St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church March 21, 2021

Page created by Arnold Hammond
St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church March 21, 2021
St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation
    Catholic Church ~ March 21, 2021

                 1062 Charnelton St., Eugene, OR 97401
                   Phone: 541-342-1139 Fax: 541-334-6996
Website:       email:
St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church March 21, 2021
March 21, 2021 - Fifth Sunday of lent
                                   The grain of wheat must die to produce fruit.
                                  Such dying must be cultivated by obedience
                                         and by our covenant with God,
                                         rooted in love and forgiveness.
                                                                 Next Week’s Reading
                          Is 50:4-7                   Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24         Phil 2:6-11     Mk14:1-15:47

          In Our Prayers
                 …all those who are ill, including:
   Manuel & Marilyn Betonio, Jason Brown,
 Juan Gonzalez Cortez family, Severina Cox,
    Dolores Cunha, Flor DeLuz Cervantes,
    Ken & Sylvia Doggett, David Faulkner,
Cynthia Fellez, Sharon Foster, Wayne Hanson,
   Maya Henry, Morris Kielty, Jackie Larsen,
      John Lewis, Jr., Edward Martinuzzi,
 Evelyn O’Boyle, Gaye Rittal, Elsie Rodriguez,
  Dick & Jean Sellers, John & Linda Simpson,
     Dee Weaver, and Jeanne Wharton                                                 Mass Policies
                                                                        Reservations are required for the Sunday 9:00 am and 11:00 am
      In Loving Memory                                               Masses only. All other weekend and daily Masses are open to the
 We pray for the repose of the souls of our loved ones, including:   first 100 individuals.
                                                                         Masks and physical distancing requirements remain in place, we
                   Marjorie Koch                                     appreciate your compliance with these guidelines.
                                                                        Reserve your space for the 9:00 am and 11:00 am Sunday Mass
                  Dolores Clouthier
                                                                     online at our website Enter your name,
                   & David Bowe                                      the names of those attending with you and the number of people.
                                                                     It is that simple. If you do not have internet access you may call
                                                                     the Parish Office, at 541-342-1139, and we will put in your reserva-

   Mass Intentions
                                                                        We strongly encourage able faithful to return to Mass. Safety pro-
                                                                     tocols are in place for your protection, including attendance limits,
                  March 22-28, 2021
                                                                     physical distancing, consistent cleaning after each Mass and face
              ~ Daily 8:00 Masses ~                                  coverings required for all, age 5 and up. Please let your friends and
                                                                     loved ones know that all are welcome to attend Mass in person.
             Tue. ~ Alfonso Jeronimo †
                                                                        The dispensation from the Obligation to attend Mass remains in
            Wed. ~ Pauline Sadowsky †
                                                                     place. Please do not come to Mass if you do not feel well or are in
              Thu. ~ Fr Frank Gelskey †                              a high risk group.
             Sat. ~ Our Blessed Mother
             ~ Daily 12:15 Masses ~
      Mon. ~ Intentions of Jeanne Wharton
                                                                                St. Mary Parish Staff
           Tue. ~ Marie Cunningham †                                                   Pastor - Rev. Ron Nelson
             Wed. ~ Mary Gelskey †                                           Parochial Vicar - Rev. Henry Guillén-Vega
              Thu. ~ For Vocations                                     Retired Assisting Priest/part time - Rev. Bryce McProud
      Fri.~ Funeral for Dorothy Clouthier †                                          Parish Seminarian - Matthew Knight
                                                                                  Pastoral Associate - Marybeth Schombert
                 ~ Sunday Masses ~                                                     Business Manager - Rose Burke
        5:30 pm Vigil ~ For Parishioners                                          Director of Outreach Ministry - Lilly Hagen
    7:30 am ~ Intentions of Mary Kingston                                         Director of Music/part time - David Phillips
             9:00 am ~ Intentions of                                  Coord. Youth Sacramental Prep/part time - Julie Rutledge-Sanchez
        Bob & Corinne Palmer & family                                  Coordinator of Religious Education/part time - Sharon Dunham
                                                                                  Sacramental Registrar - Margaret Fleming
     11:00 am ~ Intentions of Molly Wirch
                                                                                  Administrative Assistant – Brenda Maddux
         1:00 pm ~ Eusebio Gonzalez †                                               Lead Custodian - James Du Chateau
    5:30 pm ~ Intentions of Tamara Derrick                                      Assistant Custodian/part time - Joe Crandall

