SKCONNECT - CPA Saskatchewan

Page created by Leslie Torres
SKCONNECT - CPA Saskatchewan
The Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of Saskatchewan Member Newsletter December 2015


                                                                                                      Celebrating our members, leaders in action.
                                                                                                          The transition of the accounting profession in Canada has been powered
                                                                                                            by people. In Saskatchewan, we celebrated our first anniversary since
                                                                                                      proclamation this fall and we thank all those involved in achieving that milestone.
                                                                                                            Since then, we celebrate each groundbreaking step, one step at a time.
SKCONNECT - CPA Saskatchewan
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The Institute of Chartered           Content and Editorial
Professional Accountants             Myrna Buttner
of Saskatchewan                      Sue James
Suite 101 – 4581 Parliament Avenue
Regina, SK S4W 0G3
                                     Design and Layout
TEL 306-359-0272                     MGM Communications
FAX 306-347-8580                     433 – 20th Street West
EMAIL                  Saskatoon, SK S7M 0X3                             TEL 306-955-4811
SKCONNECT - CPA Saskatchewan
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    Notes from the          CPA SK Staff
    Leadership 4            News 22
    News 6                  CPA Canada
                            News 23
    Unification Cross
    Country Update 8        Resources,
                            Programs &
    Regulatory Matters 10   Events 24
    Fall 2015               Professional
    CPA Convocation         Updates 28
    in Saskatoon 14
                            CPA Insurance
    Member Profile 18       Plans West 29
    Member Services         After Hours 30
    Matters 19
SKCONNECT - CPA Saskatchewan

                              BOARD CHAIR

                              Martin McInnis, FCPA, FCMA, Chair of the CPA Saskatchewan Board

In November, I had the privilege of participating in            CPA Saskatchewan recently had its first birthday since
our convocation ceremonies for 169 new Saskatchewan             proclamation in November, 2014. We’ve had a very
graduates. This event was a first, and a last, of its kind.     successful first year and that is in no small part due to
It was a first because we had students from all three legacy    the hard work of our volunteers, management and staff.
designations convocate at the same time, in the same            In particular, I’d like to thank those many members who
ceremony, for the first time ever. It was                                               volunteer their time and energy to serve
a last of its kind because this group was                                               on our various committees and on our
the very last group of Saskatchewan CPA            THE FUTURE OF                        Board. Your commitment is essential
students that will come through a legacy           OUR PROFESSION IN                    to our continued success and does not
education program. Our next ceremony,                                                   go unnoticed.
on February 6, 2016, we will convocate             SASKATCHEWAN IS IN
                                                                                        In closing, let me offer best wishes to all
our very first group of students of the new        VERY GOOD HANDS                      for a restful and joyous holiday season,
CPA program.
                                                                                        and a prosperous New Year!!
At last February’s convocation I was struck by how many
students had gotten married or engaged to be married while       CPA Convocation Ceremony
working their way through the program. This time I was
struck by the number of expecting parents that crossed our
stage. I was also inspired listening to the stories of the many
students who began the journey toward obtaining their CPA
in other parts of the world.
The education and practical experience requirements to
complete the CPA curriculum are difficult in their own right;
add in the responsibilities of starting and raising a family,
managing a career, moving your family to a new country,
and you begin to get a sense of the magnitude of what our
newest members have accomplished – talk about work/life
balance! The future of our profession in Saskatchewan is in
very good hands indeed.
I would like to extend a special thanks to Terry LeBlanc,
FCPA, FCGA, Vice Chair of CPA Canada, and Nola
Joorisity, FCPA, FCA, CMA, Chair of the CPA Western
School of Business, for traveling to Saskatoon to participate
in our convocation exercises. We were also very pleased to
have representation from our provincial universities. We
always appreciate the opportunity to celebrate the success
of our students with representatives of our key partners.

4   CPA SKConnect
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                             Shelley Thiel, FCPA, FCA, Chief Executive Officer

YEAR ONE                                                         In September the CPA Saskatchewan Board met and
                                                                 approved the following vision and mission statements
On November 10th, we celebrated the one year anniversary         for CPA Saskatchewan:
of the proclamation of The Accounting Profession Act.
It is hard to believe that it has already been one year          Vision:
since the launch of CPA Saskatchewan. We have achieved           The Canadian CPA is the pre-eminent, globally respected
many milestones over the year including a unified                business and accounting designation.
registrant database, our first CPA member conference,
two convocation celebrations, a new website, a new CPA           Mission:
education program and many more.
                                                                 CPA Saskatchewan enhances the influence, relevance,
Borrowing from a CPA Canada statement – the transition           and the value of the Canadian CPA profession by:
of the accounting profession in Canada has been powered
by people. We would not have achieved these milestones in
                                                                 •   Protecting the public interest;
Saskatchewan without the assistance of our members, Board        •   Supporting its members and students; and
and committee members, and staff. To each and every one of
you, thank you for your support during our first year as CPA     •   Contributing to economic and social development
Saskatchewan.                                                    As we enter into year two of CPA Saskatchewan, we look
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank             forward to working with our members, volunteers and
Kevin Dancey, FCPA, FCA. After 10 years of guiding the           stakeholders to carry out our vision and mission. We have
Canadian accounting profession, Kevin will be retiring           a busy agenda for the year ahead and are excited as we
next May from his position as President and CEO of               continue to grow in size and influence.
CPA Canada. Kevin has played an instrumental role in             On behalf of the CPA Saskatchewan team, we wish you a
the unification of the accounting profession in Canada.          happy holiday season and a happy New Year.
He has provided invaluable support and insight to
Saskatchewan and to the other provinces on our journey
to unification. Kevin will be missed and we wish him all
the best in his future endeavours.
Speaking of the future, congratulations to our new
graduates – November’s convocation saw 169 graduates
who successfully completed their legacy education programs
and who are on their way to become Chartered Professional
Accountants. We are proud to welcome tomorrow’s leaders
into the profession.

                                                                                                          December 2015      5
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200,000 MEMBERS
The Canadian accounting profession recently reached a            “Members are seeing the value of the CPA as we move closer
major membership milestone with more than 200,000                to our vision of being the pre-eminent, globally respected
Chartered Professional Accountants supporting our global         business and accounting designation.
standing and influence as one of the largest accounting
bodies in the world.                                             This large, diverse membership gives us a strong voice
                                                                 on behalf of the profession and when working with
While most Canadian CPA members are in Canada, we also           governments, international accounting bodies, and other
have members in the U.S.A., Asia, Europe, Australia and          stakeholders”, Shelley said. “This certainly reinforces the
the Caribbean.                                                   benefits of uniting the various legacy bodies and endorses
                                                                 the steps we’ve been taking to provide the services and
“The Canadian CPA profession is growing and thriving”,           supports that members want.”
says Shelley Thiel, FCPA, FCA, CEO of CPA Saskatchewan.

