Spring 2021 - Society of the First Infantry Division

Page created by Mitchell Garner
Spring 2021 - Society of the First Infantry Division
Spring 2021

                   A   P U B LI CAT I O N   O F   T H E   S O C I E T Y   O F   T H E   F I RS T   I N FA N T RY   D I V I S I O N


Carol Stream, IL
Permit No. 6080
     PAID                                                                                                                           Wheaton, IL 60189
  U.S. Postage                                                                                                                      1s151 Winfield Rd.
                                                                                                             First Division Museum at Cantigny Park
Spring 2021 - Society of the First Infantry Division
Spring 2021, #1; ISSN 1092-4892
                           Copyright © 2021 All rights reserved.
            The Bridgehead Sentinel is published in accordance with the terms of
             the 1957 agreement between the Society of the First Infantry Division
                         and the Cantigny First Division Foundation.

                  ADDRESS CHANGES AND DUES
            Please send DUES and ADDRESS CHANGES to:
               Society of the First Infantry Division
                             PO Box 2307
                         Fort Riley, KS 66442

         Society HQ Mailing Address:                 Administrative Staff:
           Society of the                              Quartermaster
           First Infantry Division                     sfidqm@gmail.com
           PO Box 2307                               Phone:
           Fort Riley, KS 66442                        785.579.6761 (KS)
           http://www.1stID.org                        785.579.6762 (Fax)
         President:                                    855.236.7076 (Toll Free)
           Ron Watts
         Executive Director:
           Phyllis Fitzgerald

           Bridgehead Mailing Address:             Staff: Dave Blake
             Bridgehead Sentinel                          Jeff Reiter
             c/o First Division Museum at Cantigny
             1s151 Winfield Road                   E-Mail:
             Wheaton, IL 60189-3353                  dblake@fdmuseum.org
                                 EDITORIAL POLICY
    The purpose of the Bridgehead Sentinel is to serve the needs of the Society and the
interests of its members by:
    -Disseminating information from the Society to its members;
    -Publishing articles and items of interest to Society members;
    -Promoting the history and heritage of the Big Red One.
    The Bridgehead Sentinel staff reserves the right to edit all articles for length,
grammar, and content.
    The Bridgehead Sentinel does not publish material relating to political issues or
campaigns, paid advertisements or solicitations, or material that may be considered
defamatory or libelous.
    All stories, photos and other items sent to the Bridgehead Sentinel will be automat-
ically considered for donation to the First Division Museum in Wheaton, Illinois, unless
otherwise requested.
Spring 2021 - Society of the First Infantry Division
In This Issue
                     Update from Society President............. 4
                                                                                                Black Scarf Battalion Poem.............. 13
                     Update from the Executive Director..... 5
                                                                                                Gene Ramey, WWII Veteran.............. 13

                     Annual Reunion Update........................ 9
                                                                                                Operation Desert Storm Timeline.... 20
                     Local Society Chapter Updates.............. 10-11
                                                                                                KLIK Radio in Vietnam.................... 21

                     2021 Raffle Tickets............................... 12

                     Growing our Membership.................... 17

                     Membership Form................................ 18

                     1st Division Monument Update............ 19

                     BRO Soldiers Volunteering................... 22

                     Foundation News.................................. 22-23

                     Quartermaster...................................... 28-29

                     Letter from the CG....................................6-7

                     Keeping up with the 1st Division..............7

                     1st CAB Assumes Command......................7

                     Nuremberg Trials Exhibit........................ 30-31

                     Upcoming Virtual Events......................... 31

                                                                                 A U.S. First Division Artilleryman in the doorway of his bombproof
                                                                                 shelter utilizes a few peaceful moments in writing to the folks at
                                                                                 home. March 7,1918.

Spring 2021                                                                                                                                           3
Spring 2021 - Society of the First Infantry Division
Society News

                                       Letter from the President
                                       By LTG (Ret.) Ron Watts

    A blessed 2021 to all Society      financial needs, to include           COVID crisis, reorganized the        plan to make our 2022 Society
members and your families!             donating fifty-two (52) $50 Fort      management team, and found           Reunion in Fort Worth a memora-
    May I also offer a special         Riley Commissary gift certificates    new sources of revenue. Most         ble experience. I encourage you
salute for a job well done to all of   to soldiers that needed assistance    importantly, we continued to have    to reach out to Phyllis Fitzgerald
our Desert Storm BRO Veter-            during the 2020 holiday season.       members who love this Society        with your ideas as we make plans
ans, as this year marks the 30th           One of the Society’s most         and 1st Division, proven by their    for a great reunion in Texas!
anniversary of the start and end of    successful programs is the will-      generous tax-deductible donations        Our Washington DC Monu-
“The 100-hour War.” All military       ingness of our members to donate      to help others.                      ment initiative to add the 631
that served with the Big Red One       funds to purchase Society annual          I encourage you to support       names of BRO soldiers lost in
in Desert Storm demonstrated           memberships for BRO active-duty       our initiative to increase the       post-911 operations is once again
courage and professionalism            soldiers. One of our members          number of Society Chapters           moving forward. Congress has
under extreme environmental            donated $3,000 to purchase            around the country. See details      approved the “First Act” autho-
combat conditions. Like those          memberships. This is a great way      on the Society website and in this   rizing revisions to the Monument
who served in other conflicts, they    of getting young soldiers, who        issue of the Bridgehead Sentinel.    base and addition of the names.
clearly lived up to our motto: “No     might not otherwise join, inter-          Congratulations to MG D.A.       The National Park Service is
Mission Too Difficult, No Sacrifice    ested in the Society.                 Sims, our Commanding General,        now reviewing our proposed
Too Great, Duty First!”                    Phyllis and I developed a set     on the initiative to honor BRO       modifications. Once approved,
    I thank all of you for your        of strategic goals for 2021 that      Medal of Honor recipients by         we will proceed to requesting
support in making 2020 a               will focus our limited resources.     renaming selected streets on Fort    construction bids. We estimate
financial success as we were           These goals are: 1. Increase          Riley. More information is inside    the need for $400,000 to make
able balance our operating             membership among 1st Division         this edition of BHS.                 the necessary modifications and
budget, and place $50,000 in           veterans of post-911 service;             I regretted having to cancel     currently have about $250,000 on
the Society Investment Account.        2. Information Operations that        our 2021 reunion in Albu-            hand. Your donations are greatly
Your memberships and dona-             keep our members informed and         querque. My earlier email to         appreciated.
tions, combined with the Society       reminded of significant dates in      you provided our rationale. In           I look forward to working with
staff’s excellent work in recruiting   Division history; 3. Support for      summary, I would not take the        you as we continue to support
corporate sponsors and reducing        our members; and 4. Support for       risk of our members developing       Society objectives.
operating costs, made this possi-      the Active Division.                  COVID while in attendance. While
ble. Your Society also supported           I am optimistic about the         vaccinations continue to rise, the
active-duty soldiers’ emergency        Society’s future. We endured the      risk outweighed the benefits. We

Keep Your Contact                          We value our members and
                                       want to make sure that we keep
                                       in touch with you. It is especially
                                                                                Please contact us with any
                                                                             changes in your status as soon as
                                                                             possible so that we can update
                                                                                                                  How to contact us:
                                                                                                                  Society of the 1st Infantry Division
                                                                                                                  P.O. Box 2307
Info Up-to-Date!                       important that we have your
                                       current address, phone number
                                                                             your member profile.                 Fort Riley, KS 66442
                                       and email address. If anything                                             785-579-6761
                                       changes, let us know!
4                                                                                                                               Bridgehead Sentinel
Spring 2021 - Society of the First Infantry Division
Letter from the Executive Director
                                                       By CW3 (Ret) Phyllis Fitzgerald
                                                       Left: Phyllis Fitzgerald during her deployment to Operation Desert
                                                       Storm with the 1st Infantry Division.

