SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK - South Dublin County Council

SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK - South Dublin County Council
WEEK 2018                           19–25 Samhain
                                    19–25 November

                                    A CHUIMSIÚ

Ag Laghdú an Eisiaimh, an
Bhochtaineacht agus na
hÉagothroime i gContae Bhaile
Átha Cliath Theas
Reducing Exclusion, Poverty and
Inequality in South Dublin County
SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK - South Dublin County Council
02                   SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


                                tiomanta do na hiarrachtaí
                                chun an caighdeán
                                maireachtála a choinneáil
                                agus a fheabhsú, do na
                                daoine atá ina gcónaí sa
                               Ba mhaith liom gach
                               duine a spreagadh le
                               bheith rannpháirteach sna
                               himeachtaí atá beartaithe
Tá an-áthas orm an bróisiúr    agus le cabhrú ionas go
ar an tseachtain um Chuimsiú n-éireoidh leis an tseachtain
Sóisialta a sheoladh agus      um Chuimsiú Sóisialta i
ba mhaith liom aitheantas      mbliana.
agus buíochas a thabhairt      Lainseálfaidh an Méara
do na gníomhaireachta          Mark Ward An tSeachtain
agus na heagraíochtaí          Feasachta um Chuimsiú
rannpháirteacha go léir ar fud Sóisialta Dé Luain 19
an Chontae.                    Samhain 2018 ar 12.00 in i
Is éard atá i gceist leis an   Halla an Chontae, Tamhlacht.
gCuimsiú Sóisialta ná sochaí   Tá Comhairle Contae Átha
a chruthú ina mothaíonn        Cliath Theas ag obair chun
gach duine go bhfuil siad      cúrsaí míbhuntáiste a laghdú
rannpháirteach, go hiomlán     agus chun feabhas a chur
agus go cothrom, i ngach       ar cháilíocht na beatha do
gné den saol. Tá Comhairle     gach duine atá ina chónaí sa
Contae Átha Cliath Theas       Chontae.
SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK - South Dublin County Council
03                    Mayor’s Introduction


I am delighted to introduce     Dublin County Council
the Social Inclusion Week       Social Inclusion Week on
Brochure 2018 and I would       Monday 19 November 2018
like to acknowledge and         at 12.00 pm in County
thank all participating         Hall, Tallaght. South Dublin
agencies and organisations      County Council is working
throughout the County.          to minimise disadvantage
Social Inclusion is about       and improve the quality of
creating a society where        life for all residents in the
everyone experiences full       County.
and equal participation in all
aspects of life. South Dublin
County Council remains
committed to sustaining
and enhancing efforts to       Mayor Mark Ward
improve the quality of life of
all residents in the County.
I encourage everyone to
get involved in the planned
activities and to help make
Social Inclusion Week 2018
a success.
Mayor Mark Ward will
officially launch South
SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK - South Dublin County Council
04             SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


                          I am delighted to have
                          this opportunity to mark
                          South Dublin’s 13th annual
                          Social Inclusion Week
                          which has been running
                          each November since
                          2006. Each year there has
                          been a steady growth of
                          strategic partners from
                          the community and other
                          agencies, increasing the
                          level of participation and
                          the quality of events. The
                          number of groups and
                          communities engaging with
                          the event has increased
                          Significant progress has
                          been made across a wide
                          range of areas over the past
                          number of years. Children,
                          people of working age,
                          older people, Travellers,
                          people with disabilities and
SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK - South Dublin County Council
05                  CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S MESSAGE

migrant communities have       health for all our residents
all benefited from improved    in South Dublin County into
access to services.            the future.
However, more is needed        We want to reiterate our
to achieve the reduction       commitment to social
of poverty and inequality      inclusion projects and
in society. As a Local         activities throughout the
Authority we are conscious     county. Social Inclusion
of the need to keep this       Week has proven to
issue top of our agenda and    be the platform for the
to continue to influence       establishment of ongoing
policy and awareness.          activities in response to the
There is also the need to      needs articulated by our
improve linkages between       communities. The brochure
those charged with             lists a series of events,
responsibility for social      initiatives and programmes
inclusion throughout South     designed to help attendees
Dublin County. We continue     achieve social inclusion.
to work in a collaborative     I hope you enjoy the
fashion to minimise the        programme of events.
recessionary impacts on
those most marginalised in
our community.
We believe that Social
Inclusion Week is a great
opportunity to highlight
our commitment to ensure
                               Daniel McLoughlin
better quality of life and
                               Chief Executive
SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK - South Dublin County Council
06                    SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018

WHAT IS SOCIAL                   WHO IS AT RISK OF
INCLUSION?                       SOCIAL EXCLUSION?

Social Inclusion is “the         Ireland’s National Action
process which ensures that       Plan for Social Inclusion
those at risk of poverty and     2007–2016 identifies seven
social exclusion gain the        groups as being at greater
opportunities and resources      risk of social exclusion.
necessary to participate
                                 • Older People
fully in economic, social
and cultural life and enjoy a    • Ethnic Minorities
standard of living and well      • Disabled People
being that is considered         • Women
normal in the society in         • Children and Young
which they live”.                  People
                                 • Travellers
                                 • LGBT (Lesbian, Gay,
                                   Bisexual and Transgender)
SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK - South Dublin County Council
07                     Why Social Inclusion Week?


The purpose of South             and creativity of people
Dublin County Social             in South Dublin County.
Inclusion Week is to             The Unit reaches out
highlight and promote the        into all sections of the
positive work that South         community, connecting
Dublin County Council is         many people and groups
involved in to reduce social     who are normally isolated
exclusion and poverty. It        and on the margins. It is an
is a programme of events         opportunity for people to
organised by the Social          learn new skills, share ideas
Inclusion Unit, Community        and participate in their
Services Department to           community.
highlight the diversity

St Marks Culture Day
SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK - South Dublin County Council
08                   SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


South Dublin County             The Social Inclusion Unit
Council’s dedicated Social      endeavours to develop a
Inclusion Unit endeavours       society where all citizens
to deliver on the Council’s     are recognised, accepted
objective to take a             and maintain a sense
leadership role in Social       of belonging within the
Inclusion and to create a       County. This is achieved
society where everyone          through collaboration with
experiences full and equal      other Council departments,
partnership in all aspects      agencies/groups and
of life.                        through the delivery of
                                its programmes. 2018 has
                                been a busy year for the
                                Unit in the delivery of
                                several programmes which
                                included European Week
                                Against Racism, Bealtaine,
                                and the Traveller Culture
                                Programme amongst
                                In addition to the above, the
                                second intercultural food
                                and craft festival, Flavours
                                of South Dublin, took place
                                on the 24th June, where
                                over 9,500 people were in
                                attendance over the course
SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK - South Dublin County Council
09                    Why Social Inclusion Week?

