Ships traffic encounter scenarios generation using sampling and clustering techniques - Autoship

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Ships traffic encounter scenarios generation using sampling and clustering techniques - Autoship
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Stability and
                                       Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 7-11 June 2021, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

        Ships traffic encounter scenarios generation using
               sampling and clustering techniques
                     Victor Bolbot, University of Strathclyde,

                Christos Gkerekos, University of Strathclyde,

         Gerasimos Theotokatos, University of Strathclyde,


    The Marine Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) constitute a novel type of systems, which require
novel methods for their design and safety assurance. The collision avoidance system is considered
one of the most critical systems for MASS. This study aims at developing a process for generating
and selecting ship encounter scenarios to test the collision avoidance system in a virtual environment.
The proposed process employs sampling techniques for generating encounter scenarios, deterministic
criteria for identifying the hazardous scenarios, risk metrics estimation for the classification of the
encounter situations, as well as clustering techniques for further downsizing of the scenarios number.
This process is applied to a small short-shipping vessel thus demonstrating its applicability.

Keywords: Marine Autonomous Surface Ships; Collision Avoidance System; Safety; Testing

                                                                1972). However, the COLREGS requirements
1.    INTRODUCTION                                              were developed considering manned ships and
                                                                not the MASS. COLREGS do not provide
   For enhancing the sustainability of the                      quantitative criteria for categorising the MASS
maritime industry, novel systems and                            navigation actions, whilst their implementation
technologies have been developed, including                     rely on the crew judgement, so they cannot be
marine autonomous surface ships (MASS)                          used to develop testing scenarios for future
(AUTOSHIP, 2019). In these ships, the collision                 autonomous ships (Woerner et al., 2019). Data
avoidance system is considered one of the most                  acquired from the Automatic Identification
critical systems (Bolbot et al., 2020). The                     System (AIS) can be used for that purposes (Gao
development, validation and verification of safe                and Shi, 2020; Goerlandt et al., 2017; Kulkarni
and robust collision avoidance systems is a                     et al., 2020; Mou et al., 2010), but it also entails
challenging task, which requires the                            a number of limitations(IMO, 2015). Several
identification of scenarios that need to be tested              previous studies investigated the development
either by employing a virtual environment                       of collision avoidance system for MASS, e.g.
(simulator) or during sea trials.                               (Brcko et al., 2021; Huang et al., 2020; Huang
                                                                and van Gelder, 2020; Namgung and Kim,
  The navigation of ships is primarily regulated                2021), however, very few studies focused on the
by the - International Regulations for Preventing               testing of autonomous ships and the testing
Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) (COLREGS,
Ships traffic encounter scenarios generation using sampling and clustering techniques - Autoship
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Stability and
                                  Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 7-11 June 2021, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

scenarios generation (Pedersen et al., 2020;               results robustness (Bolbot and Theotokatos,
Woerner, 2014).                                            2021; Burhenne et al., 2011; Kucherenko et al.,
                                                           2015; Qian and Mahdi, 2020). Sampling is
   This study aims at proposing a process to               implemented considering the parameters range
develop testing scenarios for collision                    from their minimum to maximum values.
avoidance system of MASS. The developed
approach integrates methods from different                    The hazardous situations are identified using
research areas, namely statistical sampling, ship          a set of deterministic rules in step two. For this
manoeuvrability studies, big data analytics, and           purpose, a number of geometrical metrics is
software testing techniques. This is elaborated            employed, such as the geometric distance
in more detail in the next sections.                       between the Own Ship (OS) and the kth Target
                                                           Ship (TSk) ( , ), time to the closest point of
   The remainder of this paper is structured as            approach between the OS and TSk (              , ),
follows. First a brief presentation of the                 distance at the closest point of approach
developed process is implemented. Then the                 between the OS and TSk (              , ) and the
investigated case parameters are provided.                 safety domain around the OS depicted using a
Lastly the results and considerations for future           circle with radius , . The hazardous scenarios
research are discussed.                                    identification procedure is depicted in the
                                                           pseudocode form provided in Table 1.
                                                              The following criteria are employed: (a)
   The proposed process consists of five steps as                 , > 0 , to exclude scenarios where the
illustrated in the flowchart of Error! Reference           closest encounter occurred in the past and the
source not found.. The required input includes             vessels are expected to diverge from each other;
the parameters for the ships and operational               (b)        , < i,1 , to identify scenarios where
area, the weather conditions, the size of canals           the two vessels will come very close to each
or fjords, as well as the sea depth.                       other (TSk in the safety domain of OSk);
                                                           (c) , < , where            is a set threshold, to
   Step 1 employs sampling of the selected                 identify scenarios in which the two vessels are
parameters to develop the encounter situations.            in proximity to each other; (d)        , < , as
Whilst a plethora of methods can be employed
                                                           the focus is on potential collision scenarios in
herein, the Sobol sampling technique was
                                                           the near future, depicted using as threshold.
selected due its ability to offer an effective
                                                           The equations for all the employed metrics are
coverage of the sampling space and relative

