St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Cathedral - St. Elizabeth of Hungary | St. Louis, MO

Page created by Clifford Mckinney
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Cathedral - St. Elizabeth of Hungary | St. Louis, MO
St. Raymond– St. Elizabeth
                               Maronite Catholic Cathedral
                Most Rev. A. Elias Zaidan, Bishop of The Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon
                Most Rev. Robert Carlson, Apostolic Administrator of St. Louis
                Rev. John Nahal, Rector

                           Downtown                                      Crestwood
                       931 Lebanon Drive                          1420 S. Sappington Road
                      St. Louis, MO 63104                          Crestwood, MO 63126
                      Tel: (314) 621-0056                           Tel: (314) 968-0760
                      Fax: (314) 231-9057                           Fax: (314) 968-8023
                   Website:                  Website:
                    Facebook: St. Raymond’s                  Facebook: St. Elizabeth of Hungary
                    Maronite Cathedral group                  Catholic Church @sehcrestwood
                          DIVINE LITURGY                         DIVINE LITURGY/HOLY MASS:
                        Sunday: 10:15am                          Saturday: 4:00pm– Roman
                     Monday—Friday: 12 noon                                5:15pm— Maronite
                  (Divine Liturgy at 11:30am in Arabic/      Sunday: 8am and 10:30am—Roman
                English— every last Sunday of the month)            Monday–Friday: 8am
                         RECONCILIATION:                               RECONCILIATION:
                        Saturday: 4:00pm                               Saturday: 3:00pm
                        or by appointment                               Sunday: 9:45am
Sacrament of Baptism: call the rectory 1 month in advance to schedule an appointment and date with Fr. John
Sacrament of Matrimony: call the rectory 6 months in advance (1 year in advance if there are canonical issues)
Visitation and Anointing of the Sick: call the rectory; Fr John’s emergency contact is on the answering machine
Intentions for Divine Liturgy: call the rectory, mail, or email your intentions

9th WEEK OF PENTECOST                                      17th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
The Mission of God’s Messenger                             1 Kings 3:5, 7-12
Page 425                                                   Psalm 119
2 Cor 5:20-6:10                                            Romans 8:28-30
Luke 4:14-21                                               Matthew 13:44-52

                                  Sunday, July 26, 2020
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Cathedral - St. Elizabeth of Hungary | St. Louis, MO
DIVINE LITURGY & MASS INTENTIONS                                                  WEEKLY OFFERING 7/19/20
DOWNTOWN:                                                                         ST. ELIZABETH:
  Sun, July 26 9th Week of Pentecost                                              Envelope Total               1,415
      10:15am Catherine Haman (40 Day Liturgy, by her family)
                                                                                  Loose Total                  1,349
               Joan Fiock (by William Fiock)
                                                                                  (Checks & Cash)
               Antoun Bathani, Hanna Khoury, and Hleiss Hleiss
               (by the Bathani and Hleiss Families)                               Online Giving                1,370
 Mon, July 27 St. Pantaleon
                                                                                  Parish Maintenance            20
      12:00pm Connie McDermott (by Parish Pastoral Council)
Tues, July 28 St. Anthusa                                                         St. Vincent de Paul          100
      12:00pm Dorothy Randazzo (by David & Kathy Mueckl)                          Special Collections            0
 Wed, July 29 St. Martha, Prop Ezekiel
                                                                                  Votive Offerings              86
      12:00pm Melissa Haman (Parish Pastoral Council)
Thurs, July 30 St. Abdon, St. Sennen                                              TOTAL COLLECTION           $4,340.00
      12:00pm Leroy Wilson (by David & Kathy Mueckl)                              (BUDGET)                   ($6,500)
  Fri, July 31 350 M. Monks Martyrs
                                                                                  ST. RAYMOND:
      12:00pm Poor Souls in Purgatory
                                                                                  5:15pm Saturday
   Sun, Aug. 2 10th Week of Pentecost                                                                            7
      10:15am Theresa McDermott (by Ramona Milford)                               Checks/Envelopes              50
                                                                                  10am Sunday
CRESTWOOD:                                                                        Loose                        121
   Sat, July 25 Sunday Vigil                                                      Checks/Envelopes

       4:00pm Rosemary & Francis Bruno                                            Revenue during the week      985

       5:15pm John Elking, Sr. (by Debbie Elking and family)                      Candles                       18
  Sun, July 26 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time                                       Second Collection            245
       8:00am Art Smith
                                                                                  Coffee Hour                   0
      10:30am People of the Parish
                                                                                  Online Giving               1,375
  Mon, July 27 Monday of the 17th Week of Ordinary Time
                                                                                  TOTAL COLLECTION           $3,381.00
       8:00am Maureen Meyers
 Tues, July 28 Tuesday of the 17th Week of Ordinary Time                          Expenses                     2,941
       8:00am The Willging & Englehard Families

 Wed, July 28 St. Martha
       8:00am Margaret Klevorn
Thurs, July 30 St. Peter Chrysologus
       8:00am Walter & Loretta Braeckel

   Fri, July 31 St. Ignatius of Loyola
       8:00am Margaret Grana
    Sat, Aug. 1 Sunday Vigil
       4:00pm John Bommarito, Sr.
       5:15pm John Rashed & Donald Behiter            (Parish Pastoral Council)

   Sun, Aug. 2 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time
       8:00am People of the Parish
      10:30am Steve McGuire, Sr.