of the day. This year saw the   new position and thank
introduction of a recorded      her for her dedication and
intercultural cooking           hard work during her time
demonstration kitchen           in South Dublin County
with 5 different chefs. The     Council.
recordings from this event
                                Adrienne Moloney and
will be launched during
                                Donna O’Reilly will continue
Social Inclusion Week and
                                to develop the work of the
will be made available
                                Social Inclusion Unit and
through the Council’s social
                                look forward to working
media and the South Dublin
                                with our partners to
Migrant Integration Forum.
                                improve inclusivity and
Earlier this year saw the       diversity in the County.
departure of Maria Finn,
                                Brian Leonard,
Social Inclusion Officer.
                                Administrative Officer
Maria was instrumental
in the establishment of         Adrienne Moloney,
the Social Inclusion Unit       Senior Staff Officer
and was responsible for         Donna O’Reilly,
developing many of the          Staff Officer
programmes and events
that have enhanced the          Social Inclusion Unit
lives of so many people
living in South Dublin
County Council. We wish
to take this opportunity
to wish Maria well in her
SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK - South Dublin County Council
10                         SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Monday 19 – Friday         Around the World in 7 Days
23 November
                   Around the World in 7 Days will
10.00 am – 6.00 pm explore the histories, culture and
Clondalkin Youth   traditions of the ethnic communities
Service, Monastery in Clondalkin, which will highlight
Road, Clondalkin   their importance within our society.
                   Emma Blount
                   085 253 8616

Flavours of South Dublin
11                   Social Inclusion Week Events

Monday 19            Christmas Flower
November             Arranging Demonstration
10.00 am –           Flower arranging workshop that will
12.00 noon           demonstrate how to make beautiful,
Killinarden Family   inexpensive Christmas floral
Resource Centre,     arrangements.
Killinarden Way,     Sabrina Byrne
Tallaght             01 452 7143

Monday 19            Open Day, Guided Tour of
November             Áras Chrónáin
10.00 am – 11.30 am A guided tour of this magnificent
Áras Chrónáin,      18th Century building along with
Watery Lane,        a showcase and overview of the
Clondalkin          services and facilities provided for
                    the community in Áras Chrónáin.
                     Brian Ó Gáibhín
                     01 457 4847

Monday 19            Age Action Computer Class
                     This 5-week course covers basic
10.00 am –           internet usage and is delivered by
12.00 noon           volunteers from Age Action Ireland.
County Library,      The course runs from 19th November
Chamber Square,      2018 to 17th December 2018. To
Tallaght             book, please contact Age Action
                     Sally Brotherton,
                     Age Action Ireland
                     01 475 6989
12                  SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Monday 19           The Way We Wore
                    Produce a piece of art with local
10.00 am –          artist Christine Carey that will depict
12.00 noon          clothes we wore in the 50s and 60s
The Park            using various mediums.
Community Centre,   Adrienne Moloney / Donna O’ Reilly
Parklands Road,     01 414 9270/ 086 779 3429 /
Firhouse            086 185 0656

Monday 19           Bouncing Baby Bookclub
                    Encourage a love of books and
10.00 am – 11.00 am reading. Stories for parents/carers
Ballyroan Library,  and their babies. For children aged
Orchardstown        0–3 years. Booking essential on
Avenue,    Booking opens
Rathfarnham         Monday 5 November at 10.00 am.
                    Orla Jackson / Síle Coleman
                    01 494 1900

Monday 19           Lucan Knitting Club
                    All welcome.
10.30 am –
12.00 noon          01 621 6422

Lucan Library,
Newcastle Road,
13                    Social Inclusion Week Events

Monday 19             Indian Head Massage
                      Workshop includes massage of the
10.30 am –            upper back, neck, shoulders, scalp
12.00 noon            and face.
The Coachhouse,       Angelina / Sarah
Stewarts Care         01 620 3590
Limited, Old Lucan,
Road, Palmerstown

Monday 19             Tribute to Christy Hennessy
November              (Messenger Boy)
10.30 am – 12.30 pm A tribute to Christy Hennessy
St Finian’s         (Messenger Boy).
Community Hall,     Marian Gargan
Newcastle           086 350 4540

Monday 19             Drumming Workshop
                      This workshop will teach
11.00 am – 1.00 pm    participants to express themselves
St Michael’s House,   through their individual instrument
Templeogue            while simultaneously participating
                      as part of a group.
                      Debbie Doyle / Angelina Stewart
                      01 490 0936 Ext: 7
14                   SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Monday 19            English Conversation Class
                     Improve your English speaking skills
11.00 am – 1.00 pm   and meet new people in a relaxed
County Library,      and friendly environment.
Chamber Square,      01 462 0073

Monday 19            Love, Light, Laughter
                     Gentle movement to music (to suit
11.00 am – 1.00 pm   all ages), together with meditation
County Library,      and chakra balancing will nurture
Chamber Square,      mind, body and spirit. Love, Light,
Tallaght             Laughter, through use of colour,
                     oils and cards, is a feast for all the
                     01 462 0073

Monday 19            Coffee Morning
                     Dominic’s Community Centre Coffee
11.30 am – 1.00 pm   Morning.
Dominic’s            Niamh Valentine
Community Centre,    01 459 0770
60 and 60A
Avonbeg Gardens,
15                 Social Inclusion Week Events

Monday             Launch of Social
19 November        Inclusion Week by
12.00 noon –       Mayor Mark Ward
1.00 pm            This will be followed by a musical
Council Chamber,   performance from RAMS. Light
County Hall,       refreshments will be served.
Tallaght           Adrienne Moloney or Donna O’Reilly
                   01 414 9270 / 086 779 3429 /
                   086 185 0656
16                  SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Monday 19           Safe Talk Workshop
                   Suicide alertness training. This
12.30 pm – 4.00 pm training is suitable for anyone over
St. Kevin’s Family the age of 18, who is prepared to
Resource Centre,   be a suicide alert helper. It will
Treepark Road,     prepare you to identify persons with
Kilnamanagh,       thoughts of suicide and connect
Tallaght           them to suicide first aid resources.
                   Gráinne Begley
                   01 462 7149

