St Bede's College Fide et Opere

Page created by Gabriel Gordon
St Bede's College Fide et Opere
St Bede’s College
Fide et Opere
St Bede's College Fide et Opere
Through the Bedean
Learning Environment...
“We are all encouraged to reach our potential through our faith and by our
actions while knowing we are valued, safe and supported”.
St Bede's College Fide et Opere
Welcome to St Bede’s College. Established over 100 years ago the College exists to
educate young men in Catholic, Marist traditions with Jesus Christ at its centre.

Both our College motto, Fide et Opere,      St Bede’s College has a strong wider
                                                                                         I want you to
by faith and by work, and our College by-   community where organisations like           be the best
line “I want you to be the best possible
version of the person God created you to
                                            its Foundation, Old Boys and PTA play
                                            important roles in supporting the College.
                                                                                         possible version
be” encapsulate the founding purpose of
                                            Our rich history and tradition provide
                                                                                         of the person
our College.
                                            an excellent foundation to embrace           God created
With this in mind we offer opportunities
to develop and educate the whole
                                            the challenges of the modern era and
                                            prepare our boys to be Catholic leaders
                                                                                         you to be.
person, acknowledging that each             wherever life takes them.
                                                                                         - Fr Cormac Hoban SM
student is unique in God’s eyes. Students
are encouraged to embrace these
opportunities and try new activities.

                                                                                             St Bede’s College Prospectus - 1
St Bede's College Fide et Opere
Catholic Special
Offering our boys the opportunity to        boy in the College participates in.      of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist
develop a life-long relationship with God   Weekly opportunities to pray together    and Confirmation.
is essential to us as a Catholic College.   include a Three Minute Rosary at
                                                                                     Families are central to our faith
                                            break, Wednesday and Friday morning
Faith is a part of our everyday life and                                             community and are warmly welcome
                                            Mass, Friday Benediction and Sunday
the boys are encouraged to live out                                                  to join us for our five College Masses
                                            Boarding Mass.
their faith through the sacraments,                                                  held throughout the year.
prayer and service to the community.        An annual Sacramental Programme
                                                                                     Boys are guided to realise that their
This is supported by the Religious          offers students the opportunity to
                                                                                     God-given talents are to be developed
Education programme which every             prepare for and receive the sacraments
                                                                                     for the life-long service of others.

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St Bede's College Fide et Opere
God loves each of us
As if there were only one of us
- St Augustine

                           St Bede’s College Prospectus - 3
St Bede's College Fide et Opere
Growing Young Men
St Bede’s College has a proud tradition of developing well-rounded young men of faith; many of whom have gone on to be
leaders in their respective fields across New Zealand and the world. We have deliberate focus on educating the whole person
through high quality pastoral and guidance systems, servant leadership programmes and positive psychology frameworks.

Pastoral and Guidance                      (Mana Tāne teacher) role is to advocate     Houses add to the pastoral support and
St Bede’s prides itself on the             for their students and in doing so, coach   sense of community at St Bede’s through
personalised care and support our          them by getting to know them, caring        creating opportunities for our seniors to
students receive as they develop into      about them and listening to them. Each      mentor and model expectations to our
young men of faith and action. Through     Kaiako will move with their students as     junior students through the Tuakana Teina
communication with our staff, students     they transition through the College.        programme.
and community we identified that more      The Mana Tane programme is part of
ways were needed to teach and promote                                                  Transition
                                           the College five-year strategic plan. The
soft skills, to engage with, and develop                                               From the time our young men enter
                                           focus is that every student will be able
deeper trusting connections with our                                                   the College through to their departure
                                           to identify someone at school who cares
akonga (students) and provide support                                                  as an Old Boy, careful consideration
                                           about them.
and guidance around careers education                                                  is given at each key stage to ensure
and pathways through school. The Mana      House System                                transitions are as smooth as possible.
Tāne (Growing Young Men) programme         There is no better example of our school    New entrant orientation and Tuakana
was created to respond to this.            culture than the competitive spirit and     Teina programmes ensure new boys to
                                           pride the boys show to each of their        St Bede’s feel welcomed and valued as
Each boy is placed into a horizontal                                                   Bedeans from their very first day. As our
                                           houses whether it be Benedict, Colin,
Mana Tāne group of 12-16 boys that                                                     young men make their way through the
                                           Mannix, McCarthy or Redwood. As well
forms the foundation of their pastoral                                                 College, ongoing goal setting, mentoring
                                           as competing across traditional events
care, academic mentoring and                                                           and careers programmes engage and
                                           such as Athletics and Swimming, our
engagement with home. The Kaiako                                                       inspire them to be the best they can be.

