Spatio-Temporal Interest Points for Video Analysis

Page created by Gordon Hale
Spatio-Temporal Interest Points for Video Analysis
CHI 2009 ~ Student Research Competition                                                                           April 4-9, 2009 ~ Boston, MA, USA

                                                         Spatio-Temporal Interest Points for
                                                         Video Analysis
                           Ramsin Khoshabeh                   James D. Hollan            Introduction
                           University of California           University of California   Researchers from many disciplines are taking
                           San Diego, USA                     San Diego, USA             advantage of increasingly accessible digital video
                               recording and storage facilities to assemble extensive
                                                                                         collections of real world activity data, making activity
                                                                                         an object of scientific scrutiny in ways never before
                                                                                         possible. The ability to record and share such data has
                                                                                         created a critical moment in the practice of behavioral
                                                                                         research as well as an unprecedented opportunity to
                            In this paper, we discuss the potential for effective
                                                                                         advance human-centered computing.
                            representations of video data to aid analysis of large
                            datasets of video clips and describe a prototype
                                                                                         A key obstacle to fully capitalizing on this opportunity is
                            developed to explore the use of spatio-temporal
                                                                                         the huge time investment required for analysis using
                            interest points for action recognition. Our focus is on
                                                                                         current methods. There are myriad important research
                            ways that computation can assist analysis.
                                                                                         questions to be addressed. Questions include, for
                                                                                         example, how to more effectively browse large video
                                                                                         collections, search for specific content of interest, and
                            Video Analysis, Video Coding, Spatio-Temporal Interest
                                                                                         index the video data for future reference.
                            Points, Action Recognition, Sparse Action Shapes

                                                                                         Many current approaches, especially video streaming
                            ACM Classification Keywords
                                                                                         websites, try to avoid having to deal with the
                            I2.10. Artificial Intelligence: Vision and Scene
                                                                                         complexity of the medium by tagging clips with text
                            Understanding: Video Analysis.
                                                                                         labels. However, simple tagging discards the rich
                                                                                         content of the video and creates the added burden of
                                                                                         labeling. While analysis of general video data has for
                           Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).                     the most part been ignored, significant advances have
                           CHI 2009, April 4–9, 2009, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.        been made in research with static images. Image
                           ACM 978-1-60558-247-4/09/04.                                  processing techniques have been developed for a vast
                                                                                         array of tasks from object detection and tracking to

Spatio-Temporal Interest Points for Video Analysis
CHI 2009 ~ Student Research Competition                                                                         April 4-9, 2009 ~ Boston, MA, USA

                            content-based image retrieval. Similar attention has yet    human analyst, many constraints typically imposed on
                            to be devoted to spatio-temporal data contained in          performance can be relaxed since the goal is not
                            videos. The majority of video processing techniques,        necessarily to have 100% accuracy but to take
                            particularly in action recognition, either use detection-   advantage of algorithms that can assist analysis.
                            based tracking or motion-based clustering. In the
                            former, objects are detected in individual frames and       We present a prototype to demonstrate the viability of
                            tracked over time, while, in the latter, clusters of        spatio-temporal interest points for video analysis.
                            motion flow fields are used to extract action content.      Taking advantage of their sparse representation of
                                                                                        video data, we represent actions as a set of co-
                            More recently, researchers [2, 5, 8, 11] have exploited     occurring STIPs. Given an action selected by a user
                            interest-point-detection algorithms, such as the Harris     over space and time, we are able to retrieve similar
                            Corner Detector, to extract features of images that are     actions without having to train a classifier. In doing
                            fairly robust and useful for object representation. By      this, we hope to motivate exploration of a novel way to
                            extending the two-dimensional representations, spatio-      represent video inspired by state-of-the-art STIP
                            temporal interest point (STIP) detectors provide            approaches. Our contribution is the direct application of
                            impressive action classification in complicated scenes.     spatio-temporal interest points for cooperative human-
                                                                                        computer video analysis. Humans identify initial actions
                            Currently video analysts spend considerable time            of particular interest while the machine retrieves similar
                            manually browsing through video while attempting to         actions from the video dataset. We also formalize the
                            understand real-world behavior. One way that                notion of a sparse action shape for action recognition.
                            technology can help overcome the analysis bottleneck        This novel representation readily permits human
                            for rich video data is for designers of tools to accept     interaction by allowing a user to easily identify an
                            that it is a manual job and support the craftwork of        action for the system to analyze.
                            analysis by hand. Still, no matter how powerful these
                            facilities are, they can only ease the craftwork process.   Related Work
                            Throughput is always going to be no more than a             In 2005 Laptev [5] formalized space-time interest
                            dribble. Automation of segmenting, labeling, and            points. Building from work on the Harris Detector for
                            synchronizing has the potential to fundamentally            the extraction of corners in images, he was able to
                            accelerate the process.                                     derive a 3-dimensional detector that locates corners in
                                                                                        space-time. Intuitively, this corresponds to a corner in
                            Recent work on action recognition has promise to assist     an image that changes direction over time. Later,
                            with coding of video data. Current work focuses on          Laptev et al. [6] demonstrated how this detector could
                            improving the video processing techniques for               be used to learn realistic human actions. Dollár et al.
                            particular datasets. Typically a classification framework   [2] took a slightly different approach by first computing
                            trained on many instances of an action to be recognized     a response function over smoothed versions of video
                            (e.g., walking or boxing) is constructed. To assist a       frames. Cuboids, or cubic windows, were then

