Page created by Suzanne Thompson
Autism Program                                         FREE
         McMaster                                               Foundational

         Children’s Hospital

Service Guide
FALL 2021

To register for any of the programs in the Service Guide call
(905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email
You want the best for your kids.
So do we.
Saying their first word, attending a friend’s birthday party, landing a job…

We’re here to help you realize your hopes and dreams for your child. Our goal is to make your family’s
life less stressful and more enjoyable so everyone can reach their potential. We’ll partner with you to
help you and your child build skills and embrace their unique traits and talents.

We’re excited to offer Foundational Family Services as part of the Ontario Autism Program (OAP).
These services include consultation appointments, clinics, clinical and recreational groups for children
and youth, and parent and caregiver workshops and training. All Foundational Family Services are
provided at no cost and are included throughout this guide.

Many of our services are also now offered virtually using either the Zoom Healthcare or the Ontario
Health Network (OTN) online platforms. Descriptions indicate whether a service is offered virtually, in
person, or both.

Whether you choose to receive services virtually or in person, you will receive the same level of
service you’ve come to expect from the McMaster Children’s Hospital Autism Program.
Belonging to one of the largest children’s hospitals in Canada, we are in a unique position.

•	Our Autism Program is connected to dozens of other exceptional child and youth services, and
   we’re able to offer a level of integration and expertise that not all centres can provide.
•	As a teaching hospital, we have the latest research at our fingertips, and our patients participate
   in globally-recognized studies.
•	We are nationally accredited, and our staff are held to the highest standard of training and oversight.

If there is a service you would like to see that we’re not offering, please let us know. We welcome
your feedback along the way.

Our staff are experts in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). ABA is the field of psychology dedicated
to understanding and changing behaviour.

•   Applied: Meaningful to the child/youth and family
•   Behaviour: Observable and measurable
•   Analysis: Systematic and consistent intervention

We use ABA to teach new and meaningful skills, or reduce unwanted behaviour in order
to improve quality of life. ABA helps promote independence. For more information about ABA,
please access our online workshop called, “Introduction to Applied Behavioural Analysis” at:


      For more information or to register for a service, please contact
2     (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at
Expert Speaker Series                                                                                 4

Family Nights                                                                                         5

Parent and Caregiver Education and Training At-a-Glance                                              6-9

Icon Legend                                                                                           10

Level Descriptions                                                                                    11

Preschool and Kindergarten                                                                            12

Grade 1 to 3                                                                                          18

Grade 4 to 8                                                                                         24

High School                                                                                          30

Ontario Autism Program (OAP) Core Clinical Services                                                  36

Features of this guide
	Keep an eye out for icons listed on Page 10. They will indicate features of different services,
  including which skill areas they target.

    se the chart on Page 11 to determine which level best applies to your child. If you have questions
   about levels, please contact us. These levels are a general guide; your child may not fit neatly into
   a category. If a service is only offered for certain levels, it will be indicated in the description.

PRICING (1:1 ABA Therapy, Psychological Services, and Speech and Language Services)
	Prices include parking at Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre during your visit, as well as any
  materials and supplies needed for the service. There is no tax on these purchases.

                                 For more information or to register for a service, please contact
                                 (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at          3
Autism Program
                                                                    Children’s Hospital

FINDING CHILDCARE                  POST SECONDARY                        MAKING SENSE
                                   PATHWAYS                              OF SENSORY
Presented by
Angela Zajczenko, RECE, RT
                                   Presented by
Early Childhood Resource           Mohawk College Faculty,               Presented by
Specialist                         Staff and Students                    Ali Rawling MSc (OT), OT
Special Needs
                                                                         Reg. (Ont.) and Victoria
Resourcing and                     Thinking about what                   DiGiovanni MSc (OT), OT
Children’s Developmental           comes after high school?              Reg. (Ont.)
Rehabilitation Programme           In this session, faculty,
                                   staff and students will               This workshop, provided by
                                   present information about             Occupational Therapists,
Childcare can be very              two programs at Mohawk                will review all thing sensory
beneficial for your child, but     College- the Career                   processing! We will start
it can take some work to           Pathways Program and the              with an overview of our
find the right program!            CICE Program, in addition             senses, explain how your
Learn about:                       to supports and services              child may react or respond
•	Licensed childcare and its      provided by Accessible                to sensory input and provide
   developmental benefits          Learning Services. Youth              some general strategies
•	Useful tips to find an          and their parents will have           on how to address sensory
   available childcare space       the opportunity to ask                needs or preferences.
• Childcare subsidy                questions about different             Questions are welcome and
•	Community supports that         post-secondary pathways               encouraged.
   will support your child         at Mohawk, while engaging
   when they are starting and      with speakers around the
   as they continue attending      college transition process.

Virtual workshop on:               Virtual workshop on:                  Virtual workshop on:
Thursday, September 16 from        Wednesday, October 6 from             Thursday, November 4 from
6:30-8:00 p.m.                     6:30-8:00 p.m.                        6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

     For more information or to register for a service, please contact
4    (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at
                                   The McMaster Children’s Hospital Autism Program, Autism
                                   Ontario, and the Young Caregivers Association have teamed up to
                                   offer activities for the whole family. Participate in a parent support
                                   group, sibling support group, or a recreational group for children
                                   with autism. Register to attend any or all of the groups!

   PARENT CONNECTIONS                                   RECREATIONAL GROUPS FOR
   Connect with other parents and caregivers who        CHILDREN WITH AUTISM
   have a child/youth with autism and share similar
                                                        Children are invited to participate virtually in
   experiences to you. There will be two virtual
                                                        fun theme-based recreational groups offered
   sessions offered monthly on the same evening.
                                                        throughout the fall months.
   Group 1 will support facilitated group discussions
   specific to families who have received a new
                                                        To register:	To learn more or register:
   diagnosis and those involved in ABA. Group 2 will
                                                        		Please contact a Family Service
   include those families transitioning out of ABA
                                                        		               Coordinator at 905-521-2100 ext.
   who are focusing on the development of their
                                                        		               78972 or email
   child/youth’s social and life skills, and parents/
   caregivers who have a youth transitioning into
   adult services.
                                                        SIBLING SUPPORT GROUP
   These sessions are facilitated by a Family Service
   Coordinator from the McMaster Children’s             This 6-week virtual program is designed to
   Hospital Autism Program in partnership with a        bring siblings together! Led by Cayleigh Sexton,
   Service Navigator from Autism Ontario.               Director of Programs and Services with the
                                                        Young Caregivers Association, this group is
                                                        for children ages 5-12 years old who support
   When:		6:00 – 7:00 p.m.                          a sibling at home who has special needs.
   		         Wednesday, September 29                   Together we will explore themes that can help
   		         Wednesday, October 27                     siblings in their daily life such as dealing with
   		         Wednesday, November 24                    emotions, communication, and how to take time
                                                        for themselves. The group provides children
                                                        with an opportunity to connect with peers who
   To register:	To learn more or register:           understand the experience of having a sibling
   		Please contact a Family Service                   who needs some extra help.
   		Coordinator at 905-521-2100
                   ext. 78972 or email                  When:		Runs virtually every Thursday
                                from 6:30-8:00 p.m. starting
                                                                October 21 for six weeks.

