Page created by Julio Kim

                                 spring 2018

Sophie’s Choice:
The Angel Wing
Find out how the new
Angel Wing can save every
adoptable cat and dog.

                                               Angels adoptee Sophie
                                               and her new mom Anne Kandray
The Halo is published
                                           State of the Shelter by Diane Less                                                                     IT’S HERE! THE ANNUAL ANGELS FOR ANIMALS
              2 times per year. Current                                                                                                           GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE.
                circulation is 5,000 per   The shelter is doing OK. We continue to stay calm and spay/neuter and adopt! As always we
             issue. Angels for Animals     need more help. We have been doing a lot of volunteer orientations on Saturdays. We try hard           At this point in time, who hasn’t been to the Angels for Animals
              is a registered non-profit
                  501(c)3 organization.    to sign up new volunteers on a shift to help the animals right then and there. Sadly, people           gigantic Garage Sale? It is truly a local phenomenon! Near-
                                           have very busy lives. Getting people to commit to one shift a week for two to four hours is very       ly 9,000 people attended our 2017 version which netted
                  DESIGN/LAYOUT            difficult, but this is what it takes to make sure our resident pets receive the love and care that     over $100,000 for Angels. This amount funds one of our
                     Jill Trimble,
               smART DIRECTION             they need. Every time there is no volunteer, a staff member has to do these tasks. Our business        full-time shelter veterinarians for a year! New for this year:
                                           model is to try not to pay for labor. This allows us to spend more of the money on the pets.           yet another building! Building #22, which used to be our
                 STAFF WRITERS &
                   CONTRIBUTORS                                                                                                                   former “Man’s World” location, will now have furniture and
                                           The labor shortage goes all the way up the ladder. There are so many more opportunities for
                      Matt Ditchey                                                                                                                other large items. This building can be driven through,
                   Jennifer Falvey         skilled workers and licensed personnel than just a year ago. As a non-profit, Angels for Animals
                       Janet Flynn         cannot pay the salaries and provide the same benefits that private practices do. So...we have a        which provides easier drop-off for patrons and also ease
                      Karen Henry          new medical manager, Jessie Munholand, who is putting in many hours just to ensure that we             of handling for our aging volunteers. We are also changing
                   Robin Helschel                                                                                                                 the drop-off days to Sunday, Monday and Tuesday prior
                      Karen James
                                           have enough staff.
                  Mary Ann Karas                                                                                                                  to the sale. This will allow us “older folk” two days to prepare
                  Sherry Kissinger         Our surgeon, Dr. Achey, took another job at a new facility. The good news is that Dr. Kelly Lewis      for the sale instead of only one. By now you have probably
                 Samantha Lemke            has stepped up and carries the weight of lead vet very well. Dr. Lynn Cooper has come on board
                        Diane Less                                                                                                                noticed the recurring “aged” theme. We need and welcome all
                  Alice Marchione          to help with surgery on a part-time basis. Dr. Mike Sabihi has come on board to help us with           of you young “whipper-snappers” to help with this fun event!
               Shannon McDonald            shelter pet rounds, and we now have Monday Wellness appointments available. Dr. Nokes                  I promise that it is an experience of a lifetime! How all this
                 Jesse Munholand           continues to have Wellness appointments Tuesday through Saturday. He is a valuable asset
                 Cassidy Piskorick                                                                                                                merchandise gets there, and then a week later it is all gone,
                                           who has many fans seeking his incredible wisdom and experience.
                                                                                                                                                  is as close to a miracle as you will ever see. You can WIN by
              HALO MARKETPLACE             We do have a major shortage of registered vet techs. Currently we have only two. We recently           giving us your clean, usable items. Angels for Animals can
               SPONSORSHIP/ADS             met with the Dean and Provost of Eastern Gateway College. We are hoping to get a program               WIN by providing the services to help homeless animals, and
               Call 330-716-0697
                       for pricing.        implemented to train RVTs at Angels once the new “Angel Wing” is built.                                the pets WIN by getting permanent, loving homes. Contact
                                                                                                                                                  Robin at 330-506-0326 to volunteer or for more information.
                      MEMORIALS            If you or anyone you know is interested in making a difference for animals, please contact us.         SEE YOU AT THE SALE !!
               Call 330-502-5352
              Memorials are listed
                                           We need volunteers, managers, RVTs and vets. This need will greatly increase with the building
                   on our web site         of the “Wing.” Speaking of the Wing, our $10 million dollar Capital Campaign which started in
                 under “Tributes”          August of 2015 has reached the tipping point. Thanks to Janet and Jack Collier’s $1 million
                                           dollar gift, we can get started! Phase One is the construction of the entire building shell and the
                                           vet clinic.

                                           We need to raise $4.4 million more to achieve the ultimate dream: a place where every animal           REVERSE RAFFLE UPDATE
                                           can get relief from suffering and every adoptable animal will have a place to be held for fostering    Our recent Reverse Raffle was the best one ever! We sold 250 tickets – that means we sold ALL of
                                           or for the shelter floor. As I have said before, animals are dying every day due to the lack of this   them, for the first time ever! The food was amazing. Jessica and Chris Anderson catered the event
                                           type of help. Please consider a gift today! Everyone can afford to buy at least one square foot        with their friends helping as volunteers. DiRusso Sausage stepped up once again and provided us
                 The Halo ©2018            for $200. We even have a payment plan available. Many naming opportunities in the new Wing             with meatballs. Incredible Edibles provided amazing mini cupcakes for dessert. Many donors
                is printed on 10%
                                           from $500 to $4.4 million still exist!
                   recycled paper.                                                                                                                helped with donations of food and prizes for both the Chinese and Silent auctions. Komara
                                           Permanent, loving homes for all adoptable animals:                                                     Jewelers provided a beautiful bracelet and Adamas donated some beautiful Waterford
                                           that is OUR MAIN GOAL!                                                                                 crystal for the silent auction. Flynn Auto Group donated a Kate Spade Purse, Jewelry and
                                                                                                                                                  Cirque du soleil tickets. Philadelphia Candies, Dave Ditzler, Dillard’s, Carol Righetti, Banner
                                           In love for all animals, especially the unwanted,                                                      Supply, Adamas,, Buck Run Golf Course, Philadelphia Candies and Anthony
                                           Diane 330-502-5352                                                                                     Donofrio also provided some of the baskets for the raffle. The Reverse Raffle is one of our most
                                                                                                                                                  popular fundraisers and it did not disappoint this year!

             mission statement
                                                                                                                                                  in this issue

                                                                                                                                                                                   4                                            9                                         11
             Angels for Animals believes that animals, as living creatures, have
             value beyond economic measure. Our mission is to educate the
             people of our community about pet overpopulation and regular
             veterinary care for pets; cultivate an awareness and responsibility                                                                  Sophie’s Choice:                                Allergies in Pets                         From Fearful to Friend:
             toward the needs of companion animals; provide for the well-being                                                                    The New Angel WIng                              If your pet has allergies,                The importance of foster
             of our community’s animals that are abandoned or otherwise in                                                                        Find out how you can help                       here are a few tips for some relief.      homes in animal sheltering.
             need; and instill respect for and appreciation of all living things.                                                                 make dreams come true!

