10:00am Sunday, May 29, 2022 - Fairmount Presbyterian Church 2757 Fairmount Boulevard Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 www.fpccle.org ...

Page created by Willard Ramsey
10:00am Sunday, May 29, 2022 - Fairmount Presbyterian Church 2757 Fairmount Boulevard Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 www.fpccle.org ...
Sunday, May 29, 2022

 Fairmount Presbyterian Church
   2757 Fairmount Boulevard
  Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
10:00am Sunday, May 29, 2022 - Fairmount Presbyterian Church 2757 Fairmount Boulevard Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 www.fpccle.org ...
ORDER OF WORSHIP                                     WELCOME!
                                                                                  Fairmount Presbyterian
                                                                                  Church warmly welcomes
                                                                                  everyone to worship today!
                                                                                  Check in to this Sunday’s
                                                                                  worship service - whether you
PRELUDE                                                Konrad Binienda, organ     are in the pews of our
    Third Movement from Chopin’s Second Sonata         arr. by Konrad Binienda    sanctuary, chapel, or
                                                                                  watching online at home - we
WELCOME AND OPENING SENTENCES                                                     want to hear from you! Using
                                                                                  your smart phone or tablet,
OPENING HYMN (see inside back page)       God, Our Nation Feels the Loss          simply scan the QR code.


    Merciful and compassionate God, we come to you broken and weary by
    the violence that surrounds us and the violence and fear that dwells within
     We come to you, confessing that we perpetuate violence by denying its
     very presence in our own lives and refusing to hold accountable the
     institutions that live and move by violent means. We come to you seeking     CARING FOR ALL
     mercy and forgiveness.                                                       In accordance with new CDC
                                                                                  guidelines, masks are optional
     Help us to name and claim all that separates us from you, from one           for individuals who are fully
     another, and from the most vulnerable of your creation. We come to you,      vaccinated. Please respect
     praying for guidance and wisdom, that we might see your way, delight in      those who continue to wear
     your will, live as Jesus did, loving neighbors as ourselves, and be your     masks and be mindful of your
     presence for healing and justice in this world. We pray in the name of       neighbors’ needs for physical
     Jesus the Christ, our Way, our Truth, and our Life. Amen.                    distance to remain safe and
KYRIE: Hymn 576
                                                                                  LIVE STREAMING TODAY
                                                                                  Our 10:00am Worship Service
ASSURANCE OF PARDON AND PASSING OF THE PEACE                                      will be live streamed,
                                                                                  therefore your or your
TIME FOR YOUNG DISCIPLES                                                          children’s’ likeness could
                                                                                  appear on our on our
PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION                                                           website, Facebook page,
                                                                                  and YouTube channel. If you
FIRST SCRIPTURE READING         Psalm 10:1-2a; 8-18                               are uncomfortable with this
                                                                                  we recommend you sit in the
                                                                                  Live Stream Free Zone, which
*HYMN 786            Why Stand So Far Away, My God?          MORNING SONG         is the south aisle of pews. Ask
                                                                                  an usher if you have any
SECOND SCRIPTURE READING            2 Corinthians 4:6-12                          questions.
     One: For the Word of God in scripture, for the Word of God around us,        HEARING ASSISTANCE
          for the Word of God within us                                           We have Loop capabilities
     All: Thanks be to God!                                                       and assisted listening devices
                                                                                  available for the sanctuary.
SERMON                                                                            Hearing Assistance devices
                                                                                  are available from an usher.
10:00am Sunday, May 29, 2022 - Fairmount Presbyterian Church 2757 Fairmount Boulevard Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 www.fpccle.org ...
LITANY IN THE WAKE OF A MASS SHOOTING                                             This hymn was written in
     One: Give to the departed eternal rest.                                      remembrance of the beloved
     All:  Let light perpetual shine upon them.                                   children of God who died in
    One: For survivors of gun violence. Grant them comfort and healing.           the school shooting at Robb
                                                                                  Elementary School in Uvalde,
    All: Hear us, Lord.
                                                                                  Texas. Many of us, as
    One: For those who have lost loved ones to gun violence. Grant them           individuals, do not accept
         peace.                                                                   violence, keep silence, or
    All: Hear us, Lord.                                                           clamor for guns. Yet, as a
                                                                                  nation, we do these things,
    One: For those first responders who care for victims of gun violence.         and as a nation, we need to
         Protect and strengthen them.                                             repent; we need to turn
    All: Hear us, Lord.                                                           around and live a different
                                                                                  way. All of us are called to
    One: Lord, have mercy.                                                        do more than sing and pray;
    All: Christ, have mercy.                                                      please work for gun safety
                                                                                  laws in your community and
    One: Lord, have mercy.
    All: Amen.
                                                                                  HYMN 786
ANTHEM                                                  Kennedy Jones, soloist    This paraphrase of Psalm 10 is
    Bless Be the Tie That Binds                           arr. Kennedy Jones      striking in its timeless questions
                                                                                  and its keen sense of being
OFFERING AND PRAYER OF DEDICATION                                                 abandoned by God. The
                                                                                  injustice, oppression, and fear
*DOXOLOGY 607                                                                     it describes resonate with the
   Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;                                      state of the world in our own
   praise Christ, all people here below;                                          day. Like the ancient
                                                                                  psalmist, we pray for God to
   praise Holy Spirit evermore;
                                                                                  end the reign of terror.
   praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen
                                                                                  HYMN 796
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER                                       This hymn acknowledges that
    Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come,         illness is not limited to physical
    thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily     symptoms, but involves
    bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not   mental, emotional, and
    into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the   spiritual dimensions.
    power and the glory, forever. Amen.
                                                                                  PROCESSING THIS TRAGEDY
                                                                                  We want to provide a few
*HYMN 796 (vs 1, 2 & 5)    We Come to You for Healing, Lord     LAND OF REST
                                                                                  resources for processing these
                                                                                  tragedies emotionally and
*CHARGE AND BENEDICTION                                                           spiritually. The American
                                                                                  Psychological Association
POSTLUDE                                               Konrad Binienda, organ     provides tips for adults and
    Prelude in A minor                                        by Georg Bohm       children/families, and the
                                                                                  Presbyterian Church (USA)
                                                                                  provides resources for how
                                                                                  we discuss and respond to
                                                                                  gun violence as Christians.
                                                                                  Resources can be found at:
              Sound recording and production by Jason Jedlicka
Thank you to all our amazing Sunday Volunteers!