    Greetings everyone!               families as needed. We also were       for emails that will come from         ients. Streets will be renamed
    I hope this letter finds you      able to donate to family resource      the addresses admin@1stid.org          for each one of them. I spoke
well and staying healthy. I was       groups in support of events for        and sfid1919@gmail.com. Our            with some of our members who
hoping to meet many of you this       Soldiers and their families.           website (www.1stid.org) is a           served with several of our Medal
year in person but with Covid-19          You will see in the magazine       good resource for staying current      of Honor recipients. The stories
it was not possible. However, I do    that local chapters are still being    with the Society, Quartermaster,       that they shared are very powerful
enjoy meeting you on the phone,       formed. We recently had one            Scholarships, Monument, and            and a part of our history we must
through email and letters, and on     stand up in Chattanooga, Tenn. If      much more.                             never forget.
social media.                         you want to get involved in a local        Let’s talk about 2021. General          Planning for our 2022 in Fort
    To our Desert Storm Veter-        chapter and there isn’t one avail-     Watts and I developed a set of         Worth is in the works. I welcome
ans, thank you, job well done         able, we will work with you to get     Strategic Goals to guide our activi-   your ideas and thoughts as we put
and welcome home. It is hard          one started. Thank you to all who      ties throughout the year.              it all together. “Things are bigger
to believe it has been 30 years       have volunteered to lead this effort       We started this year off           in Texas,” the saying goes, so let’s
since the start and end of Desert     in your community. Chapters are a      with our “First Vehicle Raffle”        make our next gathering the best
Storm. Our Division was led           way to stay connected, reconnect       (Jeep Raffle), to raise funds for      one ever.
under the superb leadership of        and meet others.                       the Society. The response and               We were all happy to learn
General Thomas Rhame. He is a             Our membership continues           support from of our members was        that efforts to add the names of
great leader and someone that         to hold steady. Thank you to our       phenomenal. The plan is to have a      631 BRO Soldiers lost in post-911
my husband and I respect deeply.      members who have sponsored             vehicle raffle every spring.           operations will have their names
The Division accomplished the         Active-Duty Soldiers, bringing             Even though the reunion is         added to our Lady Victory Monu-
mission and we returned home to       them into the Society.                 cancelled, we will have a live         ment in Washington, DC. Thank
our children and families safely.         Every day we continue to           virtual raffle ticket drawing and      you to all those who have worked
    Despite the pandemic, 2020        update our membership database.        awarding of the plaques to the         diligently to make this happen.
was a great year for the Society.     Constant maintenance is required       Non-Commissioned Officer and           Donations are still needed for this
We were able to raise money           because we want to stay in touch       Soldier of the Year for 2021 on        project; please visit the Society’s
through raffles, Match Day fund-      with you! Thanks to everyone           Saturday, July 31, at Noon (Central    website for a link and more
raising, and we received dona-        who returned the data sheet with       time) from Society Headquarters        details.
tions from the generosity of our      corrected contact information.         on Fort Riley.                              I hope you enjoy this issue of
members. We provided commis-              Communication is import-               This year is the Big Red One       the Bridgehead Sentinel. I enjoy
sary gift cards during the holiday    ant in keeping our members             “Year of Honor,” an initiative by 1    your phone calls, letters and
season to the 1st Infantry Division   up to date. I communicate with         ID Commanding General MG D.A.          emails, and feel honored to be
and Fort Riley Chaplain’s office to   email regularly. Please check          Sims to honor the 37 1st Infantry      your executive director.
be distributed to the Soldiers and    your spam/junk folders often           Division Medal of Honor recip-

Spring 2021                                                                                                                                           5
Spring 2021 - Society of the First Infantry Division
Active Duty

                                                        Letter from the CG
U.S. Army Photo

                                                        by MG Douglas A. Sims

                      My name is Sims, and I am         Division stronger as individuals      their perspectives and reinforced     Artillery and the Division Head-
                  a Big Red One Soldier, proudly        and teams. To do this, we take        leadership lessons on the field of    quarters were outstanding in a
                  serving among the most capable,       time each month to focus effort       play. In April, a phenomenal panel    recent Warfighter Exercise and
                  cohesive, and ready men and           on resilience, building the team,     of Americans who work with            helped III Corps soundly defeat
                  women in the United States Army.      and fostering better connections      Veterans, the homeless, the food      the “Donovians.” At the same
                  Saying (or writing) that never        between Soldiers and Leaders,         insecure, and COVID patients,         time, the 1st Sustainment Brigade
                  gets old and reminds me of the        Soldiers and Soldiers, and with       brought their views of living lives   has been on the move and scat-
                  honor of being in the 1st Infantry    our Families. I firmly believe that   of honor under the umbrella of        tered around the globe, operating
                  Division and the legacy of which I    when we are completely in the         Virtue. Through the Big Red One       in the Middle East and back at
                  am humbled to be a part. Serving      game, we will shoot better, move      Year of Honor, we are increasing      home. As to the latter locale, the
                  alongside these amazing Ameri-        better, and communicate better.       individual character, commemo-        Sustainment Brigade’s continual
                  cans makes me proud to put on         People Always...All Else Follows.     rating the extraordinary Medal of     support to COVID operations has
                  the uniform each day.                      Supporting VICTORY WELL-         Honor recipients, and celebrat-       been nothing short of superb.
                      I am surprised how quickly        NESS is our current initiative,       ing the history of our Division.      If you’ve seen significant mili-
                  the time has passed since my last     the Big Red One Year of Honor.        Incredible.                           tary support to civilian COVID
                  note to the Society. As I enter my    This is a year-long effort to             All the while, YOUR Division      operations in the news, it’s a good
                  ninth month in command, it’s          commemorate our 37 Medal of           continues to provide operational      bet the men and women of the
                  amazing how much the Division         Honor recipients through monthly      readiness and capability to the       Sustainment Brigade were there
                  has accomplished and how              ceremonies, leadership panels,        country. On April 1, the 1st          setting up and enabling opera-
                  impactful OUR people are to the       and memorialization of streets on     Combat Aviation Brigade assumed       tions.
                  nation.                               the installation. Each month has      responsibility for aviation               Speaking of COVID support,
                      With a clear understanding        a different theme: Valor, Victory     operations in Europe. They’ll be      I’m typing this note as Division
                  that we are a better fighting force   or Virtue. Based on the theme,        there for nine months, providing      CSM Ray Harris and I are en route
                  when our people are operating         we assemble a panel of men and        U.S. Army Europe with critical        to visit our Soldiers providing
                  at 100% and working in concert        women, military and civilian, to      support of operations across the      vaccination support in Miami,
                  with one another, our number          discuss living lives of honor from    continent. In July, we will send      Florida. There are currently two
                  one priority is OPERATION             that perspective. We were fired up    1st Brigade and a portion of the      Task Forces from 2nd Brigade
                  VICTORY WELLNESS. This is a           to kick things off in February with   Division Headquarters to join         conducting vaccinations in Texas
                  comprehensive and enduring            SSG (Ret) David Bellavia, our only    them. 1st Brigade will assume         and Florida. By the time our
                  operation to make every Soldier,      living Medal of Honor awardee         the rotational brigade mission in     Soldiers return they will have
                  Civilian and Family member on         who set the tone for the year. He     Central Europe and the Division       administered nearly 1 million
                  Fort Riley more resilient and         was simply superb. In March,          Forward will provide command          shots to American citizens. We
                  better connected to one another.      a Victory month, we had six           and control of the USAREUR effort     were able to visit the team in
                  VICTORY WELLNESS is making            coaches from the NFL and NCAA         in the same area of operations.
                  the men and women of the              Division 1 programs who gave us           Back at home, our Division                Continued on next page...

