St. Gabriel Catholic Church - 1150 Mitchell Ave, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-2762 - - LPi

Page created by Barry Jennings
St. Gabriel Catholic Church - 1150 Mitchell Ave, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-2762 - - LPi
St. Gabriel Catholic Church
  1150 Mitchell Ave, Port Orchard, WA 98366
      (360) 876-2762 -

 April 24, 2022 - 2nd Sunday of Easter / 2º Domingo de Pascua
St. Gabriel Catholic Church - 1150 Mitchell Ave, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-2762 - - LPi
Mass Schedule
                                                              Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday: 11:00 AM
                                                              Saturday: 6:30 PM
Pastor                                                        Sunday: 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM
Fr. Phuong V. Hoang
                                                              Baptismal Preparation
Deacon                                                        To make arrangements to attend baptismal preparation class
John Ricciardi:                      please call the Faith Formation Office.
Staff:                                                        Sacramental Preparation
Pastoral Associate for Administration:                        To sign up for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist or Confirmation
Kurt Lawrence:                             classes, please contact the Faith Formation Office. These classes
                                                              require 2 years of preparation.
Assistant Pastoral Associate for Administration and
Financial/Contribution Questions:                             Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sarah McLellan:                           Individual confessions every Saturday at 6:00 PM or by appoint-
Gloria Rosario (AM)                                           Marriage Preparation
Juana Serrato-Salazar (PM)                                    Please contact the office 1 year prior to the anticipated wedding
                                                              date before making other arrangements. Please contact Deacon
Faith Formation:                John Ricciardi.
Director: Michael Zosel:
Youth Minister: Marylin Flores:         Care of the Sick and Anointing
Assistant: Annie Kudrna:                  Communal anointing of the sick is scheduled on the First Wednes-
                                                              day of the month at the 11:00 AM daily Mass.
Director: LeeAnne Campos:               Individual anointing by the pastor or home visits by Extraordinary
Pianist: Debra Stojack                                        Ministers of Holy Communion can be arranged through the Parish
Pianist: Marcia Christian                                     Office. In case of an emergency concerning death or dying
                                                              please call (360) 876-2762 Ext #1
Facility Steward:
Cameron Granger                                               Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
                                                              Initiation into the Catholic faith is a gradual process that takes
Council Contacts:                                             place within the community of the faithful. To
Joint Pastoral Council: Linda Testa                           learn more about this spiritual journey contact the
Finance Council: Frank White                                  Faith Formation Office.
Liturgy Committee: Fr. Phuong Hoang
                                                              Bulletin Submissions All bulletin submissions
St. Vincent de Paul: Mary Ann Huntington                      should be given to the Parish Office in writing/email no later than
Knights of Columbus: Richard S. Moore, Grand Knight           Friday at noon 2 weeks before you want the article to be run.
Office Hours:                                                 New Parishioners/Registration Are you new to the parish? If so,
Monday                           9:00 AM - 1:00 PM            Welcome! Registration forms can be found in the back of the
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday        9:00 AM - 5:00 PM            Church. Completed forms can be mailed or dropped off at the Par-
Wednesday                        12:00 PM - 5:00 PM           ish Office or placed in the collection basket.
Parish Office: (360) 876-2762 Parish Fax: (360) 228-7008      Moving? If you recently moved or are planning on moving, please
Parish Website:                             don’t forget to update your address and contact information here at
                                                              the parish. We want to make sure that any parish mailings get to
     You can give online for all stewardship and special      you.
                                                                                Our Sister Parish
             St. Gabriel Mission Statement                               Prince of Peace - Belfair, WA
 To be a welcoming, worshiping, evangelizing and sharing                   Parish Office: (360) 275-8760
    Catholic Community recognizing and reflecting the
                 diversity of our people.

