Social Development South Africa Yearbook 2015/16 - South Africa Yearbook 2015/16

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Social Development South Africa Yearbook 2015/16 - South Africa Yearbook 2015/16
Social Development

                                      South Africa Yearbook 2015/16


South Africa Yearbook 2015/16   377
Social Development

 The mandate of the Department of Social              value of R128 billion in the 2015/16 financial
 Development (DSD) is to ensure protection            year.
 against vulnerability by creating an enabling           The focus of the DSD over the Medium Term
 environment for the provision of a compre-           Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period will
 hensive, integrated and sustainable social           be on: increasing access to social assistance,
 development service.                                 strengthening        community        participation,
 The strategic goals for the DSD are to:              improving household access to food and
 • review and reform social welfare services and      nutrition, reforming and standardising the social
   financing                                          welfare sector, expanding social development
 • improve and expand early childhood                 services, and protecting and promoting the
   development (ECD) provision                        rights of children.
 • deepen social assistance and extend the               These priorities are all premised on the NDP,
   scope of the contributory social security          which describes five functions of social protection:
   system                                             protective measures to save lives and reduce
 • enhance the capabilities of communities to         levels of deprivation; preventive measures which
   achieve sustainable livelihoods and household      help people avoid falling deeper into poverty and
   food security                                      reduce their vulnerability; promotive measures
 • strengthen coordination, integration, planning,    which enhance the capabilities of individuals
   monitoring and evaluation of services. South       communities and institutions; transformative
   Africa has made good progress in building          measures which tackle inequities through
   social cohesion and promoting a new single         changes in policies, laws and budgets; and
   national identity. The biggest barrier to          developmental and generative measures which
   increasing social cohesion is the remaining        increase the poor’s consumption, promoting
   inequality in society,   which needs to be         local economic development.
   attended to.                                          The department’s work over the medium term
 More than half of all households in South Africa     also gives effect to Outcome 13 of government’s
 benefit from government’s social assistance          2014-2019 Medium Term Strategic Framework
 programme.                                           (MTSF) – an inclusive and responsive social
   Comprehensive social security alleviates and       protection system.
 reduces poverty, vulnerability, social exclusion        In accordance with the reorganisation of some
 and inequality through a comprehensive social        national departments, announced by President
 protection system.                                   Jacob Zuma in May 2014, R123,9 million over
   Empowering young and old people, those with        the medium term has been shifted to the DSD
 disabilities as well as women in particular, helps   from the former Department of Women, Children
 rebuild families and communities.                    and People with Disabilities.
   Welfare services create and provide social            The progressive realisation of the rights of
 protection to the most vulnerable of society         children and people with disabilities has become
 through the delivery of social welfare services      part of the DSD’s mandate, while the new
 via provincial government and non-profit organi-     Department of Women will continue to promote,
 sation (NPO) structures.                             advocate for and monitor the realisation of the
                                                      rights of women.
 Budget                                                  Over the medium term, the DSD will continue
 A total of R113 billion (93%) of the DSD’s R120      to provide social assistance grants to the
 billion budget went towards the payment of           elderly, children, war veterans and people with
 social grants.                                       disabilities. These grants boost the incomes
    The social assistance budget has increased        of poor households, which bear the brunt of
 by an average of 11% a year since 2008/09, in        persistent unemployment, poverty and inequality
 part due to the extension of the Child Support       in South Africa.
 Grant (CSG) to the age of 18.                           Grants take up 94,2% of the department’s total
    The CSG is the largest by number, totalling       budget allocation over the 2015 MTEF period,
 just below 12 million, which represents approxi-     and the department projects paying social
 mately 31% of the South African population. The      assistance grants to about 17,5 million benefi-
 various social grants recorded an average of         ciaries by the end of 2017/18.
 55% growth in value since 2006, for example,            The department’s planned improvements to
 the Old Age Grant grew from R820.00 to               the appeals adjudication process will support
 R1 500.00 in 2016. South Africa now spends           increasing access to social assistance grants,
 close to 3% of GDP on social assistance to the       and a business information system will be

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 developed to speed up the adjudication process         The number of people with access to the
 itself.                                              programme was set to increase to 900 000
    Expenditure on grants is expected to increase     by 2017/18. The cost of implementing the
 at an average annual rate of 7,3% per year           programme is reflected in the projected 11,4%
 over the medium term, reaching R149 billion in       average annual growth over the medium term
 2017/18, mostly due to adjustments to the value      in transfers to households in the Social Policy
 of the grants and growth in the number of benefi-    and Integrated Development programme.
 ciaries. Transfers to the South African Social       Some R17.4 million over the medium term is
 Security Agency (SASSA) make up 98,6% of             reprioritised within the department’s budget for
 the Social Security Policy and Administration        establishing an office to oversee the implemen-
 programme.                                           tation of the programme.
    The transfers fund both the administration
 and distribution of social grants. Administration    Reforming and standardising the social
 costs constituted 5,5% of the budget for social      welfare sector
 assistance grants in 2013/14 but are expected        A key element of Outcome 13 of government’s
 to decline to 5% in 2017/18, partly due to           2014-2019 MTSF (an inclusive and responsive
 efficiencies from the new payment contract           social protection system) is reforming and
 implemented in 2012/13.                              standardising the social welfare system.
    Project Mikondzo, a nationwide service-           Reforms will largely be driven by the review of
 delivery initiative to assess the footprint and      the 1997 White Paper for Social Welfare, funded
 impact of the social development sector, will        in the Service Standards subprogramme in
 continue over the medium term.                       the Welfare Services Policy Development and
    Through direct interaction with municipalities    Implementation Support programme. The review
 and community members, the project aims to           will be completed by 2017/18.
 monitor service delivery at community level,            Social workers are essential to improved and
 determine the gap between policy formulation         standardised social welfare services. Training
 and implementation, and understand service           social workers is therefore crucial to social
 delivery challenges and backlogs.                    welfare reform, and the department expects to
    It is one of the two main spending drivers        award 1 654 new scholarships for social work
 over the medium term in the Community                in 2017/18.
 Development subprogramme in the Social Policy           Scholarships, funded in the Social Worker
 and Integrated Service Delivery programme.           Scholarships subprogramme, constitute 42.6%
    The department also runs a range of outreach      of the budget of the Welfare Services Policy
 programmes such as Child Protection Week,            Development and Implementation Support
 the Active Aging programmes for older persons,       programme over the medium term, and are
 youth camps and youth dialogues. Between             administered by the National Student Financial
 2 000 and 5 000 people participate in the events,    Aid Scheme.
 and the department covers their travelling costs.       Improved processes for registering and
    These participatory programmes drive              monitoring NPOs, which are key partners in
 expenditure in travel and subsistence, venues        providing social welfare services, will also
 and facilities, and catering across several of       support the reform. The department plans to
 the department’s budget programmes. Partici-         review the NPO Act of 1997 to improve the
 pation often exceeds what the department has         regulatory framework, and will also improve the
 expected, resulting in increased expenditure.        management of the NPO database and enhance
    To contain expenditure, the national department   the efficiency of the registration process.
 will share such costs with provincial departments       The target is that 100% of applications for
 over the medium term. The department has also        registration will be processed within two months
 reviewed its procurement processes for the           by 2017/18. The Registration and Monitoring
 events, and the resulting efficiencies can be        of NPO subprogramme receives 25,3% of the
 seen in the projected decrease in spending in        non-transfers budget of the Social Policy and
 the Youth and Older Persons subprogrammes            Integrated Service Delivery programme to
 over the medium term.                                support these activities.
    By 2015/16, nine provincial food distribution
 centres and 72 community nutrition development       Expanding social development services
 centres were expected to be fully operational        To support the department’s ongoing work
 and 600 000 people would have access to food         to expand social development services,
 through the department’s food relief programme.      over the medium term the department will