Monday 19           Cuidiú
                    Local parenting support group —
1.00 pm – 3.00 pm   breastfeeding advice.
Lucan Library,      01 621 6422
Newcastle Road,

Monday 19           Improve your Cúpla Focal
                    Improve your Cúpla Focal -
1.30 pm – 3.00 pm   enjoyable fun introduction to the
Áras Chrónáin,      Irish Language.
Watery Lane,        Brian Ó Gáibhín
Clondalkin          01 457 4847
17                    Social Inclusion Week Events

Monday 19             STEM Workshop:
November              Make a Drawbot
3.30 pm – 4.30 pm     Make your own drawbot in
Clondalkin Library,   this hands-on workshop, for
Monastery Road,       ages 9+. Booking essential on
                      01 459 3315

Monday 19             STEM Studio
                      A fun and inventive STEM
4.00 pm – 5.00 pm     workshop, suitable for children
Ballyroan Library,    8–12 years. Booking essential on
Orchardstown Booking opens
Avenue,               Monday 5 November at 10.00 am.
Rathfarnham           Orla Jackson / Síle Coleman
                      01 494 1900

Monday 19 – Friday    Young Hearts Run Free
23 November
                      Workshops/Outings for different
5.00 pm – 7.00 pm     groups of young people from all
The Big Picture,      backgrounds, with the opportunity
Tallaght              to get involved in a new hobby or
                      activity each night of the week.
                      Activities will include sports, arts,
                      cookery and positive mental health
                      John Fitzgerald
                      086 857 9672
19                   Social Inclusion Week Events


Monday 19            Film Club
                     Billy Elliot is a modern day fairy tale
6.00 pm – 8.00 pm    of a boy who dreams of a life very
Ballyroan Library,   different to that known by his North
Orchardstown         of England, working class family.
Avenue,              Orla Jackson / Síle Coleman
Rathfarnham          01 494 1900

Monday 19            Classic Crime Fiction: 1960s
November             to present with Declan Burke
6.30 pm – 8.00 pm    As part of our Classic Crime Club,
Lucan Library,       author Declan Burke will be joining
Newcastle Road,      us to discuss Classic Crime novels
Lucan                from 1960 to the present day.
                     01 621 6422

Tuesday 20           How to use your Tablet
                     With Searsol. Covering the basics
9.45 am – 11.15 am   of how to use your tablet including
Lucan Library,       accessing the Internet, downloading
Newcastle Road,      and using apps, social media and
Lucan                more.
                     01 621 6422
20                   SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Tuesday 20           Templeogue Community
November             Men’s Shed
10.00 am – 4.00 pm Templeogue Community Men’s
Rathfarnham        Shed Social Inclusion outing to
Castle, 153        Rathfarnham Castle
Rathfarnham Road, Joe MacDonagh
Rathfarnham        087 238 8203

Tuesday 20           Christmas Flower
November             Arranging Demonstration
10.00 am –           Flower arranging workshop that will
12.00 noon           demonstrate how to make beautiful,
Áras Rualach,        inexpensive Christmas floral
Neilstown Road,      arrangements.
Clondalkin           Marie Daly / Bernie Beatley
                     01 623 0574

Tuesday 20           Double Take Art Project
                     DoubleTAKE Art Project, for people
10.00 am –           with disabilities, are offering a two-
12.00 noon           hour art programme on the theme
Rua Red, Tallaght,   “Winter 2018”.
Dublin 24            Ruth Clancy
                     01 452 8180
21                    Social Inclusion Week Events

Tuesday 20            Crochet to Keep the
November              Mind Active
10.00 am –            An exciting morning showcasing the
12.00 noon            skill that is crochet. Crochet helps
Knockmore Senior      keep the mind active while creating
School Parents’       masterpieces. Tea and coffee will
Room, Knockmore       be served. The group meet every
Avenue, Killinarden   Tuesday and new members welcome.
                      Ann Conlon
                      086 700 9010

Tuesday 20            Fun Introduction to
November              Yoga and Relaxation
10.30 am –            Informal enjoyable fun introduction
12.00 noon            to yoga and relaxation.
Áras Chrónáin,        Brian Ó Gáibhín
Watery Lane,          01 457 4847

Tuesday 20            Flower Gift Ideas
                      Come along and learn how to make
10.30 am –            a floral gift using seasonal flowers.
12.00 noon            Places are limited and must be
The Coach House,      booked in advanced.
Stewarts Care         Suzanne Keena / Helen Brown
Limited, Old Lucan    01 625 8957
Road, Palmerstown
22                   SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Tuesday 20           Love, Light, Laughter
                     Gentle movement to music (to suit all
11.00 am – 1.00 pm   ages), together with meditation and
Ballyroan Library,   chakra balancing will nurture mind,
Orchardstown         body and spirit. Love, Light, Laughter,
Avenue,              through use of colour, oils and cards,
Rathfarnham          is a feast for all the senses.
                     Orla Jackson / Síle Coleman
                     01 494 1900

Tuesday 20           English Conversation Class
                     Improve your English speaking skills
11.00 am – 1.00 pm   and meet new people in a relaxed
County Library,      and friendly environment.
Chamber Square,      01 462 0073

Tuesday 20           Tea and Teach
                     These sessions are a fun and simple
11.00 am – 1.00 pm   way for you to learn about the online
County Library,      world including Google and email,
Chamber Square,      making the most of your smartphone,
Tallaght             social media and online banking.
                     Adrienne Moloney / Donna O’ Reilly
                     01 414 9270 / 086 779 3429 /
                     086 185 0656
WEEK 2018

                Count Me In!
   Category 1                       Category 2
  Draw a picture of something      Write a short story or poem on
 that you would like to do with   something that you would like to
     your friends or family.       do with your friends or family.