                  6                                                                                                                               Bridgehead Sentinel
Spring 2021 - Society of the First Infantry Division
Letter from the CG
...Continued from previous page.                                              Keeping up with the 1st Division
Dallas and were blown away by          home in the United States, the
the effort the 2nd Brigade Soldiers    men and women of today’s 1st           Headquarters (REDEPLOYED)
are providing and the response         Infantry Division are creating            A portion of the DHHB will join the 1st ABCT on a rotational
of the people they are supporting.     history and enhancing the legacy       mission in Central Europe in July.
Emotions have been high and            you helped create. CSM Harris
appreciation immense, and it’s not     and I are incredibly proud to wear     1st Armored Brigade Combat Team (REDEPLOYED)
possible to see the Big Red One        the same patch and to lead these
                                                                                 The 1st Brigade will assume the rotational brigade mission in
on the shoulders of our men and        Soldiers, NCOs, and officers and
                                                                              Central Europe in July.
women without getting fired up.        to be connected to each of you.
    As was the case when YOU               All the best from Fort Riley!
                                                                              2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team (REDEPLOYED)
supported our country in Europe,       Duty First! People Always...All Else
in Vietnam, in the Gulf War, in        Follows!                                   On October 10, 2020, soldiers from the 2nd ABCT, 1st ID
Iraq and Afghanistan, or back at                                              returned home to Fort Riley after a very successful nine month
                                                                              rotation to the Republic of Korea.

                                                                              1st Combat Aviation Brigade (DEPLOYED)
1st Combat Aviation                                                               On April 1, the 1st Combat Aviation Brigade assumed respon-
                                                                              sibility for aviation operations in Europe.
Brigade Assumes Authority                                                     1st Division Sustainment Brigade (REDEPLOYED)
By CPT Billy Lacroix, 1st Combat Aviation Brigade                                 The 1st Division Sustainment Brigade Special Troops Battalion
                                                                              uncased their colors in Afghanistan in February 2019 in support
                                                                              of Operations Resolute Support and Freedom's Sentinel. In
                                                                              November 2019, the 1st ID Sustainment Brigade redeployed back
                                                                              from Fort Riley.

                                                                              Division Artillery (REDEPLOYED)
                                                                                  Since the 1st Infantry Divi­sion Artillery stood up in late 2015,
                                                                              there has been an emphasis on the importance of partnership.
                                                                              The Division Artillery continues to train alongside Division
                                                                              elements as well as outside units.

    After a nine-month rotation,       brigade will now support Oper-
the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade      ation Atlantic Resolve operations
has officially transferred authority   throughout Eastern Europe, with
over to the 1st Combat Aviation        most of the brigade's troops and
Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, on     helicopters based in Germany,
April 1, 2021, at Storck Barracks.     Latvia, Romania, and Poland.
    The 1st Combat Aviation

Spring 2021                                                                                                                                           7
Spring 2021 - Society of the First Infantry Division
Fellow members, please use this membership form to approach businesses
in your community to join the Society as a corporate member!

                                        SOCIETY OF THE 1ST INFANTRY DIVISION
                                             P.O. Box 2307, Fort Riley, KS 66442
                                          Phone: (785) 579-6761 Fax: (785) 209-3022
                                      sfidkansas@gmail.com Web: www.1stID.org
                                   BUSINESS APPLICATION/RENEWAL
                                                                                                    DATE: ______________

 TITLE: _______________ NAME: ____________________ _______ _________________________________ ________________
 (RANK OR MR./MRS./MS.)              (FIRST)                 (MI)                 (LAST)                     (SR./JR/II/III etc.)

 NAME OF BUSINESS: ________________________________________________________________________

 WEB PAGE ADDRESS: www.________________________________________WILL BE LINKED ON OUR WEBSITE

 ________________________________________________________           _______________________________
               (STREET)                                                     (SUITE#/APARTMENT#)

 ____________________________________________           ____________      _________________________-_______________
               (CITY)                                    (STATE)                            (ZIP CODE +4)

 PHONE: (____ _____ ____) ____ ____ ____ - ____ ____ ____ _____                   EMAIL: ______________________________

                                      Benefits of a Business Membership are:
        •   Your business name, address &phone featured in the business supporter link on our webpage
        •   You will be listed as a supporter in the Bridgehead Sentinel magazine emailed 3 times a year and
            available year-round on our webpage: www.1stid.org
        •   An e-subscription to the Bridgehead Sentinel
        •   Certificate of Membership suitable for framing
        •   A window decal signifying your support

                                          Annual Membership Fee: $200
 I would like to make an additional tax deductible contribution of $_________ Beyond my regular dues.

 I would like to become a CENTURY CLUB member with a donation of $_______($100 minimum) to the BRO
 Support Fund which is used to assist Active Duty Soldiers in need.
            Century Club members will be recognized in the Bridgehead Sentinel throughout the year.

            The Society of the 1st Infantry division is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
                       All donations are tax deductible as provided by law.


 PLEASE CHARGE MY (CIRCLE ONE)                  VISA      MASTERCARD               AMERICAN EXPRESS                       DISCOVER

 CARD # ____________________________________________________ EXP DATE _____/_____                                    CVC ______
                                                                                              (MONTH) (YEAR)      (Code on back of card)
 SIGNATURE ___________________________________________________________
                   Return this form and your check. If paying by credit card you may fax this form to (785) 209-3022
Spring 2021 - Society of the First Infantry Division
Society News

BRO REUNION UPDATE: 2021 Reunion Canceled, 2022 in Fort Worth, TX
    Mark your calendars for           our best and biggest reunion of       www.1stid.org where informa-        in Reunion 2022. You can always
Reunion 2022 in Fort Worth, July      Society members ever! We look         tion will be shared regarding the   call our office at 785-579-6761
20-24 at the Hilton Fort Worth.       forward to meeting everyone in        reunion and various other topics.   or email sfidkansas@gmail.com if
Since we’ve been unable to gather     Texas, where everything is bigger.        In the meantime, we need your   you have any questions or ideas.
since 2019, let’s make 2022              Visit our website periodically     ideas on what should be included

Staff Sergeant Arnold “Ray” Lambert
November 26, 1920 – April 9, 2021
    Ray Lambert passed on April 9     sionalism, volunteering his time to
at age 100. He enlisted in the U.S.   inform current era soldiers of his
Army in 1940, and was assigned        experiences and lessons learned.
to the 1st Infantry Division’s 16th       In June 2019, Ray was
Infantry at Fort Benning, GA. A       recognized by former President
combat medic, Ray participated in     Donald Trump during a D-Day
three amphibious assault landings     75th anniversary ceremony at the
with the 16th Infantry (North         American Cemetery overlooking
Africa, Sicily and Omaha Beach),      Omaha Beach.
and was seriously wounded on              Ray’s memoir, “Every Man
D-Day in Normandy.                    a Hero,” was published shortly
    Ray was a Purple Heart and        before the anniversary events in
Silver Star recipient; a Distin-      France.                               Above: Ray Lambert speaking at the Memorial Service during the
guished Member of the 16th                A native of Alabama, Ray          2019 Big Red One Reunion in Baltimore, Maryland.
Infantry; and a Life Member of the    Lambert died at his home in
Society of the First Infantry Divi-   Seven Lakes, North Carolina. He is
sion. He was an icon in the U.S.      survived by his wife, Barbara, and
Army and the epitome of profes-       daughter, Linda McInerney.

