Silver on the Horizon - Discover factors that have many investors going long on silver - Monex

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Silver on the Horizon - Discover factors that have many investors going long on silver - Monex
Silver on the Horizon
   Discover factors that have many
    investors going long on silver

Silver on the Horizon - Discover factors that have many investors going long on silver - Monex
Copyright CPM Group LLC 2020.
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Silver on the Horizon - Discover factors that have many investors going long on silver - Monex
Why Silver And Why Now?
    Silver still is relatively undervalued compared to gold. Silver
    prices have, over much of the past decade, underperformed
    gold prices and they continue to underperform gold prices.

                        BELOW PREVIOUS RECORD

                     Gold prices set a new record
                     this year, while silver at the end
                     of third quarter 2020 still was
                     around 52% below its previous
                     record settlement price.


                        STILL HISTORICALLY HIGH

                     While the gold:silver ratio has
                     declined from its record 126:1
                     in the middle of March 2020,
                     it is still higher than where it
                     has been historically with lots
                     of room to decline still.

   Silver’s currently undervalued status (relative to gold) coupled
   with its price supportive fundamentals suggests meaningful
   upside for prices going forward.

Some of the economics and fundamentals that should be expected
    to boost prices include:

              Zero or negative interest rates for an extended period
              (positive for investment demand).

              Elevated political risk (positive for investment demand).

              An increased focus on renewal energy boosting silver demand
              from solar panels (positive for fabrication demand).

              And a general increase in electrification going forward (positive
              for fabrication demand).

    Historically, silver prices have outperformed gold prices in a bull
    market, with a lag.

     CPM projects record silver prices at some point in this decade.
     Nominal silver prices touched $48.58 on a daily Comex settlement price
     basis in April 2011. The annual average nominal price that year was $35.29.
     CPM does not project peaks and troughs, but it does project annual prices
     out 10 or more years.
     CPM projects an annual average nominal price around $44.50 in the
     current upward price cycle, which suggests a much higher daily price peak
     than was seen in 2011.

                                                                           Photo: American Power Association
Silver prices have underperformed gold for most of the time since
2011. Annual average gold prices rose more than those of silver
every year from 2012 through 2019 with the exception of 2016. While
gold prices outpaced silver during the first quarter of 2020, year to
date through the end of September silver prices were up 31% from
the end of 2019 compared to a 24% rise in gold prices over the same
time frame.

In the third week of July 2020 silver prices broke out of the $14 to $20
price range in which they had been caged for the most part since the
second half of 2014. After breaking out of this long-held range, silver
prices raced sharply higher, rising to an intraday high of $29.91 on 7
August basis the nearby active September Comex contract. If past
performance is any indicator, this could be the start of another
sharp run up in silver prices. And past performance has been a
fairly consistent indicator in illustrating that silver prices outperform
gold in a time when gold prices are rising strongly.

Chart 1

 Annual Average Gold and Silver Returns



                 Silver     Gold





          2015       2016      2017     2018       2019      YTD 2020
                                                             (Sept. 30)

As can be seen in the table below, silver prices have outperformed gold
    almost every time during periods of rising gold prices since gold prices were
    freed from their dollar peg in 1968. The quantitative relative performance
    depends in part on the time frame over which silver’s performance is mea-
    sured. Two sets of silver price increases are measured here. The first set of
    silver price data uses the same dates as gold’s troughs and peaks for mea-
    suring silver’s performance. The second set of silver price data is measured

           Silver Comparative Price Performance In Periods Of Rising Gold Prices
                     Daily Prices. London 1967 - 1974; NY Comex After 1974.

                                             SILVER, USING SAME DATES         SILVER, USING SILVER’S
                          GOLD               FOR TROUGHS AND PEAKS            TROUGHS AND PEAKS

    1968 - 1969           24.5%                     -16.5%                           99.7%

    1970- 1974            454.9%                    143.6%                           431.5%

    1976 - 1980           714.5%                    911.7%                           977.1%

    1985 - 1987           76.7%                     27.2%                            94.1%

    1993 - 1996           27.8%                     63.0%                            74.8%

    2001 - 2011           636.4%                    904.1%                           1106.2%

    2015 - Present        79.8%                     71.5%                            71.5%

from silver’s troughs and peaks that are close to or ‘in the same cycle’ as
the periods of gold price increases. When using the same dates as gold,
silver outperformed gold on every occasion but one (more detailed
discussion on this later). When using silver’s troughs and peaks that were
close to or ‘in the same cycle’ as the periods of gold price increases, silver
always outperformed gold and the percentage gains were also much
stronger than when using the other time frame.