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 focus on managing the command centre (a               working with children are meant to be screened
 24-hour call centre for victims of gender based       against the register. Organisations providing
 violence), drafting legislation on victim support     services to children, such as ECD centres,
 services, and enhancing the implementation            cannot complete their registration process
 and monitoring of social crime prevention and         unless they have screened all employees.
 gender based violence programmes (such as
 programmes that provide shelters). Spending on        Legislation and frameworks
 these activities is in the Social Crime Prevention    The department derives its mandate from the
 and Victim Empowerment subprogramme of                following legislation:
 the Welfare Services Policy Development and           • Advisory Board on Social Development Act,
 Implementation Support programme.                        2001 (Act 3 of 2001)
    Substance abuse is a key social challenge          • Children’s Act, 2005 (Act 38 of 2005)
 in many South African communities, and the            • Children’s Amendment Act, 2007 (Act 41 of
 Prevention of and Treatment for Substance                2007)
 Abuse Act of 2008 prescribes that each province       • Fund-Raising Act, 1978 (Act 107 of 1978)
 must have at least one public treatment centre.       • Mental Healthcare Act, 2002 (Act 17 of 2002)
    By mid-2016, there were seven centres in four      • National Welfare Act, 1978 (Act 100 of 1978)
 provinces. Using funds allocated in the 2014          • National Development Agency (NDA) Act, 1998
 Budget (R50 million per year), the department            (Act 108 of 1998)
 was expected to construct substance abuse             • NPO Act, 1997 (Act 71 of 1997)
 treatment centres in the Northern Cape, Eastern       • Older Persons Act, 2006 (Act 13 of 2006)
 Cape, North West and Free State in 2015/16            • Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency
 and 2016/17.                                             Act, 1992 (Act 20 of 1992)
                                                       • Prevention of and Treatment for Substance
 Protecting and promoting the rights of                   Abuse Act, 2008 (Act 70 of 2008)
 children                                              • Probation Services Act, 1991 (Act 116 of 1991)
 The department, in consultation with a range of       • SASSA Act, 2004 (Act 9 of 2004)
 stakeholders, has developed a government-wide         • Social Assistance Amendment Act, 2008 (Act 6
 ECD policy and programme. The objectives of              of 2008)
 the policy are to: ensure that comprehensive,         • Social Service Professions Act, 1978 (Act 110
 quality ECD services are in close proximity              of 1978). The Act also provides for the
 and equitably accessible to all children and             appointment of the Independent Tribunal in
 their caregivers; enable parents to lead and             a way to be prescribed by regulation, and
 participate in the development of their young            contains a number of technical amendments
 children through the use of these services; and to       and corrections.
 ensure alignment and harmonisation across the         • In terms of the Social Assistance Amendment
 different sectors responsible for ECD services.          Act, 2010 (Act 5 of 2010), beneficiaries and other
    Over the medium term, the department will             applicants may now ask SASSA to reconsider
 be putting the required systems in place for             the relevant decision before appealing to
 implementing the policy and the programme.               the tribunal. All applications for appeal must
 The department will also be working towards              now show that they have gone through the
 alignment and harmonisation with municipal               reconsideration process at SASSA.
 bylaws and provincial legislation, especially         According to the National Development Plan
 related to infrastructure development and             (NDP) 2030, South Africa needs to pay careful
 management.                                           attention to the design of policies between now
    To meet these objectives, an ECD programme         and 2030 to ensure that vulnerable groups and
 office will be established, starting in 2015/16.      citizens are protected from the worst effects of
 Spending is in the Children subprogramme of           poverty.
 the Welfare Services Policy Development and              These social protection measures proposed
 Implementation Support programme.                     seek to support those most in need, including
    The Children’s Act of 2005 requires the            children, people with disabilities and the elderly
 department to establish and manage a national         and promote active participation in the economy
 child protection register as part of the overall      and society for those who are unemployed
 child protection system. The aim of the register      and under-employed through labour market
 is to have a record of all reports of abuse and all   activation measures, employment services,
 convictions, and to use the information to protect    income support programmes and other services
 children from unsuitable persons. All persons         to sustain and improve quality of life.

