Page created by Lee Rose

ABOUT THE                ROUNDHOUSE VISION & MISSION                                                                                                                                                                          TABLE OF
                           n September 1996, the Roundhouse Advisory Committee, composed of neighbourhood represen-
ROUNDHOUSE                 tatives, heritage supporters, members of the arts community and Park Board staff, undertook a                                                                                                        CONTENTS
FOLLOW US                  retreat to work through a vision for the Roundhouse. The following is the result of those discussions:   ROUNDHOUSE STAFF                                            ABOUT THE ROUNDHOUSE                                  2
                           The overall mission is to celebrate diversity... of people, values, ideas and activities.                FRONT DESK RECEPTION                                        Vision & Mandate, Getting to the Roundhouse,
     @RoundhouseCC                                                                                                                                                                              Social Media, Contact Information, Hours of
                           This mission is made up of three key elements:                                                           Ian McKenzie                604-713-1800 press 1
     /TheRoundhouse                                                                                                                 SUPERVISOR OF ARTS & RECREATION SERVICES                    Operation, Closures
     /RoundhouseCC         THE ROUNDHOUSE AS PROJECT                                                                                Peter Fox                   604-713-1804                    STAFF & BOARD DIRECTORY                                3
                         All of us who work or play or socialize at the Roundhouse will be active participants in an evolving       RECREATION FACILITY CLERK                                   ROUNDHOUSE SOCIETY, VOLUNTEERS                         4
CONTACT US                                                                                                                                                                                      ARTISTS IN RESIDENCE                                   6
Roundhouse Community project to find new and creative ways to integrate the arts, community, culture and sports.                    Arlene Herauf               604-713-1856
                                                                                                                                                                                                GALLERIES                                              7
Arts & Recreation Centre THE ROUNDHOUSE AS OASIS                                                                                    ARTS, CULTURE AND ENGAGEMENT COORDINATOR
                                                                                                                                    Marie Lopes                 604-713-1806                    EVENTS                                              8-19
181 Roundhouse Mews The Roundhouse is located in the centre of one of the largest urban experiments in history, trans-                                                                          COURSES                                           20-57
Vancouver, BC V6Z 2W3 forming a few hundred acres of mostly vacant lots into one of North America’s densest and most                ARTS PROGRAMMERS
                                                                                                                                    DB Boyko                    604-713-1807                    PRENATAL                                              20
Tel: 604-713-1800        diverse urban sites. The Roundhouse will be an oasis in the centre of this dynamic mix, enabling                                                                       POSTNATAL                                             21
Fax: 604-713-1813                                                                                                                   Sarah Cavanaugh             604-713-1831
                         people to use their creativity and energy (at whatever level) to rejuvenate themselves and to be                                                                       INFANT/PRESCHOOL (0-5)                             22-27                                                                                                                  RECREATION PROGRAMMERS
                         better equipped to face a blizzard of challenges and opportunities around them.                                                                                        CHILDREN (6-12)                                    27-37                                                                                                                   Val Ferrar (Building Sup.) 604-713-1805
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Summer Camps                                     31-34
                           THE ROUNDHOUSE AS CONNECTION                                                                             Jenny Yu                   604-713-1810
OPENING HOURS                                                                                                                                                                                     Elsie Roy Elementary School                      34-36
                           The Roundhouse exists to identify and serve the needs of widely divergent communities. To do             COMMUNITY YOUTH WORKER
Mo-Fr 9am-9:45pm                                                                                                                                                                                YOUTH                                              37-39
                           this the Roundhouse must reach out to the places and situations where those communities feel             Sally Chan                  604-713-1858                    ADULT                                             40-50
Sa-Su 9am-4:45pm
                           comfortable. These relationships will grow into Roundhouse programs through sponsorships, part-          OLDER ADULTS/SENIORS WORKER                                   Education, Language                                 40
THE ROUNDHOUSE             nerships, and our own productions.                                                                       Diana VanderVeen            604-713-1814                      Art                                                 41
IS CLOSED ON                                                                                                                        PROGRAM ASSISTANT/BUILDING SUPERVISOR                         Pottery                                             43
APR 19                                                                                                                              Percy Nacario               604-713-1800 press 1              Woodworking                                         44
Good Friday                WHERE WE ARE                                                                                             CHILDRENS’ SCHOOL PROGRAMS COORDINATOR
APR 22
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Music, Dance, Dance Fitness                         45
                           The Roundhouse is located at the corner of Davie St & Pacific Blvd • The Yaletown-Roundhouse Can-        Silvia Rubino               604-713-1803                      Fitness, Group Fitness                              46
Easter Monday              ada Line Station is 200 metres from us • Bus routes 6 & C23 stop within steps of the Roundhouse.         INTERIM VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR
MAY 20
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Yoga, Pilates                                       47
                                                                                                                                    Silvia Rubino               604-713-1857                      Martial Arts                                        48
Victoria Day               GETTING TO THE ROUNDHOUSE                                                                                SPECIAL EVENTS
JUL 1                      Walking from Granville Street, head east down Davie five blocks • Underground pay parking is avail-                                                                    Sports                                           49-50
                                                                                                                                    TBC                         604-713-1864                          Tennis, Badminton, Ball Hockey                  49
Canada Day                 able (access off Drake). Mo-Fr 7am-6pm $3.50/hr, no daily max | Mo-Su & holidays 6-10pm $5 flat          COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR
AUG 5                      rate | Sa, Su, & holidays 7am-6pm $3.50/hr, $15 max. The underground parking closes at 11pm but                                                                            Basketball, Soccer                              50
                                                                                                                                    Hanne Lene Dalgleish        604-713-1872                          Volleyball, Wheelchair Floorball                50
BC Day                     shows that run later than 11pm will have access through the Roundhouse.                                  COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT
AUG 31-SEP 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                OLDER ADULT/SENIORS                                51-57
                                                                                                                                    Natalie Hawryshkewich       604-257-8564                    REGISTRATION                                          58
Labour Day Weekend                                                                                                                  PRODUCTION MANAGER/TECHNICAL DIRECTOR                       Waitlists, Refunds, Cancellations, Payment
PUBLISHER                                                                                                                           TBC                         604-713-1809                    ROOMS & RENTALS                                      59
Roundhouse Community                                                                                                                RENTAL LIAISON                                              Room Use, Rent the Roundhouse
Arts and Recreation                                                                                                                 Laura MacKay                604-713-1811                    ONECARD, POLICIES, FEES                              60
Society                                                                                                                             PRODUCTION ADMINISTRATOR                                    Membership, Equipment Use, Program Subsidies,
CIRCULATION                                                                                                                         Maria Rita Castillo         604-713-1812                    Access and Special Needs, Privacy, Lost & Found
5,000 (Winter), 8,000                                                                                                               PRODUCTION ASSISTANT                                        GYM & DANCE STUDIO SCHEDULE                       61-62
(Spring, Summer, Fall)                                                                                                              Kayce Honey                 604-713-1808                    COURSE INDEX                                         63
DISTRIBUTION                                                                                                                                                                                    FREE/NEW COURSES                                     64
Free throughout
DESIGNER               Dairy Queen, Fresh Slice, Sciué Italian Bakery Caffé, Salsa and Agave Mexican Grill, Urban Fare,
Hanne Lene Dalgleish   Blink Optometry, Subway, Starbucks, DD Mau, Fresh Bowl, Honjin Sushi                                         2018-2019 BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                ROUNDHOUSE ADVISORY COUNCIL
COPY EDITOR                                                                                                                         PRESIDENT Andrew Dilts                                      CHAIR Elizabeth Snow
Natalie Hawryshkewich                                                                                                               DIRECTORS Simma Bakare, Arlene Chamulak,                    Leslie Adams, Ingrid Alderson, Brent Belsher,
                                                                                                                                    Daniela Chimisso dos Santos, Lynsey Gaudin, Sukhi Ghuman,   Blake Chersinoff, Robert Dewey, Craig Giles,
                                                                     The Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre              Andrea Han, Julie Kim, Elle Marsh, Adrian Mitescu,          Adam Hunter, Sarah Muff, Dr. Setty Pendakur
                                                                     is jointly operated by the Vancouver Board of Parks &          James Painter, Sabrina Royer
                                                                     Recreation and the Roundhouse Community Arts and
                                                                     Recreation Society.                                            VANCOUVER PARK BOARD LIAISON
2                                                                          For information 604.713.1800 ext 1
                                                                                                                                    Dave Demers
ROUNDHOUSE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE                                                                                                                                                                        IN TRIBUTE: MICHAEL NOON
    SOCIETY It’s hard to believe we’re well into 2019 and gearing up for Spring/Summer programs and events                                                                                                20 June, 1937 - 22 January, 2019
                        at the Roundhouse! Looking forward to BC Youth Week from May 1-7, the Roundhouse is hosting
                        a two-day basketball tournament as well as a Youth Week skateboard jam at the downtown Skate                                                               “Order is better than chaos, creation better than destruction.” - Kenneth Clark
                        Plaza. We’re also still looking for participants to join the Roundhouse Runners Youth Running
                        Clinic, where youth ages 8-18 can train to run as part of the Roundhouse Sun Run Team on April 14.                                                         Michael Noon, a beloved member of the Roundhouse Society’s Board from
                        Spring also brings incredible programming for Older Adults, including Move for Health, which                                                               December 2008 until January 2013, and then of the Society’s Advisory Council
                        promotes physical activity, and Older and Creating it, which honours elders through art and recre-                                                         until 2015, passed away peacefully early in 2019. He was kept company by close
                        ation. See page 56 and 57 for details.                                                                                                                     friends, who were remarkable in their love and care of him, and were by his side
                                                                                                                                                                                   at the end. We, at the Roundhouse, feel the loss of this lovely man who was
                        Looking forward to arts at the Roundhouse:                                                                                                                 such a bright light in the Vancouver arts community.