St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church March 21, 2021
Mass Schedule                                      Weekly Offertory for March 7, 2021
                      Daily Mass:                                  Offertory                       $12,679.58
     8:00 am: Tuesday through Thursday & Saturday                  WeShare online giving           $ 5,921.00
           12:15 pm: Monday through Friday                         Holy Day                        $    50.00
                     Sunday Mass:                                  Total Offertory                 $18,650.58
         5:30 pm: Latin Vigil (Saturday Evening)                                                +/- +650.58
              7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am,
                    1:00 pm Spanish,                               March Weekly Need $18,000.00
                    5:30 pm Life Teen
             Reconciliation                                       Monthly Offertory for February 2021
            Mondays - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
                                                                                   Income:         Budget:
           Wednesdays - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
             Fridays - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm               Offertory                $40,512.11      $48,960.00
             Saturdays - 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm               WeShare Online           $23,230.96      $20,000.00
                  In the Parish Center                    Holy Days/Christmas      $ 1,770.00      $ 1,500.00
          Adoration Chapel                                Other Income             $ 5,156.89      $ 2,190.00
            Open Daily - 6:00 am to 8:00 pm               Total                    $70,669.96      $72,650.00
                                                                             +/-    -1,980.04
                                                                  Give to St. Mary via text message.
                                                                       Text “StMary” to 1-800-950-9952,
                                                                   click on the link and complete your gift.
                                                                        Simple, safe, and convenient.

                                                                  Parish Office Hours
                                                              The Parish Office hours are:
                                                                      Monday          9:00am - 4:00pm
                                                                      Tuesday        9:00am - 5:00 pm
                                                                      Wednesday      9:00am - 5:00 pm
                                                                      Thursday       9:00am - 4:00 pm
                                                                      Friday         9:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                            The office remains open by appointment only.
                                                          Please call 541-342-1139 with questions or to sched-
                                                          ule an appointment .
                                                               Thank you for helping us keep everyone healthy.
                                                                      Missals & Parish Directories
                                                            Would you like to follow along with the readings at
                                                          Mass? We have the March 28 - May 29 Sunday Missal
                                                          available in the office for a suggested donation of
 Archbishops catholic appeal                              $3.00.
   Thanks to all our parishioners who have                  We also have extra copies of the church directory
made their gift to the 2021 Archbishop’s for $5.00 each. Please call the office at 541-342-
                                                  1139 if you would like to purchase either item.
Catholic Appeal.
    The goal for St. Mary is $81,510. Every gift
means so much! If you have not yet made a               Advertiser spotlight
gift or pledge, it is not too late, please go di-   Local businesses and sponsors that advertise in our Bul-
                                                  letin make our bulletin possible and at no cost to the par-
rectly to                                         ish. Please support them and encourage others to shop          advertisers first. Our spotlight this week is:
to give online in the coming days. We would
like 100% participation in support of
                                                           Marcy Dombrowsky
                                                                  Need help with Medicare?
Archbishop Sample and our Catholic Church        
in western Oregon.                                                        541-579-5901

St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church March 21, 2021
Stations of the cross
                                                                   Join us this Friday, March 26, at 7:00 pm, and
                                                                 Good Friday, April 2, at 12:15 pm, for Stations
                                                                 of the Cross. It is a powerful way to enter into
                                                                 the Lord’s Passion by reflecting on this journey
                                                                 to Calvary and His dying on the Cross for our
                                                                 sins. Please consider participating on this
                                                                 meaningful Lenten Devotion as a family.