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ANGEL         Wing – B R E A K I N G             GROUND THIS SUMMER!

                                                                                                                                 CAN DREAMS COME TRUE?                                             access” shelter. We do not turn animals away. Every other
                                                                                                                                 Will Angels for Animals last forever? Yes it will – when Angels   animal facility in our area (including the dog pounds) turns
                                                                                                                                 builds the “Wing”! Our dream is to save the life of every         them away. Then what? Where do they go? The end of some
                                                                                                                                 adoptable pet and to find each one of them a forever home.        road? Mill Creek Park? Meander Reservoir ? You see, this is
                                                                                                                                 Because of our outstanding efforts we get closer every day.       the heartbreaking issue NO ONE wants to face. Just a mere
                                                                                                                                 But to really get this job done we need even more space           28 years ago when Angels for Animals did not exist, the dog
                                                                                                                                 and resources.                                                    pound was just about the only place animals could go. Our
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mahoning County pound also took in cats at that time. Animal
                                                                                                                                 People who are NOT “in the loop” drive by our building every      Charity took cats for a $10 euthanasia fee. The pound killed
                                                                                                                                 day and think, “They have that big building, why would they       dogs and cats on Wednesdays and Fridays...75% of the dogs
                                                                                                                                 need more?” People who ARE in the loop think, “Why can’t          and virtually all of the cats. The ones that were sold, including
                                                                                                                                 they save every animal? They have that                                                   the ones sold for research, were not fixed.
                                                                                                                                 big building.” Yes, it is a big building, but
                                                                                                                                 not big enough to accomplish the really                                                So fast forward to 2018 and 28 years of
                                                                                                                                 big job that we need to do!                                                            work by Angels for Animals: mandatory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        dog pound spays & neuters and
                                                                                                                                 For example, just like what happened                                                   outstanding cat programs. People now
                                                                                                                                 with Sophie, this was also the case with                                               believe that every animal can and should