                          • Join us on Mother’s Day for an interactive storytelling session mapping your matrilineal roots as                                                      In 1966, Michael arrived in Toronto, Canada from Manchester, England where he
                            poet and storyteller Amal Rana leads us through an intergenerational exploration of our family                                                         trained as an architect with a special interest in theatre design. He spent many
                            histories in Mothers and Motherlands. See page 14 for details.                                                                                         years in Ontario working with post-secondary institutions, then as the Executive
                          • On June 28 the Queer Arts Festival commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots         Director, Cultural Affairs for the Ontario government, and finally General Manager for the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts. He
                            with a final splash event featuring Queer Songbook Orchestra and dancing in the Exhibition Hall.    was invited to Vancouver, becoming the founding Managing Director for the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts (1995-2002).
                            See page 17 for details.                                                                            Significantly involved in all stages of the facility’s architectural design, he then went on to establish its world-renowned
                          • Award-winning designer and artist Katherine Soucie will work collaboratively with community         programming. He joyfully explored and supported his new West Coast community, serving on many arts and culture boards
                            members in a residency focused on material activism and the transformation of waste textiles        and organizations across the city.
                            through deconstruction, visible mending, and structural re-imagining. See page 6, 41 for details.
                        With another full season ahead of us, a big thank you to our dedicated team of staff and volunteers     Upon starting with the Roundhouse Board, Michael immediately, and enthusiastically, joined a variety of committees: finance,
                        for their hard work and we look forward to seeing you all soon!                                         programming, governance, and recruitment, often acting as Secretary when needed. Eventually, he joined the Executive as
                                                                                                                                1st Vice President in January 2012, and then spent a few months as President before stepping down due to his many other
                        Andrew Dilts                                                                                            commitments. With his exceptional skills as an architect and project manager, and his incomparable programming expertise,
                        President, Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Society                                             he was a passionate promotor of the Roundhouse’s mission to provide an inclusive, educational, and welcoming space for all.
                                                                                                                                A great believer in empowering people to achieve their very best, and with an intuitive eye for recognizing talent and drive, he
                        VOLUNTEER AT THE ROUNDHOUSE                                                                             purposely fostered connections, allowing the people around him to fulfill their untapped potential.
                        Looking for ways to get involved with your community? The Roundhouse is the perfect place for           Michael had a knack for names and always greeted Roundhouse staff by name, falling easily into conversation about upcom-
                        you to give your time and energy in support of exciting programs, Board and committee meetings,         ing and past events. He was interested in how people were connecting to the Centre—how their experience could be
                        performances, and special events. Our 200 volunteers are vital for the success of our programming,      improved. He loved the sense of community, the innovative programming, the breadth of activities available, and readily
                        and we hope you can be a part of our diverse team.                                                      supported the risks that Roundhouse programmers take. He was a tireless proponent for the arts at the Roundhouse and a
                                                                                                                                champion of the many arts programs and events. Close friend, Wendy Soobis, and former Board member, remembers him for
                        JOIN US! ARE YOU:                                                                                       his sharpest of minds, his insatiable curiosity, his notable and contagious laugh, and his extraordinary generosity and kind-
                         • At least 14 years of age?                                                                            ness. She also recalls his quirky Gemini predilection for symmetry—he preferred objects as sets of two, particularly lamps.
                         • Comfortable engaging with diverse groups of people?                                                  When it came time to work on the contentious Joint Operating Agreement with the Vancouver Park Board, Michael wrote
                         • Interested in arts and culture?                                                                      a persuasive letter, which was instrumental in opening up communications and starting the negotiations in good faith,
                         • Able to commit up to 6 months of volunteer service?                                                  shepherding the initial process. His experience in government, coupled with his diplomacy and communication skills, was the
                         • Able to work as part of a team?                                                                      foundation for the Roundhouse’s leadership in the discussions.
                         • Looking to be physically, socially, and mentally active?
                         • Ready to have some fun in your community?                                                            Fellow Advisory Council member and Roundhouse Story Project Chair, Ingrid Alderson, writes: One role Michael accepted was
                                                                                                                                that of the Board’s representative on the Roundhouse Story Project committee. The goal of the project was to create digital
                        Next Volunteer Orientation                                                                              vignettes, describing the Roundhouse as a community hub—from its industrial railway roots to its current role as a unique
                        Thu Jun 27, 6-8pm.                                                                                      community arts and recreation centre, and a leader in community cultural development. Michael was a very supportive advo-
                        WE HOPE TO MEET YOU SOON                                                                                cate, and the project continued to receive generous funding from the Board until the four-video series was completed in 2013.
                        If you’re interested in volunteering, we want to hear from you!                                         Kathleen Laverty, Michael’s dear friend and fellow Board member, remembers this quotation displayed in Michael’s welcom-
                        Visit to view the volunteer              ing home. To her, the closing words from Kenneth Clark's final film of the Civilisation series encapsulate the way he chose to
                        requirements, learn about the application process, and apply. If you have more questions, call our      live his rich life.
                        Acting Volunteer Coordinator, Silvia Rubino, at 604-713-1857 or email              "I believe that order is better than chaos, creation better than destruction. I prefer gentleness to violence,
                                                                                                                                       forgiveness to vendetta. On the whole, I think that knowledge is preferable to ignorance, and I am sure that
                                                                                                                                       human sympathy is more valuable than ideology. I believe that, in spite of the recent triumphs of science,
                                                                                                                                       men haven't changed much in the last 2,000 years; and in consequence we must still try to learn from
                                                                                                                                       history. History is ourselves...and I think we should remember that we are part of a great whole, which for
                                                                                                                                       convenience we call nature. All living things are our brothers and sisters. Above all, I believe in the God-given
                                                                                                                                       genius of certain individuals, and I value a society that makes their existence possible."

4                                                                                                                               With contributions from Wendy Soobis, Kathleen Laverty, Ingrid Alderson, Percy Nacario, Marie Lopes, and Hanne Lene Dalgleish.