     If further information is required please contact:
            Donna O’ Reilly, Social Inclusion Unit
              Tel: 01 414 9270 / 086 185 0656
24                   SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Tuesday 20           How to use your Smartphone
                     With Searsol. Covering the basics
11.30 am – 1.00 pm   of how to use your smartphone
Lucan Library,       including accessing the internet,
Newcastle Road,      downloading and using apps, social
Lucan                media and more.
                     01 621 6422

Tuesday 20           Irish Language Classes
                     This 10-week course offers separate
12.00 noon –         classes for beginners and those at
1.00 pm              intermediate level.
1.00 pm – 2.00 pm    01 462 0073
County Library,
Chamber Square,

Tuesday 20           The Way We Wore
                     Produce a piece of art with local
2.00 pm – 4.00 pm    artist Christine Carey that will depict
An Cosán,            clothes we wore in the 50s and 60s
Jobstown, Tallaght   using various mediums.
                     Adrienne Moloney / Donna O’ Reilly
                     01 414 9270 / 086 779 3429 /
                     086 185 0656
25                        Social Inclusion Week Events

                                      Launch of Health and
                                      Wellbeing Week

Celebration of Social Inclusion       Bealtaine Festival Floristry
through the Performing Arts           Demonstration

Nepal Ireland Day 2018 – Opening Ceremony
26                    SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Tuesday 20            Story Time
                      Every Tuesday, suitable for ages 3+.
3.30 pm – 4.00 pm     All welcome.
County Library,       01 462 0073
Chamber Square,

Tuesday 20            Story Time with a Social
November              Inclusion Theme
3.30 pm – 4.30 pm     Story time and craft for 3–6
Clondalkin Library,   year-olds with a social inclusion
Monastery Road,       theme. No need to book, all
Clondalkin            welcome.
                      01 459 3315

Tuesday 20            Junior Chess with Fred
                      Learn to play chess or improve your
4.00 pm – 5.00 pm     chess skills at our weekly classes with
County Library,       Fred. Suitable for ages 8+.
Chamber Square,       01 462 0073
27                  Social Inclusion Week Events

Tuesday 20          Touch-Type, Read, Spell
November            (TTRS)
5.30 pm – 6.30 pm   TTRS is a multi-sensory computer
County Library,     course that teaches touch-typing
Chamber Square,     to help children with their reading
Tallaght            and writing skills. It is particularly
                    helpful for children with dyslexia and
                    literacy issues.
                    01 462 0073

Tuesday 20          Open Night for South Dublin
November            Migrant Integration Forum
6.00 pm – 8.00 pm   The aim of the group is to provide
Rua Red, Arts       a forum for representatives of
Centre, Tallaght    New Communities in South Dublin
                    to collaborate, network and be a
                    common voice of the communities
                    towards achieving social inclusion,
                    integration and participation in the
                    decision making process. If you are
                    interested in finding out more or
                    joining our group please come along
                    on the night.
                    Adrienne Moloney / Donna O’ Reilly
                    01 414 9270 / 086 779 3429 /
                    086 185 0656
28                         SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Tuesday 20                 English for Beginners
                           Part of a 10-week course.
6.00 pm – 7.00 pm
                           01 621 6422
Lucan Library,
Newcastle Road,

Tuesday 20                 English for Improvers
                           Part of a 10-week course.
7.00 pm – 8.00 pm
                           01 621 6422
Lucan Library,
Newcastle Road,

Flavours of South Dublin
29                    Social Inclusion Week Events

Wednesday 21          Touch-Type, Read, Spell
November              (TTRS)
Classes are held      TTRS classes are available for ages
several evenings      9+ in Clondalkin Library, these
per week, booking     classes are particularly useful
essential.            to children with dyslexia. Please
Clondalkin Library,   contact the library to register your
Monastery Road,       interest.
Clondalkin            01 459 3315

Wednesday 21          Arts and Crafts Morning
                      A morning exploring Social Inclusion
10.00 am – 1.00 pm    through Arts and Crafts.
Clondalkin/Lucan      Rita Harte
Women’s Centre,       01 557 6173
2 Tor An Rí Lane,
South West Lucan

Wednesday 21          The Way We Wore
                      Produce a piece of art with local
10.00 am –            artist Christine Carey that will depict
12.00 noon            clothes we wore in the 50s and 60s
Firhouse              using various mediums.
Community Centre,     Adrienne Moloney / Donna O’ Reilly
24 Ballycullen        01 414 9270 / 086 779 3429 /
Road, Tallaght        086 185 0656
30                   SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Wednesday 21         Embroidery Group
                     Craft group enjoying embroidery
10.30 am – 1.30 pm   activities.
Ballyroan Library,   Orla Jackson / Síle Coleman
Orchardstown         01 494 1900

Wednesday 21         Christmas Cookery
November             Demonstration
10.30 am –           A guided demonstration, by the
12.00 noon           on-site chef along with the day
The Coach House,     attendees, on tasty accompaniments
Stewarts Care        to your Christmas dinner.
Limited, Old Lucan   Angelina / Niall
Road, Palmerstown    01 620 3590

Wednesday 21         Pamper Day for Individuals
November             with Intellectual Disability
10.30 am – 12.30 pm Tailored beauty and holistic
Whitechurch         treatment tasters.
Library, Taylor’s   Jen Donoghue
Lane, Rathfarnham 086 876 9215
Award Winning Leisure Centres
        Pay as you go and memberships for all

      Swimming Lessons*                               Children’s Gymnastics
        Leisure Swims*                                     Sports Halls
        Fitness classes                               All Weather Pitches*
       Children’s Parties                                  Coffee Shop
       Children’s Camps                                   And Lots More

   Living for Life *                                     Senior Swims *
 Our popular Living for Life class                     Share a rewarding feeling of
    for over 55’s incorporates                       well-being with others in our over
exercise and games in a fantastic                     55’s senior swims for only €3.
     atmosphere followed by
    tea/coffee for only €3.50.

                               FOR FURTHER
                          INFORMATION CONTACT:
      Tallaght Leisure Centre Ph: 01 452 3300
        Lucan Leisure Centre Ph: 01-6241930
    Clondalkin Leisure Centre Ph: 01-4574858
               *denotes available at Tallaght & Clondalkin Leisure Centre only
32                   SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Wednesday 21         Meet and Greet
November             Coffee Morning
10.30 am –           Meet and Greet coffee morning for
12.00 noon           new and existing residents from the
Jobstown             community to get together.
Community Centre,    Robbie Conlon
Fortunestown Way,    085 873 3263

Wednesday 21         Firhouse Men’s Shed
                     Firhouse Men’s Shed Social Inclusion
11.00 am – 4.00 pm   visit to Clondalkin Roundtower,
The Round Tower,     including a walk around Corkagh
15 Tower Road,       Park and along the Grand Canal.
Clondalkin           Ray Cleary
                     087 100 6303

