Spring Glen Elementary School 2020 2021 - SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BOX 1010 GLENWOOD, ALBERTA, T0K 2R0 Telephone: 626-3611 Fax: 626-3750

Page created by Lucille Rios
Spring Glen Elementary School 2020 2021 - SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BOX 1010 GLENWOOD, ALBERTA, T0K 2R0 Telephone: 626-3611 Fax: 626-3750
Spring Glen Elementary School
          2020 – 2021

              BOX 1010
  Telephone: 626-3611 Fax: 626-3750

I am so excited to see you all back this year! We know there are worries and
concerns about how this will all take place, but our Division Office and our school
have been working very hard to come up with plans that will try and help alleviate
some uneasiness about our return to school.

We have created a plan that follows Alberta Health and Education guidelines as
they stand right now, but as you know things change and if they do, so will we.

Because of some of the things we will have to do to have students return to school,
it will be a little different around the school. But that is OK! We get to come back
to school!

The Spring Glen Elementary School’s Mission is to engage and inspire students
and staff to reach their potential as leaders. Together with the community, we will
provide a safe, welcoming, healthy, inclusive and supportive learning environment
to help all students experience high levels of success. Becoming Leaders Every

We are learning to be leaders
We choose to be proactive
We think win-win
We are a Team

Kelly Thomas - Principal

Table of Contents

Westwind Division Board of Trustees ................................ 4
Staff Assignments ............................................................... 5
Bell Schedule ...................................................................... 6
Absentees ............................................................................ 7
Bullying .............................................................................. 7
Covid Procedures ................................................................ 8
Discipline ............................................................................ 8
Dress Code .......................................................................... 9
Entrances and Halls............................................................. 9
Fighting ............................................................................... 9
Grade Promotional Procedure ............................................. 9
Gum..................................................................................... 9
Library / Learning Commons ............................................. 10
Lost and Found ................................................................... 10
Lunch .................................................................................. 10
Masks .................................................................................. 10
Nutrition Program ............................................................... 10
Opening Assemblies ........................................................... 10
Recess and Noon ................................................................. 11
Report Cards ....................................................................... 11
Technology ......................................................................... 11
Telephone............................................................................ 11
Vandalism ........................................................................... 11
Fair Notice Letter ................................................................ 12

Westwind School Division #74
                       Box 10, Cardston, Alberta, TOK OKO 653-4991
                           Board of Education and Administration

Chair ................................................................... Jim Ralph representing Raymond

Vice-Chair .............. Doug Smith representing Mt. View, Hill Spring, & Glenwood

Trustee .................................. Anna-Joyce Frank representing First Nation Students

Trustee ............................................................ Rod Wendorf representing Raymond

Trustee ........................................................... Ross Blackmer representing Magrath

Trustee ...........................................................Patricia Beazer representing Cardston

Trustee ...................................................... Peggy Blackmore representing Cardston

Trustee ............................................ Jessica Payne representing Welling & Magrath

Trustee .................................................................... Josh Smith representing Stirling

Superintendent .............................................................................. Darren Mazutinec

Assistant Superintendent ..................................................................... Todd Heggie

Assistant Superintendent ........................................................................ Robb Doig

Assistant Superintendent ......................................................................Austin Nunn

Associate Superintendent ......................................................................Peter Wright

Staff Assignments for the Spring Glen Elementary School 2020-21

Mrs. Jenni Rolfson ......................... Vice-Principal / Learning Support / ½ Grade 5
Mrs. Lori Wolsey ................................................................................. Kindergarten
Mrs. Christine Kobza ................................................................................. Grade 1
Mrs. Kim Thomas ........................................................................................ Grade 2
Mrs. Cheryl Collicutt .................................................................................. Grade 3
Mr. Peter Ray .............................................................................................. Grade 4
Mr. Tom Bennett ..................................................................................... ½ Grade 5
Mrs. Susan Bester ..................................................................... Pre-School Teacher
Mrs. Jenn Cherniawsky ......................................................... Educational Assistant
Mrs. Sheena Sugai ............................. Educational Assistant / First Nation Liaison
Mrs. Connie Henrie ............................................................... Educational Assistant
Mr. John Kobza .............................. Nutrition Coordinator / Educational Assistant
Mrs. Pam Mason .................................................................... Educational Assistant
Mrs. Debbie Meservy .......................................................... Educational Assistant
Mrs. Sue Ellen Neilson .......................................................... Educational Assistant
Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith .......................................................... Educational Assistant
Mrs. Marnie Wynder ............................................................. Educational Assistant
Mrs. Cajsa Goetz ......................................... Administrative Assistant / Librarian
Mrs. Rachel Selk ..................................................................... Assistant Custodian
Mr. Elbert Paxman ......................................................................... Head Custodian
Mr. Kelly Thomas ..................................................................................... Principal