RESIDENCIES       WHAT IS A ROUNDHOUSE ARTIST IN RESIDENCE?                                                                 MAKE ART IN OUR PARKS                                                                                  RESIDENCIES
                    Participate in a free Artists’ Residency and collaborate with professional artists on projects that       Visit over 50 artists making art in Vancouver Park Board’s Fieldhouse Studios. These former care-
                    build creative community. The Artists in Residence program is an important part of our commit-            takers’ suites in parks and underused facilities across the City have been transformed into active     GALLERIES
                    ment to community cultural development: promoting diversity, interdisciplinary activity, innova-          spaces for community engaged creative Practice. In each cycle artist collectives, food, greening,
                    tion, collaboration, and involvement. This is your opportunity to create original theatre, dance,         and environmental groups are given free access to these spaces in exchange for engaging neigh-
                    music, and visual art with some of Vancouver’s most renowned artists.                                     bours, colleagues, and curious visitors in imaginative and collaborative work. These inspiring
                                                                                                                              projects lead communities into deeper conversations about living in an urban environment. Find
                    (A)MEND WITH ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE KATHERINE SOUCIE                                                         out more about all 22 Fieldhouse programs across the Vancouver Park Board at
                    Explore design, craft, and material activism with the (a)Mend project. Local artist and designer
                    Katherine Soucie will introduce the project to participants through pop-up events at the
                    Roundhouse in the spring and will run a free explorative workshop series in the summer. These             HADDEN PARK
                    activities will build to the co-creation of a new sculptural work relating to concepts, techniques, and   Publik Secrets is in residence at Hadden Park’s fieldhouse (1015 Maple St) and offers multi-disci-
                    materials explored, and will be exhibited at the Roundhouse. See page 41 for registration details.        plinary creative engagement with the park, neighbours, and the city at large. Their collaborative
                    Katherine is an artist and designer who transforms textile industry waste into new textiles, clothing,    projects involve open-ended workshops, installations, and performances, including a 24-Hour
                    and sculptural forms. She studied Fashion Design in Toronto, Canada before furthering her studies         Karaoke marathon, sound-walks, experimental musical instrument building workshops, outdoor
                    in Textiles and Visual Art in Vancouver. Since 2003, her experimentation with textile industry waste,     films, gamelan music workshops, listening parties, and festivals for creative sonic loitering. Visit
                    specifically hosiery, has resulted in an extensive body of work for which she has received numerous for more information.
                    scholarships, grants, and awards. Labour, history, craft, and technology continue to inform her
                    research and her ongoing transformation of textile waste as a material resource.                          WINDOW GALLERY
                                                                                                                              The WINDOW Gallery is a Roundhouse exhibition space for artists who explore the links between
Katherine Soucie.
                    INTRODUCING ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE SARAH RONALD                                                              community and creativity in their work. WINDOW is located in the main entrance off of Pacific
                    Artist Sarah Ronald will engage community members to explore personal symbolism to create                 Street. See for more details on the artists and their work.
                    work that is rooted in storytelling and personal history.
                                                                                                                              Check for further details on the artists and their work.
                    Growing up in Summerland BC, Sarah received her Bachelor of Fine Art degree from Okanagan
                    University in Kelowna before moving to the West Coast. Her work is rich with personal symbolism           Artists include:
                    and often inspired by wild animals seen outside of her studio window, meandering through                  May-Jun: Katie So, illustration. See page 13 for more details.
                    her suburban neighbourhood, or making news headlines. She has diverse experience working                  Jul-Aug: Wen Wen (Cherry) Lu, paper installation. See page 17 for more details.
                    with the public throughout the Lower Mainland and is excited to explore art-making with the
                    Roundhouse community.                                                                                     GREAT HALL GALLERY – ALL THE TREES
                    Watch for her at the Roundhouse throughout the spring and summer and register for a free visual
                    art exploration session for adults in the fall. More info at or
                                                                                                                              HOLLY SCHMIDT
                    follow her explorations on Instagram @sarahronaldair.
                                                                                                                              Great Hall Gallery
                    DANCE                                                                                                     INFO
                    Community-engaged dance residencies at Vancouver Park Board facilities bring together people              All the Trees encouraged visitors to take a closer look at the trees
                    of all ages, abilities, and cultural backgrounds to explore, create, and perform dance with profes-       around the West Point Grey Community Centre and Jericho Park
                    sional dance artists. Dance residencies from across the city – including the Roundhouse – will            and to communicate with those trees. This was commemorated
                    come together to perform at LINK Dance on May 30. See page 16 for details.                                with a series of 24 posters showcasing some of the emails and
                                                                                                                              responses that were sent.
Sarah Ronald.       YOUTH THEATRE
                    Some Assembly’s new play Rewire is a bold must-see. This multi-media theatre production                   Thirty trees were tagged with an ID Number, an email address
                    inspires positive change when stress has negative impacts such as anxiety and social isolation.           and an invitation to send a personal message to the tree. Artist in
                    In a dynamic interchange on the night of a lunar eclipse and a video game event, local youth              residence, Holly Schmidt and a curated group including historian
                    bravely face root causes of stress including poverty, grief, and sexual assault. Rewire highlights        John Atkin, horticulturalist Egan Davis, poet Rahat Kurd, and
                    integrity, positive action, and community support. Free performances take place May 1-4, 2019 in          indigenous herbalist Lori Snyder responded to the emails on
                    the Roundhouse Performance Centre as part of National Youth Arts Week and BC Youth Week. A                behalf of the trees.
                    facilitated talkback session follows each performance. See page 11 for details.                           All the Trees is an artist project by Holly Schmidt, Vancouver Park
                                                                                                                              Board Artist in Community at West Point Grey Community Centre.
                    MOTHERS AND MOTHERLANDS AND WORLD LISTENING DAY                                                           All the Trees was made possible with the support of the Artist in
                    Artists Amal Rana and George Rahi commence investigations into matrilineal histories and                  Communities program through the Vancouver Park Board and West
                    locating sound for 2019. The public is welcome to join in on introductory projects Mothers and            Point Grey Community Centre, and the Jericho Stewardship Group.
                    Motherlands and World Listening Day. See pages 14 and 18 for details.                                     This legacy poster project and exhibition are supported by the
                                                                                                                              Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre.
                                                                                                                                                                               #6416 Redwood
                                                                                                                                                                               Sequoia sempervirens

6                                                                    For information 604.713.1800 ext 1     For information 604.713.1800 ext 1                                                            7
EVENTS FLASH FORWARD INCUBATOR                                                                           APR 2 – 6           REEL FOCUS SHORT FILM PROGRAM                                                                             EVENTS
                                                                                                                                         Mon Apr 8 – Fri Apr12
               APR STUDENT EXHIBITION AND SILENT AUCTION                                                                                 Performance Centre, 10am & 11:45am                                                                        APR
                             A Roundhouse partnership with Capture Photography Festival and Magenta Foundation                           Each program of funny, daring and imaginative short films screens twice daily. The general public is
                             Tue Apr 2 – Sat Apr 6                                                                                       welcome to all film screenings. Students in grades 4-7 can register through their school by contact-
                             Sat Apr 6, 1-3pm Opening Reception and Silent Auction                                                       ing
                             Exhibition Hall                                                                                             FEATURE FILMS FOR ALL AGES AND CLOSING NIGHT FILM
                             INFO |                                                   Tue Apr 9– Sat Apr 13, various times
                             @capturephotofest @magentafoundation @flashfwdincubator                                                     Vancity Theatre - See program details at
                             The Flash Forward Incubator Program supports emerging artists from high schools as they transi-             See the very best in international cinema for young people and participate in post film discussions
                             tion into the next phase of their artistic careers. The exhibition and silent auction is a celebration of   and hands-on animation workshops. Group registration is also available at reduced ticket rates.
                             lens-based work created by students from the 2018/19 program. All proceeds from the auction are
                             contributed back to the schools. This year's program and exhibition theme is "boundaries".
                             Sponsors: TD Bank Group, Vancouver Foundation, London Drugs, PWC                                            THE REUNION – A CONTEMPORARY CHAMBER OPERA APR 13
                                                                                                                                         A Roundhouse partnership with the Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble
                             ROLL CALL                                                                                     APR 6         Sat Apr 13, 7:30pm
                                                                                                                                         Performance Centre
                             A Roundhouse partnership with Capture Photography Festival                                                  TICKETS Tickets $25 /$15 Student, Senior, Artist |
Photo by Bohdan Lee, 2019    Sat Apr 6, 7pm                                                                                              INFO | | Fb @vancouverchinesemusic
Incubator Student.           Exhibition Hall                                                                                             Join the Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble for this special presentation of the folktale “The
                             INFO                                                                              Reunion at the Monastery” based on “Xi-Ju”, a famous and beautiful traditional Chinese opera.
                             Nelson Mouëllic Studio presents Roll Call – a photography show that celebrates honest photog-               This exceptional evening of music will combine traditional Chinese and western instruments and
                             raphy, and gives an unfiltered look at the photographic processes from some of Vancouver's finest           singing, and will feature renowned soprano Lili Lau.
                             photographers. Roll Call is a fast paced, one-day event that pushes the boundaries of traditional
                             analogue photography. By condensing what is traditionally a slow process into a single day, pho-
                             tographers must work quickly, creating imagery driven by impulse, while maintaining a sense of              THE BIG SING – COMMUNITY REHEARSAL                                                      APR 14
                             mindfulness in their work.