                                                        To register:	Please contact Cayleigh Sexton at
                                                                      905-708-4347 or email csexton@

                              Autism Program
                              Children’s Hospital

    MONDAY       Improving Your Child’s Sleep
    SEP 13       DATE Monday, September 13 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

WEDNESDAY        Managing Funds
    SEP 15       DATE Wednesday, September 15 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

                 Understanding Interfering Behaviour PART 1
                 DATE Thursday, September 16 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
    SEP 16
                 Expert Speaker Series: Finding Childcare
                 DATE Wednesday, September 16 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

    TUESDAY      Picky Eating
    SEP 21       DATE Tuesday, September 21 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

WEDNESDAY        Helping Your Child Manage Change
    SEP 22       DATE Wednesday, September 22 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

    THURSDAY     Understanding Interfering Behaviour PART 2
    SEP 23       DATE Thursday, September 23 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

    TUESDAY      Next Steps After Your Child Receives a Diagnosis
    SEP 28       DATE Tuesday, September 28 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m

WEDNESDAY        Structured Independent Learning at Home
    SEP 29       DATE Wednesday, September 29 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

    THURSDAY     Desensitization: How to Make Difficult Events Easier
    SEP 30       DATE Thursday, September 30 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

       For more information or to register for a service, please contact
6      (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at

 FRIDAY     Toilet Training
 OCT 1      DATE Friday, October 1 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

 TUESDAY    Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
 OCT 5      DATE Tuesday, October 5 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

WEDNESDAY   Expert Speaker Series: Post Secondary Pathways
 OCT 6      DATE Wednesday, October 6 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

THURSDAY    Virtual Learning
 OCT 7      DATE Thursday, October 7 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

 TUESDAY    Teaching a New Skill
 OCT 12     DATE Tuesday, October 12 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

THURSDAY    Introduction to Play Skills
 OCT 14     DATE Thursday, October 14 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

 TUESDAY    Let’s Communicate!
 OCT 19     DATE Tuesday, October 19 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

            Understanding Interfering Behaviour PART 1
            DATE Wednesday, October 20 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
 OCT 20
            Pathways After High School
            DATE Wednesday, October 20 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m

THURSDAY    Assistance with Funding Applications
 OCT 21     DATE Thursday, October 21 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m

 TUESDAY    Managing Funds
 OCT 26     DATE Tuesday, October 26 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

WEDNESDAY   Understanding Interfering Behaviour PART 2
 OCT 27     DATE Wednesday, October 27 from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

THURSDAY    Supporting Your Teen with Self-Independence Skills
 OCT 28     DATE Thursday, October 28 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

                           For more information or to register for a service, please contact
                           (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at        7

    TUESDAY      Toilet Training
    NOV 2        DATE Tuesday, November 2 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

WEDNESDAY        Next Steps After Your Child Receives a Diagnosis
    NOV 3        DATE Wednesday, November 3 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

    THURSDAY     Expert Speaker Series: Making Sense of Sensory Processing
    NOV 4        DATE Thursday, November 4 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m

    TUESDAY      Transition to Adult Services
    NOV 9        DATE Tuesday, November 9 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

    THURSDAY     Understanding Interfering Behaviour PART 1
    NOV 11       DATE Thursday, November 11 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

     FRIDAY      Improving Your Child’s Sleep
    NOV 12       DATE Friday, November 12 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

    TUESDAY      Picky Eating
    NOV 16       DATE Tuesday, November 16 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

WEDNESDAY        Desensitization: How to Make Difficult Events Easier
    NOV 17       DATE Wednesday, November 17 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

    THURSDAY     Understanding Interfering Behaviour PART 2
    NOV 18       DATE Thursday, November 18 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

    TUESDAY      ASD and Anxiety
    NOV 23       DATE Tuesday, November 23 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

    THURSDAY     Let’s Play!
    NOV 25       DATE Thursday, November 25 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

    TUESDAY      Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
    NOV 30       DATE Tuesday, November 30 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

       For more information or to register for a service, please contact
8      (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at

WEDNESDAY   Managing Funds
 DEC 1      DATE Wednesday, December 1 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

THURSDAY    Making the Holidays Successful
 DEC 2      DATE Thursday, December 2 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

 MONDAY     Toilet Training
 DEC 6      DATE Monday, December 6 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

 TUESDAY    Next Steps After Your Child Receives a Diagnosis
 DEC 7      DATE Tuesday, December 7 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

THURSDAY    Helping Your Child Manage Change
 DEC 9      DATE Thursday, December 9 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

 TUESDAY    Supporting Your Teen with Self-Independence Skills
 DEC 14     DATE Tuesday, December 14 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

                          For more information or to register for a service, please contact
                          (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at        9
Icon Legend
The following icons are listed underneath service descriptions to highlight specific skill areas
targeted in the program for quick reference.

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                   nication                                                   Leisure
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     For more information or to register for a service, please contact
10   (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at
Level Descriptions
To help parents and caregivers choose the most appropriate services, we have recommended
each service according to both age and group level. If no age or level is specified, the service
is open to all. These levels have been developed by our program for this specific purpose. If
you have any questions about what level best matches your child, please do not hesitate to
contact us at 905-521-2100, ext. 78972.

 AREA                 LEVEL A                            LEVEL B                            LEVEL C
                      •	Does not play with toys as      •	Plays with toys as they were    •	Participates in interactive and
                         they were designed                 designed and enjoys pretend        cooperative play with little to
                      • Enjoys solitary play                play                               no assistance
                      • May not respond to adult or     •	Aware of adults and peers in    •	Understands the rules of play
                         peer attempts to interact          close proximity                    including turn-taking, sharing,
                      • Enjoys cause and effect toys     •	May participate in some            winning and losing

                                                            interactive or cooperative      •	Participates in verbal
                                                            play with assistance               exchanges with self and peers
                                                         •	Does not initiate peer             during play
                                                            interaction but will follow     •	Plays board games and
                                                            along in simple interactive        video games with minimal
                                                            games                              assistance

                      •	May not have a                  •	Can request needs and wants     •	Advanced communication
                          communication system in           with 1-4 word sentences or         skills using verbal requests,