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   The plan acknowledges that the country has         to work with children.
 built an advanced and comprehensive social             In terms of this law, child-care facilities,
 protection system with wide reach and coverage,      including welfare organisations offering foster
 but the system is still fragmented, plagued by       care and adoption, are able to check prospect-
 administrative bottlenecks and implementation        ive employees, foster parents and adoptive
 inefficiencies.                                      parents against the register.
   As a result, the various elements of the social      The register is not open to the public and all
 protection system are not operating seamlessly.      requests for information must be directed to the
 The priority should be improving efficiency in the   DSD.
 delivery of services, addressing exclusions by         The Children’s Amendment Act of 2007
 identifying and reaching those who are entitled      provides for:
 to the existing benefits of social protection,       • the partial care of children
 reducing the administrative bottlenecks that         • ECD
 prevent people accessing benefits.                   • protection of children
                                                      • prevention and early-intervention services
 National Family Policy                               • children in alternative care
 The DSD is tasked with implementing the              • foster care
 National Family Policy and provides training         • child and youth care centres, shelters and
 in family-preservation services, marriage              drop-in centres
 preparation and enrichment, parenting/primary        • new offences relating to children
 care-giving and families in crisis to service        • the plight of child-headed households
 providers in the area of family services.            • respect for parental rights by providing that no
   The White Paper on Families emphasises the           person may take or send a South African child
 need for all to build strong families that protect     out of the country without the consent of the
 the most vulnerable members of society.                parents or guardian
   The purpose of the White Paper is to provide       • the discipline of children.
 a platform for all South Africans to engage and      The national guidelines to protect and care for
 exchange views on how to build stable families.      children include the Constitution, the Child Care
   It also addresses some of the challenges           Act, 1983 (Act 74 of 1983), as amended, the
 faced by individuals in families, including the      White Paper for Social Welfare (1997) and the
 abuse of women and children, the elderly as well     Children’s Act of 2005, as amended.
 as people with disabilities.                           Section 137 of the Children’s Act of 2005,
                                                      proposes new protection measures for child-
 Childcare legislation                                headed households.
 The Children’s Act of 2005 sets out principles         This section defines child­ren from child-headed
 relating to the care and protection of children;     households, provides for appointing an adult to
 defines parental responsibilities and rights;        supervise a child-headed household and allows
 and provides for matters such as children’s          children in child-headed households to access
 courts, adoption, child abduction and surrogate      social grants and other material assistance.
   The Act also:                                      Role players
 • gives effect to certain rights of children as      Department of Women
   contained in the Constitution                      The Department of Women is situated in The
 • provides for the issuing of contribution orders    Presidency. The mandate of the department is to
 • provides for intercountry adoption                 champion the advancement of women’s socio-
 • gives effect to the Hague Convention on            economic empowerment and the promotion of
   Intercountry Adoption                              gender equality.
 • prohibits child abduction and gives effect to         Its mission is to accelerate socio-economic
   the Hague Convention on International Child        transformation for women empowerment and
   Abduction                                          the advancement of gender equality.
 • recognises new offences relating to children
 • provides for matters relating to the trafficking   National Development Agency
   of children and the implementation of the          The NDA is a public entity, listed under Schedule
   relevant protocol.                                 3A of the Public Finance Management Act,
 The Children’s Act of 2005 provides for the          (PFMA) 1999 (Act 1 of 1999).
 establishment of the National Child Protection
 Register that records all people found unsuitable

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 Its mandates are to:                                      for an efficient and effective social assistance
 • contribute towards the eradication of poverty           benefits administration system
    and its causes by granting funds to civil-          • deliver innovative and cost-effective services
    society organisations (CSOs)                           to beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries
 • implement development projects in poor                  through multiple access channels
    communities                                         • pay the right grant to the right person at the
 • strengthen the institutional capacity of CSOs           right time and place.
    that provide services to poor communities           SASSA ensures the provision of comprehensive
 • promote consultation, dialogue and sharing of        social security services against vulnerability and
    development experience between CSOs and             poverty within the constitutional and legislative
    relevant organs of State                            framework.
 • debate development policy                               The agency’s key functions include the effec-
 • undertake research and publication aimed at          tive management, administration and payment
    providing the basis for development policy.         of social assistance, as well as:
 The NDA supports the work of civil society in key      • the processing of applications for social assis-
 areas of concern.                                         tance, such as social grants, grant-in-aid and
    It is an important partner in the department’s         SRD, the verification and timely approval of
 efforts to promote ECD by using its grants to             grant applications
 strengthen the capacities of ECD community-            • the management and reconciliation of grant
 service organisations, which support the depart-          payments to eligible beneficiaries by contrac-
 ment’s efforts to reduce violence against women           tors
 and children by providing key support to the           • the marketing of social assistance
 gender-based violence sector.                          • quality service assurance by ensuring compli-
    NDA programmes include grant funding,                  ance with norms and standards, and fraud
 capacity-building and research, policy dialogue           prevention and detection.
 and impact assessment.                                 SASSA managed to increase the number of
    Capacity-building interventions are geared          social grants in payment by 2% from 16 642 643
 towards ensuring that recipients of grant funding      at the end of 2014/15 to 16 991 634 at the end of
 are not only given money to start and run their        the 2015/16 financial year.
 projects, but that they are empowered with the            The majority of these grants are children’s
 necessary skills to ensure sustainability.             grants totalling 12 573 955, representing a 1,99%
    The NDA has established the Programme               growth from the 2014/15 financial year total of
 Management Unit, which is responsible for              12 329 716. A total of 479 238 SRD applications
 offering project management services to private        were awarded during the 2015/16 financial year.
 and public-sector stakeholders who wish to fund           This number includes 112 469 awards for
 poverty-eradication projects.                          people who were assisted in time of disasters.
    Particular emphasis is placed on those in           The awards were issued in various forms rang-
 the NDA’s primary areas of focus, namely food          ing from vouchers, school uniform, cash and
 security, ECD, enterprise development and              food parcels. Most of the SRD awards were food
 income generation programmes.                          parcels 171 120, followed by vouchers 156 142.
                                                           Alongside transforming the payment system,
 South African Social Security Agency                   the agency has extended its footprint in each
 SASSA, an agency of the Ministry of Social             municipality. With such a footprint and high
 Development, was established in terms of the           levels of efficiency, the agency has lived up to
 Social Assistance Act 13 of 2004 to provide            its slogan, “Paying the Right Social Grant, to the
 comprehensive social security services to eligi-       Right Person, at the Right Time and Place. Njalo!
 ble poor and vulnerable South African citizens.           In line with its goal to improve the conditions
    Since it started operating, the entity has played   under which beneficiaries are served, SASSA
 an important role of breaking the cycle of poverty     converted 262 open pay points to fixed struc-
 through provision of social grants and also Social     tures across all nine regions and continues to
 Relief of Distress (SRD) such as school uniforms       convert as and when the need arises.
 to children from poor households.                         This number includes both steel structures
    SASSA’s core business is to administer,             constructed and migration to community struc-
 finance and pay social security transfers. The         tures, such as churches and community halls.
 agency is required to:                                    SASSA implemented its fraud prevention
 • develop and implement policies, programmes,          strategyand anti-corruption policy towards curb-
    standard operating procedures and systems           ing incidences of fraud and corruption.

