Page created by Loretta Carr
                     The Official Publication of the ANKOKAS, NJ Region AACA

  Jan./Feb. 2019
Volume 56, Issue 1

        In This
HH Ankokas Holiday
HH History of the Electric
Car Part 3
HH It Caught My eye
HH Car is the Star
HH Ankokas, AACA and
Local Event Calendars
HH Fun Holidays
HH Frightful Fairy Tales
HH Roadside Ramblings
In This Month’s Issue:

Looking Down
the Road................... 1
News........................ 2
Meeting Minutes....... 3
Electric Cars............. 4
It Caught My Eye...... 6
Car is the Star........... 7
Calendars................. 9
                                     For those of you
Fun Holidays............ 9         who don’t know me, my name is         his hard
Fairy Tales................. 10    Joseph Dougherty and I live in        work that went
Roadside                           Somerdale, NJ. I have been married    into the Haddonfield
Ramblings................. 12
Rummage Box.......... 13           for 30 years to my wife, Nancy,       car show and would also like
Radio Puzzle............. 13       who is also a club member and a       to thank Tom and Carol McClarney
Find a Word.............. 14       director. I have a ‘61 Ford Galaxie   for making all the arrangements for
Letter from the                                                          the Holiday Party. If you have not
                                   and a 2005 50th Anniversary
Editors...................... 15
Marketplace.............. 16       Thunderbird. I have been a club       attended any of these events in the
                                   member since 1992. By the time        past you should try to attend this year.
                                   everyone is reading this 2018 will    It is always a good time with the car
                                   be over and we will be welcoming      club members. Winter is upon us and
                                   in 2019. I hope everyone enjoyed      the car season is in park and we are
                                   their time spent with family and      all waiting for spring when the cars
                                   friends during the Hanukkah and       can come out of hibernation. In the
                                   Christmas holidays. I would like to   meantime there is the AACA Annual
                                   wish all Ankokas members and their    Meeting in Philadelphia in February.
                                   families a healthy and very happy     Hope to see everyone Thursday,
  This newsletter is                                                     January 10th at the meeting. I am
a publication of the
                                   New Year.
Ankokas Region of the                 I would like to thank Kathy                         looking forward to a
Antique Automobile Club            Petters for the excellent job she                         successful 2019.
of America, located in
southern New Jersey.               did as Ankokas’s first female                                     Joe Dougherty,
  Material may be                  President during the past 2                                      President
reproduced only if credit
is given to the source             years. The year 2018 was a
and we are asked for               successful year for the club
permission to reproduce
the material.
                                   from the charter luncheon held
  If you have material             at the Ramblewood Country
that you would like to             Club in April, to our annual
contribute or you have
comments or ideas about            Haddonfield car
the newsletter, please             show held in
contact the editor, Diana,
at newsletter@ankokas.
                                   September, to the
com.                               Holiday Party held
                                   at Café Madison
                                   in December. I
                                   would like to
                                   give a special
                                   thanks to Bob
                                   Petters for all

                                                                         President Joe Dougherty.
                                                                          Photo by D. Antinucci.
SMOKE SIGNALS                       Page 2

              ghgh                        News & Events ghgh
                                                     Annual Holiday Party
 article by Diana Antinucci, photos by D. Antinucci & S. Soppe
  Our annual holiday party was held on Dec. 2nd at
the Madison in Riverside. As always, a great time was
had by all, with wonderful fellowship, rollicking tunes
and even some dancing. The hat went around and we
raised a lot of money for the Food Bank. We would like
to thank Tom and Carol McLarney for hosting the party
again and we look forward to seeing everyone at the
next holiday party. P
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                 Page 3

            gh November Meeting Minutes gh
   Meeting called to order at 7:40 by President Kathy         Sunshine: Kathy gave an update on Howard &
Petters. No new members present, but our guest            Judy Steinberg. Judy is in Lions Gate rehabilitation
speaker Lawrence Giancola was ready to go.                center for about another month and Howard
   Minutes of both the September and October              is home for now, recuperating. Visitors are
meeting were waived as they were published in             welcomed.
Smoke Signals. All approved.                                  Our Haddonfield show for 2019 will be
   Treasurer’s report not given as Jeff was not able to   September 12th, but we need final approval
attend.                                                   from Haddonfield, which will not come until the
   As head of the nominating committee, Bob                       beginning of 2019.
announced the candidates for the                                         Our meeting dates have been
offices needing replacements. Pres: Joe                            approved by the Boro of Haddonfield.
Dougherty, VP: Tom McLarney, Sec: Steve                                  All were reminded of the four free
Soppe, Treas: Jeff Schulte, Directors: Kathy                        memberships for the national AACA
Petters as IPP, Nancy Dougherty, Bernie                              available to NEW members.
Shuster, Dave Hann and Diana Antinucci.                                  Invitations for our holiday party have
There being no opposition there was a                                 been mailed and the date is set for
motion to accept the slate of candidates as                           December 2nd.
proposed. They will take office January 1                                Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM
2019.                                                         The presentation on oil & lubricants Lawrence
   Membership: Steve Soppe announced that                 Giancola was enjoyed by all with a lively Q & A
renewals are coming in but we still have 14 members       following.
not renewed. Get your events & awards information             As always, cookies by Diana were enjoyed by
in to Steve for the web site and Smoke Signals along      all even though she could not be present.
with any stories or events of note.                           Submitted by Bob Petters, Secretary

       ghgh And the Award Goes To... ghgh
                                                                             article by Diana Antinucci
                                                                             Congratulations to Tom
                                                                           Amendola for winning Best
                                                                           of Show at the We Honor
                                                                           Veterans Car Show at the
                                                                           Masonic Home on September
                                                                           22nd. Look at that trophy!
                                                                             If you would like to share
                                                                           your car show wins with the
                                                                           club and see yourself in print,
                                                                           please e-mail newsletter@
                                                                  with the name of
                                                                           the show, the date and what
                                                                           you won. Photos are always
                                                                           appreciated. P
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                           Page 4