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St Bede's College Fide et Opere
Student Leadership                            Service to Others                            a school wide effort dedicated to raising
We take great pride in developing             Through all aspects of the College           money for young people living with
Catholic leaders of the future within our     our young men’s talents are fostered         cancer. It had three components - the
Marist tradition. Leadership opportunities    and developed for the lifelong service       CanTeen Concert, the Home Team and
are provided across all levels of the         to others. As well as daily teaching         the Run For A Life runners - providing
College as we create an environment           and reinforcement within our learning        everyone in the College the chance
where students are supported to lead          community our students are active in         to be involved and raising many of
and learn about themselves whilst             the wider community through a range          thousands of dollars over the years.
they develop into leaders of our wider        of social justice and service projects       This was a marathon effort and a tough
community.                                    that make a difference to the lives of       one which unfortunately due to new
                                              others. This is evident with our bi-annual   regulations, we are unable to continue
Our Student Leaders foster the Catholic
                                              run for CanTeen, our Student Volunteer       in its current format. However, we will be
spirit in our school and strive to make our
                                              organisation, World Challenge and our        continuing our support for CanTeen and
school a better place for those who follow
                                              Year 10 community service days.              are reviewing the way in which we do
them whilst embedding the traditions and
values of those who have been before.         CanTeen                                      that, so we can continue to involve our
                                              - Chosen Charity of St Bede’s College        whole school community and collectively
Our students are privileged to have
                                              Traditionally St Bede’s College has been     raise funds for this worthwhile charity.
access to the Marist Youth Leader and
Young Marist Neighbours programmes            a major supporter of CanTeen running
which supplement school leadership and        a fundraising campaign for many years
mentoring programmes.                         called ‘Run For A Life’. The campaign was

                                                                                                    St Bede’s College Prospectus - 5
St Bede's College Fide et Opere
Teaching & Learning
Our vision is to create Catholic Marist      • Embed - Senior students embed their        • Promote innovation, thinking, problem
leaders of the future who serve with           previous learning and experiences            solving and collaboration.
a catholic heart, mind and hands. Our          in courses that align to their specific    • Foster self-regulation, awareness and
teaching and learning programmes               interests and future pathways.               agency.
are an important component of this.
                                             Junior School                                • Draw on and share the expertise and
Programmes are designed to ensure
                                             Students in collaboration with staff and       resources of the local and global
each boy engages with, and receives
                                             whanau design a course that reflects           communities including our Kahui Ako
a holistic education that reflects their
                                             their interests, aspirations and next          and Marian College.
individual needs, interests, hopes and
                                             steps in learning through the selection      • Inspire young men to live by faith and
                                             of different learning packages from each       by work.
At St Bede’s the learning pathway is         curriculum area. This allows students
broken down into three broad concepts:       to experience a robust and balanced          Year 11-13
                                             curriculum whilst having the ability to      Students are encouraged and supported
• Inspire - Courses are designed to
                                             follow their passions and interests within   to follow a personalised learning
  inspire a love of learning in different
                                             each area.                                   pathway that builds on their strengths
  curriculum areas. In essence we
                                                                                          as we prepare them for a successful
  are trying to light a fire in students -   Learning packages are designed to            transition into the National Certificate of
  catch them, get them and keep them         inspire a student’s love of learning         Educational Achievement (NCEA) and
  engaged in learning.                       in context driven thematic learning          their respective future pathway as a St
• Explore - Having had the option to         packages that:                               Bede’s old boy.
  select a range of learning packages
                                             • Culturally respond to the needs, hopes     We are fortunate to have facilities that are
  in Years 9 and 10, Year 11-12 students
                                               and aspirations of each young man.         designed to support the development
  begin to explore areas of interest in
  more depth as they look to specialise.     • Capture the interests, imagination and     of our Catholic leaders of the future. Our
                                               curiosity of each young man.               teachers are subject specialists with a