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    This was done through awareness campaigns            the DSD, is working on proposals for the crea-
 conducted in all regions.                               tion of a comprehensive social security system
    The rewards of these campaigns were evident          that combines contributory and non-contributory
 in the 16% reduction of reported cases from             elements to eradicate poverty and income pro-
 1 328 in 2014/15 to 1 122 in 2015/16. SASSA             tection for everyone living in South Africa.
 investigated 83% of the reported cases with vari-
 ous sanctions imposed to affected individuals.          Advisory Board on Social
    As reaffirmed by the Ministerial Advisory            Development
 Committee, SASSA is taking over the manage-             The Advisory Board on Social Development’s
 ment and control of the payment process that            key functions include:
 is currently performed by a third party, from 1         • advising the Minister on all matters related to
 April 2017. The intention is to have a single pay-        social development
 ment platform, which will facilitate the payment        • identifying, promoting, monitoring and
 of Social Assistance through multiple channels.           evaluating policy, legislation and programmes
    Insourcing the payment processes will ensure           regarding social development
 that SASSA is in control of the entire operational      • facilitating dialogue with and the participation
 value chain. This will further improve the delivery       of civil society.
 of its services.
    On 19 July 2016, President Zuma led the              South African Council of Social
 celebrations of 10 years of the existence of the        Service Professions (SACSSP)
 SASSA.                                                  The SACSSP is a statutory body with the primary
    The 10 year celebrations served as an                focus of developing and protecting the integrity
 opportunity for government to assess progress           of the social service professions and the interest
 made since its inception and also to have direct        of the public at large.
 interaction with social grant beneficiaries. To            The SACSSP is established in terms of sec-
 date, SASSA pays social grants to more than 17          tion 2 of the Social Service Professions Act,
 million South Africans with a monthly investment        1978 (Act 110 of 1978).
 of R11 billion.                                            All professionals who practice any of the social
    Social assistance has over the years assisted        service professions incorporated in the scope of
 families and children including those who are           the SACSSP are obliged by the Social Service
 orphaned due to HIV and AIDS. In addition,              Professions Act of 1978 to register with the
 there are many families that would not be able          SACSSP. Failure to do so constitutes a criminal
 to put food on the table if it was not for the social   offence.
 grants, given the gloomy economic climate                  The council guides and regulates the Social
 which makes the creation of jobs difficult, and         Services Professions in the country in aspects
 also given the fact that some of the job seekers        pertaining to registration; by ensuring compli-
 are unemployable due to lack of skills.                 ance by pactitioners in order for the sector to be
     To expand its reach to vulnerable children in       serviced by registered persons, education and
 communities, the DSD adopted a community-               training; ensuring continuing professional devel-
 based prevention and early intervention child           opment and compliance by training instutions
 and youth care services model known as Isibindi         and professional conduct ensuring compliance
 Model.                                                  by all registered practitioners in terms of profes-
    In 2015, more than 455 922 learners living           sional and ethical services to communities and
 in youth-headed households passed matric                individuals.
 through the intervention of Isibindi Programme             The council has two professional boards under
 and 304 913 of these learners survived on social        its auspices:
 grants.                                                 •  The Professional Board for Social Workers.
    South Africa has been able to achieve goals of       • The Professional Board for Child and Youth
 reducing extreme income poverty due to govern-             Care
 ment’s comprehensive social protection system,
 which includes social grants, access to free edu-       National Action Committee for
 cation to more than nine million children, primary      Children Affected by HIV and AIDS
 healthcare for the poorest and the provision of         The National Committee for Children Affected
 free basic services of lights and water to indigent     by HIV and AIDS is a multisectoral structure
 members of society in municipalities.                   made up of government departments, CSOs,
    Noting the successful extension of social            development agencies and donor organisations.
 grants to over 16 million, government through             It is a formal structure used for collaborative

