September 19, 2021 | 17th Sunday after Pentecost - Tabernacle Presbyterian Church

Page created by Kevin Robinson
September 19, 2021 | 17th Sunday after Pentecost - Tabernacle Presbyterian Church
INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA   September 19, 2021 | 17th Sunday after Pentecost
September 19, 2021 | 17th Sunday after Pentecost - Tabernacle Presbyterian Church
                                         May you truly sense God’s Spirit at work in this place and
                                         in your life.
OUR MISSION                              Greetings to everyone! We extend a warm welcome to those joining us
                                         in-person or for our live stream worship service this morning. As we cele-
Tabernacle                               brate together, we hope you will sense God’s presence as we gather.

Presbyterian                             If you are a guest this morning, please fill out one of the connection cards

Church is called                         located in the pew racks so we can get to know each other better. Simply,
                                         hand your completed card to an usher or place it in the offering box. In
by God, led by                           addition, we invite you to take a red Guest Bag from the table outside the
                                         Sanctuary as you leave today. If you need assistance at any time, please
faith in Jesus                           feel free to ask someone seated next to you or one of the ushers.
Christ and                               Children are welcome to sit with their families during worship or attend
empowered by                             Junior Church in Lower Level B following the Children’s Sermon. Nurseries
                                         are available for infants along with programming for preschoolers.
the Holy Spirit to
demonstrate the
Kingdom of God                           Discipleship Classes
                                         2021 Rooted in Grace Discipleship Opportunities
through worship,
discipleship                             Cold Case Christianity | SUNDAY 9a PARLOR
                                          J. Warner Wallace, a former L.A. homicide detective, came to faith after
and outreach.                             examining the 4 Gospel accounts using the same forensic tools he em-
                                          ployed in his work. This 8-week series affirms the reliability of Scripture,
Honoring our                              and provides us talking points if asked about our faith (1 Peter 3:15).

heritage at                              Women’s Bible Study | MONDAY 6p–7:30p ZOOM
                                          This prayer and study time is an encouraging start to the week and a
34th and Central,                         great way to connect and learn with other women. The current study
                                          covers the book of Philippians. Contact for
we will faithfully                        study guide, info or Zoom link.

serve our                                Women Alive | TUESDAY 10a–11a ZOOM
                                          Women Alive is for women of all ages, seeking, with a sense of wonder
community, city                           to know themselves and God better, while moving through life together.
                                          Content includes lively discussions around books, Bible studies, and
and world in                              workshops for women of all ages. Contact
the present                              Pastor’s Bible Study | WEDNESDAY 9:30a–10:30a PARLOR
and prepare                               Join us as our pastor leads a Bible study covering the Scriptures for the
                                          up-coming Sunday worship service.
expectantly for                          Mom’s Circle | 3rd WEDNESDAY EACH MONTH 6:30p–8:00p YOUTH ROOM
the future.                               It can be a challenge for Moms to remember to check in with God and
                                          each other, this is a great opportunity to be with our sisters in Christ
                                          and help build each other up. Each month we’ll discuss a Chapter of
                                          “Slow Down” by Nicole Nordeman (Books will be provided). Contact
Cover Art:                      
The Calling of James and John            Men’s Bible Study | SATURDAY 8a–9a PARLOR
by Marco Basaiti                          We are currently studying Paul’s letters; Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians
circa 1510,                               and Colossians. Contact for more information
Museum Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venice    about this wonderful time of study and fellowship.
September 19, 2021 | 17th Sunday after Pentecost - Tabernacle Presbyterian Church
8 o’clock Worship
                                              We hope you will sense our vision for Greater Faith, Deeper
                                              Relationships, and Stronger Community as you worship with us.