                                                                                                                                         A Roundhouse partnership with Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival
                             Sponsors: London Drugs Photolab, Fujifilm, Capture Photo Festival, Nelson Mouëllic Studio
                                                                                                                                         Sun Apr 14, 2-4pm
                                                                                                                                         Exhibition Hall
                             REEL 2 REAL                                                                           APR 7 – 13            INFO | Fb @VancouverCherryBlossomFestival | Insta @cherryblossomfestyvr                     Vancouver Chinese Music
                                                                                                                                         Sign up on Apr 14 to participate in The Big Sing on Apr 27, 12:30-2:30pm at the Vancouver Art          Ensemble.
                             INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FOR YOUTH                                                                       Gallery Plaza –šxw n q Xwtl’e7énk Square. Learn Cherry Blossoms for You & Me with new chore-
                             A Roundhouse partnership                                                                                    ography as well as other inspiring songs.
                             Sun Apr 7 – Sat Apr 13                                                                                      Sponsors: Canadian Music Centre, Metro Vancouver, David and Dorothy Lam Foundation
                             Screenings at the Roundhouse and Vancity Theatre (1181 Seymour St.)
                             TICKETS $9 children/youth/seniors, $12 adults (special rate $7/person for Sunday Fun
                             Day!), Tickets are available in advance, online, or cash only at the door.                                  TROY MCLAUGHLIN: S.T.I.L (STUFF THAT I LIKE)                                            APR 14
Roll Call. Photo by Nelson   INFO | 778-725-1113 | All screenings are open to the public.
Mouëllic.                                                                                                                                A DANCE ALLSORTS PERFORMANCE                                                                           Troy McLaughlin. Photo by David
                             SUNDAY FUN DAY!                                                                                             A Roundhouse partnership with New Works                                                                Cooper.
                             Sun Apr 7
                                                                                                                                         Sun Apr 14, 2pm
                             Performance Centre | Exhibition Hall
                                                                                                                                         Performance Centre
                             10-11:45am, Pancake Breakfast
                                                                                                                                         Free dance workshop 3:15pm (Reserve your space at
                             10am-3pm, Short Film Programs
                                                                                                                                         TICKETS Advanced tickets for guaranteed seating. $15 for adults, $5 for seniors,
                             10:30am-3pm, Film & Animation Workshops
                                                                                                                                         and children 12 and under, pay-what-you-can at the door. First come, first
                             For only $7 per person, enjoy bacon and pancakes (gluten-free and vegan available), animation
                             workshops, and zany short films. A highly imaginative program of award-winning short anima-
                                                                                                                                         INFO |
                             tions, documentaries, and dramas will take you on adventures around the world. Then participate
                                                                                                                                         S.T.I.L (Stuff That I Like) features whimsical dances that define moments in a person’s
                             in hands-on animation workshops and learn the basics of stop motion animation.
                                                                                                                                         life from youth to maturity. Inspired by kids' TV shows from the 1970s, children’s stories,
                             OPENING NIGHT FILM & GALA PARTY                                                                             Disco, Rock & Roll, Funk and Jazz, Troy brings forward stories with historical relevance,
                             Sun Apr 7, 4:30pm                                                                                           tied to the now. S.T.I.L. is an entertaining program of dance wrapped around poignant
                             Vancity Theatre - See program details at                                                thought about the relationships in the world all around us.
                             The festival begins with a gala film screening, followed by a catered reception which is open to the

8                            public with purchase of a film ticket.
                                                                               For information 604.713.1800 ext 1      For information 604.713.1800 ext 1                                                                             9
EVENTS EGGS-TACULAR EASTER EGG HUNT                                                                              APR 20          YOUTH WEEK SKATEBOARD JAM @ THE DOWNTOWN SKATE PLAZA                                                       EVENTS
                                                                                                                                         A partnership with the Vancouver Skateboard Coalition
      APR – MAY A Roundhouse special event                                                                                                                                                                                                          MAY
                                                                                                                                         Sat May 4, 1-4pm
                               Sat Apr 20                                                                                                Downtown Skate Plaza Union & Quebec St
                               9:30-10:45 am (1-3 yrs) | 11:15am-12:30 pm (1-6 yrs)                                                      Join us for the 13th annual Youth Week Skateboard Jam with skateboard contest for all levels, cool
                               1-2:15pm (4-9 yrs) | 2:45-4pm (4-9 yrs)                                                                   demos by the best professional skateboarders in town, and free mini lessons. Caregiver consent/
                               Exhibition Hall                                                                                           waiver forms must be completed prior to participation and are available from the Community Youth
                               TICKETS $6/child                                                                                          Worker or online at
                               INFO 604-713-1800 press 1                                                                                 Sponsors: Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, Community Centre Associations
                               Hippity hoppity down to the Roundhouse for our annual Eggs-tacular Easter Egg Hunt. The event
                               includes face painting, arts and crafts, games, cookie decorating, and a visit from the Easter Bunny!
                               Caregiver supervision is required for all children. Call to register. Drop-ins are welcome if space       REWIRE                                                                                  MAY 1 – 4
                               permits. Children under 1 are free and do not need to register.
                                                                                                                                         Some Assembly Theatre Company/Roundhouse Youth Theatre Action Group Project
                                                                                                                                         Wed May 1, 1:30pm
                               SPEAKING FROM OUR ART                                                             APR 24 – 26             Thu May 2, 11am and 1:30pm
                                                                                                                                         Fri May 3 and Sat May 4, 7:30pm
                               A Roundhouse partnership with Vancouver Association of Secondary Alternative Programs                     Performance Centre
                               Wed Apr 24- Fri Apr 26 Exhibit                                                                            TICKETS Free to the public and community/school groups. Donations are welcome. Lim-
                               Exhibition Hall                                                                                           ited seating. A facilitated talkback session follows each performance.
                               Thu Apr 25, 7pm Performance                                                                               INFO
                               Performance Centre                                                                                        RESERVATIONS call 604-603-5247
                               This annual arts fair for Vancouver School District Alternative schools showcases the diverse and         REWIRE inspires positive change when stress has negative impacts such as anxiety and social
                               dynamic artistic talent of students. Featuring vast and varied visual art, as well as music and perfor-   isolation. In a dynamic interchange on the night of a lunar eclipse and a big video game event,
                               mance, the fair is a must for folks intrigued by the creative energy of the city's youth.                 local youth bravely face root causes of stress including poverty, grief and sexual assault. REWIRE
                               Sponsor: Vancouver School Board                                                                           intersects the arts, education, social services and health in a bold multi-media theatre production
                                                                                                                                         that highlights integrity, positive action and community support. Comedy, music, and spectacular
                                                                                                                                         visuals are included. REWIRE speaks to youth and adults.
                               YOUTH WEEK                                                                            MAY 1 – 7           Celebrating its 18th season, Some Assembly’s theatre collaborations between youth and profes-
Alternative Arts student       Youth Week is an internationally celebrated event that promotes youth awareness, positive youth                                                                 sional artists build awareness, promote well-
artwork.                       public profile, and stronger connections between youth and community. During Youth Week, youth                                                                  ness and encourage dialogue about issues
                               around the world organize and participate in events, performances, forums, and community proj-                                                                  facing youth. A collaboration between youth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Youth Week Skateboard Jam.
                               ects. Contact our Community Youth Worker, Sally Chan, at sally.chan@vancouver / 604-713-1858 to                                                                 from all over the Lower Mainland and Some
                               get involved in any of the following events.                                                                                                                    Assembly Theatre Company with artists: Val-
                                                                                                                                                                                               erie Methot, Ken Lawson, Allen Morrison, Flick
                               COMMUNITY SMALL GRANTS                                                                                                                                          Harrison, Stephen Fisk, James Moore, Susan
                               Up to $400 are available for youth to get creative in celebrating Youth Week. Apply for a grant, plan                                                           Bertoia, Jeremy Baxter, Anna Talbot, Athena
                               an event, and promote your activities in your community!                                                                                                        Ivison, Jessica Han, and Nikki McLaren.