      ~ Dynamos Down the Road~
                                                                                                      An article in three parts,
                                                                                                      spanning three issues.
                                                                                                             Part 3 of 3
  article by Diana Antinucci                                                 Formula E’s lead sponsor, ABB, has extraordinary
  In the first installment, we discussed the history of                    battery charging technology that takes only eight
electric vehicles. In the second, we talked about where                    minutes to give batteries enough power to go 120 miles.
the technology is today. That gives you an idea of where                   Unfortunately, this current technology isn’t quite ready
the technology is at right now. In this last installment,                  for the real world. Six of these chargers would overload
we’ll talk about the future of electric vehicles.                          an electric grid and fry ordinary power cables.
  But, the technology is changing and some of those                          The University of St. Andrews in Scotland is working on
changes are coming out of Formula E racing. Formula                        replacing the lithium cobalt oxide electrode in fuel cells with
E racing consists of ten teams, each with two drivers,                     carbon that takes in oxygen from the air to discharge the
racing electric cars through a temporary city street circuit               battery, doing away with toxic chemicals and producing a
that is between 1.2 and 2.1 miles long. The series began                   battery that is lighter, cheaper and has five to ten times the
in 2014 and is currently in its fourth season. A Formula                   storage capacity of today’s batteries. They already have a
E car can go from 0 to 60 in three seconds and has a                       working prototype that lasts eight times longer than lithium
maximum speed of 225 mph.                                                                              cobalt oxide batteries and it may
Generators used to recharge the                                                                        be commercially available in the
cars’ batteries are powered by                                                                         next five years.
glycerine, which is itself a by-                                                                         To solve the problem of
product of bio-diesel. Jaguar,                                                                         charging time, researchers are
Audi and BMW all participate                                                                           looking at super capacitors,
in Formula E racing. Mercedes-                                                                         solid state storage devices that
Benz, Nissan and Porsche will                                                                          generate electrostatic fields.
be joining the racing in 2019.                                                                         These would charge in just
BMW has produced a motor                                                                               minutes and last longer (nearly a
for the next racing season that                                                                        million charges, compared to the
is half the weight and only                                                                            3,000 to 5,000 charges we now
one-third the size of previous                                                                         get out of a lithium ion battery
engines, delivering twice the                                                                          before it needs to be replaced).
performance. As each of the                                                                            Currently, super capacitors have
                                         Formula E car in Berlin in 2017. Photo by KAgememnon and
teams works out problems with           used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
                                                                                                      a hard time holding a charge
range, charging technology and                              International license.                    and more are required to get the
heat, that knowledge will be used                                                                     same charge as fewer lithium ion
to manufacture production electric cars for the rest of us.                batteries. Researchers are looking at the possibility of using
  Currently, each team has two cars ready for the race                     both lithium ion and super capacitors in the future.
because the batteries in a single car cannot go the                          Goodyear is looking at another way to charge the battery
approximately sixty miles of the racecourse. That will                     in electric cars…. while you drive. They are working on
change this season however, with the introduction of new                   a tire they’re calling the BH03, which converts the heat
battery technology, doubling the kWh from 28 to 54 and                     caused by tire friction on the road into electricity. The tire
upping the voltage from 800 to 1000 volts. With higher                     will also be able to collect heat from tire flex and from the
voltage comes lower amperage for the same amount of                        sun through thermo-piezoelectric layers (solid materials
power. Combined with a better cooling system to control                    that build up an electric charge in response to applied
heat issues, the batteries can also be recharged faster.                   mechanical stress) on the tire.
  Turning the DC power generated by the battery into                         What kind of electric cars can we expect in the near
AC required by the motor takes power inverters that                        future? Schaeffler (a supplier to automotive manufacturers)
can handle a lot of power without heating up. Formula                      has taken what it has learned from Formula E and
E racing has a power inverter that uses silicon carbide.                   produced an electric car based on an Audi RS3 chassis
Silicon carbide conductors only .2 inch thick are capable                  with four motors, one for each wheel. With a total output
of handling hundreds of amps with 95% efficiency. The                      of 88 kWh, it will go from 0-124 in seven seconds. As yet,
problem is cost. The latest chipset cost $18,000, so it                    there no plans for production.
may take a while for this tech to trickle down.
                                                                                                                        continued on page 5
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                             Page 5
Dynamos Down the Road continued from page 4                                  Porsche will launch its Taycan in 2019. The Taycan
   Jaguar has an electric SUV for sale now. Called the                     will have over 600hp, go from 0-60mph in under 3.5
I-Pace, it has 394hp, will go from 0-60 in 4.5 seconds seconds and 125mph in under twelve. Porsche reports
and has an estimated range of 240 miles. It takes 85                       an estimated range of 310 miles for the Taycan. Porsche
minutes to charge 80%.                                                     has also introduced the Mission E Cross Turismo. The
   Not to be outdone,                                                      Turismo will go from 0-60 in 3.5 seconds, with a range
Audi has introduced                                                                    of 310 miles on a full charge and 62 miles on
three new electric                                                                     only a four minute charge.
prototypes. Its e-tron                                                                    Volkswagen has three electric vehicles in
                                                                                       the works. The ID Concept is the smallest
Quattro SUV is
                                                                                       of these (still it’s a full-size five-door) with a
capable of traveling up
                                                                                       range between 249 and 373 miles and an 80%
to 300 miles, will fully
                                                                                       charge in 30 minutes. It will enter production in
recharg in 50 minutes
                                                                                       2020. They also have plans to make this vehicle
and is capable of
                                                                                       fully automated by 2025. Just press a button
going 0-60 in less than
                                                                                       and the steering wheel retracts into the dash.
five seconds. Expect
                                                                                       The ID Crozz SUV will also enter production in
this to be in production BMW iX3 at Paris Motor Show in 2018. Photo by Matti 2020. With a top speed of 112mph, it has an
for 2020. Their e-tron Blume and used under the Creative Commons Attribution- estimated range of 310 miles and will also be
                                    Share Alike 4.0 International license.
SUV Sportback will be                                                                  fully automated by 2025. Their other offering,
in production in 2019                                                                                      and your editor’s new personal
and will be smaller than the                                                                               favorite car, is the Volkswagen
Quattro. The Sportback will                                                                                ID Buzz. This will imitate their
have 496hp, go from 0-60 in                                                                                Microbus and go on sale in 2022.
4.5 seconds, charge to 80%                                                                                 It will have seating for up to eight
in only 30 minutes and has an                                                                              people and will have an interior
estimated range of 311 miles.                                                                              that can be moved around to suit
   BMW will launch its iX3                                                                                 your needs. It will have 369hp, go
in 2020. This car will have                                                                                0-60 in five seconds and a range
the motor, transmission and                                                                                of about 370 miles. The battery
power electronics built into                                                                               will charge to 80% in 30 minutes.
a single unit. The iX3 will                                                                                This vehicle will also eventually be
have 270hp, a range of 249              Porsche Taycan. Photo by youkeys and used under the                fully automated.
miles and will fully charge in 30          Creative  Commons    Attribution 2.0 Generic license.         In the very near future, every major
minutes. They also have plans for                                                                                          automobile maker
an iX4 and iX5.                                                                                                            will have multiple
   Ford has announced plans to spend                                                                                       models of electric
$11 billion on electric cars and plans to                                                                                  car. It’s debatable
have 16 fully electric models in production                                                                                whether or not gas-
by 2022. Likewise, Mercedes has plans                                                                                      powered cars are
to introduce 10 fully electric models by                                                                                   on their way out or
2022, starting with the EQ C SUV with a                                                                                    if they will simply
late 2019 launch date. Mercedes reports                                                                                    have to compete
that the EQ C SUV will have a range of                                                                                     with electric cars
                                                                                                                           for a share of the
about 310 miles and go from 0-60 in five
                                                                                                                           market. One thing
                                                                                                                           is for sure, any car
   Mini will have an electric Mini E ready
                                                                                                                           enthusiast should
to buy in 2019 with a range of about 200                 Volkswagen ID Buzz at Frankfurt, Germany in 2017. Photo
                                                           by Matti Blume and used under the Creative Commons get a real charge out
miles and performance that will shame a gas-                   Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.     what the future holds.
powered Cooper S.                                                                                                                               P
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                             Page 6