Page 2                         April 24, 2022 - 2nd Sunday of Easter / 2º Domingo de Pascua
St. Gabriel Catholic Church - 1150 Mitchell Ave, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-2762 - - LPi
Dear Parishioners:
                    ---Easter Sunday was a great day of Joy and Hope for all Christians and the whole world. Yet, the second Sunday
                    of Easter, is now known as Divine Mercy Sunday, is also a great and Joyful day because what the Lord has and
                    continues to do through His Mercy for us and especially for the whole world. The message of the Divine Mercy is
                    simple. It is that God loves us - “all of us”. And, God wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins,
                    so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to
                    share His joy.
Today’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles offers us a vivid insight into the early Christian community in Jerusalem. Luke has
already mentioned the rapid growth of the early church. John's Resurrection story is a series of encounters between Jesus and his fol-
lowers that reveal diverse faith reactions. Whether these encounters are with Simon Peter and the Beloved Disciple, Mary Magdalene, the
disciples or Thomas, the whole scenario reminds us that in the range of belief there are different degrees of readiness and different factors
that cause people to come to faith and help them in turn to become witnesses.
John’s story of Jesus and Thomas records the first post-resurrection appearance of Jesus and provides us with an experience of doubt,
struggle and faith. Herein lies every Christian's experience: to believe without having seen. In this Gospel passage, we have a story
within a story: the resolution of Thomas' doubts during Jesus' appearance to encourage the fearful disciples. Thomas only believes when
he hears the Lord's call to belief.
---Congratulation to all the “New Catholics”: The Neophytes (newly baptized and received in the Catholic Church) at the Easter Vigil
on Saturday, April 16th. The Church is much richer because of all of YOU and the Church is more alive because of the many unique sto-
ries of your faith journey and especially, you continue encounter with the Risen Christ in our Eucharistic community.
---Please, also, keep our Confirmation Candidates (High School and Baptized Catholic Adult in RCIA) in your prayer as they’re preparing
to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Gabriel Church at 7:00 PM on Wednesday April 27th, by Auxiliary Bishop Eusebio
---Please consider to share the “Blessing of God” that you have received in participating in the Annual Catholic Appeal campaign this
year 2022. Materials will be sent to each of the household from the Archdiocese and our own parish to inform and invite you to learn about
over 60 different ministries in the Archdiocese support by the Annual Catholic Appeal. Individually we cannot respond to all the legitimate
needs of the people of God in the Archdiocese; but TOGETHER, we will be able to accomplish the need for all people of God.
---Let us pray also for peace in Ukraine: for those who have suffered injury or loss, for those who have been forced from their homes,
for those still living in harm’s way, and for all who have died in the conflict.
O God, author and lover of peace, be with the people of Ukraine in their hour of need. Let the violence and brutality cease; let diplomacy
resume. Wipe away the tears of your people, and grant them justice and peace. Through Christ our Lord. AMEN.
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang

         St. Peregrine Novena | May 1st                                                    Novena de San Peregrino | 1 de Mayo
             Novena starts: April 22nd                                                         Comienza la novena: 22 de Abril
          Patron Saint of Cancer Patients                                                     Patrona de los enfermos de cáncer
Please pray this novena for healing especially for                                   Por favor, pary esta novena para la curación, espe-
cancer patients.                                                                     cialmente para los pacientes con cáncer.
O good St. Peregrine, patron of those suffering from                                 Oh buen San Peregrino, patrón de los que sufren de
foot ailments, cancer, and incurable diseases, grant,                                dolencias en los pies, cáncer y enfermedades incura-
we beseech you, relief from suffering to (name the                                   bles, concede, te suplicamos, alivio del sufrimiento a
names of the persons who are ill).                                                   (nombra los nombres de las personas que están en-
You can find the full novena online at
                                                                        Puedes encontrar la novena completa en línea en

                                  April 24, 2022 - 2nd Sunday of Easter / 2º Domingo de Pascua                                  Page 3
St. Gabriel Catholic Church - 1150 Mitchell Ave, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-2762 - - LPi
Readings for the week of April 24th                                 Las lecturas de la semana del 24 de Abril
Sunday, April 24                                                      Domingo, 24 de Abril
Acts 5: 12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24;                              Hch 5, 12-16; Sal 117, 2-4. 13-15. 22-24; Ap 1, 9-11. 12-13. 17-19;
Rv 1: 9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20: 19-31                               Jn 20, 19-31
Monday, April 25                                                      Lunes, 25 de Abril
1 Pt 5: 5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16: 15-20                    1 Pe 5, 5-14; Sal 88, 2-3. 6-7. 16-17; Mc 16, 15-20
Tuesday, April 26                                                     Martes, 26 de Abril
Acts 4: 32-37; Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5; Jn 3: 7b-15                       Hch 4, 32-37; Sal 92, 1. 1-2. 5; Jn 3, 7-15
Wednesday, April 27                                                   Miércoles, 27 de Abril
Acts 5: 17-26; Ps 34: 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9; Jn 3: 16-21                 Hch 5, 17-26; Sal 33, 2-3. 4-5. 6-7. 8-9; Jn 3, 16-21
Thursday, April28                                                     Jueves, 28 de Abril
Acts 5: 27-33; Ps 34:2,9, 17-18, 19-20; Jn 3: 31-36                   Hch 5, 27-33; Sal 33, 2 , 9. 17-18. 19-20; Jn 3, 31-36
Friday, April 29                                                      Viernes, 29 de Abril
Acts 5: 34-42; Ps 27: 1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6: 1-15                         Hch 5, 34-42; Sal 26, 1. 4. 13-14; Jn 6, 1-15
Saturday, April 30                                                    Sábado, 30 de Abril
Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33: 1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6: 16-21                       Hch 6, 1-7; Sal 32, 1-2. 4-5. 18-19; Jn 6, 16-21
Sunday, May 1                                                         Domingo, 1 de Mayo
Acts 5: 27-32, 40b-41; Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13; Rv 5:11-14;        Hch 5, 27-32. 40-41; Sal 29, 2. 4. 5-6. 11-12. 13 ; Ap 5, 11-14;
Jn 21:1-19                                                            Jn 21, 1-19