              Sound booth volunteers: Mike Chevraux, Grant Gannon, Bryan Seekely, Peg Zitzner

                                             Usher Team: Liz Boncella
                                                  Litur   gists: Members of the 2022 Confirmation Class

                               Office/Building Team: Vicki Mentrek, Jan Spalding

                                             Worship Announcements

                                                 Online Sanctuary

Are you unable to get to church? Do you miss your Fairmount community? Come worship with us in the Online
Sanctuary! Peter and Brenda Horth will be hosting a zoom worship meeting during the livestream on Sunday
mornings at 11:00am. There will be time for greeting before and after worship as well. If you need technical
help or have questions, contact Brenda Horth at brendamhorth@gmail.com.
Join Zoom Meeting
        Meeting ID: 856 2864 8447
        Passcode: 423623

The Sanctuary “Wiggle Room”
We love the "joyful noise" that young children and families bring to our sacred space! Around the sanctuary
you'll find worship bags with books to read and pages to color. You'll also find a "Wiggle Room" located in the
Narthex. This is a space for families that may want a little extra room... to change diapers, nurse, or even for a
small change of pace for little ones. Feel free to use the wiggle room whenever you need, equipped with
toys, books, puzzles, and more to enjoy while listening to worship. We want you to feel at home, to make our
place your space.

Prayer Requests
If you would like your prayer listed in our weekly Fairmount Prayer List which is sent to our prayer community, fill
out the form at https://fpccle.org/prayer-request-form/. You can also call or email Pastor Lindsay,
(lindsayhl@fpccle.org, 216-321-5800 ext. 105) with prayer concerns or to talk to a Pastor.