                                                                        March 28 - Palm Sunday Masses
              Reconciliation                                                  5:30 pm Latin Vigil
  Reconciliation is available each week in the Parish Center,                    7:30 am Mass
including Mondays during Lent.                                                   9:00 am Mass
             Mondays - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm                                     11:00 am Mass
            Wednesdays - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm                              1:00 pm Misa en Español
              Fridays - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm                                   5:30 pm Life Teen
              Saturdays - 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm                                  Monday, March 29
                                                                            11:00 am Reconciliation
                                                                                 12:15 pm Mass
                 Lenten Q & A                                                  Tuesday, March 30
I haven’t attended Triduum services before. What happens
                                                                                 8:00 am Mass
that’s different from a normal Sunday Mass?
                                                                                 12:15 pm Mass
   The liturgies during Holy Week are unique and rich in sym-                Wednesday, March 31
bolism. The Mass for Palm Sunday follows the pattern of the                       8:00 am Mass
day 2,000 years ago when Jesus entered Jerusalem. It in-                    11:00 am Reconciliation
cludes a Gospel reading outside the church building and                          12:15 pm Mass
the entrance of the priest into the sanctuary while the con-
                                                                       Thursday, April 1 - Holy Thursday *
gregation waves palms.
                                                                     7:00 pm Mass Bilingual / Misa bilingüe
   The Holy Thursday Mass also follows the rhythm of the an-
cient Last Supper. The presider washes the feet of members               Friday, April 2 - Good Friday *
of the congregation, like Jesus washed the feet of the disci-            12:15 pm Stations of the Cross
ples. (This year, due to the pandemic, the washing of the              3:00 Good Friday Service - English
feet will be omitted). After Mass, all remaining hosts are          7:00 pm Good Friday Service - Spanish
taken to an altar of repose, where adoration of the Blessed      Servicio litúrgico de Viernes Santo en Español
Sacrament occurs late into the night. Parishioners can re-             Saturday, April 3 - Holy Saturday *
main like the disciples in Gethsemane, asked to “watch and                    8:30 pm Easter Vigil
   On Good Friday, we celebrate another special liturgical              Sunday, April 4 - Easter Sunday *
service. Following the Liturgy of the Word, there is a commu-                    7:30 am Mass
nal reverencing of the cross. The intercessions are solemn                       9:00 am Mass
and include prayers for many different groups of people,                        11:00 am Mass
reminding us that Jesus’ passion is for the whole world. There             1:00 pm Misa en Español
is no Liturgy of the Eucharist. Hosts consecrated on Holy                   5:30 pm Life Teen Mass
Thursday are distributed, after which the tabernacle is                Monday, April 4 - Easter Monday
empty. The tabernacle remains empty through Holy Satur-                        9:00 am Mass
day — just as Jesus departed from this earthly world in death            The Parish Office is closed
— and we wait in hope for Easter Sunday!
                                                                   *All Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday
     Fridays of Lent - Abstinence                                events, require preregistration for attendance.
                                                                         Sign ups will open at 10:00 am
  Good Friday - Fasting & Abstinence                                           Monday, March 22.

St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church March 21, 2021
Consider Vocations
                                                                   “The Father will honor whoever serves me.” Are you
                                                                 being called to belong to Christ alone as a priest,
                                                                 deacon or through the consecrated life? Contact
  Join 40 Days for Life, through March 28, for 40 days           the Vocation Office at 503-233-8368 or at voca-
of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re   
invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day
vigil in the public right-of-way outside Planned Par-                Project Melchizedek:
enthood, at 3579 Franklin Blvd. (between Eugene                   Vocation Discernment Small Group
and Springfield), and to help spread the word about                Have you ever thought about becoming a priest?
this important community outreach.                               Join us for Project Melchizedek, a group open to all
  If you’d like more information, or if you’d like to vol-       Catholic men high school age and older, to learn
unteer to help, please contact Eileen at etmore-                 what the priesthood is all about and get practical or 541-543-7168.                                   advice on how to discern the Lord’s will. Find out
                                                                 more and register to join us at
                                                                   No need to have attended prior sessions to join.