                                                     “Prelude in G Major” (BWV550) J. S. Bach
                                              CALL TO WORSHIP | Rev. Terri Thorn
                                                           Leader: Servants of God, lift up your heads—
                                                           Unison: That the Lord of Life may behold our eyes!
                                                           Leader: Servants of God, lift up your hands—
                                                           Unison: That the Lord of Life may bless our works!
                                                           Leader: Servants of God, lift up your hearts—
                                                           Unison: That the Lord of Life may abide within!
                                                           Leader: Servants of God, lift up your song of worship -
                                                           Unison: The Lord of Life be praised!
                                              HYMN #49
Prayer Requests
                                                     “The God of Abraham Praise” Leoni
Do you have a special prayer request that
you would like the pastors or Tab’s Prayer    CONFESSION & PARDON | Lezlie Laxton
Team to lift up during their time together?
                                                     Prayer Of Confession
You can email your requests to: We hope that this                   Lord God, to You we humbly confess our weakness. We say that
will be a way for our Tab family to make                all we have is a gift from You, yet our hurried lives do not reflect
sure their requests and concerns are                    gratitude. We claim to love others, yet we ignore strangers and
known and prayed for during this time.                  turn away from those in need. We seek honor for ourselves yet
Are you a Pray-ER? Every Tuesday eve-                   allow pride to take root in us. We want to serve You, but we
ning from 6:30p–7:15p we have a faithful                don’t want the rank of servant. Forgive our foolish ways, O God,
gathering of prayer partners meeting in
McKee Chapel to pray. If you are a Pray-
                                                        and restore us to You, that we may walk in the way of Your love,
ER—we would love to have you join us in                 revealed through Your Son, Jesus Christ in whose name we now
this ministry.                                          silently pray.
                                                     Silent Confession
Tab’s Benevolence &                                  Assurance of Pardon
Community Care Funds                                    Leader: The Lord who made all things knows our weakness.
Did you know that Tab has two distinct                          Jesus Christ, our High Priest, deals gently with us.
funds set up to support individuals and                         Through Him we have been set free for service and love.
families during difficult times? Tab’s                          (Hebrews 5:2) Friends, believe this Good News—
Deacon Benevolence and Community
Care Funds allow us as a church family                     Unison: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Thanks be to God!
to come alongside people with immedi-
ate, significant needs inside and outside            Response #581
the church. Please reach out to the                     “Gloria Patri” Greatorex
church if you or someone you know is                       Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: as it
in need. If you are a member or friend                     was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
of Tab in need, please contact Kristine                    Amen. Amen.
Green at for
more information and confidential             THE APOSTLES’ CREED
application procedures.                                    I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in
If you know of one of our neighbors in                     Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
need, let them know they can call the                      born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead
Community Care line at 317-805-1281 for                    and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the
an appointment with Terri Thorn.                           dead and ascended into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God the
                                              Please stand if able.
Father Almighty; from whence He shall come to judge the quick and the
                                                 dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion
                                                 of saints, the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body and the life
                                                 everlasting. Amen.

                                    SCRIPTURE LESSONS
                                           Mark 10:35–45 | Pew Bible page 823
                                           Hebrews 13:1–6 | Pew Bible page 979
                                    MESSAGE | Rev. Terri Thorn
                                           Of Service to God
                                    MOMENT FOR SILENT PRAYER & REFLECTION
                                    SACRAMENT OF COMMUNION | Rev. Terri Thorn
                                    PASTORAL PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER
                                                 Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,
                                                 Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
                                                 bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not
                                                 into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the
                                                 power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

                                    HYMN #645
                                           “Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above” Mit Freuden Zart
                                           ““Fugue in G Major” (BWV550) J. S. Bach

                                    10 o’clock Worship
                                    We hope you will sense our vision for Greater Faith, Deeper
                                    Relationships, and Stronger Community as you worship with us.
                                           “Prelude in G Major” (BWV550) J. S. Bach
                                           “Happy Anniversary to the Church in Zimnicea”
                                                 Happy anniversary to you, happy anniversary to you,
                                                 Happy anniversary dear Zimnicea Church!
                                                 Happy anniversary to you! (2x)

Today’s Worship Participants        CALL TO WORSHIP | Rev. Terri Thorn
                                                 Leader: Servants of God, lift up your heads—
                                                 Unison: That the Lord of Life may behold our eyes!
Rev. Terri Thorn, Pastor
                                                 Leader: Servants of God, lift up your hands—
Lezlie Laxton, 8a Liturgist                      Unison: That the Lord of Life may bless our works!
Carter Booker, 10a Liturgist
                                                 Leader: Servants of God, lift up your hearts—
Matt Kauffman & Valentina Huang,                 Unison: That the Lord of Life may abide within!
Organ & Piano
                                                 Leader: Servants of God, lift up your song of worship -
Dan Andersen, Dan Borns,                         Unison: The Lord of Life be praised!
Jeffery Elsey & Zachary Sigafoes,