Going Forth: Offering Our Gifts and Our Lives to God: 2022 Stewardship
Dear Fairmounters & Friends, Momentum is building wonderfully in our 2022 Stewardship Campaign. Thank
you. We have 187 pledges amounting to $682,613, or 96% of our goal. Thank you to those of you who have
remembered to submit a pledge so far. If you haven’t had a chance to, please visit Fairmount’s website,
https://fpccle.org/giving-and-stewardship/, where you can make a pledge or bring in your pledge card to
church, or simply call the church office at 216-321-5800 and we can record your pledge over the phone.
Thank you for all of the ways you give!

Service by Phone
All you have to do is call 216-255-9353 around noon on Sundays and you will be able to hear a recording of
our Sunday worship service.

Summer Worship Schedule
Throughout this summer, there will be one worship service at 10:00am. The Summer Worship Schedule will end
after Labor Day Weekend. Sunday worship will be held in the Sanctuary, and during the Sanctuary lighting
project, Sunday worship will be held in the Chapel and outdoors. We will communicate those dates once
they are confirmed.

“Poor People’s Campaign”- Get on the Bus!
On Saturday, June 18, people of faith from the Cleveland metro area will get on a bus to Washington DC to
participate in the Poor People’s Campaign March on Washington. In DC we will gather with thousands of
people from around the country to address the interlocking injustices of racism and poverty. Here are the
basic details about June 18:
• Who: You! All are invited and welcome to join us on June 18.
• When: Saturday, June 18. The bus will leave at approximately 1am on Saturday and return late that night
   (around 11:30pm).
• Where: Tentatively, the bus will leave from Fairmount Presbyterian Church (2757 Fairmount Blvd, Cleveland
   Heights). You are welcome to leave your vehicles in our parking lot while we’re on the trip.
• Transportation: We will travel on a luxury bus (with a restroom) that seats up to 50 people.
• Cost: $125 (scholarships available—pay what you can)
• Learn more about the march and its organizers here: https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/june18/
Sign Up for the Bus & Sign Up to Help Out this mission here: https://bit.ly/jun18DC

Greater Cleveland Congregations Criminal Justice Efforts
Fairmount members are invited for an informal informational meeting about criminal justice efforts by Greater
Cleveland Congregations (GCC) on Sunday, May 29th, after the 10:00am worship service, in the Ganson
room. Ben Sperry has taken a leadership role in these issues. He will update us and we will discuss ways others
can get involved.

Welcome Miesha!
We’re very excited to announce that Miesha Headen will be our new Director of
Church Operations beginning on May 24. As Director of Church Operations, Miesha
will provide staff leadership and supervision in the areas of finance, facilities,
technology, and communications. She will also work closely with congregational
leadership to ensure we are equipped to live fully into our mission and ministry.
Miesha most recently served as the Local Voices Manager at Loganberry Books
and the Project Manager for Get2Work Now, a faith-based non-profit connecting
low-income Cleveland residents with manufacturing jobs. She has over 15 years of
experience in finance, audit, and nonprofit accounting. She served as an adjunct
faculty member in the Tri-C Business Department. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from
Columbia University and a Master of Business Administration from Ursuline College.
Please give Miesha a warm welcome to our Fairmount community!