                  Remember in Your Prayers                                              Recuerda en tus oraciones
Pope Francis’ April Intention: Health Care Workers.                   Intención de Abril del Papa Francisco: Por el personal sanita-
We pray for health care workers who serve the sick and the            rio: Recemos para que el compromiso del personal sanitario de
elderly, especially in the poorest countries; may they be             atender a los enfermos y a los ancianos, especialmente en los
adequately supported by governments and local communities.            países más pobres, sea apoyado por los gobiernos y las comuni-
                                                                      dades locales.
General Prayers: Parishioners awaiting test results, those
residing at Retsil, medical facilities & at retirement centers, the    Oraciones generales: oren por: los feligreses que esperan los
home-bound, imprisoned, unemployed, and for our military loved        resultados de las pruebas, los que residen en Retsil, las instala-
ones in service around the world.                                     ciones médicas y los centros de jubilación, los que están en el
                                                                      hogar, los encarcelados, los desempleados y por nuestros seres
Prayers for the Sick: In your kindness and charity towards others,    queridos militares en servicio en todo el mundo.
please pray for Beth Barko, Anthony Bianchini, Michael Grimsley,
Tom Higgenbothom, Tina Johnson, Christopher Lawrence, Jewel           Oraciones por los enfermos: En su amabilidad y caridad hacia
Melvin, Joe Mohr, Carlos Quichocho, David Quintanilla, Doris          los demas oremos por Beth Barko, Anthony Bianchini, Michael
Paris, Dennis Salas, Carl Simmons, Jesus Taisipic, and the sick of    Grimsley, Tom Higgenbothom, Tina Johnson, Christopher Law-
our parish.                                                           rence, Jewel Melvin, Joe Mohr, Carlos Quichocho, David Quinta-
                                                                      nilla, Doris Paris, Dennis Salas, Carl Simmons, Jesus Taisipic, y
Prayers for the Deceased: For all those who have died especially      los enfermos de nuestra parroquia.
Patricia L. Diesta (3/15), Baby Matthew (4/8), Joe Mesa, and
Cristobol Quintanilla (4/19). May God grant them the joy of eternal   Oraciones por los fallecidos: por todos los que han muerto,
life and peace for their families.                                    especialmente Patricia L. Diesta (3/15), Baby Matthew (4/8), Joe
                                                                      Mesa, y Cristobol Quintanilla (4/19). Que Dios les conceda la
Please notify the parish office at to      alegría de la vida eterna y la paz para sus familias.
have names added on our prayer lists. Names will remain on the
list during the month they are submitted.                          Por favor notifique a la oficina parroquial en
                                                          para que se agreguen nombres en
                                                                   nuestras listas de oracion.
Page 4                            April 24, 2022 - 2nd Sunday of Easter / 2º Domingo de Pascua
St. Gabriel Catholic Church - 1150 Mitchell Ave, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-2762 - - LPi
Week Ahead St. Gabriel                                 Week Ahead Prince of Peace
Semana por Delante San Gabriel                        Semana por Delante Príncipe de la Paz
 Sunday, April 24                                              Sunday, April 24
 8:00 AM Mass                                                  9:30 AM Mass
 9:30 AM Choir Rehearsal                                       10:30 AM 1st Communion Prep (English & Spanish)
 9:30 AM RCIC                                                  11:30 AM Mass (Spanish)
 9:30 AM Faith Formation Classes                               1:00 PM Mass (Spanish)
 11:00 AM Mass                                                 1:00 PM RCIA for children
 1:00 PM SOLO Group Meeting                                    4:00 PM Clase de Preparación Matrimonial
 6:30 PM Confirmation Class                                    6:00 PM Clase de Bautismo (Baptism Class)
 Monday, April 25                                              Monday, April 25
 10:00 AM Genesis to Jesus Bible Study Group                   6:00 PM Youth Group (Hispanic)
 11:00 AM Prepares Boutique
 12:30 PM Paraclete Prayer Group                               Tuesday, April 26
                                                               6:30 PM Catequista reunión
 Tuesday, April26                                              7:00 PM Coro Práctica
 11:00 AM Mass                                                 7:00 PM Maria Auxiliadora
 6:30 PM RCIA
                                                               Wednesday, April 27
 Wednesday, April 27                                           4:00 PM Choir Rehearsal
 11:00 AM Mass                                                 6:00 Youth Group (Hispanic)
 1:30 PM Mass at Retsil Veterans’ House
 7:00 PM Confirmation Mass                                     Thursday, April 28
                                                               10:00 AM Mass
 Thursday, April 28                                            11:00 PM Faith Sharing
 No Events Scheduled
                                                               Friday, April 29
 Friday, April 29                                              6:00 PM Youth Group (Hispanic)
 11:00 AM Mass                                                 7:00 PM Jóvenes Adultos San Pedro
 6:30 PM Youth Ministry High School Movie Night
                                                               Saturday, April 30
 Saturday, April 30                                            4:30 PM Mass
 6:00 PM Confession                                            6:00 PM Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
 6:30 PM Mass
                                                               Sunday, May 1
 Sunday, May 1                                                 9:30 AM Mass
 8:00 AM Mass                                                  11:30 AM Mass (Spanish)
 9:30 AM Choir Rehearsal                                       1:00 PM Mass (Spanish)
 9:30 AM Faith Formation Classes                               4:00 PM Clase de Preparación Matrimonial
 11:00 AM Mass                                                 5:00 PM Confirmation Prep Class