                          place                             by using an augmentative           comments and questions
                      • Primarily non-verbal                communication system            •	Can participate in both
                      • Uses visuals or augmentative    •	Minimal back and forth             verbal and non-verbal
                         communication device with          conversation skills                communication
                         prompting                                                          •	Can initiate, maintain and end
                      • Difficulty following simple                                           conversations with assistance
                         instructions                                                       •	May become fixated or have
                                                                                               trouble moving away from a
                                                                                               preferred topic of discussion

                      •	Needs help to complete daily    •	Can follow daily routines with •	Can follow daily routines with
                         routines such as washing,          minimal assistance                  little to no assistance
                         toileting or eating             •	Does not like to deviate from    •	Adapts to transitions and

                      • Engages in repetitive              daily routine and has difficulty    changes to routine
                         behaviours                         with unexpected changes          •	Can follow complex individual
                      • Difficulty transitioning from   •	May engage in repetitive            and group instructions
                         one activity to the next           behaviours but is easily            independently
                                                         •	Can follow one/two step
                                                            directions independently

                                              For more information or to register for a service, please contact
                                              (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at                      11
Preschool and

 Consultation                                                       School Support Consultation

 Service Planning Consultation                                      ASD Specialists offer 1 hour clinics to families on a variety of
                                                                    topics related to school. Possible topics can include: helping
 Not sure where to begin? During your consultation with one         your child transition on/off the bus; successfully transitioning
 of our expert program staff, we will help identify your child’s    to school in the morning/after school routine; supporting your
 needs and strengths, and discuss your goals as a family. Service   child in remote learning; supporting your child to complete
 recommendations will be made to help you achieve success.          homework; promoting consistency between home and school
                                                                    and using visuals to teach routines.
 LEVEL          A, B, C
                                                                    LEVEL           A, B, C
 INCLUDES       • 1-hour appointment
                • Available in-person or virtually                  INCLUDES       • 1-hour appointment
                                                                                   • Available in-person or virtually
 DATE            Flexible
                                                                    DATE            Flexible
 COST            No cost
                                                                    COST            No cost

 Resource Consultation
                                                                    Clinic Appointment
 Our expert program staff will discuss resources and supports
 available in the community and/or help you complete funding        Meet with a clinician to discuss a specific skill you’d like your
 forms.                                                             child to develop or address a concern about your child’s
                                                                    behaviour. You will receive individualized tips and strategies
 LEVEL          A, B, C                                             for building skills and reducing challenging behaviours.
 INCLUDES       • 1-hour appointment                                LEVEL           A, B, C
                • Available in-person or virtually
                                                                    INCLUDES       • 1-hour appointment
 DATE            Flexible                                                          • Available in-person or virtually
 COST            No cost                                            DATE            Flexible
                                                                    COST            No cost

      For more information or to register for a service, please contact
12    (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at
Group Clinical Programs

                                                                                                                                              Preschool and Kindergarten
                                                                    P.A. Day Fall Fun Junior
                                                                    Let’s celebrate Fall! This group is designed to enable your
Beginning Social Skills                                             child to enjoy Fall fun in a virtual setting. Your child will be
                                                                    able to practice their communication and group readiness
This group will help your child build social communication skills   skills while participating in a variety of Fall-themed activities,
with peers, such as initiating and responding to conversation,      including story time, songs, a craft, and games. Parents and
interactive play, and making verbal requests. Parents will          siblings are encouraged to participate in the fun.
participate along with their child to help them respond and
engage with their peers. Facilitated by Autism Therapists with      LEVEL           B, C
supervision from an OAP Clinical Supervisor.                        INCLUDES       • 1-hour virtual session
LEVEL           B, C                                                DATE            Friday, November 26 from 10:30-11:30 a.m.
INCLUDES       • 6 45-minute virtual sessions                       COST            No cost
               • Available virtually
DATE            LEVEL B:	Wednesdays from 10:00-10:45
                               a.m. starting September 15 to
                               October 20
                                                                    Winter Holiday Fun Junior
                	Wednesdays from 10:00-10:45
                                                                    Let’s celebrate Winter! This group is designed to enable your
                               a.m. starting November 10 to
                                                                    child to enjoy Winter fun in a virtual setting. Your child will
                               December 15
                                                                    be able to practice their communication and group readiness
                                                                    skills while participating in a variety of Winter-themed
                LEVEL C:	Thursdays from 10:00-10:45 a.m.
                                                                    activities, including story time, songs, a craft, and games.
                           starting September 16 to
                                                                    Parents and siblings are encouraged to participate in the fun.
                           October 21
                	Thursdays from 10:00-10:45 a.m.                   LEVEL           B, C
                           starting November 11 to
                           December 16                              INCLUDES       • 30-minute virtual session
                                                                                   • Sign up for one, several, or all sessions
COST            No cost                                                            • Each session will include different activities
                                                                    DATE            Tuesday, December 28 from 10:00-10:30 a.m.
                                                                                    Wednesday, December 29 from 10:00-10:30 a.m.
Group Recreational Programs                                                         Thursday, December 30 from 10:00-10:30 a.m.
                                                                    COST            No cost
Circle Time
Join us for songs, stories, games and dancing that will help
children practice a variety of skills necessary for successful
participation in school virtually or in person. Parent/caregiver
assistance will be required.
LEVEL           A, B, C
INCLUDES       • Weekly 30-minute virtual sessions
                                                                               “It truly is a privilege for
               • Sign up for one, several, or all sessions
DATE            Thursdays from 11:00-11:30 a.m.
                                                                                caregivers to invite me
                starting September 16 to October 21
                                                                                into their home (virtually
COST            No cost
                                                                                or in person) and to share
What a Masterpiece!                                                             in those big moments that
This group is designed for children who enjoy getting messy
and exploring crafts with a variety of materials while practicing
                                                                               we have been working
their social skills with peers. Autism Therapists will guide the
group using kid-friendly instructions, and children will be
                                                                                towards as a team.”
encouraged to share their masterpieces with the group.
LEVEL           A, B, C
INCLUDES       • Weekly 30-minute virtual sessions
               • Sign up for one, several, or all sessions
DATE            Thursdays from 11:00-11:30 a.m.                                         Jill, Autism Therapist
                starting November 11 to December 16
COST            No cost

                                             For more information or to register for a service, please contact
                                             (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at                                13
Parent and Caregiver Education                                  Managing Funds
Preschool and Kindergarten