                                                                        Free Food options
                                                                   St. Jude Parish hosts the Archdiocese Free Food Box
                                                                 Program on Saturdays from 10:30 - 11:30am at the St.
                                                                 Jude Parking Lot. There will be 500 boxes of fresh
                                                                 food Boxes are available on a first come, first serve
                                                                 policy, until all boxes are gone. Every family is wel-
                                                                 come to avail this free food box. No paper or
                                                                 voucher is needed. All you have to do is to show-up
                                                                 at the parking lot of St. Jude Catholic Church in 4330
                                                                 Willamette Street, Eugene, Oregon, 97405.
           Easter Flowers                                           Catholic Community Services (CCS) gives out food
  Remember a friend or loved one by donating to                  to community members in need. If you or someone
the Easter Flowers. The names of those you are hon-              you know needs assistance, come to CCS on Mon-
oring will be listed in the Bulletin. Offering envelopes         days, Wednesdays, or Fridays from 8:00 am - 12:00
are located in the church vestibules. Please return              noon. No income documentation is needed.
envelopes to the Parish Office or Offertory Basket by               In Eugene pick up at CCS, 1464 W. 6th Avenue, or
Sunday, March 22. There is a WeShare link for online             in Springfield, pick up at CCS, 1025 G St. Contact
giving at                                      CCS with questions at 541-345-3628 ext. 404.
   The suggested donation is $25.

         The Annunciation
      of the Lord is March 25
The angel Gabriel was sent from God…
  and coming to her, he said, “Hail, full of grace! The
Lord is with you.”
   “Do not be afraid, Mary, for your have found favor
with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and
bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be
great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the
Lord God will give him the throne of David his father,
and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of
his Kingdom there will be no end.”
 Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord.
May it be done to me according to your word.”
                     ...then the angel departed from her.