                        April 24, 2022 - 2nd Sunday of Easter / 2º Domingo de Pascua                      Page 5
St. Gabriel Catholic Church - 1150 Mitchell Ave, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-2762 - - LPi
Stewardship / Mayordomía
   Stewardship of Treasure / Mayordomía del Tesoro                                                  Weekly Bible Reflections
               Through April 11, 2022                                         “Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has
           Stewardship:                           $     17,753                sent me, so I send you.’” (JOHN 20: 21)
           Loose Cash:                            $      1,070                Peace – the first gift of the risen Lord. Just as Jesus sent the
           Total Year To Date Offerings:          $    388,157                apostles out into the world, so too, He sends us. As disciples of
           YTD Budget:                            $    399,368                Jesus, we are called to be compassionate and merciful; and not
           Under Budget:                          $     11,211                with just those who are our friends, but also with our “enemies.”
           Holy Days:                             $    172                    Think of someone in your life who you need to reconcile with. Call
           Year to Date:                          $ 24,570                    them right now or better yet, go visit them.
           Building Fund:                         $          0
           Year to Date:                          $      7,744                      Reflexiones Del Boletín De Corresponsabilidad
           Fr. Dell Scholarship Fund:             $          1                “Jesús les dijo nuevamente, ‘La paz sea con ustedes . Como el
           Year to Date:                          $      1,219                Padre me ha enviado, así los envío yo’.” (Juan 20, 21)
           Utility Fund:                          $         20                La paz - el primer don del Señor resucitado. Así como Jesús envió
           Year to Date:                          $      3,499                a los discípulos al mundo, así también nos envía a nosotros. Co-
                                                                              mo discípulos de Jesús, somos llamados a ser compasivos y mis-
           Share & Care:                          $ 1,507
                                                                              ericordiosos; no sólo con nuestros amigos sino también con nues-
           Year to Date:                          $ 13,681
                                                                              tros “enemigos”. Piense de alguien en su vida con quien necesite
Thank you for your faithful Stewardship and your generous heart.              reconciliarse. Llámelo inmediatamente o mejor aún, vaya a visitar-
    Gracias por su fiel Mayordomía y su generoso corazón.                     lo.
   Stewardship of Treasure / Mayordomía del Tesoro
               Through April 18, 2022
            Stewardship:                           $ 1,120*
            Loose Cash:                            $       0
            Total Year To Date Offerings:          $ 389,277
            YTD Budget:                            $ 407,861
            Under Budget:                          $ 18,584
            Holy Days:                             $      0*
            Year to Date:                          $ 24,570
            Building Fund:                         $        20
            Year to Date:                          $     7,764
            Fr. Dell Scholarship Fund:             $         0
            Year to Date:                          $     1,219
            Utility Fund:                          $         0
            Year to Date:                          $     3,499
            Share & Care:                          $     10
            Year to Date:                          $ 13,691
  * due to the Easter holiday the collection wasn’t counted until after the
  bulletin was submitted.

