        would be interested in learning why not
Mind and Body sessions. Jo runs a successful      have a look at Code Academy. There are
childcare business (Freckles Childcare) and       some amazing courses on here (Mr Lang has
delivers expert training on many aspects of       done some himself) and they are both easy
health and wellbeing.                             to access and easy to follow. The beginners
                                                  courses are free to complete. Visit
The sessions will run on Thursdays and   to find out more.
Fridays, to ensure they are available to all
students. It is also the perfect opportunity      Why not delve deeper into the Sciences? The
for students to complete their Independent        STEM reading list provides a comprehensive
Study, an essential component to successful       list of books to stretch and challenge your
completion of their Diploma. Many students        scientific thinking. The following link will
will use their Independent Study as the           take you to the list on Firefly:
start of their EPQ journey. Whatever the
outcome of their project, it will be invaluable
to their personal statements as part of UCAS      STEM will also be running a number of
applications next year.                           challenges throughout the term. Look out
                                                  for Mr Lang’s construction challenges and
                                                  Mrs Peel’s gardening challenges. Sixth Form
                                                  scientists might also like to contribute to this
                                                  term’s Science magazine.
PE and sport is at the very heart of health
and happiness. It benefits both the body
and the mind. It is what it was invented and
developed for so keep remembering to get
active and stay active.

You can still keep logging the miles you have
been walking, running and biking for the
United Through Distance challenge and keep
a look out for additional weekly challenges.
and Wellbeing
Moreton has an excellent reputation for          Both Housemistresses and Tutors are
being a caring, supportive and family            keeping in touch with parents if they have
environment. These core values continue          any concerns at all, and in turn we would
in providing our strong pastoral support as      encourage parents to do the same - working
we journey through this period of remote         closely together is key in ensuring the
learning. There will be challenges along the     wellbeing of our community.
way, and it is important you know that we
are here to support both parents and their       Pupils can access Wellbeing tips and
children.                                        information via the Wellbeing resource
                                                 on Firefly, and helpful blogs and videos
Housemistresses have been offering face to       are being added each week on the Firefly
face conversations via Zoom, or telephone        Dashboard. A Wellbeing Assembly takes
calls, as and when needed each week. Tutors      place every Wednesday via the Firefly
are continuing to offer support to their         dashboard in a weekly blog style post, which
tutees with weekly meetings as a group on        will also include some videos and podcasts.
a Tuesday and Thursday, followed by one to
one meetings as required.

                                         “Maintain Individual Relationships”
                                               “Offer Bespoke Family Support”

Network of Support
Weekly and Individual Tutor meetings via Zoom.

Weekly House Meetings and weekly individual check-ins with pupils and parents via Zoom
or telephone.

Designated Safeguarding Leads
Sarah Hughes - Senior School
Catherine Ford - Moreton First

Health Centre and Counsellors
The outbreak of Coronavirus and self-isolation has presented challenges many young
people and our support continues to help and scaffold a way through. It is vital that we
continue to take care of everyone’s emotional wellbeing and to continue supporting the
pupils’ mental health during these periods of disruption.

For urgent support, do not hesitate to contact the nurses’ where
they can arrange a telephone call in the first instance and are able to organise counselling
via Skype or Zoom with the school counsellors. The nurses’ are also available for general
queries with regards to the ongoing health needs of all pupils throughout the school.

Mental Health support can also be accessed through:
Access Team (formally CAMHS) - 0300 124 0093
Kooth (an online counselling service specifically for young people) -
Beam (a call back service for young people and young adults) email -
Childline - 0800 1111 or
YoungMinds (offering support, advice and help to both young people and their families) -
Stem4 (supporting positive mental health in teenagers) -
Stay Active

Practise Mindfulness

Keep Connected
with Friends

Keep Learning

Be Kind
Moreton Hall, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, SY11 3EW

               Tel: 01691 773671 | Email:

/MoretonHall                Charity Registration Number: 528409   @MoretonHall
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