Spring Glen Elementary School
                         Bell Schedule 2020 - 2021

Monday – Thursday (* - when bell will ring)

*8:25             - Get to class              -

*8:30 – *10:00    – Block 1                   - (95 minutes)

10:00 - *10:10    – Recess                    - (10 minutes)

10:10 - *12:00    – Block 2                   - (110 minutes)

12:00 - *12:30    – Lunch                     - (30 minutes)

12:30 - *1:05     – Block 3                   - (35 minutes)

1:05 - *1:40      – Block 4                   - (35 minutes)

1:40 - *1:50      – Recess                    - (10 minutes)

1:50 - *2:30      – Block 5                   - (40 minutes)

2:30 - *3:10      – Block 6                   - (40 minutes)
                                                     355 minutes / day

*8:25             - Get to class              -

*8:30 – *10:00    – Block 1                   - (95 minutes)

10:00 - *10:10    – Recess                    - (10 minutes)

10:10 - *12:00    – Block 2                   - (110 minutes)

12:00 -           – Buses arrive
                                                    205 minutes / day

Attendance at school is important for a students’ success. Please make all
arrangements necessary so that students will not miss days during the year. During
this year, however, we ask all parents to go through the health checklist to assure
your child is ready to come to school. Here is the list:
Does the student have any new (or worsening) of the following symptoms:
       Fever                                          Cough
       Shortness of Breath / Difficulty Breathing Chills
       Painful swallowing                             Runny Nose / Nasal Congestion
       Feeling unwell / Fatigued                      Nausea / Vomiting / Diarrhea
       Unexplained loss of appetite                   Loss of sense of taste or smell
       Muscle/ Joint aches                            Headache
       Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
       Has the student travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days?
       Has the student had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the
last 14 days?
       Has the student had close contact with a symptomatic close contact of a
confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
When a student does miss a day, we would appreciate the parent/guardian to help
their child catch up on the work and concepts they missed. The teachers will
provide some work for them. We will not be having an attendance incentive this
For tardiness, attendance is taken by the teacher at the start of the day (8:30) and
again at the start of the afternoon classes (12:30). A student will be counted late if
they arrive after 8:30 and before 9:00 AM. If they arrive after 9:00 AM they will
be counted ½ day absent. They will also be counted late if they leave school before
3:00, and after 2:30 PM. If they leave before 2:00, they will be counted as a ½ day

The Spring Glen Elementary School strives to ensure that all students feel safe. We
give all students, parents, and guardians a fair notice that bullying, violence, and
threats of violence will not be tolerated. SGE defines bullying as a sustained,
consistent targeting of an individual by another individual or group.

1. Students who experience or witness harassment/bullying should:
         a. Report promptly the details to a school staff member.
         b. The person in authority will conduct an investigation, which may
            consist of personal interviews with the complainant, the alleged
            offender, and others who have direct knowledge of the incidents or
            circumstances that led to the complaint.
         c. That person in authority directly advises the offender, either verbally
            or in writing, that his/her behavior is unacceptable and unwelcome,
            and asks him/her to stop.
   2. All complaints will be dealt with and documented. The person in authority
      may consider the following:
         a. The offender will be told the behavior must cease immediately. If it
            does not cease, appropriate interventions will take place including, but
            not exclusive to, a warning, an offering of a verbal or written apology,
            suspension or recommendation for expulsion. Where appropriate,
            parent(s)/guardian(s) of the students involved will be informed.

We have a detailed list of things we have put into place to help all of our
students and staff be safe during this year of precautions. The SGE
Covid School Plan can be found here as you follow the link.

Discipline is achieved by training students to gain strength of character and self-
control. This will also build self-confidence and self-esteem. The Spring Glen
Elementary School staff desires to train by example, instruction, and practice a
system of rules of conduct. It is not simply obedience, but it is training to see the
benefits of self-control. There are certain rules of safety and respectful conduct that
students will be instructed about and it is an entire school initiative. It is based on
Covey’s Seven Habits of Successful People and called “The Leader in Me.”
Creating habits, routines, and opportunities to lead will benefit the overall safety
and instruction of the students who attend the Spring Glen Elementary School and
build self-confidence.

We would ask students to please dress in a neat and comely manner. Clothing that
depicts gang related, pornographic, drug, or inappropriate material must not be
worn. Hats, including toques or hoodies over the head, are not to be worn inside
the school building.