                             ghgh It Caught My Eye ghgh
article by Diana Antinucci                                               for the split-windshield bus and the most collectible, with tents
   I’m not sure when my fascination with Volkswagens began.              in good condition selling for over $1,000.
Maybe when I saw my first Herbie movie. Be it a Beetle,                     In 1968, the VW bus was remodeled with a large, curved
Karmann Ghia or Thing, they’ve always appealed to be, but                single windshield (or “bay-window”) and a sliding side
none more so than the Volkswagen Bus, and, more specifically door. Westfalia altered their conversions accordingly. Bus
the Volkswagen Westfalia Bus. I had the joy of coming across             conversions now had an angled pop-top for a child’s cot or,
one of these at the Silver Diner Labor Day Show in 2015.                 on later models, the pop-top was large enough to fit a bed
   The Westfalia Company started in 1844 as a simple forge               for two adults. The new side tent somewhat resembled the
building horse-drawn carts. In 1949, Volkswagen produced its             old framed tent, but the frame was now external to the tent
first bus, originally used to transport parts within the factory.        and also had a weather-proof floor. From 1968 to 1971, the
The first Westfalia bus conversion                                                                  interiors of these buses were fairly
was in 1951, in response to a special                                                               simple and included an icebox, a
request by a British Forces officer                                                                 manual hand-pump sink, a sofa
stationed in Germany. Westfalia                                                                     bed, rear-facing passenger seat and
installed a double door between the                                                                 some cabinetry. In 1974, the pop-top
B and C pillars, built-in some furniture                                                            changed from a roof that opened up
and decorated it more like a home                                                                   at the rear to a roof that opened up at
(curtains and such). Soon, Westfalia                                                                the front. In 1975, the pop-top could
conversions were available from                                                                     accommodate a full double bed, the
Volkswagen dealers everywhere or as                                                                 sink got an electric pump and more
part of the Tourist Delivery Program,                                                               options were available, including a
wherein you would buy a Westfalia                                                                   fridge, stove and dual battery. This
bus in Germany, drive it around                                                                     was also the first year to offer brightly-
Europe and have it shipped back to                                                                  colored plaid interiors. In 1976, the
the US when your trip was over. Many                                                                interior was redesigned, placing all
of these were purchased by American                                                                 the cabinetry behind the driver’s
soldiers overseas and sent home.                                                                    seat, leaving room behind the front
   Between 1951 and August of                                                                       passenger seat, which could now
1958, about 1,000 Westfalia bus                                                                     swivel to face the rear. This interior
conversions were made by Westfalia.               Volkswagen Westfalia bus at the Silver Diner.     would be changed very little through
Between 1952 and 1958, the SO-22                           Photo by D. Antinucci.               the 1990s.
“camping box” was produced. There was                                                             Fans of the Volkswagen Westfalia bus
no tent available from Westfalia, but a striped canvas awning            can now buy a brand new Westfalia! The Kepler Sixty will
could be purchased that ran almost the entire length of the              make its debut in 2019. Designed to look like Volkswagens
vehicle and extended out about six feet. From 1958 to 1965,              from the 60s and 70s, it has a two-tone red and white color
the SO-23 “deluxe camper” was produced. These had two                    scheme, inside and out. Inside is a kitchenette with a sink,
tent options available: one was akin to the awning previously            fridge, propane stove, table for four (the front seats swivel to
available, but with the addition of side curtains and the other          face the rear) and cabinets. The rear bench seat converts to a
was smaller and only covered the side door area, measuring               double bed and a second double bed fits in the pop-top. A hot
only four feet wide, three feet deep and a bit over six feet high. water shower at the back of the van can be used for outdoor
The larger tent was available with and without a bathroom,               showers. The Kepler Sixty will sell for almost $70,000, but plan
consisting of a zippered 3.25 foot square room sticking out              on a trip to Europe to buy one, they won’t be sold in the US.
from the rear sidewall. The smaller tent was striped in either              Not planning a trip to Europe? You can wait until 2022 and
red and white or blue and gray and was less popular, and                 buy a Volkswagen ID Buzz (see picture on page 5). A call-
therefore now more rare, than the larger tent. The large tent            back to the old Type II Microbus, the ID Buzz is an all-electric
was available in stripes of yellow and blue/gray, red and white, vehicle with an estimated range of 300 miles, capable of
orange and blue, orange and white or green and white, with               charging to 80% in just thirty minutes. By 2025, there are
the yellow and blue/gray being the most popular. During this             plans to make the ID Buzz fully autonomous. Here’s hoping
period, in 1962, the first conversions were made that used               Westfalia does camper conversions!
plastic material for furniture surfaces. From 1965 to 1967, the             Still have your heart set on an original? Here are some tips
framed tent was produced and was different from previous                 to get the best bus for you. For older buses, from 1951 to
tents with the addition of large screened windows and a                  1967, it can be very hard to find a bus in good condition at a
frame that stood free of the vehicle, allowing the tent to be left reasonable price. Those that are in good, unrestored condition
behind while the vehicle made trips. This is the last tent made          are very rare indeed. You will probably be faced with a choice

                                                                                                                           continued on page 8
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                                Page 7

  The Car is The Star
                                                                                                                    A series about
                                                                                                                      cars from
                                                                                                                     movies and
                                  “Boss, meet the General Lee.”                        article by Diana Antinucci