        Our choice? Sophie. by Diane Less                                                                                        our cats. Over 3,000 were left at our door
                                                                                                                                 in 2017. As I said earlier, we came so
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        be saved. The bad news is: we are not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        there yet! We need more space and a
                                                                                                                                 close to saving all the adoptable ones. But                                            full-service vet clinic to fulfill our dream.
                                       Sophie’s story illustrates just how hard Angels works to save every animal. Last year,    yet again a disease outbreak and lack of
                                       Sophie was brought to the shelter and within three days came down with parvo.             space foiled that action plan. Once our                                                 So please understand: the Angel Wing
                                       This is the most deadly and dreaded disease for dogs. It is a corona virus. This is       inadequate small cat holding areas are                                                  is the answer. Angels has brought our
                                       the same virus that causes Panleukapenia in cats. So we now had the parvo virus in        infected we are done. One answer was to                                                 animal problems to an actual solvable
          Our dream is to save the
                                       our building. Panic and action came into play. Everything that could have been near       euthanize all 40 cats in the holding area,                                              level. We will be able to save every
            life of every adoptable                                                                                              bleach the rooms three times, and then                                                  adoptable animal because of those past
                                       Sophie was bleached....not just once but three times. The general kennel was shut
          pet and to find each one     down – no adoptions for two days - so those dogs were on hold. Our tiny makeshift         start over. This is brutal. Many of those                                               28 years of hard work and help from our
          of them a forever home.      dog holding area went on lock down for 14 days: no dogs in, no dogs out. People           held cats have money invested in them.                                                  community, volunteers and donors. Now
            The Angel Wing is the      wanting to surrender dogs had to foster them or find somewhere else to take them.         They are fixed and waiting to go into foster  Please find it in your heart to send the end is in sight with this expanded
                only way to do this!   Many unfixed animals slipped away from us...regrettably we will pay for that in           homes or onto the adoption floor. They       a donation to the Capital Campaign future facility. Angels will finally have X-ray
                                       the future.                                                                               are our babies. So of course we chose to       for our much needed Angel Wing! and dental capabilities, which will save
                                                                                                                                 save them.                                                                              us the money we currently spend at other
                 Please consider                                                                                                                                                                   clinics for these services! The revenue from the 24-hour vet
                                       Now, what about Sophie? Our choices were euthanasia or treatment. We did not want
          donating to Angel Wing       to put her down, but treating her would be very expensive and time-consuming. It          Once again we had a 14-day lock down                              clinic will support the shelter and keep it open.
           today! You could help       requires intravenous drugs, round-the-clock nursing and, most importantly, a              every time one of the cats succumbed to the panleuk virus.
         make dreams come true!        hospital/ISO area where no other animals would be exposed to her. Because of the          As a result we had no holding space for cats for four weeks!      The expanded spay/neuter facility will extend our circle of love
                                       lack of space we could not treat Sophie at the shelter. Many calls were made, result-     This was devastating for us. What a nightmare. So, how can        to more pounds and shelters, allowing them to adopt out ONLY
                                       ing in prices from $2,500-$5,000 to save her. The decision was made...she is saved!       these nightmares stop? The “Angel Wing”! It will allow us room animals that are fixed. In this way they become part of the
                                       The $2,500 bill was announced on Facebook. While many were sympathetic, only              to function. We will have more isolation space and hospital       answer and not a continuation of the problem of allowing too
                                       $400 was raised for her care. So Bill Bartells, Bill and Janice Shanabarger, Jim Brace,   rooms so that we can save exposed pets and still bring in more! many animals to be born with no homes available for them.
                                       and The Ricky Fund also contributed. The balance of Sophie’s bill must come out of
                                       Angels’ general fund. Just a small amount of thought might tell you that there is no      We are currently handling over 15,000 animals a year! Our         Can a dream come true? I believe it can, but it can become
                                       “money fountain” at Angels. The depletion of those funds means that fewer pets will       work actually outgrew our current space a decade ago. For         a reality so much sooner with the support of the community.
                                       be helped at the end of the line. As you can see, Sophie was a very lucky dog.            example, this was first year that we actually came close to       Please find it in your hearts to send a donation to the Capital
                                                                                                                                 saving every adoptable cat that was abandoned at our door.        Campaign for our much-needed Angel Wing!
                                       In November 2017, Sophie was adopted by Anne Kandray and Alec Higham (Annie’s             For those of you who don’t understand, we are an “open
                                       fianceé). We are over the moon that Sophie has found a forever home. But how can
                                       we save more dogs like Sophie? The answer is the Angel WIng.
4                                                                                                                                                                                                                  5
                                                                                                                                                 Sponsor a square foot for the new
                                                            We’re half way there! Help us build the Angel Wing                                   Angel Wing and multiply the ways
                                                            and we can save every adoptable pet!
                                                                                                                                                 we care for all animals in the future.
                                                            • Increased animal holding space so no animal has to be turned away                  Just fill out the information below and
                                                            • Full-service extended hours veterinary facility, so that all animals can           send it in an envelope addressed to
                                                              get affordable care when they need it – goal to be 24/7                            Angels for Animals, 4750 W. South
                                                            • Increased Spay and Neuter Capacity                                                 Range Road, Canfield, OH 44406.
                                                               - Currently 10,000 per year – goal to be 25,000 per year
                                                            • Additional animal services: grooming, dog obedience, private                       I would like to sponsor _______square feet
                                                              euthanasia rooms, animal chiropractic                                              of Angel Wing @$200 per square foot for a total
                                                                                                                                                 of $_____________.
                                                            Buy a square foot for $200 or ask about the many other naming                                                                                                                 The Feline
                                                            opportunities available! All donors, contributing $200 or more,                      I would like to pay
                                                            will have their name displayed in the new facility. Contact Diane                       now                                                                                   Voucher Project
                                                            (330) 502-5352 or donate at Be sure to                            monthly in payments of $_____________.                                                by Sherry Kissinger
                                                            specify gift is for Angel WIng.
                                                                                                                                                    quarterly in payments of $_____________.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          If you are one of the many supporters that come to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Angels for Animals’ breakfast at Andrews Hall, you
                                                                                                                                                 NAME _________________________________________________________________________________   might not realize you are doing so much more than
      It Takes a Team by Jesse Munholand, Medical Manager                                                                                        ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          just having breakfast. You are saving thousands of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          lives that are not just born to die.
                                                                                                                                                 CITY _______________________________________________STATE________ ZIP________________
                                                                It starts with a hello, add in my name is___and what’s yours, and you are
                                                                on your way to building a relationship. Walking through every department         PHONE ______________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The $15 Feline Voucher Project is not based on
                                                                to show that you are there if needed. Listening and researching as to who                                                                                                 income or on the number of cats you may have.
                                                                                                                                                 EMAIL _______________________________________________________________________________    We just want to help you fix all your cats.
                                                                we are as an organization, how did we get to where we are now, and where
                                                                will we be in the future.                                                           Credit card (info below)            Check (enclosed)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Our mission is to target the towns with high cat drop-
                                                                                                                                                 CREDIT CARD# _____________________________________________________________________       off rates at the shelter and those towns that have cat
                                                              As the new medical manager of Angels for Animals I wanted to be part of
                                                              creating a better environment for employees, volunteers, customers and the         EXPIRES ____________________________
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          overpopulation issues. We go directly to the people of
                                                              animals we care for. I saw an opportunity to open the lines of communication                                                                                                those communities to sell our vouchers. By being an
                                                              with the medical department and the shelter floor. I wanted no divisions.          For checks $100 or more, please make payable to                                          outreach project, we hope to reach as many people as
                                                              Working alongside Cassidy, the kennel manager, we have been able to                The Youngstown Foundation Support Fund and                                               possible that might not otherwise get their cat or cats
                                                              start doing just that. Every area had divisions and groups, from volunteers        5% will be added to the amount of your contribution.                                     fixed or know of the services Angels for Animals offers.
      to specific departments. We desperately needed to repair this and blur the lines of exclusion. To do this I have begun an open door        Indicate Angels for Animals on the memo line.
      policy, where employees can feel comfortable to come to me at any time with ideas, issues, or just stop by and say are         For questions, call 330.502.5352. All donations are                                      As of now we have sold 993 vouchers to various
      you today. Leading by example is the key to achieving anything. I have also implemented a policy where all employees are to look           tax-deductible.                                                                          communities from the start of The Feline Voucher
      anyone they pass in the eyes and greet them. I understand as an introvert myself that this is difficult, but I also know it gets better                                                                                             Project. In the past we have had various fundraisers
      and easier as you do it. A simple hello and smile makes a person feel welcome and at ease.                                                                                                                                          to raise money for our project to reach the amazing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          number of 993 vouchers sold. Our first fundraiser
      Learning how much our volunteers do for us was an eye opener...I couldn’t believe it. So to show my appreciation and be part of                                                                                                     for our project was a spaghetti dinner to-go. At that
      it I began to volunteer. It didn’t feel any different than regular work to me, except for the gratification I got for doing a good deed.                                                                                            time we set a goal to fix 500 cats. Look at what we
      To get others to learn about volunteering we set up a pizza party staff meeting to educate the staff on the volunteers and how our                                                                                                  have done...we are now at 993 vouchers sold and all
      mission is dependent on them and how they can help. As a previous staff member I myself didn’t know anything about volunteering                                                                                                     because of you, our faithful breakfast followers.
      or the aspects of it so I knew we had to do this. Another great way to get into volunteering is getting into the buddy system with
      fellow employees and doing it together, making it more enjoyable. Every employee, volunteer and customer should feel like they                                                                                                      Watch for future breakfasts, our cake auction every
      belong. And it’s sometimes just the simplest of things to make people feel this way. Saying thank you, I appreciate you, how is                                                                                                     March and a dinner to-go from time to time as we set
      everything, can I help? Showing you care by being genuine. Realizing it only takes seconds to lend a hand or an ear. I want to                                                                                                      new goals. Also watch as we reach our new goal of
      have the image that I am not above doing anything no matter what my title is. I am there to help.                                                                                                                                   1,500 vouchers sold...and as we think even bigger
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and go for 2,000 vouchers sold. Just think of the cats
      I continue to learn and work on what I can do to make it a better place. Sometimes we get caught up in the job and don’t realize                                                        Despite fixing over 60,000 cats             fixed and the lives saved!
      how much good we do every single day. You just need that moment to look at that animal and take in the fact that we just saved                                                          since 2006, over 50 cats per
      its life. We can’t do this without a team. All of the components are necessary to accomplish all of the good we do, from the                                                            week are still abandonded at
      veterinarians to the person attending to the animal’s cage. I want to thank everyone, and without you we wouldn’t be able to do it.                                                     Angels. This is why we need
                                                                                                                                                                                              Angel Wing! We want to save
                                                                                                                                                                                              as many cats as we possibly can.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               7
If you have dogs like mine, they tear through expensive toys in
                                                 a just a few short minutes, making it difficult to supply ongoing
                                                 entertainment. My cats love their toys but they either get bored
                                                 of them after a week or so, or the toys end up under the stove or
                                                 refrigerator, remaining hidden for months at a time. Below are
                                                 some low-cost environmental enrichment toys for your pets.
                                                 Be advised, no-mess options are not guaranteed! Please keep
                                                 in mind, pets should always be supervised when enjoying
                                                 their playthings.