Fairmount Book Study: Becoming Like Creoles
This May/June, you are invited to join discussions of "Becoming Like Creoles," written by lead author Rev. Dr.
Curtiss DeYoung along with several contributing authors. Here is a brief synopsis of the book: "Using biblical
exposition in conversation with present day Creole metaphors and cultural research, Becoming Like Creoles
seeks to awaken and prepare followers of Jesus to live and minister in a world where injustice is real and
cultural diversity is rapidly increasing. This book will equip ministry readers to embrace a Creole process,
becoming culturally competent and social justice focused, whether they are emerging from a history of
injustice or they are heirs of privilege.”
On Saturday, June 4 from 9:30-11:00am, we will gather at Fairmount for a discussion led by the author, Rev.
Dr. Curtiss DeYoung. We'll provide coffee and breakfast snacks. To learn more about the author and to join
the discussion group, please visit https://bit.ly/2021springbook and fill out the form.
Radical Reconciliation: A Sacred Conversation to Dismantle Racism and Repair the Damage
As a Matthew 25 Congregation, Fairmount is committed to dismantling structural racism in our community. On
Saturday, June 4th, 2:30pm - 4:00pm, Fairmount will welcome Rev. Dr. Curtiss DeYoung for a public
conversation about the church’s role in organizing for racial justice in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. Dr.
DeYoung is the CEO of the Minnesota Council of Churches and the author of several books on racial justice,
including Becoming Like Creoles and Radical Reconciliation. All are welcome to attend this free public event
sponsored by the William Birkett Williams Memorial Lecture Committee. Visit https://bit.ly/fpcrecon22 to learn
more about this event and the speakers.

FPC Joins Pride in the CLE on Saturday, June 4th!
Fairmount members are invited to walk in the 2022 LGBTQ+ Pride March on Saturday, June 4th. To
register, complete this online form. Kate McFadden, Director of Youth & Adult Faith Formation, will contact
participants before the event with instructions and details. As a reminder, Pride in the CLE™ is a foot march.
Wheelchairs and other mobility devices are welcomed. Questions? Contact kate@fpccle.org

The 34th Annual Walk/Run for Hunger
The 34th Annual Walk/Run for Hunger is Saturday, June 4th at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Visit https://bit.ly/
34walkforhunger to register for the walk or to donate. If you wish to join the Fairmount Presbyterian Church
team, click “Register”, then click “Join a Team” and search for Fairmount Presbyterian Church. You can
donate online or pay by check. If paying by check, please drop off your check to the Fairmount Church
Welcome Center and write “Attn: Pete McWilliams” on the envelope. You will receive a walk t-shirt if you
donate $30 or more. If so, please designate a t-shirt size with your donation. On Saturday, June 4th, registration
begins at 7:30am at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, the walk kicks off at 9:00am, and concludes with
celebrations at 10:00am. Walk participants are invited to stay and enjoy a day at the Zoo. If there is an interest
in carpooling from Fairmount to the Zoo, contact Pete McWilliams.

Save the Date! 2022 Strawberry Festival
Save the date for our 2022 Strawberry Festival, Sunday, June 12th following the 10:00am worship service. Enjoy
strawberry shortcake, take a ride on the Euclid Beach Rocket Car, and get a balloon creation from Flower the
Clown! Bring your own lunch if you wish to picnic with our community
If you wish to volunteer as part of our setup or take-down crews, visit https://bit.ly/fpcstrawberry22.

Senior Sunday is June 26th! Send in the name of your beloved graduate.
Is someone you love graduating this year? Send the name(s) of your beloved graduate(s) to Kate McFadden
(kate@fpccle.org) so we can honor and celebrate their achievements on Senior Sunday. Mark this date on
your calendar and join us for worship. We'll uplift the class of 2022 high school graduates from the Fairmount
Youth program with a baccalaureate prayer, special gift and coffee hour.

Fairmount Fever Softball Season
Spring is here, and so is softball season! The Fairmount Fever softball team is getting ready to play and we
would love to see you there! The team is open to anyone, 16 and older. We play at Forest Hill Park almost every
Sunday afternoon. We play against other local churches in the Heights Church League, and have playoffs at
the end of the season to determine the League Champion. The team loves having fans come out and cheer
us on, so come on down to Forest Hill Park and see your Fairmount Fever in action! If you are interested, please
contact Kevin Seekely at kjseek@aol.com or feel free to show up ready to play! Go Fever!