                                    Please stand if able.
HYMN #49
                                                “The God of Abraham Praise” Leoni
                                                   The God of Abraham praise, Who reigns enthroned above,
                                                   The Ancient of Eternal Days, the God of love!
                                                   The Lord, the great I Am, by earth and heaven confessed,
                                                   We bow before Your holy name, forever blest.
                                                   Your Spirit still flows free, high surging where it will.
                                                   In prophet’s word You spoke of old and You speak still.
                                                   Established is Your law, and changeless it shall stand,
                                                   Deep writ upon the human heart by Your strong hand.
                                                   Your goodly land we seek, with peace and plenty blest,
                                                   A land of sacred liberty and Sabbath rest.
                                                   There milk and honey flow, and oil and wine abound,
                                                   And trees of life forever grow with mercy crowned.
                                                   You have eternal life implanted in the soul;
                                                   Your love shall be our strength and stay,
                                                   while ages roll.
                                                   We praise you, living God!
                                                   We praise your holy name:
                                                   the first, the last, beyond all thought,
                                                   and still the same!

                                             CONFESSION & PARDON | Carter Booker
                                                Prayer Of Confession
                                                   Lord God, to You we humbly confess our weakness. We say that
                                                   all we have is a gift from You, yet our hurried lives do not reflect
                                                   gratitude. We claim to love others, yet we ignore strangers and
                                                   turn away from those in need. We seek honor for ourselves
                                                   yet allow pride to take root in us. We want to serve You, but we
                                                   don’t want the rank of servant. Forgive our foolish ways, O God,
                                                   and restore us to You, that we may walk in the way of Your love,
                                                   revealed through Your Son, Jesus Christ in whose name we now
                                                   silently pray.
                                                Silent Confession
                                                Assurance of Pardon
                                                    Leader: The Lord who made all things knows our weakness.
                                                            Jesus Christ, our High Priest, deals gently with us.
                                                            Through Him we have been set free for service and love.
                                                            (Hebrews 5:2) Friends, believe this Good News—
                                                   Unison: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Thanks be to God!

                                                Response #581
                                                   “Gloria Patri” Greatorex
                                                   Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: as it
                                                   was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
                                                   Amen. Amen.

                                             CONFESSION OF FAITH (The Confession of 1967, 9.32–33)
                                                   The life, death, resurrection, and promised coming of Jesus Christ has set
                                                   the pattern for the church’s mission. His human life involves the church in
Offering Information                               the common life of all people. His service to men and women commits the
If you would like to bring your offering           church to work for every form of human well-being. His suffering makes
to church on Sunday mornings, we have              the church sensitive to all human suffering so that it sees the face of Christ
offering boxes available in both the 34th          in the faces of persons in every kind of need. His crucifixion discloses to
Street Narthex and Bell Tower Entrance             the church God’s judgment on the inhumanity that marks human relations
to the Sanctuary. Extra envelopes are              and the awful consequences of the church’s own complicity in injustice. In
also available. Feel free to drop off your         the power of the risen Christ and the hope of His coming, the church sees
offering either before or after worship.           the promise of God’s renewal of human life in society and of God’s victory
Thanks for your continued support of the           over all wrong. The church follows this pattern in the form of its life and in
ministry and mission of Tab!                       the method of its action. So to live and serve is to confess Christ as Lord.
Sermon Notes                               MINISTRY OF MUSIC
                                              “Ascribe to the Lord” Rosephanye Powell
                                                      Ascribe to the Lord, O mighty ones, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
                                                      Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name, in the splendor of His holiness,
                                                        worship Him!
                                                      The voice of the Lord is over the waters, the God of glory thunders.
                                                      The voice of the Lord is powerful, the voice of the Lord is majestic!

                                           CHILDREN’S MESSAGE | Jennifer Wirt
                                           PASTORAL PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER
                                                  Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,
                                                  Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
                                                  bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not
                                                  into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the
                                                  power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

                                           SCRIPTURE LESSONS
                                              Mark 10:35–45 | Pew Bible page 823
                                                  James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came forward to Him and said to Him,
                                                  “Teacher, we want You to do for us whatever we ask of You.” And He said to
                                                  them, “What is it you want Me to do for you?” And they said to Him, “Grant us to
                                                  sit, one at Your right hand and one at Your left, in Your glory.” But Jesus said to
                                                  them, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that
                                                  I drink, or be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?” They replied,
                                                  “We are able.” Then Jesus said to them, “The cup that I drink you will drink; and
                                                  with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized; but to sit at My
                                                  right hand or at My left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has
                                                  been prepared.”
                                                  When the ten heard this, they began to be angry with James and John. So
                                                  Jesus called them and said to them, “You know that among the Gentiles those
                                                  whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them, and their great ones are
                                                  tyrants over them. But it is not so among you; but whoever wishes to become
                                                  great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among
                                                  you must be slave of all. For the Son of Man came not to be served but to
                                                  serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
                                              Hebrews 13:1–6 | Pew Bible page 979
                                                  Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by
                                                  doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember those
                                                  who are in prison, as though you were in prison with them; those who are being
                                                  tortured, as though you yourselves were being tortured. Let marriage be held
                                                  in honor by all, and let the marriage bed be kept undefiled; for God will judge
                                                  fornicators and adulterers. Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be
                                                  content with what you have; for he has said, “I will never leave you or forsake
                                                  you.” So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.
                                                  What can anyone do to me?”