                                                 1. Put 1 tsp of dry, uncooked rice into an empty pill bottle.
                                                    Be sure the cap is tightly sealed, perhaps with a touch of glue
                                                    or tape, and let your cat(s) bat it all around the floor.

                             DIY                 2. Get an empty cereal box, put some of your dog’s favorite treats
                   Environmental                    inside, tape it shut, then allow your dog to enjoy ripping it
                                                    to shreds.
                                                 3. Take an old t-shirt or two, cut strips from them around 20
                           by Shannon McDonald      inches long and approximately 3 inches wide. Depending
                                                    on the thickness of the strips, take 9 strips (or more), lay
                                                    them lengthwise together, making a knot at the top to connect
                                                    them. Then, weave them into a braid using an equal number
                                                                                                                             Allergies in Pets by Shannon McDonald
                                                    of strips for each section of the braid. Tie a knot at the bottom
                                                    and you have an inexpensive chew toy. Better yet, cut two
                                                    holes in a tennis ball and place the braid through the ball             Many humans suffer from allergies but pets can have allergies      On the other hand, food allergies are not limited to a particular
                                                    before tying the second knot.                                           too. Allergies are common in all breeds. Flea allergies,           season. Most food allergies will appear by six months of age
                                                                                                                            environmental allergies or food allergies are all possibilities.   but can develop any time during a dog’s lifespan. When my
                                                 4. Does your pet like crinkly noises? Find an old cotton sock,             Indications may include the loss of fur, rashes on the skin,       dog was five months old she would not stop scratching. It
                                                    place an empty plastic water bottle inside it (cap removed),            red smelly ears, watery eyes, nasal drainage, sneezing,            was constant! I tried bathing her and giving her Benadryl but
                                                    tie a knot in the end of the sock and let your dog make                 shaking their head and scratching. For example, some dogs          it did not help. After two weeks of itching, I took her to the
                                                    some noise!                                                             incessantly chew or lick their feet. This could be an allergy or   veterinarian. He diagnosed a food allergy and recommended
                                                                                                                            a fungal infection between their toes. Vomiting, diarrhea, or a    switching her to an all-natural, grain-free food. Her symptoms
                                                 5. Find another sock, use a cardboard tube to fill it with fresh,          decrease in appetite can be signs of a food issue. Continuous      quickly subsided!
                                                    dried catnip, (pack the catnip tightly). Take one plastic grocery       scratching or biting will likely break the skin. A secondary
                                                    bag and stuff it into the sock after the catnip. (The sock should       infection can then develop since dirt and bacteria are being       Many dogs can be allergic to chicken, dairy, beef, eggs, and
                                                    feel flexible after stuffing. If it’s too tight, make the plastic bag   transferred to an open wound. Hot spots can also develop           grains as well as some of the additives found in commercial
                                                    smaller by cutting it.) Tie a knot or use a shoelace to close it        which are areas on the dog’s body that become inflamed due         foods, treats, and flavorings in pet medicines. Be sure to
                                                    about two inches from the top.                                          to ongoing chewing or licking.                                     report everything your dog ingests at a check-up. Cats can
                                                                                                                                                                                               also be allergic to ingredients in their food or litter. This can
                                                 6. Ever notice cats love an empty cardboard box? Take that box             So what to do if you suspect your pet has an allergy? The first    be indicated by constant scratching of their head and neck.
                                                    from a recent delivery and cut some holes in it to make it              course of action is to ensure your pet is not being affected       Buying low dust, unscented litter or trying a
                                                    more interesting.                                                       by parasites. Fleas are never a good experience for your pet       different food might be necessary.
                                                                                                                            but some animals are highly sensitive to flea bites. They can
                                                 7. Place a ping pong ball or a wadded up piece of paper in your            develop flea allergy dermatitis in which they lose their fur.      If an allergy is suspected, your veterinarian may recommend
                                                    empty bathtub and watch as kitty makes you laugh.                       Two to three weeks of itchiness can be caused by just a few        any of the following remedies: fatty acid supplements, an
                                                                                                                            flea bites! Seasonal allergies will present themselves at          over-the-counter antihistamine such as Benadryl, steroids,
                                                 8. Take an old knitted glove with fingers. Attach yarn, ribbons,           specific times of the year. Dogs with a pollen allergy may         regular bathing and/or antibiotics for skin infections. Please
                                                    or strips of fabric from an old shirt to the end of each finger,        scratch their bellies or feet after going outside and being        consult a professional before administering over-the-counter
                                                    making a knot on the inside of each finger so the string won’t          exposed to irritants. Every spring, two of my dogs develop         remedies to be sure you aren’t accidently making the
                                                    pull through. Add bells, feathers, or pom-poms to the end of            round, red patches on their bellies for several weeks but the      situation worse.
                                                    the strings for added interest.                                         spots eventually disappear. My veterinarian advised me this
                                                                                                                            is a seasonal allergy. Since my dogs don’t seem bothered by
                                                 Of course, I often visit the Angels for Animals retail store for           it, no specific treatment is advised.
                                                 low-cost toys and treats because even if they do end up under
                                                 the refrigerator or demolished, you’re supporting a great cause!

8                                                                                                                                                                                                             9
departed angels
                                                                                        Helen Baker Adams        Patty Humphries
                                                                                                Ellen Ahlborn    Paul Jagnow
                                                                                               Walter Amedia     Walter Jones
                                                                                                  Ron Ankney     Helen Kaluczky
                                                                                               Andrew Ashby      Joan Kaluczky
      Behind the Scene                                                                           Rick Bagnoli
                                                                                                Steve Bagnoli
                                                                                                                 Gloria Keever
                                                                                                                 John Kesner