CHI 2009 ~ Student Research Competition                                                                          April 4-9, 2009 ~ Boston, MA, USA

                            extracted at local maxima of this response function and     facial expressions, color videos, black and white videos,
                            actions were represented as a collection of cuboids.        low-resolution videos, and noisy videos to name just a
                            Wong and Cipolla [11] presented an alternative              few). This makes the problem extremely difficult.
                            approach using global information. They used non-           Furthermore, it is rarely the case that many instances
                            negative matrix factorization to extract motion             of the same exact action can be gathered to train a
                            components in the video and then computed STIPs             classifier, especially if the classifier is required to be
                            based on a difference-of-Gaussians approach. All three      useful for analysis of just a single video. Current
                            approaches showed promising results for using STIPs to      methodologies do not provide adequate solutions.
                            classify a predetermined set of actions in videos. In
                            fact, Niebles et al. [8] showed that STIPs could be used    We conjecture that if video could be represented in a
                            in a generative probabilistic model framework to learn a    general way, similar to how Lowe’s Scale-Invariant
                            set of complex human actions.                               Feature Transform (SIFT) [7] compactly and robustly
                                                                                        represents image features, then problems with video
                            Goldman et al. [3] explored the usage of image              analysis could be simplified.
                            processing techniques to aid common tasks in video
                            analysis, such as annotation and navigation. Using          We have developed a prototype that first extracts
                            particle videos [10] (point trajectories based on optical   spatio-temporal interest points from an entire video.
                            flow fields), they tracked the motion of particles          We then manually select an action in space-time,
                            throughout the frames of a video. This enabled a user       consisting of a small number of STIPs and then
                            to navigate a video by directly dragging an object in the   exhaustively compare this point collection with the rest
                            scene (and consequently the cluster of particles            of the video to identify actions with a similar set. Action
                            associated with it). Furthermore, users could annotate      windows are assigned a distance score and we retrieve
                            an object with a tag that would remain associated with      the k closest matches.
                            it over space and time. This research is an interesting
                            example of how the processing power of computers can        Interest Point Extraction
                            be combined with human analysis skills to simplify          We compute spatio-temporal interest points following
                            complex tasks. However, it relied mainly on processing      the method described by Laptev in [5]. In one sense,
                            performed on individual images. We believe that there       this can be seen as a form of dimensionality reduction,
                            is great potential to do similar tasks and more by          but it is more than that because actions are actually
                            levering spatio-temporal interest points for analysis.      correlated to corners in space and time. This equates to
                                                                                        a spatial corner changing direction over time. We use
                            Approach                                                    the Laptev detector to illustrate that there is promise
                            The main difficulty with analyzing video is the high-       for sparse representations of video. Others, [e.g. 8],
                            dimensional complexity of the data. Adding to this is       have mentioned that the Laptev detector is too sparse
                            the fact that real-world videos come in all “shapes and     for complex action detection, but the reduction of the
                            sizes” (people walking, people dancing, animals eating,     space is to our advantage when datasets become large.