   The Dukes of Hazzard aired on January 26, 1979, forty                   The horn that plays the first twelve notes of “Dixie” was
years ago this year, introducing us all to Boss Hogg, the               also not planned. Two of the directors were having breakfast
Dukes and, of course, an orange Charger named the                       together when a car drove by that had a horn that played the
General Lee. Screenwriter and director Gy Waldron had                   music. The directors quickly left their breakfast, chased the car
the idea for the show years earlier and in 1975 created                 down and bought the horn for $300 (almost $1200 today).
and directed a B-movie with the same premise called                        The first three General Lees were built by Warner Brothers
Moonrunners. In the movie, the car was named Traveller                  and sent to Georgia where the show was filmed. The picture
after General Lee’s horse, but the car was renamed the                  car coordinator called them “LEE1”, “LEE2” and “LEE3”.
General Lee for the series because TV execs thought the                 LEE1 was a 383 V-8 1969 Charger with air-conditioning, AM/
audience wouldn’t recognize the name of General Lee’s                   FM stereo, power steering and drum brakes. It had a roll cage
horse. Regardless of what they named it, the car was                    added. It originally had a black vinyl top that was removed,
incredibly popular, receiving more than half of the show’s              but the chrome rocker trim was left on because of previously
fan mail, about 35,000 letters per month.                               done poor body work, but the rest of the trim was removed
   Cars used to portray the General Lee were 1968 and                   (gas cap trim and wheel well trim). Because of the same poor
1969 Chargers. At the start                                             bodywork, the chrome vinyl top trim was also left intact. LEE2
of the show, Chargers from                                                                                          and LEE3 were modified
these years were just used                                                                                          to match LEE1. LEE1 was
cars and with about 85,000                                                                                          destroyed before the show
Chargers in 1969 alone, they                                                                                        aired, but if you’ve seen the
were fairly plentiful. All the                                                                                      Dukes of Hazzard, you’ve
cars were modified to look                                                                                          seen LEE1. On November
                                                                                                                    11, 1978, stuntman Craig R.
like the General Lee and
                                                                                                                    Baxley drove the Charger
stunt cars had a rollcage
                                                                                                                    off a makeshift ramp, over
or roll bars, heavy-duty
                                                                                                                    a police car, 16 feet into the
shock absorbers and a push
                                                                                                                    air and 82 feet in distance.
bar on the front bumper
                                                                                                                    That jump is in the opening
added to them. Cars had
                                                                                                                    of every episode, making
the 318, 383 or 440 cubic-
                                One of the Chargers used during the shooting of the Dukes of Hazard in the National
                                                                                                                    it the only General Lee to
inch engines; none had                                                                                              appear in more than one
                                            Auto and Truck Museum in Auburn, IN. Photo by S. Soppe.
the 426 Hemi. A 318 was                                                                                             episode. It was a record
used for a “ski car” (built                                             jump at the time, but it totaled the car and it was stripped of
for stunts involving driving the car on either its right or left        its front seats, grill and taillight panel to be used on other cars.
tires with the opposite side tires in the air), mostly because          Over the course of the series, the General Lee would perform
that engine was lighter. Most stunt cars had the 383 or                 150 more stunt jumps.
440 engines and stunt drivers preferred the 440, so these                  LEE3 was actually the first of the cars to be built by
were usually reserved for jumps. Most of the cars used                  Warner Brothers and was used as the first unit 1 close-up
on the show, despite the misleading sound effects had an                car. This is also the car used in the first publicity photos. It
automatic transmission.                                                 was a 440 Magnum with air-conditioning, power windows,
   Fans of the show know that the doors of the General Lee              wood grain dash, tan leather interior, AM radio and factory
don’t open. This was not planned. During the first chase                tachometer. The roll bar was removable to allow room for a
scene of the series, the General Lee is chasing Cooter in               camera inside the car.
Roscoe’s police car and they side-swipe some mailboxes.                    With LEE1 destroyed and the other two cars beginning to
The passenger door handle was damaged and Tom Wopak                     show damage, the hunt was on for more cars. From the second
(Luke)could no longer open the door from the outside, so he             season into the fourth season, Andre and Renaud Veluzat built
slid into the car through the window. The director liked this           the cars for the show, but they were inconsistent in their builds
and had John Schneider (Bo) do the same.                                and fans that are paying close attention can spot differences
                                                                                                                               continued on page 8
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                                Page 8
It Caught My Eye continued from page 6                                       reduction in engine life. Buses built in 1971 have a dual-port
                                                                             motor with more power and power front disc brakes, so they
between buying a bus that has been restored or one that                      might be a better choice.
needs to be restored. While parts for buses from the early                      Buses built in 1972 and 1973 used the “pancake” engine used
60s onward can be found for reasonable money, they may                       on the Porsche 914. This air-cooled engine has the reliability and
not always be exactly right and parts                                                                    good gas mileage of the Beetle motor,
for earlier buses may be hard to find.                                                                   but with more power. Also, many parts
And unless the bus spent its life in the                                                                 can be repaired without removing the
desert, it almost surely has or has had                                                                  engine, including the heads and the
rust issues. You can use a magnet to                                                                     alternator. The 1972 bus does not
find filler and a fresh paint job may                                                                    have an engine hatch, making motor
be hiding some bad body work. The                                                                        access difficult. This engine does have
bus is a unibody design, so replacing                                                                    the tendency for valve seat failure if
rusted sections is more than a matter                                                                    it overheats. Minor oil leaks are not
of unbolting pieces and replacing them.                                                                  uncommon and are usually easy to fix.
It involves cutting and welding. Unless                                                                  Other common problems include failure
you find a really solid bus, it may be a                                                                 of the horn, the four-way flasher switch,
better idea to buy a bus that is already                                                                 gas gauge and electric sink pump.
restored than to buy a project bus.                                                                      These are also usually easy to fix. A
   For buses built between 1968                                                                               rusty front axle beam is a common
and 1971, these had many              1959 Volkswagen Westfalia Camper at the Henry Ford Museum. Photo by
                                                                                                              and very expensive problem.
improvements over the old             Alvintrusty and used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
                                                              4.0 International License.                      You should also inspect under
“splitty”. The early year models                                                                              the sliding door, inside the wheel
of the “bay window” buses                                                    wells, on the rocker panels, the front floors and the steps by the
used a Beetle drivetrain with a 1600cc upright motor that                    front doors. Rust under the windshield seal is common, but not
used parts that are still easy to find for relatively little money.          hard or expensive to fix.
The bad thing about this engine is that it’s underpowered for                   So, if you’ve ever wanted a VW Westfalia bus, go ahead and
a Westfalia camper, resulting in a bit of sluggishness and a
                                                                             fulfill that dream! Just take me for a ride. Please?       P
The Car is the Star continued from page 7                            sold seventeen of them to private owners. In 2001, LEE1 was
                                                                     found in a Georgia junkyard, trunk still full of cement. Between
in the General Lee between episodes. Warner Brothers                 500 to 1,000 pounds of sand or concrete was put in the trunk
hired Ken Fritz to take over the builds, but he was quickly of cars doing jumps to prevent the car from nosing down.
fired and Warner Brothers decided to do the builds in-               The car was restored in 2006 and sold at Barrett-Jackson in
house. There was much greater control and consistency, Scottsdale to pro golfer Bubba Watson for $110,000.
but some of the specs changed. The front push bar                       John Schneider has built more than twenty General Lee
became wider, the interior was now beige instead of                                          replicas, including one that sold at
brown or tan and roll bars were                                                              Barrett-Jackson for $450,000. Today,
covered in black foam.                                                                       there are more replicas than original
   Almost three hundred Chargers                                                             General Lees.
were used in the filming of the                                                                In 2015, there was a shooting at
Dukes of Hazzard. As the seasons                                                             a Bible study in Charleston, North
passed, it became harder to                                                                  Carolina that left nine people dead.
find cars, partly because of the                                                             As part of the backlash, there was a
popularity of the series. In the                                                             call to remove the Confederate flag
early years, cars might have been           One of the Chargers used during the shooting of
                                          the Dukes of Hazard in the National Auto and Truck from just about anywhere. As a result,
scrapped after only one jump, now             Museum in Auburn, IN. Photo by S. Soppe.       Warner Brothers ceased production of
Warner Brothers tried to salvage as                                                          toy General Lee cars. Bubba Watson,
many as they could to reuse. Producers would leave notes owner of LEE1, announced via Twitter that he would be
on windshields of Chargers they saw, asking if they could            painting over the Confederate flag on the car. Brian Grams,
buy the car. Piper Cubs were used to do aerial searches              owner of the Volo Auto Museum, offered to buy the car,
for cars. As a last resort, some of the later seasons use            but his offer was rejected.
miniature remote-control cars for some of the bigger                    Regardless of the use of the Confederate flag, the General
stunts and used footage from older episodes.                         Lee is, no doubt, an iconic screen car. Many people have fond
   Today, between 17 and 23 screen-used General Lees                 memories of the show, including myself. Now, let’s all bow our
are known to exist (accounts vary). Warner Brothers had              heads and have a moment of silence for all the Chargers we
eighteen cars on the lot after the show was cancelled                lost for those seven seasons of entertainment. P
in 1986. These sat there for five years before the studio
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                                    Page 9
                 ghghgh Ankokas Events 2019 ghghgh
Jan. 10: 7:30PM: Ankokas regular monthly meeting on the                     March 14: 7:30PM: Ankokas regular monthly meeting on
second floor of the Haddonfield Municipal Building, 242 Kings               the second floor of the Haddonfield Municipal Building, 242
Highway East, Haddonfield.                                                  Kings Highway East, Haddonfield.
Feb. 14: 7:30PM: Ankokas regular monthly meeting on the                     Go to for more event
second floor of the Haddonfield Municipal Building, 242 Kings               listings.
Highway East, Haddonfield.