Wednesday 21         English Conversation Class
                     Improve your English speaking skills
11.00 am – 1.00 pm   and meet new people in a relaxed
County Library,      and friendly environment.
Chamber Square,      01 462 0073
33                    Social Inclusion Week Events

Wednesday 21          Drumming Workshop
                      This workshop will teach participants
11.00 am – 1.00 pm    to express themselves through
St Michael’s House,   their individual instrument while
Templeogue            simultaneously participating as part
                      of a group.
                      Debbie Doyle / Angelina Stewart
                      01 490 0936 Ext: 7

Wednesday 21          Community Garden Floristry
November              Demonstration
11.00 am – 1.00 pm    Learn how to create beautiful
Seán Walsh Park,      Christmas floral displays.
Old Bawn, Tallaght    Adrienne Moloney / Donna O’ Reilly
                      01 414 9270 / 086 779 3429 /
                      086 185 0656

Wednesday 21          Toddler Time with Sarah
                    Come along with your little one and
11.30 am – 12.30 pm enjoy nursery rhymes, stories and
County Library,     songs. All welcome.
Chamber Square,     01 462 0073
WEEK 2018


            THROUGH THE
            When:      Sunday 25th
                       November 2018
            Where:     Civic Theatre,
            Admission: €5.00
            Tickets available at the
            Civic Theatre Box Office
            Tel: 01 462 7477 or book on
            line at

            DANCING... MUSIC...
            DRAMA... AND LOTS MORE!

36                       SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Wednesday 21             Old Time Waltz and
November                 Afternoon Tea
1.30 pm – 4.00 pm        Enjoyable fun introduction to Old
Áras Chrónáin,           Time Waltz dancing for people at all
Watery Lane,             levels.
Clondalkin               Brian Ó Gáibhín
                         01 457 4847

Wednesday 21             Floristry Workshop
                         Christmas floristry workshop.
2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
                         Niamh Valentine
Dominic’s                01 459 0770
Community Centre,
60 and 60A
Avonbeg Gardens,

Celebration of Social Inclusion through the Performing Arts
37                      Social Inclusion Week Events

Participants in NALA Health and Wellbeing for Life Programme

Wednesday 21            Presentation of Prizes for
November                Children’s Competition
4.00 pm – 5.00 pm       Mayor Mark Ward will present the
Council Chamber,        prizes to the young children who
County Hall,            participated in the Social Inclusion
Tallaght                Competition “Count Me In”.
                        Adrienne Moloney / Donna O’ Reilly
                        01 414 9270 / 086 779 3429 /
                        086 185 0656

Wednesday 21            Intergenerational
November                Creativeness
3.00 pm – 5.00 pm       Sugarcraft workshop where young
Whitechurch             people can invite their parents,
Community and           grandparents, older neighbour or
Youth Centre,           friend to take part in a workshop
Ballyboden              designing and moulding sugarcraft.
                        Bronagh O’Gorman
                        086 601 4589
38                  SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Wednesday 21        Hobby Hub
                    Bring along your crafts and enjoy
6.30 pm – 8.00 pm   the company of other crafters in a
County Library,     relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Every
Chamber Square,     Wednesday, all welcome.
Tallaght            01 462 0073

Wednesday 21        Touch-Type, Read, Spell
November            (TTRS)
6.30 pm – 8.00 pm   TTRS is a multi-sensory computer
County Library,     course that teaches touch-typing
Chamber Square,     to help children with their reading
Tallaght            and writing skills. It is particularly
                    helpful for children with dyslexia and
                    literacy issues.
                    01 462 0073

Wednesday 21        Classic Crime Film Club
                    Showing ‘A Touch of Evil’. All
6.30 pm – 8.00 pm   welcome.
Lucan Library,      01 621 6422
Newcastle Road,
Books                    Workshops
Digital Books            Lectures
Online Resources         Classes
Free Internet & WiFi     DVDs/CDs
Business Resources       Magazines

South Dublin Libraries
Your Free Library
Your Free World


Copies of the planner are available
from Community Services Department.
Tel: 01 4149270 or it can be
downloaded from
41                    Social Inclusion Week Events


Wednesday 21          Irish Conversation for
November              Beginners
6.30pm – 7.30 pm      If you are starting to learn Irish or
Clondalkin Library,   just brushing up on your language
Monastery Road,       skills, our Irish conversation classes
Clondalkin            are for you!
                      01 459 3315

Wednesday 21          Social Circle Group
                      Support group for new parents
7.00 pm – 8.30 pm     of children with autism on special
The Park              needs equipment with a guest
Community Centre,     speaker and the opportunity to join
Parklands Road,       an equipment library.
Firhouse              Mairead Mekki
                      086 163 4458

Thursday 22           Grúpa Spraoi
                    Toddler group for children to enjoy
10.00 am – 11.00 am songs and fun through the medium
Ballyroan Library,  of Irish.
Orchardstown        Orla Jackson / Síle Coleman
Avenue,             01 494 1900
42                   SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Thursday 22          The Way We Wore
                     Produce a piece of art with local
10.00 am –           artist Christine Carey that will depict
12.00 noon           clothes we wore in the 50s and 60s
Áras Rualach,        using various mediums.
Neilstown Road,      Marie Daly / Bernie Beatley
Clondalkin           01 623 0574

Thursday 22          A Taste of Cultural Diversity
November             Coffee Morning
10.30 am – 12.30 pm A coffee morning with a twist. A
Whitechurch         gentle encouragement to bring your
Community and       signature sweet treat and in particular
Youth Centre,       to those from outside Ireland to
Ballyboden          bring a dish native to their country to
                    share with everyone. For those not
                    bringing a dish you must be willing to
                    participate in a lot of tasting!
                     Joan Giltrap
                     01 445 7035

Thursday 22          Interactive Traditional
November             Irish Music and Instrument
10.30 am –           Workshop
12.00 noon           Interactive introduction to traditional
Áras Chrónáin,       Irish music and instruments.
Watery Lane,         Brian Ó Gáibhín
Clondalkin           01 457 4847
43                   Social Inclusion Week Events

Thursday 22          Yoga class
                     A guided basic traditional yoga class
10.30 am –           with meditation. Perfect for relieving
12.00 noon           stress and anxiety.
Rossecourt           Angelina / Sarah
Resource Centre,     01 620 3590
Balgaddy, Lucan