CHI 2009 ~ Student Research Competition                                                                             April 4-9, 2009 ~ Boston, MA, USA

                            Sparse Action Shapes                                         Action Recognition
                            The descriptors generated by the Laptev detector             Once the sparse action shape has been extracted from
                            produce 162-dimensional vectors. Much in the same            the user selected region of space and time, it is
                            spirit as a “bag-of-words” representation, we group the      exhaustively compared with shapes formed by placing
                            generated vectors using k-Means clustering to fashion a      an equally sized window over all other STIPs in the
                            word vocabulary. Each of the cluster nodes represents        video not overlapping with the current action. This
                            a different “word” so that every action consists of a        could be generalized by looking at multi-scale windows
                            unique group of these words. However, in contrast to         to account for zooming or actions performed faster or
                            [8] and numerous others, our approach is not to              slower but would increase computational time.
                            generate these words to create a codebook for
                            modeling a handful of predetermined of actions.              To compare two shapes, we use Procrustes Analysis [4,
                            Instead, we make no assumptions about the possible           9]. Procrustes analysis performs a linear transformation
                            actions in a video to allow for any arbitrary action to be   of the points in one shape to best fit them with the
                            identified. We use the clustering to discretize the space    points in another. The criterion for the goodness-of-fit
                            of the STIP descriptors. Rather than being an element        is the sum of the squared distances between the
                            of a 162-dimensional space, each interest point takes        aligned sets of points. The lower this dissimilarity
                            on an integer value in the range [1,k].                      measure is between a set of sparse action shapes, the
                                                                                         more likely it is that they represent the same action.
                            We assume that we have enough information to
                            identify an action using the relative spatio-temporal
                            locations and discretized values of its constituent STIPs.
                            So for a given space-time window containing an action,
                            we create what we call the sparse action shape. A
                            sparse action shape is simply the shape formed by
                            linking the 4-D points, {x, y, t, v}, associated with
                            each STIP in the action, where x, y, and t are the
                            space-time location of the interest point and v is the
                            cluster label (word) assigned to it. This differs from [1]
                            where action shapes are defined as the complex
                            silhouettes of foreground objects after the background
                            has been removed. Our sparse representation permits
                            using shape analysis to compare thousands of action
                            shapes without heavy performance bottlenecks.

                                                                                         Figure 1. Top: A pointing action selected. Bottom: Showing 5
                                                                                         selected frames of the ~1 sec. long action from start to finish.

CHI 2009 ~ Student Research Competition                                                                           April 4-9, 2009 ~ Boston, MA, USA

                            Fig. 1 shows an illustration of an exemplar action being
                            selected from a clip of two people studying over a
                            tabletop. Using this query action, we compute the
                            Procrustes analysis for the other STIPs found in the
                            video. Fig. 2 shows the dissimilarity measure for this
                            sparse action shape with all other shapes. A score
                            closer to zero means a better match. We select the five
                            closest matches and retrieve the corresponding actions.
                            Fig. 3 illustrates 5 snapshots of each of these actions.

                            From the given example, we show that we are able to
                            retrieve arbitrary actions using spatio-temporal interest
                            points. We accomplished this without having to perform
                            rigorous training of a classifier or having to predefine
                                                                                        Figure 2. Dissimilarity measure between query action and all
                            actions of interest.                                        STIP shapes.