CPA SASKATCHEWAN AND THE                                          (L to R) Daphne Taras, Dean, ESB, Shelley Thiel, CEO, CPA SK
EDWARDS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS                                        and Martin McInnis, Chair, CPA SK Board. (Photo courtesy of
                                                                  the University of Saskatchewan)
CPA Saskatchewan has partnered with the Edwards School
of Business, University of Saskatchewan, to continue to foster
quality in students and professors.
This five-year partnership will help the School to recruit
and retain the highest quality accounting professors.
The agreement also provides support for accounting
students through scholarships, as well as, funding for
various competitions. In addition, the partnership is
based on outreach and promotion, and the goal is to
place Saskatchewan on the national stage by branding
the excellence of Saskatchewan accountants.
“The Edwards School of Business has played an important
part over the past 100 years developing business leaders who     “CPA Saskatchewan very much values the long-term
have, and continue to make, valuable contributions to the        relationship we have established with the Edwards School
professional accounting profession, the business community       of Business and we are pleased to make this investment in
and our province,” said Shelley Thiel, FCPA, FCA, CEO of         our joint pursuit of excellence in accountancy,” noted Martin
CPA Saskatchewan.                                                McInnis, FCPA, FCMA, Chair, CPA Saskatchewan Board.

6   CPA SKConnect
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PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS ARE                                      “Our new campaign cleverly illustrates that CPAs are leading
“THE RIGHT FIT FOR BUSINESS”                                      financial and business experts that organizations can count
                                                                  on for success,” adds Whyte.
Canada’s Chartered Professional Accountants (CPAs)
launched in the fall the third wave of a nation-wide              The ad campaign is covering print, television, digital and
advertising campaign emphasizing the attributes that              out-of-home advertising. It is seen across the country at
CPAs bring to the business world.                                 airports, including Toronto Pearson International and Billy
                                                                  Bishop airports in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary,
The new campaign, running September 7 to December 21              Edmonton, Ottawa, Winnipeg and Halifax. A television
and then January 11 to the end of March 2016, leverages a         commercial that aired in September, bridged the past
jigsaw puzzle theme to demonstrate the value proposition          campaign with the current campaign by incorporating the
that CPAs bring to business. The new tagline “the right fit for   jigsaw theme using the word ‘Professional’.
business” demonstrates that CPAs are multifaceted – they
bring financial expertise to an organization and contribute       The campaign was developed by CPA Canada in partnership
to its overall direction and performance.                         with Montreal-based advertising agency, Reservoir.

“Our newest campaign is a natural evolution of the ‘Pro’          “The CPA brand rapidly established itself as one of the most
or ‘Professional’ creative concept that launched the new          dynamic within Canada’s business community,” says Simon
Canadian CPA profession in 2013,” says Heather Whyte,             Boulanger, a partner at Reservoir. “The jigsaw campaign
vice-president of Strategic Communications, Branding              allows us to extend and reaffirm such a leadership position
and Public Affairs at CPA Canada. “It has strengthened            for the profession. Not only is the brand perceived as both
awareness of the value of the designation and the profession      solid and credible by businesses and organizations, it is also
during the first two waves of the annual ad campaign.”            a source of pride among members and students.”

Whether bringing together insight on strategy, vision,
finance, clarity or other business essentials, CPAs see the
bigger picture and help organizations of all sizes and in all
sectors achieve their vision.

                                                                                                            December 2015       7
SKCONNECT - CPA Saskatchewan


   Chartered Professional Accountants of Manitoba (CPA            Professional accountants in Nova Scotia will be governed
   Manitoba) has been established through legislation effective   by one organization, Chartered Professional Accountants
   September 1, 2015.                                             of Nova Scotia, as the province completes the required
                                                                  legislation to merge the three former accounting bodies.
   On September 1, 2015, Bill 9, The Chartered Professional
   Accountants Act, has been brought into effect by the           On November 27, 2015, legislation was introduced to allow
   provincial government. The CPA Manitoba Joint Venture          the Nova Scotia CGA, CMA and CA bodies to merge their
   has officially become CPA Manitoba and the three legacy        4000 accounting professionals into a single organization,
   accounting bodies will no longer exist. This is a historic     Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia (CPANS).
   time for the accounting profession and business community
   in Manitoba.                                                   CPANS and a board of directors were established in May 2015
                                                                  when the new CPA designation was created. Today’s second
   The CPA designation is Canada’s pre-eminent business           stage legislation will complete the merger and create the
   credential and accounting designation. With more than          regulatory framework for CPANS to govern the membership.
   9,000 members and students in Manitoba, CPAs will have
   the ability to provide financial expertise to businesses in    On December 11, 2015, the Chartered Professional
   every sector of the economy.                                   Accountants Act passed Third Reading in the Nova Scotia
                                                                  House of Assembly. On the same date, legislation respecting
                       STATUS OF UNIFICATION                      amendments to the Public Accountants Act also passed
                       ACROSS CANADA                              third reading.

                        All 40 accounting bodies in Canada        Before legislation is proclaimed into force, by-laws for
   have either unified or are participating in discussions        CPANS will need to be filed with the Province. A draft set
   to unite under the Chartered Professional Accountant           of by-laws are currently being prepared and then CPANS
   (CPA) banner.                                                  will engage in a consultation process with the legacy bodies
                                                                  through their boards and the transition steering committee.
                                                                  A final proclamation date has not yet been set.

   8   CPA SKConnect
SKCONNECT - CPA Saskatchewan
An Education Agreement with the CPA Western School                  The CEOs and governance of the four western provinces and
of Business (CPAWSB) was signed by the four western                 the CPA Western School of Business have had a number of
CPA organizations, where CPAWSB will provide the CPA                meetings in early 2015 to consider the Education Agreement.
education program to their students and candidates.                 The agreement is likely the most critical document for the
CPAWSB has its head office in Edmonton, Alberta.                    partnership with the provinces as it outlines the reason the
                                                                    School exists and the governing issues for the partnership to
                                                                    be a successful one. They had a reference to the Education
                                                                    Agreement representing the four provinces giving the School
                                                                    the “go ahead.” Those discussions were fruitful and the
                                                                    agreement was signed at the Western Regional Forum in
                                                                    Victoria on September 29, 2015.
                                                                    The CPA Western School of Business delivers the education
                                                                    program for prospective Chartered Professional Accountants
                                                                    in western Canada. Through a graduate-style learning
                                                                    platform, practical experience, and exposure to standards
                                                                    and ethics of the highest caliber, CPAWSB students become
 (L to R) First row: Martin McInnis, Chair, CPA SK Board; Nola      “business-ready” CPAs. Under the agreement, CPAWSB
 Joorisity, Chair, CPAWSB Board, Olin Anton, Chair, CPA BC Board.   will oversee the education of CPA Candidates in British
 Second row: Robert Thorsten, Chair, CPA MB Board and Curtis        Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, as well as,
 Palichuk, Vice Chair, CPA AB Board.
                                                                    in the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut.