                ghghgh AACA Calendar 2019 ghghgh
Feb. 7-9: AACA Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. Call 717-                 June 26-29: Eastern Spring National Meet. Hosted by the
534-1910 for more information.                                             New Jersey Region. Parsippany, NJ.
April 4-7: AACA Southeastern Spring Meet. Hosted by the                    Oct. 9-12: AACA Eastern Fall National. Hershey, PA.
Hornet’s Nest Region. Charlotte, NC.                                       Go to for more
May 30-June 1: AACA Annual Grand National. Auburn, IN.                     information and listings.
Call 717-534-1910 for more info.

      ghgh Fun Holidays to Celebrate in Jan. & Feb. ghgh
 Jan. 2: Buffet Day                                                                      Feb. 2: Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day
 Jan. 3: Fruitcake Toss Day                                                              Feb. 3: Feed the Birds Day
 Jan. 5: National Bird Day                                                               Feb. 4: Thank a Mailman Day
 Jan. 7: Old Rock Day                                                                    Feb. 5: World Nutella Day
 Jan. 9: World Nerd Day                                                                  Feb. 6: National Chopsticks Day
 Jan. 10: Peculiar People Day                                                            Feb. 8: Boy Scout Day
 Jan. 14: Dress Up Your Pet Day                                                          Feb. 9: Bagel & Lox Day
 Jan. 15: Strawberry Ice Cream Day                                                       Feb. 11: National Inventors Day
 Jan. 18: Winnie-the-Pooh Day                                                            Feb. 13: World Radio Day
 Jan. 20: National Cheese Lovers Day                                                     Feb. 14: Library Lovers Day
 Jan. 21: National Hugging Day                                                           Feb. 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day
 Jan. 23: National Pie Day                                                               Feb. 20: Love Your Pet Day
 Jan. 24: Compliment Day                                                                 Feb. 22: Walking the Dog Day
 Jan. 26: Spouse’s Day                                                                   Feb. 26: Tell a Fairy Tale Day
 Jan. 28: Fun at Work Day                                                                Feb. 28: National Tooth Fairy Day
                        Anna’s Hummingbird. Photo by Robert McMorran, US Fish and Wildlife Service. Public domain.

                       ghghgh                               Local Event ghghgh
                Atlantic City Classic Cars: Classics in AC
                                        Feb. 8-10, 2019
                              Friday & Saturday 9AM-7PM
                                   Sunday 9AM-5PM
                                       Auction, vendors and car corral.

                                                             Graphic by
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                                    Page 10