      at Angels’ Front Office
                                                                                         Walter David Baker      Thomas Kidd
                                                                                            Willis Earl Baker    John Koch
                                                                                                Gladys Banks     Thom Krug
      by Robin Helschel                                                                   Bernard Barnhart
                                                                                                   Carol Barth
                                                                                                                 Bern Kuivila
                                                                                                                 Anthony “Tony” Lariccia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   From Fearful to Friend:
      READY! SET! GO! At 12:00 on any given Tuesday, the shelter’s
                                                                                                  Dale Batson
                                                                                                Tarri Batterby
                                                                                                                 David Leedy
                                                                                                                 David Levy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Importance of Foster
      phones start ringing and continue to ring pretty much non stop for
      the rest of the day. Tuesday is our first day of business each week,
                                                                                                 Karin Baxter
                                                                                                 Marion Bean
                                                                                                                 Karen Llewellyn
                                                                                                                 Ronald Marian                                                                                     Homes in Animal Sheltering
                                                                                     Amelia “Toots” Beaver       Stephen McCuskey Jr.
      and the front office get deluged with calls, Wellness customers                           Janet Becker     Rachel McNicholas                                                                                 by Cassidy Pistorick
      coming in, retail customers making their purchases as well as dog                          Mary Benish     Frank McPhee
                                                                                  Robert David Birmingham        Joan Mikulec
      license sales. We receive over 350 calls in the front office every                        Rudy Bodnar      Joan Milstead and
      single day.                                                                            Elizabeth Boggs      the Milstead Family
                                                                                                 Kara Bohach     Robert Abe Morris
                                                                                              William Booker     Joyce Mosholder
      We are always looking for office volunteers that can handle the                       Patricia Bordner     Robert Lee Moyer                 Picture this: your parents wake you up in the morning and              This is why foster homes are such an integral part of animal
      volume of calls in a professional, pleasant and compassionate                                Bruce Bott    Kathy Murberger                  pull you out of your bed. They put you in the car and start            shelters. Foster homes allow fearful animals to enjoy the
                                                                                               Frankie Brock     Tom Neiheisel
      manner. Calls range from general information about the shelter,                      Darlene Bruderly      Sandra Neveu                     driving. You’re going for a car ride. You’re not sure where            comforts of a home while they are waiting for someone to
      pricing for animal spays and neuters and Wellness services, as well                     Margaret Bruni     John Newill                      you’re going, but it doesn’t matter; you’re with your parents          choose them to be a part of their family. I personally have
      as inquiries about renting our beautiful Andrews Hall for an event.                Charles Brunswick       Roger “Rocky” Nold               and it’s okay. Little do you know that this is the last ride you’ll    taken behaviorally compromised animals into my home to
                                                                                               Denise Bryson     Lisa Null
      It’s a very fast-paced setting, with each call bringing someone in                       Theresa Buck      Gloria Ogram                     ever take with them.                                                   give them a chance to relax and decompress. My most recent
      need of help for their animal, questions about our animals up for                           Charlie Cain   Margaret Orlando                                                                                                               example is a beagle mix, Pierogi.
      adoption, or referrals for outside services, such as dog training.                 Kathleen Campbell       Robert Parilick
                                                                                                Judy Cartmell    Jospeh Patasce Jr.
                                                                                                                                                  Suddenly, you arrive at a new build-
                                                                                          William Cartwright     Mary Margaret “Marcie” Patchen   ing. You’ve never seen this place                                                            Pierogi came to Angels in January
      If you like to keep busy and are interested in educating the general                    Janice Cassidy     Betty Patterson                  before, but it’s scary. There are a lot                                                      2018. While he did not show any
                                                                                          Ronald Chambers        Heather Pennell
      public on animal advocacy and care, our front office may the place                        Shirley Chase    William Pennell                  of others around who are scared and                                                          signs of aggression in his kennel, he
      for you! To volunteer, simply fill out a volunteer form and come to                Margaret Colundjia      Raymond Perrino                  stressed out. It’s loud and you can’t                                                        was extremely shy and shut down.
      one of our monthly orientations. We could use the extra help!                        Kay Duke Currier      Mary Peshek                      hear yourself think. Your parents                                                            When he was taken out of his kennel,
                                                                                          Michael Czarneski      Elizabeth Davies Powers
                                                                                                Mitzi D’Alesio   Mary Jo Pritchett                hand you over to a stranger and                                                              he would stand with his tail tucked,
                                                                             James and Rose Marie D’Eramo        Louise Ritter                    they leave. You’re scared and you’re                                                         trembling and flinching any time he
                                                                                           Delores Dicesare      Abby Rosan
                                                                                       Joseph Martin Dorko       Mary Ross                        not sure if they’re coming back.                                                             was touched. He was not a good
                                                                                              James Douglas      Mark Sams                        Nobody here speaks your language                                                             candidate for the adoption floor, so I
                                                                                                   June Dunn     Carole Sharkey                   and you’re not sure what’s going on.                                                         took him home that night.
                                                                                             Madeline Dunn       Tim Shauer
                                                                                           Richard Ellashek      Metrechia Soper                  You’ve never been away from your
                                                                                        Elanor Bogan Evans       James Springer                   home before and you don’t know how                                                           At my home he was still shy. He would
                                                                                                 Sandy Ewing     Jeffrey Stephens
                                                                                             Dolores Falgiani    Mary Jane Stevens
                                                                                                                                                  you should act. You’re depressed and                                                         stand in the corner and watch me
                                                                                                   Robert Fay    Lucille Stevenson                you just shut down.                          Foster homes allow fearful animals to           do whatever I was doing with his tail
                                                                                                  Anne Flood     Dolores Marie Sullivan                                                         enjoy the comforts of a home while             tucked. If I approached him, he would
                                                                                              Dr. John Fusco     Elizabeth Swansiger
                                                                                                Martha Gagyi     Marie Sweetko                    This is the unfortunate reality for the     they are waiting for someone to choose           dart. After a few days of settling in,
                                                                                                 Donna Gallik    Randy Taylor                     millions of animals surrendered to             them to be a part of their family.            everything changed. He was suddenly
                                                                                                Jean Gardner     Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Tel           shelters each year. Many animals are                                                         greeting me at the door and cuddling
                                                                                             Ersilia Garritano   Gerda Thomas
                                                                                           James D. George       Lisa J. Thomas                   able to settle into this new environment, but some are not.        with me at night. All he needed was to be out of the stressful
                                                                                                Roberta Gray     Sarah Jane Thomas                Some do not know how to handle the change in environment           shelter environment.
                                                                                                   Terri Green   Elaine Topfer
                                                                                               John Grich Jr.    Patrick Trimble
                                                                                                                                                  and just shut down behaviorally. In their home, they may have
                                                                                          Richard Guerriero      Rodney VanMeter                  been affectionate and cuddly; in the shelter they hide in the      Angels is always looking for new foster families to help dogs
                                                                                               Elinor Halliday   Lynn VanSuch                     back of their kennel with their tail tucked and flinch when        and cats like Pierogi. If you want to help animals but aren’t
                                                                                Jean Hammar Lois Haworth         Debra Vitale
                                                                                             Bambi Helmick       Carolyn Wagner                   they are touched. Potential adopters never get to see their        quite ready to commit to adopting or are just looking to help
                                                                                       H. Thomas Hoffman         Vesta Walizer                    true nature because they are so fearful in the shelter             a dog or cat in need, consider becoming a foster parent.
                                                                                            John R. Horning      Mary Wallerick                   environment.                                                       Sometimes all an animal needs is a little love.
                                                                                                      Pat Huff   Dawna Weyman
                                                                                         Samuel Huffstetler      Vicki Masters Woody
                                                                                                 Paul Hughes     Ed Yavorsky

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11
How Dog’s Speak – Understanding the Canine
      Communication System
      by Jennifer Falvey