CPA Saskatchewan has partnered with the University of
Regina to provide philanthropic and sponsorship support
for students in the Faculty of Business Administration.
“We are delighted to receive support from CPA Saskatchewan,”
said Dr. Andrew Gaudes, Dean of the Faculty of Business
Administration. “It maintains our close relationship with the
accrediting body, which provides the professional designation
for Hill business students who aspire to be professional
accountants. Their generous donation will have tremendous
                                                                     (L to R) Andrew Gaudes, Dean of the Faculty of Business
impact in sustaining several student experiential programs,
                                                                     Administration; Shelley Thiel, CEO of CPA SK; Thomas Chase,
as well as faculty research in accounting.”                          Provost and VP (Academic), U of R; and Martin McInnis, CPA SK
                                                                     Board Chair. (Photo courtesy of U of R Photography Department)
Sponsorship and philanthropic support includes the
Hill Business Dinner, Faculty Accreditation, JDC West
Competition, ICBC Competition and CPA Scholars, to                  province,” said Shelley Thiel, FCPA, FCA, CEO of CPA
name a few.                                                         Saskatchewan. “CPA Saskatchewan is pleased to be able
                                                                    to provide this funding to the faculty members and their
“The Faculty of Business Administration plays an important          students to assist them in their pursuit of achieving excellence
role in developing business leaders who have and continue           in accountancy.”
to make valuable contributions to our profession and our

                                                                                                                December 2015         9
SKCONNECT - CPA Saskatchewan
Congratulations to our new Members
Sheryl Acapuyan, CPA, CMA      Hope Fremont, CPA, CGA         Tyler Matthies, CPA, CA
Adewale Aigbonohan, CPA, CMA   Kent Frondall, CPA, CA         William McConkey, CPA, CMA
Anni Amazona, CPA, CMA         Qionglin Fu, CPA, CMA          Alicyn Miller, CPA, CMA
Haley Anderson, CPA, CMA       Nick Gan, CPA, CMA             Britni Moffatt, CPA, CA
Tyson Armstrong, CPA, CA       Ru Dan Gao, CPA, CGA           Rogelita Molo-Mugot, CPA, CGA
Maximo Bajenting, CPA, CMA     Asma Gehlen, CPA, CGA          Korey Morrow, CPA, CMA
Loveleen Baldos, CPA, CMA      Sean Gottschall, CPA, CMA      Winnie Mutswangwa, CPA, CMA
Elizabeth Bartha, CPA, CMA     Landon Grubb, CPA, CA          David Nguyen, CPA, CMA
Catherine Beaudoin, CPA, CMA   Biljana Grujic, CPA, CMA       Melanie Oberg, CPA, CA
Tisha Beaudry, CPA, CMA        Daniel Gudmundson, CPA, CMA    Trista Olszewski, CPA, CMA
Natasha Berriault, CPA, CMA    Zelong He, CPA, CGA            Evelyn Ong, CPA, CMA
Michelle Betker, CPA, CMA      Christina Herauf, CPA, CMA     Chong Pang, CPA, CA
Darren Buck, CPA, CMA          Kevin Hersche, CPA, CGA        Brett Parker, CPA, CMA
Miles Burkholder, CPA, CMA     Crawford Hicks, CPA, CMA       Kristin Pond, CPA, CA
Tianyu Cai, CPA, CMA           Shaun Huel, CPA, CMA           Mary Ann Posada, CPA, CMA
Matthew Carleton, CPA, CMA     Judith Hydukewich, CPA, CMA    Priscilla Premraj, CPA, CMA
Jacelyn Case, CPA, CMA         Brenton Isaak, CPA, CGA        Devin Ralph, CPA, CMA
Tzu Ju Chen, CPA, CMA          Trevor Johnson, CPA, CMA       Ofelia Raquinio, CPA, CGA
Xiao Chen, CPA, CMA            Cameron Johnston, CPA, CA      Kristine Rasmussen, CPA, CMA
Danielle Chiasson, CPA, CMA    Avril Kahovec, CPA, CMA        Jessica Ré, CPA, CA
Aubrey Chicoine, CPA, CA       Fahim Khan, CPA, CGA           Pamela Reese, CPA, CMA
Sarah Choi, CPA, CMA           Ashley Kinzel, CPA, CA         Heather Reimer, CPA, CGA
Mildred Convento, CPA, CGA     Kaitlynn Kitz, CPA, CGA        Susan Relke, CPA, CGA
Natalie Davidson, CPA, CA      Alison Knuth, CPA, CMA         Karmyn Richter, CPA, CMA
Abiye Dickson, CPA, CMA        David Kosik, CPA, CMA          Melba Ruiz, CPA, CGA
Kaleigh Doka, CPA, CMA         Kimberley Krywulak, CPA, CMA   Ashley Rushton, CPA, CA
Boni Dorish, CPA, CMA          Dustin Kuntz, CPA, CMA         David Salmon, CPA, CMA
Laura Downey, CPA, CA          Xin Lai, CPA, CGA              Rhonda Schappert, CPA, CMA
Na Drever, CPA, CGA            Kimberly Lawrence, CPA, CGA    Alanna Schemenauer, CPA, CMA
Calvin Ear, CPA, CMA           Connie Le, CPA, CMA            Vandana Sen, CPA, CGA
Kayla Edgerton, CPA, CMA       Da Li, CPA, CA                 Dallas Skulski, CPA, CMA
Ali Elbermani, CPA, CA         Fengping Li, CPA, CMA          Michael Smith, CPA, CMA
Scott Elliott, CPA, CA         Pei Li, CPA, CA                Matthew Solomon, CPA, CMA
Tanya Epp, CPA, CMA            Pengzhu Li, CPA, CGA           Jesse Strom, CPA, CA
Joshua Exner, CPA, CMA         Jill Littlemore, CPA, CGA      Rui Sun, CPA, CA
Michael Fairbrother, CPA, CA   Jesse Loyns, CPA, CMA          Sokhamolida Sun, CPA, CA
Julie Fallis, CPA, CGA         Steven Mack, CPA, CMA          Farhan Syed, CPA, CGA
Reilly Farago, CPA, CMA        Justin Malhiot, CPA, CA        Haoqin Tang, CPA, CMA
Ekaterina Fetter, CPA, CMA     Erika Manko, CPA, CA           Aimin Tian, CPA, CMA
Devon Finlay, CPA, CMA         Justine Marchuk, CPA, CMA      Tracy Torgunrud, CPA, CMA
Joshua Forbes, CPA, CGA        Jocelin Martin, CPA, CGA       John Tran, CPA, CMA

10   CPA SKConnect
Congratulations con’t                            IN MEMORIAM
Jennifer Tsang, CPA, CA                          We were saddened to learn of the passing
Kristopher Tsang, CPA, CA                        of the following members:
Matissa Tuazon, CPA, CMA
                                                 Eldon Amundson, CPA, CMA
Marsha Tucker, CPA, CGA
                                                 from Saskatoon, on July 20, 2015
Jenelle Vanstone, CPA, CGA
Sharleen Waddington, CPA, CGA                    Clarence Glessing, CPA, CA
Ashley Wadson, CPA, CMA                          from Calgary, on September 5, 2015
Tiffany Walter, CPA, CA                          Lyle Blenner-Hassett, CPA, CA
Qiaoxi Wang, CPA, CGA                            from Swift Current, on July 5, 2015
Aaron Watson, CPA, CA                            Peter Hrynewich, CPA, CA
Derek Whitson, CPA, CMA                          from Saskatoon, on February 26, 2014
Brian Williams, CPA, CMA
                                                 David Knight, CPA, CA
Michelle Wishart, CPA, CGA
                                                 from White City, on August 3, 2015
Yuchun Yang, CPA, CMA
Ben Yu, CPA, CMA                                 Jan Lahti, CPA, CA
Janine Zarowny, CPA, CMA                         from Saskatoon, on July 16, 2015
Qianwen Zhu, CPA, CMA                            Kimberly MacLeod, CPA, CMA
Yi Zhu, CPA, CMA                                 from Pilot Butte, on October 15, 2015
Yuelin Zhu, CPA, CMA                             Ron Milleker, CPA, CMA
                                                 from Weyburn, on September 20, 2014
                                                 Albert Nicholauson, CPA, CA
Welcome to
                                                 from Esterhazy, on July 22, 2015
RESIDENT MEMBERS                                 Earl Saunderson, CPA, CA
                                                 from Regina, on February 18, 2015
Aaron Bird, CPA, CMA, from Alberta
Maureen Chrusch, CPA, CMA, from Alberta          Melvin Siever, CPA, CMA
Jennifer Frank, CPA, CA, from Alberta            from Estevan, on December 18, 2015
Robert Grodinsky, CPA, CA, from Quebec           Lisa Strang, CPA, CMA
Hetalben Shah, CPA, CGA, from Alberta            from McLean, on August 1, 2015
Hidayat Ullah, CPA, CGA, from British Columbia   Anthony Whitworth, CPA, CMA, CGA
Qing Zhou, CPA, CA, from Ontario                 from Saskatoon, on December 13, 2015