                             gh          Frightful Fairy Tales                                                          gh
article by Diana Antinucci                                                           So, how were these stories changed to become the ones we
   To celebrate Tell a Fairy Tale Day on February 26th, I thought I               know today? Red Riding Hood has been told so many times and
would share a brief history of fairy tales and how they have changed              across cultures that the original story is hard to divine. But we
over the years. Be warned, these tales are dark and sinister and                  do know some of the differences. In one version of the story, the
definitely, definitely not for children.                                          grandmother is the wolf. In another, Red Riding Hood allows the
   Most of us are familiar with fairy tales from our childhood. The               wolf to kill her grandmother before killing the wolf in order to
hero/princess encounters a problem, goes on an adventure, maybe                   inherit the grandmother’s property. In Charles Perrault’s version,
confronts a villain, solves their problem and everyone lives happily              Red Riding Hood gets into bed with the wolf and is eaten.
ever after. As always, however, the devil is in the details. The tales            Cinderella is another ancient story, told across many cultures.
we know today aren’t the tales                                                    Western culture’s first written account of Cinderella dates back
told originally. The stories have                                                 to a story written by Giambattista Basile in 1634. In this story,
been passed down, told and                                                        Cinderella kills her mother at the suggestion of her governess, the
retold, written, rewritten, edited                                                governess then marries Cinderella’s father and sends Cinderella
and Disneyfied until what we                                                      to work in the kitchen. The rest of that story is fairly familiar. In
know today may only vaguely                                                       the Grimm tale, Cinderella has two beautiful, but evil stepsisters
resemble the original story. And                                                  and some white doves sent to her by her deceased mother. When
some of those original stories                                                    the prince gets a hold of Cinderella’s shoe through the use of a tar
weren’t even meant for children.                                                  trap, the stepsisters cut off parts of their feet in an attempt to fit
They were tales to entertain                                                      the shoe, but are given away by the blood coming from the shoe.
adults, full of murder, sexual                                                    Cinderella fits the shoe, marries the prince and the stepsisters have
assault and cannibalism. The                                                      their eyes pecked out by the doves at the wedding.
tales we are familiar with are                                                       Sleeping Beauty is another story dating back to Giambattista
mostly the Disney versions,                                                       Basile in 1634. The story starts, surprisingly, much like the Disney
which borrowed heavily from                                                       story, Cinderella falls asleep when her finger is pricked and is left
Charles Perrault, Jacob and                                                       in a castle. From there, the tale takes a sharp turn. A nearby king
Wilhelm Grimm and Hans                                                                                                    discovers Sleeping Beauty and
Christian Andersen.                                                                                                       decides to… take advantage
   In the mid-1600s, French                                                                                               of the situation. The king
aristocrats, and particularly                                                                                             continues to visit and the
women, would gather in their
                                         “Cinderella in the Kitchen” by Charles
                                         Robinson (1900) from Tales of Passed
                                                                                                                          princess gives birth to twins,
salons to discuss the topics of the Times with stories by Charles Perrault.                                               one of which sucks the splinter
day. These women, often forced               Picture is in the public domain.                                             out of her finger, awakening the
into arranged marriages, denied                                                                                           princess. The king’s wife, the
a formal education and overseen by court censors, began to tell                                                           queen, discovers his adultery
tales at these meetings based on very old stories, but twisted to say                                                     and orders the twins to be
something about the world in which they lived. Such stories often                                                         cooked and fed to the king
featured themes of clever aristocratic girls controlled by the men in                                                     without his knowing. The cook
their lives or wise fairies that helped the protagonist.                                                                  can’t bring himself to do it and
   In 1695, Charles Perrault lost his position as secretary to King                                                       cooks a goat instead. The queen
Louis XIV’s finance minister and decided to devoted his time to                                                           tries to burn Sleeping Beauty
his children. He was familiar with the tales told in the parlors of                                                       alive, but the king saves her,
French aristocrats and wrote a collection titled Histoires ou Contes                 “The Little Mermaid Found By the    throws his wife into the flames
                                                                                    Prince” by Edmund Dulac (1911) for
du Temps passé (Tales and Stories of the Past with Morals) and he is               Stories from Hans Christian Andersen.
                                                                                                                         and marries our princess. In
often called the father of the modern fairy tale.                                      Picture is in the public domain.  Perrault’s version, the queen
   In the early 1800s, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were librarians                                                           wants to eat the children herself.
working on a collecting a volume of “Germanic” stories in an effort               The Grimm’s story is actually the closest to the Disney story.
to give the 200 or so principalities a German national identity. They                The Little Mermaid, as written by Hans Christian Andersen in
published Kinder- und Hausmärchen (Children’s and Household Tales)                1837, tells the tale of mermaids that have no soul, therefore no
with 86 stories from “Germany” or those they thought had Germanic                 afterlife and turn into sea foam upon their death. Horrified by her
origins. This first edition had all the original adult content and they were      coming fate, our Little Mermaid, wants to become human, a desire
criticized for having stories that were not suitable for children. They           made more desperate when she sees a handsome prince and falls
republished their stories as two separate editions, a “large” edition that        in love. She visits the sea witch, who, in exchange for cutting out
had all of the original stories with notes from the Grimm brothers and a          the mermaids tongue, gives her legs, an extremely painful process
“small” edition that had selected stories edited for children.                    that continues to bring pain every time she walks. If she can get

                                                                                                                                      continued on page 11
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                             Page 11
Frightful Fairy Tales continued from page 10                            happy with her, banished her to Brussels, where she fell in love
the prince to marry her, she will become human. If he marries           with Prince Phillip II of Spain. Her parents, unhappy with the
another, she will die and become sea foam. The prince does              affair, sent agents to kill her, probably through poison (again with
marry someone else, but the mermaid is given an out. Kill the           the poison).
prince and live. She can’t do it and dies.                                                   The tale of Hansel and Gretel also has roots
  Surely Peter Pan, written in 1902 by James                                               in history. The famines that plagued Europe,
Barrie, must be safe. Even this tale, however,                                             including the Great Famine of 1315-1317, often
would have several surprises for modern readers                                            caused parents to kill or abandon children they
only familiar with the Disney story, the worst of                                          could not support. The practice continued through
which might be that the reason the Lost Boys never                                         the 1800s, when the Grimms were writing their
grow up is because those not killed by Captain                                             stories. It could have also been influenced by
Hook or various other ways, are killed by Peter                                            the story of Katharina Schraderin, a baker that
Pan himself before they can grow up.                                                       made gingerbread cookies so delicious that a rival
  Perhaps more disturbing than any of these                                                baker accused her of witchcraft. She was hunted
may be the tales rooted in actual history. In the                                          down by the townspeople and burned to death in
early versions of Snow White, the queen is Snow                                            her own oven.
White’s mother and sends the huntsman for Snow                                               The Pied Piper of Hamelin apparently isn’t even
White’s lungs and liver so she can eat them. Snow                                          a fairy tale, but an actual event. The piper led the
White wins in the end, though and at her wedding,                                          entire population of the town’s children, all 130,
forces her mother to put on a red-hot pair of iron                                           out of town and into the ether. They were never
                                                         “Hansel and Gretel” by Arthur
shoes and dance herself to death. The tale is based     Rackham (1909) for Fairy Tales of    found. A stained glass window in a church and a
on a real Bavarian noblewoman whose brother           the Brothers Grimm. Picture is in the written manuscript back up the story.
used children to work in his mine (think of the                 public domain.                  So, the next time you read a watered-down
dwarves). The poisoned apple comes from an old                                               version  of a fairy tale or watch a Disney movie,
man that would offer poisoned fruit to the children he thought          remember that the stories were originally very serious stuff…
had stolen from him. The girl’s stepmother (evil stepmother), not       deadly serious. Just don’t tell the children.

