Solar Panels, Tax Incentives, and Your House

Page created by Kathleen Quinn
Solar Panels, Tax Incentives, and Your House
Solar Panels,
         Tax Incentives,
         and Your House
         By Jeffrey D. Moss

                   uring the summer of 2008, gas          This article discusses the federal        attachment of solar panels on a resi-
                   prices went through the roof,       and state income and other tax credits       dence or residential property has many
                   and the United States refocused     available for various types of energy-       advantages. First, sunlight is produced
          on renewable energy. Americans say           efficient improvements, with a primary       free of charge, although not on a pre-
          they desire energy independence from         focus on tax credits available to residen-   dictable basis (particularly in northern
          foreign nations and environmentally          tial homeowners using power gener-           climates, as in Michigan). Nonetheless,
          sound renewable energy sources. To           ated by solar energy. To demonstrate         solar energy production occurs during
          that end, the federal and state govern-      the various ways states are providing        the daylight hours—the time of peak
          ments have enacted a number of al-           tax incentives that are in addition to the   energy demand. Solar power not used
          ternative energy laws, including the En-     federal tax incentives, this article com-    by a particular residence can be cheaply
          ergy Improvement and Extension Act           pares tax benefits available to families     and quickly transferred into the power
          of 2008, Pub. L. No. 110-343, div. B, 122    located in Canton, Michigan, Tallahas-       grid through local interconnection de-
          Stat. 3807 (codified in scattered sections   see, Florida, and Raleigh, North Caro-       vices that limit the need for huge capital
          of 26 U.S.C.), which provides incentives     lina. For example, some states provide       expenditures for energy transmission
          for alternative energy sources in homes      tax rebates, some provide property tax       to end users. Localized solar power has
          and businesses, and the American             credits for improvements, and others         an advantage over commercial wind
          Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009        promote the use of utility companies to      power in ease of power transmission to
          (ARRA), Pub. L. No. 111-5, 123 Stat. 115,    provide the incentives for the genera-       the end user.
          which promotes the development and           tion of alternative energy.                     One of the less attractive aspects of
          use of renewable and alternative energy                                                   residential solar power is the require-
          sources.                                     Advantages and Disadvantages                 ment with most residential systems that
                                                          of Residential Photovoltaic               a homeowner remain on the utility’s
          Jeffrey D. Moss is a senior attorney                      Solar Power                     electricity grid. This makes stand-alone
          in the Bloomfield, Michigan, office of       The use of a photovoltaic system to          capability highly unlikely in many

          Butzel Long.                                 convert sunlight into electricity by the     areas of the United States. In addition,