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 planning and decision-making concerning issues         provide information and listen to challenges
 pertaining to orphans and other children made          faced by the sector.
 vulnerable by HIV and AIDS.                          NPOs registered with the DSD are required in
   It has a steering committee initiated through      terms of the NPO Act to submit their annual
 consultations between government departments,        reports (narrative and financial reports) to the
 civil society and non-governmental organi-           department. This applies to all NPOs registered
 sations (NGOs), and is currently composed of         under the NPO Act, whether funded or unfunded.
 representatives of government and civil society.     Currently, there are 140 513 registered NPOs
   The committee is chaired by the DSD, and           and 87 565 or about 62% of them are
 co-chaired by a nominated member from civil
 society.                                             Programmes and projects
                                                      16 Days of Activism for No Violence
 Relief boards                                        Against Women and Children
 Four relief fund boards were established in terms    The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against
 of Section 16 of the Fund-Raising Act of 1978.       Women and Children is an annual awareness
 • Board of the Disaster Relief Fund: The key         campaign observed globally.
   functions of the board are to assist people,         It addresses policy and legal issues and calls
   organisations and bodies that suffer damage        for the elimination of all forms of gender-based
   or loss as a result of a disaster.                 violence.
 • Board of the Refugee Relief Fund: The key             The campaign runs from 25 November, which
   functions are to assist refugees as the board      was officially recognised by the UN in 1999
   may deem fair and reasonable.                      as the International Day for the Elimination of
 • Board of the State President’s Fund: This          Violence against Women.
   board’s functions are to assist victims of any       South Africa has added children to the
   act of terrorism in respect of their medical       campaign, as there is growing concern about the
   treatment and rehabilitation, and assist such      increasing violence against children.
   victims and their dependants during any              The campaign ends on 10 December –
   financial hardship or financial distress caused    International Human Rights Day.
   directly or indirectly by any act of terrorism.      Other important days commemorated annually
 • Board of the Social Relief Fund: The key           during this 16-day period include World AIDS
   functions of the board are to make funds           Day on 1 December and the International Day
   available to organisations capable of assisting    for Persons with Disabilities on 3 December.
   people with psychosocial challenges, and             In November 2016, President Zuma launched
   rendering such social distress relief to victims   the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence
   of violence.                                       Against Women and Children campaign in
                                                      Lebowakgomo, Limpopo, under the theme;
 Non-profit organisations                             “Count Me In: Together Moving a Non-Violent
 The NPO Directorate of the DSD administers the       South Africa Forward”.
 Register of NPOs in South Africa.                      The United Nations (UN) has proclaimed 25
   It is a voluntary registration facility that       November as International Day of No Violence
 enhances the credibility of the registered NPO       Against Women.
 as it reports to a public office.
   Registration promotes effective, efficient and     Project Mikondzo
 accountable management within the sector.            Project Mikondzo (which means “footprint” in
   To strengthen the capacity of NPOs, the            Xitsonga) compels office-bound officials from
 department will continue to build their capacity     the department, the NDA and the SASSA to join
 and monitor their compliance to legislation.         frontline officials to interact with communities in
   One of the functions of the department is to       a bid to tackle social problems such as poverty,
 monitor all registered NPOs in terms of their        malnutrition, violence against women and child-
 compliance with the NPO Act of 1997. The             headed households.
 compliance rate has improved by 26%.                    The 1 300 wards form part of 23 district munici-
   Training was provided to 1 200 NPOs and            palities from seven provinces, which Cabinet
 community-based organisations (CBOs).                has prioritised for additional support.
   Plans to strengthen the sector include:               The project includes an audit of ECD centres
 • increasing the number of staff in the              and the setting up of a command centre with
   department who deal with registrations             a toll-free hotline open 24 hours a day, seven
 • increasing the number of road shows to             days a week.  It also includes a substance abuse

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 awareness campaign targeting sports and music           re-integration programmes
 events, the targeting of gender-based violence       • registration and establishment of treatment
 and the strengthening of NPOs.                          centres and halfway houses
    The project helps government reach the about      • the committal of persons to and from treatment
 two million children who qualify for CSGs but           centres and for their treatment.
 who have not registered with SASSA to receive        The Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on
 grants.                                              Combating Alcohol and Substance Abuse, is
    The department began training caregivers to       to coordinate government’s collective national
 improve assistance to child and youth-headed         efforts, including prevention, community mobili-
 households.                                          sation, treatment and law enforcement amongst
    The department audited 92 000 child-headed        others.
 households that are in the Statistics South             Progressive policy decisions have emanated
 Africa database to ensure compliance with            from the IMC plan of action, such as the removal
 the Children’s Act of 2005 definition of a child-    of liquor outlets from residential areas and near
 headed household.                                    places of worship and schools, restrictions on
    Government celebrated Social Development          operating times and on the location and content
 Month in October 2016 by highlighting poverty-       of advertising related to alcohol, and a reduction
 alleviation programmes and extending its             of the current legal alcohol limit for drivers.
 footprint through Project Mikondzo to reach all         In its efforts to reduce incidents of gender-
 vulnerable South Africans.                           based violence which are often caused by abuse
    Since the inauguration of Project Mikondzo        of alcohol and drugs, the DSD has launched
 in 2013, government officials have visited more      Gender-Based Violence Command Centre
 than 900 wards with high levels of poverty and       (GBVCC) – a 24-hour call centre.
 unemployment to better understand the diverse           The GBVCC, which has been named the Best
 needs of communities.                                Technology Innovation – Small Centre in the
    Government continues to implement the             world at the Global Best Contact Centre Awards
 service delivery initiatives, Project Mikondzo and   in Las Vegas on 5 November, provides support
 the Integrated Community Registration Outreach       and counselling to victims of GBV. As the Gold
 Programme (ICROP) to improve the sector’s            Medal Winner, this means the GBVCC is ranked
 services and to increase access to social            number one in the world in its category.
 assistance for the impoverished communities.            Victims of gender based violence are
    During the 2015/16 financial year, 570 ICROPs     encouraged to contact 0800 428 428 (0800
 and 78 Project Mikondzo interventions were           GBV GBV), a toll free number to speak to a
 conducted in poor wards identified as a priority     social worker for assistance and counselling.
 by Cabinet.                                          Callers can also request a social worker from
                                                      the Command Centre to contact them by dialling
 Anti-Substance Abuse Programme of                    *120*7867# (free) from any cell phone.
 Action                                                  The department had commissioned a review
 Alcohol advertising is regulated by the Liquor       of the Ke Moja Drug Awareness Campaign
 Act, 2003 (Act 59 of 2003) which outlines            to ascertain its effectiveness and strengthen
 the guidelines for liquor advertising. The           dissemination of information tools.
 alcohol industry is self-regulated by the Code          One of the common drugs, Tik, is sold as
 of Commercial Communication of Alcohol               a combination of amphetamines and talcum
 Beverages, something to which most companies         powder, baking powder, starch, glucose or
 and advertisers adhere.                              quinine.  The drug changes users’ behaviour and
   The Central Drug Authority Board developed         some symptoms associated with usage of its
 regulations for the Prevention of and Treatment      usage and addiction range from loss of appetite,
 for Substance Abuse Act of 2008.                     weight loss, aggression, anxiety, headaches as
   The Act complements both the National Drug         well as change in dress code.
 Master Plan (NDMP) (2013 – 2017) and the                Health professionals are also concerned about
 Anti-Substance Abuse Programme.                      the devastating effects of this drug on the user
   The Act provides for a comprehensive national      which among its many effects induces psychotic
 response for combating substance abuse in            symptoms, such as seeing or hearing things that
 South Africa through:                                are not there, and violence, making it a far more
 • mechanisms aimed at reducing demand and            dangerous drug than most other drugs available
   harm in relation to substance abuse through        in South Africa.
   prevention, early intervention, treatment and         Government departments are collaborating

