CONNECTIONS Sunday, February 9, 2020 The Fifth Sunday After The Epiphany - St. James Cathedral

Page created by Javier Fitzgerald
Week of February 9, 2020

         Sunday, February 9, 2020
    The Fifth Sunday After The Epiphany

                    8:00am Said Eucharist
                     Book of Common Prayer
                       Celebrant: The Vicar
   Service begins on p. 67; Collect, Epistle, and Gospel, p. 132

                  9:00am Sung Eucharist
     Celebrant & Homilist: The Rev’d Andrew MacDonald

                    10:15am Said Mattins

               11:00am Choral Eucharist
              Celebrant: The Rev’d James Liu
           Homilist: The Rev’d Andrew MacDonald

           1:30pm Mandarin Service 中文主日崇拜
          Celebrant & Homilist: The Rev’d James Liu

                  4:30pm Choral Evensong
                    Officiant: Andrew Kuhl
                 Homilist: The Rev’d James Liu

        St. Bart’s Regent Park (509 Dundas St E)
                   10:30am Sung Mass
            Celebrant: The Rev’d Walter Hannam

                  The Cathedral Church of St. James
                      Cathedral: 106 King St. East.
Cathedral Centre & Mailing Address: 65 Church St. Toronto, ON M5C 2E9
      416-364-7865 • •
              Please join us for coffee in Snell Hall in the Cathedral Centre
                           after the 9:00 and 11:00am services.
Please join us at 4:00pm today for the Twilight Recital with organist Nicholas Haigh.
Join us next Sunday for cake at the coffee hour after the 9:00am service to celebrate Dean
Emeritus Duncan Abraham’s 90th birthday! All invited!
Last year’s blessed palm crosses and branches may be brought to the Cathedral and placed
in the baskets provided. They will be burned after the 9:00am and 11:00am services on Sunday
February 23 and the ashes used in the Ash Wednesday liturgies on February 26.
The Dean is away and will return on Sunday February 16.
Happy Lantern Festival to our Mandarin Ministry Community! 元宵节快乐
The Lantern Festival marks the final day of the traditional Chinese New Year celebrations.
Nancy Mallet has tendered her resignation as our Archivist after twenty-two remarkable and
productive years at the helm, effective February 28, 2020. We are so grateful to Nancy for her
faithful ministry. Please join us to wish her well on Sunday February 23 at Coffee Hour after
the 11:00am service.

The Vestry List is available for viewing at the back of the Church after service or during office
hours at reception. Those listed are entitled to vote. Applications to have names added to or
removed from the list shall be made in writing to the Parochial Tribunal (Barbara Hirst and
Maurice Snelgrove, as well as the Dean and Wardens).
The Nominating Committee is now receiving names for election for People’s Warden,
Deputy People’s Warden, Cathedral Council Members-at-Large and Synod Delegates. To
nominate someone for a position, please email
Pre-Vestry Meeting: Tuesday, March 3 at 6:30pm / Lecture Room (Cathedral Centre)
This meeting will include a presentation of the 2020 budget. The Wardens and Executive
Director will be present to answer any financial and property questions you might have as we
move into a new year.
Annual General Vestry: Sunday, March 8 at 1:00pm / Snell Hall (Cathedral Centre)
Join us for our Annual General Meeting. A light lunch will be provided.

               The Flowers in the Cathedral are given to the glory of God.
                 At the Lady Altar, in loving memory of James Masterton
Tuesday, February 11
Drop-In | 1:30-3:30pm | Cathedral Centre
The Music at Midday Recital | 1:00pm | Cathedral                    Readings for
David Recchia Chymoweth, Organist                                Sunday, February 16
Taizé Service | 7:00pm | Cathedral                                 The Sixth Sunday
                                                                  after the Epiphany
Wednesday, February 12
Lunchtime Yoga | 12:00pm | Cathedral                               Sirach 15: 15-20
The Way of Love | 6:00pm | Cathedral Centre                          Psalm 119: 1-8
                                                                  1 Corinthians 3: 1-9
Thursday, February 13                                              Matthew 5: 21-37
Scripture Circle |1:30pm |
Lower Vestry, Cathedral Centre
Friday, February 14
Health & Foot Care Clinic | 9:30-11:30am | Cathedral Centre
Sunday, February 16
The Twilight Recital | 4:00pm | Cathedral