Spring 2021                                                                                                                                   9
Spring 2021 - Society of the First Infantry Division
Society News

Local Society of the 1st Infantry Division Chapters
    The effort to form/startup        out to us recently regarding           enjoyed learning more about         or call us (785-579-6761) at
local chapters continue. Currently    starting up a chapter in the Los       some of the chapters.               Society Headquarters; or you can
there are eight (8) local chapters    Angeles area.                              The Society is available to     email sfidkansas@gmail.com
in the states of Indiana, Kansas,         Hopefully, most chapters will      assist in getting the chapters          We salute our members that
New York, New Mexico, and             be able to meet in person soon,        going. We help by reaching out to   have offered to get a chapter going
New Jersey, Ohio, Tennessee,          but in the meantime, zoom, email       our members and advising them       in their community.
and Wisconsin. Thank you to           and phone calls are possible           that a chapter is being formed          Chapters with POC informa-
Mike Holden from Chattanooga,         solutions.                             in their area, along with point     tion are listed below and on our
Tennessee for volunteering to get         The BHS allocates space for        of contact information. If you      webpage: 1stid.org/chapters.
a chapter going in his community      local chapters to share updates.       are interested in getting a local
recently. A member has reached        This past Fall 2020 readers            chapter going in your area, email

Local Chapter Updates
East Central Indiana Chapter               I am disappointed that we are     Wisconsin Chapter. If you live in   Society of the 1st Infantry
POC: James Allen                      not having our annual Reunion          the Wisconsin area and want to      Division South Eastern
Jallen5749@gmail.com                  this year here in my hometown          learn more about the Chapter,       Ohio Chapter
Phone: 765-969-7977                   of Albuquerque. However, I do          please reach out to Jeff.           POC: Mike DeBolt
    Update from James: Currently,     understand the situation and, of                                           1infdivseo@gmail.com
I am the only member. Anyone          course, your health and safety do      Junction City Kansas Chapter        Office Address: 1434 Linden Ave
in the East Indiana/West Ohio         come first. If any members are         POC: Phyllis Fitzgerald: Email:     Zanesville, OH 43701
area who is interested in joining,    in the New Mexico area, please         sfid1919@gmail.com                  740-252-1485
please email or call to learn more.   contact me and perhaps we can          785-579-6761                            The Ohio Chapter is planning
                                      all still get together at American                                         to have a golf outing on July 17th
The Albuquerque/                      Legion Post 49 for dinner and          Western New York, SSG David         at Jaycee’s Golf Course, Zanesville,
Sante Fe Chapter                      some drinks. I will buy the first      Bellavia Medal of Honor             Ohio 43701. This golf outing is
POC: Manuel Alzaga                    round!                                 Chapter, Society of the First       supporting the “Save A Warrior”
manuelalzagajr@gmail.com                   In closing, I would like to say   Infantry Division                   (SAW) program: saveawarrior.org.
505-270-4068                          how humbled I am to represent          POC: John B. Long
    Update from Manuel: I hope        the 1st Division and all the fine      marinawoolcock54@gmail.com
that you, your family, and your       members that we serve past and         716-877-6818
friends are all in good health        present. Please be in touch
and in good spirits as we enter            .                                 New York/Fort Dix Branch of
the spring season. Speaking of        Wisconsin Society of the               the Society of the First Infan-
springtime, some of you may           1st Infantry Division Chapter          try Division.
remember the high winds and           POC: Jeff Anderson                     POC: Antonio Maria
tornados that we experienced at       jeffoakvalleyfarm@gmail.com --         black_lions66@yahoo.com
Ft. Riley during the spring months.   608-381-3791                           973-477-9360
Ahh, the memories of being blown           Update from Jeff: He is happy
away on Custer Hill or of chasing     to be assisting in getting a chapter
your headgear down a dirt road at     going in his area. He has not
Camp Forsyth.                         received any inquiries about a

10                                                                                                                             Bridgehead Sentinel
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Society of the 1st Infantry
Division Chapter
POC: Mike Holden, C/2/16th
Infantry Rangers, Vietnam '68-'69.                                                                             Pictured: The Order of
mikec216@comcast.net                                                                                           Saint Maurice Medallion
863-370-2519                                                                                                   was presented to SSG Holden
    Update from Mike: As a                                                                                     (center) by LTC Benny R. (Ray)
new chapter in Chattanooga,                                                                                    Adkins, NIA LM 1007 (right) and
we currently are establishing                                                                                  MG William B. (Bill) Raines, U.S.
our group and recruiting new                                                                                   Army Retired (left).
members. We are working on
getting a Cobra pilot's Silver Star
upgraded to the Medal of Honor.
If you have BRO friends that
served and live in the Chattanooga
area please let them know that we

Executive Director's Recent Highlights
    What a year we had! Please                                                                                   we raised $17,474. This will
allow me to share with you a few       • We supported the 1st Infantry     • Conducted community events          become an annual event with
things that the Society of the First     Division, units, Soldiers, and      and made several videos for         the match day held on Veterans
Infantry Division accomplished in        family members throughout the       MWR and ACS about the Society       Day each year.
2020 and so far in 2021.                 year in many ways! Our support      of The First Infantry Division.
                                         included donations to Oper-         The videos were then shared on    • Currently we have 18 Corporate
• Member Database Scrub.                 ation Santa Claus, MWR and          social media.                       Sponsors and 29 Business Part-
  Letters were sent to over 9,000        Fort Riley 10-mile Run, Holiday                                         ners. Their generous support of
  members and we received back           Decorating Contest decorations    • I have been on our local radio,     the Society assists us daily.
  over 2,000 forms that have             for Barracks, Unit Headquar-        online news (jcpost) and in our
  been checked/updated with              ters, and housing event, 101        local newspapers talking about    • New chapters of the Society
  our database. We continue to           Brigade Support Battalion           the Society and our members.        are being formed in communi-
  receive database letter updates        (BSB), Family Resource Group                                            ties around the country. Each
  from our members                       Holiday Tree (for dependent       • Our membership numbers are          chapter determines how to
.                                        children) and cookie snacks         rising thanks to many of our        conduct meetings, in person or
• The Bridgehead Sentinel maga-          for Soldiers. We also sponsored     members sponsoring Soldiers.        online.
  zine (published 3 times yearly)        New Spouse Tours and orien-         Donations received so far have
  went electronic and may now            tation for our local community,     allowed over 500 active-duty          Look for some exciting new
  be found on our website.               and Commissary Gift Cards           Soldiers to join the Society.     things in 2021. And remember,
                                         in the months of November                                             please keep me posted with your
• We used social media to get            and December for the Fort         • Society was a part of the Armed   current address, phone number
  word out about the Society and         Riley Chaplain to distribute to     Forces Community Foundation       and email address. We wish every-
  our activities. For example, we        Soldiers and Families.              Match Day held on November        one good health and safety.
  used Facebook Live last August                                             11, both in person and online.
  to announce our raffle drawing       • Briefed Soldiers, units, and        Thanks to the generosity of       Phyllis Fitzgerald
  and award the 2020 Soldier of          their families on how the           our members, community            sfid1919@gmail.com
  the Year and NCO of the Year.          Society supports them.              members, family, and friends      785-307-1472
Spring 2021                                                                                                                                  11
2021 Raffle Tickets
                             SOCIETY of the FIRST INFANTRY DIVISION                                                                         SOCIETY of the FIRST INFANTRY DIVISION
                                  REUNION 2021 RAFFLE -- DONATION $5.00                                                                          REUNION 2021 RAFFLE -- DONATION $5.00
                                               ENTIRE SHEET - $50                                                                                             ENTIRE SHEET - $50
                              1st Prize $2,000   2nd Prize $1,000 3rd Prize $500                                                             1st Prize $2,000   2nd Prize $1,000 3rd Prize $500