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St Bede's College Fide et Opere
deep understanding of boys’ education
who facilitate learning within a community
that is continually evolving to meet the
needs of each young man.

Specific course information can be found
on our College website.

St Bede’s is a Bring Your Own Device
(BYOD) school where technology is
blended into daily learning to enhance
the teaching and learning process.
Blended learning allows our students
to make wider connections with access
to personalised learning programmes
that are accessible both in school and at

Education Outside
the Classroom
Learning at St Bede’s involves students
engaging with and utilising the resources
Christchurch, New Zealand and the wider
world has to offer. Across all faculty areas,
                                                who are struggling in one or many areas       Learning Support
learning makes connections outside
                                                of their learning. All other areas of the     Our specialised Learning Support team
of the classroom setting as themes,
                                                Centre of Enhancement operate within          work across the College to ensure all
concepts and projects are undertaken
                                                a three-tier responsive framework to          of our students learn in an inclusive
within this rich learning environment. Our
                                                ensure the needs of all boys are met and      and responsive environment. The team
outdoor pursuits programme, year level
                                                monitored.                                    works closely with individuals and
camps and retreats provide our students
                                                                                              whanau to ensure appropriate in class
opportunities to explore our natural            Gifted and Talented                           learning supports are in place to promote
environment through personal challenge          Our Gifted and Talented committee             equitable access to the curriculum.
and reflection.                                 chaired by our GATE Co-ordinator works        Learning support also provides parent
                                                across all levels and faculties to help our   information evenings, peer tutoring,
Centre of Enhancement
                                                young men harness their gifts and talents     literacy intervention, touch type and spell,
The Centre of Enhancement exists to
                                                to realise their full potential.              reading tutoring, and a learning drop in
enhance the learning opportunities and
holistic supports for students who would        Young men within this programme are           centre before and after school.
benefit from specific, specialised and          offered personalised programmes
                                                                                              Industry Based Learning
targeted support to reach their potential.      and opportunities to expand on their
                                                                                              Students have extensive opportunities
This incorporates Learning Support,             knowledge in a manner that reflects their
                                                                                              to learn at school whilst engaging with
Gifted and Talented Education, Careers          individual needs.
                                                                                              industry-based learning in the community.
and High-Performance Sport and Culture.         Within the extensive programme                Our STAR, Gateway, Dual Pathway and
Our school wide literacy intervention           students could engage with Scholarship        work experience programmes allow
programme operates through the                  exams, Future Problem Solvers,                boys to experience first-hand a range of
Response to Intervention (RTI) framework;       Tournament of Minds, EdX International,       different vocational and work pathways as
an educational approach that provides           or our Elite Sports Academy.                  they consider which respective pathway
early, systematic assistance to students                                                      best suits their interests and abilities.

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St Bede's College Fide et Opere
Arts & Culture
Drama, music, dance, debating, visual arts, Polyfest, Kapa Haka... Whatever the area of their ability, all students at
St Bede’s College are expected to develop and use their God-given talents for the good of others.