      Did you know our dogs can talk? Well, not in the way humans          Shifting Ears Back – Displayed when stressed or overstimulated
      do, but they do have a complex language system that consists         Rapid or slow blinking of the eyes – Done when a dog is
      of postures and signals. They are actually quite communicative       stressed or threatened and means “give me space.”
      and talk to us (and other dogs) regularly. They tell us when
      they are happy, frightened, stressed, or just need a break. If       Paw Raise – This is an appeasement signal. It can mean the
      we knew how to read them, many behavior issues could be              dog is trying to be peaceful, but it can also mean the dog
      rectified. Dogs are conflict-resolving animals that attempt to       is unsure.
      keep interactions peaceful, but when their signals are ignored       Rolling over on their back to expose their belly – This is one
      and space isn’t given, problems can arise.                           to watch. When a dog rolls over, it doesn’t always mean they
                                                                           want petted. If a dog rolls over and engages you by wiggling
      Dogs have become an intricate part of our lives, and we              and seeking attention, it’s usually ok to pet them. If a dog rolls
      depend on them to help cheer us up, make us laugh, motivate          over and pulls their front paws back to their body, turns their
      us to get healthy and even perform tasks to make our lives           head and tucks their tail, back off. They don’t want petted.
      easier. Our lives are quite intertwined. Isn’t it amazing that       They are showing deference behavior and want space.
      although we don’t speak the same language, we are still able
      to co-exist?
                                                                                                                                                Caring for a New Puppy or Kitten
                                                                           A quick note about a dog’s tail. A wagging tail doesn’t always
                                                                                                                                                by Shannon McDonald
                                                                           mean they are happy. Think of it this way. A tail that wags at
      As dogs become more involved in the human world, more                the level or slightly lower of where it sticks out from your dog’s
      challenges arise. As a trainer, I encounter these challenges         body is “neutral and engaging.” As it gets lower, the dog may        With the advent of spring, new family members often arrive          Fourth, designate quiet places in the home for your pet.
      daily. Dogs doing things we don’t like or owners not under-          be unsure. Tucked tail = fear. If the tail wags higher than the      in the form of a puppy or kitten. A new pet brings plenty of        This can be a crate or pet beds placed in various locations.
      standing their dog’s behaviors or how to help them. When             level point, that is arousal (which could just be play). As the      excitement and joy to a home. Knowing the ways to care for          Cats tend to enjoy safe places that are elevated. Many people
      you peel the layers back, I often find it is a dog attempting to     tail wags higher, the dog is going on alert, and as the tail gets    them will support a long and healthy life.                          only get out their pet’s carrier when it’s time for a stressful
      communicate something and becoming frustrated because                to the highest point, it means back off.                                                                                                 trip to the vet, but leaving the carrier accessible at all times
      their human doesn’t understand them. Can you imagine if you                                                                               The first step is to establish a place for veterinary care. A       encourages them to think of it as a comforting and familiar
      were trying to tell someone to back off repeatedly, but they just    If you see your dog offer a signal, don’t panic. They signal a       check-up after adoption ensures they are getting the neces-         place. Safe spaces allow your new friend a place to refresh
      didn’t listen? Think of how frustrating this could be, especially    lot. But when you see your dog displaying 3 or 4 signals back        sary preventive care. It also gives you an option if your pet has   for the next round of playtime.
      on a daily basis.                                                    to back, change your dog’s environment by giving them space          an unexpected emergency. Many veterinarian offices will only
                                                                           (redirect them or move them away). But signals should be             provide emergency services to established clients.                  Fifth, puppy or kitten-proof your home. New kittens will climb
      As you learn about your dog and their language, your                 taken in context. Their language is complicated and some-                                                                                on everything. (Think curtains, bedspreads.) New puppies
      relationship can only improve. You will have the amazing             times signals are used for multiple reasons.                         The second aspect to consider is proper care of your pet’s          will chew the things you love. (Think shoes, furniture.) As my
      ability to understand HOW your dog is feeling. These signals                                                                              coat and nails. Regular grooming enhances your bond with            friend once laughingly said, “Puppies are no joke!” Eventually
      give us the opportunity to truly communicate with them.              When dogs display multiple signals, pay attention and help           them and keeps them feeling their best. Depending on the            they outgrow this phase and settle into their adult personalities,
      There are over 30 documented cut-off signals (a.k.a “calming         them. If another dog sees this, they will often adhere and give      type of coat, weekly brushing and occasional bathing may be         but until then, supervision is key. Remove houseplants that
      signals”), but let’s review just a few common ones to help you       the dog space, preventing that dog from reacting. Just think if      all that’s required. In some instances, professional grooming       are harmful for cats to eat and small objects that puppies can
      better understand your dog.                                          humans knew to do this. How many bites would be prevented?           may be recommended.                                                 swallow and choke on. Hide wires that may be tempting
                                                                           Most dogs warn before a reaction or a bite. We just don’t know                                                                           to chew.
      Lip licking – When dogs are stressed, they will lick their lips as   what to look for.                                                    And don’t forget about their feet! Kittens will usually learn to
      a way to let you know they are nervous and may need space.                                                                                take care of their nails via scratching posts but dogs typically    Sixth, proper nutrition is an important consideration. Kittens
      Yawning – Dogs yawn when tired but more often yawn when              Now that you’ve learned a little about the complex world of a        require regular trims. Ask your veterinarian or groomer about       and puppies typically need food with more fat and protein
      stressed or overstimulated. They use it as signal to ask for         dog’s language system, pay attention to your dog. It’s amazing       the safest ways to trim nails. While they are young, be sure to     so purchase products designed specifically for them. Lastly,
      space and communicate peaceful interactions.                         what you will see!                                                   regularly touch their feet by gently massaging their paws.          many people are unaware that one litter box, plus one extra,
      Averting Eyes – Direct eye contact is threatening to dogs                                                                                 This will make future nail trims less stressful!                    is recommended for each cat. Therefore, one kitten requires
                                                                              Jenny Falvey, CPDT-KA, Fear Free Certified Trainer
      so they will avoid this to keep interactions peaceful                   Owner, Dogsmartz Unleashed, LLC                                                                                                       two litter boxes, three cats require four litter boxes. Kittens
      and avoid threats. Please don’t stare your dog down!                                                  Third, socialize your pet. Create safe opportunities for enjoy-     also might need one with a lower side until they mature.
      When highly stressed, your dog may display “whale eye”                                                                                    able interactions with other animals and people. Introduce          Ideally, place the boxes in different areas of the home. Follow
      in which you will see the whites of their eyes.                                                                                           them to new experiences with toys and walks.                        these suggestions and you will be well on your way to properly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    caring for your new puppy or kitten!