                                                 Our thoughts are with their families and friends.
Caitlin Barth, CPA, CMA, from Alberta
Michael Boucher, CPA, CA, from Manitoba
Curtis Dylke, CPA, CA, from Alberta
Kelly Gould, CPA, CA, from Alberta
Minyan Liu, CPA, CGA, from Alberta                   GOVERNING DOCUMENTS:
                                                     CPA SASKATCHEWAN
                                                     BOARD RULES
                                                     All members are encouraged to be familiar with
    CPD AUDIT                                        the CPA Saskatchewan regulatory Rules which are
    All members are eligible for an audit of         posted on our website at We recommend
    their reported CPD, and documentation            that members view the Board Rules under the
    of CPD should be maintained for a                Rules by Topic where they can just look at their
    minimum of 4 years as required under             area of interest. Those rules combine all levels of
    Regulatory Board rule 345.5.                     regulation. One stop shop.

                                                                                         December 2015     11
NOTICE OF RULE AMENDMENTS                                         October 22, 2015

October 27, 2015                                                  Amended:
                                                                  2.1          11.3        21.4        32.4        34.2        62.2
CPA Saskatchewan
                                                                  3.3          11.5        21.5        33.1        34.3        65
Notice of Rule Amendments                                         3.4          11.6        21.6        33.2        36.2        66.1
                                                                  4.2          12.2        23.5        33.3        38.1        200.2
Registrants are subject to a regime of regulation defined as
Rules which, “means and includes any right, requirement,          4.4          12.3        23.8        33.4        38.2        200.3
obligation of a registrant or duty or power of the Institute      5.1          14.2        25.2        33.5        39.1        398.1
that is set out in the Act, a Bylaw, a Board rule, a Discipline   5.2          18.2        27.1        33.6        51.1        399.1
Committee rule and the Uniform Rules of Professional              5.3          18.3        28.5        33.7        52.1
Conduct, as amended from time to time.”                           Repealed:
Please be advised that the CPA Saskatchewan Rules have            13.6         25.4        38.3        65.1
been amended on June 8, 2015, July 9, 2015, September 16,
2015 and October 22, 2015.
To access the current version of the Rules please visit
our website.
Rules which have been amended or repealed are as follows:
June 8, 2015
102.1       310.1      338.2       353.1      390.1       466.6
111.6       311.2      340.1       353.2      391.2       470.1
130.2       312.3      341.2       353.3      394.3       482.2          The Institute of Chartered Professional
130.10      314.2      343.1       353.4      395.1       485.3          Accountants of Saskatchewan
300.1       326.2      343.3       353.5      397.1
301.1       326.3      345.3       355.3      397.2                      NOTICE OF SUSPENSION OF
301.2       328.2      345.4       356.2      465.1                      REGISTRATION AS A FIRM
302.2       330.5      350.1       358.2      466.2
                                                                         On November 12, 2015, the Board of the
302.3       332.1      352.2       373.8      466.5
                                                                         Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants
Repealed:                                                                of Saskatchewan approved the suspension of
                                                                         registration of the following firms:
                                                                         Bruce Grandfield & Co.
July 9, 2015
                                                                         Glen Koshman, CMA
Amended:                                                                 S. Schopp, CA
501.1       502.3      505.2       508.1      510.2       513.2
                                                                         The registrations of these persons have been
501.2       503.1      505.3       509.1      511.1       513.3          suspended pursuant to Regulatory Bylaws 32.1 and
502.1       504.1      506.1       509.2      512.1       514.1          130.10 due to non-compliance with one or more of
502.2       505.1      507.1       510.1      513.1                      Bylaws 4.4, 24.2, 24.5, 130.1, and 130.9.
Repealed:                                                                Having been suspended, these persons may not
None                                                                     use either the title ‘professional accountant’, the
                                                                         professional designations ‘Chartered Professional
September 16, 2015                                                       Accountant’ or ‘Chartered Accountant’ or ‘Certified
Amended:                                                                 Management Accountant’ or ‘Certified General
                                                                         Accountant’ or the initials ‘CPA’ or ‘CA’ or ‘CMA’
130.1       130.9      310.1       325.1      467.1                      or ‘CGA’ in Saskatchewan.
Repealed:                                                                Authorized by:
None                                                                     William Hill, FCPA, FCA, CMA
                                                                         The Institute of Chartered Professional
                                                                         Accountants of Saskatchewan             December 2, 2015

12      CPA SKConnect
The Institute of Chartered Professional                      Members CPA Saskatchewan Cannot Reach
Accountants of Saskatchewan
                                                             Below are the members that CPA Saskatchewan
NOTICE OF SUSPENSION OF                                      staff has not been able to contact, and
                                                             therefore, whom may not have received various
REGISTRATION AS MEMBERS                                      communications from CPA Saskatchewan since
On November 12, 2015, the Board of the                       proclamation of The Accounting Profession Act:
Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants              Sheila Anderson
of Saskatchewan approved the suspension of
                                                             Raymond Bentley
registration of the following members:
                                                             John Foelkl
Sandra R. Bathgate                                           David Gregoire
Phyllis Dunphy                                               Marianne Haderlein
Thomas Nathaniel Flaig                                       J.R. Hill
Guy B. Georget                                               Edmund Lacina
Bruce Grandfield                                             Andrew Lindsay
Roland Hamlin                                                David Matchett
Lorne Charles Horning                                        Richard Nichol
Hedwig Larkai                                                Leonard Ordon
Shelly Malach
                                                             If you are one of the above noted members or know
Edward McAleer
                                                             how to reach anyone listed above, please contact
Darla Mikklesen                                              the Registrar at to provide
Grant Ward                                                   information or to update your contact information.
The registrations of these persons have been                 Your assistance is appreciated.
suspended pursuant to Regulatory Bylaws 32.1 and
130.10 due to non-compliance with one or more of
Bylaws 4.4, 23.7, 130.1, and 130.9.
Having been suspended, these persons may not
use either the title ‘professional accountant’, the        WANTED: VOLUNTEERS!
professional designations ‘Chartered Professional
Accountant’ or ‘Chartered Accountant’ or ‘Certified
Management Accountant’ or ‘Certified General
Accountant’ or the initials ‘CPA’ or ‘CA’ or ‘CMA’
or ‘CGA’ in Saskatchewan.
Authorized by:
William Hill, FCPA, FCA, CMA
The Institute of Chartered Professional
Accountants of Saskatchewan             December 2, 2015

                                                           You can give back to the profession by volunteering
                                                           with CPA Saskatchewan. We are looking for volunteers
                                                           to sit on our regulatory and advisory committees.
                                                           Please contact Sherri Schmidt at for
                                                           more details, if you are interested in donating some of
                                                           your time and expertise to one of our CPA committees.