                                  MUSIC NOTE
In 1835, a collection of African American sacred harp songs was printed and collected in
a publication called Southern Harmony. The style of music known as ‘shape note singing’
became very popular in the Southern United States, and its performance is most associated
with those sung by black slaves at that time. The outpouring of music in crying out for
justice, freedom and the sharing of suffering is distilled in these centuries-old Negro
melodies. Many composers have been inspired by these melodies, not least Stephen Paulus
(1949-2014) whose arrangement of ‘The Lone Wild Bird’ is being sung at 11:00am this
week, with a new text by Michael Dennis Browne entitled ‘The Road Home’. The introit
at 4:30pm Choral Evensong, ‘Domine, Dominus Noster’ is a brand new composition by a
tenor in the Cathedral Choir, Ian Backstrom. As we sing deeper into Black History Month,
we will be offering a motet by Moses Hogan, one of the greatest arrangers of Spirituals in
the 20th Century, on the 23rd of February.
Pancake Supper: Tuesday, February 25 at 5:30pm / Snell Hall (Cathedral Centre)
Mark your calendars for our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and join us for this
annual evening of fun, fellowship and food! Tickets include a buffet of pancakes, sausages,
build your own sundae and soft drinks. Gluten free options available. Tickets: $10
(children under 12 free) available at the door. Tickets will also be available at the Coffee
Hours on Sunday February 16 & 23 from Bob Hart (9:00am) and Jayne Hobbs (11:00am).

                      ASH WEDNESDAY LITURGIES
Wednesday, February 26; All services include the Imposition of Ashes
7:30am - Said Eucharist; 8:30am - Morning Prayer; 12:30pm - Sung Eucharist;
5:15pm - Evening Prayer; 6:30pm - Choral Eucharist

When: February 26th, 2020; 9:00am - 3:30pm
(With before and after care available (8:00am-9:00am and 3:30-5:00pm), if requested.)
Where: St. James Cathedral
We will gather for the day in the Cathedral Centre and be using both the Centre and the
Cathedral through the day.
Cost: $5 per participant to cover the cost of lunch and snacks, and craft supplies.
Theme: The Way of Love: Practices for following Jesus
Children and Youth between the ages of 6 and 14 from around the diocese of Toronto are
invited to join us for a day of exploration, fun, and learning for Ash Wednesday as we
explore seven essential practices to help us follow Jesus through Lent and life. We will
explore the practices: Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, and Rest over the course of
the day and have some fun in our Cathedral together.
To register fill out the form at and
return it to Andrew Kuhl (