Thursday 22          Age Action Computer Classes
                    Computer classes covering all
10.30 am – 12.30 pm the basics to give confidence
/ 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm in manoeuvring a digital world.
Ballyroan Library,
Orchardstown        Orla Jackson / Síle Coleman
Avenue,             01 494 1900

Thursday 22          English Conversation Class
                     Improve your English speaking skills
11.00 am – 1.00 pm   and meet new people in a relaxed
County Library,      and friendly environment.
Chamber Square,      01 462 0073
44                    SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Thursday 22           Retired Active Men’s Social
November              (RAMS) Inclusion Morning
11.00 am – 12.30 pm   RAMS in Rhythm entertainment
St Finian’s           morning, providing tea, coffee and
Community Centre,     treats.
Newcastle             Matt Dowling
                      01 458 9007 / 086 844 3820

Thursday 22           Christmas Flower
November              Arranging Demonstration
11.00 am – 1.00 pm    Flower arranging workshop that will
Marymount Care        demonstrate how to make beautiful,
Centre, Lucan         inexpensive Christmas floral
                      Adrienne Moloney / Donna O’ Reilly
                      01 414 9270 / 086 779 3429 /
                      086 185 0656

Thursday 22           Christmas Flower Arranging
November              Demonstration
2.00 pm – 4.00 pm     Flower arranging workshop that will
An Cosán,             demonstrate how to make beautiful,
Jobstown, Tallaght    inexpensive Christmas floral
                      Adrienne Moloney / Donna O’ Reilly
                      01 414 9270 / 086 779 3429 /
                      086 185 0656
Supporting adult literacy needs in
Ireland: how organisations are
becoming more literacy friendly

 The OECD Adult Skills Survey1 shows that one in six Irish
 adults find reading and understanding everyday texts difficult:
 for example, reading a bus timetable or medicine instructions.

 One in four (754,000 people) has difficulties in real world maths,
 from basic addition and subtraction to calculating averages.

 The survey also showed that people who scored at the lowest
 literacy and numeracy levels often have no or low qualifications,
 earn less income and have poorer health.

 Supporting adult literacy needs in Ireland

 Many organisations are aware that their customers find some reading, writing and numbers
 difficult. This can result in unclear communications, misunderstandings and additional staff time
 and resources. For this reason many organisations are looking at how they engage with their
 customers who struggle with reading and understanding information and services.

 Becoming more literacy friendly

 South Dublin County Council (SDCC) works closely with the National Adult Literacy Agency
 (NALA) to provide literacy friendly services. This means SDCC takes into account the literacy
 needs of the public and staff in everything they do. This leads to a higher level of service overall
 and benefits the public, Council staff and elected representatives.

 Further information

 National Adult Literacy Agency
 Web:                                      New website for parents to help their children


     Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) 2012 Survey Results for Ireland: CSO, Dublin
46                    SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Thursday 22           Drop-in E-Resource Clinic
                      Drop in and learn about the wealth
2.30 pm - 4.00 pm     of online resources available through
Clondalkin Library,   your library website. E-books,
Monastery Road,       audiobooks, e-magazines and online
Clondalkin            learning are all available for free.
                      Booking essential.
                      01 459 3315

Thursday 22           Love, Light, Laughter
                      Gentle movement to music (to suit all
2.30 pm – 4.30 pm     ages), together with meditation and
County Library,       chakra balancing will nurture mind,
Chamber Square,       body and spirit. Love, Light, Laughter,
Tallaght              through use of colour, oils and cards,
                      is a feast for all the senses.
                      01 462 0073

Thursday 22           Unplugged Hour
                      Put down the devices and join us
3.00 pm – 4.00 pm     for some old-fashioned fun playing
Ballyroan Library,    classic board games. Suitable for
Orchardstown          children of all ages with your friends.
Avenue,               Orla Jackson / Síle Coleman
Rathfarnham           01 494 1900
47                     Social Inclusion Week Events

Ethnic Cookery Demonstration

Thursday 22            Social Inclusion Tea Dance
                       Live music, dancing and
3.00 pm – 5.00 pm      refreshments. Wheelchair and
Ballyroan              autism-friendly. Please contact John
Community and          Doyle for tickets and prices.
Youth Centre, 103      John Doyle
- 111 Marian Road,     01 495 8576

Thursday 22            Quarryvale Afternoon
November               Tea Dance
4.00 pm – 7.00 pm      An afternoon of music and dancing.
Quarryvale             The Women’s Choir will serenade
Community Centre,      you while you enjoy afternoon tea.
Greenfort Gardens,     Then a one-man band will belt out all
Quarryvale             time favourites.
                       Susan Collins
                       01 626 9151

              Fettercairn Youth and Community Centre in partnership with
              Tallaght Travellers Community Development Project and
              Brookfield/Fettercairn Men’s Shed, received funding through
              the South Dublin County Council Community Initiative Fund
              in 2017 to develop a project to encourage and promote
participation of Traveller men from the Fettercairn and surrounding area to
work in partnership with Brookfield/Fettercairn Men’s Shed on a Traveller
Heritage Project.
Following consultation with Tallaght Travellers Community Development
Project the group decided to make a number of Barrel Top Wagons
representing Traveller Culture. This joint venture was to encourage integration
and to break down the barriers from both sides. The men learned new skills
during the course of the project.
The project commenced in October 2017 with a trip to the Traveller National
Museum in Navan, the day was very informative for all members of the group.
The main objective of the project was to promote relationships and challenge
any misconceptions the men had of one another. This project was a huge
success, the relationships and friendships formed were very evident on the
final day of the project. The men involved spoke very affectionately of one
another and of the project as a whole. Traveller men spoke of how this project
has opened up new opportunities for them and their continued involvement
with the men's shed and how they now see their local community centre as
a very welcoming place to be. They would like to see other Traveller men get
involved in similar projects in the area and countywide.
49                  Social Inclusion Week Events

Thursday 22         Tea ‘N’ Talk
                    Clondalkin Youth Service invites
4.30 pm – 6.00 pm   members of the elderly community
Knockmitten         to our youth project for a Tea ‘N’ Talk
Youth and           session, where they will get to meet
Community Centre,   and talk with some of our young
Monksfield Lawns,   people.
Knockmitten         Edward Madden
                    086 130 4613

Thursday 22         Spanish for Beginners
                    Join our weekly Spanish language
6.00 pm – 7.00 pm   class for beginners. This is a 10-week
County Library,     course.
Chamber Square,     01 462 0073