     Figure 1 Process overview.
Ships traffic encounter scenarios generation using sampling and clustering techniques - Autoship
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Stability and
                                       Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 7-11 June 2021, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

well-known and can be found in (Namgung and                                   =
Kim, 2021; Pedersen et al., 2020; Woerner,                               0,               
2014). The radius , is calculated as in                                           1,                <                (2)
(Namgung and Kim, 2021). The values of                                                 , for all other cases
and are set to 1 nm and to 10 min, in line with
the information provided in (Namgung and                                                          =
Kim, 2021) and (Rødseth et al., 2020).
Table 1 Pseudocode used for hazardous                                                  , for all other cases
scenarios identification
        Algorithm: Hazardous scenarios identification              The physical meaning of the equations (2−3)
 1:     Procedure: Hazardous scenarios identification           is as follows. If the closest point of approach
 2:     Input: Potential traffic situations generated using     with the vessel      is in the past or too far away
        Sobol sequences in previous step
 3:     For i=1:N% for all the sample points
                                                                in the future, the vessel      does not contribute
 4:     Estimate                                                to the risk (relevant value 0). Therefore, if
            ,     %distance between OS and TSk                           → 0 from positive values of TCPA, as
               , %time of closest approach                      we already excluded the scenarios with
                ,         %distance of closest approach         TCPA0 &           , <    ,  &    , <
                                                                further the DCPA is from the ship, the smaller is
        &         , <    then
        Situation should be considered as hazardous             its contribution to the risk of collision. The
        Keep the parameters                                     multiplication between                and
 8:     End for ,                                               is used to emphasise that the closer an encounter
 9:     End for i                                               is in distance and in time, the higher is the risk
 10:    End procedure                                           that is coming from the vessel        .

   At step 3, the risk metrics and vector for each                 It should be noted that the above risk metrics
scenario are estimated. The risk vector ( ) for                 are relevant only when considering ships
each encounter scenario is calculated according                 independently from each other. To address
to the following equation:                                      potential interactions between the vessels,
                                                                another metric, A, which depicts the area in the
       =[                         , √ , ℎ ,       ] (1)           − (speed-angle) space that is not allowed
                                                                for manoeuvres. The metric A is calculated
   By setting the elements in a vector, an implicit             using concepts from velocity obstacle
assumption is introduced, according to which,                   algorithms (Degre and Lefevre, 1981; Fiorini
all the vector elements are equally important.                  and Shiller, 1998) as following:

  The             and            represent the                       =                                         (4)
normalised versions of DCPA and TCPA for the
     vessel (or shore) based on the selected
                                                                   Where AC is the area in the − space that
safety domains, and are estimated according to
                                                                is not available for safe navigation, as collision
the following equations:
                                                                with vessels        can occur according to the
                                                                holonomic hypothesis. Therefore, AC is defined
                                                                according to the following equation:
Ships traffic encounter scenarios generation using sampling and clustering techniques - Autoship
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Stability and
                                 Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 7-11 June 2021, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

                                                            Once the equivalence classes have been
                                                          identified, the sample closest to the mean RV
    =     ( − )                  ℎ                        value for each class is used as representative.