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 with other sectors of society to implement the       EPWP Contractor Development Programme. It
 NDMP to respond to the scourge of drugs and          is a subprogramme of the EPWP Infrastructure
 substance abuse.                                     Sector and it is aimed at training and developing
     The Central Drug Authority is charged with       emerging contractors within the construction
 the responsibility to develop and implement a        industry.
 coordinated approach encompassing supply               The programme develops the administrative,
 control and demand reduction progress.               technical, contractual, managerial and entrepre-
     Provincial substance abuse forums have           neurial skills of the learners within a learner
 been established as well as local drug action        contracting entity. The Vuk’uphile Learnership
 committees which consists of social workers,         Programme uses labour-intensive methods of
 teachers, justice and committee representatives.     construction and the opportunities that are
     By mid-2016, the Department of Health was        created through the programme feeds to the six
 looking into the draft Control of Marketing          million EPWP work  opportunities to be created
 of Alcohol Beverages Bill that is about the          by 2019.
 marketing and promotion of alcohol.                    The   EPWP Knowledge   Management
     The UN General Assembly, in its resolutions      Committee is composed of various national
 42/112 of December 1987, declared 26 June as         government departments such as Social
 the International Day Against Drug Abuse and         Development, Environmental Affairs (DEA),
 Illicit Trafficking.                                 Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
                                                      (Cogta), with the DPW leading the committee.
 Expanded Public Works Programme                        The Knowledge Management is a process
 (EPWP)                                               of creating, acquiring, capturing and using
 The EPWP is a nationwide programme under             knowledge wherever it resides to enable learning
 the auspices of government and state-owned           and performance in an organization.
    The programme provides an important avenue        Early Childhood Development
 for labour absorption and income transfers to        Government has identified ECD as a key focus
 poor households in the short to medium term.         area in its effort to improve the quality of basic
 It is also a deliberate attempt by public sector     education and care for children.
 bodies to use expenditure on goods and services        The department recognises that one of the
 to create job opportunities for the unemployed.      ways of breaking the cycle of intergenerational
    EPWP      projects    employ     workers    on    poverty is investment in children to aid their
 a temporary or ongoing basis either by               development, especially from the ages of 0 – 4.
 government, by contractors, or by NGOs under           There are plans in place to ensure that all
 the Ministerial Conditions of Employment for         ECD centres are registered and early childhood
 the EPWP or learnership employment condi-            practitioners appropriately trained. Programmes
 tions.                                               for parental training are also in the pipeline.
    In March 2016, social sector departments, led
 by the DSD and Department of Public Works            War on Poverty Campaign
 (DPW), hosted the 12th annual EPWP Social            The Cooperative Shop Project is aimed at
 Sector Conference in White River, Nelspruit,         combating poverty by linking social grant benefi-
 in Mpumalanga, under the theme: “Advancing           ciaries (particularly the caregivers of children
 People’s Power for Revitalisation of mining          receiving CSGs and other vulnerable groups to
 communities through EPWP Social Sector               meaningful socio-economic opportunities. The
 Interventions”.                                      department and its entities will identify cooper-
    It also served as an opportunity to assess        atives that need support, with the intention of
 progress made by the EPWP Phase 3 of the             developing the skills of the cooperative members
 social sector. During the launch, the EPWP           to ensure they are able to produce goods of
 social sector participants share testimonies         quality.
 about the impact of the social-sector initiatives      The project is in line with the developmental
 towards improvement of their lives.                  agenda of government and could be seen as
    The EPWP Phase 3  was expected to create six      an addition to the grants that are provided. The
 million work opportunities and out of this overall   primary intention is not to take people out of the
 targeted figure, the projected work opportunities    grant system but to provide opportunities for
 to be created by the EPWP Social Sector is           grant beneficiaries to supplement their income.
 1 037 000 work opportunities by 2019.                  Child poverty in South Africa has declined
    The Vuk’uphile Learnership Programme is an        but more still needs to be done, according to

South Africa Yearbook 2015/16                     386
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 a report released by the South African Human          income support to:
 Rights Commission (SAHRC) In June 2014. The           • Old Age provides income support to people
 SAHRC and the UN Children’s Fund SA based               aged 60 and above who earn less than
 the report, “Poverty traps and social exclusion         R64 680 (if single) and R129 360 (if married)
 among children in South Africa”, on a study.            a year, whose assets do not exceed R930 600
    It said according to three income and                (single) and R1 861 200 (married).
 expenditure surveys, the estimated poverty rate       • War Veterans provides income support to
 decreased from 65% in 2000 to just below 40%            men and women who fought in World War II
 in 2010. The child poverty rate dropped from            or the Korean War who earn less than R64
 76% in 2000 to just below 50% in 2010.                  680 (if single) and R129 360 (if married) a
    Education, health, assets, social networks,          year, whose assets do not exceed R930 600
 family, and geography are highlighted as areas          (single) and R1 861 200 (married).
 that require intervention to escape poverty.          • Disability provides income support to people
 According to the report, poverty-stricken               with permanent or temporary disabilities
 households are at greater risk of contracting           earning less than R64 680 (single) and R129
 disease.                                                360 (married) a year, whose assets do not
    Often, health problems lower productivity.           exceed R930 600 (single) and R1 861 200
 Ill health can induce perpetual poverty from            (married).
 nutrition deficiencies and undernourishment           • Foster Care provides grants for children
 can affect behaviour. Child hunger affected the         placed in foster care.
 ability to learn and function. Policy interventions   • Care Dependency provides income support to
 that improve children’s health can dramatically         parents and caregivers whose annual earnings
 increase their chances of escaping poverty.             are less than R169 200 (single) and R338 400
                                                         (married), to help them care for children who
 Food for All Programme                                  are mentally or physically disabled.
 The department is tasked with facilitating and        • Child Support provides income support to
 monitoring the implementation of the Food for           parents and caregivers of children under 18
 All Programme.                                          whose annual earnings are less than R39 600
   To this end, distressed households were being         (single) and R79 200 (married).
 provided with food through the department and         • Grant-in-Aid is an additional grant to the
 Food Bank South Africa programme.                       recipients of the old age grant, disability grant
   While         SRD           provides       short-     and war veterans grant who require regular
 term relief for poor households, government             attendance from another person due to their
 recognises that longer-term solutions are               physical or mental condition.
 needed.                                               • SRD provides temporary income support,
   Government is committed to improving its              food parcels and other forms of relief to those
 efforts at ensuring food security for all in the        facing undue hardship.
 country, starting with vulnerable households and
 communities.                                          Job creation and poverty alleviation
   To this end, households have been assisted in       The Mid-year population estimates by Statistics
 establishing food gardens to produce their own        South Africa (Stats SA) show that South Africa
 food, thus participating in their own development.    still has a relatively young population. Two
                                                       thirds of the population is younger than 35
 Social security and assistance                        years old. Those aged 15 to 35 years, which are
 The CSG is the largest by number, totalling just      defined as youth, comprise almost 40% of the
 below 12 million, which represents approxi-           total population. The youth are also the fastest
 mately 31% of the South African population.           growing age group in the country.
    The various social grants recorded an average         This trend creates the prospect for a so-called
 of 55% growth in value since 2006, for example,       “Demographic Dividend”, in which resources are
 the Old Age Grant grew from R820.00 to R1             invested into activities that promote social and
 500.00 in 2016. South Africa now spends close         economic development and growth.
 to 3% of GDP on social assistance to the value           South Africa, like most countries, is grappling
 of R128 billion in 2015/16 financial year.            with the challenge of youth unemployment. Youth
    Ensure the provision of social assistance to       unemployment in South Africa is estimated to be
 eligible beneficiaries, where their income and        36,1%, which is significantly higher than adult
 assets fall below the set thresholds, by extending    unemployment at 15,6%.