 NAME:                     ____________________________________________                                         NAME:                     _____________________________________________
 PHONE:                    ____________________________________________                                         PHONE:                    _____________________________________________
                Winning tickets will be drawn live virtually from Fort Riley. You need not be                                 Winning tickets will be drawn live virtually from Fort Riley.. You need not be
         present to win. All entries must be received in KS office no later than 10 AM July 31, 2021.                   present to win. All entries must be received in KS office no later than 10 AM July 31, 2021.
Mail payment and raffle tickets to: Society of the First Infantry Division P.O. Box 2307 Fort Riley KS 66442   Mail payment and raffle tickets to: Society of the First Infantry Division P.O. Box 2307 Fort Riley KS 66442

                             SOCIETY of the FIRST INFANTRY DIVISION                                                                         SOCIETY of the FIRST INFANTRY DIVISION
                                  REUNION 2021 RAFFLE -- DONATION $5.00                                                                          REUNION 2021 RAFFLE -- DONATION $5.00
                                               ENTIRE SHEET - $50                                                                                             ENTIRE SHEET - $50
                              1st Prize $2,000   2nd Prize $1,000 3rd Prize $500                                                             1st Prize $2,000   2nd Prize $1,000 3rd Prize $500

 NAME:                     ____________________________________________                                         NAME:                     _____________________________________________
 PHONE:                    ____________________________________________                                         PHONE:                    _____________________________________________
                Winning tickets will be drawn live virtually from Fort Riley. You need not be                                  Winning tickets will be drawn live virtually from Fort Riley. You need not be
         present to win. All entries must be received in KS office no later than 10 AM July 31, 2021.                   present to win. All entries must be received in KS office no later than 10 AM July 31, 2021.
Mail payment and raffle tickets to: Society of the First Infantry Division P.O. Box 2307 Fort Riley KS 66442   Mail payment and raffle tickets to: Society of the First Infantry Division P.O. Box 2307 Fort Riley KS 66442

                             SOCIETY of the FIRST INFANTRY DIVISION                                                                         SOCIETY of the FIRST INFANTRY DIVISION
                                  REUNION 2021 RAFFLE -- DONATION $5.00                                                                          REUNION 2021 RAFFLE -- DONATION $5.00
                                               ENTIRE SHEET - $50                                                                                             ENTIRE SHEET - $50
                              1st Prize $2,000   2nd Prize $1,000 3rd Prize $500                                                             1st Prize $2,000   2nd Prize $1,000 3rd Prize $500

 NAME:                     ____________________________________________                                         NAME:                     _____________________________________________
 PHONE:                    ____________________________________________                                         PHONE:                    _____________________________________________
                Winning tickets will be drawn live virtually from Fort Riley. You need not be                                  Winning tickets will be drawn live virtually from Fort Riley. You need not be
         present to win. All entries must be received in KS office no later than 10 AM July 31, 2021.                   present to win. All entries must be received in KS office no later than 10 AM July 31, 2021.
Mail payment and raffle tickets to: Society of the First Infantry Division P.O. Box 2307 Fort Riley KS 66442   Mail payment and raffle tickets to: Society of the First Infantry Division P.O. Box 2307 Fort Riley KS 66442

                             SOCIETY of the FIRST INFANTRY DIVISION                                                                         SOCIETY of the FIRST INFANTRY DIVISION
                                  REUNION 2021 RAFFLE -- DONATION $5.00                                                                          REUNION 2021 RAFFLE -- DONATION $5.00
                                               ENTIRE SHEET - $50                                                                                             ENTIRE SHEET - $50
                              1st Prize $2,000   2nd Prize $1,000 3rd Prize $500                                                             1st Prize $2,000   2nd Prize $1,000 3rd Prize $500

 NAME:                     ____________________________________________                                         NAME:                     _____________________________________________
PHONE:                     ____________________________________________                                        PHONE:                     _____________________________________________
                Winning tickets will be drawn live virtually from Fort Riley. You need not be                                  Winning tickets will be drawn live virtually from Fort Riley. You need not be
         present to win. All entries must be received in KS office no later than 10 AM July 31, 2021.                   present to win. All entries must be received in KS office no later than 10 AM July 31, 2021.
Mail payment and raffle tickets to: Society of the First Infantry Division P.O. Box 2307 Fort Riley KS 66442   Mail payment and raffle tickets to: Society of the First Infantry Division P.O. Box 2307 Fort Riley KS 66442

                                                                                                                                            SOCIETY of the FIRST INFANTRY DIVISION
                             SOCIETY of the FIRST INFANTRY DIVISION
                                                                                                                                                 REUNION 2021 RAFFLE -- DONATION $5.00
                                  REUNION 2021 RAFFLE -- DONATION $5.00
                                                                                                                                                              ENTIRE SHEET - $50
                                               ENTIRE SHEET - $50
                                                                                                                                             1st Prize $2,000   2nd Prize $1,000 3rd Prize $500
                              1st Prize $2,000   2nd Prize $1,000 3rd Prize $500
                                                                                                                NAME:                     ____________________________________________
 NAME:                     ____________________________________________
PHONE:                     ____________________________________________                                         PHONE:                    ____________________________________________
                Winning tickets will be drawn live virtually from Fort Riley. You need not be                                  Winning tickets will be drawn live virtually from Fort Riley. You need not be
         present to win. All entries must be received in KS office no later than 10 AM July 31, 2021.                   present to win. All entries must be received in KS office no later than 10 AM July 31, 2021.
Mail payment and raffle tickets to: Society of the First Infantry Division P.O. Box 2307 Fort Riley KS 66442   Mail payment and raffle tickets to: Society of the First Infantry Division P.O. Box 2307 Fort Riley KS 66442

                             SOCIETY of the FIRST INFANTRY DIVISION                                                                        SOCIETY of the FIRST INFANTRY DIVISION
                                  REUNION 2021 RAFFLE -- DONATION $5.00                                                                         REUNION 2021 RAFFLE -- DONATION $5.00
                                               ENTIRE SHEET - $50                                                                                            ENTIRE SHEET - $50
                              1st Prize $2,000   2nd Prize $1,000 3rd Prize $500                                                            1st Prize $2,000   2nd Prize $1,000 3rd Prize $500

 NAME:                     ____________________________________________                                         NAME:                     _____________________________________________
PHONE:                     ____________________________________________                                        PHONE:                     _____________________________________________
                Winning tickets will be drawn live virtually from Fort Riley. You need not be                                  Winning tickets will be drawn live virtually from Fort Riley. You need not be
         present to win. All entries must be received in KS office no later than 10 AM July 31, 2021.                   present to win. All entries must be received in KS office no later than 10 AM July 31, 2021.
Mail payment and raffle tickets to: Society of the First Infantry Division P.O. Box 2307 Fort Riley KS 66442   Mail payment and raffle tickets to: Society of the First Infantry Division P.O. Box 2307 Fort Riley KS 66442
A Century of Service
                                                                      Gene Ramey: World War II
                                                                      and Korean War Veteran
                                                                      By Gene Ramey

