St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday, February 6, 2022

Page created by Helen Pearson
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday, February 6, 2022
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church ~ Sunday, February 6, 2022
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday, February 6, 2022

ST. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
Mass Intentions - February 5th— February 13th
*Father Robb Jurkovich will cover Confessions and Weekend Masses
Sat. 4:00-4:45 PM ~ Confessions ~ In Reconciliation Room
Sat. 5:00 PM MASS † Muriel Scheuren(B) by Duane & Pat Scheuren
Sun. 8:00 AM MASS † Joseph & Helen Gunville by Sue Kwarciany
     10:00 AM MASS ProPopulo
                                                                 Please keep Father Darryl’s
                                                                    safety and rest in your
Mon.     NO MASS                                                  prayers as he vacations inth
                                                                California until February 11 .
Tues.    NO MASS                                          There will be regular parish/office
                                                             hours while Father is away.
Thurs.   NO MASS ~ Knights of Columbus Regular Meeting 7PM ~ Rosary 6:30PM
Fri.     NO MASS

Sat.    9:00 AM ~ First Communion Sacrament Prep Class
Sat.    4:00-4:45 PM ~ Confessions ~ In Reconciliation Room
Sat.    5:00 PM MASS † Henry Kleiman by John & Irene Jorasz
Sun.    8:00 AM MASS Pro Populo
       10:00 AM MASS † Kathryn Perron by Randy & Lori Cappaert & family

                                     Father, you have called us to serve you
                                    in love. Grant us the grace to be faithful
                                       to our vocations, so that we may be
                                      reasonably happy with you in this life
                                     and dwell with you in eternal joy in the
                                    next. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

          This Week’s Readings                                             Thank You to all of our Bulletin Advertisers
February 7          February 9               February 12
1 KGS 8:1-7, 9-13   1 KGS 10:1-10            1 KGS 12:26-32;
PS 132:6-7, 8-10    PS 37:5-6, 30-31,           13:33-34
MK 6:53-56             39-40                 PS 106:6-7B, 19-22
                    MK 7:14-30               MK 8:1-10
February 8
1 KGS 8:22-23,      February 10              February 13
   27-30            1 KG 11:4-13             JER 17:5-8
PS 84:3-5, 10-11    PS 106:3-4, 35-37, 40    PS 1:1-4, 6
MK 7:1-13           MK 7:24-30               1 COR 15:12, 16-20
                                             LK 6:17, 20-26
                    February 11
                    1 KGS 11:29-32; 12:19
                    PS 81:10-11B, 12-15
                    MK 7:31-37
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday, February 6, 2022
CHOOSE LIFE: Lord, open my lips . . . . . .                                  Saints Who Are Invoked in Times of Illness
                                                            –PS 51:17
       REFLECTION: If you wer e str anded on a                                                                          Saint Vedast
       desert island, and had pen, paper, and a bottle, the                                                Invoked against diseases of the eyes († 539)