                                                                                               Probate & Property j January/February 2010 17
the installation of solar panels on a         solar electric property” in the 2008          properly allocable to on-site preparation,
residence requires a personal capital         Energy Act provides one of the largest        assembly, or original installation of the
expenditure rather than an expenditure        incentives for the addition of qualified      panels on the property and for the piping
funded by the government or a public          solar energy property to a residence. In      or wiring used to connect the property to
utility. Finally, although the installation   2009, the ARRA also extended the 30%          the home.
of solar panels may add to a home’s           credit to all eligible technologies (except       It is also noteworthy that for the pur-
value, it also adds to a home’s main-         fuel cells) placed in service after 2008.     poses of this particular tax incentive, the
tenance and repair costs, complicates             Before the 2008 Energy Act, a fam-        residence does not have to be a primary
roof repairs, and increases insurance         ily that spent $40,000 on qualified           residence. Qualifying improvements can
costs. When the benefits and burdens          solar electric property improvements          be made to a vacation home and other
are weighed, however, residential use         received only a $2,000 credit against         dwelling units such as mobile homes,
of solar panels to produce electricity        its federal income tax liability. Now,        manufactured homes, and even certain
provides a net benefit both to the home       with the cap on the annual limit lifted,      houseboats. IRC § 25D(d)(2) (qualified
owner and to the utility. Encouraging                                                       solar electric property expenditures may
solar panel use will reduce reliance on                                                     be made on any dwelling unit used as a
fossil fuels as an energy source.                                                           “residence”). In contrast, IRC § 25D(d)(3),
                                               When the benefits and                        related to “Qualified Fuel Cell Property
The Federal Residential Energy
   Efficient Property Tax Credit               burdens are weighed,                         Expenditures,” contains more limited
                                                                                            language allowing the fuel cell credit only
In 2008, Congress enacted multiple leg-        residential use of solar                     for a dwelling unit used as a “principal
islative acts comprehensively called the          panels to produce                         residence.” Clearly, Congress intended the
Emergency Economic Stabilization—                                                           Solar Energy Tax Credits for solar prop-
Energy Improvement and Exten-                   electricity provides a                      erty expenses to apply more expansively
sion—Tax Extenders and Alternative             net benefit both to the                      than the credits for fuel cell expenditures.
Minimum Tax Relief Acts of 2008 (2008                                                       There are even specific IRC sections
Economic Stabilization Act), Pub. L. No.
                                                 homeowner and to                           permitting the pro rata allocation of REEP
110-343, 122 Stat. 3765. An act called the            the utility.                          credits to owners of cooperative housing
Energy Improvement and Extension                                                            corporations and condominium associa-
Act of 2008 (2008 Energy Act), enacted                                                      tions. See IRC § 25D(e)(5) (cooperatives)
on October 3, 2008, forms division B of                                                     and IRC § 25D(e)(6) (condominiums). The
the 2008 Economic Stabilization Act.          that same family can obtain a credit in       2008 Energy Act also eliminated the provi-
    The major component of the 2008           the amount of $12,000 against their tax       sion that previously denied the credit to
Energy Act, as it relates to solar power,     bill, based on a $40,000 expenditure.         owners of property purchased or financed
is the long-term extension and ben-           This is a tax credit and not a deduction.     by subsidized energy financing. See IRC
eficial modification of the Residential       A deduction of $12,000 would lower            § 48(a)(4)(C). Even if the government cre-
Energy Efficient Property Tax Credit          taxable income by $12,000 and produce         ates a financing program for residential
(REEP). 2008 Energy Act § 106. The            tax savings of only $3,360 at the 28%         solar panels, the REEP credit should be
REEP was scheduled to expire at the           bracket. In contrast, a $12,000 credit is a   available.
end of 2008, but the 2008 Energy Act ex-      dollar-for-dollar credit against the tax a        If a taxpayer claims the REEP credit, the
tended the REEP credit through the end        homeowner would otherwise pay and             taxpayer is required to reduce the basis of
of calendar year 2016. The 2008 Energy        is nearly four times more valuable.           the home by the amount of the tax credits
Act also removed the cap on the avail-            What expenses qualify for the federal     allowed. This is presumably designed
able credit and expanded the REEP.            REEP credit? IRC § 25D(d)(2) defines          to subject a homeowner to potential tax
Before the 2008 Energy Act, an individ-       the term “Qualified Solar Electric Prop-      in the future to offset the immediate tax
ual homeowner was allowed an annual           erty Expenditure” as “an expenditure          benefits received. Reducing the basis of a
credit for the purchase of “residential       for property which uses solar energy to       primary residence does not have a nega-
energy efficient property” equal to the       generate electricity for use in a dwelling    tive effect, however, because currently
sum of 30% of the amount paid for a           unit located in the United States and         the IRC does not provide for recapture
“qualified solar energy property,” with       used as a residence by the taxpayer.”         if one sells a primary residence and fits
a maximum credit of only $2,000. See          IRC § 25. The term “Qualified Solar           within the exclusion of gain on the sale
Internal Revenue Code § 25D(b)(1). For        Electric Property Expenditures” also          of a principal residence under IRC § 121.
tax years beginning after December 31,        includes costs incurred for solar panels      The sale of second homes and vacation
2008, the 2008 Energy Act removes the         and other property installed as a roof        properties could be negatively affected by
$2,000 limitation on the credit allowed       or a portion of a roof. This includes         the reduction in basis because IRC § 121
in a tax year for “qualified solar electric   the acquisition of solar panels used in       excludes recognition of gain only on the
property expenditures.” Now the 30%           photovoltaic systems. Further, IRC            sale of qualified personal residences, not
credit is unlimited. Id. The elimination      § 25D(e)(1) defines “Qualified Solar          on the sale of second homes.
of the cap on the credit for “qualified       Electric Property” as labor costs                 Residential energy tax credits should