                            However, inspecting the results reveals that, while the
                            majority of the actions retrieved had a hand moving
                            through the scene, it was not necessarily a pointing
                            action being performed. One possible explanation could
                            be that because the Laptev detector identifies space-
                            time corners, it located many places similar to the input
                            query of a finger coming to a stop. Nonetheless, the
                            results could still be highly beneficial to an individual
                            analyzing the video, possibly suggesting additional
                            meaningful actions. A possible reason why the 4th result
                            was returned may be that the curved red figure elicited
                            a similar detector response as that of the fingertip
                            when moving through the scene. We want to
                            emphasize that the purpose of this prototype was to
                            motivate work in exploring better descriptors for
                            representing videos.
                                                                                        Figure 3. The 5 actions (hand movement) with highest
                                                                                        response. Each row represents a single action over time.

CHI 2009 ~ Student Research Competition                                                                       April 4-9, 2009 ~ Boston, MA, USA

                            Implications                                              References
                            We have already mentioned how HCI could benefit from      [1] Blank, M., Gorelick, L., Shechtman, E., Irani, M.,
                            interfaces that combine learning systems with the user    and Basri, R. Actions as Space-Time Shapes. In Proc.
                                                                                      ICCV, 2005.
                            for cooperative tasks of video analysis. STIPs could
                            readily lend themselves to this. Furthermore, a robust    [2] Dollár, P., Rabaud, V., Cottrell, G., and Belongie,
                                                                                      S. Behavior Recognition via Sparse Spatio-Temporal
                            representation of video data could lead to videos
                                                                                      Features. In Proc. ICCV VS-PETS, 2005.
                            becoming easier to search and compare with one
                            another. This might allow users to search for videos      [3] Goldman, D.B., Gonterman, C., Curless, B.,
                                                                                      Salesin, D., and Seitz, S.M. Video Object Annotation,
                            based upon their content and thus speed navigation
                                                                                      Navigation, and Composition. In Proc. UIST, 2008.
                            and aid analysis.
                                                                                      [4] Gower, J.C. Generalized Procrustes analysis.
                                                                                      Psychometrika, vol.40, pp.33–51, 1975.
                            Conclusions and Future Work
                            We have shown that STIP detectors present a novel         [5] Laptev, I. On Space-Time Interest Points.
                                                                                      International Journal of Computer Vision, 64(2/3),
                            approach to the general problem of video analysis.
                                                                                      pp.107-123, 2005.
                            Current STIP detectors are largely based on intuitions
                                                                                      [6] Laptev, I., Marszałek, M., Schmid, C., and
                            derived from 2D image detectors designed to work on a
                                                                                      Rozenfeld, B. Learning realistic human actions from
                            highly specialized problem. We intend to continue to      movies. In Proc. CVPR 2008.
                            explore general STIPs and what we see as the exciting
                                                                                      [7] Lowe., D.G. Distinctive Image Features from Scale-
                            ability to exploit the inherent structure of space-time
                                                                                      Invariant Keypoints. International Journal of Computer
                            data.                                                     Vision, 60(2), pp.91–110, 2004.
                                                                                      [8] Niebles, J.C., Wang, H., and Fei-Fei, L.
                            We are also developing a video analysis interface that    Unsupervised learning of human action categories using
                            will take advantage of the strengths of spatio-temporal   spatio-temporal words. In Proc. BMVC, 2006.
                            interest points. We plan to continue exploiting users’    [9] Rohlf, J. and Slice, D.E. Extensions of the
                            abilities to provide input in an adaptive machine-        Procrustes method for the optimal superimposition of
                            learning environment that involves online learning and    landmarks. Syst. Zool., vol.39, pp.40–59, 1990.
                            relevance feedback architectures.                         [10] Sand, P. and Teller, S. Particle video: Long-range
                                                                                      motion estimation using point trajectories. In Proc.
                            Acknowledgements                                          CVPR, 2006.
                            The authors would like to thank the members of the        [11] Wong, S.F. and Cipolla, R. Extracting
                            Distributed Cognition and Human-Computer Interaction      spatiotemporal interest points using global information.
                            lab for their continued support. This work is funded by   In Proc. ICCV, 2007.
                            NSF Grant #0729013 and a UCSD Chancellor’s                [12] Wong, S.F., Kim, T.K., and Cipolla, R. Learning
                            Interdisciplinary Grant.                                  motion categories using both semantic and structural
                                                                                      information. In Proc. CVPR, 2007.

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