note you could write and put in that bottle could save your                                                As a young man, Vedast became a her-
life. Before sealing it and throwing it in the sea, you                                                    mit in the Meuse region of northeastern
would make sure that you put your very best effort behind                                                  France. The bishop there invited him to
what you said. So it is with conversations you have about                                                   receive ordination, and in 496, Vedast
abortion. Some day they may also save a life. Conduct                                                       was assigned a high task: catechizing
them well.                                                                                                  Clovis, the king of the Franks. Clovis
PRAYER: Give me confidence, O Lord, at every                                                                   had been converted following a
moment in which I will need to speak on this                                                              miraculous victory in battle after calling
                                                                                      on “Clotilde’s God” - Clotilde was his faithful Catholic wife.
topic. Open my lips, that I may save lives.                                           He decided to travel to Reims to receive baptism from Saint
                       Amen.                                                          Remigius, the bishop there, and Vedast prayed over the man,
                                                                                         and he was instantly healed—a miracle that galvanized
            Phil Arnt, Terry Benike, Gladys Bittner, Gene Draze, Marilee                             Clovis in his new-found faith.
            DeMars, Kathy Derocher, Rick DeSalvo, Terry & Debby
            Frossard, Terri Fulton, Abe Getzloff, Sue(Smith)Gorzinski,                 After Clovis’ baptism, Remigius made Vedast bishop of the
            Barbara Jean Hodgins, Jerilyn Houle, Michelle Howe, Dan                   diocese of Arras, an area of the country that had been ravaged
            Johnson, Pat Johnson, Patti Johnson, Shirley Kleiman, Bill                   for many years by invading Vandal tribes. When Vedast
            Kwarciany, Lily Kwarciany, Deacon Mike LeBeau, Dan                         arrived in the city, he found that the cathedral had been used
            LaFave, Kevin LeBoeuf, Audrey Maule, Brandy Mendicino,                     as a bear pit and only one recognizable church survived—in
Gwen Meyers, Bobby Mileski, Kim Mileski-Niquette, Betty Morris,
Hank Mroczkowski, Tom Neuens, Terry Otradovec, Caz Palmgren,                            ruins. For forty years, Vedast labored among the people to
Janet Pirlot, Debbie Renken, Daniel Sagataw, Jackie Sagataw, John                         rekindle the faith and rebuild the churches. One source
Sheski, Jerry Shiverski, Brock Smith, Jonas St.Germain, Joan Stevenson,               characterizes him as “respectful toward the old, affable to the
John Strahl, Sandy Strahl, Harry (Bud) Strem, Heather Teal, David &                                    young, paternal with children.”
Charlene Teeple, Bill Themel, Kelly Sue Tourangeau, Wennell & Donna
Tourangeau, Jim & Betty Vandermissen, Katie Correll-Vandermissen,                       Vedast’s name passed into French as “Gaston” and into
Frank Wandahsega, Laurel Wandahsega, Patsy Wandahsega, Verna                          English as “Foster.” In the church’s art he is often seen with
Wandahsega, Ethan Whitney, & Pamela Zell.                                                                   a child or a bear.
New names will be in BOLD!                                                                                               F

JoAnn Good, Ray Mott & Nancy Robinette
                                                                                                          Father of mercies,
                                                                                                      through the intercession of
parishioners’ family members are serving Our Nation in the Armed                                             Saint Vedast,