                                                                          I was born February 11, 1928      me an instructor of candidates;
                                                                      in Olympia, WA. When approxi-         my first group of students I had to
                                                                      mately 6 months old my mother         instruct was the very same class
                                                                      moved her little family (consisting   from which I had been released.
                                                                      of herself, my oldest brother,        I did not become an officer in
                                                                      Buford (then 4 years old) my next     the army but was good enough to
                                                                      older brother, Hubert (3 years        instruct future officers! Unusual
                                                                      old) and finally me to Redwood        circumstance but I learned to live
                                                                      Falls, MN.                            with it. My tenure as an instruc-
                                                                          After I enlisted in the Army      tor began the same time the
  Above: PFC Allen Gary from Phoenix City, AL, a member of the 1st    I was eventually sent to Europe       Korean War began in June 1950.
  Battalion, 2nd Infantry. The unit was patrolling an area near the   where I was with the 1st Medical      I remained at Ft Riley for 2 years
  Cambodian border (1968).                                            Battalion of the 1st Infantry         with the OCS cadre preparing offi-
                                                                      Division located, at the time, in     cers (2d Lt's) who were almost
                                                                      Regensburg, Germany. While in         always sent to Korea as platoon

       The Black Scarf Battalion                                      Germany (Army of Occupation) I
                                                                      met and married a German girl,
                                                                      Ingeborg Elfrieda Michael, and
                                                                                                                In 1952 I was reassigned from
                                                                                                            OCS to Korea as a replacement
                                                                      brought her and her young son,        for the 160th Infantry Regiment
           Written by a Staff Sergeant of B Company,                  Ulrich, back to America. She was      of the 40th Infantry Division. I
         1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry Regiment in 1967.                a war bride. We had one child,        spent 9 months in Korea and
                                                                      Diane, born April 1, 1949. This       having gained sufficient points to
                                                                      marriage lasted 3 years and ended     qualify for transfer, I opted to go
                 There's a Black Scarf Battalion in Vietnam           in divorce in 1951.                   to Japan.
             In this Black Scarf Battalion, every man is a man.           I stayed in the army and in           After the Army, I concen-
                Around their necks the black scarf they wear,         1949 or early 1950 I applied          trated on my profession as a bill
                   a symbol of strength of those who care.            for, and was accepted, to Officer     collection agent and became well
                 Fathers would be proud of this generation.           Candidate School (0CS) at Ft          known in Oakland for integrity
             For they are a product of a great land and nation.       Riley, KS. The course was 24          and knowledge of collection
                     They have fought and they have won,              weeks. After 12 weeks I was           law. I retired from the collection
                  And they will stay until the battle is done.        released from the candidate class     industry in 1993 and have lived in
               Their leaders are proud of the impossible task.        and reassigned as a Staff Sergeant    my same home since 1959.
                None have to be told, none have to be asked.          to the same school I had attended.        My story has more to tell but I
                     No one can see the misery they bear,             This was a blow to my pride and       haven't finished living it yet!
              for it’s all hidden beneath the scarves they wear.      I was somewhat perplexed as the
                 They surely have answered freedom's call.            assignment to the school made
        For there are many Black Scarves a-hanging from the wall.
       Some are tattered, some are torn, willed to sons yet unborn.
                   They want no fame, no fanfare or glory.
                 Their mission is as old as the infantry story.
                     Perhaps someday history will record
            and the Black Scarf Battalion shall have its reward.

Spring 2021                                                                                                                                 13
in partnership with Academic Travel Abroad                         2021                                 Sign up today at                        FDMUSEUM.ORG

                                     From Normandy to the Bulge:
                                     The First Division’s Race Across Europe
                                      Visit the places where the 1st Infantry Division made history, leading
                                      the way to Allied success in WWII. Experience the culture of Western
                                      Europe through cuisine, architecture and local customs.

                                                                                                                                                                  1st Infantry Division Monument, Omaha Beach

                             Aachen, Germany’s Cathedral     “Into the Jaws of Death” The 16th Infantry Regiment lands on Omaha Beach                                            American Cemetery, Normandy

        For an itinerary, travel details and pricing, or to reserve your place, please visit                                            Please note that the First Division Museum offers this travel
        FDMuseum.org/footsteps or call Academic Travel Abroad at 1-877-298-9677.                                                        experience as a way to engage our audience and does not
                                                                                                                                        benefit financially from this trip.

                         @fdmuseum | #FDMuseum

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join USAA. No Department of Defense or government agency endorsement. Special Forces Association receives financial support from USAA for this sponsorship.
© 2021 USAA. 270525-0820-SFA
  Membership Sponsorship Program
      Thanks to our membership,        generosity. I encourage everyone
  2020 was a great year for our        to share your Big Red One Story
  sponsorship program. We were         and the Story of the Society of the
  able to provide paid memberships     1st Infantry Division with others
  to many Active-Duty Soldiers         and invite them to join.
  thanks to your generous contri-           Many thanks to the members
  butions.                             listed below.
      It really does take all of us
  to have a successful Society and        Tom Copeland
  we thank our members for such           Manual Soto

  Society Support                                                            Fort Riley to Honor Big Red One
  to Soldiers and                                                            Medal of Honor Recipients
  Families                                                                        First Infantry Division
                                                                             Commander, MG D.A. Sims, has
                                                                                                                 February with SSG (ret) Bellavia,
                                                                                                                 the only living Medal of Honor
      The Society of the First                                               announced a program to honor        awardee, visiting Fort Riley to
  Infantry Division makes donations                                          1st Infantry Division Medal of      begin the year-long commem-
  every holiday season for Active-                                           Honor recipients.                   oration. Throughout the year,
  Duty Soldiers and their families.                                               The program involves monthly   ceremonies will include speakers
  In 2020, thanks to our members’                                            celebrations of the 37 BRO Medal    from USMA, USNA, and USAFA
  generosity, the Society donated 52                                         of Honor awardees. Panels will      football coaches who will partici-
  ($50.00) Commissary gift cards                                             discuss living lives of honor,      pate in a panel.
  to the 1st Infantry Division and                                           including men and women who             Also during 2021, Fort Riley
  Fort Riley Chaplains. They, in                                             have displayed great valor in       officials will rename 37 streets
  turn, distributed the cards to the                                         combat, those who have helped       on Fort Riley in honor of our
  Soldiers and families.                                                     battle homelessness and food        MoH awardees. At each month's
                                                                             insecurity, and family members      commemoration we will rename
                                                                             who demonstrate honor in their      the streets for the recipients of
                                                                             daily lives.                        that particular month. By the end
                                                                                  In a separate but related      of 2021, all 37 will be honored
                                                                             initiative, the BRO kicked off a    with newly designed MoH signs.
                                                                             Big Red One Year of Honor on 16

Spring 2021                                                                                                                                     17

                                                SOCIETY OF THE FIRST INFANTRY DIVISION
                                                             P.O. Box 2307
                                                          Fort Riley, KS 66442
                                                 Phone: 785-579-6761 FAX: 785-209-3022 www.1stid.org

                                                            MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION or RENEWAL
                                                                                                                  DATE: ______________
     TITLE:        ____       NAME:                                                  _____________________________________
                                                    First                      MI                Last                      Suffix Jr., II, Etc.
                  Please check if you do not want your contact information listed in the “Members Only” online directory in our website.


       _______               ___________________________________________                                    ____________________
        Street                           City                                State                         Zip
      PHONE:                                Cell:                            _____ EMAIL:___________________________
      (Will not be released for any purpose, including the website.)