           AACA Annual Meeting
             in Philadelphia
      Feb. 7-9, 2019                           Sheraton Philadelphia
                                                 Downtown Hotel
                                                17th & Race Streets

                                                            Graphic by
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                            Page 12

               ghgh              Roadside Ramblings                                                          ghgh
                               Duke Farms, 1112 Dukes Parkway West, Hillsborough, NJ
  article by Diana Antinucci                                             So, what does Duke Farms offer a visitor? The eighteen miles
   Duke Farms was founded in 1893 by James Buchanan                   of trails are lined with interpretive signs that tell visitors about
“Buck” Duke, founder of the American Tobacco Company,                 the history of the farm, the native species found there and the
with the goal of recreating the look of the farms where he had stewardship practices used, perfect for anyone that enjoys hiking
grown up in North Carolina. To this end, he dug nine lakes            or just a pleasant walk. The farm offers a bike share program
on the property and used the backfill to create hills. In 1911,       which reopens on March 31, 2019. Visitors can rent bicycles
he began to build a 80,000 square-foot mansion, but never             for a two-hour maximum ride for $5 per two hours. There are
finished. There are different theories why the building was not various rules regarding bicycle riding in the park. Please go
completed: his wife preferred Manhattan to the farm in New            to their website or call 908-722-3700 for more
Jersey, he decided to conserve money after the government             information. Helmets must be worn and payment for the bike
                                                                      share is only accepted by credit or debit card. A geocaching
busted his tobacco monopoly
                                                                                                             scavenger hunt is offered,
or perhaps he decided
                                                                                                             snowshoeing and cross-
the steel needed for the
                                                                                                             country skiing (when weather
construction was better used
                                                                                                             permits) and searching for
toward the war effort (WWI).                                                                                 animal tracks is encouraged.
   After he died, his then                                                                                   Photography is allowed but
twelve-year-old daughter,                                                                                    any commercial photography
Doris, sued her mother for                                                                                   is prohibited. Pets are not
control of the estate and took                                                                               allowed on the property and
control at the age of fifteen.                                                                               there is a carry-in carry-out
Doris died in 1993 and left                                                                                  trash policy. The park is
specific instructions about her                                                                              considered full when there
homes in Newport and Hawaii,                                                                                 are no more parking spaces
but was less specific about                                                                                  and the park fills quickest on
Duke Farms, saying only that                                                                                 weekends and holidays.
it should be used to promote                                                                                    The farm offers several
conservation.                                                                                                classes for adults including
   The Duke Farms Foundation                                                                                 a Sunday Mystery Walk on
was established in 1998                                                                                      January 13, 2019, Winter
                                             Duke Farms orientation building. Photo by Ekem and Grassland Birding on Jan. 19, Growing
and now manages the estate. In 2012,
                                             used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Microgreens on Jan. 22, National Seed
Duke Farms underwent an extensive                        Alike 3.0 Unported license.
$45 million dollar transformation and                                                            Swap Day on Feb. 2, Introduction to
opened as a public park on May 19, 2012. The Foundation                                          Organic Gardening on Feb. 16 and Getting
has established gardens that are friendly to the eco-system           to  Know   Orchids:  An Introduction  about once a month. Some
                                                                      classes include a certification and all classes require registration.
and removed invasive foreign plants. The farm offers plots of
                                                                         There are three annual festivals at Duke Farms. At the Sugar
land in a large community garden, 250 acres of incubation
                                                                      Maple Celebration in mid-March, you can tap a tree for syrup
space to would-be organic farmers and allows universities to
                                                                      and try some of the maple syrup offerings at the café. The
use the land for projects, such as growing a hybrid American
                                                                      Firefly Festival is held in early July and Creature Fest in is
Chestnut that can withstand the blight that almost brought it         late October, offering encounters with poison ivy (at a safe
to extinction.                                                        distance), a live wolf, giant reptiles, a bat and skunk, all while
   In addition to nine man-made lakes, Duke Farms boasts              you collect goodies.
eighteen miles of roads (twelve of which can be used by                  There is a café on-site that offers locally grown foods and a
bicycles), 45 buildings, fountains, lagoons, 810 acres of             farm to table market started in 2014 that offers local produce,
woodlands and 464 acres of grassland bird habitat. And                meats, cheeses, crafts and wine. The market is active on
a sculpture garden in an old building foundation started              Sundays between May and October between 10AM and 3PM.
by Doris Duke after an old hay barn burned in 1918. The                  The park is open from 8:30AM to 6PM from mid-March
property has two Champion Trees, the largest living trees             to early November, except they are closed on Wednesdays.
of their kind in the US: a Great Oak and an Amur Cork                 Between November and mid-March, hours are shortened to
Tree. The park supports thirty endangered species and 230             8:30Am to 4:30PM. Admission is free. For more information,
species of birds.                                                     visit or call 908-722-3700.
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                              Page 13

       ghgh                From the AACA Rummage Box                                                                  ghgh
  article by Fred Trusty, HPOF Chairman                                   the original vehicle left to be an example to a restorer.
                They’re Only Original Once                                   Maintenance - Maintenance items are parts that will
   I have heard some misconceptions lately about the HPOF class eventually have to be replaced if the vehicle is driv- en.
so let’s take a closer look at the Histori- cal Preservation Original     Examples are batteries, belts, brakes, compressors, fuel
Features Class or as a lot of people call it, The Original Class.                        pumps, hoses, alternators, tires, water pumps,
   HPOF was created in 1988 to reward and                                                and many other parts. Maintaining a vehicle is
provide incentives to keep vehicles in their                                             vital to its longevity so replacing maintenance
original unaltered state and provide a living                                            items is not only accepted but it is encouraged
history of how factories manufactured these                                              and will not have a negative effect on the
vehicles. They also serve as a record of how                                             certification of the vehicle. Note that period
these vehicles should be restored.                                                       correct replacements should be used and
   There are two major areas evaluated in                                                installed correctly.
HPOF; maintenance and preservation. An                                                      Preservation - Many damaged exterior
HPOF vehicle is one that retains its original                                            items can be replaced with NOS parts or
components and features not restored or                                                  better examples from sal- vage with no effect
altered. It must be an authentic vehicle as the                                          on the certification of the vehicle. Examples
dealer could have prepared for delivery to the                                           include bumpers, hoods, fenders, running
customer with any feature, option, or accessory                                          boards, trunk lids, and most trim pieces. The
in factory literature or company directives for                    Fred Trusty,          same thing goes for many interior items as
the model year of the vehicle. These are the                     HPOF Chairman          well. Searching the local salvage yards, swap
same standards as class judging.                                                        meets, eBay, Hemmings, or other sources to
   With HPOF, if a component serves the purpose for which                 find a correct replacement might take a while but part of
it was intended, it’s acceptable in most cases. For example,              the fun of the old car hobby is the hunt.
a bumper with some scratches and dings would be fine but                     This is the first in a series about HPOF. Next time we’ll look
one where all the chrome has flaked off and has holes rusted              at some specific areas of vehicles. Remember, they’re only
through would not be acceptable. There must be enough of
                                                                          original once.

                    ghgh                  Radio Program Puzzle                                           ghgh
    In celebration of World Radio Day on Feb. 13th, match the description on the left to the program on the right.
                                             Answers are on page 15.