I Believe...The Road of Faith
Wednesdays beginning March 4 | 6:00pm |
Cathedral Centre, Room 305
Back by popular demand, Fr. Andrew will be offering this
course again this Lent. Intended for those seeking baptism,
as well as those further along the road who want to
reconnect with their faith through confirmation, re-
affirmation, or reception into the Anglican communion.
Come pray and reflect on the creeds of our baptism, alongside a study of Rowan Williams’
book Tokens of Trust. For details and registration, visit, or
contact Fr. Andrew at
                Important Updates: St. James Cathedral and Cemetery
Many important site improvements have been scheduled to be started and/or completed
in 2020. Following is an explanation and status of each.
1. Cathedral Lighting Project: The completed project is intended to recognize the historic
importance of St. James Cathedral and will enhance the façade and the historical character
of the site. It will significantly improve the security of persons and property, which is an
issue in the neighbourhood. Our lead consultant is ERA Architects. This project is being
undertaken at no cost to St. James.
Background – The Cathedral Lighting Project was initiated some years ago by the late
Councillor Pam McConnell, who proposed to provide City of Toronto funds to cover the
larger part of the cost to install state of the art, low energy, building lighting at St. James
Cathedral. This is part of a wider program to light significant buildings. A private donor
stepped forward to cover the balance of the cost. After design, the project went to tender,
but all qualified bids exceeded the budget. Accordingly, the City was asked to provide
additional funds, which it agreed to do, and the funds were provided to us in the summer
of 2019. The project was re-tendered, and contractors hired to supply and install the
Status – Work began in the fall and the lights, which are long lead items, are currently
being installed and will be completed in a few weeks. In the spring, the contractor will
return to remove the old light pole bases, completing the project.
2. St. James Cathedral – East Tower Repairs: This project is one of several on a list of
capital repairs that need to be performed over the coming years to both the building and
the organ. Necessary repairs, primarily to masonry, are being undertaken on the east face
of the clock tower under a cost sharing agreement between St. James and a private donor.
Our capital funds do not permit us to undertake more than one face of the tower at a time.
Status – The project was put to tender by our heritage architect, ERA Architects, in 2019
but, despite having a budget based on a detailed scope of work, all qualified bids exceeded
the budget. The project was postponed to 2020 to permit us to take advantage of an
additional year’s worth of capital allocation and an additional donation. The work was put
out to tender in mid-January and we expect to have it performed in the spring.
3. St. James Cemetery – Hillside “H”: This project is being undertaken to stabilize a
hillside that is slowly subsiding into the valley below. Graves exist on the hillside. Our lead
consultant is E. Lees and Associates, landscape architects.
Background – The problematic landform was created adjacent to the crest of an existing
hill in the late 1960’s to make space for additional burial lots. By the mid-1980’s, it became
clear that the landfill was starting to subside into the valley below and that corrective
measures would need to be taken. In early 2016, St. James Cemetery contracted with Lees
to conduct an investigation and consider solutions. After preliminary findings were
reached, an agreement was signed with the consultant in May 2017 for the design and
project management of the corrective work. Also in 2017, St. James Cathedral and the
Diocese of Toronto approved a low-interest Diocesan loan of up to $1.2 million to finance
the work, which will be repaid out of future cemetery revenues.
Status – Since 2017, our consultant has been engaged in design development
collaboratively with the Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). Design
development has been complicated by the need to install key structures in close proximity
to existing graves, as well as to meet the stringent requirements of the TRCA and the
Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO), all while keeping the cost of the work within a
budget we can afford. Recently, the City of Toronto and the TRCA have agreed to our
proposed design and our consultant is proceeding to prepare tender documents. Target
completion dates are as follows:
• Release of tender documents: March 16-20
• Receipt of tenders from contractors: May 8-20
• Completion of Construction: October 2020
Project Risks – This project involves earthworks, inherent in which is the potential to
discover unanticipated soil conditions, despite soil investigations we have undertaken to
date. The work will take place in close proximity to existing graves. To address site
conditions, we are using innovative technology, so cost estimates are less accurate than
normal (better cost certainty will be achieved when construction tenders are received). We
will be under the scrutiny of the TRCA and the BAO. For these reasons, we assess this
project as presenting above average risk. To mitigate risk, extra effort has been applied at
the design stage, which has consumed more time, but the timetable is not pressing. Delay
and disruption will be expensive once the construction work begins so we want to minimize
A second slope, Hillside “A,” also requires attention but the site conditions there are much
more favourable to a simple and cheaper solution.
4. St. James Crematorium: Because of declining reliability, new, more stringent
provincial emissions regulations, workplace safety concerns and complaints from
neighbours, we are contemplating the replacement of our two retorts (chambers in which
remains are cremated). For example, the south retort is currently shut for interim repairs,
as the floor tiles supporting it have given way after the past 25 years of use.
Background – The current retorts were installed in 1994 and 1995 and have produced
excellent revenue for St. James Cathedral, effectively allowing us to enjoy an operating
budget far in excess of what our maintenance offerings will support. Retorts operate at high
temperature and therefore experience high rates of wear and tear. Lately, our retorts have
become unreliable, despite repairs that have taken place over the past two years and are
producing unacceptable levels of smoke emissions. Decreased reliability has led to a drop
in revenue and rising concern that we will drive away our clients. We are now forced to
consider replacing our equipment, perhaps one or two years late. (Other parts of the
cemetery also require care and attention, such as the slate roof on our heritage-designated
Chapel of St. James-the-Less and the decorative ironwork fence, but they are not yet
putting pressure on revenues.)
Status – Dealing with issues at the cemetery has been delayed by the absence on long-term
leave and then retirement of our cemetery manager. We have now retained an experienced,
highly qualified consultant – a member of the board of the BAO (Bereavement Authority
of Ontario) – to assist us not only with advice on managing the cemetery but, also, with
developing a business case for and implementing a plan to replace the failing retorts and
exhaust system. Several equipment suppliers, representing a range of price and quality,
have inspected the property and have been invited to make proposals for replacement of
equipment. It is our intention to finance a replacement project with a low-interest loan
and/or grant from the Diocese of Toronto, which will be repaid from future cemetery
revenues. The work would take place in 2020/2021.
It is vital that we have a plan in place to service our customers during construction and our
plan is based on temporary diversion of work to the Cemetery of St. John, Norway. As
you may recall, at a special meeting of vestry in July 2018, we obtained authority to
negotiate a shared business arrangement with St. John, Norway. Under the agreement, St.
James Cemetery will manage St. John’s crematorium. The churches will collaborate to
take advantage of economies of scale to retain business and attract new business. The
implementation of this agreement has been delayed by the change in management at St.
James Cemetery discussed above, but we have been in communication with St. John’s with
a view to preparing for replacement of the retorts.
Our Finances – We are fortunate to have a beautiful Cathedral and Cathedral Centre,
significant capital and several streams of operating income. However, it can be seen that
there will be significant demands on our capital, not only in 2020, but in the years to come.
We need to maintain and, if possible, build up our capital so that it’s there when we need
it for major projects. This means that, if we and generations to come are to continue to
enjoy inspiring worship at St. James, we must strive to keep our finances in order and
minimize deficits in the operating budget. We pray that you believe in the future and will
support this objective.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Don & Jayne