18 Probate & Property j January/February 2010
be claimed on IRS Form 5695. On the tax          system installed in a residential struc-    Property,” in June 2008 to provide prop-
form, a homeowner also can claim federal         ture is $20,000. A commercial structure     erty tax relief to those who install ap-
tax credits for other qualified energy-          can obtain a rebate of up to $100,000.      proved energy-efficient improvements.
efficient improvements such as insulation,          Initially, a qualifying solar energy     Fla. Stat. § 196.175 et seq. Normally, a
exterior windows (including certain storm        system must be one of the following         municipality is permitted to tax real
windows and skylights), exterior doors (in-      types of systems:                           property located in its jurisdiction at its
cluding certain storm doors), certain quali-                                                 fair market value, including the value of
fied metal roofs designed to reduce heat           • a “solar photovoltaic system” that      improvements. This new exemption al-
gain of a home, and certain efficient heat           produces at least two kilowatts, or     lows the property owner to exclude the
pumps, water heaters, air conditioners, fur-       • a “solar thermal system” that pro-      value of the renewable energy improve-
naces, and fans. Also, if the taxpayer’s solar       vides at least 50% of a building’s      ments, including the cost of the device
powered system is designed to heat the               hot water consumption, or               and the installation cost. The exemption
water in the home in the permitted manner,         • a “solar thermal pool heater.”          does not include the cost of removing
the taxpayer can receive a qualified solar                                                   or improving other existing property in
water heating property tax credit.                  A solar photovoltaic system qualifies    the course of the installation. This real
                                                 for a rebate if                             property tax exemption means that a
  The Interplay of State and Local                                                           homeowner will not be taxed on the
     Tax Credits Related to Solar                  • the system is installed by a state-     increase in property value caused by the
    Power and Renewable Energy                       licensed master electrician, electri-   installation of these qualified renewable
                  Sources                            cal contractor, or solar contractor;    energy improvements for a period of 10
State legislatures have taken several differ-      • the system complies with the            years after the improvement has been
ent approaches to encourage investment in            state interconnection standards         placed in service.
environmentally friendly improvements.               as provided by the Florida Public          The statute defines a “renewable en-
The following discussion analyzes several            Service Commission; and                 ergy source device” as any equipment
of these approaches, focusing on the tax           • the system complies with all            that, “when installed in connection
benefits to a hypothetical family of two             applicable building codes as            with a dwelling unit or other structure,
adults and two children with a combined              defined by the local jurisdictional     collects, transmits, stores, or uses solar
household income of $120,000. The hypo-              authority.                              energy, wind energy, or energy derived
thetical assumes that the family’s marginal                                                  from geothermal deposits.” This list
federal income tax rate is 28% and they             The rebate amount for a solar pho-       includes:
own a primary residence worth $300,000,          tovoltaic system is set at $4 per watt
subject to a mortgage balance of $180,000.       based on the total wattage rating of the       solar energy collectors; storage tanks
The family desires to add solar panels           system, and the application for a rebate       and other storage systems, exclud-
or structures containing solar panels at a       must be made within 120 days after the         ing swimming pools used as storage
cost of $40,000. The proposed solar panel        purchase of the solar energy equip-            tanks; rockbeds; thermostats and
system would contain a surface area of           ment. The total wattage rating of the          other control devices; heat exchange
approximately 300 square feet of solar           system is determined by the National           devices; pumps and fans; roof ponds;
panels and would generate three kilowatts        Renewable Energy Laboratory Solar              freestanding thermal containers;
of power. A system of this size would likely     Calculator. Thus, assuming that the            pipes, ducts, refrigerant handling
supplement power generated from other            hypothetical family installed a solar          systems, and other equipment used
sources and would still require connection       photovoltaic three kilowatt system,            to interconnect such systems [how-
to a power grid, but could produce 50% to        that system would generate a $12,000           ever, conventional backup systems
75% of a family’s power needs.                   rebate.                                        of any type are not included in this
                                                    This rebate program has been so             definition]; windmills; wind-driven
Florida Solar Energy Tax Incentives              popular that the state of Florida has          generators; power conditioning and
The state of Florida currently has a very        exhausted its budget on an annual basis        storage devices that use wind energy
successful solar energy system incentives        through the 2008–09 year. Applications         to generate electricity or mechani-
program created in 2006 by the Florida           received and approved are placed on            cal forms of energy; pipes and other
Renewable Energy Technologies and                a waiting list for funding and future          equipment used to transmit hot
Energy Efficiency Act, Fla. Stat. § 377.801      use. The state of Florida does not have        geothermal water to a dwelling or
et seq. This initial program was structured      a state income tax. As a result, this          structure from a geothermal deposit.
as a four-year program and permits any           program is a rebate rather than a tax
household or business that installs a quali-     credit, making it even more valuable to     Fla. Stat. § 196.012(14).
fied “solar energy system” between July 1,       Floridians.                                    In addition to the Florida incentives
2006, and June 30, 2010, to obtain a rebate         In addition to the rebate, Florida       to homeowners for the production
of a portion of the purchase price of the        passed a real estate property tax           of energy from solar power and the
system. Fla. Stat. § 377.806. The maximum        exemption, the “Renewable Energy            property tax exemption, the state also
allowable rebate for a solar photovoltaic        Property Tax Exemption for Residential      exempts the purchase of a “solar energy