Whether doing a singing audition as a       New Zealand Broadcasting School, and         Jake McKay - Actor
Year 9 student, taking part in a Variety    has since paved a formidable career          Beginning high-school, Jake would have
concert, joining the Polyfest group or      within Mediaworks.                           never have thought he would become
exhibiting at a student art exhibition,                                                  a professional actor, but after taking a
                                            Matt Everingham - Musician,
students are encouraged to go outside                                                    liking to studying Drama in his senior
                                            Composer and Director
their comfort zone and try something new.                                                years at the College, Jake went onto
                                            Since graduating in 2012, Matt has taken
                                                                                         be accepted to Toi Whakaari, recently
There is a full programme of itinerant      his incredible talents internationally,
                                                                                         graduating from the country’s leading
music lessons on offer as well as choirs,   currently directing Musicals in America.
                                                                                         school of Dramatic Arts.
jazz groups and orchestra, rock bands,      Prior to moving, Matt studied at the
Showquest, College musical, Sheila Winn     University of Canterbury, obtaining          Byron Coll - Actor
Shakespeare competition, theatre sports,    degrees in both Law and Music. One of        Instantly recognisable from the timeless
debating teams, Polyfest and Kapa           Matt’s compositions written as a tribute     Mastercard All Blacks advertisements,
Haka cultural groups and regular Variety    to those whose lives were lost in the        Byron is making his name in film and on
concerts where new and emerging talent      Christchurch Earthquakes has been            the stage, most recently in ‘The Mikado.’
is showcased.                               played in the illustrious Westminster
                                                                                         Elias Tyro - Tatooist, Hip-Hop Artist
Some former students are now making                                                      After being immersed in visual arts
their mark in Christchurch and beyond as    Jono Boyle - Musician                        throughout his time at the College, Elias
they pursue careers in the Arts:            Jono’s raw talent musically was hard         went on to open his own tattoo parlour
                                            to miss during his time at the College,      in Christchurch- ‘Expression Tattoo and
Andrew Gourdie - Sports
                                            and he has since gone on to make a           Art.’ Elias specialises in Maori tattoo work
Journalist / Anchor
                                            promising career for himself. Performing     as well as traditional Samoan works, and
Andrew is arguably New Zealand’s
                                            and releasing music under the alias          also does commissioned paintings and
leading Sports Journalist, anchoring the
                                            ‘Julius Black,’ Jono is making waves         artworks too. As well as this, Elias also
country’s leading bulletin and breaking
                                            with his self-produced sounds, recently      spends time recording and releasing
exclusive stories. After graduating St.
                                            releasing his debut record ‘Dopamine.’       original songs as a Rap Artist.
Bede’s, Andrew went on to study at the

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St Bede’s College Prospectus - 9
At St Bede’s College, we are incredibly proud that in excess of 85% of our young men are engaged in any of our 33 co-curricular
activities for sport. Many of our teaching staff are directly involved as coaches or managers of just under 100 teams who
compete on Wednesdays and Saturdays. We are also fortunate to have quality external coaches who assist us in allowing all
boys to compete at the most appropriate level for their aspirations and ability.

Sport at St Bede’s is characterised by all   Students compete with distinction at           as do opportunities to join international
students achieving personal excellence       local, national and international levels and   tours in a range of codes.
through their commitment to challenge        we have a proud and strong tradition of
                                                                                            We run six sports in the College as Clubs,
themselves whilst being supported by         competing at the highest levels in National
                                                                                            under the school umbrella of the Sports
high quality coaching and first-class        Secondary Schools’ Competitions.
                                                                                            Executive. The Clubs are Basketball,
facilities. We set high expectations for
                                             Traditional fixtures take place with strong    Cricket, Football, Hockey, Rowing and
our young men and expect them to be
                                             sporting schools in New Zealand which          Rugby. Parents are encouraged to be
the best they can be both on and off the
                                             further extends our sporting connections       active members of these clubs.
field. We are proud of all our students’
                                             and provides our young men with very
achievements and regularly recognise                                                        The College High Performance
                                             high levels of competition. Opportunities
this within our community.                                                                  Academy ensures that our most talented
                                             to play teams from other countries exist