                                           MESSAGE | Rev. Terri Thorn
                                              Of Service to God
                                           MOMENT FOR SILENT PRAYER & REFLECTION
                                              “Cantate Domino” Giuseppe Ottavio Pittoni
                                                  Cantate Domino, canticum novum,
                                                  Laus ejus in Ecclesia Sanctorum.
                                                  Laetetur Israel in eo, qui fecit eum,
                                                  Et filii Sion, exultent in rege suo.
Missed A Sermon?                                  Sing to the Lord all the earth,
                                                  Let His praise fill the church.
Did you miss a sermon? Or want to hear            Let Israel rejoice in Him who made them,
it again? Or read it? All of the sermons
                                                  And His children be joyful in their King.
our pastors have delivered are available
on the Tab website under sermons.
Check it out!
HYMN #645
                                                 “Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above” Mit Freuden Zart
                                                     Sing praise to God who reigns above, the God of all creation,
                                                     The God of power, the God of love, the God of our salvation.
                                                     With healing balm my soul is filled, and every faithless murmur stilled:
                                                     To God all praise and glory!
                                                     What God’s almighty power has made God’s gracious mercy keepeth;
                                                     By morning glow or evening shade God’s watchful eye ne’er sleepeth.
                                                     Within the kingdom of God’s might, lo! all is just and all is right:
                                                     To God all praise and glory!
                                                     The Lord is never far away, but, through all grief distressing,
                                                     An ever-present help and stay, our peace and joy and blessing,
                                                     As with a mother’s tender hand God gently leads the chosen band:
                                                     To God all praise and glory!
                                                     Thus all my toilsome way along I sing aloud Thy praises,
                                                     That all may hear the grateful song my voice unwearied raises.
                                                     Be joyful in the Lord, my heart; both soul and body, take your part:
                                                     To God all praise and glory!

                                                 “Finale” (from Organ Symphony #1) Louis Vierne

                                                                                                Sign Up
                                                                                                the Bloodmobile
If You Lose The Worship                                                                         will be at Tab
Stream on Sunday                                                                                Sunday, October 3
Check to make sure that your home
internet is working. If it is, that means
there’s an interruption at Tab or between
Tab and your house. If the issue is fixable
                                                             To da
                                                          ve      y all-church
at Tab, we will usually fix it within a few
minutes, but that also means we have

to start a new stream on YouTube. Keep
                                               R e s er


refreshing your browser until the new
stream appears on our YouTube page.
Better yet, subscribe to Tab’s YouTube