                                                                                              Join us for information about managing funds received and
                              and Training                                                    the reconciliation process for the Direct Funding Option
                                                                                              (DFO), Childhood Budget, and Interim One Time Funding. This
                                                                                              workshop is facilitated by a Service Navigator from Autism
                              Triple P Stepping Stones                                        Ontario and a Direct Funding Accounts Coordinator from the
                                                                                              McMaster Children’s Hospital Autism Program. We will share
                              This 10-week program for parents and caregivers of children     helpful templates for tracking funds received and invoices.
                              up to 12 years of age teaches positive, proactive strategies    Questions related to eligible and ineligible expenses and the
                              to manage behaviours in a constructive way, encourage           reconciliation process will be answered. The workshop is
                              your child’s development, and cope with difficult situations.   designed for new funding recipients as well as families already
                              Recommended for parents and caregivers new to their             receiving funding. Bring any questions and if we are not able
                              child’s diagnosis.                                              to answer them, we will find the answer for you.
                              LEVEL          A, B, C                                          LEVEL           A, B, C
                              INCLUDES      •	7 2-hour group sessions for parents/           INCLUDES       • 2-hour virtual workshop
                                            •	3 follow-up individualized consultations       DATE           Wednesday, September 15 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                                            •	Available in person or virtually, dependent                   Tuesday, October 26 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
                                               upon COVID-19 health restrictions at that                     Wednesday, December 1 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                                               time.                                          COST            No cost
                              DATE           Tuesdays from 6:00-8:00 p.m. starting
                                             September 28
                                             Thursdays from 1:00-3:00 p.m. starting           Assistance with Funding Applications
                                             September 30
                                                                                              Filling out funding applications can be difficult. This workshop
                              COST           No cost                                          provides a step-by-step review of completing a variety
                                                                                              of funding applications. Examples of applications to be
                                                                                              reviewed are Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities,
                              Next Steps After Your Child Receives a Diagnosis                Special Services at Home, Disability Tax Credit, Easter Seals
                                                                                              Incontinence Grant, Access to Entertainment Card, and
                              The days and months after a diagnosis of autism can be          Accessible Parking Pass.
                              overwhelming. This workshop provides a step-by-step
                              checklist for parents, an overview of community services and    LEVEL           A, B, C
                              funding options, and an opportunity to ask specific questions   INCLUDES       • 2-hour virtual workshop
                              about supports for your child.                                                 • 1 follow-up individualized consultation
                              LEVEL          A, B, C                                          DATE           Thursday, October 21 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                              INCLUDES      • 2-hour virtual workshop                         COST            No cost
                                            • 1 follow-up individualized consultation
                              DATE           Tuesday, September 28 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
                                             Wednesday, November 3 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                                                                                              Let’s Communicate!
                                             Tuesday, December 7 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.          During this workshop you will learn about the development
                                                                                              of communication skills and the many ways that children can
                              COST           No cost
                                                                                              send messages. Various strategies to support your child with
                                                                                              increasing their meaningful communication with you and
                              Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)                      others will be shared. After participating in this workshop, you
                                                                                              will be offered a virtual 1:1 appointment to individualize this
                              This workshop provides an overview of the characteristics       information for you and your family.
                              of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) including how children/
                              youth with ASD often perceive the world differently.            LEVEL           A, B
                              Participants are provided with information about what can       INCLUDES       • 2-hour virtual workshop
                              be challenging for children with ASD, as well as some helpful                  • 1 follow-up individualized consultation
                              strategies and resources.
                                                                                              DATE           Tuesday, October 19 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
                              LEVEL          A, B, C
                                                                                              COST            No cost
                              INCLUDES      • 2-hour virtual workshop
                              DATE           Tuesday, October 5 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
                                             Tuesday, November 30 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                              COST           No cost

                                   For more information or to register for a service, please contact
                             14    (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at
Introduction to Play Skills                                           Improving Your Child’s Sleep

                                                                                                                                                Preschool and Kindergarten
During this workshop, you will learn strategies based on              During this workshop, you will learn strategies based on
Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) principles for helping your          Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) principles that can be
child develop their play skills. You will learn about the stages of   used to help children fall asleep and maintain a full night’s
play from independent toy play to more advanced cooperative           sleep. Strategies are covered step-by-step, in a practical
play with others. After participating in this workshop, you           manner to address a variety of sleep-related issues. After
will be offered a 1:1 virtual appointment to individualize the        participating in this workshop, you will be offered a 1:1 virtual
information for you and your family.                                  appointment to individualize the information for you and
                                                                      your family.
LEVEL           A, B, C
                                                                      LEVEL        A, B, C
INCLUDES       • 2-hour virtual workshop
               • 1 follow-up individualized consultation              INCLUDES • 2-hour virtual workshop
                                                                               • Follow-up individualized consultation
DATE            Thursday, October 14 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                                                                      DATE         Monday, September 13 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
COST            No cost
                                                                                   Friday, November 12 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
                                                                      COST         No cost
Toilet Training
During this workshop, you will learn to recognize when                Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT)® Training
children are ready to begin toilet training and identify
                                                                      Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT)® is an evidence-based,
patterns in current toileting behaviours. Various toilet
                                                                      naturalistic developmental behavioural intervention for
training strategies based on Applied Behaviour Analysis
                                                                      children with ASD up to age 12 years. This training includes
(ABA) principles will be covered. After participating in
                                                                      2 group sessions for parents/caregivers and 4 individual
this workshop, you will be offered up to three 1:1 virtual
                                                                      consultation sessions that involve both child and parent/
appointments to individualize the information for you and
                                                                      caregiver participation. You will learn strategies that
your family.
                                                                      increase your child’s skills in a specific pivotal area known
LEVEL        A, B, C                                                  to produce widespread positive improvements in learning,
                                                                      social communication, and behaviour. A screening will
INCLUDES • 2-hour virtual workshop
                                                                      be completed to determine which pivotal area is most
         • Follow-up individualized consultation
                                                                      appropriate for your child or to provide recommendations for
DATE         Friday, October 1 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.             other services.
             Tuesday, November 2 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                                                                      LEVEL        A, B, C
             Monday, December 6 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
                                                                      INCLUDES •	2 2-hour virtual group sessions for parents/
COST         No cost
                                                                               •	4 1.5-hour individual sessions for child and
Picky Eating                                                                      parent/caregiver

This workshop covers a variety of positive behavioural                DATE         Start dates and times are individualized
approaches to introducing new foods or expanding food                 COST         No cost
choices for picky eaters. Strategies are covered step-by-
step, in a practical manner to address a variety of eating-
related issues. After participating in this workshop, you will        Desensitization: How to Make Difficult
be offered a 1:1 virtual appointment to individualize the             Events Easier
information for you and your family.
                                                                      The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a lot of changes for
LEVEL        A, B, C                                                  parents and their children. This workshop focuses on making
INCLUDES • 2-hour virtual workshop                                    activities, like wearing a mask, getting a haircut, washing hands,
         • Follow-up individualized consultation                      or going to the store, more seamless for the entire family. You
                                                                      will learn strategies to help reduce your child’s challenging
DATE         Tuesday, September 21 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.                behaviour during these activities, such as understanding
             Tuesday, November 16 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.                 how to develop a gradual approach to increase your child’s
COST         No cost                                                  tolerance of these activities and situations. This workshop is
                                                                      facilitated by a Behaviour Therapist who is a Board Certified
                                                                      Behaviour Analyst. After participating in this workshop, you
                                                                      will be offered a 1:1 virtual appointment to individualize the
                                                                      information for you and your family.
                                                                      LEVEL           A, B, C
                                                                      INCLUDES       • 2-hour virtual workshop
                                                                                     • 1 follow-up individualized consultation
                                                                      DATE            Thursday, September 30 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
                                                                                      Wednesday, November 17 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                                                                      COST            No cost