                                                                                                December 2015        13
Rita Bennett, Candidate Services Associate at CPA SK,
                                                                                       assisted with the introductions


                                                                                                   (L to R) Shelley Thiel, CEO, CPA SK;
                                                                                                   Martin McInnis, Chair of the Board, CPA SK;
                                                                                                   Terry LeBlanc, Vice Chair of the Board,
                                                                                                   CPA Canada
CPA Saskatchewan hosted its Fall 2015 Convocation of
Graduates and Award Presentation, Dinner and Dance,
on Saturday, November 14, in Saskatoon, at TCU Place.
At this historic ceremony, we convocated 169 CPA graduates, from the three different
legacy accounting programs: 21 graduates from the CA Program, 54 graduates from
the CGA Program and 94 graduates from the CMA Program. It was an amazing day,
full of firsts. Full of wonderful moments. Congratulations to all our graduates!
For a complete alpha order list of the Fall 2015 graduates click here.
The CPA Canada Message was delivered by Terry LeBlanc, FCPA, FCGA, Vice-
Chair of the CPA Canada Board. The Convocation Address was delivered by Martin
McInnis, FCPA, FCMA, Chair of the CPA Saskatchewan Board of Directors.
The presentation of graduates was done according to the legacy program completed
and graduates were introduced by a family member, friend, or professional colleague.
As well, Rita Bennett, Candidate Services Associate at CPA SK, assisted with
the introductions.

CA program Graduates                                                         CGA program Graduates

14    CPA SKConnect
The next order of business was the presentation of provincial awards. The lists of recipients are as follows:
                                                                                       CPA Saskatchewan
  Legacy CMA Awards (L to R) Back row: Brian Williams, Karmyn Richter                  Scholarship Fund Awards
  and Shaun Huel. Front row: Adam Hicks and Rick Whitson.
                                                                                       Students in Need
                                                                                       Oluwatoyin Adebogun
                                                                                       Jong Ho Choi
                                                                                       KGR Memorial Scholarship
                                                                                       Ashley Geiger
                                                                                       CPA High School Scholarship
                                                                                       Nial Christiansen
                                                                                       Final Legacy CMA Saskatchewan Awards
                                                                                       CMA President’s Gold Medal
                                                                                       Shaun Huel, CPA, CMA
                                                                                       SLP Team Achievement Award 2015
                                                                                       Adam Hicks, CPA, CMA
                                                                                       Karmyn Richter, CPA, CMA
                                                                                       Rick Whitson, CPA, CMA
                                                                                       Brian Williams, CPA, CMA

                                  The ceremony ended with the Valedictorian Speeches. For the CA program class, the Valedictorian
                                  was Stacey Fries, CPA, CA. For the CGA program, Kevin Tindall, CPA, CGA represented his class
                                  and for the CMA program, it was Shaun Huel, CPA, CMA.
                                  The master of ceremonies, for both the Convocation Ceremony and Dinner, was Shelley Thiel,
                                  FCPA, FCA, CEO of CPA Saskatchewan.
                                  Following the ceremony, a Convocation Dinner and Dance was held. After dinner, toasts
                                  were delivered and introductions were made. Everyone celebrated with music or conversation.
                                  The Lost Boys Band kept the celebration going on the dance floor until 1 a.m.
                                  CPA Saskatchewan congratulates all our CPA graduates and award winners. Thank you to all the
                                  family members, employers and friends of the graduates who attended the convocation events.
                                  They made the day a very special occasion.

         CMA program Graduates

                                                                                                                December 2015   15

                               CPA Canada

                               Terry LeBlanc, FCPA, FCGA, Vice Chair, CPA Canada Board

I am pleased to be here to congratulate and welcome all           With that in mind, I’d like to share with you seven things that
of the newest members into the profession. Today, you join        I believe are important to every professional’s career:
more than 200,000 other professional accountants across the
country and around the world who share the new Canadian           One, care about people. Care about the people you work
CPA designation. That’s an impressive number and an               with, the people you work for, care about the people in your
exciting time to celebrate.                                       community, care about your colleagues. People are the most
                                                                  important asset in any organization.
Today marks the conclusion of one journey and the
beginning of another. It is a time for you, your family and       Two, at some point, become a mentor. Share your knowledge
friends to celebrate a tremendous achievement in your life.       and expertise to help others find their path and reach their
                                                                  goals. You will be looked up to because of your qualifications.
As you celebrate today, you are likely experiencing a number      Share that knowledge and experience to help others advance
of emotions — including excitement, of course. Perhaps also       in their careers.
some relief at finally being able to put aside your study notes
— at least for a while!                                           Three, do your best at all times. No matter what you
                                                                  are working on, deliver only the best outcome possible.
You may also feel a little apprehensive about what the future     Your personal reputation will benefit, as will the credibility
may hold and what will come next. My advice to you is, don’t      of your work and the profession.
look at this time with apprehension. Instead, welcome what is
to come — this point in your career is like no other.             Four, be ethical in all of your dealings, both personal and
                                                                  business. Make sure your ethical compass is always on.
There is an opportunity to grow, as you transition from a         Walk the talk.
student — who has completed a very demanding program —
to an accounting and business professional with a remarkably      Five, stay curious. Welcome continuous professional
competitive skillset. So much to look forward to in the           development. With this attitude, you will remain a valuable
days ahead!                                                       contributor to your organization’s strategy and business
You are part of a united profession that will deliver on the
vision to make the CPA designation the pre-eminent, globally      Six, take an interest in what’s going on in the wider profession
respected Canadian business and accounting designation.           and make it a point to stay informed. You can turn to CPA
                                                                  Canada for a wealth of education, information and resources
We will demonstrate the integrity of accounting professionals,    — all right at your fingertips.
by holding ourselves to the highest standards and deliver on
our commitment to act in the public interest.                     And, finally — seven — get involved. Whether it’s at
                                                                  the provincial or national level, there are extensive
We will demonstrate leadership, inspire confidence and            opportunities to volunteer in ways that will help advance
command respect.                                                  the profession and your career. You are a professional
                                                                  who can make a difference.
That is the commitment we all make.
                                                                  In closing, I want to again offer my sincere congratulations.
Your designation opens doors to broader career choices,           Take pride in your achievement and know that your
enhanced programs and services, and expanded professional         dedication to our profession, along with the support of your
development opportunities. But, at the end of the day,            colleagues and friends, will be crucial in helping you meet
it is what YOU bring to the profession that will lead to          the challenges ahead. And, of course, CPA Canada and your
your success.                                                     provincial association will be here to support and encourage
Wherever your designation takes you, know that you will           you along the way.
need to grow and develop throughout your working life.
Your journey of continuous learning and improvement
has only just begun.

16    CPA SKConnect
CPA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT                                       In his video message, Bob shares some exciting highlights
2014-2015 NOW AVAILABLE                                        from the past year as the national journey to unification
                                                               culminated in the integration of CGA-Canada with CPA
The second annual report for CPA Canada, entitled Making       Canada in October 2014. The report itself includes CPA
a Difference, is now available for downloading and viewing.    Canada’s key objectives, major activities and achievements,
Bob Strachan, FCPA, FCMA, and chair of Chartered               financial position, results of operations and cash flows for
Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada)’s Board        the year ended March 31, 2015.
of Directors, invites you to read the annual report to learn
more about CPA Canada and its accomplishments over the         To access the annual report, click on the report cover.
last year.