South Africa Yearbook 2015/16                      387
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    Government has recognised the problem of              Youth-care workers from local communities
 poor economic participation of young people and       are recruited and trained for the Isibindi Model at
 has put in place numerous policy interventions        260 sites throughout the country.
 geared towards bringing youth into the                   The aim is to recruit 10 000 child and
 mainstream of the economy to enhance social           youth-care workers over the next five years. It
 inclusion and cohesion.                               is expected that the recruitment and deployment
    Through the National Treasury and Department       of this cadre of social service professionals
 of Labour, DSD introduced youth unemployment          will go a long way towards upholding govern-
 policy options for South Africa with the aim of       ment’s constitutional obligation to protect and
 incentivising entities to employ young people.        provide care and support for orphans, vulnerable
    The NYDA has provided the Integrated Youth         children and youths affected by HIV and AIDS
 Development Strategy (IYDS) with the key              in South Africa.
 mandate of implementing interventions geared
 towards the economic participation of young           HIV and AIDS advocacy, awareness and
 people, namely, youth work, national youth            outreach programme
 services, and education and skills relevant to        Achieving a meaningful and clear understanding
 economic empowerment.                                 of the scientific facts about HIV and   AIDS will
    Government strives to provide an opportunity       lead to individual self-management regarding
 to raise the share of youth-owned businesses          the risk of HIV infection.
 and to support youth to engage in cooperatives           The awareness programme has the following
 in the country.                                       main pillars:
    The NDP is clear about the need for skills         • disclosure
 development in promoting economic growth              • communication
 and reaching related goals and the country has        • rights
 done well in the past 20 years of democracy to        • facilitation.
 ensure that practically all children who should be    The programme also deals with the physical and
 in primary school are there.                          emotional consequences of HIV and AIDS.
                                                          It addresses the following challenges:
 Food banks                                            • the lack of accurate and current information on
 With effect from 1 October 2016, FoodBank SA             HIV and AIDS
 is now known as FoodForward SA.                       • the lack of access to care, support, treatment
    It collects edible surplus food from manufac-         and new healthcare developments
 turers, wholesalers and retailers, and                • discrimination against the infected and
 redistributes it to verified NPOs that collectively      affected.
 feed thousands of hungry people daily.                The programme aims to involve people living
    FoodForward SA works with over 600                 with HIV and  AIDS in initiatives that directly help
 member beneficiary organisations that in turn         affected and infected people to alleviate stigma-
 feed over 175 000 people daily. At least 85%          tisation.
 of the beneficiary organisations undertake skills
 development, education, or remedial activities.       Care and support partnerships
                                                       The DSD developed a new National Action
 HIV and AIDS support                                  Plan for orphans, vulnerable children and youth
 The National Strategic Plan on HIV, AIDS,             affected by HIV and  AIDS (2012 – 2016), which
 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and            is aligned with the National Strategic Plan on
 Tuberculosis (TB) 2012 – 2016, which addresses        HIV, STIs and TB (2012 – 2016).
 the social drivers and social impact of HIV and         The action plan calls for meaningful
 AIDS, is a key component of the department’s          involvement and participation by all stakeholders
 fight against the spread of HIV and AIDS.             in the national response to orphans, vulnerable
                                                       children and youths affected by HIV and AIDS.
 HIV and AIDS Youth Programme
 Most funds continued to be disbursed to               Victim Empowerment Programme (VEP)
 loveLife, enabling it to increase and extend          South Africa’s Victim Empowerment Policy is
 its HIV and   AIDS awareness programmes,              based upon the concept of restorative justice.
 and scholarships for social work students. By            Victim empowerment is a means of facilitating
 2015/16, the number of students benefiting            access to a range of services for all people who
 from these scholarships was expected to be            have individually or collectively suffered harm,
 4 248.                                                trauma and/or material loss through violence,