                               MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOUth DANCE                                                                                                                              Community partners and supporters: Round-
                               Sat May 4, 8-11pm                                                                                                                                               house, Vancouver Coastal Health, Vancouver
                               Trout Lake Community Centre                                                                                                                                     Board of Parks and Recreation, Ministry of
                               TICKETS $5 from Community Youth Worker | $7 at the door | Bring a valid school Go-Card                                                                          Children and Family Development, City of
                               to the event                                                                                                                                                    Vancouver, BC Arts Council, Province of British
                               With a free photo booth, arcade games, prizes and dance battles, visit the Youth Office to get your                                                             Columbia, Vancouver Foundation, Hamber
                               tickets for this youth dance starting April 1.                                                                                                                  Foundation, Metro Vancouver, Sarah McLachlan
                                                                                                                                                                                               School of Music, Boxmaster, Methotical Produc-
                               3-ON-3 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENTS                                                                                                                                   tions, WAVAW and Vancouver School Board
                               The Roundhouse is hosting two days of exciting Basketball events with food, fun, and prizes. Sign
                               up your team by contacting the Community Youth Worker before April 25.
                               Thu May 2
                               3:30-5:30pm, Grade 6-7 - 3 vs 3 Tournament
                               5:30-7:45pm, Grade 8-10 - 3 vs 3 Tournament
Youth Week 3-on-3 Basketball   Fri May 3                                                                                                                                                      RHYTAG writing new script
Tournaments.                   4:30-7:30pm, Night Hoops Jamboree

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11
                                                                                                                                                                                              Rewire. Photo by Flick Harrison.
                               7:30-11pm, Grade 11-12 - 3 vs 3 Tournament
                                                                                For information 604.713.1800 ext 1
EVENTS SONIC PLAYGROUND | EPOCH YOUTH PROJECTS                                                           MAY 1 – 7           FIXED GAZE                                                               MAY 2 – JUN 27                   EVENTS
              MAY EXHIBITION AND PROJECT                                                                                                KATIE SO                                                                                                  MAY – JUN
                                A residency and a partnership with Western Front and Epoch Youth                                        Thu May 2 – Thu Jun 27
                                Wed May 1 – Tue May 7                                                                                   WINDOW Gallery
                                Exhibition Hall                                                                                         INFO
                                Wed May 1, 5-7 pm Opening reception with live dance and music performances                              Step into the mind of a cartoonist. Layers of cut-out paper illustrations both reveal and obscure,
                                SONIC PLAYGROUND proudly presents the culmination of youth projects by students from Wal-               leading you to discover more with each closer look. In the same way that comics can be broken
                                ter Moberly Elementary, Burnaby North High, and King George Secondary exploring the creative            down into individual panels or viewed as an entire page, this installation provides the viewer with
                                potential of sound art, collaging, field-recordings, and collective artistic organization. Experience   complex details up close yet, from afar, tells a broader story.
                                their journeys creating Blank Canvas Collective and YOUNG ARCHIVE through artifacts, images, lis-       In partnership with Vancouver Comic Arts Festival (VanCAF).
                                tening stations, and performances. With mentors Alanna Ho and Nathan Marsh.
                                EPOCH YOUTH PROJECT is a collaborative performance creative process and workshop for youth              WEST OF MAIN ART WALK EXHIBITION                                                        MAY 9
                                ages 14-23. The project combines dance, theatre, writing, visual art, and sound to explore socio-
                                political themes. Facilitated by professional artists Kelly McInnes, Sophia Wolfe, Laura Avery and      A Roundhouse partnership with Artists in Our Midst Society
                                Red Fawkes, Epoch welcomes youth with any level of experience to delve into their unique creativ-
                                ity, perspective, and moving body. In fall 2018, the group began research for a new piece that is       Thu May 9, 10am-9pm
                                exploring our relationships to technology, environments, and reality.                                   Exhibition Hall
                                Sponsors: BC Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts, SOCAN Foundation, Canadian Heritage, City of    Join us for our 27th anniversary opening night reception to meet over 60 artists, view their work,
                                Vancouver, BC Gaming, New Media Gallery, Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation.                       and map out your weekend tour. The exhibit includes a wide range of paintings, ceramics, jewelry,
                                                                                                                                        textiles, and photography. See the work these artists have produced to help Coast Mental Health
                                EMERGENCE PROJECT                                                                   MAY 4 – 5           provide art supplies for their free art programs in downtown Vancouver.
                                                                                                                                        Supported by: Kitsilano Neighbourhood House
                                MUSIC CAREER WORKSHOPS
                                A Roundhouse partnership with Red Chamber Society
                                Sat May 4 – Sun May 5
                                                                                                                                        VIBRASI BALI: MUSIC FOR BALINESE GAMELAN                                              MAY 11
                                Exhibition Hall, Room B                                                                                 A Roundhouse partnership with Gita Asmara
                                REGISTRATION Space is limited, registration required |
Emergence Mentorship            Sat May 4, 3pm Interactive Interview with Shari Ulrich                                                  Sat May 11
Workshop for Young Women.       Exhibition Hall                                                                                         7pm Indonesian food for sale
                                The Emergence mentoring program pairs young women from varied cultures with powerful art-               8pm Concert                                                                                           Art by Katie So.
                                ist mentors. Whether you perform the Chinese erhu, R&B or electronica, this intensive weekend           Performance Centre
                                workshop focuses on what you need for a successful career in music, and features an interview           TICKETS Eventbrite or at the door (cash or credit) | Online: $15 adults/$10 students/seniors
                                between CBC’s Sheryl MacKay and legendary Canadian singer/songwriter Shari Ulrich, wherein              $5 children | At door: $20/ $15 students/seniors $10 children
                                Shari discloses her struggles and successes as an award-winning artist.                                 INFO | | @gamelangitaasmara
                                                                                                                                        Join Vancouver’s Gita Asmara for a night of Balinese gamelan. Under the direction of I Putu Gede
                                                                                                                                        Sukaryana the group will perform both new and old selections by local and international compos-
                                SONDER                                                                              MAY 5 – 6           ers including Michael Tenzer, Yasuko Takei, and I Made Subandi. The evening will open with new
                                                                                                                                        music for chamber ensemble by internationally-renowned Balinese composer Dewa Ketut Alit.
                                A Roundhouse partnership with Square One                                                                Supported by: UBC School of Music, Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia (Vancouver)
                                Sun May 5 – Mon May 6, 7pm                                                                              WORKSHOP
                                Performance Centre                                                                                      Sat May 11, 5-6pm
                                TICKETS $10 at the door                                                                                 Before the performance, learn to play gamelan instruments at Gita Asmara’s free workshop. No
                                INFO | 604-312-0043 |                             prior experience is required and all ages welcome. Pre-register for the free workshop at https://
                                OneBC/ |                                                             
                                Sonder is Square One’s 8th album release event. Over the course of 10 months these talented
                                teenage musicians have written, rehearsed, recorded, and mixed a full album. This year, the stu-
                                dents have focused on a variety of genres – notably, the fusion between acoustic and electronic
                                Supported by: Western Front New Music, BC Arts Council, and artist Nathan Marsh

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Gita Asmara 2018.
Sonder – Square One Students.

12                                                                              For information 604.713.1800 ext 1    For information 604.713.1800 ext 1                                                                      13
EVENTS MOTHERS AND MOTHERLANDS                          MAY 11 – 12                                                             SONGBIRD NORTH                                                                            MAY 21              EVENTS
               MAY INTERGENERATIONAL CELEBRATION OF MOTHERHOOD EXHIBITION                                                                   A Roundhouse partnership with Songwriters Association of Canada
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          MAY – JUN
                                 Sat May 11-Sun May 12, 9:30am-4:30pm                                                                       Tue May 21, 7:30pm
                                 Exhibition Hall                                                                                            Performance Centre
                                 Interactive Storytelling with Amal Rana                                                                    TICKETS $18 at the door (discount for SAC members), reserve online
                                 Sun May 12, 10:30-11:30am, 12:30-1:30pm, 2:30-3:30 pm                                                      INFO | FB @SongBirdNorthYVR
                                 INFO                                                                                   Featuring Marla & David Celia, Luke Isaac, & Scott Smith and host Shari Ulrich.