                                                                                                       December 2015      17

                               TO ENHANCE QUALITY OF LIFE
                               FOR SASKATCHEWAN RESIDENTS
                               Twyla MacDougall, CPA, CMA

Twyla MacDougall has been employed with the Government            Ms. MacDougall obtained her legacy CMA designation in
of Saskatchewan for more than 20 years and is currently the       2003. She also holds a Bachelor of Administration degree
Assistant Deputy Minister of the Parks Division with the          from the University of Regina.
Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport (PCS) in Regina.
                                                                  On the home front, Twyla and her spouse own and operate
“PCS maintains a strategic focus on quality of life for           a grain farm (north of Craven), which has been in the family
Saskatchewan residents, as well as stimulates and supports        for over 65 years. She got involved in this business when
economic growth through vibrant communities,” Twyla               she married her husband, almost 29 years ago. “We have
noted. “We are stewards of the park land and provide a high       also raised two bright and beautiful young women,” Twyla
quality experience for park visitors. We also partner with        is proud to say. “Our eldest daughter, Alyssa, is a hospital
communities and organizations to increase participation and       pharmacist at the Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon,
investment in arts, sport, recreation and cultural activities.”   with clinical practice in oncology. Our younger daughter,
                                                                  Brittany, is working towards a Doctor of Dental Medicine
To that end, Ms. MacDougall provides leadership on the            at the University of Saskatchewan, College of Dentistry.”
development and implementation of the Saskatchewan park
lands strategy. There are 35 provincial parks and more than       In the past, when her daughters were young and involved in
127 recreation sites and protected areas, totaling 1.2 million    several activities, she volunteered to manage the finances of
hectares. In 2015, there were nearly 3.9 million visits to        their hockey and softball teams. Later, she volunteered for
Saskatchewan’s provincial parks and recreation sites –            many years with the CMA Executive Leadership Program,
an all-time record. During the busy camping season, up            served on two film and video boards (SaskFilm and
to 600 employees work in the provincial parks, many of            Association Tele-Educators of Canada) and now currently
whom are students.                                                serves on the Board of Directors of the Conexus Art Centre.
“A key focus for Parks is our visitor services. Current           It is obvious Twyla MacDougall is passionate about work,
program developments and enhancements include a new               family and community life, and plans to continue giving
‘Learn to Camp’ program, where first-time campers are able        back in the future. When asked what her life will be like in
to camp under the guidance of park employees,” said Twyla.        10 years, she said, “I look forward to spending more time
“Other enhancements include the online nightly camping            traveling, volunteering right here at home and hope to have
reservation system and express check-in for campers at            some grandchildren to spoil.”
several locations.”
The Parks Division also maintains and constructs park
facilities. Recent investments include new campgrounds,
upgraded washroom and shower facilities and expanded
electricity to more campsites. In terms of natural landscapes,
Twyla leads heritage and conservation strategies to retain
the natural environment qualities of the provincial parks.

18    CPA SKConnect
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A                                          d) Pay fees to CPA Saskatchewan and complete the
MEMBER OF CPA SASKATCHEWAN?                                           on-line member renewal process by May 15 each year.

As one of the most recognized and respected accounting           More information on the Act and the Rules is available at
designations in the world, it is a privilege to be a CPA. CPAs   “Governing Documents”.
are known to be highly qualified professionals in accounting     THE USE OF THE TITLE
and business, possessing the financial proficiency, strategic
vision and commitment to help organizations compete              AND DESIGNATION
and succeed. CPAs are committed to the highest standards         Only members or firms registered with CPA Saskatchewan
of professionalism. Although it is a globally recognized         have the right to use the title “professional accountant”
designation, in Canada, the profession is regulated at the       or the designation “Chartered Professional Accountant.”
provincial level.                                                The Act also states that no other person shall use any
The Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of           designation, title, initials or description, abbreviated or
Saskatchewan (“CPA Saskatchewan”) came into existence            otherwise, to imply that the person is a member or a firm.
on November 10, 2014, with the proclamation of The               All members or firms registered with CPA Saskatchewan
Accounting Profession Act (“the Act”) by the Province of         must refer to themselves as a “CPA” or “Chartered
Saskatchewan. The Act creates and describes the functions of     Professional Accountant”. In addition, members of a Legacy
CPA Saskatchewan, the self-regulatory body for professional      body designation or members who completed a Legacy
accountants, and provides the framework for the governance       designation education program must use the designation
of its members. In accordance with the Act, each member          “CPA” before the member’s Legacy designation. For example,
of CPA Saskatchewan has rights, privileges, obligations and      Jane Doe is registered as a member of CPA Saskatchewan.
responsibilities. These include:                                 Jane was a CGA on November 9, 2014. Jane will use
1. The right to use the title “Professional Accountant” or the   the designation “CPA, CGA”. Tagging with the Legacy
   “CPA” designation;                                            designation is mandatory until November 10, 2024.

2. The privilege to practice the profession;                     More information on the use of the designation and title is
                                                                 available at “Use of CPA Designation”.
3. The responsibility to know and understand the Act,
   and the Bylaws and Board Rules established by CPA             REPORTING YOUR CPD HOURS
   Saskatchewan, and the Uniform Rules of Professional           FOR 2015
   Conduct (collectively called “the Rules”); and
                                                                 Beginning January 1st, 2015, all CPD reporting is through
4. The obligation to:                                   All CPD for 2015 is to be recorded in the
                                                                 CPA site and not in your legacy reporting tool. Your login is
  a) Comply with the Rules. This includes notifying CPA          your member ID and the password is the one you set during
     Saskatchewan if the member or another member has            Member Renewal. Click on “My CPD” to enter the section
     committed any act which may be considered to be             for recording your 2015 CPD. Remember, the deadline
     professional misconduct.                                    to report your 2015 CPD hours is February 15, 2016.
  b) Inform CPA Saskatchewan, within a reasonable time,          CPAs need a minimum of 20 CPD hours annually, of which
     of any changes in the member or firm record, including      10 hours must be verifiable.
     name, address, employer, email, or phone number.
                                                                 All courses and events offered through CPA Saskatchewan,
  c) Remain up-to-date on developments in the profession         that qualify for CPD, will be pre-populated in your “My
     by participating in Continuing Professional                 CPD” by CPA Saskatchewan staff, as events are completed.
     Development activities and declare these activities
     to CPA Saskatchewan by February 15 each year for
     the previous calendar year.

                                                                                                        December 2015        19
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                         Register for your selected courses on-line through the CPA
                                                                 Saskatchewan Member Login using your PD passport or
Our first professional development (PD) season launched as       credit card.
a unified profession began with the on-line publication of the
2015/16 PD calendar in August and our first PD course on         For registration inquiries,
September 28. CPA Saskatchewan is excited about offering a       contact Rhonda Day (306) 337.2836
record number of courses and eagerly anticipating a record       For course content inquiries,
number of attendees for the 2015/16 PD season. In addition,      contact Shelley Lukasewich, CPA, CGA (306) 337.2841
the new PD season saw E-Learning move to a new platform,
Blackboard, and the introduction of a new distance option,       CPA CANADA’S MEMBER NEWS GIVES
the Live Broadcast. Live Broadcast provides interaction          READERS WHAT THEY WANT
with one of our qualified instructors without having to leave
your office.                                                     CPA Canada’s dynamic e-newsletter called Member News,
                                                                 gives you the information you want at your fingertips.
Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond the control           Read about the topics that interest you in your very own
of CPA Saskatchewan, 2015-16 has seen several course             customized publication.
cancellations and rescheduling. CPA Saskatchewan thanks
members for their patience.                                      The content of the monthly e-newsletter is automatically
                                                                 pulled from new content on the CPA Canada website. It is
The period of September 28 – November 30 saw over                delivered directly to you based on the topics and interests
1,000 individuals take part in courses offered by CPA            you identify as your personal portfolio with the new CPA
Saskatchewan. The following table provides some                  Canada Preference Centre.
additional information on attendance:
                                                                 To that end, CPA Canada recently ran the “Get Only the
                                 Courses         Attendees
                                                                 Content You Want” campaign that encouraged members to
    Regina Courses                  21              378          update their communication preferences to receive real value
                                                                 from the content they chose from CPA Canada.
    Saskatoon Courses               30              631
    Live Broadcasts                  3              45