Forces: Nathan Anzalone, Hal Burton, Paul Cappaert, Josh
Chaney, Jacob Cmejla, Nick Cox, Austin Demeuse, Jared                                                    heal me of blindness,
Demeuse, Tommy Fitzpatrick, John Gendron, Michael
Gereau, Dustin Hall, Shawna Johnson, Adam Kleikamp, Alan                                              both physical and spiritual.
Luchay, Terry Mercier, Hunter Messersmith, Dave Mott,                                                          Amen.
Jacqueline Mott, Rachel Mott, Travis Mott, Kadin Mustafa,
Grace Peterson, Chelsi Peterson, Adam Rausch, Nicholas
Sagataw, Jerry Stinnett, Joshua Strahl, McKenna Thibeault,
Brady & Casey Tighe, Andy Vandermissen, Jordan & Dallas
VanEnkevort.                                                                               Sacramental Prep
Pray for the souls of the 4,815 U.S. & Coalition Troops and the                            Class Schedule for
186,957+ total Iraqi deaths since Mar. ‘03.
                                                                                           First Communion                     Sunday, January 30, 2022
     St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church                                            All Classes are at 9 AM              Offering ……….…. 2,349.50
                                                 P.O. Box 187                                                                Loose Offering…..      71.35
 If you have information for
                                          Bark River, MI 49807
                                                                                        1st Class ~ Feb. 12                  Children’s…………         14.75
  the bulletin, please submit                                                                                                U.P. Catholic…….       10.00
 it by the Tuesday preceding         Rev. Darryl J. Pepin, Pastor                       2nd Class ~ Mar. 12                  Candles …………..….       79.75
    the upcoming weekend                                                                        Stipends …………..…       90.00
     edition of publication.
                                                                                         3rd Class ~ April 9                 First Offering………     225.00
                                    Cynthia DeFiore ~ Parish Secretary                                                       Easter Flowers .…..    50.00
                                     Bonnie Cowell ~ Bookkeeper                       Practice/Test ~ April 23               Diocese Collection.. 21.00
                                      Kelley VanLanen ~ Religious Ed.
                                      Ray Viau ~ Maintenance                                                                 Hall Rental………….. 250.00
                              Call the Parish Office at 906-466-9938                  Practice w/Father Darryl               Utilities ……………..     167.00
                                                                                         April 30th at 9a.m.
                               Colleen Knauf ~ Organist ~ 466-2872                                                                  Total        $ 3,328.35
                             Ruth VanEnkevort ~ Musician ~ 280-1422                        in the Church.
                              St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
                                                                                          First Communion
                                   St. Vincent de Paul Conference:
                                                                                        April 30th ~ 5:00 Mass
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday, February 6, 2022
St. Joseph Mission Church                                     Rosary is
                                                            W2332 Cemetery Rd. Hwy. M-69
                                                            Foster City, Michigan 49834                                  Sunday at
                                                            Rev. Darryl J. Pepin, Pastor                                  10:35am!
                                                            Mass Schedule: Sunday, 11:00 AM CT