Page 6                                   April 24, 2022 - 2nd Sunday of Easter / 2º Domingo de Pascua
St. Gabriel Catholic Church - 1150 Mitchell Ave, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-2762 - - LPi
Faith Formation / Formación de Fe
                                                          Easter Movie Nights
                                                     for Middle and High Schoolers
Our new Youth Minister, Marylin Flores, invites all middle and high school students to join her in the season of Easter for a series of movie
nights. Popcorn and praise music are included! We will be showing
movies that connect to our Catholic faith.
High School
(8th graders welcome!)
St. Gabriel Faith Formation Kitchen
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM on the following Fridays: April 29th, May 6th, 13th,
20th, & 27th, and June 3rd.
Middle School
St. Gabriel Faith Formation Kitchen
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM on the following Wednesdays: May 4th, 11th, 18th, &
25th, June 1st.
Come out and meet new friends and be a part of your new youth group
for St. Gabriel and Prince of Peace teens.
For questions, contact Marylin Flores, Youth Minister at (360) 228-7013
or at
                       Confirmation Night                                                        The Hallow App
Our St. Gabriel Candidates will be receiving the Sacrament of            The Hallow app is an attempt to share these prayer techniques -
Confirmation on                                                          the same ones that changed my life - with
Wednesday, April 27th                                                    as many people as we can. We believe
at 7:00PM. Archbishop                                                    that prayer and meditation has the power
Eusebio Elizondo will                                                    to change the world. We believe that if we
be presiding along                                                       let Him, God will hallow - meaning “make
Father Phuong. Every-                                                    holy” - our lives.
one is invited to come                                                                       Alex Jones, CEO of Hallow
be a part of this very
special night.

                                              FORMED. The Catholic Faith. On Demand.
Did you know you can get thousands of catholic movies, programs, audio, and books instantly. Watch, listen and read. Anywhere. Any-
time. Formed provides a trusted and engaging entertainment alternative in support of a Catholic lifestyle.

                                              FORMADO. La fe católica. Bajo demanda.
¿Sabías que puedes obtener miles de películas, programas, audio y libros católicos al instante? Mira, escucha y lee. En cualquier parte.
En cualquier momento. Formed ofrece una alternativa de entretenimiento confiable y atractiva en apoyo de un estilo de vida católico.