A sample of upcoming course offerings in January 2016:
•   COSO Undone – Transitioning to the New COSO,
    January 11, Saskatoon
•   Controllership – A ‘Partner’ for Business,
    January 19, Saskatoon
•   50 Shades of Beige: Communicate with the
    Cross Cultural Advantage, January 19, Regina
•   My Zero Inbox, January 27, Regina
•   When Perfect is Not Good Enough,
    January 28, Saskatoon
                                  To check out all of CPA
                                  Saskatchewan’s course          CPA SASKATCHEWAN’S WINTER
                                  offerings, download our on-    2016 CONVOCATION SAVE THE DATE
                                  line PD Calendar.
                                                                 The next CPA SK Convocation Ceremony and Dinner is
                                   o find courses on a
                                  T                              scheduled for Saturday, February 6, 2016, in Regina, at the
                                  particular topic, head to      Queensbury Centre. This convocation will be for the first
                                  the courses webpage found      CFE writers. Invitations to all eligible graduates will be sent
                                  HERE where you can filter      out later in December.
                                  the courses by topic.

20      CPA SKConnect
THE INAUGURAL 2015 COMMON FINAL                               KUDOS TO
EXAMINATION (CFE)                                             Daphne Arnason, FCPA, FCA, for receiving the University
There were 67 successful CFE writers in Saskatchewan.         of Saskatchewan Alumni Association’s 2015 Alumni
More information on the candidates is available at “CFE       Achievement Award.
Results”. Watch for the photos of the successful candidates   Bev Brennan, FCPA, FCA, on being awarded the 2015
in the Leader Post and Star Phoenix on or around              Lifetime Achievement Award from the Institute of Chartered
February 6, 2016.                                             Professional Accountants of Alberta.
CPA SK AGM AND CONFERENCE 2016                                Calvin Ear, CPA, CMA, on his appointment as Manager,
SAVE THE DATE                                                 Business Support for the Office of the City Manager, City
                                                              of Regina.
The next CPA Saskatchewan AGM and Member Conference
will be held in Regina, on May 24 (evening reception) and     Gary Entwistle, CPA, CA, on being a recipient of the
May 25, 2016, at the Queensbury Centre. Agenda details        2015 Provost’s College Award for Outstanding Teaching –
and registration information will be available on our         Edwards School of Business.
website as soon as arrangements are completed. Plan to        Dallas Green, CPA, CGA, for being a presenter on how to
attend. Save the date!                                        become a CPA, at the Saskatoon High School Career Fair.
CPA SK SCHOLARSHIP FUND BOARD                                 Brandy Mackintosh, CPA, CA, on being a recipient of the
HELD AGM IN SASKATOON                                         USSU 2014-2015 Teaching Excellence Award.

The CPA Saskatchewan Scholarship Fund Board held its          Craig Reynolds, CPA, CA, on being named one of CBC
annual general meeting in Saskatoon, on Friday, November      Saskatchewan Future 40 for 2015.
13, 2015, at TCU Place. The meeting was presided by           Jessica Sentes, CPA, CMA, on her appointment as Director,
Don Walker, CPA, CGA, Scholarship Fund Board Chair.           Saskatchewan Municipal Board.
Members interested in reviewing the financial statements
can do so by visiting the website.                            Leah Sullivan, CPA, CMA, on her appointment as Director
                                                              of Corporate Services, City of Martensville.
                                                              Cathy Warner, FCPA, FCA, on her appointment as
Take advantage of exclusive member offers. The CPA            Vice-Chair to the University of Regina Board of Governors.
member savings program offers members exclusive offers
and discounts on products and services that have been         Blair Weimer, CPA, CA, for volunteering to be a judge at
negotiated for you by your national and provincial CPA        University of Saskatchewan’s Edwards School of Business
body. To learn more visit                       Annual Internal Case Competition.

CPA SK HELD FIRST OPEN HOUSE                                    CPA SK Open House held on November 30
CPA Saskatchewan hosted its first Member Open House
on Monday, November 30, at the CPA Saskatchewan
offices in Regina. Over one hundred members attended the
event and toured the facilities. The event was part of the
one year anniversary celebrations of the creation of CPA
Saskatchewan. Thank you to all who attended.

                                                                                                        December 2015     21
                              CPA Saskatchewan                                             Sue James Retires
                              welcomed a new                                               After 8 years of service, first
                              staff member                                                 with the Institute of Chartered
                                                                                           Accountants of Saskatchewan
                              Sherri Schmidt                                               and now with CPA
                              Sherri joined CPA                                            Saskatchewan as Executive
                              Saskatchewan in October 2015                                 Assistant to the CEO, Sue
                              as Senior Executive Assistant,                               James has decided to retire,
                              Regulatory Affairs.                                          effective December 31, 2015.

Sherri is responsible for providing senior administrative                                    Sue is our source for
support in the Regulatory Affairs area of the Institute,       information and guidance. We will miss her. She has a
including the Office of the Registrar, disciplinary matters,   tremendous amount of energy and always gets things done
non-disciplinary enforcement, rules and standards, and         on time and with a smile. Her sense of humour is legendary.
the management of the Regulatory Affairs Department.           Sue ensured a sound solution to each situation with her
In addition, Sherri provides support to the Practice           dedication, discipline and hard work.
Inspection Committee and is back-up for the Executive          Happy retirement Sue!
Assistant to the CEO.

Welcome to the CPA Saskatchewan team, Sherri!

                              Welcome to our                                               Welcome to our
                              team! Meet our                                               team! Meet our new
                              new Administrative                                           Executive Assistant
                                                                                           Rebecca Parry
                              Mapula Akinloye                                              Rebecca is the assistant
                               Mapula has joined the                                       to the Chief Executive
                               CPA Saskatchewan team as                                    Officer, assistant to the CPA
                               Administrative Assistant and                                Saskatchewan Board and
                               she will be responsible for                                 coordinates the marketing
providing administrative support, assisting with member                                    communications and public
events, candidate services, member/candidate e-mails,                                      relations programs.
phone calls, faxes, the Professional Development Program,      Besides that, she is responsible for organizing the AGM,
registrations and payments, data entry and other related       producing communication materials, contributing to the
administrative activities.                                     member newsletter, and acting as liaison with government
Welcome to the CPA team!
                                                               Welcome to the CPA team!