                                             For more information or to register for a service, please contact
                                             (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at                                  15
Understanding Interfering Behaviour                              Helping Your Child Manage Change
Preschool and Kindergarten

                              This two-part workshop provides parents and caregivers           This workshop will provide you with strategies to increase
                              with the skills to begin developing an intervention plan for     your child’s flexibility. You’ll learn how to break down
                              behaviour that interferes with your child’s learning or day-     challenging situations and support your child with proactive
                              to-day functioning. In Part 1, you will learn to identify and    planning, teaching them to accept change. This workshop is
                              collect data to better understand the behaviour. In Part 2, we   facilitated by a Behaviour Therapist who is a Board Certified
                              will review your data and discuss strategies to reduce the       Behaviour Analyst.
                              behaviour. This workshop will be facilitated by a Behaviour
                                                                                               LEVEL          A, B, C
                              Therapist who is a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst.
                              Following participation in Part 2 of the workshop, you will      INCLUDES      • 2-hour virtual workshop
                              be offered a 1:1 virtual appointment to review your data and                   • 1 follow-up individualized consultation
                              individualize the information for you and your family.
                                                                                               DATE           Wednesday, September 22 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                              LEVEL          A, B, C                                                          Thursday, December 9 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
                              INCLUDES       • 2 2-hour virtual workshops                      COST           No cost
                                             • 1 follow-up individualized consultation
                              DATE           Part 1:	Thursday, September 16 from
                                                       1:00-3:00 p.m.                          Making the Holidays Successful
                                             Part 2: 	Thursday, September 23 from             The holiday season can be challenging and busy. For our
                                                       1:00-3:00 p.m.                          family members who need consistency and routine it
                                                                                               can be even more stressful. This workshop will provide
                                             Part 1:	Wednesday, October 20 from               strategies to help with planning and organizing your time,
                                                      1:00-3:00 p.m.                           ideas of fun activities to do with the family, tips to help
                                             Part 2:	Wednesday, October 27 from               make family visits or outings more successful, as well as
                                                      1:00-3:00 p.m.                           strategies to help with the transition back to school in
                                             Part 1:	Thursday, November 11 from
                                                      6:00-8:00 p.m.                           LEVEL          A, B, C
                                             Part 2:	Thursday, November 18 from               INCLUDES      • 2-hour virtual workshop
                                                      6:00-8:00 p.m.                                         • 1 follow-up individualized consultation
                              COST           No cost                                           DATE           Thursday, December 2 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                                                                                               COST           No cost

                                     “Ron Joyce Centre has become our safe place. Staff,
                                      parents and fellow patients just ‘get us’. My daughter
                                      can be who she wanted to be without fear of judgement
                                      and that is such a freeing feeling for myself and for her!
                                     We are always greeted with open arms and have made
                                      many valuable long-lasting connections. We are very
                                      lucky to be a part of this community.” – Christina

                                   For more information or to register for a service, please contact
                             16    (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at
For more information or to register for a service, please contact
(905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at        17
Grade 1 to 3

 Consultation                                                       School Support Consultation

 Service Planning Consultation                                      ASD Specialists offer 1 hour clinics to families on a variety of
                                                                    topics related to school. Possible topics can include: helping
 Not sure where to begin? During your consultation with one         your child transition on/off the bus; successfully transitioning
 of our expert program staff, we will help identify your child’s    to school in the morning/after school routine; supporting your
 needs and strengths, and discuss your goals as a family. Service   child in remote learning; supporting your child to complete
 recommendations will be made to help you achieve success.          homework; promoting consistency between home and school
                                                                    and using visuals to teach routines.
 LEVEL          A, B, C
                                                                    LEVEL           A, B, C
 INCLUDES       • 1-hour appointment
                • Available in-person or virtually                  INCLUDES       • 1-hour appointment
                                                                                   • Available in-person or virtually
 DATE            Flexible
                                                                    DATE            Flexible
 COST            No cost
                                                                    COST            No cost

 Resource Consultation
                                                                    Clinic Appointment
 Our expert program staff will discuss resources and supports
 available in the community and/or help you complete funding        Meet with a clinician to discuss a specific skill you’d like your
 forms.                                                             child to develop or address a concern about your child’s
                                                                    behaviour. You will receive individualized tips and strategies
 LEVEL          A, B, C                                             for building skills and reducing challenging behaviours.
 INCLUDES       • 1-hour appointment                                LEVEL           A, B, C
                • Available in-person or virtually
                                                                    INCLUDES       • 1-hour appointment
 DATE            Flexible                                                          • Available in-person or virtually
 COST            No cost                                            DATE            Flexible
                                                                    COST            No cost
Group Clinical Programs