                                                          3.    INVESTIGATED CASE STUDY AND
     ℎ               ⋂( − )                  (5)                SELECTED PARAMETERS

  The parameter ℎ is estimated as follows:                   This study considered the case study of a
                                                          small cargo vessel (OS) from the AUTOSHIP
                 ,            withi                       project (AUTOSHIP, 2019), which operating
  ℎ =    .                                         (6)
                     0,                                   outside the coasts of Norway and is interacting
                                                          with a sailing boat (TS1) and a high speed craft
   where d is the minimum distance between                (TS2). The input parameters for the investigated
                                                          situations are provided in Table 2. The random
  ( )⃗ and the safe area. This metric is used to
                                                          parameters with their ranges are provided in
depict how effectively the vessel can change
                                                          Table 3. These 18 parameters are assumed to
speed and end up in a safe combination of speed
                                                          vary from 0 to their maximum values and are
and direction values. The normalisation with
                                                          sampled using the Sobol technique. The test area
0.25        is employed in line with the
                                                          is set to [0 3 nm] x [0 3 nm] in line with
assumption that a ship cannot instantly change
                                                          (Namgung and Kim, 2021). A shore is also
its speed to the desired level.
                                                          considered to be present in the study,
                                                          represented by a simple spline line.
  The last metric of RV is used to depict the
weather    conditions    prevailing     during
                                                               Table 2 Input parameters.
manoeuvring and is estimated as follows:
                                                                          Own ship        Target ship   Target ship
                                                                          SSS Cargo       No 1          No 2 (High
     =                                 (7)                                ship            (Sailboat)    speed craft)
             ,   ,        ,
                                                           Length         74.7 m          6m            12 m
                                                           Beam           13.6 m          2m            2.5 m
   Where        is the wave height for the                 Max speed      15 kn           10 kn         40 kn
considered scenario, is the current speed,                 Max current    3 m/s
                                                           Max waves      2m
is wind speed, and max denotes the maximum                 height
values of these parameters ( , and ).                      Max wind       14 kn
   In step 4, the identified hazardous scenarios
from step 2 are grouped into equivalence classes               Table 3 Random parameters.
using the risk vector from step 3 with the                 Random parameters                     Range
assistance of clustering techniques. For the               Fish feeding vessel speed             [0 max]
purpose of this study, the mean shift clustering           Fish feeding vessel speed direction   [0 2π] rad
is used (Cheng, 1995). This algorithm estimates            Fish feeding vessel location          [0 3 nm] x [0 3 nm]
                                                           Sail boat speed                       [0 max]
the extent of similarity between every pair of             Sail boat speed direction             [0 2π] rad
data using Gaussian kernels and Euclidean                  Sail boat location                    [0 3 nm] x [0 3 nm]
distance till the procedure converges according            High speed craft speed                [0 max]
                                                           High speed craft direction            [0 2π] rad
to a predefined bandwidth. In Gaussian kernels,            High speed craft location             [0 3 nm] x [0 3 nm]
the bandwidth is equivalent to the standard                Current speed                         [0 max]
deviation. Code developed in (Finkston, 2021)              Current direction                     [0 2π] rad
is used for that purpose.                                  Waves height                          [0 max]
                                                           Waves direction                       [0 2π] rad
                                                           Wind speed                            [0 max]
                                                           Wind direction                        [0 2π] rad
Ships traffic encounter scenarios generation using sampling and clustering techniques - Autoship
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Stability and
                                 Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 7-11 June 2021, Glasgow, Scotland, UK


   The selected scenarios for N=10000 (number
of Sobol samples) and b=0.5 (selected
bandwidth in the clustering) are presented for
each of the class/cluster shown in Figure 2. As
it can be observed, the selected scenarios depict
the following traffic conditions in proximity and
away from the shore: (a) collision between OS
and sailboat; (b) collision between OS and high
speed craft; (c) collision between OS and both
the vessels.

                                                             Figure 2 Representatives for each zone
Ships traffic encounter scenarios generation using sampling and clustering techniques - Autoship
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Stability and
                                   Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 7-11 June 2021, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

   The main advantage of the presented process              autonomous collision avoidance system of
is that it follows a deductive and not inductive            MASS was proposed and implemented for the
thinking, compared to the traffic situation                 case study of the SSS next generation
generated by AIS data. It starts by considering             autonomous ship of the AUTOSHIP project.
the complete set of the potential encounter                 The results demonstrated that this approach
conditions and progresses to more specific                  constitute an effective tool for identifying
scenarios. Thus, it is more robust than inferring           encounter conditions and replacing/substituting
the potential encounter conditions based on the             the AIS data.
AIS data, as the scenarios generation proceeds
from specific scenarios that already occurred in               Future research could focus on the selection
the past. This will contribute to the identification        of the appropriate safety domain, update the risk
and testing of scenarios that have not been                 metrics as well as on the fundamental questions
encountered before, but might occur in the                  related to coverage scenarios and to the
future, belonging to the ‘known unknown’                    clustering algorithm convergence.
region of Johari window(Luft and Ingham,
1961). The consideration of these type of                   ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
scenarios during testing will contribute to the
greater safety of collision avoidance system.                  The study was carried out in the framework
                                                            of the AUTOSHIP project , which is funded by
   Another advantage of the developed process               the European Union's Horizon 2020 research
is that it can generate data for the vessels, for           and innovation programme under agreement No
which AIS equipment is not required and                     815012. The authors also greatly acknowledge
therefore, no AIS data exists, e.g. sailboats and           the funding from DNV AS and RCCL for the
leisure high speed crafts. This is important, as            MSRC establishment and operation. The
these types of vessels constitute an considerable           opinions expressed herein are those of the
source of hazards for autonomous ships.                     authors and should not be construed to reflect
                                                            the views of EU, DNV AS, RCCL or other
   The critical items to be controlled in the               involved partners in the AUTOSHIP project.
analysis are the selected safety thresholds, such
as , values and the safety domains around                   REFERENCES
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                                 Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 7-11 June 2021, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

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