                                 “To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing,          SongBird North has been a fixture in Vancouver for over 21 years, and for the last 10 years, at the
                                 falling colors of a rainbow.” – Maya Angelou                                                               Roundhouse. A bi-monthly showcase featuring four exceptional singer/songwriters ranging from
                                 This Mother’s Day we invite you to join us in a free, all ages, intergenerational celebration and explo-   renowned veterans to up-and-coming writers, with a variety of styles, on stage together, taking
                                 ration of Motherhood. Mothers and mothering are honoured in richly varied ways in many cultures            turns playing their own original songs and sharing stories with one another and the audience about
                                 and communities. There are many different definitions of Mother. How do Mothers see themselves?            their work. The event has toured nationally, and has established itself in several other Canadian
                                 What are our connections to our Mothers, our Grandmothers, to the matriarchs who mother us                 cities but Vancouver remains its longest-standing host city.
                                 and our communities in so many beautiful ways? How do our matrilineal ancestries and connec-
                                 tions to motherlands shape us? How do we explore the many meanings of mothering in relation to
                                 ourselves and the land we are currently on?                                                                GLOBAL PHYSICS PHOTOWALK EXHIBITION                                                       MAY 22
                                 Bring your mother, your grandmother, your matriarchs, and the people you consider mother figures           A Roundhouse partnership with TRIUMF
                                 in your life, as well as children of all ages! Join us for a day of creative expression through poetry,
Mother Earth.                    visual art, and intergenerational storytelling. Amal Rana is a Poet, Interdisciplinary Storyteller         Exhibition Hall
                                 and Arts Educator. Her poetry has been published widely in Canada and internationally. Through             Wed May 22, 6-9pm
                                 Cambium Arts & Education, Amal offers workshops and curates community centered events that                 INFO | | @triumflab
                                 explore themes such as home, migration, matriarchal histories, and more.                                   TRIUMF, Canada's particle accelerator centre, and 15 international laboratories participated in
                                                                                                                                            the 2018 Global Physics Photowalk. Amateur and professional photographers went behind-the-
                                                                                                                                            scenes to capture these facilities, communities, and the experimental underpinnings of world-class
                                 ENGINE 374 ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION                                                        MAY 19           research. Join photographers and TRIUMF staff behind this unique view of one of Canada's most
                                                                                                                                            important research centres.
                                 A Roundhouse special event                                                                                 Sponsors: Interactions Collaboration, The Royal Photographic Society
                                 Sun May 19 , 12-3pm                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Colourful Honeycomb,
                                 Turntable Plaza                                                                                                                                                                                                       Vanessa Fiaz, 2018 Global
                                 Join us for a free community event! CPR Engine 374 pulled into the Vancouver terminal for the first                                                                                                                   Physics Photowalk (DESCANT,
                                 time 132 years ago, becoming the first passenger train to arrive on the West Coast. On Sunday May                                                                                                                     TRIUMF)
                                 19, Engine 374 makes her annual trip out onto the Roundhouse Turntable. Watch her steam up, then
                                 ring the bell and blow the whistle yourself! Come celebrate with free birthday cake, fun activities,
                                 speeches and a brass band.

                                 VANCOUVER COMIC ARTS FESTIVAL (VANCAF)                                             MAY 18 – 19
                                 A Roundhouse partnership with Vancouver Comic Arts Association                                             ARTS & HEALTH: HEALTHY AGING THROUGH THE ARTS                                    MAY 27 – JUN 1
                                 Sat May 18 – Sun May 19, 10am-5pm
                                 Exhibition Hall, Gym, various small rooms                                                                  A Vancouver Park Board residency & partnership with Arts & Health: Healthy Aging through the Arts
                                 INFO |                                                                      EXHIBITION
                                 VanCAF is a free, two-day celebration of comics and graphic novels, including an exhibition and            Mon May 27 – Fri May 31
                                 vendor fair featuring hundreds of creators from around the world. Other Festival events include            Exhibition Hall
                                 readings, panels and workshops. The festival seeks to support Vancouver comics, encouraging local          GALA CABARET & LUNCH
                                 creators and stories.                                                                                      Sat Jun 1, 10am-2pm, Lunch 12-1pm
                                 Sponsors: Capilano, Langara, Raincoast, Pulp Fiction, Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation,             TICKETS (ticket required for lunch only) $12, please register for lunch at the front desk
                                 Consulate of France, Consulate of Italy, Europe Comics, Alliance Francaise, Vancouver Public Library,      INFO
                                 UBC's Creative Writing Program, Black Medicine Tattoo, SFU Woodwards, Golden Age Collectables,             Arts & Health: Healthy Aging through the Arts recognizes that participating in creative arts practice
                                 Lucky's Comics, Toronto Comic Art Festival, Stormcrow                                                      builds better health in older adults. Professional artists work collaboratively with seniors and Elders,
                                                                                                                                            facilitating the expression of participants’ knowledge and life experiences. Together artists, seniors,
VanCAF, 2018.. Photo by Sisia.                                                                                                              and Elders dance, sing, write, paint, create video, and develop art projects of all kinds. The Round-
                                                                                                                                            house Exhibition & Gala is a showcase for this work – celebrate with us!

14                                                                                For information 604.713.1800 ext 1      For information 604.713.1800 ext 1                                                                         15
EVENTS LINK DANCE                                                                                            MAY 30          QUEER ARTS FESTIVAL: rEVOLUTION                                                  JUN 18 – 28                EVENTS
      MAY – JUN A Vancouver Park Board Artists’ Residency                                                                            A Roundhouse partnership with Pride in Art Society
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 JUN – AUG
                             Thu May 30, 7:30pm                                                                                      Tue Jun 18 – Fri Jun 28
                             Performance Centre                                                                                      Exhibition Hall, Performance Centre
                             TICKETS $5 minimum donation at the door                                                                 TICKETS $0-40 at | Concession pricing, flex passes available
                                                                                         Join us for LINK, a showcase perfor-        INFO | Fb/Tw @qafvancouver | Insta @queerarts
                                                                                         mance for community dance residen-          “Art does not imitate life. Art anticipates life.” — Jeanette Winterson
                                                                                         cies from community centres across          50 years after Stonewall and the Canadian decriminalization of homosexuality, rEvolution gathers
                                                                                         the city. Projects bring together non-      together urgent voices of resistance to the growing backlash: art as the evolution of the revolution.
                                                                                         professional movers of all ages, dance      Highlights include the Queer Songbook Orchestra; The Queen in Me, Teiya Kasahara’s cri de coeur;
                                                                                         abilities, and cultural backgrounds         and The Devil’s Contract, a reading of Canada's first deaf opera.
                                                                                         to work alongside professional cho-         Supported by: Government of Canada, Canada Council for the Arts, Province of British Columbia, BC
                                                                                         reographers to create, practice, and        Arts Council, City of Vancouver, Vancouver Foundation
                                                                                         perform original dance works that are
                                                                                         important to them.
                                                                                                                                     THE PEOPLE                                                               JUN 29 – AUG 28
                                                                                                                                     WEN WEN (CHERRY) LU
LINK Dance, 2018. Photo by
                                                                                                                                     Sat Jun 29 – Wed Aug 28
Chris Randle.                OLDER AND CREATING IT                                                                JUN 3 – 7          WINDOW Gallery
                             SENIORS WEEK CELEBRATION AND ART EXHIBITION                                                             INFO
                             Check out these great free activities for older adults (55+) from amazing art to spring dance! Events   The People is an artwork that presents the power of community. Abstracted little human figures are
                             are free unless a price is listed. Read all the details on page 56-57.                                  cut out from free real estate brochures and magazines, creating a textured installation that appears
                                                                                                                                     to shift and change as the viewer walks by. The motion draws one in, unfolding and revealing a
                             Mon Jun 3 – Fri Jun 7                                                                                   visual statement on the communal formation of a collective.
                             Exhibition Hall
                             INFO | 604-713-1800
                             MONDAY, JUNE 3                                                                                          ALL THE TREES                                                                      JUL – AUG
                             7-8:30pm Art opening and launch of Older and Creating It
                                                                                                                                     HOLLY SCHMIDT
                             TUESDAY, JUNE 4                                                                                         Jul-Aug                                                                                                 The People. Photo by Wen Wen
                             11am-12pm Aloha Mahalo Dance instruction and presentation                                               Great Hall Gallery                                                                                      (Cherry) Lu.
                             1-3pm Rhythm and Sound from Cuba                                                                        INFO
                                        WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5                                                                            See page 7 for details.