                                                                                                                                                Grade 1 to 3
                                                                      Lego Club
                                                                      This group is designed for children who enjoy building and
Play Date Fun                                                         constructing with Lego and other building materials to
                                                                      practice using their social skills in a motivational setting.
Let’s play! Play is a vital skill for all children and provides       Autism Therapists will guide the group using kid-friendly
opportunities for socializing and exploring imagination. After        instructions, and children will be encouraged to share their
modeling play skills and encouraging children to play together,       creations with the group.
therapists will lead and encourage parents to facilitate the
play between peers. By the end of the group families will be          LEVEL           B, C
encouraged to set up a virtual play date with a peer in the           INCLUDES       • Weekly 45-minute virtual sessions
group. Facilitated by Autism Therapists with supervision from                        • Sign up for one, several, or all sessions
an OAP Clinical Supervisor.
                                                                      DATE            Tuesdays from 6:00-6:45 p.m. starting from
LEVEL           A, B, C                                                               September 21 to October 26
INCLUDES       • 8 45-minute virtual sessions                         COST            No cost
               • Available virtually
DATE            Tuesdays from 5:00-5:45 p.m. starting
                September 21 to November 9                            P.A. Day Fall Fun Junior
COST            No cost
                                                                      Let’s celebrate Fall! This group is designed to enable your
                                                                      child to enjoy Fall fun in a virtual setting. Your child will be
                                                                      able to practice their communication and group readiness
Group Recreational Programs                                           skills while participating in a variety of Fall-themed activities,
                                                                      including story time, songs, a craft, and games. Parents and
                                                                      siblings are encouraged to participate in the fun.
What a Masterpiece!                                                   LEVEL           B, C
This group is designed for children who enjoy getting messy           INCLUDES       • 1-hour virtual session
and exploring crafts with a variety of materials while practicing
                                                                      DATE            Friday, November 26 from 10:30-11:30 a.m.
their social skills with peers. Autism Therapists will guide
the group using kid-friendly instructions, and children will be       COST            No cost
encouraged to share their masterpieces with the group.
LEVEL           A, B, C
                                                                      Winter Holiday Fun Junior
INCLUDES       • Weekly 45-minute virtual sessions
               • Sign up for one, several, or all sessions            Let’s celebrate Winter! This group is designed to enable your
DATE            Wednesdays from 4:30-5:15 p.m. from                   child to enjoy Winter fun in a virtual setting. Your child will
                starting September 15 to October 20                   be able to practice their communication and group readiness
                                                                      skills while participating in a variety of Winter-themed
COST            No cost                                               activities, including story time, songs, a craft, and games.
                                                                      Parents and siblings are encouraged to participate in the fun.
                                                                      LEVEL           B, C
Try Something New
                                                                      INCLUDES       • 30-minute virtual session
A weekly group to provide your child with an opportunity to                          • Sign up for one, several, or all sessions
participate in a variety of different activities and practice their                  • Each session will include different activities
fine motor skills, following instructions and getting creative in
                                                                      DATE            Tuesday, December 28 from 10:00-10:30 a.m.
a casual environment with peers. Autism Therapists will guide
                                                                                      Wednesday, December 29 from 10:00-10:30 a.m.
the group using step-by-step instructions. Each week will
                                                                                      Thursday, December 30 from 10:00-10:30 a.m.
focus on a different hobby. Activities may include drawing,
painting, cooking, science, baking, and physical activity.            COST            No cost
LEVEL           B, C
INCLUDES       • Weekly 45-minute virtual sessions
               • Sign up for one, several, or all sessions
DATE            Wednesdays from 4:30-5:15 p.m. starting
                November 10 to December 15
COST            No cost

Parent and Caregiver Education                                   Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Grade 1 to 3

                and Training                                                     This workshop provides an overview of the characteristics
                                                                                 of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) including how children/
                                                                                 youth with ASD often perceive the world differently.
                Family Check-Up® (FCU)                                           Participants are provided with information about what can
                Some children and youth with ASD experience high levels          be challenging for children with ASD, as well as some helpful
                of emotional and behavioural problems that can be long-          strategies and resources.
                lasting and stressful for families. The “Family Check-Up®”       LEVEL           A, B, C
                (FCU) program has been shown to decrease the chances that
                children will develop emotional and behavioural problems and     INCLUDES       • 2-hour virtual workshop
                to improve parent well-being, but it has never been tested       DATE           Tuesday, October 5 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
                in families with children with ASD. We want to know how                         Tuesday, November 30 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                FCU works for families with 6- to 17- year-old children with
                ASD. FCU involves 3 visits to identify unique family strengths   COST            No cost
                and challenges. It focuses on engaging parents, supporting
                positive parenting, and connecting families to services. Some
                parents will also have the opportunity to access the Everyday
                                                                                 Managing Funds
                Parenting Curriculum© (EPC), which is tailored to each family    Join us for information about managing funds received and
                based on their “Check-Up.” This program is supervised by a       the reconciliation process for the Direct Funding Option
                psychologist and is being offered as part of a research study.   (DFO), Childhood Budget, and Interim One Time Funding. This
                Participation in research is voluntary.                          workshop is facilitated by a Service Navigator from Autism
                LEVEL                                                            Ontario and a Direct Funding Accounts Coordinator from the
                               A, B, C
                                                                                 McMaster Children’s Hospital Autism Program. We will share
                INCLUDES       •	3 individualized visits                        helpful templates for tracking funds received and invoices.
                                                                                 Questions related to eligible and ineligible expenses and the
                DATE           Start dates and times are individualized
                                                                                 reconciliation process will be answered. The workshop is
                COST           No cost                                           designed for new funding recipients as well as families already
                                                                                 receiving funding. Bring any questions and if we are not able
                                                                                 to answer them, we will find the answer for you.
                Triple P Stepping Stones                                         LEVEL           A, B, C
                This 10-week program for parents and caregivers of children      INCLUDES       • 2-hour virtual workshop
                up to 12 years of age teaches positive, proactive strategies
                to manage behaviours in a constructive way, encourage            DATE           Wednesday, September 15 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                your child’s development, and cope with difficult situations.                   Tuesday, October 26 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
                Recommended for parents and caregivers new to their                             Wednesday, December 1 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                child’s diagnosis.                                               COST            No cost
                LEVEL          A, B, C
                INCLUDES       •	7 2-hour group sessions for parents/
                                                                                 Assistance with Funding Applications
                               •	3 follow-up individualized consultations       Filling out funding applications can be difficult. This workshop
                               •	Available in person or virtually, dependent    provides a step-by-step review of completing a variety
                                  upon COVID-19 health restrictions at that      of funding applications. Examples of applications to be
                                  time.                                          reviewed are Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities,
                                                                                 Special Services at Home, Disability Tax Credit, Easter Seals
                DATE           Tuesdays from 6:00-8:00 p.m. starting
                                                                                 Incontinence Grant, Access to Entertainment Card, and
                               September 28
                                                                                 Accessible Parking Pass.
                               Thursdays from 1:00-3:00 p.m. starting
                               September 30                                      LEVEL           A, B, C
                COST           No cost                                           INCLUDES       • 2-hour virtual workshop
                                                                                                • 1 follow-up individualized consultation
                                                                                 DATE           Thursday, October 21 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                Next Steps After Your Child Receives a Diagnosis
                                                                                 COST            No cost
                The days and months after a diagnosis of autism can be
                overwhelming. This workshop provides a step-by-step
                checklist for parents, an overview of community services and
                funding options, and an opportunity to ask specific questions
                about supports for your child.
                LEVEL          A, B, C
                INCLUDES       • 2-hour virtual workshop
                               • 1 follow-up individualized consultation
                DATE           Tuesday, September 28 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
                               Wednesday, November 3 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                               Tuesday, December 7 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                COST           No cost

                     For more information or to register for a service, please contact
               20    (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at
Improving Your Child’s Sleep