St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church March 21, 2021
Página en Español                                                     EVANGELIO: Jn 12, 20-33
         21 de marzo de 2021                                            Entre los que habían llegado a Jerusalén para ado-
                                                                     rar a Dios en la fiesta de Pascua, había algunos grie-
                                                                     gos, los cuales se acercaron a Felipe, el de Betsaida
                                                                     de Galilea, y le pidieron: “Señor, quisiéramos ver a
     V Domingo de Cuaresma                                           Jesús”.
                                                                        Felipe fue a decírselo a Andrés; Andrés y Felipe se lo
                                                                     dijeron a Jesús y él les respondió: “Ha llegado la hora
                                                                     de que el Hijo del hombre sea glorificado. Yo les ase-
           Estaciones de la Cruz                                     guro que si el grano de trigo, sembrado en la tierra, no
 Unirse a nosotros este viernes, 26 de marzo a las 7:00              muere, queda infecundo; pero si muere, producirá mu-
pm, o Viernes Santo, 2 de abril a las 12:15 horas, para              cho fruto. El que se ama a sí mismo, se pierde; el que
                                                                     se aborrece a sí mismo       en este mundo, se asegura
estaciones de la cruz.
                                                                     para la vida eterna.
Es una forma poderosa de entrar en la Pasión y muer-                    El que quiera servirme, que me siga, para que don-
te del Señor: su viaje al clavario y su muerte en la cruz            de yo esté, también esté mi servidor. El que me sirve
por nuestros pecados. Esta temporada de Cuaresma                     será honrado por mi Padre.
considere participar en esta devoción cuaresmal ver-                    Ahora que tengo miedo, ¿le voy a decir a mi Padre:
daderamente significativa como familia.                              ‘Padre, líbrame de esta hora’? No, pues precisamente
                                                                     para esta hora he venido. Padre, dale gloria a tu nom-
                                                                     bre”. Se oyó entonces una voz que decía: “Lo he glori-
      viernes de cuaresma - abstinencia
                                                                     ficado y volveré a glorificarlo”.
      viernes santo - ayuno y abstinencia                               De entre los que estaban ahí presentes y oyeron
                                                                     aquella voz, unos decían que había sido un trueno;
       Información Para La misa                                      otros, que le había hablado un ángel. Pero Jesús les
                                                                     dijo: “Esa voz no ha venido por mí, sino por ustedes.
                   Domingo 1:00 pm                                   Está llegando el juicio de este mundo; ya va a ser arro-
  La política de máscaras de la gobernadora Brown re-                jado el príncipe de este mundo. Cuando yo sea levan-
quiere que todos nosotros, a partir de los cinco años, use-          tado de la tierra, atraeré a todos hacia mí”. Dijo esto,
mos una máscara en la Misa. Estén preparados con sus                 indicando de qué manera habría de morir.
máscaras y observen la distancia social, especialmente
entrando y saliendo de la iglesia.
  Por     favor   visiten     a    nuestro     sitio  web,           MEDITACIÓN DEL EVANGELIO, o contáctenos en la oficina                        Jesús dijo: “Desátenlo y déjenlo caminar” (Juan 11:44).
parroquial, al 541-342-1139, para estar actualizados con             Ya estamos al umbral de la Pasión del Señor. A lo largo de
todos los cambios que están pasando.                                 la Cuaresma, hemos escuchado el amor de Dios por noso-
               Reconciliación Horario                                tros en cada mensaje del Evangelio. Desde las tentaciones
       miércoles y viernes 11:00 am - mediodía                       de Jesús en el desierto, la transfiguración, la samaritana, el
             sábado 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm                                ciego de nacimiento, y hoy, la liturgia que nos sitúa en la
                                                                     resurrección de Lázaro, el Evangelio es de amor y vida. De
                Capilla de adoración                                 estar atado de pies y manos, ha desatado, caminando
            6:00 am—8:00 pm todos los días.                          libremente. Hoy el Señor nos desata de nuestros pecados,
                                                                     si lo deseamos. La promesa del Padre sigue viva en su Hijo
                                                                     Amado. Jesús lo afirma con sus palabras: Yo soy la resu-
       Pensando en vocaciones                                        rrección y la vida. El que cree en mí, aunque muera, vivirá.
  “El llegó a ser la fuente de la salvación para todos los que       El que vive, el que cree en mí, no morirá para siem-
le obedecen” El Don de la vocacion a la vida sacerdotal              pre” (Juan 11:25-26).
o religiosa requiere una respuesta obediente a través de la              Con Lázaro resucitado, Jesús anuncia su resurrección.
oración y la acción. Llama a la Oficina de Vocaciones al             Quien entendió bien el mensaje fue Marta, con su respues-
503-233-8368 o escribe a                     ta dada a la pregunta de Jesús: “Sí, Señor; yo creo que tú
         Proyecto Melquisedec:                                       eres el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios, el que tenía que venir al mun-
                                                                     do” (Juan 11:27). El Santo Padre, dijo que el Señor “Nos
       Grupo de Discernimiento Vocacional                            invita, casi nos ordena, que salgamos de la tumba en la
  ¿Alguna vez han pensado en ser sacerdote? Únase                    cual nuestros pecados nos han hundido. Nos llama insisten-
a nosotros para el "Proyecto Melquisedec," un grupo                  temente a salir de la oscuridad de la prisión en la que esta-
abierto a todos los hombres católicos de edad de                     mos encerrados, conformándonos con una vida falsa,
                                                                     egoísta, mediocre. ‘Salí afuera!’, nos dice. ‘¡Salí afuera!’”.
secundaria y mayor para aprender más de lo que es
                                                                     (Radio Vaticana 6 de abril 2014). El reto es salir sin miedo,
el sacerdocio y obtener avisos prácticos para discer-                confiando en la providencia de Dios, y en todo lo que se
nir la voluntad del Señor. Descubre más y registrarse                pueda hacer por desatar los nudos de la vida de los unos
para la siguiente sesión en                   y los otros.
No tiene que haber asistido a sesiones presiones para
unirse al grupo.

St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church March 21, 2021
Calendar of Events
         Sunday, March 21                     Monday, March 22                          Tuesday, March 23               Wednesday, March 24
      FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT                   11:00 ~ Reconciliation                          8:00 † Mass                      8:00 † Mass
              7:30 † Mass                   12:15 † Mass (streamed)                   12:15 † Mass (streamed)            11:00 ~ Reconciliation
       9:00 † Mass (streamed)                                                                7:00 ~ RCIA                12:15 † Mass (streamed)
       11:00 † Mass (streamed)                                                        7:00 ~ Spanish Adult Prep
       1:00 † Misa (transmitido)
       4:00 ~ Charismatic Prayer
             5:30 † Mass
        Thursday, March 25                    Friday , March 26                         Saturday, March 27                Sunday, March 28
        THE ANNUNCIATION                          ABSTINENCE                            8:00 † Mass (streamed)              PALM SUNDAY
            OF THE LORD                       11:00 ~ Reconciliation                  9:00 ~ Project Melchizedek              7:30 † Mass
             8:00 † Mass                      12:15 † Funeral Mass                       3:00 ~ Reconciliation          9:00 † Mass (streamed)
       12:15 † Mass (streamed)           for Dolores Clouthier (streamed)               5:30 † Latin Vigil Mass         11:00 † Mass (streamed)
           6:00 ~ Holy Hour                7:00 ~ Stations of the Cross                                                 1:00 † Misa (transmitido)
                                                                                                                        4:00 ~ Charismatic Prayer
                                                                                                                              5:30 † Mass