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  13
Angels appreciates donations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            of any of the following items:
         featured adoptables                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CAT ITEMS:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - kitten canned food
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - cat treats
         This spring, give a new life to a shelter dog or cat                                                                                                                                                                                               - cat toys
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - cat trees
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - scoopable litter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - Feliway pheromone
                                                                                                                                                                                                    HUNTER Look at that handsome boy! Sweet                   plug-ins + refills
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - turbo scratcher
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hunter came to Angels for Animals as a stray              replacements (#60105
                                                                                                                                                                                                    in March 2018. He is estimated to be around               from PetSmart or WalMart)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    one year old. He is a very shy boy who is un-           DOG ITEMS:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - canned dog food
                                                                                                                                                                                                    sure about strangers. He may back away and                (Pedigree preferred)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    try to hide from you at first but once he gets          - Busy-bones treats
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to know you, you will be his best friend! He is         - dog toys (large, hard rubber
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              or rope toys, nylabones)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    a big love bug who wants nothing more than              - Martingale collars
                                                                                                                                                                                                    affection. He gets along well with his canine           MEDICAL:
                                                                                                                                                                                                    friends here at the shelter but should meet             - peroxide
                                                                                                                                                                                                    new dogs one on one to ensure they get                  - isopropyl alcohol 70%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - alcohol wipes
                                                                                                                                                                                                    along. Come meet Hunter today!                          - distilled water
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - gauze
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            OFFICE SUPPLIES;
                                                                                                                                                 JOSEPHINE Sweet Josephine had a rough
         RAUL Looking for a new running part- MOOSE Have you ever seen such a BENITO Do you have an empty spot on                                                                                                                                           - Bic ballpoint pens
                                                                                                                                                 start to life. One and a half year old Josephine                                                           - postage stamps
         ner? How about someone to play fetch in      sweet face? Handsome Moose is a            the end of your bed? A clear sunny spot                                                                                                                    - copy paper
                                                                                                                                                 was brought to Angels for Animals from a
         the backyard? Need a friend with just as     4-year-old American bulldog mix who        on the carpet? A windowsill to sit on?                                                                                                                     - clear, three-hole sheet
                                                                                                                                                 hoarding situation with over fifty other cats                                                                protectors
         much energy as you? Raul is your man!        came to Angels as a stray in December      Five-year-old Benito would love to help
                                                                                                                                                 in February 2018. She is seeking a new                                                                     - manila folders (letter size)
         Raul is a 9-month-old Labrador retriev-      2017. Don’t let his size fool you, Moose   you fill those! This handsome cat has lots                                                                                                                 - Pendaflex folders (letter size)
                                                                                                                                                 home where she can get all of the love and
         er mix. He is young and has TONS of          is just a big puppy! He has a high en-     of personality. He will be the first to greet                                                                                                              - scotch tape for dispensers
                                                                                                                                                 attention she deserves. She is a tiny girl who                                                             - empty ink jet/laser jet
         energy to spare. This smart boy is eager     ergy level and loves to play. Tug-o-war    you at the door when you arrive home
                                                                                                                                                 loves attention from her favorite people.                                                                    cartridges (for recycling)
         to learn new tricks and already knows        is his favorite game and he will always    and rub against your legs to show you                                                                                                                      - batteries (9-volt, AA & AAA)
                                                                                                                                                 She would love to cuddle up next to you
         ‘sit’! Because he is still young, he has     bring you toys to play with him. After     his appreciation. Benito is not a fan of                                                                                                                   - duck, packing, masking
                                                                                                                                                 on the couch. Josephine gets along well                                                                      tapes
         not yet learned his manners and would        play time, he’d love to cuddle up next     the other felines in the shelter and would
                                                                                                                                                 with her feline friends here at the shelter                                                                - lint rollers
         benefit from attending training classes to   to you (or on your lap) on the couch.      like to be the only cat in your life. He’s
                                                                                                                                                 and would benefit from being in a home                                                                     MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES:
         ensure he grows up to be a true gentle-      This smart boy already knows “sit,”        looking for a home to call his own where                                                                                                                   - bleach (concentrated)
                                                                                                                                                 with other cats. Come meet Josephine today!
         man. He is not a fan of other canines        “down,” and is working on “leave it”!      he can be the King of the household.                                                                                                                       - paper towels
         and would love to be the only furry friend   Moose is interested in meeting other       Come meet Benito today!                                                                                                                                    - Dawn dishwashing soap
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - ziploc plastic bags (quart &
         in your life. Come meet Raul today!          canine friends but should go to a home                                                                                                        CLEM Five year old Clem is as handsome                    gallon sizes)
                                                      without cats. Come meet Moose today!                                                                                                          as they come. He was brought to Angels for              - trash bags (13, 33 & 55
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Animals as a stray in February 2018. He has             - towels (bath size)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    a cataract in one of his eyes, but it does not          MISCELLANEOUS:
         For adoption information                                                          BEATTY Who could resist that sweet face?
                                                                                                                                                                                                    bother him at all. He loves affection and will          - gift certificates (pet stores,
         call 330-549-1111                                                                 Beautiful four-year-old Beatty is looking for a                                                                                                                    office supplies, Sam’s Club)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    purr and rub against you all day long! He
                                                                                           forever home of her own. She is an affection-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    gets along with the other cats at the shelter
         Cassidy Piskorick,                                                                ate girl who loves attention from her favorite
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and would do just fine in a home with other
         Manager, ext. 121                                                                 people. She can be shy at first but will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                    felines. After a life outside, he is eager to find
                                                                                           rubbing against you and purring once she
                                                                                                                                                                                                    a new home where he can be free from the
                                                                                           warms up! She can get stressed out easily and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    cold forever. Come meet Clem today!
                                                                                           would do best in a home with no children as
                                                                                           they make her nervous. Beatty seems to get
                                                                                           along with her feline friends here at the shel-
                                                                                           ter, but will take some time to warm up to any
                                                                                           cats in your home. Come meet Beatty today!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               giving tree
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               wish list

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         15
The Honda Store

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  We specialize in weddings                   

                                                                       The   Honda Store
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  10% Discount on Wine Case Sales
                                                                                                                                John Mylonas
                                                                                                                                Sales Associate, REALTOR
                                                                        448 Boardman-Canfield Road
         North Lima Pizza                                                   Boardman, Ohio 44512
         11681 South Ave.
                                                                                330-726-2300                                    Office: (330) 702-8400                                                            Chalet Premier
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Beer, Wine & Liquor
                                                                                                                                                               Real Estate         Mortgage   Title   Insurance
                                                                                                                                Cell: (330)-540-3317
         North Lima, OH 44452
         (330) 549-9859                                                                                                         4374 Boardman-Canfield Road
                                                                                                                                Boardman, OH 44406
                                                                                                                                #1 Real Estate Company in PA, OH, WV and NY                                         10000 Market Street • North Lima, OH 44452 • 330.549.5228

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     GROUP CLASSES
      Angels welcomes you to its                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PRIVATE TRAINING
                                                                                                                                                                                     James Plizga                                                    DROP OFF AND TRAIN
      Wellness Clinics                                                                                                                                                                   President
                                                                                                                                                                                  P: 440.382.3047
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Now offering limited classes
      with Dr. Richard Nokes                                                                                                                                                                                    at Angels for Animals