                                                                                                                                          Grade 1 to 3
Let’s Communicate!
                                                                 During this workshop, you will learn strategies based on
During this workshop you will learn about the development
                                                                 Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) principles that can be
of communication skills and the many ways that children can
                                                                 used to help children fall asleep and maintain a full night’s
send messages. Various strategies to support your child with
                                                                 sleep. Strategies are covered step-by-step, in a practical
increasing their meaningful communication with you and
                                                                 manner to address a variety of sleep-related issues. After
others will be shared. After participating in this workshop,
                                                                 participating in this workshop, you will be offered a 1:1 virtual
you will be offered a virtual 1:1 appointment to individualize
                                                                 appointment to individualize the information for you and
this information for you and your family.
                                                                 your family.
LEVEL           A, B
                                                                 LEVEL        A, B, C
INCLUDES       • 2-hour virtual workshop
                                                                 INCLUDES • 2-hour virtual workshop
               • 1 follow-up individualized consultation
                                                                          • Follow-up individualized consultation
DATE            Tuesday, October 19 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
                                                                 DATE         Monday, September 13 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
COST            No cost                                                       Friday, November 12 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
                                                                 COST         No cost
Toilet Training
During this workshop, you will learn to recognize when           Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT)® Training
children are ready to begin toilet training and identify         Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT)® is an evidence-based,
patterns in current toileting behaviours. Various toilet         naturalistic developmental behavioural intervention for
training strategies based on Applied Behaviour Analysis          children with ASD up to age 12 years. This training includes
(ABA) principles will be covered. After participating in         2 group sessions for parents/caregivers and 4 individual
this workshop, you will be offered up to three 1:1 virtual       consultation sessions that involve both child and parent/
appointments to individualize the information for you and        caregiver participation. You will learn strategies that
your family.                                                     increase your child’s skills in a specific pivotal area known
LEVEL        A, B, C                                             to produce widespread positive improvements in learning,
                                                                 social communication, and behaviour. A screening will
INCLUDES • 2-hour virtual workshop                               be completed to determine which pivotal area is most
         • Follow-up individualized consultation                 appropriate for your child or to provide recommendations for
                                                                 other services.
DATE         Friday, October 1 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
             Tuesday, November 2 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.             LEVEL        A, B, C
             Monday, December 6 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
                                                                 INCLUDES •	2 2-hour virtual group sessions for parents/
COST         No cost                                                         caregivers
                                                                          •	4 1.5-hour individual sessions for child and
Picky Eating
                                                                 DATE         Start dates and times are individualized
This workshop covers a variety of positive behavioural
approaches to introducing new foods or expanding food            COST         No cost
choices for picky eaters. Strategies are covered step-by-
step, in a practical manner to address a variety of eating-
related issues. After participating in this workshop, you will   Teaching a New Skill
be offered a 1:1 virtual appointment to individualize the        This workshop helps caregivers learn Applied Behaviour
information for you and your family.                             Analysis (ABA) strategies for teaching a new skill. Examples
LEVEL        A, B, C                                             of skills include: organization and homework, daily chores,
                                                                 hygiene, or dressing. After participating in this workshop,
INCLUDES • 2-hour virtual workshop                               you will be offered a 1:1 virtual appointment to individualize
         • Follow-up individualized consultation                 the information for you and your family.
DATE         Tuesday, September 21 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.           LEVEL        A, B, C
             Tuesday, November 16 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                                                                 INCLUDES • 2-hour virtual workshop
COST         No cost                                                      • Follow-up individualized consultation
                                                                 DATE         Tuesday, October 12 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                                                                 COST         No cost

                                            For more information or to register for a service, please contact
                                            (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at                             21
Let’s Play!                                                          Understanding Interfering Behaviour
Grade 1 to 3

                This workshop provides strategies for how to encourage               This two-part workshop provides parents and caregivers
                your child to participate in social play, including games            with the skills to begin developing an intervention plan for
                and group activities. Topics will include how to accept              behaviour that interferes with your child’s learning or day-
                winning and losing, being flexible about playing with toys           to-day functioning. In Part 1, you will learn to identify and
                or activities in different ways, and increasing communication        collect data to better understand the behaviour. In Part 2, we
                during play with others.                                             will review your data and discuss strategies to reduce the
                                                                                     behaviour. This workshop will be facilitated by a Behaviour
                LEVEL        B, C
                                                                                     Therapist who is a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst.
                INCLUDES • 2-hour virtual workshop                                   Following participation in Part 2 of the workshop, you will
                         • Follow-up individualized consultation                     be offered a 1:1 virtual appointment to review your data and
                                                                                     individualize the information for you and your family.
                DATE         Thursday, November 25 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                                                                                     LEVEL          A, B, C
                COST         No cost
                                                                                     INCLUDES       • 2 2-hour virtual workshops
                                                                                                    • 1 follow-up individualized consultation
                Desensitization: How to Make Difficult
                                                                                     DATE           Part 1:	Thursday, September 16 from
                Events Easier                                                                                 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a lot of changes for                          Part 2: 	Thursday, September 23 from
                parents and their children. This workshop focuses on making                                   1:00-3:00 p.m.
                activities, like wearing a mask, getting a haircut, washing hands,
                or going to the store, more seamless for the entire family. You                     Part 1:	Wednesday, October 20 from
                will learn strategies to help reduce your child’s challenging                                1:00-3:00 p.m.
                behaviour during these activities, such as understanding                            Part 2:	Wednesday, October 27 from
                how to develop a gradual approach to increase your child’s                                   1:00-3:00 p.m.
                tolerance of these activities and situations. This workshop is
                facilitated by a Behaviour Therapist who is a Board Certified                       Part 1:	Thursday, November 11 from
                Behaviour Analyst. After participating in this workshop, you                                 6:00-8:00 p.m.
                will be offered a 1:1 virtual appointment to individualize the                      Part 2:	Thursday, November 18 from
                information for you and your family.                                                         6:00-8:00 p.m.
                LEVEL           A, B, C                                              COST           No cost
                INCLUDES       • 2-hour virtual workshop
                               • 1 follow-up individualized consultation             Helping Your Child Manage Change
                DATE            Thursday, September 30 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.           This workshop will provide you with strategies to increase
                                Wednesday, November 17 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.           your child’s flexibility. You’ll learn how to break down
                COST            No cost                                              challenging situations and support your child with proactive
                                                                                     planning, teaching them to accept change. This workshop is
                                                                                     facilitated by a Behaviour Therapist who is a Board Certified
                                                                                     Behaviour Analyst.
                                                                                     LEVEL          A, B, C
                                                                                     INCLUDES       • 2-hour virtual workshop
                                                                                                    • 1 follow-up individualized consultation
                                                                                     DATE           Wednesday, September 22 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                                                                                                    Thursday, December 9 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
                                                                                     COST           No cost