10 - St Bede’s College Prospectus
sportsmen have the best coaching
and conditioning available at the        Students who have gone on from St Bede’s College to become successful in
College. At the same time, there is      their chosen fields:
a place for all young men in a team,
from those who just want to have         Michael Leitch      Rugby, Captain Japan World Cup 2015, Chiefs Super Rugby team
fun whilst playing sport through         Alejandro Nieto     Rugby, Uruguay National team Captain
to those who wish to compete on
                                         James Tucker        Rugby, Chiefs Super Rugby
the world stage. Whatever their
chosen sport we will support their       James Lentjes       Rugby, Highlanders Super Rugby
progression and development.
                                         Keelan Kilpatrick   Golf, Berkley University Scholarship
The College facilities are
                                         Reagan Kilpatrick   Golf, Northern Arizona University
outstanding and include large
playing fields, full sized water-based   Yoshikazu Fujitu    Rugby, Japanese National Rugby and National 7s
hockey turf, up to date artificial and   Eliot Dixon         Rugby, All Black
grass practice nets, a two-court
gymnasium, modern weights room           Matt Henry          Cricket, Black Cap
and outdoor swimming pool.               Ben Stroud          Football, Full Scholarship Missouri State University USA

                                         A J Bell            Football, Tusculum College University USA

                                         Jared Monk          National Cross Country, 4th place Nationals

                                         David Brydon        Hockey, Black Sticks

                                         Billy Harmon        Rugby, Crusaders and Highlanders Super Rugby, Maori All Blacks

                                                                                                 St Bede’s College Prospectus - 11
Living at Bede’s
St Bede’s College is the South Island’s premiere Catholic boys’ boarding school. It has a long-standing tradition of providing
quality boarding school education, dating back to the 1920s. Our boys come from many different parts of New Zealand and
from around the world and they benefit from our home away from home experience. We have the school’s spacious grounds
and many facilities available to use and benefit from. Being part of the St Bede’s boarding community is a lifelong experience,
as the Bedean spirit stays with you long after you leave.

Faith                                      boarding your son can expect close          The Boarding School makes the most of
The College motto of ‘Fide et Opere”,      guidance and support from our boarding      what Christchurch has to offer through
by faith and by work, also incorporates    team as your son works toward achieving     our induction and weekend activity
our Boarding School. The boarding          his personal goals whilst learning to       programmes.
community lives, works and prays as a      contribute in a positive manner to
                                           the boarding community. We set high         Pastoral Care
Catholic faith community centred on the
                                           expectations for our boys and take great    Great emphasis is placed on positive
life and teachings of Jesus Christ. We
                                           pride in supporting them as they develop    relationships and achievement. We
begin each week sharing the Eucharist in
                                           into fine young men.                        actively work to create a positive
our Boarding Mass. We aim to provide an
                                                                                       environment. Students are expected
environment wherein “he becomes the
                                           Opportunities                               to commit to the goals they set for
best possible version of the person God
                                           The Boarding School gives all boys          themselves and the expectations that
created him to be”.
                                           the opportunity to pursue academic,         come with being a positive community
Challenges                                 cultural and sporting interests that are    member. The Boarding School adheres
Living in a boarding community provides    not always available in their local area.   to a positive psychology framework
boys with a unique environment to learn    Your son will have the opportunity to be    that focuses on the strengths of each
social and co-operative skills. Whilst     part of a modern and vibrant new city.      individual. Students are coached and

12 - St Bede’s College Prospectus
mentored on a daily basis by a team of          their physical, emotional, spiritual and    believe we are setting them up to be the
committed and qualified staff.                  social wellbeing whilst at all times        best young person they can be.
                                                meeting their academic commitments.
Self- Development Programme                     At the core of this is raising student      Facilities
Students with the ability to self-determine,    achievement, engagement and self-           The Boarding School is located on the
achieve to their potential and positively       determination, all of which is done in      College site. Boarders have full access
contribute in the traditional school setting,   an environment where age appropriate        to College facilities including the Weights
home environment and wider community.           expectations and guidelines are in place.   Centre, Gymnasium, Learning Centre,
Our self-development programme builds           By coaching, monitoring and supporting      Performing Arts Centre, hockey turf,
on this concept through providing boys,         our boys to make positive choices that      cricket nets, swimming pool, fields and
on a daily basis, opportunities to enhance      impact all areas of their life, we firmly   teaching spaces.