      YOUR SERVICE WITH THE BIG RED ONE (Please check all that apply.)
         WW II            VIETNAM               COLD WAR                 PEACETIME          GULF WAR              BALKANS            IRAQ           AFGHAN

      UNITSERVED IN OR PRESENT UNIT: _ ____                                          ________              ___        ______
                                                              (COMPANY)              (BATTALION/REGIMENT)            (BRIGADE)

                                                       SELECT A MEMBERSHIP TYPE (please check one)
                                                                           ACTIVE DUTY ONLY:
         VETERANS                                                      (CURRENTLY SERVING
                                                                                     .    WITH THE BRO)                            LIFE – VETERANS:

            REGULAR             $35 per year                                           ANNUAL                                 UNDER 40       $400
            EXECUTIVE           $65 per year                                   E-1 TO E-7       $10                           40 – 49        $350
                                                                               E-8 TO O4        $15                           50 – 59        $300
                                                                               O5 TO O8         $20                           60 – 69        $250
        ASSOCIATES (Family and Friends of the BRO)
                                                                                       3 YEAR                                 70 – 79        $200
          REGULAR               $35 per year                                   E-1 TO E-7      $25                             80 +          $100
          EXECUTIVE             $65 per year                                   E-8 TO O4       $40
        __BUSINESS              $200 per year                                  O5 TO O8        $50
                                                                               E-1 TO E-7      $75                          WIDOWS/WIDOWERS OF BIG
                                                                               E-8 TO O4       $200                         RED ONE VETERANS: (FREE)
                                                                               O5 TO O8        $250

     I would like to make an additional tax-deductible contribution of $____________, to be used for
          Where it is most needed _______
          the Society’s General Fund _______or
          the BRO Support Fund _______that supports active-duty soldiers and their families.
         (NOTE: Donations of $100 or more will be recognized as Century Club members in the Bridgehead Sentinel.)
                                                         RANK (required):________________
         - or -
              (CENTURY CLUB members will be recognized in the Bridgehead Sentinel throughout the year)
     CARD #:_____________________________________________       EXP DATE: ____ /____ CVC: ___________
                                                                                                                 (month) (year)        (code on back of card)

     SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________ (CVC CODE & SIGNATURE REQUIRED)
     Return this form and your check. If paying by credit card, you may fax this form to (785) 209-3022.
18                                                   * * * * THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! * * * *                                                        Bridgehead Sentinel
Update: First Division Monument in Washington, DC
    The Society has taken another     addition of a new path to provide   all the reviews/approvals are in     continues efforts to add the 631
step towards redesign and the         a handicapped accessible route      place, and prior to issuance of      names of BRO soldiers lost in
addition of names and units of        to the memorial. The additional     construction permits, the Society    post-911 operations (Afghanistan:
BRO soldiers lost in Iraq and         pathway would be constructed by     must certify that all construction   192; Iraq: 439), and provide
Afghanistan.                          NPS.                                funds as well as 10% maintenance     space for names from future
    The Senate and the House of            2) New materials must match    fee are in the bank.                 conflicts. Construction estimates
Representatives have approved the     materials of the existing memo-          While no milestones exist for   the need for $400,000 to make
“First Act” -- MODIFICATION TO        rial, to the extent possible.       NPS final approval, the Society      the necessary modifications. As of
FIRST DIVISION MONUMENT --                 3) Construction will likely    is ready to move forward with        28 February 2021, $248,317 is in
and the President has signed into     require the replacement of the      requests for bids, once NPS          the construction fund. We appre-
law as a part of the 2021 Defense     hedge row. If so, this would        approves the project.                ciate your continued donations.
Budget. Key points:                   need to be done as a part of             In summary, the Society
    (a) The Society of the First      the proposed
Infantry Division may make            construction
modifications to the First Division   project.
Monument located on Federal                4) Important
land in President's Park in the       to match the text/
District of Columbia to honor the     font of the old
dead of the 1st Infantry Division     plaques, the patina
in:                                   on the bronze, and
    • Operation Desert Storm;         the phrasing of the
    • Operation Iraqi Freedom         way the names are
      and New Dawn; and               listed.
    • Operation Enduring 		                5) NPS intends
      Freedom.                        routine cleaning
    • Modifications to the First      and maintenance
       Division Monument may          of the existing
       include construction of        memorial this year.
       additional plaques and              6) The next
       stone plinths on which to      step will be
       put plaques.                   a submission
    • Federal funds may not be        through NPS prior
      used for modifications of       to an inter-agency
      the First Division Monument.    work session. At
                                      this session, the
    The next step in the process is   Society will present
to obtain approval of the design      the proposed
from the National Park Service        project.
(NPS). Society representatives             7) The process
met with NPS officials, 2 February    will require a
2021. Key take-aways from that        finding under NEPA
meeting:                              of no significant
    1) Secret Service has closed      impacts. NPS will
access to the roadway and             process this and
walkway to the north of the           anticipates no diffi-
memorial. It is expected to remain    culties with NEPA.
closed. NPS noted that there               8) NPS
has been discussion about the         reminded that after
Spring 2021                                                                                                                                   19

Operation Desert Storm: A Retrospective
The following article appeared 30 years ago in the Spring 1991 Edition of the Bridgehead Sentinel. At the time, the article
was breaking news reporting the official timeline of events after the BRO's success during the operation.