 Pastoral Council: Nancy Basile, Bonnie Dennocenzo,
          Maureen Charlevoix & Alex Graham                         Pray for the Sick: New Names will be in BOLD.
 Finance Council: Terry Murray, Carl Steinbrecher,                 Nancy Broeders, Ted Broeders, Jr., Tara Cajacob, Ted Carpenter,
                   Dan Steinbrecher, Joe Depotie                   Brenda Cary, Ruth Depotie, Karen Dias, Bryant Gagnon, Tiffany
                                                                   Galik, Rosalie Gates, Cory Groeneveld, Faye Heimerl, Rita Johnson,
                                                                   Andrea Lubejko (Bianco), Keslie Johnson, Nancy Marxkors. David
                                                                   Mattson, Tricia Mattson, Toots Miller, Pat Milligan, Dan Murray
11 AM Sunday Mass Intention, February 6th                          Sr., Jean Murray, Dan Nurmi, Janet Sanders, Erin (Connor)
† Ben Coughlin by Linda Coughlin & Family                          Schmidt, Geno Schinderle, Dan Smith, Stewart Sundholm, Vicky
                                                                   Webb, Alice Webber, Michael Welnitz, & Rod Woodward.
       Lector: Tony Cousineau
                                                                   Pray for our Nursing Home Parishioners:
                                                                   Athena Agasi
11 AM Sunday Mass Intention, February 13th
† Elaine Frost by Harold & Carol Robinette                          PRAY FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN
       Lector: Terry Murray                                         Fr. Brandon Oman
    **Second Sunday Social
                                                                                          CHURCH SIGNS
                Gus Lloyd’s “One-Minute
                                                                      “GOD IS DIVINE. WE ARE DIBRANCHES.
     Explanations of Catholic Practice and Devotions”
                                                                                  BEAR FRUIT.”
   Pilgrimages are popular among Catholic travelers these                        Don’t forget to visit our
    days. What is a pilgrimage? A Pilgrimage is a journey                        Church Library! Located in the lower
   made somewhere for a religious purpose. It may be to a                        level next to our Conference Room!
 particular church to visit and pray. It may be to a shrine or
 other holy site, to seek intercession or pray for a particular
                      intention, like a healing.
        Many Catholics will make a pilgrimage to Rome,
    Lourdes, Fatima, the Camino de Santiago or countless             Contact Lynn Oman at: 906-246-3286 or 906-239-9984
  other places in Europe. Many will go to the Holy Land to
   walk in the footsteps of Jesus, even hundreds of miles to
        make a pilgrimage. There are probably plenty of                           Our February Church Cleaners will be:
    pilgrimage sites right in your own diocese! In the Year
   of Mercy, Pope Francis called for every diocese to have                                                ?
    at least one Holy Door where the faithful could make a
  pilgrimage. Sometimes, when included with other things
    like confession and Mass, a pilgrimage can even carry
                           an indulgence.
    While the two can sometimes intersect, a pilgrimage is
 different from a vacation. While the purpose of a vacation
     is to rest, relax and perhaps sightsee, the purpose of a
   pilgrimage is to grow in faith. Maybe the next time you                                                    January 30, 2022
  travel, you can plan to visit a church or cathedral or other
                                                                                                        Offering ………        815.00
                holy site and make it a pilgrimage!
                                                                                                        Loose ………….          88.00
                                                                                                        Candles……….          12.00
   For further study: A great web site to help you find and pray
              novenas is
                                                                                                                   Total $ 855.00
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday, February 6, 2022
Looking for financial
                                                                                             assistance with your
       Holy Name Nifty Fifty Crusader Cash Raffle                                             college education?
             Tickets: $25 each or 5 for $100                                                   Applications are now being
          Drawings to be held at Holy Name Catholic School                                  accepted for the 2022 Bibianne
     —————————$550 Early Bird Drawings————————                                               Bessette Scholarship Fund. The
               February 9, 2022 & March 9, 2022 1:00 PM EST     scholarships aid graduating seniors pursing a college or
     ——————————Final Drawing —————————
           April 30, 2022 8:00 PM EST (Spring Fling)             vocational education at an accredited degree-granting
                         1st Place: $5,050                           institution. Consideration is based on academic
                  2nd—5th Places: $1,050 each                     achievement. Applicants must complete the online
       Tickets are available at the Holy Name Office and at
                                                application found at:
           U.P. Catholic Newspaper                             mail an Official Transcript and ACT/SAT scores (via postal
   Support your parish by supporting the U.P. Catholic         mail) to Bessette Scholarship Fund, Diocese of Marquette,
   Newspaper collection on February 12-13, 2022. Your           1004 Harbor Hills Drive, Marquette, MI 49855 or email
donation goes to your parish to help pay its portion of the
 subscription costs for the diocesan newspaper, which is                      transcripts to Irene McCauley at
   mailed to all registered Catholic households. You will Applications must be
receive a special envelope in your February packet for this              received no later than March 15, 2022.
         purpose to drop in the collection basket.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday, February 6, 2022
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday, February 6, 2022
An interactive men’s program that
                                                  combines the latest findings of modern
                                                 science with the teachings of the Church
                                                 and the wisdom of the saints to develop
          Dear Fr. Darryl J. Pepin
                                                     authentic male leaders capable of
                and Parishioners,                 transforming themselves, their families
   Thank you for your generous                               and greater society.
      donations this past year!                   Join us for food, fellowship and faith on
 St. Elizabeth Parish’s financial
                                                                                               Congratulations to
                                                 Every Wednesday at 6AM (Yes ~ AM!)
      gifts totaling $3,243.55                     at St. Joseph & St. Patrick’s Church.
                                                                                               Evelyn Cappaert &
   (Including W alk for Life and                Contact Tim Chouinard 906-398-8083 for        Richard Dombrowski
 Change for Life donations made                 more information. All men are welcome.
                                                        Learn more at or
                                                                                              who were married on
on behalf of St. Elizabeth) help us
                                                                                              Friday, January 28, 2022
to continue our work. Because of        
 your congregation’s generosity,                                                                        here at
                                                                                              St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church!
we can provide the support needed
  now as well as be prepared for                                                              May God bless you and
    continued growth in 2022!                                                                  strengthen your love
                                                                                                 now and always!!