                                                                                                                                                                   Invisible Fence of Eastern Ohio                                                   1591 E Western Reserve Road
                                                                                                                                                                           3833 Mahoning Avenue
      Richard Nokes, DVM                                                                                                                                                    Youngstown, OH 44515                                                     Poland, OH 44514
      Wellness Scheduling:                                                                                                                                                        P: 330-797-9800                                                    Satellite location in Hermitage PA
      330-549-5634                                                                                                                                                                                           330-707-4160
      Cell: 330-221-6214                                                 4290 State Route 7 • New Waterford, Ohio 44445                                                                                            Rescue dogs receive 10% off!
      Email:                                             330-457-2354 •

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            David R. Rek

                          ANGELS FOR ANIMALS                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Owner/Operator
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (330) 545-4244

                          PET GROOMING                                 52 Continental Drive
                                                                                                                                                                     7955 Market Street
                          SERVICES                                     Salem, Ohio 44460
                                                                                                                                                                     Youngstown, Ohio 44512
                                                                                                                                                                     330-726-8181                                                                 Rek’s Auto Body L. L. C.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Where quality is no accident
                          Available Only by Appointment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         28 High Street

                          Call Today! 330-549-1111                                                                                                                                                                      Girard, Ohio 44420
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Fax: (330) 545-0234

                 Professional • Humane Service
                                                                                         Dr. Donald K. Allen
                 24 HOUR SERVICE AVAILABLE                                               Veterinarian, Inc.                                                                                                            YOUNGSTOWN OXYGEN
                                                                                         Dogs, Cats, Birds, Reptiles, Exotics                                                                                            & WELDING SUPPLY
          Raccoon • Skunk • Squirrel • Chipmunk
            Moles • Cats • Bats • Birds • Snakes                                         330-782-7333                                                                                                                    2208 Hubbard Road • Youngstown, OH 44505
         Beaver • Muskrat • Woodchuck • Opossum                                          Hours by Appointment                                                                                                                     Mon. – Fri. 8-5., Sat. 8-1
                                                                                                                                         330-505-2000 •
      Brian Adkins     Cell 330-720-7176     State Licensed, Insured                     4501 Market Street, Boardman, OH                    Located at I80 and Route 46                                                  phone at 330.744.0271 • fax at 330.744.8233

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     17
Beaver Creek Wildlife
             Education Center
             Echo Dell Rd., Beaver Creek State Park                                            Gem-Young Insurance &                                                                                                                                                                              Promote
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               your business
             Featuring educational wildlife programs, stunning indoor exhibits,                Financial Services, Inc.                                                                                                                                                                          with an ad
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in the
             live animals, hands-on fun for children, library, wildlife viewing room
             Tours and Programs for Schools and Organizations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   marketplace
             ANNUAL WINE-TASTING FUND-RAISER EVENT                                          Kill the crisis – not the animal!                                                                                                                                                                     and help
           FOR THE OPENING OF THE NORTH AMERICAN ROOM                                         Please spay or neuter your pets.                                                                                                                                                                animals in need.
                       Saturday, April 28, 2017, 6:30-8:30
             Call Karen for reservation details 330-932-0908
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Advertise for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                3 consecutive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  issues and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   receive a
                                                                                                                                     PAINTED SIGNS                                                                                                                                              10% discount
                                                                                                                                     HAND CARVED SIGNS
                                                                                                                                     SAND BLASTED SIGNS
                                                                                                                                     DIMENSIONAL LETTERING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              7413 Tiffany South                                  Contact:
                                                                                                                                     VINYL LETTERING
                                                                                                                                     GOLD LEAF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Boardman, Ohio 44514                                Janet Flynn
                                                                                                                                     PET PORTRAITS                                                                                                                                             330-716-0697
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      330.726.0895                                   E-mail:
                                                                                                                                                                  Centerstage Concert Productions                                                                                              halo@angelsfor
                                                                                                                                     Diane Less & Bill Baird
                                                                                                                                     Owners & Artisans
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Open Daily                       
                                                                                                                                                                        Poland, Ohio | 330-501-5232
                                                                                       Spotted Horse
                                                                                                                                     6385 State Route 165
                                                                                                                                                                        Rick, Daniela and Daniel Csernik
                                                                                                                                     Greenford, OH 44422

                                                                                                                                                               Visit our CREMATION STATION for a full line of retail items, jewelry, keychains, urns, plaques and more, to commemorate a departed pet.


                                                                                                                                                                   “No heaven will not ever Heaven be;
     21 East Railroad Street
     Columbiana, Ohio 44408
                                                                                                                                                                   Unless my pets are there to welcome me.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~ Anonymous                       Cremation w/no return of cremains, $60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Standard Cremation, $90

                                                                                                                                                                   The Cecil Crematory                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cremains returned in blue velvet pouch.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Gift certificate towards an animal adoption
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           for $20 also included.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  for loved pets
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Private Cremation, $175
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Cremains returned in a blue velvet pouch and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           a $20 Angels gift certificate toward an animal

                                                                                             Andrews Hall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           adoption is included. Clay paw print and hair
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           clipping also provided.
                                                                                                    A great place for your next event                                                                                                                      *please add $1 to prices for every pound over 40 lbs.
     16070 State Route 170
     Calcutta, Ohio 43920                                                              Newly Renovated • Seats up to 160 • Full Kitchen Facilities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Please call Diane anytime to schedule
     330-385-9100                                                                              Full Bar Area • Hourly Rental Available
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           an appointment at 330-502-5352.
                                                                                                  330-549-1111, ext. 326
                                                                                             4750 State Route 165, Canfield, OH

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            19
Cat & Dog Viewing
                                            Tues. Noon - 6pm
                                            Wed. Noon - 6pm
                                            Thurs. Noon - 6pm
                                            Fri. Noon - 8pm
                                            Sat. 10am - 4pm
                                            Sun. CLOSED
4750 State Route 165                        Mon. CLOSED
Canfield, OH 44406
330.549.1111                                Spaying and Neutering                    Weekdays by appointment.
                                            Call 330-549-5634 to
                                            schedule or book online

               Garag e S a l e  Angels’ 24th annual gigantic

                                             APRIL AT THE CANFIELD FAIRGROUNDS
                                            20, 21, 22

                           FRI: early bird 9 AM - NOON $10
                                                                       GREAT BUYS, FOOD, BASKET & 50/50 RAFFLE
                           WRISTBAND on sale at 7 AM
                           FRI: NOON - 5 PM $2
                           SAT: 10 AM - 5 PM $2
                                                                       Bring your donations Sun.-Tues.!
                           SUN: 10 AM - 3 PM FREE                      APRIL 15, 16, 17 FROM 10 AM-7 PM
                           EVERYTHING 50% OFF
                           SUN: 3:15-5 PM,
                                                                       AT CANFIELD FAIRGROUNDS
                           all you can take $10                        CALL 330.549.1111 X146 FOR DONATION PICKUP
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