                                                                                        Probate & Property j January/February 2010 19
system” from Florida’s 6% sales tax. Id.     calculated at 35% of $40,000, which re-      who generate 20 kilowatts or less, a “modi-
§ 212.08. This sales tax exemption cov-      sults in a $14,000 tax credit. Because of    fied” net metering concept will occur when
ers the equipment and hardware used          the $10,500 limitation, the family would     “net excess generation during a billing
for collecting, transferring, converting,    be permitted to claim $10,500 as a state     period may be carried to the next billing
storing, or using incidental solar energy    of North Carolina tax credit.                period at either the monthly average real
for water heating, space heating and            Because the North Carolina mar-           time marginal price or the utilities retail
cooling, or other applications. On a         ginal state income tax rate is 7.75% for     rate.” Customers who generate more than
$40,000 purchase, this sales tax exemp-      income over $60,000, the North Caro-         20 kilowatts will be eligible for true net
tion would result in an additional           lina family in the example would owe         metering in the sense that the power they
$2,400 saving.                               up to $9,300 in state income tax in a        generate and the power they use will offset
   The City of Tallahassee Utility Sys-      year. Because of the 50% limitation on a     each other in real time. In any given month,
tem also offers loans direct to consum-      taxpayer’s liability on the annual allow-    the customer will be charged only with net
ers to acquire energy-saving measures,       able credit and the carryover provisions     use. A customer who generates electricity
including photovoltaic systems and           for the Renewable Energy Tax Credit,         in excess of use will receive a credit back
solar water heating systems. Under the       the family could receive a credit of         from the utility company. Thus, Michigan’s
program, a homeowner can borrow              $4,650 for two years and $1,200 for the      current contemplated proposal provides
up to $20,000 directly from the city for     third year, until they received the entire   incentives through the utility companies
a photovoltaic system at a 5% interest       $10,500 tax credit benefit. As previously    and not the tax system.
rate. Although these loans do not cover      noted, a credit against income taxes            Michigan does have a limited renewable
the entire cost of the photovoltaic sys-     otherwise owed is particularly benefi-       energy rebate for photovoltaic systems that
tem, both the rate and amount of these       cial, more valuable than a deduction of      are rack mounted or building integrated
loans show that the city is serious about    an equal amount.                             and rated at 20 kilowatts or less. The $3 per
promoting the acquisition of solar en-          In August 2008, North Carolina            kilowatt rebate, however, is currently avail-
ergy systems for homeowners.                 enacted a real estate property tax ex-       able only to those customers who receive
   In summary, the state of Florida,         emption equal to 80% of the appraised        utility service through Wisconsin Public
likely because of its warmer weather         value attributed to the addition of a        Power in the Upper Peninsula.
and higher use of air-conditioning,          photovoltaic solar energy system to             It is somewhat ironic that a state with
has one of the most progressive state-       a residence. N.C. Stat. § 105-275(45).       less sunlight would have lower rebates and
funded incentives for the production         Compared to Florida, a homeowner             incentives for solar energy improvements.
and use of solar power in personal           in North Carolina would see a slight         If Michigan intends to increase its solar
residences.                                  increase in property tax because of the      use, it would likely have to provide greater
                                             improvements to the residence made           incentives than Florida because the likeli-
North Carolina Solar                         by the installation of a solar photovol-     hood of economic recapture in Michigan is
Energy Tax Credits                           taic energy electric system, rather than     less than in Florida.
The state of North Carolina has a per-       a full increase. The definition in the          Perhaps Michigan will, in the near
sonal tax credit called the “Renewable       North Carolina property tax abatement        future, become a leader in promoting resi-
Energy Tax Credit,” which is a credit        for a solar energy electric system is “all   dential solar energy tax credits. At present,
against the state income tax. Renew-         equipment used directly and exclu-           Michigan has not enacted any particular
able Energy Tax Credit, N.C. Gen. Stat.      sively for the conversion of solar energy    incentive to encourage homeowners to
§ 105-129.16A et seq. The maximum            to electricity.” Id.                         purchase solar panels for their homes.
permissible tax credit is 35% of the cost
                                             Michigan Solar Energy Tax Credits            Other Potential Financing Sources
of eligible renewable energy property
                                                                                           and Alternatives to Tax Credits
constructed, purchased, or leased by         The state of Michigan has taken a dif-
the taxpayer and placed in service in        ferent approach to creating the financial    Home Equity
North Carolina during the year. The          incentives for generating renewable          Because many qualified solar energy
maximum permissible tax credit for a         power. In October 2008, Michigan en-         improvements are actually improvements
photovoltaic solar system (and wind          acted a statewide net metering program       to homes or to real property, the likeli-
energy system for residential use) is        for renewable energy systems. Clean,         hood is high that homeowners will be
$10,500 per installation. The allow-         Renewable, and Efficient Energy Act,         able to obtain home equity financing or
able credit may not exceed 50% of the        Mich. Comp. Laws §§ 460.1001–1195.           other qualified financing secured by the
taxpayer’s tax liability in a year and the   On May 26, 2009, the Michigan Pub-           value of the improvements. The separate
credit may be carried forward for five       lic Service Commission issued an             structure proposed in this article is similar
years if not fully absorbed in the initial   order formally adopting revised net          to a garage, shed, or other home improve-
years. Thus, if the sample homeowner         metering rules. Mich. Admin. Code r.         ment that adds value to a home and would
family installed a $40,000 photovol-         460.601–656. The net metering practice       qualify the taxpayer for deductible interest
taic solar system in their home, the         will be divided into two categories for      as qualified home equity indebtedness,
potential tax credit initially would be      residential customers. For customers         under IRC § 163(h)(3)(A)(ii).