                                                                                                     St Bede’s College Prospectus - 13
The strong culture of St Bede’s College encourages a sense of community that extends beyond current students to include all
past and present students and staff, and their families.

We are proud of the valuable connections   College receive an Old Boys’ Tie which
we make and maintain throughout and        are sponsored by individual old boys.
beyond the school years and work
to support these Bedean networks.          St Bede’s College Foundation                  The College
The role of our staff in the Community     This body was formed in 1986 and over         actively maintains
                                           the intervening years has donated over
Development Office is to manage and
                                           $3m to the College. Originally its funds      contact with its
grow our engagement with our wider
community through communications           came from membership subscriptions            old boys and the
                                           but more recently donations, bequests,
and events that aim to bring Bedeans
                                           scholarship endowments and
                                                                                         wider Bedean
together and keep them connected.

The Community of St Bede’s College
                                           investments have provided its main            community
                                           source of income.
is further supported by four community
bodies each of which are stand-alone       North West Christchurch
Trusts and play a significant role:        Community Sporting Trust
                                                                                      The Parent Teacher Association
St Bede’s College Old Boys’                The NWCCST was established in 2009
Association (SBCOBA)                       and was responsible for funding and
                                                                                      The PTA was established in 1949 and
The College has always enjoyed strong      managing the Marist Park hockey turf.
                                                                                      over the years has worked to support the
support from its old boys. In recent       In addition to this project it has also
                                                                                      College. In recent times it has organised
years parents have prepaid a lifetime      supported the construction of car parks
                                                                                      the College Fair, the quiz night and a range
membership for their sons via their        at the rear of the College, changing
                                                                                      of other activities that encourage parental
contributions.                             rooms, a new grandstand at Marist Park
                                                                                      involvement and raise funds. It provides
                                           and new cricket nets.
In turn, the Association funds                                                        year-round support for College events
Scholarships, New Parents’ evenings and    The NWCCST continues to work with          such as the new parents’ evenings and the
subsidises Careers Days and the Year 13    the College to provide improved sports     parent / teacher nights. Newcomers are
Leavers’ Breakfast. All boys leaving the   facilities.                                welcome to join the committee.

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International Students
St Bede’s is enriched through global
connections in faith, learning and culture.
For over twenty years we have welcomed
International students into our Bedean
Community. Students enrolled in NCEA
pathway programmes or the International
Rugby Programme benefit from state of
the art facilities, coaching and tuition.

St Bede’s is signatory to the Code
of Practice for the Pastoral Care of
International students. Our international
students are connected and active
members of our wider community.
Students benefit from a personalised
programme that reflects their needs,
hopes and aspirations.