                                  April 24, 2022 - 2nd Sunday of Easter / 2º Domingo de Pascua                                  Page 7
St. Gabriel Catholic Church - 1150 Mitchell Ave, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-2762 - - LPi
Happenings at Prince of Peace / Acontecimientos en Príncipe de Paz
                College Scholarship Available                                           Beca universitaria disponible
St. Monica's Guild is offering a $750.00 scholarship. Applicants        St. Monica's Guild está ofreciendo una beca de $750.00. Los soli-
must be a high school senior or enrolled in college or vocational/      citantes deben ser estudiantes de último año de secundaria o es-
technical school. The application form is available at the church       tar inscritos en la universidad o en una escuela vocacional / técni-
office. The completed form must be completed and returned by            ca. El formulario de solicitud está disponible en la oficina de la
April 29th.                                                             iglesia. El formulario completado debe completarse y devolverse
                                                                        antes del 29 de abril.
                          Faith Sharing
                                                                                             Rosary Makers News
Faith Sharing is a small group. We meet on Thursdays after the
daily mass. On the first Thursday when we have Adoration, we            Are you travelling outside of the country this summer? If you are,
still meet after Mass. We go over the next Sunday’s readings and        and would like to bring some mission rosaries with you to give to
share what it means to us and how we can apply the scripture in         those in need, we can make that happen! We have some great
our daily lives. At times we feel very blessed to have both             ideas on how to distribute them. Or if you would like to join the
Fr. Phuong and Fr. Ron share the background of the scripture.           Rosary Makers group, please contact the parish office for more
Contact Linda Lamb at or 360-277-                 information.
4237 for more info. Or Just show up and join us.
                                                                        Noticias de los Hacedores
                      Knights of Columbus                                      del Rosario
Knights of Columbus Council #12002 at Prince of Peace is cele-          ¿Vas a viajar fuera del país este verano? Si lo eres, y te gustaría
brating 25 years of service to this parish and the surrounding com-     traer algunos rosarios misioneros contigo para dar a los necesita-
munity! We are beginning to restart our traditional activities in the   dos, ¡podemos hacer que eso suceda! Tenemos algunas ideas
parish and we are looking for new prospective Knights to join           geniales sobre cómo distribuirlos. O si desea unirse al grupo de
us. If you feel called to participate in the Knights of Columbus,       Hacedores del Rosario, comuníquese con la oficina parroquial
please reach out to our Grand Knight, Roy Harrington at                 para obtener más información. or via cell at (206) 817-8815. Thank you.
                                                                                                  Faith Sharing
                       Caballeros de Colón
                                                                        Faith Sharing is a small group. We meet on Thursdays after the
¡El Consejo de Caballeros de Colón #12002 en Prince of Peace
                                                                        daily mass. On the first Thursday when we have Adoration, we still
está celebrando 25 años de servicio a esta parroquia y a la comu-
                                                                        meet after Mass. We go over the next Sunday’s readings and
nidad circundante! Estamos comenzando a reiniciar nuestras
                                                                        share what it means to us and how we can apply the scripture in
actividades tradicionales en la parroquia y estamos buscando nue-
                                                                        our daily lives. At times we feel very blessed to have both.
vos futuros Caballeros para unirse a nosotros. Si se siente llama-
do a participar en Caballeros de Colón, comuníquese con nuestro         Fr. Phuong and Fr. Ron share the background of the scripture.
Gran Caballero, Roy Harrington, en o a través          Contact Linda Lamb at or (360) 277-
de la celda al (206) 817-8815. Gracias.                                 4237 for more info. Or Just show up and join us.
                College Scholarship Available                                             Homebound Ministry Team
St. Monica's Guild is offering a $750.00 scholarship. Applicants        Do you know of a fellow parishioner no longer able to drive
must be a high school senior or enrolled in college or vocational/      in to mass each Sunday? Did you know our homebound min-
technical school. The application form is available at the church       istry team will visit these parishioners at their home or living
office. The completed form must be completed and returned by            facility to bring prayer and communion to them? Please con-
April 29th.                                                             tact the Parish Office if you know someone who wishes to
                                                                        have communion brought to them.
                Beca universitaria disponible
St. Monica's Guild está ofreciendo una beca de $750.00. Los soli-                     Equipo del Ministerio Homebound
citantes deben ser estudiantes de último año de secundaria o estar
                                                                        ¿Conoces a un compañero feligrés que ya no puede ir a misa
inscritos en la universidad o en una escuela vocacional / técni-
                                                                        todos los domingos? ¿Sabías que nuestro equipo de ministerio
ca. El formulario de solicitud está disponible en la oficina de la
                                                                        confinado en casa visitará a estos feligreses en su casa o centro
iglesia. El formulario completado debe completarse y devolverse
                                                                        de vida para llevarles oración y comunión? Por favor, póngase en
antes del 29 de Abril.
                                                                        contacto con la oficina parroquial si conoce a alguien que desea
                                                                        que se le traiga la comunión.
Page 8                            April 24, 2022 - 2nd Sunday of Easter / 2º Domingo de Pascua
St. Gabriel Catholic Church - 1150 Mitchell Ave, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-2762 - - LPi
Happenings at St. Gabriel / Acontecimientos en St. Gabriel
         Knights of Columbus Seminary Collection                            Collection de Caballeros de Colon para Seminaristas
March 19th and 20th marked the return of the Seminarian Collec-           El 19 y 20 de marzo marcó el regreso de la Colección para Semi-
tion. We typically collect in the third month of the quarter and the      naristas. Normalmente recolectamos en
third weekend of that month. It’s been three years since we have          el tercer mes del trimestre y el tercer fin
been able to stand at the doors.                                          de semana de ese mes. Han pasado tres
                          This collection is the best we have ever        años desde que hemos podido estar en
                          collected, and it has been through the          las puertas.
                          outstanding generosity of the Parishion-        Esta colección es la mejor que hemos
                          ers that this has happened. We brought          recopilado, y ha sido a través de los feli-
                          in double that of the best collection in the    greses que esto ha sucedido. Trajimos el
                          past. Since we support four Seminarians,        doble de la mejor colección de pasado.
                          the Knights of Columbus wish to extend          Dado que apoyamos a cuatro seminaristas. Caballeros de Colon
                          a very hearty THANK YOU to the Parish-          desea extender un muy sincero GRACIAS a los feligreses por ha-
ioners for making this happen.                                            cer que esto suceda.

                                                             St. Anthony Guild
The St. Anthony Guild of St. Gabriel has been in existence for over fifty years. It was established along the guidelines of St. Anthony’s life.
His purpose was to help those in need, especially the sick.
The members of the Guild offer prayers for priestly vocations, for the sick and others in need. In the past, they have donated to the Crozier
society, Agape and to the St. Gabriel Youth Summer Mission trip. Together, they plan and work on the Winter Bazaar bake sale fundrais-
 Come join the Guild which meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 12:00 PM in the parish community room. New members are
always welcome.
                   Food Pantry at St. Gabriel                             Volunteers needed for Hospitality Sundays at St. Gabriel
Are you or someone you know experiencing food insecurity?                                             We are looking for volunteers to assist
Our food pantry has lots of shelf stable items and these are                                          with the hospitality Sundays. We need
free to anyone in need. No appointment needed. Just stop by                                           volunteers to pick up the donuts, set up
anytime the Parish Office is open.                                                                    for coffee and donuts, and to clean up
                                                                                                      the community room after the Sunday
           Despensa de alimentos en San Gabriel                                                       masses. Groups or a group of individu-
¿Usted o alguien que conoce está experimentando inseguridad                                           als could work together on this long
alimentaria? Nuestra despensa de alimentos tiene muchos artícu-                                       awaited return to community building.
los estables en el estante y estos son gratuitos para cualquier per-                                  Please contact the Parish Office for
sona que lo necesite. No se necesita cita previa. Simplemente                                         more information.
pase por aquí cada vez que la oficina parroquial esté abierta.