South Africa Yearbook 2015/16                      388
Social Development

 crime, natural disaster, human accident and/or       organised business, organised labour and
 through socio-economic conditions.                   non-governmental organisations. The lead
    It is the process of promoting the resource-      department is the Department of Labour.
 fulness of victims of crime and violence by             The CLPA is South Africa’s roadmap
 providing opportunities to access services           towards the prevention, reduction and eventual
 available to them, as well as to use and build       elimination of child labour. The CLPA was first
 their own capacity and support networks and to       adopted in 2003 after extensive consultation
 act on their own choices.                            within government, with a wide range of  organi-
                                                      sations outside government and with groups of
 National Directory on Services for                   teenage children involved in different forms of
 Victims of Violence and Crime                        child labour. The programme sets out specific
 The National Directory on Services for Victims       actions to be taken and assigned responsibility
 of Violence and Crime is updated annually            for these actions.
 in collaboration with the provincial VEP                The third phase of the CLPA will cover the
 managers or coordinators and their provincial        period April 2013 to March 2017.
                                                      Childline South Africa
 Prevention and treatment of                          Childline offers a 24-hour toll-free crisis line
 substance and drug abuse                             (08000 55 555) to children and families across
 Sobriety Week, is a national campaign aimed at       South Africa. It provides immediate assistance
 creating awareness among the general South           to children and families in crisis who need
 African public, particularly the youth, women        counselling and information. Childline is an NPO
 and pregnant women about the adverse effects         that works to protect children from all forms
 of liquor abuse.                                     of violence and create a culture of respect for
   Sobriety Week incorporates the International       children’s rights.
 Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Day, which is            Programmes delivered through the provincial
 observed internationally on 9 September every        offices include:
 year to highlight the irreversible damage caused     • a crisis line
 to unborn babies when their mothers consume          • child rights and education
 alcohol     during     pregnancy.     Government     • training and education of volunteers
 recognises challenges such as unemployment,          • training of other professionals who work with
 which result in people using and abusing liquor.       child protection and children
                                                      • therapy for abused and traumatised children
 Children and youth                                     and their families
 The Home Community-Based Care (HCBC)                 • court preparation of child witnesses
 programme is the centrepiece of government’s         • networking and coordination
 interventions to build a protective and caring       • lobbying and advocacy
 environment for vulnerable children.                 • analysis of law and policy.
    Most services to orphans and vulnerable
 children are rendered through the HCBC               People with disabilities
 programme and include early identification of        In March 2016, the DSD published the White
 vulnerable children and their families, referrals,   Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,
 training of community caregivers and psycho-         which was approved by the Cabinet in December
 social support and material assistance.              2015, for public information. The White Paper
    This approach is geared towards keeping           takes   its   cue   from   the   Constitution   of   the
 children within their families and communities. It   Republic of South Africa and a number
 is aimed at providing comprehensive care and         of international instruments, including the
 support, which is complemented by proactive          Convention   on   the   Rights   of   Persons   with
 action at community level. This includes linking     Disabilities and its Optional Protocol, Vienna
 families with poverty alleviation projects and       Declaration and Programme of Action, the
 other services in the community, such as food        Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of
 security initiatives and ECD services.               Action, and the sustainable development goals,
                                                      which reaffirm the human rights of persons with
 Child Labour Programme of Action                     disabilities.
 (CLPA)                                                 The White Paper is a crucial step along
 The CLPA is a national partnership initiated by      the journey of improving the lives of persons
 government, civil-society partners comprising        with  disabilities  and  moves  us  closer  to  a

South Africa Yearbook 2015/16                     389
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fully inclusive society.                                   Africa.
   It is intended to accelerate transformation                These standards relate to the development
and   redress   with   regard   to   full    inclusion,    and maintenance of Braille codes; production
integration and equality for persons with                  of quality Braille; the teaching of, access to and
disabilities. South Africa had to collectively             promotion of Braille; Braille examinations; and
contribute to the empowerment of people                    many other Braille-related matters.
with disabilities through accessible disability               Members of SABA include schools for the
information services, inclusive ECD opportu-               blind (approximately half the members), con-
nities and accessible rehabilitation services.             sumer organisations of the blind, student disabil-
   This would enable persons with disabilities to          ity units, Braille producers and the South African
take up the opportunities created in much larger           Library for the Blind.
numbers, improving performance in achieving                   Through SABA, South Africa is a member
equity targets.                                            country of the International Council on English
   Persons with disabilities represent the                 Braille (ICEB).
voice of the sector in institutions such as the               ICEB membership enables South Africa to
South African Human Rights Commission, the                 stay abreast of and participate in international
Commission on Gender Equality, the Board of                Braille-related matters.
the South African Broadcasting Corporation,
National Youth Development Agency and many                 South African National Council for the
transformation and developmental entities.                 Blind (SANCB)
   The South African experience has also helped            The SANCB is the coordinating body for over
to shape the UN Convention on the Rights of                100 member organisations that span the full
Persons with Disabilities and the Continental              spectrum of services offered for and to blind and
Plan for the African Decade of Persons with                partially sighted people throughout the country.
Disabilities. South Africa has been celebrating               The SANCB comprises four core business
the International Day for Persons with Disabilities        areas, namely Social Development, the Bureau
annually since 1997.                                       for the Prevention of Blindness, Education and
                                                           lastly fund-raising and public relations.
Blind SA                                                      To combat as much as 80% of avoidable
Blind SA is an organisation for the blind, and is          blindness, the council regularly undertakes tours
governed by the blind. Situated in Johannesburg,           with its mobile eye care clinics to rural areas for
it is aligned with other member organisations              eye screening, referrals and to perform cataract
throughout South Africa.                                   removal operations.
   Blind SA’s main focus is to improve the quality            The SANCB provides entrepreneurial training,
of life of all South Africa’s visually impaired            adult basic education and training, and facilitates
people by empowering them through education.               skills training such as computer literacy and call
   Its objectives are to protect and promote the           centre programmes through its Optima College.
interests of people with visual impairment and
enable all visually impaired people to achieve             Support for the deaf
their optimal potential through independence;              South Africa’s national organisation for the deaf
and by providing development care for and                  is the Deaf Federation of South Africa (DeafSA).
protecting the rights of those who, owing to                  DeafSA has nine provincial chapters through-
circumstances beyond their control, are unable             out South Africa.
to do so themselves.                                          Two other national organisations for the deaf
   Orientation, mobility and skills development to         are Deafblind South Africa and SHHH South
blind and newly blinded people is an important             Africa, the South African organisation for the
aspect of the work undertaken by Blind SA.                 hard of hearing.
   The organisation provides, among other things,             An estimated 500 000 to 600 000 South Afri-
study bursaries for visually impaired students for         cans use South African Sign Language. As sign
further education, Braille publications in all of          language has grown in South Africa – particularly
South Africa’s official languages, Braille training        baby sign language – an NPO, Sign Language
that entails writing and reading, and orientation          Education and Development, has been formed
and mobility training.                                     to promote sign language.
                                                              Signing with hearing babies and children is
South African Braille Authority (SABA)                     being promoted through the Signsational Kids
SABA’s purpose is to set and maintain standards            website.
for Braille in all 11 official languages of South             South Africa has a long-established deaf edu-

South Africa Yearbook 2015/16                             390
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