            Silver Comparative Price Performance In Periods Of Rising Gold Prices
Silver Comparative Price
                    DailyPerformance   In 1967
                          Prices. London  Periods Of Rising
                                               - 1974;      Gold Prices
                                                       NY Comex   After 1974
Daily Prices. London 1967 - 1974; NY Comex After 1974; CPM Group 30 September 2020

                    Silver, Using Same Dates For Troughs and Peaks
                    Silver, Using Silver's Troughs and Peaks






           1968 - 1969     1970- 1974       1976 - 1980        1985 - 1987   1993 - 1996   2001 - 2011    2015 - Present

                                                                                       Source: CPM Group 30 September 2020

What We Expect This Time
        From the end of 2019 through 30 September 2020

        the price of silver was   up 31% basis the
        nearby active Comex contract. Almost all of these

        gains have occurred since 20, July 2020. Silver prices

        were   up only 10% between the end
        of 2019 and 17 July. Prices have softened in recent

        days: Silver prices had been   up 54% on a
        settlement price basis on 10 August (the highest

        settlement price for 2020) from the end of 2019.

                          Is silver playing
                              catch up
                              or is it

After years of underperformance relative to gold, reflected in the
sharp increase in the gold:silver ratio, the silver price is now playing
catch up with gold. The ratio has slipped lower but is still at histori-
cally elevated levels.

Furthermore, while the daily gold price broke its past record and
already has made several new ones, the price of silver at the height
of its current run up on 10 August 2020 at $29.91, still is 39% below
its record high in 2011. That said, since July 17 2020, when the silver
prices broke out forcefully from its long-term range, the price of
silver has outperformed that of gold, rising 18% to the end of Sep-
tember, versus gold’s 4% gains over the same period.

To date, silver is playing catch-up. For a new investor entering the
market as a buyer now, silver is outperforming gold. For a long-time
holder of these metals, silver is playing catch up. The answer lies not
in the actual price performance but in the perspective of individual
observers and investors.

How sustainable is silver’s strength?
Even though silver prices already have risen sharply so far this year,
there is more potential for upside in the short to medium term.
There are several key resistance levels to be crossed but a run to
silver’s past record should not be entirely surprising.

Some readers of this will question the strength in silver prices given
the weakness in silver fabrication demand resulting from the Covid-
19 induced decline in economic growth. While fabrication demand
no doubt plays an important role in the silver market, invest-
ment demand always has been the more dominant factor in
influencing the price of the metal. Silver’s investment demand is
driven by both expectations of fabrication demand for the metal as
well as a hedge against macroeconomic and political risks. At present
the more dominant factor driving silver investment demand is its use
as a hedge against risk. Investors also have their eye on silver fabri-
cation demand, which is expected to grow driven by several growth
industries such as solar power and technology that are expected to
be less affected by the expectation of tepid economic growth in the
medium term.

The future will be more a function
                                                   of the underlying environmental
                                                   factors, economic, financial,
                                                   political, social, and public health.

     Investor sentiment            should help sustain the     The key to future
     toward silver is extremely    strength in prices.         silver and gold price
     positive. This positive                                   trends lies less in the
                                   While silver prices         levels to which these
     investor sentiment is
                                   potentially could rise      metals’ prices already
     being driven by inves-
                                   back to their record        have risen and more
     tors looking for a hedge
                                   levels and may even         as a function of the
     to the heightened politi-
                                   go beyond them in the       economic, financial,
     cal and economic risks
                                   near term, they may         political, social, and
     around the world cou-
                                   not be able to sustain      public health factors
     pled with silver’s relative
                                   those high levels for       that push investors to
     value to gold.
                                   an extended period          buy more or less silver
     Additionally, the break       of time. Past price         and gold. These factors
     out of silver prices from     peaks have often been       seem to be supportive
     its multi-year range          followed by sharp           of silver prices cur-
     already is and is likely to   declines. That said,        rently.
     continue attracting gen-      while prices may not
     eralist investors looking     stay at record levels       The pandemic and
     for relatively undervalued    for long, prices should     subsequent global lock-
     assets to park their funds.   not be expected to          down have shaken the
     The negative yield on the     sink back to the levels     global economy to the
     10-year TIPS certainly        experienced in recent       core, and the economic
     makes assets like gold        years. Prices more          fallout of these events
     and silver attractive. The    likely will settle into a   is expected to have a
     upcoming U.S. election,       higher trading range        lasting negative impact
     Brexit, deteriorating U.S.    than over the past          on commercial real
     – China relations, and the    decade. The fallout         estate values, air travel,
     pandemic give further         from the pandemic           and jobs, to name a few
     reasons for investors to      should help keep prices     areas of concern. Gov-
     add gold and silver to        at elevated levels for a    ernments and central
     their portfolios, which       significant time.           banks around the world