                             News & Information / Noticias e información
                         Mass Intentions                                                          Intenciones Misa
Can we pray for you? Mass intentions refer to the particular pur-        ¿Podemos orar por ti? Las intenciones de masa se refieren al
pose for which a specific Mass is offered. This may be to honor          propósito particular para el cual se ofrece una misa específica.
God or thank him for blessings received. But technically a Mass          Esto puede ser para honrar a Dios o agradecerle por las bendicio-
intention means that the sacrifice is offered for some person(s)         nes recibidas. Pero técnicamente una intención de misa significa
living or dead. Please submit your prayer intention to the Parish        que el sacrificio se ofrece por alguna persona (s) viva (s) viva (s) o
Office.                                                                  muerta. Por favor, envíe su intención de oración a La Oficina Pa-

Page 9                             April 24, 2022 - 2nd Sunday of Easter / 2º Domingo de Pascua
St. Gabriel Catholic Church - 1150 Mitchell Ave, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-2762 - - LPi
News & Information / Noticias e información
                      Care and Share Pantry                                                      Advertiser of the week
Over the past months our food pantry has been serving mostly the                            State Farm Walt Finklein Agency
homeless or those living out of their cars. We are looking for items         Please patronize the businesses advertised on the back page of
that do not need to be cooked.                                               this bulletin. Tell them you saw their ad here.
Can you help provide the following items: granola/cereal bars, pud-
ding cups, fruit cups, protein packs (shelf stable cheese & crack-                              Food Pantry at St. Gabriel
ers), mac & cheese in a cup, dish soap, laundry pods, bottled wa-
ter (small & large sizes), travel size shampoo, travel size hand san-        Are you or someone you know experiencing food insecurity?
itizer, hand wipes, hand warmers, socks and                                  Our food pantry has lots of shelf stable items and these are
gloves. We could also use small denomina-                                    free to anyone in need. No appointment needed. Just stop by
tion gift cards for food (McDonald’s Burger                                  anytime the Parish Office is open.
King, Wendy’s, etc.).
When donating food, please make sure to                                                  Despensa de alimentos en St. Gabriel
leave the items in their original packaging.
Thank you for your generous support of this                                  ¿Usted o alguien que conoce está experimentando inseguridad
ministry.                                                                    alimentaria? Nuestra despensa de alimentos tiene muchos artícu-
                                                                             los estables en el estante y estos son gratuitos para cualquier per-
                                                                             sona que lo necesite. No se necesita cita previa. Simplemente
                         Coffee and Donuts                                   pase por aquí cada vez que la oficina parroquial esté abierta.
We are looking at bringing back Coffee and Donuts after the Sunday
                                                                                             Ministry Spotlight: Altar Server
Masses, however we need your help. We are looking for a volunteer to
help coordinate this Ministry of Hospitality. This includes finding volun-   An altar server, sometimes referred to as an Acolyte, is a lay assis-
teers to staff the weekends and making sure there are sufficient supplies    tant to a member of the clergy during a Catholic Christian Mass or
(coffee, tea, creamer, lemonade, etc) on hand. If you are interested,        Liturgy. An altar server attends to supporting tasks at the altar such
please contact the Parish Office.
                                                                             as fetching and carrying, ringing the altar bell, among other things.
            Interested in Natural Family Planning?                           Training is provided.
Visit the Office of Marriage & Family Life for more information.             If you would like more information or to sign up, please contact the
      ¿Interesado en la planificación familiar natural?                      Parish Office at (360) 876-2762 or
Visite la Oficina de Matrimonio y Vida Familiar para obtener más
                         Volunteers needed at both parishes
                  Come share your talents. We need Sacristans,
                  Homebound Ministers, Altar Servers, Lectors, and
                  so much more. Please contact the Parish Office
                  for more information.
                   Homebound Ministry Team                                                 Equipo del Ministerio Homebound
Do you know of a fellow parishioner no longer able to drive                  ¿Conoces a un compañero feligrés que ya no puede ir a misa
in to mass each Sunday? Did you know our homebound min-                      todos los domingos?
istry team will visit these parishioners at their home or living             ¿Sabías que nuestro equi-
facility to bring prayer                                                     po de ministerio confinado
and communion to                                                             en casa visitará a estos
                                                                             feligreses en su casa o
them? Please contact                                                         centro de vida para llevar-
the Parish Office if you                                                     les oración y comunión?
know someone who                                                             Por favor, póngase en con-
wishes to have com-                                                          tacto con la oficina parroquial si conoce a alguien que desea que
munion brought to them.                                                      se le traiga la comunión.