Health and Safety: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
We understand clergy, staff and members of our congregation may be concerned about the
outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) coronavirus. As indicated in a recent
statement issued by Bishop Asbil, the Bishop’s Committee on Healing Ministries is
reviewing current protocols regarding due diligence, hygiene and liturgical practices. The
Committee will advise us accordingly if we need to modify our current practices.
At present, if you feel concerned regarding reception of communion from the common
cup, receive only the bread. Receiving the bread alone is a full communion. Sharing the
peace with a deep bow instead of a handshake is also an option.
We would like to remind everyone to use credible information sources when seeking
updates on this rapidly evolving situation, e.g., City of Toronto / Community & People /
Health & Wellness / Disease, Medication & Vaccine Fact Sheets / Novel Coronavirus
     上帝的恩典。信仰热线:647-782-0055 联系人:刘毅凯 牧师 微信号码:Father James
We welcome you to the family of St. James Cathedral. Our Mandarin Service is 1:30pm every Sunday in
the Cathedral sanctuary. We hope that the Chinese community can be a harbour of love for you, and a
place where we can experience God’s presence and grace together.
Contact person: The Rev’d James Liu, 647-782-0055.

                                          KEY CONTACTS
                                   416-364-7865 |
The Right Rev’d Andrew Asbil             The Very Rev’d Stephen Vail           The Rev’d Louise Peters
      Bishop of Toronto                  Rector of St. James Cathedral,             Vicar, ext *235
    416-363-6021, ext 250                 Dean of Toronto, ext *226  
The Rev’d Andrew MacDonald                    The Rev’d James Liu            The Rev’d Walter Hannam
   Associate Priest, ext *228               Associate Priest, ext *249      Vicar of St. Bart’s, Regent Park                  Mandarin Ministry 
    Robert Busiakiewicz                          Kathy Biasi
  Director of Music, ext *224           Outreach Program Coordinator,               Churchwardens                          ext *222                 People’s Warden: Don Solomon
                                        Rector’s Warden: Jayne Hobbs
                                                                             Deputy People’s: Joan Peters
        Andrew Kuhl                              David Simon                Deputy Rector’s: Graham Beck
Children & Youth Coordinator,                     Organist         
           ext *826            

            WORSHIP WITH US                                              The Cathedral is open:
            Worship services at the Cathedral                 Weekdays & Sundays from 7:00am- 5:30pm
            are offered every day of the year.                Saturdays & Holidays from 9:00am- 5:00pm
                    Sundays                                  The Cathedral Centre (65 Church St) is open:
  8:00am Said Eucharist; 9:00am Sung Eucharist;                  Monday-Friday from 9:00am-5:00pm
 10:15am Said Mattins; 11:00am Choral Eucharist;               The Nancy Mallett Archives & Museum
           1:30pm Mandarin Service;                               is open by appointment, ext *233 or
            4:30pm Choral Evensong                          
                Monday-Friday                                   Visit us online at for
 7:30am Holy Eucharist; 8:30am Morning Prayer;                  homily audio, upcoming services, events,
 12:30pm Holy Eucharist; 5:15pm Evening Prayer                                  and more!
           Saturdays & Public Holidays                         Want to receive our weekly email bulletin?
             12:30pm Holy Eucharist                             Email us at

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