have rushed to provide            rise for years. We stated in
support to the economy            2000 that we saw a ‘golden
from this shock, which has        renaissance’ that would
injected a flood of money         bring more investors in
in the markets that is look-      more parts of the world
ing for yield. The increased      into the market buying
liquidity in the market has       more gold for a longer
pushed rates into negative        period of time at higher
territory, making non-inter-
est bearing assets like gold
                                  prices than ever before.        Silver
                                  There was an upward shift
and silver more appealing         in the investment demand        is still
to investors. These all are       curve for gold and silver on
expected to be important          a semi-permanent basis.         undervalued
factors stimulating invest-
ment demand and conse-            We said that gold and silver    relative
quently pushing silver prices     were entering a secular
up in the near to medium          bull market that would last     to gold.
term. Additionally, while         years if not decades. When
silver prices have somewhat       prices peaked in the Global
reduced their deep discount       Financial Crisis and Great
to gold prices recently, silver   Recession of 2007 – 2011,
still is undervalued relative     we projected a cyclical
to gold. This suggests more       downward move in prices
room for silver prices to rise    that could last three to five
in the medium term. The           years within the context of
current gold and silver bull      that secular bull market,
markets appear to be still        saying we expected prices
in their early days; this is      to resume rising at some
especially the case for silver,   point after 2015 – 2017,
which has begun rising            because all of the eco-
sharply and has broken out        nomic and political issues
of some critical resistance       that were driving inves-
levels only within the last       tors to buy gold remained
couple months.                    un-repaired, and in many
                                  cases had worsened and
CPM’s view is that prices of      would worsen further.
gold and silver are likely to
                                                                      Photo: Markus Spiske

      All of this still seems a valid and rational
      outlook for silver and gold.

Where do the two metals’ fundamentals factor in?

     The already sharp increase in gold and silver prices coupled with
     relatively weak economic conditions in the near term should both
     weigh on fabrication demand for these metals. Strong investor
     demand for these metals in the face of the economic and politi-
     cal issues facing the United States and the world should more than
     offset any weakness in fabrication demand for the metal in coming
     quarters, however. Broad economic recovery from the pandemic
     is expected to be slow. That said, some of the areas in which silver
     is used like solar power and technology are expected to grow at a
     healthy pace irrespective of the rate of broad economic growth.

     On the supply side, it will be years before the sharp gains in prices
     seen in recent weeks and months will significantly boost mine
     supply. Miners also have become more cautious about spending
     on expansions after the last bull market in these metals, given their
     buildup of high debt levels and development of low quality assets.
     So, any positive impact of stronger prices on mine supply should
     not be expected for several years. Secondary supply of these metals
     is typically more responsive to prices and economic conditions and
     should be expected to rise. This will be a headwind to prices but not
     a factor that can drive prices sharply lower.

     Silver’s Volatility Is Not For The Faint Hearted

     High returns are accompanied by high risk, and silver is no excep-
     tion to this rule. Silver is the only precious metal which has a lep-
     tokurtic distribution, a distribution type that has fatter tails than a
     normal distribution. These fatter tails suggest higher probabilities of
     extreme outcomes.

The smaller market size and relatively lower liquidity compared to
the gold market that helps silver outperform gold on the upside are
also factors responsible for the sharper declines in silver prices.

Monthly Gold Price Volatility

September 2020









       75   80    85      90      95     00   05    10     15     20

Silver is a high risk-high return asset. That said, the addition of
silver or gold or combination of those precious metals to a
stock and bond portfolio should significantly improve the
return to risk ratio of that portfolio.

The silver price had been significantly underper-
              forming the gold price in recent years, with the ratio
              (gold:silver) between the two metals in a rising trajec-
              tory from 2011, when silver hit record high levels, until

              earlier this year. That trend has reversed.

              The ratio has been at extremely elevated levels in

     Gold:    recent years, highlighting silver’s low valuation relative
              to gold for an extended period of time. In March 2020

              the ratio hit a record high.

              The ratio has corrected from those record high levels

     Ratio    but is still at elevated levels, suggesting more poten-
              tial upside for silver prices relative to gold.