                                     April 24, 2022 - 2nd Sunday of Easter / 2º Domingo de Pascua                                    Page 10
News & Information / Noticias e información...Cont.
        St.. Pedro de San José Betancur | April 25th                           San Pedro de San Jose Betancur | 25 de Abril
Central America’s first saint, St. Pedro de San José Betancur           El primer santo de América Central, San Pedro de San José
(1626-1667) was born a poor                                             Betancur (1626-1667) nació como un pastor pobre en las Islas
shepherd in the Canary Is-                                              Canarias. Las tierras de su familia fueron confiscadas debido a las
lands. His family lands were                                            deudas, y trabajó como sirviente contratado hasta su vida adulta
seized because of debt, and                                             temprana cuando Pedro dejó su hogar para viajar a Guatemala.
he worked as an indentured                                              Su dinero para el viaje se agotó mucho antes de que llegara. Esta-
servant until his early adult                                           ba en la indigencia cuando llegó y se vio obligado a unirse a la
life when Pedro left his home                                           línea de pan que los frailes franciscanos tenían para los pobres.
to travel to Guatemala. His                                             En 1655, se unió a la Ter-
money for the journey ran                                               cera Orden de San Francis-
out long before he arrived.                                             co. Pedro comenzó a servir
He was destitute when he                                                a los pobres, a los esclavos,
did arrive and was forced to                                            a los inmigrantes, a los niños
join the bread line the Fran-                                           abandonados, a cualquiera
ciscan Friars had for the
                                                                        que lo necesitara. En 1658
                                                                        se le dio una choza que con-
In 1655, he joined the Third                                            virtió en un hospital para los
Order of St Francis. Pedro                                              pobres. Este pequeño comi-
began to serve the poor, the                                            enzo se convirtió en un
enslaved, immigrants, aban-                                             refugio para las personas sin
doned children, anyone that                                             hogar, una escuela para los
needed him. In 1658 he was                                              pobres, una posada para
given a hut which he made                                               sacerdotes y varias peque-
into a hospital for the poor.                                           ñas capillas en las zonas
This small start grew into a                                            pobres.Este pequeño comi-
shelter for the homeless, a school for the poor, an inn for priests,    enzo se convirtio en un
and several small chapels in poor areas. He was supported by            refugio para las personas sin
many patrons and was joined in his work by both men and women,          hogar, una posada para los
who became the Bethlehemite Brothers and the Bethlehemite Sis-          pobres, una posada para
ters.                                                                   sacerdotes y varias peque-
                                                                        ñas capillas en las zonas
Pedro prayed for the souls of those in purgatory, walked through        pobres. Fue apoyado por
the streets of rich neighborhoods ringing a bell and calling the        muchos mecenas y se le unieron en su trabajo hombres y muje-
wealthy to repent, and ministered to prisoners. Most accounts           res, que se convirtieron en los Hermanos Bethlehemitas y las Her-
credit him with beginning the tradition of posadas, a procession in     manas Bethlehamitas.
which people representing Mary and Joseph ask for lodging from
their neighbors. This tradition continues today in Mexico and Cen-      Pedro oro por las almas de los que estaban en el purgatorio,
tral America. Because of his work with the poor and marginalized        camino por las calles de los barrios ricos tocando una campana y
Pedro is often referred to as the “Saint Frances of the Americas”.      llamando a los ricos a arrepentirse, y ministro a los prisioneros. La
St. Pedro was canonized on July 30, 2002, in Guatemala City,            mayoria de los relatos le atribuyen el inicio de la tradicion de las
Guatemala by Pope John Paul II.                                         posadas, una procession en la que las personas que representan
                                                                © LPi   a Maria y Jose piden alojamiento a sus vecinos. Esta tradicion
                                                                        continua hoy en Mexico y Centroamerica. Debido a su trabajo con
                                                                        los pobres y marginados, Pedro es a menudo referido como la
                                                                        “Santa Francisca de las Americas”.
                                                                        San Pedro fue canonizado el 30 de Julio de 2002 en la Ciudad
                                                                        Guatemala por el Papa Juan Pablo ll.
                                                                                                                                        © LPi

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