AUGUST 1990                            business with quiet confidence.
                                       You can see it in their eyes and
                                                                                                           a child supervision facility. The
                                                                                                           facility, equipped with cribs and
                                                                                                                                                  JANUARY 1991
    Iraq invades Kuwait. President     hear it in their voices - the belief                                a playroom, "baby sits" children           Three flights in mid-Janu-
Bush announces Operation Desert        that they're trained and ready."                                    while the parents are handling         ary completed the Division's
Shield. In anticipation of being           Soldiers and their families                                     the paperwork involved in the          deployment to Saudi Arabia. Total
called for duty in Saudi Arabia Big    were invited to enjoy Thanksgiving                                  deployment.                            division strength is approximately
Red One staff begins planning for      dinner in the Mess Halls. Four                                          Secure storage facilities are      12,000. Operation Desert Shield
deployment. Vehicles' camouflage       hundred and eighty army cooks                                       provided for automobiles belong-       becomes Operation Desert Storm
is changed from European color         prepared 5,300 pounds of turkey,                                    ing Division soldiers deployed to      as U.S. and allied planes begin
scheme to Desert Sand.                 1,200 pounds of baron of beef.                                      Saudi Arabia.                          massive bombing raids on Iraq.
    In an eight day period             600 pounds of ham plus shrimp,                                                                             The first Big Red One soldier to
contract painters repainted 843        cornish hen, duck--a total of                                       DECEMBER 1990                          die on Operation Desert Storm
vehicles - only a small portion of     15,000 pounds to feed the troops                                                                           was PFC Rueben G. Kirk III, 19, of
                                       and their families.                                                     The New York Times, on
the Division's equipment. Desert                                                                                                                  Dunlow, WV. Kirk was killed when
                                           Non-divisional units left Fort                                  December 5, prints a photograph
camouflage battle uniforms are                                                                                                                    the High Mobility Multipurpose
                                       Riley for Saudi Arabia bringing                                     of 1st Division troops landing in
ordered.                                                                                                                                          Wheeled Vehicle he was driving
                                       the total non-divisional soldiers                                   Saudi Arabia. By year's end about
                                                                                                                                                  was hit by a van driven by a Saudi
NOVEMBER 1990                          leaving Fort Riley to 800. Other                                    6,000 Big Red One soldiers are
                                                                                                           in Saudi Arabia. Troops arrived
                                                                                                                                                  Arabian civilian on January 29.
                                       reserve units arrive at Fort Riley                                                                         Kirk was with Battery D, 25th Field
     First Division is ordered to      for training before shipping to the                                 by air using a total of 52 aircraft.
                                                                                                                                                  Artillery. On January 28 the Big
prepare to deploy to Saudi Arabia.     Middle East.                                                        Deployment used huge C-5 and
                                                                                                                                                  Red One used the Army Tactical
Some members of the Division               Division units coordinate with                                  C-141 military aircraft was well
                                                                                                                                                  Missile System for the first time.
learn of their coming deploy-          Union Pacific Railroad to ship                                      as civilian equipment. On Friday,
                                                                                                                                                  The Missile, which has a range of
ment while watching CNN on TV.         Division equipment to the Port                                      December 21, the colors of the
                                                                                                                                                  60 miles, scatters 950 bomblets
Senator Bob Dole of Kansas and         of Embarkation. It will take an                                     Big Red One were cased and
                                                                                                                                                  over an area larger than a football
Army Chief of Staff Carl Vuono visit   estimated 1400 freight cars to                                      replaced by those of the U.S. Army
                                                                                                                                                  field. The 13 foot long, 2 foot in
Division at Fort Riley. Dole said,     deploy the Division. The 701st                                      Garrison (USAG) signifying the
                                                                                                                                                  diameter Missile is fired from a
"The Big Red One has a proud           Support Battalion was the first to                                  departure of the Division from
                                                                                                                                                  self-propelled tracked "weapons
history. They have been there first    load followed by the 1st Military                                   Fort Riley and U.S. Army Garri-
                                                                                                                                                  platform". The launcher can
and they have been there when          Police Company and the 121st                                        son's responsibility for the post.
                                                                                                                                                  also fire Multiple Launch Rocket
the going gets tough. The troops       Signal Battalion.                                                       The Irwin Army Community
                                                                                                                                                  Systems missiles.
are ready to go, morale is high.           The trip to Houston, Texas,                                     Hospital at Fort Riley, working
We are sending our best." General
Vuono commented, "I've talked
                                       takes about 48 hours. At Houston                                    shorthanded because of personnel
                                                                                                           being deployed to Saudi Arabia,
                                                                                                                                                  FEBRUARY 25
                                       the equipment was loaded on
to a lot of soldiers, sergeants        ships for the three-week voyage to                                  resumes normal operations as               The Big Red One spearheads
and officers throughout the time       Saudi Arabia.                                                       replacement doctors are assigned.      the VII Corps break-through into
I've been here, [Fort Riley] and           Volunteers at the Fort Riley                                                                           Iraq.
what's impressed me most is their      Family Assistance Center open
attitude. They're going about their              Bridgehead Sentinel, Collection:The Bridgehead Sentinel
                                                                RRMRC Digital Archives

20                                                                                                                                                             Bridgehead Sentinel
KLIK Radio in Vietnam
By Tim Abney
     Serving the men of the 1st           I had been hanging around
Infantry Division’s Iron Brigade,    at 2 local radio stations in San
this is KLIK 1330 on your AM dial.   Bernardino, CA, KFXM and KMEN
Stand by for 5 minutes of news       and had been given some interest-
from AFVN and come on back for       ing opportunities there. I walked
more of your favorite music…         into the station and asked if they
The time is XX:00 AM (or PM).”       were still looking for someone
     I would throw the switch that   with a little broadcast experience.
would feed AFVN’s audio to our       They said they were.
airwaves and there would be three         I told them I had as “little as
loud beeps followed by a slightly    anyone” and they promptly took
louder and higher pitched beep…      me into their studio and told me
“This is AFVN News compiled          to watch the guy that was on the
from major networks, news            air.
services and military sources.”           After about 20 minutes Lon
     How many times did I do that?   asked me if I thought I could run      Above: We were also alone there a lot and being only about 100
I can't even begin to guess.         the equipment… “Piece of cake”         yards from the village wire which was compromised a few times
     I was honored to be a broad-    was my reply.                          while I was there. As a result we always had loaded weapons in the
caster at KLIK from November of           “OK, sit down and take over.”     studio. Note the loaded M-14 and M-16 in the far corner. The AFVN
1967 until July of 1968. Everyday         I had been in the studio for      guys were shocked by this. Most of them never even saw a weapon.
during that time I was one the air   20 minutes and I was on the air.
between 3 and 9 hours per day.       It was a few minutes later that I      from Noon-3 PM M-F. Both of           signal.
KLIK had an 18 hour broadcast        realized I was alone. I didn’t see     those guys were fantastic at enter-        Two times during my 6-9 PM
day and for most of the time I       another soul there for almost 2        taining the troops and got loads of   shift we had 122mm rockets land
was on the air there I handled the   hours when Lon, Phil Dubs and          requests.                             within 50 feet of the front door of
6-9 AM and 6-9 PM shifts. Then       Ken Klepeis (who I had taken               Another show was on 6-9 PM        the station. After the 2nd I went
came the 1968 TET Offensive.         over from) walked in and told me       on Sunday and Wednesday nights        on the air after the needle had
Midnight-3:00 AM was added to        they had been drinking beer at a       when the American Red Cross           bounced completely off of the
my schedule as KLIK became a         nearby EM Club and listening to        Volunteers came in and did a          record that was playing and said
24/7 operation.                      KLIK and had decided that I was        request and dedication show that      “If you don’t like what I’m playing
     In late October of 1967 I       “their boy.”                           was our most popular feature and      just call in a request.” A little
was a couple of days back on              I’ll have our OIC have you        frequently went over its allotted     comic relief as my nerves tried to
the Lai Khe base camp from the       TDY’d to KLIK and this will be         time. It seems that American          settle back down.
boonies and I was happy to be        your job. I didn’t really think it     women were much more popular               A couple of months after I left
listening to KLIK because I liked    would happen but in just a few         than any of the rest of us… I         Vietnam and the US Army, one
the music they played much better    days my platoon leader told me I       wonder why?                           of those rockets found it’s mark
than AFVN plus they had a more       now belonged to 3rd Bde HQ.                One thing we didn’t have were     and hit the roof directly above
home town sound due to their              KLIK was block programmed,        the restrictions that were put on     the studio. It sent the DJ on the
jingles which were professionally    meaning we had 3 hour segments         AFVN as far as music they weren’t     air, who survived, home with his
recorded for them.                   of Top 40, Soul, Country and           allowed to play. We played it all,    golden ticket. I heard later that
     Lon Carruth was on the 3-6      Western, Jazz. Easy Listening.         including War Protest songs and       he said the 1 inch thick plywood
PM air shift and between records     Show Tunes, Folk Music and             drug related songs. There have        that the console counter was built
had said that “One of our guys       even Classical Music on Sunday         been those who doubted that,          from saved his “manhood.”
is heading home and we need a        mornings. We also had Volun-           but I can prove it because I have          I’ve been told they had the FM
replacement. We’re looking for       teer DJs who handled some of           airchecks.                            back on the air in a few hours
someone with a little broadcast      these shows. There was Paige               We added an FM signal in          and the AM a couple of days later
experience so if you think you       Pinkette who did the 3-6 PM Soul       May of 1968 provided a much           proving that 1st Division soldiers
might fill the bill stop over and    show M-F and Jim McDade who            improved sound with 125 Watts         always put “Duty First.”
see us at brigade HQ.”               handled “The Country Corner            on FM to augment our 50 watt AM

Spring 2021                                                                                                                                        21
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