                                                                                     Making the Holidays Successful
                                                                                     The holiday season can be challenging and busy. For our
                                                                                     family members who need consistency and routine it
                                                                                     can be even more stressful. This workshop will provide
                                                                                     strategies to help with planning and organizing your time,
                                                                                     ideas of fun activities to do with the family, tips to help
                                                                                     make family visits or outings more successful, as well as
                                                                                     strategies to help with the transition back to school in
                                                                                     LEVEL          A, B, C
                                                                                     INCLUDES       • 2-hour virtual workshop
                                                                                                    • 1 follow-up individualized consultation
                                                                                     DATE           Thursday, December 2 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                                                                                     COST           No cost

                     For more information or to register for a service, please contact
               22    (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at
Grade 1 to 3
                                       Virtual Learning

“I’m so glad                          Due to the pandemic, some students may receive their
                                      education through virtual learning classrooms. For children/
                                      youth with ASD, this method of instruction can be particularly

with the                              challenging. This workshop provides an overview of the
                                      components of remote learning and how to set up your
                                      child/youth for success for each one, using the principles of

 progress our
                                      Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA).
                                       LEVEL         A, B, C

 son has made
                                       INCLUDES     • 2-hour virtual workshop
                                                    • 1 follow-up individualized consultation
                                       DATE          Thursday, October 7 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

with Ron Joyce                         COST          No cost

Children’s                             Structured Independent Learning at Home
                                       Structured TEACCHing is a set of teaching techniques that
                                       enhances your child’s learning and independence. This
Health Centre.                         workshop will introduce ways that you can arrange your
                                       home environment and use familiar toys and materials to
                                       encourage play skills and daily routines, such as getting
I can notice                           ready for school and completing homework. Structured
                                       teaching sets your child up for success by creating a
                                       learning environment that promotes greater independence.

 more focusing                         LEVEL         A, B, C
                                       INCLUDES     • 2-hour virtual workshop

 and more                              DATE
                                                    • 1 follow-up individualized consultation
                                                     Wednesday, September 29 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.

 attention.                            COST          No cost

The staff are
and they are
 enough to
 develop the
 kids’ skills.” – Sura

                    For more information or to register for a service, please contact
                    (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at                       23
Grade 4 to 8

 Consultation                                                       School Support Consultation

 Service Planning Consultation                                      ASD Specialists offer 1 hour clinics to families on a variety of
                                                                    topics related to school. Possible topics can include: helping
 Not sure where to begin? During your consultation with one         your child transition on/off the bus; successfully transitioning
 of our expert program staff, we will help identify your child’s    to school in the morning/after school routine; supporting your
 needs and strengths, and discuss your goals as a family. Service   child in remote learning; supporting your child to complete
 recommendations will be made to help you achieve success.          homework; promoting consistency between home and school
                                                                    and using visuals to teach routines.
 LEVEL          A, B, C
                                                                    LEVEL           A, B, C
 INCLUDES       • 1-hour appointment
                • Available in-person or virtually                  INCLUDES       • 1-hour appointment
                                                                                   • Available in-person or virtually
 DATE            Flexible
                                                                    DATE            Flexible
 COST            No cost
                                                                    COST            No cost

 Resource Consultation
                                                                    Clinic Appointment
 Our expert program staff will discuss resources and supports
 available in the community and/or help you complete funding        Meet with a clinician to discuss a specific skill you’d like your
 forms.                                                             child to develop or address a concern about your child’s
                                                                    behaviour. You will receive individualized tips and strategies
 LEVEL          A, B, C                                             for building skills and reducing challenging behaviours.
 INCLUDES       • 1-hour appointment                                LEVEL           A, B, C
                • Available in-person or virtually
                                                                    INCLUDES       • 1-hour appointment
 DATE            Flexible                                                          • Available in-person or virtually
 COST            No cost                                            DATE            Flexible
                                                                    COST            No cost

      For more information or to register for a service, please contact
24    (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at
Group Clinical Programs

                                                                                                                                              Grade 4 to 8
                                                                     P.A. Day Fall Fun Senior

Children’s Friendship Training                                       All things Fall! Your child will be able to celebrate the season
                                                                     and practice their social and group skills (e.g., turn-taking,
Children’s Friendship Training (CFT) is a group-based program        commenting) by participating in a variety of Fall-themed
for kids 8-12 years old. Participants learn and develop the skills   activities, including games, crafts, and music. Parents and
needed to make and keep friends through role playing and             siblings are encouraged to participate in the fun.
activities. Parents/caregivers learn strategies to support their     LEVEL           B, C
children as they develop these skills. Facilitated by Autism
Therapists with supervision from an OAP Clinical Supervisor.         INCLUDES       • 1-hour virtual session

LEVEL           C                                                    DATE            Friday, November 26 from 1:00-2:00 p.m.

INCLUDES        •	12 1.5-hour child group sessions ; run con-       COST            No cost
                   currently with 12 45-minute parent group
                •	Available virtually                               Winter Holiday Fun Senior
DATE             Mondays from 6:00-7:30 p.m. starting
                                                                     The group will involve a variety of Winter-themed activities.
                 September 13 to December 20
                                                                     Your child will be able to practice their social and group skills
                                                                     (e.g., turn-taking, commenting), while enjoying fun activities,
                 Spots available. Pre-register for Winter 2022
                                                                     such as games, crafts, music, and movement. Parents and
                                                                     siblings are encouraged to participate in the fun.
COST             No cost
                                                                     LEVEL           B, C
                                                                     INCLUDES       • 45-minute virtual session
                                                                                    • Sign up for one, several, or all sessions
Group Recreational Programs                                                         • Each session will include different activities
                                                                     DATE            Tuesday, December 28 from 1:00-1:45 p.m.
Lego Club                                                                            Wednesday, December 29 from 1:00-1:45 p.m.
                                                                                     Thursday, December 30 from 1:00-1:45 p.m.
This group is designed for children who enjoy building and           COST            No cost
constructing with Lego and other building materials to
practice using their social skills in a motivational setting.
Autism Therapists will guide the group using kid-friendly
instructions, and children will be encouraged to share their
creations with the group.
LEVEL            B, C
INCLUDES        • Weekly 45-minute virtual sessions
                • Sign up for one, several, or all sessions
DATE            Tuesdays from 6:00-6:45 p.m. starting from
                September 21 to October 26                                      “It is such a rewarding
COST             No cost
                                                                                 experience to see a
Dance Party!                                                                     caregiver realize their full
Join our Autism Therapists for an opportunity to enjoy                           potential and become
music, movement, dance and music videos within a casual
social setting with peers.
                                                                                 confident in their
LEVEL           A, B, C
INCLUDES        • Weekly 45-minute virtual sessions                              everyday interactions
                • Sign up for one, several, or all sessions
DATE            Tuesdays from 6:00-6:45 p.m. starting
                                                                                with their child.”
                November 9 to December 14
COST             No cost

                                                                                         Lisa, Autism Therapist

                                              For more information or to register for a service, please contact
                                              (905) 521-2100 ext. 78972 or email at                               25
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