         Monday, March 29                    Tuesday, March 30                        Wednesday, March 31                 Thursday, April 1
      MONDAY OF HOLY WEEK                 TUESDAY OF HOLY WEEK                     WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK                 HOLY THURSDAY
        11:00 ~ Reconciliation                    8:00 † Mass                              8:00 † Mass                     7:00 † Mass/Misa
       12:15 † Mass (streamed)             12:15 † Mass (streamed)                    11:00 ~ Reconciliation               Bilingual/bilingüe
                                                  7:00 ~ RCIA                        12:15 † Mass (streamed)
                                           7:00 ~ Spanish Adult Prep

           Friday , April 2                    Saturday, April 3                          Sunday, April 4                  Monday, April 5
      FRIDAY OF THE PASSION                   HOLY SATURDAY                           EASTER SUNDAY OF THE              MONDAY WITHIN THE
    OF THE LORD (GOOD FRIDAY)               8:30 † Easter Vigil Mass               RESURRECTION OF THE LORD              OCTAVE OF EASTER
       FASTING & ABSTINENCE                                                           7:30 † Easter Sunday Mass         9:00 † Mass (streamed)
      12:15 ~ Stations of the Cross                                             9:00 † Easter Sunday Mass (streamed)
 3:00 ~ Good Friday Service-(streamed)                                          11:00 † Easter Sunday Mass (streamed)
 7:00 ~ Good Friday Service in Spanish                                             1:00 † Domingo de Pascua Misa
   Servicio litúrgico de Viernes Santo                                                       (transmitido)
                en Español                                                           5:30 † Easter Sunday Mass
    Parish Office Closed at Noon                                                                                         Parish Office Closed

Opciones de Comida Gratis                                                            Catholic in Recovery
   La Parroquia de San Judas les invita al Programa de                             Catholic in Recovery is a free Catholic sacramental
Cajas de Comida Gratis de la Arquidiócesis cada sábado                          recovery fellowship for those seeking freedom from
a las 10:30 - 11:30 am en el estacionamiento de la iglesia.
                                                                                addictions and unhealthy attachments. Weekly
Habrá 500 cajas de alimentos frescos Las cajas están dis-
                                                                                meetings are held Tuesdays, at 7:00 pm, in the St. Paul
ponibles en la orden de llegada, hasta que todas las cajas
se hayan agotado. Les invitan a todas las familias a colec-                     Room of St. Paul Catholic Church. Walk-ins are wel-
tar unas cajas de comida gratuitas. No se necesitan papel                       come. Contact Jeremy for more information at
ni comprobante. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es presen-               
tarse en el estacionamiento de la Iglesia de San Judas,                            St. Paul is located at 1201 Satre Street, in Eugene.
4330 Willamette Street, Eugene, Oregon, 97405.

 Catholic Community Services (CCS) distribuye alimentos a
los miembros de la comunidad que los necesitan. Si usted
o alguien que conoce necesita ayuda, venga a CCS los
lunes, miércoles o viernes de 8:00 am a 12:00 del mediodía.
No se necesita documentación de ingresos.
   En Eugene, recoja en CCS, 1464 W. 6th Avenue, o en
Springfield, recoja en CCS, 1025 G St. Comuníquese con
CCS si tiene preguntas al 541-345-3628 ext. 404.

Apoye nuestro Boletín comprando
   con nuestros anunciantes.
St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church March 21, 2021
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