                     NOW HIRING
Holy Name High School is searching for joyful, faith-filled
teachers to fill several new positions as our academy
continues to grow. We will have openings in the areas of
Math, Latin, Science, Literature, Philosophy and Art. If
you or someone you know would be interested in this
meaningful vocation, please contact Headmaster Surrell

                            Our Next Meeting Date is
                            Thursday, February 10
                            at 7PM—Rosary at 6:30.
                               A Catholic, family, fraternal
                                  service organization,
                               promoting a culture of life.
                            For Catholic Men, 18 yrs. and
                            older. To join, call the parish
                            office or Greg Vandermissen
                                 at (906) 241-2246.
  The Knights of Columbus recently donated $1,000 to
               The Friends of Honduras!

             Thank You Knights!
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday, February 6, 2022
Broasted Chicken, Hot & Cold Sandwiches, Salads, Homemade
                                                  Brats & Potato Sausage, Fresh Meats, Mojos, Pizzas, DNR
                                                      Licenses, Propane Tanks Exchange & much more!
                                                          STOP IN TODAY! Open Mon-Sat 7am-8pm
                                                                                                                                    Mark & Reva Kleiman, Owners
     *Excavating *Portable Toilet Rental                   1302 Old US 2 & 41, Bark River — 906-466-9961
                                                                                                                                 · Custom Logging                  · Firewood
    *Party Tent Rental *Septic Inspections                   Where Beautiful Blooms Begin!                                       · Clearing for Wildlife Habitat   · Building Demolition
     *Septic Cleaning *Septic Installation                                      Annuals, Perennials,
                                                                                                                                 · Road and Trail Restoration      · Brush & Debris Removal

    P.O. Box 127       Phone: 906-466-9908                                      Vegetables, Herbs ,
                                                         Planters, & Big, Beautiful Hanging Baskets
    Bark River, MI       (906)-466-5302—3920 D Road, Bark River MI

                                                                       “We Be Poppin’!”                                       Olson Bros. Sugar Bush
                                                                                                                               W558 Co. Rd 400 · Bark River, MI 49807
                                                                            Ruth VanEnkevort                          Specializing in Whole Sale & Retail Sale of Maple Syrup
                                                                              906-280-1422                                                Owners
                                                                                                                                Jeff Olson 906-789-0198
                                                                    For all your ‘Kettle Corn’ needs.                           Greg Olson 906-280-1656
                                                                                                                                Mark Olson 906-420-3244
                                                  God is good all the time, all the time God is good!                        E-Mail:
                                                Owners Andy & Teri Jorasz
                                                5385 D Road
                                                Bark River, MI 49807
                                                Mobile: (906) 295-0588
                                                Mobile: (906) 280-5304
                                                   Angus Beef, Hereford & Duroc Pork,
                                                Freezer Meat, Butcher Steers & Hogs, Eggs
                                                Delivery available with $50 minimum order!

                                                                         Theresa & Dwayne Klein
                                                                               (906) 789-9305
                                                               Auto · Home · Life · Membership
                                                   2403 Ludington St., Escanaba, MI 49829

                                                                                 SOCIETY of
                               Directors:                                  ST. VINCENT de PAUL
                           Donald J. Crawford                                “An opportunity to put
                                                                                                                                  Steve Charlevoix, Jr.
                           James D. Crawford                                  your faith into action!”                           906-246-3613 or 906-221-3324
                           Caren L. Crawford                                     906-466-9050                                        Foster City, MI 49834

           Knights of Columbus
        A Catholic, family, fraternal
           service organization,
        promoting a culture of life.                    “For All Your Excavating Needs”
 For Catholic Men, 18 yrs. and older             EXCAVATOR WORK · BULLDOZING & LOADER WORK ·TRUCKING
                                                         DIGGING · POND DIGGING · DRIVEWAYS & ROAD BUILDING

   To join, call the parish office or               SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION · WATER & SEWER LINES · DEMOLITIONS
                                                                    SAND · GRAVEL · PITRUN · TOPSOIL
Greg Vandermissen at (906) 241-2246                                        Licensed & Insured

                                                                  Phone: 906-466-2322

                                                             Cedar Hill Assisted Living
                                                               and Senior Apartments
                                                                             *Large Private Rooms
                                                                             *All Utilities Included
                                                                               Rehabilitative Rooms
                                                                            *Efficiency 1 & 2 Bedroom
                                                                              Apartments Available
                                                                            Call Today! 906~466~9991
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday, February 6, 2022 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday, February 6, 2022
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