1. Don Ameche and Frances Langford as an endlessly                     A.   The Lone Ranger
quarreling couple in a comedy sketch program. Aired from               B.   Dragnet
Sept. 8, 1946 to August 28, 1951.
2. One of the first horror anthology programs. Aired from
                                                                       C.   Gunsmoke
Jan. 3, 1934 to summer 1947.                                           D.   You Bet Your Life
3. Comedy sketch show about a husband and wife. Aired                  E.   The Bickersons
from Sept. 26, 1936 to May 17, 1950.                                   F.   Lights Out
4. Police crime drama created by Jack Webb. Aired from                 G.   Burns and Allen
June 3, 1949 to July 26, 1957.
5. Program about a newspaper publisher that fights crime at
                                                                       H.   The Shadow
night. Aired from Jan. 31, 1936 to Sept. 8, 1950.                      I.   The Green Hornet
6. Western starring William Conrad. Aired from April 26, 1952          J.   Have Gun Will Travel
to June 18, 1961.
7. Western that got its start on television and then went to
radio. Aired from Nov. 23, 1958 to 1963.
8. A former Texas ranger and his Native American friend fight
crime in the Old West. Aired from Jan. 30, 1933 to Sept. 3,                                              The Lone Ranger and Silver. This work is
1954.                                                                                                    in the public domain in the United States
                                                                                                          because it was published in the United
9. Comedy quiz show hosted by Groucho Marx. Aired from
                                                                                                         States between 1923 and 1977 without a
Oct. 27, 1947 to June 10, 1960.                                                                                       copyright notice.
10. “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?” Aired
from July 31, 1930 to Dec. 26, 1954.
                                                                             Graphic by
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                        Page 14

             ghghghgh                        Rock Puzzle                     ghghghgh
         In celebration of Old Rock Day on Jan. 7th, find the words from the list in the puzzle on the left.
                                            Answers are on page 15.

                                                                                               LAPIS LAZULI


                                                                       January is
    ANKOKAS is a southern NJ Region of the AACA
                dating back to 1964.
    Ankokas Region PO BOX 343 Riverside, NJ 08075

        OFFICERS               KATHY PETTERS, PAST
                                                                        Hot Tea
856-435-6798                   DAVE HANN, DIRECTOR
856-461-6688                   NANCY DOUGHTERTY, DIRECTOR
                               609-848-4843                          Graphic created by
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                              Page 15

         ghgh                 Letter From The Editors                                                                   ghgh
   Diana: Well another year is over, and it looks like 2019                There is also a short bio of him in the Nov./Dec. 2016 Smoke
is bringing several new officers and directors to Ankokas.                 Signals. Jeff Schulte is continuing as Treasurer. You can read a
Congratulations on your new position as Secretary.                         profile of him in the March/April 2016 issue of Smoke Signals.
   Steven: Thank you. And congratulations to you and Dave                    Diana: I think we should all thank out-going President Kathy
Hann as new Directors.                                                     Petters and congratulate her on a job well-done, as well as Carl
   Diana: Thanks. Of course, with my sense of direction,                   Villone, the out-going Vice-President and Bob Petters, out-
let’s hope I don’t direct us                                                                                           going Secretary.
off a cliff.                                                                                                             Steven: Absolutely.
   Steven: Don’t worry,                                                                                                  Diana: So, what do you
the new officers will keep                                                                                             think the future holds?
you straight. For 2019,                                                                                                  Steven: I’m sure Joe
Joe Dougherty is our new                                                                                               has some great ideas for
President. Everyone can                                                                                                the future of Ankokas.
read more about him in his                                                                                             Plus some car shows,
new column, Looking Down                                                                                               maybe a breakfast
the Road. Tom McLarney                                                                                                 meeting...cookies.
is our new Vice-President.                                                                                               Diana: Amazing, it’s like
Members should be familiar                                                                                             you’ve got a crystal ball.
with him as our past                                                                                                     Steven: Picked one up
Membership Chairman and                                                                                                at the after Christmas
past President in 2006-2007. From left to right: President Joe Dougherty, Vice-President, Tom McLarney, Treasurer Jeff sales.
                                              Schulte and Secretary Steven Soppe. Photo by D. Antinucci.

                                                                                                            February is
                                                                                                            Cat Health

Answers to radio program puzzle on page 13: 1E, 2F, 3G, 4B, 5I, 6C, 7J, 8A, 9D, 10H
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                      Page 16

    ghgh                Member Marketplace                                          ghgh
Wanted: One of the following cars: 1977-       For Sale: USA 960-T Pro Trig-Blast
78 Buick Riviera, 1969-71 Pontiac Catalina,    Sandblasting Cabinet. New List
Bonneville or Grandville or 1973-76            price…$1200.00. My price $500.00, you
Chevrolet Caprice. Most colors considered.     pick it up. Call Tom McLarney 856-461-
No projects. Call Howard 609-820-0329.         8084.
06/10/18                                       For Sale: 1936 Ford Touring 4dr
                                               “Trunkback” Deluxe. Mileage on odometer
For Sale: Aluminum System One ladder           82,033. Washington blue exterior with matl.
racks for pick-up truck. Good condition.       tan mohair cloth interior. V8 flathead engine,
Asking $300. Contact Rich Howey 856-904-       3-speed manual transmission. Call Michelle
2359.                                          Salerno 610-301-1072.

Wanted: ‘49 Buick Roadmaster 2dr. that         To place an ad in Member Marketplace,
needs restoring or a 1963 Pontiac Tempest.     please e-mail
Alan Coshland 609-801-1167.

              Important Reminder!                                 We’re on the Web!
                                                                       See us at:
       The next Ankokas regular monthly                
       meeting is on Jan. 10 at 7:30PM on
       the second floor of the Haddonfield    Regular meetings are held on the second Thursday of each
       Municipal Building, 242 Kings          month at 7:30PM on the
       Highway East, Haddonfield.             second floor of the Haddonfield
                                              Municipal Building.

             Important Reminder!              Director meetings are held
                                              on an “as needed” basis as
       The February Ankokas regular           determined by the officers.
       monthly meeting is on Feb. 14 at
       7:30PM on the second floor of the      NOTE: No meetings are
       Haddonfield Municipal Building, 242    scheduled in July, August or
       Kings Highway East, Haddonfield.       December.
       Happy Valentine’s Day!
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                             Page 17
  The Ankokas Region would like to thank its sponsors and encourage its members to
                  patronize these businesses whenever possible:

                                                               1708 West Marlton Pike, Cherry Hill, NJ

                                                                                              America’s most convenient bank

Independently owned NAPA stores with convenient locations in
    Hainesport 609-261-5070 and Mt. Holly 609-267-2360.                            1701 Route 70 East, Cherry Hill, NJ

1302 Route 38, Hainesport, NJ                   609-261-0209

                                                                          Wholesale only, serving the professional installer since 1989.

You can also read