22    CPA SKConnect
Recognizing public
                                              sector financial
                                              management excellence
                                              Nominations are open for the
                                              Awards of Excellence in Public
                                              Sector Financial Management,
                                              presented annually by Chartered
                                              Professional Accountants of Canada

CPA CANADA NEWS                               (CPA Canada).
                                              The awards celebrate innovative
                                              thinking, leadership and exemplary
                                              delivery of financial management
        Celebrate the top tier                services that lead to higher
        in corporate reporting                productivity and/or cost savings.
                                              Beyond recognition, the awards
        Connect with Canada’s business        provide an opportunity to promote
        elite at the CPA Canada Awards of     and share best practices in this
        Excellence in Corporate Reporting     important field.
        gala. The awards were presented on
        December 9th at the Arcadian Court    The award categories are:
        in downtown Toronto. The awards
                                              •   Innovation
        recognize publicly listed companies
        and crown organizations that set      •   Financial Leadership (CFO)
        the bar for high quality corporate
        reporting.                            •   Lifetime Achievement
                                              Nominations can be submitted by
                                              any person within the Government
                                              of Canada, as well as the general
                                              public. The deadline for submissions
                                              is February 19, 2016.
                                              An independent selection committee
                                              comprised of senior public servants
                                              and industry experts will determine
                                              the winners, who will be announced
                                              in May.
                                              For more information, visit:

                                                               December 2015    23
                     Vancouver’s                              Audit and assurance
                     Translink responds                       alerts on CSAE 3000
                     to a changing climate                    and CSAE 3001 now
                     A second case study is now available     available
                     as part of CPA Canada’s climate          Chartered Professional Accountants
                     change adaptation initiative. The case   of Canada’s Audit and Assurance
                     study features Metro Vancouver’s         Alert CSAE 3000 and CSAE 3001
                     transportation authority, Translink,     raises awareness about the
                     which is responding to the risk          requirements pertaining to
                     of rising sea-levels and intense         attestation engagements other
                     rain on its infrastructure. In this      than audits or reviews of historical
                     case study, you’ll learn how its         financial information and direct
                     accountants identify the risks and       engagements. These requirements
                     look for opportunities in the face       are effective for attestation or
                     of climate change.                       direct engagements where the
                     Watch the video and download a           assurance report is dated on or
                     PDF version of Adaptation Case           after June 30, 2017.
                     Study #2: TransLink.                     In addition to a basic
                                                              understanding of attestation and
                     IFRS 15 Revenue                          direct engagements, this audit
                     from Contracts with                      and assurance alert outlines the
                     Customers – your                         differences between attestation
                                                              engagements and direct engagements
                     questions answered                       as well as what has changed for the
                     Affected by IFRS? If so, Chartered       practitioner in terms of CSAE 3000
                     Professional Accountants of Canada,      and 3001, in contrast to the replaced
                     in collaboration with Deloitte, has      Sections 5025, 5030, 5049, 5050
                     developed a Q&A publication to           and 8100.
                     address some common stakeholder
                     questions relating to IFRS 15.           Download Audit and Assurance
                     Members, both in industry who            Alert CSAE 3000 and CSAE 3001.
                     implement IFRS 15 and in practice
                     who work with their clients through
                     the implementation process, can
                     rely on this document for clarity
                     and insights into the standard.
                     Access IFRS 15 Revenue from
                     Contracts with Customers – Your
                     questions answered today.

24   CPA SKConnect
CPA Canada guide                           Disclosure of audit                      objectives that will guide its
provides tips on risk                      tenure: gaining                          standard-setting activities over
                                                                                    the next five years. The proposed
assessment of NFPOs                        momentum in the U.S.                     strategies affect all major categories
under CAS                                  Disclosing audit tenure is a good        of reporting entities – publicly
In a new guide, Chartered                  first step toward generating interest    accountable enterprises, private
Professional Accountants of Canada         in the audit process, but will it help   enterprises, not-for-profit
(CPA Canada) provides an in-depth          drive audit quality? The August 13       organizations and pension plans.
look at performing a risk assessment       Audit Quality Blog post discusses
under CAS, as part of an audit             the implications of the potential        Improving financial
of a not-for-profit organization           move by the U.S. Securities Exchange     statement effectiveness,
(NFPO). CPA Canada’s Guide for             Commission (SEC) mandating audit
                                           tenure disclosure.                       one step at a time
Auditors: Audits of Not-for-Profit
Organizations: Risk Assessment                                                      A new CPA Canada guide provides
under Canadian Auditing Standards          Are Budget 2015’s                        an easy-to-follow, five-step approach
addresses key issues likely to arise       section 55 proposals                     you can take to simplify financial
when applying the risk assessment                                                   statements. Designed to reduce
                                           too broad?                               disclosure overload ineffectiveness,
standards set out in CAS in an
audit of an NFPO. You’ll learn             In CPA Canada’s latest Tax Blog,         this approach will add immediate
about the characteristics of NFPOs,        VP Gabe Hayos assesses Budget            value to your communication
engagement risks and independence          2015’s aim at capital gains tax          with stakeholders in compliance
issues, materiality issues, how to         avoidance involving inter-corporate      with disclosure requirements,
identify and assess risks of material      dividends, and questions whether         with minimal cost and resource
misstatements in an NFPO audit             or not the proposals could hit long-     investments. The guide advises on
(overview), and about assessed risks       accepted commercial transactions.        such topics as how to make financial
at the financial statement level as well                                            reporting a strategic matter, focus
                                           Read the full Tax Blog on section 55,
as at the assertion level.                                                          on materiality, refine formatting and
                                           and share your views on the
                                                                                    presentation, apply a truly condensed
Access Guide for Auditors: Audits          proposals. Are they too wide of the
                                                                                    approach to interim reporting, keep
of Not-for-Profit Organizations:           mark? Your examples might persuade
                                                                                    looking ahead.
Risk Assessment under Canadian             Finance to have another look.
Auditing for more information.                                                      Access your electronic copy of
                                           From the Standards                       Five steps to simplifying financial
Latest posts on                            Boards: Accounting                       statements.
CPA Canada’s Audit                         Standards Board
                                                                                    Learn how Mountain
Quality Blog                               2016-2021 Strategic
                                                                                    Equipment Co-op
CPA Canada’s Audit Quality Blog            Plan forum
                                                                                    (MEC) is adapting
is designed to create an exchange          The Accounting Standards Board
of ideas on global audit quality                                                    to climate change
                                           (AcSB) held a cross-Canada open
developments and issues, and their         forum, from July to September,           In a short new video developed by
impact in Canada. Here are the             to hear stakeholder views on its         Chartered Professional Accountants
latest posts from CPA Canada’s             2016-2021 Draft Strategic Plan,          of Canada (CPA Canada), learn how
audit expert Eric Turner:                  “Accounting Standards in Canada:         MEC is responding to the impacts
                                           At the Leading Edge of Financial         of climate change on its sales and
Audit committees:                          Reporting.”                              supply chain. As the third case study
making best use of audit                                                            in CPA Canada’s climate change
                                           Financial statement preparers,           adaptation initiative, this video will
inspector publications                     auditors, regulators, and users were     show you how MEC’s accountants
Audit committee chairs have a              invited to an in-person roundtable       support the company’s decision-
key role in ensuring that auditor          discussion hosted by the AcSB’s          making process and supply chain
inspector publications are used            Chair, Linda Mezon, and senior           improvement efforts.
effectively and in the appropriate         Board representatives.
context with their audit committees.                                                Watch the full video: Mountain
                                           The draft strategic plan outlines        Equipment Co-op: Adapting to
Read more in the July 22 Audit             the AcSB’s vision, how it intends
Quality Blog post.                                                                  climate change – case study 3.
                                           to operate, and the broad policy

                                                                                                     December 2015        25
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