Thursday 22         Irish for Beginners
                    Part of a 10-week course.
6.00 pm – 7.00 pm
                    01 621 6422
Lucan Library,
Newcastle Road,

Thursday 22         Irish for Parents of Children
November            Learning Irish
7.00 pm – 8.00 pm   Part of a 10-week course.
Lucan Library,      01 621 6422
Newcastle Road,
50                    SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Thursday 22           Table Quiz
                      Dominic’s table quiz.
7.00pm – 9.00 pm
                      Niamh Valentine
Dominic’s             01 459 0770
Community Centre,
60 and 60A
Avonbeg Gardens,

Friday 23             Introduction to Drama
November              Workshop
10.00 am –            Discover your creativity and
12.00 noon            explore what drama means through
An Cosán,             games, exercise and improvisation.
Jobstown, Tallaght    Refreshments provided.
                      Imelda Hanratty
                      01 462 8488

Friday 23             Toddler Group
                      Toddler group for children to enjoy
10.00 am - 11.00 am   songs and play.
Ballyroan Library,    Orla Jackson / Síle Coleman
Orchardstown          01 494 1900
51                       Social Inclusion Week Events

Bealtaine Festival Tea Dance

Friday 23                The Way We Wore
                         Produce a piece of art with local
10.00 am –               artist Christine Carey that will depict
12.00 noon               clothes we wore in the 50s and 60s
County Library,          using various mediums.
Chamber Square,          Adrienne Moloney / Donna O’ Reilly
Tallaght                 01 414 9270 / 086 779 3429 /
                         086 185 0656

Friday 23                Coffee Morning
                    Coffee morning with music, poetry
10.30 am – 12.30 pm and information about courses and
Knockmitten Youth activities that are run in the centre.
and Community       David Cuadra
Centre, Monksfield  01 411 1511
Lawns, Knockmitten
Sensory Baking

European Week Against Racism Awards Ceremony

Friday 23             Love, Light, Laughter
                      Gentle movement to music (to suit all
11.00 am – 1.00 pm    ages), together with meditation and
Lucan Library,        chakra balancing will nurture mind,
Newcastle Road,       body and spirit. Love, Light, Laughter,
Lucan                 through use of colour, oils and cards,
                      is a feast for all the senses.
                      01 621 6422
53                     Social Inclusion Week Events

Friday 23              Arts and Crafts for Adults
                       Relax and unwind with our arts
11.30 am –             and crafts workshop in the library.
12.00 noon             Booking essential by phone.
Clondalkin Library,    01 459 3315
Monastery Road,

Friday 23              Embracing Diversity
November               and Difference
6.00 pm – 8.00 pm     Strengthen our community by
Fettercairn           embracing diversity and difference.
Community and         A demonstration of hairstyles and
Youth Centre,         dress as worn by the women of the
Fettercairn, Tallaght group, all of whom come from a
                      variety of ethnic backgrounds.
                       Foluke Oladosu
                       086 310 1120

Team James 5km run for Barretstown
54                      SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Friday 23               Prize Bingo
                        Dominic’s prize bingo.
8.30 pm – 9.30 pm
                        Niamh Valentine
Dominic’s               01 459 0770
Community Centre,
60 and 60A
Avonbeg Gardens,

Friday 23               An introduction to Irish
November                Céilí and Set Dancing along
8.30 pm – 11.30 pm      with Traditional Irish Music
Áras Chrónáin,
                        and Song
Watery Lane,            Informal enjoyable fun introduction
Clondalkin              to Irish Céilí dancing.
                        Brian Ó Gáibhín
                        01 457 4847

Flavours of South Dublin Cookery Demonstration
55                       Social Inclusion Week Events

Bealtaine Festival Sports Taster Day

Saturday 24              Crafternoon
                         Drop-in craft circle. No need to
10.00 am –               book, just call in and bring your
12.00 noon               crafts along.
Clondalkin Library,      01 459 3315
Monastery Road,

Saturday 24              Junior Chess
                    Learn to master the skill of playing
10.00 am – 11.00 am chess.
Ballyroan Library,  Orla Jackson / Síle Coleman
Orchardstown        01 494 1900
56                      SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Saturday 24             Tech Attack Saturday
                        A tech-based workshop suitable
11.00 am – 1.00 pm      for ages 8–12. Booking essential
County Library,         at from
Chamber Square,         Tuesday 20 November at 10.00 am.
Tallaght                01 462 0073

Saturday 24             Nepalese Food Tasting
                        Nepalese chefs in Ireland will be
12.00 noon –            coming together to prepare Nepal’s
2.00 pm                 original food palettes that are not
Bhansa Ghar,            currently available in Nepalese
Cabinteely              restaurants.
                        Deepesh Man Shakya
                        085 213 2852

Flavours of South Dublin Rathfarnham Castle
58                  SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Sunday 23       Flavours of South Dublin
June 2019
                This unique food festival aims to
11.00 am –      showcase the very best cuisine from the
6.00 pm         locality, and highlight the diversity and
Rathfarnham     vibrancy of the food culture in South
Castle          Dublin County. It features flavours from
                around the world, from traditional Irish
                fare, to Asian dishes, with something to
                suit all tastes.

Dates for       European Week Against Racism
Week Against    Every year, UNITED coordinates a
Racism in       weeklong Europe-wide campaign in
March 2019 to   March to protest against all forms of
be confirmed.   racism and discrimination, and celebrate
                the diversity that enriches European
                societies. To mark European Week
                Against Racism the Social Inclusion
                Unit, Community Services Department,
                South Dublin County Council hold a
                competition to combat racism and to
                celebrate the variety of cultures and
                people living in Ireland today.
                Anyone can participate in European
                Week Against Racism by conveying their
                own personal message against racism.
                Entries are made through poetry, prose,
                art and photography.
59                     ADDITIONAL INFORMATION