                                       10am-12pm Pottery Open House
                                       12-2pm Ecstatic Dance and Mural Drawing                                                       DANCING IN THE STREET                                                   JUL 7, 21, AUG 25
                                        THURSDAY, JUNE 6                                                                             A Roundhouse partnership with Vancouver Swing Society
                                       11am-1pm Let’s Get Stitching
                                                                                                                                     Sun Jul 7, Sun Jul 21, Sun Aug 25
                                       1:30-3pm Spontaneous Creation-Improv                                                          1-4pm
                                        FRIDAY, JUNE 7                                                                               Turntable Plaza
                                       12-3pm, tickets $12 Tea Dance                                                                 INFO |
                                       7-10pm, tickets $10 or by donation Prom Night – Not Just Ballroom                             Dancing in the Street features a series of free outdoor dances with talented local bands playing
                                                                                                                                     different styles of swing music. Each event offers drop-in beginner swing dance lessons, live music,
                                                                                                                                     and open social dancing. All ages, bodies, and abilities are welcome and no partner or previous
                             I     YALETOWN 6TH ANNUAL COMMUNITY BBQ                                                   JUN 5         dance experience is necessary.
                                                                                                                                     Supported by: the Roundhouse, Rhythm City Productions, Dave Henderson Sound, City of Vancouver-
                             A Roundhouse special event                                                                              Cultural Services
                             Wed Jun 5, 12-3pm
                             Turntable Plaza
                             INFO | 604-713-1857
                             Join us on the Roundhouse’s Turntable Plaza on Davie Street for a community BBQ. Many local com-                                                                                                                Dancing in the Street, 2017.
                             munity businesses and partners come together to celebrate the Yaletown community!                                                                                                                               Photo by Julia Boyle.

16                                                                           For information 604.713.1800 ext 1    For information 604.713.1800 ext 1                                                                        17
EVENTS PAGTITIPON – A GATHERING                                                                             JUL 16 – 21            SUMMER ON THE TURNTABLE                                                               JUL – AUG               EVENTS
        JUL – AUG A Roundhouse partnership with Filipino Music & Art Foundation                                                              A Roundhouse special event
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           JUL – SEP
                                    Tue Jul 16 – Sun Jul 21                                                                                  Tuesdays
                                    Tue-Fri 9am-8pm, Sat-Sun 9am-4:45pm Exhibition                                                           Roundhouse Turntable Plaza
                                    Wed July 17, 6:30-8:30pm Reception                                                                       INFO
                                    Exhibition Hall                                                                                          Spend time with family and friends on the Turntable. Check the Roundhouse website for details.
                                    INFO |
                                    This art exhibition showcases a collective body of original works by Filipino, Filipino-Canadian, and
                                    Filipino-American artists. It provides an opportunity to view significant artworks and heighten          VANCOUVER OUTSIDER ARTS FESTIVAL                                                     AUG 9 – 11
                                    awareness of the abundance of creative and artistic talent from the Philippines. With artists: Danvic
                                    Briones, Ileta Buenaventura, Lorina Capitulo, Tessie Dichupa, Jo Galang, Mayo Landicho, Rico Las-        A Roundhouse partnership with Community Arts Council of Vancouver
                                    cano, Edgardo Lantin, Lenore RS Lim, Esmie Gayo McLaren, Bert Monterona, and Aze Ong.                    Fri Aug 9 – Sun Aug11
                                    Presented in co-operation with The Philippine Consulate General in Vancouver.                            Exhibition Hall
                                                                                                                                             INFO | 604-682-0010 |
                                                                                                                                             This 3-day free festival offers visual and performing artists facing social exclusion and other barriers
                                    WORLD LISTENING DAY                                                                       JUL 18         opportunities for exhibition and sales, performance and participation, and connection and learn-
                                                                                                                                             ing. Join us for workshops for artists and the public, with hundreds of artworks on display and for
                                    SOUNDWALK                                                                                                sale, music, poetry, and much more.
                                    Thu Jul 18, 7pm
                                    Start in the Roundhouse Foyer
                                    Participate in World Listening Day with a soundwalk from the Roundhouse Community Centre to              ROUNDHOUSE FUN FAIR                                                                        AUG 18
                                    Hadden Park/Kitsilano Beach .The walk will explore the soundscape of Vancouver's coastline and
                                    ask what defines our city's sonic environment today. Through a practice of collective walking and        A Roundhouse special event
                                    listening, can we hear the forces that punctuate daily life into a tapestry of rhythms? A group dis-     Sun Aug 18, 2-5pm (Rain or shine)
                                    cussion will conclude the walk, providing an opportunity to offer input into a participatory sound       David Lam Park
                                    installation project, taking place at the Roundhouse in fall 2019.                                       INFO | 604-713-1857
                                    George Rahi is a Vancouver-based artist exploring new hybrids between the acoustic, sculptural,          The Roundhouse is celebrating summer with our annual community BBQ, including bouncy castles,
                                    and public realms of sound.                                                                              BBQ by donation, community partners, live music, sports activities, arts and crafts and more. Come
                                                                                                                                             celebrate summer with us at David Lam Park. All donations go to the Children's Hospital. All food
                                                                                                                                             and drinks generously donated by Urban Fare.
World Listening Day.
                                    UNDER THE SALISH MOON                                                       JUL 25 – AUG 4
                                    A Roundhouse partnership with Indigenous Women Artists Collective                                        SEE THE WORLD WITH AN OPEN EYE                                                     AUG 19 – 22
                                    Thu Jul 25 – Sun Aug 4                                                                                   A Roundhouse partnership with Group of Five Photographers
                                    Thu Jul 25, 6:30-8:30pm Reception
                                    Exhibition Hall                                                                                          Mon Aug 19 – Thu Aug 22
                                    TICKETS Exhibition is free, performances are by donation (suggested fee $10 pay what you                 Exhibition Hall
                                    can, no one will be turned away)                                                                         INFO
                                    INFO                                                            Five photography enthusiasts, Ben Chan, Yui Hung Cheng, Jonathan Lau, John Leung, and William
                                    “Under the Salish Moon” is an art exhibition presented by the Indigenous Women Artists Collective        Zhou travel to the BC interior, across the country and around the world, capturing the people and
                                    (IWA), featuring Courtney Agecoutay, Arlene Bowman, Allison Burns Joseph, Haisla Collins, D. Dal-        scenery with their inquisitive eyes.
                                    las, Doris Fox, Shevonne Hall, Veronica Iza, Chantel Joseph, Marilyn Mckee, Chrisse Oleman, Chrystal
                                    Sparrow, Jacqueline West, Georgina Wing, and guests. This partnership celebrating the creative           HECK, WHY HUCK IT? GARAGE SALE                                                               SEP 7
                                    expression of Indigenous women artists also includes a free art market (Sat Jul 27- Sun Jul 28), film
                                    screenings (Thu Aug 1), artist talks (Fri Aug 2), poetry and musical performances (Sat Aug 3), artists   A Roundhouse special event
                                    panel discussion and closing ceremony (Sun Aug 4), and a series of free workshops at Roundhouse          Sat Sep 7, 11am-3pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Shibasakura Hill (芝櫻之丘).
                                    and other community centres across Vancouver (Jul - Sep).                                                                                                                                                           Photo by Jonathan Lau.
                                                                                                                                             Roundhouse Gym
                                    Supported by: First Peoples Cultural Council, City of Vancouver                                          TICKETS Free admission, rent a table for $15
                                                                                                                                             INFO | 604-713-1800 press 1
                                                                                                                                             Clean out what could be someone else's treasure. Book a table with us to sell your kindly used items.
Collage design by Haisla Collins,                                                                                                            Household items and clothing only, no furniture or large machinery. Live music. On the turntable
featuring work by members of
the Indigenous Women Artists
                                                                                                                                             weather permitting..