page, tabindy. Hit the big red SUBSCRIBE
button on the page, then the little notifi-
cation “bell” next to the button. Set your
notifications to “All” and you will be noti-
fied via email or on your phone whenever
we go live with the new stream or post a
new video. You can always change this
setting later. Do it today.
If the problem is not fixable, (e.g., power
failure, interruption of Tab’s internet         Sunday, October 17 at 11a
service) we will post the service or sermon
later, often later that day, but always
                                                        Lunch will be served following the 10 o’clock worship service.
within 48 hours. Thank you for all of your        Reservations are required. Reserve your plate by calling the Front Office or
patience and support!                                  emailing Reservations close October 10.
Week of September 19 – September 25, 2021
WELCOME LITTLE ONE!                                                    prices in town (hot dogs, brats, and all your concession
We are delighted to announce the arrival of Jormo Ofori Darku,         favorites) and mingle with recreation families. Pre-game live
born on September 8. Jormo is the son of Robert Darku and              music (special guest Tommy Baldwin) will start at 6p; football
Mansa Samlafo. Mother and baby are doing well, and big                 game starting at 6:40p. Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!?
sisters Dromo and Shidaa love having a little brother. Con-
                                                                       BLOOD DRIVE: OCTOBER 3
gratulations and God’s blessings to the family!
                                                                       On Sunday, October 3, Tab will host its Fall Blood Drive
WITH DEEPEST SYMPATHY                                                  from 9a–1p, and we will host the Versiti Bloodmobile in the
The Tab Church family extends our sympathies to Jeannine               Parking Lot for this event. There remains an urgent need for
Stokes and her family in the death of her husband, Jim, on             blood donations at this time. All appropriate social distancing
September 8, 2021. In addition, our prayers are with the               and safety precautions will be taken. To sign up, stop by the
family of Brian Lasch who passed away last week. Brian is the          table in McKee Hallway or contact Paula Daum at paula.daum
son of Kathy Ball Lasch and the grandson of Pat Ball. Please  or (317) 923-5458, ext. 104, to reserve your time.
keep these families in your prayers.
                                                                       CELEBRATE “JUSTICE FOR ALL” WITH NCLC
ZIMNICEA ROMANIA CHURCH CELEBRATES 25 YEARS                            The Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic is a nonprofit law
In October 1996, Tabernacle Presbyterian celebrated with               firm that was started by a group of attorneys from Tab over
partners in Romania to open the new church building in                 27 years ago and now works in Mapleton-Fall Creek and
Zimnicea. The construction involved 33 members of Tab and              statewide. On Thursday, October 7, join them in person
six mission trips over four years. Long-term Tab missionary,           in downtown Indy, or online, for a celebration of justice
Marshall McKenna, plans to represent Tab in-person at the              featuring keynote speaker Father Greg Boyle. Father Boyle
celebration on October 10, 2021. If you have been to Zimnicea          founded Homeboy Industries, a gang prevention and
or want to pass along a greeting, please send it to Terri Thorn        rehabilitation ministry in Los Angeles and authored “Tattoos
(, who will see that it gets delivered for     on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion.” Learn
the anniversary celebration.                                           more and get your tickets to the Justice for All Gala today
In preparation for the CTS Faith and Action Project Fall Event         UPCOMING INQUIRERS’ CLASS
featuring Bryan Stevenson, author of “Just Mercy: A Story of           An Inquirers’ Class will be offered on Saturday, October 9,
Justice and Redemption,” Circles Indy and Tab Missions are             from 9a–10:30a in Tab’s Parlor. This class is for anyone
sponsoring a screening of the documentary “True Justice:               interested in knowing more about the mission and ministry
Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Equality.” Tab’s screening is              of Tab or is considering church membership. The class will
Thursday, September 23, at 6p in the Dining Room. A light              be led by John Gable and those participating in the class
supper will be provided to all registered participants. Please         will be invited to become members of Tab, but membership
register through the Front Office or with Terri Thorn (terri.          is optional. For more information or to register for this class, no later than noon on Tuesday, Septem-              contact Paula Daum at (317) 923-5458, ext. 104, or via email
ber 21st. Please also indicate if you will need childcare. The         at
movie will begin promptly at 6p, so plan to arrive by 5:45p.           INDY JAZZ FEST FOUNDATION HONORS KENNY PHELPS
ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY                                                     Each year the Indy Jazz Foundation recognizes local artists
On Sunday, September 26, we will be celebrating this year’s            and this year Tab member Kenny Phelps is a recipient of this
50-year member Sandra Simpson and Tab’s 170th anniver-                 honor. Pavel Polanco-Safadit, Leah Crane, Steve Dokken
sary. To add to the celebration, we will also recognize these          and Rob Dixon will be playing together today at Garfield Park
staff members for their service anniversaries with Tab: Matt           at 2:20p. Congratulations, Kenny, for this well-deserved
Kauffman–30 years, Dave Streit–25 years and Jeff Ellis–25              honor and recognition.
years. Join us after the 10a worship service that Sunday for           CALLING ALL COOKS & THOSE WHO LOVE GOOD FOOD!
cake and ice cream in the Stadium and southwest Parking Lot!           Don’t forget to send your favorite salad and hors d’oeuvre
PACK THE HOUSE NIGHT!                                                  recipes to If you’d like to just provide
Please join us on Wednesday, September 29, for PACK THE                a copy of your recipes, drop them by the Front Office. We
HOUSE NIGHT! Watch a great football game between the                   know your specialties will make the centennial cookbook
Tab Hoosiers and PAL Colts, enjoy good food at the best                a true treasure.

TABERNACLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH                      (317) 923 . 5458        tabpres
418 E. 34th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46205
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