2022 Fairmount Fever Schedule

June 5th 3:15pm                        June 26th 3:15pm & 6:00pm               July 24th 3:15pm
June 12th 3:15pm                       July 10th 3:15pm                        July 31st 6:00pm
June 19th 3:15pm                       July 17th 3:15pm                        August 7th 3:15pm & 6:00pm
God, Our Nation Feels the Loss
Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, 2022                                                                  Pilot
                                                                                 John E. Gould, 1871

         1. God, our na - tion feels the loss   as our chil - dren pay the
         2. Je - sus, Lord, we hear you say, “Don’t turn lit - tle ones a -
         3. Ho - ly Spi - rit, wind and flame, send us out in Je - sus’

            cost      for the vio - lence we ac - cept,                                     for the
         - way!”      May we build    a kind - er land                                     where our
           name.      May we shout and say, “E - nough!”                                   May we

          si - lence we have kept.                           Ra - chel weeps for chil - dren
         chil - dren un - der - stand:                       Ev - ery child here mat - ters
        build    a world of love—                            till the sounds of weap - ons

        gone;           God        of  love,             this can’t go             on!
        more            than      the guns               we clam - or              for.
        cease,           till     our young              can grow in              peace.

                 Copyright © 2022 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.
             Email: carolynshymns@gmail.com | New Hymns: www.carolynshymns.com
          Permission is given for free use of this hymn for churches and ecumenical services.
Fairmount Presbyterian Church Leadership

 Session                                                                     Deacons
 Clerk of Session, Elder Gordon Landefeld
 Treasurer, Molly Brown                                                      Class of 2022              Class of 2023
                                                                             Denise Benton              Julie Egre
Class of 2022              Class of 2023               Class of 2024         Susan Kent                 Kathy Imbler
David Bosler               Megan Bennett               Peter Bush            John Kieger                Joyce Pope
Keith Mills                Grant Gannon                Rob Faxon             Nate Kruse                 Jan Spalding
Sarah Planchon Pope        Todd Imbler                 Jeri Gype             Nana Landgraf              Judy Steehler
Peg Zitzner                Chin-Tai Kim                Gordon Landefeld      Sarah Stone                Julia Swanson

                                                                          At Large Nominating Committee
Endowment Trustees
Class of 2022            Class of 2023              Class of 2024         Jim Dakin                 Bryan Seekley
Geoff Barnes             Tom Roulston               Ann Gerhart           Raleigh Duttweiler        Jean Sylak
Doris Evans              John Zitzner               Ginger VanWagenen     Doris Evans (Trustee)     Barbara McWilliams
Mark Eisele                                                               Todd Imbler (Elder)       Peg Zitzner (Elder)
                                                                          Susan Kent (Deacon)
                                                                          John Kieger (Deacon)
Personnel Committee

Carol Adrine                       Elder Sarah Pope
Nate Kruse                         Christina Seekely
Os Mills                           Vanessa Whiting (chair)
Elder Keith Mills

                                       Fairmount Presbyterian Church Staff

Rich Anderson, Custodian and Maintenance Specialist             Peter Horth, Parish Associate
rich@fpccle.org                                                 phorth@fpccle.org, x109

Konrad Binienda, Interim Artistic Director/Organist             Jason Jedlicka, Interim Technology Coordinator
konradb@fpccle.org, x 135                                       jasonj@fpccle.org, x148

Danielle Everette, Interim Facilities Coordinator               Kate McFadden,
deverette@fpccle.org                                            Director of Youth and Adult Spiritual Formation
                                                                kate@fpccle.org, x121
Chris Fader, Coordinator of Children’s Ministry
cedirector1@fpccle.org                                          Rev. Ryan Wallace, Senior Pastor
                                                                ryan@fpccle.org, x115
Sara Gresh, Financial Secretary
sgresh@fpccle.org, x122                                         Angela Williams, Office Reception
Rev. Lindsay Harren-Lewis, Associate Pastor
lindsayhl@fpccle.org, x105                                      Christine Winters, Communications Manager
                                                                cwinters@fpccle.org, x119
Miesha Headen, Director of Church Operations
miesha@fpccle.org, x124
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