20 Probate & Property j January/February 2010
Financing by Utilities                             companies are also offering alternative    made to photovoltaic panels, heating
It is possible that states such as Michigan        arrangements in which the homeowner        systems, transmission systems, and
have not yet integrated their tax rebate and       owns the system and enters into a pow-     storage systems, the use of solar power
incentive programs to fund solar energy            er purchasing agreement for a fixed        by homeowners should increase even
because they are relying on the utility            period of time. A long-term power          in areas without optimal sunshine. The
systems to provide financing for residential       purchase agreement helps to ensure a       tax incentive programs should result
solar systems. As the date for the renew-          market for the energy produced.            in greater sales of equipment relating
able portfolio standards (RPS) gets closer,                                                   to the production of solar energy and,
                                                                  Conclusion                  in turn, result in more improvements
utilities will be required to purchase power
from third parties and homeowners to               The use of residential solar power ap-     and less cost per unit, not unlike that
meet the state-mandated standards. To              pears to be a “win-win” for homeown-       experienced for computers and other
produce a sufficient amount of solar power         ers, utility companies, and the environ-   electronic equipment. n
for a utility to purchase, the utility also will   ment. As improvements continue to be
be required to subsidize the acquisition of
residential photovoltaic systems so as to so-
lidify the source of energy it must produce
or acquire.
    The expansion of utility subsidies for
improvements will definitely enhance the
development of qualified solar power for
residential use in Michigan. In September
2009 DTE Energy announced that first
phase of a program called “SolarCurrents”
for residential and commercial uses, which
combines an element of partial reimburse-
ment for the acquisition and installation
of solar energy systems in the amount
of $2.40 per direct current watt with a
production rebate in the amount of $0.11
per kilowatt. Press Release, DTE Energy
Company, New Detroit Edison Program Will
Enable Customers to Cut the Cost of Install-
ing Solar Energy (Sept. 1, 2009), available at
php?s=43&item=433. The acquisition of
the three-kilowatt system proposed for
the family in this article would create a
payment of $7,200 from DTE Energy plus
production credits in the future.
    DTE Energy is treating the up-front
rebate as a prepayment for renewal energy
credits (RECs) and the production incen-
tive as payment for marginal increases in
renewable source energy. In other words,
DTE Energy is paying customers to pro-
duce renewable energy and purchasing the
RECs to satisfy its RPS requirement.

Leasing and Power
Purchaser Agreements
In addition to utility-funded financing, new
third-party players are entering various
markets and offering residential homeown-
ers the opportunity to lease solar panels
and solar energy systems, with the result-
ing RECs belonging to the leasing com-
pany rather than the homeowner. These

                                                                                         Probate & Property j January/February 2010 21
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