Literacy Awareness               South Dublin County
Training                         Schools Traveller
                                 Culture Project
The session aims to explain
what literacy is and the         This initiative aims
causes and effects of the        to promote greater
issue. It will be delivered by   understanding between
the National Adult Literacy      Travellers and the settled
Agency (NALA) to staff           communities. This project
of South Dublin County           involves Travellers visiting
Council during Social            schools in the South
Inclusion Week 2018.             Dublin area and engaging
                                 children in discussion about
                                 Traveller culture in modern
                                 Ireland. South Dublin
                                 County Council is working
                                 in partnership with Tallaght
                                 Travellers Community
                                 Development Project
                                 and Clondalkin Traveller
                                 Community Development
                                 Project on the roll-out of
                                 this new initiative.
60                  SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Yellow Flag                    Phoenix Clubhouse
                               Phoenix Clubhouse is
The Yellow Flag                part of EVE. EVE is a
Programme is a progressive     programme within the
equality and diversity         HSE, whose primary ethos
initiative for primary         is to provide community
and secondary schools          based recovery-orientated
which promotes and             programmes for adults who
supports an environment        experience mental health
for interculturalism. The      difficulties, intellectual
programme is being             difficulties, Asperger’s
delivered by the Irish         Syndrome and physical and
Traveller Movement in          sensory impairments.
South Dublin County.           Phoenix Clubhouse EVE/
                               HSE, 96 Monastery Road,
                               Clondalkin, Dublin 22. Tel:
                               01 467 0632.
                               For further information
                               please contact:
                               or visit
61                    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Garden for all Seasons,
Seán Walsh Park, Tallaght
South Dublin’s Social           participate in the creation
Inclusion Unit and Parks        and upkeep of a visually
Section have worked             stimulating garden, and
closely with Menni Services     to grow their own fruit,
in Tallaght (connected          vegetables and plants.
to St. John of God)
                                For further information
towards the creation of a
                                please contact:
Sensory Garden in Seán
Walsh Park. The clients         Donna O’ Reilly,
of Menni Services (adults       Staff Officer, Social
with disabilities mainly        Inclusion Unit, Community
from the Tallaght Area)         Services Department
are using the outdoor           Tel: 01 414 9270 or
garden for horticultural        086 185 0656
therapy and instruction.
It is an opportunity for
persons with disabilities to
62                  SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Corkagh Park Fairy             BeLonG To
Woods, Lucan Fairy
Demesne and Tymon            BeLonG To is the national
Park Enchanted Walk          organisation supporting
                             lesbian, gay, bisexual,
This is a joint project      transgender, and intersex
between South Dublin         (LGBTI+) young people aged
County Council and the Irish between 14 and 23 years.
Fairy Door Company.          Since 2003 we have worked
                             with LGBTI+ young people,
To find out more about the   to create a world where they
fairies living in Corkagh    are equal, safe, and valued
Park Fairy Woods, the        in the diversity of their
Lucan Fairy Demense and      identities and experiences.
the Tymon Park Enchanted     We also advocate and
Walk, go to      campaign on behalf of
                             young LGBTI+ people, and
                             offer a specialised LGBTI+
                             youth service with a focus
                             on mental and sexual health,
                             alongside drug and alcohol
                             support. We respond to
                             the needs of LGBTI+ young
                             people in Ireland and we
                             help them thrive.
                               Tel: 01 670 6223
63                     ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Dublin LGBTQ
Pride Ltd
Dublin LGBTQ Pride Ltd           then worked to organise
(Dublin Pride) is the Irish      the first ever parade on
embodiment of a global           25th June 1983, which
human rights movement            became a key aspect of the
that originated with the         movement in Ireland and
1969 rights movement             the festival we see today. It
that followed the 1969           is one of the largest Pride
Stonewall riots in New York.     festivals in Europe with over
The foundations of the           40,000 participating in the
organisation can be traced       2014 parade through Dublin
back to the Irish Gay Rights     City. The organisation
Movement, established in         also serves as a platform
1973. The first full Gay Pride   for the LGBT community,
Week took place in 1980          highlighting issues and
and featured a picnic at         celebrating diversity.
Merrion Square. Volunteers
64                   SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Sports Inclusion Disability
Programme (SIDP)
The overall aim of the          SIDP targets individuals
programme is to increase        of all ages and abilities
the participation of            who have an interest in
people with disabilities        participating in sport
in sport and recreational       or recreational physical
physical activity. This         activity.
will be achieved through
                                South Dublin County Sports
working in partnership
                                Partnership encourage any
with statutory agencies,
                                group or individual looking
sports clubs, community
                                for additional information
groups, facility providers,
                                regarding sport and
schools, disability service
                                physical activity for people
providers and people with
                                with disabilities to contact
disabilities. Key elements
                                our office on 01 414 9270 or
of the programme include
sustainable programming,
information provision,
training and education. The
65                   Additional Information

Learn 2 Cycle                  Halloween
Programme                      Sports Camp
The central aim of this        A two-day sports camp for
six-week programme is          children with disabilities will
to teach children with         take place in Collinstown
disabilities to cycle          Park Sports Centre,
independently. The             Clondalkin from 10.00 am –
programme runs in various      1.00 pm. Dates to be
locations around South         confirmed. The camp is
Dublin.                        open to children of all
                               abilities aged 5–18 years
For further details on the
                               old. Cost is €10 and this is
Learn 2 Cycle programme
                               payable on the day.
dates/venues please
contact our office on          For further information
01 414 9270 or email:          please email Paula at        
66                    SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2018


Gladiators                       Circuits
Club                             Programme
This successful parent-led       The Sports Inclusion
club provides a range of         Disability Officer is
sport and physical activity      working closely with the
programmes for children          Department of Psychiatry
with disabilities. Activities    in Tallaght Hospital to
include soccer, cricket, tag     provide an opportunity for
rugby, dance, yoga and           inpatients to participate in
boccia. The club runs on a       physical activity and gain
weekly basis in Collinstown      benefits to their physical
Sports Complex, Clondalkin.      and mental health as a
                                 result. This programme is
To register for the
                                 run on a continuous basis.
programme please email
Cricket 4 All                    Disability Inclusion
Programme                        Training Course
Terenure Cricket Club in         Disability Inclusion Training
partnership with Leinster        Course is taking place on
Cricket have commenced           Saturday 20th October in
a Cricket 4 All programme.       Collinstown Park Sports
The aim of the programme         Complex from 9.30 am –
is to help integrate players     3.30 pm. This introductory
of all abilities into the club   course is designed to give
environment. Each session        participants ideas and
will consist of both table       inspiration on how to adapt
cricket as well as outdoor       their sport and physical
small-sided cricket games        activity programmes. Open
and skill-building exercises.    to coaches, volunteers,
Table cricket is an indoor       teachers, parents and
miniature version of cricket     development officers.
which is played on a table       Cost is €45.
tennis table.
                                 Register at
All events must be booked in advance as places
cannot be guaranteed. All our events are accessible.
  Visit our website at
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