                                              St Bede’s College Prospectus - 15
Enrolment Scheme
Preference /                                 2.1 Those who are brothers of current            judges that enrolment of the Non-
Non-Preference Applicants                        students;                                    Preference Applicants will not
                                                                                              compromise its ability to offer places
Preference Applicants are those who          2.2 Those who are brothers of former
                                                                                              to Preference Applicants who may
qualify for preference under the terms           students;
                                                                                              apply for enrolment at a later date.
of the College’s Integration Agreement       2.3 Those who are sons of present                The number of places available for
with the Crown and/or hold a Preference          members of the St Bede’s College             Non-Preference Applicants will be
of Enrolment Certificate issued in               Board of Trustees or Board of                governed by the maximum number
accordance with the directions of the            Proprietors;                                 allowable from time to time under
Catholic Bishops of New Zealand. Non-
                                             2.4 Those who are direct family                  the College’s Integration Agreement.
Preference Applicants are those who do
                                                 members of former students;                  Priority of any such Non-Preference
not qualify as a Preference Applicant.
                                                                                              Applications will be given in
                                             2.5 Those who are sons of College staff          accordance with the criteria detailed
Priority For Enrolment
                                                 employed on a permanent basis by             in the second priority.
1.   First Priority                              the College’s Board of Trustees or
     Preference Applicants – Boarders            Board of Proprietors at the time of      4. Waiting List
     First priority will be given to             application;                                If the total number of applications is
     Preference Applicants who wish to                                                       greater than the number of places
                                             2.6 Those other Applicants who do not           available, unsuccessful applicants
     enrol in the Boarding School at the
                                                 qualify pursuant to clauses 2.1-2.5         will have their names recorded on
                                                 inclusive.                                  a waiting list and shall be ranked in
2. Second Priority                                                                           accordance with the criteria detailed
                                                 If at any level of this classification
   Preference Applicants                                                                     in the second priority. Preference
                                                 there are more applicants than
   – Day Students                                                                            Applicants shall have priority above
                                                 available places, then those
   Second priority will be given to                                                          Non-Preference Applicants. Those
                                                 applicants for whom the College
   Preference Applicants for whom the                                                        applicants on the waiting list may
                                                 is the closest Catholic secondary
   College is reasonably convenient,                                                         be offered places at a later date
                                                 school measured in a straight
   namely those whose place of                                                               if places become available. The
                                                 line from the applicant’s principal
   residence is in the Catholic Diocese                                                      waiting list will remain current for one
                                                 residence to the main vehicle
   of Christchurch and within an area                                                        year only, until the College’s Board of
                                                 entrance of the College, will be
   where the applicant can attend the                                                        Trustees next notifies the public that
                                                 enrolled until all of the available
   College as a day student.                                                                 it is inviting applications for the next
                                                 places have been filled.
     If the total number of applications                                                     enrolment intake.
                                             3. Third Priority
     in this category is less than the
                                                Non-Preference Applicants                 Enrolment Applications
     number of places available, then all
                                                Non-Preference Applicants will            Applications for enrolment will be
     applicants will be enrolled. If there
                                                only be enrolled if enrolment             sought each year by a date that will
     are more applications than available
                                                places remain after all Preference        be published in daily and community
     places, then applicants will be
                                                Applicants have been enrolled and         newspapers circulating throughout the
     enrolled according to the following
                                                the College’s Board of Trustees           Catholic Diocese of Christchurch and the
     order of priorities:
                                                                                          South Island.

16 - St Bede’s College Prospectus
Preference Criteria
The College is intended primarily for      5.1. The child has been baptised or is
Catholic boys from Years 9-13. In terms         being prepared for baptism in the
of the Integration Agreement signed             Catholic Church.
between the College and the Crown,
                                           5.2. The child’s parents/guardians have
a certain percentage of the total roll
                                                already allowed one or more of
must consist of “Preference” pupils.
                                                its siblings to be baptised in the
Normally, a “Preference” pupil will be
                                                Catholic faith.
a baptised Catholic. If you are in doubt
as to whether your son qualifies as a      5.3. At least one parent/guardian is
“Preference” pupil please consult the           a Catholic, and although their
Rector. Those who apply for a place as          child has not yet been baptised,
a “Preference” pupil should submit a            the child’s participation in the life
Preference Card with their Application.         of the school could lead to the
                                                parents having the child baptised.
A small percentage of the total roll may
be “Non-Preference” pupils. Places         5.4. With the agreement of the
are given to such pupils on the basis           child’s parent/guardian, a
of availability. “Non-Preference” pupils        significant familial adult such as a
are expected to take a full part in all         grandparent, aunt or uncle who
aspects of College life and have the            is actively involved in the child’s
same opportunities and responsibilities         upbringing undertakes to support
as the “Preference” pupils.                     the child’s formation in the faith
                                                and practices of the Catholic
The Criteria Promulgated by the New
Zealand Catholic Bishops’ Conference,
which are to be used by Proprietors        5.5. One or both of a child’s non-
and their Agents, in order to Grant             Catholic parents/guardians is
Preference of Enrolment are:                    preparing to become a Catholic.
210 Main North Road       |    PO Box 5380   |   Christchurch 8542
Phone 03 375 0647     |       Email
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