              It should be understood that there is no magical
              number at which this ratio should stand. There are
              no physical, geologic, chemical, electrical, financial, or
              other reasons why gold and silver should be expected
              to trade at a given relationship to each other.

              The strongest influence on the price of silver is investor
              interest in the metal. And while investors will look at
              the relative value of the two metals as one of the fac-
              tors that influences their decision to buy or sell silver,
              their interest in the metal is driven by macroeconomic
              factors as well as supply demand factors. If these fun-
              damental factors do not favor silver, investors are less
              likely to purchase silver only because it is a relatively
              undervalued asset. That said, if silver is undervalued
              relative to gold and the fundamentals line up, the
              upward move in silver could be quite explosive.
              That is where CPM believes circumstances to be at
              this time.

              While many investors look for the gold:silver ratio to
              converge toward its long-term average, in reality the
              ratio swings significantly away from this average. The
              long-term daily gold:silver average ratio stands at 65,
              however the ratio has swung from a low of 16 in Janu-
              ary 1980 to a high of 126 in March 2020. It should be
              pointed out that the ratio stood at the 65:1 average
              only very briefly around 7 times in the 48 years or

573 months since 1972. It is not that the price ratio hovers
around that average. It is, in fact, financially meaningless.
More significant figures are the lows in this ratio in the
teens, 30s, and 40s during bull markets, in 1980, 1982,                   Solar panels and
at times in the 1990s, and again in 2011. Those are more                  technology are
relevant targets for investors willing to trade based on the              expected to grow
gold:silver ratio.
                                                                          at a healthy pace.
It stands at around 80 at the time of writing this report,
putting it around 18.75% away from the average. However,
given the tendency of the ratio to overshoot this aver-
age both on the way up and on the way down, there
seems to be a lot of juice left in the silver price rally
based on just this one metric. Just looking at the chart
suggests that the ratio could slip to at least a low of 35
before stabilizing or moving higher. This positions the ratio
for a gain of another 56.3% from present levels (the price of
silver could rise more or less than this 56% depending on
what happens to the price of gold).

In addition to the bullish picture that the ratio paints
for silver prices, the metal also has the support of
investors driven by the relatively grim outlook for
macroeconomic conditions in coming years and the
expectation of higher fabrication demand from certain
growth areas like solar panels and technology, which
are expected to grow at a healthy pace despite a some-
what anemic recovery in the broader economy.

Monthly Gold:Silver Price Ratio

September 2020






      72      76   80   84   88   92   96   00   04   08   12   16   20

CPM Group is a fundamentally based commodities research shop. We develop our own proprietary estimates of gold, silver, platinum, and palladium supply
and demand on a global basis, drawing on every resource we can find, including our own extensive list of contacts involved in precious metals around the
world. We have been doing this sort of research and analysis since the 1970s, far longer than anyone else in the business. We also undertake research in
specialty metals, base metals, energy and agricultural commodities. We are known for our basic fundamental research, a wide range of financially oriented
consulting services, and our expertise in using financial derivatives to structure financing for producers, refiners, industrial users, and investors interested
in either hedging or investing in commodities.
Our investment philosophy is simple: We are value investors who base our decisions on what to buy, sell, hold, or avoid on the fundamentals of each asset,
and the macro-economic, financial and political environmental factors that we expect will affect that asset’s value. We have concerns, expressed in this re-
port and elsewhere, about long-term imbalances in government deficit spending, public and private debt, and a wide range of other economic and political
factors. We don’t expect the world’s financial system to collapse, however. That is not the way the world tends to work. More likely economic outcomes in
the real world lie between the extremes of cataclysmic collapses and nirvana. We advise our clients – and practice what we preach – to have some of their
wealth in gold and silver as an insurance policy against a catastrophic failure, but we also advise them to invest other portions of their money in precious
metals and other assets based on the assumption that that sort of failure does not occur. We focus on investing based on likely scenarios, but with an eye
always open to outlying events that take the world’s markets by surprise. We have watched investors who were so worried about a collapse that they missed
some of the largest stock and bond market rallies of all times over the past 30 years, while watching their safe haven assets fluctuate eight-fold in value up
and down, and then up and down again. We prefer our clients to buy and sell precious metals and other assets based on cyclical and other developments,
while also maintaining that long-term insurance policy in case the levee breaks.

CPM Group LLC | 168 7th St., Suite 310 | Brooklyn, NY 11215 USA | T. 1-212-785-8320 | |


           For more information on precious metals investing and on specific gold,
           silver, platinum, and palladium investment products, please contact:

           4910 BIRCH STREET
           NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660
           (800) 949-4653
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