The front entrance of the school is for Pre-School, Kindergarten, Grade 1 and
Grade 2 students, all visitors, and staff. The west entrance is to be used for Grade
3, Grade 4, and Grade 5 students. Each student has their name on the boot racks so
they can place his/her outside shoes neatly on the rack before entering the school.
For the safety of students and staff, there will be no running or playing games in
the halls. All staff have authority and responsibility to care for the safety of the
students and thus must supervise at all times.
Each student is given a locker to place their personal items in. The older students
are given two lockers, an upper and a lower. We suggest, especially during the
winter, the students use the lower one for their big coats and winter items.

Fighting or play-fighting is not allowed at the school in any form. Items that
encourage fighting must not be brought to the school such as, fighting gloves etc.

Students and parents should be aware that the assessment program in the school is
important to a pupil’s grades and also necessary to his/her promotion to the next
grade. Students will be evaluated according to these measures:
       1. Teacher’s tests
       2. The ability and effort of the student
It should be noted that in consultation with the parent, a look at abilities and
extenuating circumstances are considered.

We ask that gum not be chewed in the school, as there are too many problems with
improper disposal.

The Spring Glen Elementary School Learning Commons enriches and supports the
instructional school program and encourages the students to appreciate the
discovery, pleasure and enjoyment of reading. The Learning Commons helps
students develop research skills to support the school curriculum. The library will
try to meet the needs and interests of individual students. It will be open during
regular class time hours. There will also be opportunities for all students to
experience the “learning spaces” provided in the Learning Commons.

Lost and found items are placed in the “Lost Treasures” box at the front of the
school. At the end of the school year any items not claimed will be disposed of.

Students eat lunch in their homerooms and have 10 minutes to finish lunch. After
that time, students should go outside for fresh air unless they have a note from
home asking that the student stay inside. Any student staying in is asked to be in
the classroom at his or her desk doing something quietly.

During this time, all staff and students in Grades 4 and 5 have been asked to wear
masks when we are not social distancing.

The Provincial government is funding a nutrition program throughout
the province for elementary students. At our school we are providing a
healthy breakfast in the mornings and snacks in the mid-morning and

There will be an opening assembly for the whole school at the beginning of each
month consisting of “Oh Canada” and reciting the school motto. Students and
classes are invited to perform any special numbers at this time. Periodically
presentations will be made. During this time, there will be restrictions on parents
who are wanting to attend the assemblies. Each class will hold individual opening
exercises on the remaining days, with “Oh Canada” and reciting the school motto.

During recess time, students should exit the building for fresh air and exercise. If
the weather is severe, students may remain in the room working, reading, or
quietly visiting. Students may, with the teacher’s permission, remain in the
classroom to complete assignments or if ill. No running or games of any kind are
to be done in the halls.

There will be three reporting periods during the school year for students. Report
cards will be handed out in November, March, and June. Each mark on the report
card will represent the work done in that reporting period, except the final mark,
which will show the summative evaluation for the year’s work.

Our school has many computers, iPads, and Chromebooks for our students to use.
Thus, there is no need to have the students bring any electronic devices to the
school. We find they become a distraction for the student and others and are being
lost quite frequently. So please, no electronic devices at the school.

There is a phone available outside the kitchen, which is for student use.

Any willful destruction of school property will result in the offender or offender’s
parents being responsible to pay for the repair.

Mr. Darren Mazutinec
Phone: 403-653-4991
Fax: 403-653-4661
Dear Parents,
         As our school year begins, we wish to inform or remind you of the Westwind School
Division #74’s policy regarding dealing with high-risk behaviours.
         In order to enhance a sense of safety and security for everyone in our schools, Westwind
School Division #74 will take necessary actions in response to all high-risk behaviours. High-
risk behaviours include, but are not limited to: possession of weapons, bomb threats, and threats
to kill or injure self or others. Should any student engage in behaviour, which threatens, or
appears to threaten the safety of self or others, our protocol for dealing with high-risk behaviours
will be activated.
         Should you wish to review our policies (Board Policy 19 – Support for Gay Straight
Alliances (GSAS) ; Admin Procedure 170 – Harassment/Bullying/Hazing Prevention; Admin
Procedure 165 – Crisis & Disaster Management), please check our website at
www.westwind.ab.ca. Feel free to contact your school principal for more information.
         It would be helpful if you would discuss this policy with your child/children. We look
forward to a positive and safe year in our schools.
Darren Mazutinec
Superintendent of Schools

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