18                                                                                                                                           For information 604.713.1800 ext 1                                                                       19
PRENATAL WORKSHOPS                                                                                      POSTNATAL EDUCATION
        PRENATAL                 CHILDBIRTH PREPARATION PRENATAL WORKSHOP (19+)                                                          BABY SIGN LANGUAGE (19+)                                                                                            POSTNATAL
FIT4TWO®                    Learn about pregnancy, labour, and infant care with a strong emphasis on the social component of             Using songs and games, learn how to teach your baby basic American Sign Language (ASL) so they                     PRENATAL &
All Fit4Two® Instructors having a baby. Topics include optimal fetal position, stages of labour, relaxation, massage, breath-            can better convey their wants and needs and relieve unnecessary frustration. Learn signs and songs                 POSTNATAL
are Certified Pre & Post- ing, knowledge of birth options, breastfeeding, and infant care. The registration fee is per couple.           to practice at home. For parents and their newborn to 24-month-old babies.                                         PROGRAMS
natal Fitness Specialists Su | Apr 28 | 10am-4pm | $116 | 205530 | 19+ | Multimedia Rm                                                   Mo | May 27-Jun 24 | 2-2:45pm | $67/5 sess | 205515 | 19+ | Rm B                                                  Prenatal and Postnatal
and follow the guidelines Su | May 26 | 10am-4pm | $116 | 205531 | 19+ | Rm B                                                            Instructor: Into Yoga,                                                                            programs encourage
of Society of Obstetricians Su | Jun 23 | 10am-4pm | $116 | 205532 | 19+ | Multimedia Rm                                                 FIT 4 TWO® TUMMIES 4 MOMMIES & INFANT MASSAGE (19+) $18/DROP-IN                                                   healthy and active living
and Gynecologists of Can- Instructor: Karen Mitchell                                                                                     Restore your core and bond with your baby. Taught by a certified pre and postnatal fitness specialist,            in the months during and
ada (SOGC). Please note:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   after your pregnancy.
Because we care about
                            FITNESS                                                                                                      this class is safe and beneficial for all women with diastasis recti and pelvic floor weakness. Engaging
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Please ensure that you
                                                                                                                                         your deep core muscles effectively helps you to ease back into your favourite activities, while mas-
you and your baby, a        FIT 4 TWO® PRENATAL FITNESS (19+)                                                  $18/DROP-IN               sage will help your baby sleep, aids in digestion, improves communication, and promotes bonding.                  consult your family
Par-Med-X for Pregnancy Connect with other moms-to-be in your community while reducing prenatal discomforts like lower                   Tu | Apr 9-May 14 | 10:45-11:45am | $91/6 sess | 205572 | 19+ | Dance St                                          physician before starting
Form must be signed by back ache, fatigue, and swelling. Your certified pre and postnatal fitness specialists will lead you              Instructor: Fit4Two Van Downtown/False Creek,                                                       any prenatal or postnatal
your healthcare provider through pregnancy safe cardiovascular exercise, functional strength training, flexibility, and relax-                                                                                                                             fitness program. If you
(physician or midwife)      ation. All Fit 4 Two® Instructors are Certified Pre and Postnatal Fitness Specialists and follow the
                                                                                                                                               THREE BRIDGES INFANT PARENT GROUP (19+)                                                                     are unsure if a particular
prior to your participating guidelines of Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC). Please note: Because we           Connect with other new parents in your neighbourhood in this drop-in group for parents with                       program is suitable for
in class. and is available care about you and your baby, a Par-Med-X for Pregnancy Form must be signed by your healthcare                infants ages birth to 8 months led by a Public Health Nurse. Sessions include information about your              you, please stop by
at the Fit4Two® website provider (physician or midwife) prior to your participating in class and is available at www.fit4two.            baby’s health, growth and development, feeding, sleeping, and safety.                                             before the beginning of
or at the Roundhouse                                                                                                                     Th | May 9-Jun 27 | 10:30-12pm | Free | 206979 | 19+ | Rm B                                                       any class and have a
                            ca or at the Roundhouse front desk.
front desk.                                                                                                                              Instructor: Three Bridges,                                                                             quick chat with the
                            We | Apr 3-May 22 | 7-8pm | $121/8 sess | 205570 | 19+ | Dance St
                            We | May 29-Jul 17 | 7-8pm | $121/8 sess | 205571 | 19+ | Dance St                                           FITNESS                                                                                                           instructor. They will
                            Instructor: Fit4Two Van Downtown/False Creek,                                                                                                                                                                   recommend some options
                                                                                                                                               FIT 4 TWO® MOTHER’S DAY STROLLER FITNESS FREE TRIAL CLASS (19+)                                             for you. All instructors
                                 YOGA & PILATES                                                                                          Meet in the Roundhouse foyer for this outdoor class. Class runs rain or shine.                                    have the appropriate
                                                                                                                                         Fr | May 10 | 1-2pm | Free/1 sess | 214598 | 19+ | Off-Site                                                       training/certifications
                                 PRENATAL PILATES (19+)                                                            $15/DROP-IN                                                                                                                             for providing special-
                                 Feel toned and graceful throughout your pregnancy. Improve your posture through core strength,          FIT 4 TWO® STROLLER FITNESS (19+)                                                         $16/DROP-IN             ized instruction for their
                                 stability, and proper alignment. Learn breathing exercises to prepare you and your baby for labour.     This baby-friendly full body workout includes intervals of power walking, functional strength train-              programs.
                                 No class Apr 22.                                                                                        ing, and cardio drills followed by postnatal-specific core work and flexibility. Our mobile intervals
                                 Mo | Apr 1-May 13 | 6-6:45pm | $72/6 sess | 205694 | 19+ | Rm C                                         are ideal for babies who like to be on the move. Women should be 4+ weeks postpartum (6 weeks
                                 Mo | May 27-Jun 24 | 6-6:45pm | $60/5 sess | 208784 | 19+ | Rm C                                        for caesareans) and all fitness levels are welcome. Jogging strollers are not required and for safety
                                 Mo | Jul 8-29 | 6-6:45pm | $48/4 sess | 208785 | 19+ | Rm C                                             reasons, mobile babies and tots should remain in their strollers/carriers/arms until core work begins.
                                 Instructor: Diana VanderVeen                                                                            Participants need a resistance band which can be purchased from the instructor for $20 (incl tax).
                                 PRENATAL YOGA (19+)                                                               $15/DROP-IN           Apr-May: Meet at the Dance Studio dressed for the weather as most of class takes place outdoors
                                 Nurture yourself and your growing baby with gentle Hatha Yoga. Learn yoga poses and relaxation          unless the weather is extreme. No class Apr 22, May 20.
                                 techniques to alleviate the common discomforts of pregnancy and to prepare for your labour and          Mo We | Apr 1-29 | 9:45-10:45am | $106/8 sess | 205566 | 19+ | Dance St
                                 delivery. Register (in-person or by phone) to attend twice weekly for a 20% discount.                   Mo We | May 1-29 | 9:45-10:45am | $106/8 sess | 205567 | 19+ | Dance St
                                                                   Tuesday                     Thursday                                  Jun-Aug: Meet in the Roundhouse Foyer dressed for the weather and bring a yoga mat, as all classes
                                                                                                                                         are outdoors.
                                                       5:45-7:15pm       7:30-8:45pm         5:45-7:15pm                                 Mo We | Jun 3-26 | 9:45-10:45am | $106/8 sess | 205568 | 19+ | Off Site
                                    Apr 2-May 14          205696             217173                            $84/7 sess                Mo We | Jul 8-31 | 9:45-10:45am | $106/8 sess | 206450 | 19+ | Off Site
                                    Apr 4-May 16                                                205697         $84/7 sess                Mo We | Aug 12-28 | 9:45-10:45am | $79/6 sess | 206451 | 19+ | Off Site
                                   May 21-Jun 25          205699             217175                            $72/6 sess                Instructor: Fit4Two Van Downtown/False Creek,
                                   May 23-Jun 27                                                205698         $72/6 sess                YOGA
                                          Jul 2-30        207636             217177                            $60/5 sess
                                          Jul 4-25                                              207638         $48/4 sess                BABY AND ME YOGA (19+)                                                                    $16/DROP-IN
                                                                                                                                         Explore core exercises and body strengthening in a mindful and gentle Hatha yoga class. Alleviate
                                        Aug 6-27          207637             217178                            $48/4 sess
                                                                                                                                         tension resulting from baby holding and other repetitive and exhausting baby caring positions.
                                        Aug 1-29                                                207639         $48/4 sess                No experience is necessary. Dads, crawlers, and toddlers welcome (with approval from Melissa).
                                 Instructor: Lori Lucas,                                                       No class Apr 11.
Please note that course prices                                                                                                           Th | Apr 4-Jun 20 | 12:30-1:30pm | $132/11 sess | 205514 | 19+ | Rm C                                             Please note that course prices
do not include taxes.                                                                                                                    Instructor: Melissa Rodrigues,                                                           do not include taxes.

20                               Information 604.713.1800 ext 1                 Registration    Courses, prices, registration information may change without notice. Please contact the Roundhouse to confirm.                      21
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