St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Cathedral - St. Elizabeth of Hungary | St. Louis, MO

                                                                                                         Rev. John Nahal

                                                                                                         IN RESIDENCE
                                                                                                         Rev. Michael Shami
Dear parishioners and friends,
St. Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians calls us, the                                           Dcn. Bill Meister
followers of Jesus Christ, “Ambassadors for Christ.”                                           
How important to keep focus on this title in everything we do,                                           Dcn. Lou Peters
on how to speak, and on being the reflection of the Divinity of                                
Christ in our daily lives. It is a joy to be working in the field of
Our Lord. I am blessed in ministering with all our clergy,
workers, and volunteer teams at St. Raymond-St. Elizabeth                                                PASTORAL ASSOCIATE
community of believers as one church in the Mystical Body of                                             Jen Ryan
Jesus Christ.                                                                                  
We pray for an end of the coronavirus pandemic, and we keep
                                                                                                         PARISH SECRETARY
working on different projects and event activities at both
locations, Downtown and Crestwood.                                                                       Crestwood: Patty Stevens
My goal is to have, in the near future, joint meetings for all
organizations and committees, starting with both parish                                                  Downtown:
pastoral councils this coming Thursday.                                                        

I thank all the ministry teams that are working to keep our
community in both locations strong in faith and pray that we                                             BULLETIN
will overcome all obstacles that keep us away from Christ.                                               Deadline: 8am Tuesdays
                                                                                                         To submit: Email Patty
God’s blessings,                                                                               
Fr. John Nahal, Rector
                                                                                                         ONLINE GIVING

                                                                                                         OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP
                                                                                                         DEVOTIONS– CRESTWOOD
                                                                                                         Mondays 8:30am
                                                                                                         (following daily Mass)

                                                                                                         ADORATION OF THE BLESSED
                                                                                                         SACRAMENT– CRESTWOOD
                                   St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Buffalo MN
                                                                                                         Mondays 8:30am-6:30pm
          h p://‐for‐christ‐embajadores‐de.html   Benediction at 6:30pm
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Cathedral - St. Elizabeth of Hungary | St. Louis, MO
  Sat, Aug. 1                               July 30: Parish Pastoral Council Meeting (Crestwood)
     4:00pm Pat Codden                      Aug. 12: Blood Drive, St. Raymond Hall (Downtown)
 Sun, Aug. 2                                Aug. 13-15: 55th Annual Assumption Pilgrimage, N. Jackson, OH
     8:00am Joe Meier                       Aug. 30: Monday Night Bible Study Begins (Crestwood)
     10:30am Chris Pickel                   Sept. 9: Men’s Club Meeting (Crestwood)
                                            Sep 19-20: Lebanese Festival (Downtown)
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK                    Oct 17: Wine and Beer Tasting Event (Downtown)
AND HOMEBOUND OF OUR                        Nov 14-15: St. Raymond’s Feast Day
St. Elizabeth        St. Raymond
                                         SPECIAL REQUEST
                                         Fr. John has asked that we please refrain from wearing or bringing
Gertrude Slama       Terry Leong
                                         political paraphernalia into the church building. This includes
Mark Beck            Connie McDermott
                                         shirts, caps, face masks, signs, etc. Since emotions run especially
Tom Hearst           Judge Paul & Mary   high during an election year, we would like to avoid any potential
Steven Sulze         Jane Simon          fighting inside the Church. We are under Jesus first! Thank you
Victor Sciarrino     Joseph & Mary       for understanding as we all join in prayer for our country.
Rosalie Hubert       Ojile
Mike McSorley Sr.    Gloria (Skip)       ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT
                     Leisure             Mondays from 8:30am-6:30pm at St. Elizabeth
James Brumfield
                     Elizabeth Wolff
Cathy Seemayer                           Visitors are welcome all day! Additional adorers are needed to
                     Don Ganim
Mary Lou Works                           commit to a weekly time for the following shifts: 12:30-1:30pm and
                     Kathleen Antoni
Patrick Nelms                            4:30-5:30pm. Please sign up in the foyer of either church or email
                     Esther Nassif
Chris Nelms
                     Loretta Linder
Lois Jones
                     Nijmeh Abounader    ST. RAYMOND’S KITCHEN SCOOP
Ted Arunski
                     Elias Hitti         St. Raymond’s kitchen will serve lunch on Wed. July 29, following
Dave Holdinghausen
                     Ralph Salamie       the guidelines of Sanitation and Safety. To pre-order on the Square
Barb Fix
                     John Anton          App, go to Curbside delivery
Beverly Klipfel                          will be available, too. Pre-orders accepted until Tues. July 28 at
                     Jim Hoffman
Pat Dieters                              10pm. If you miss the deadline, please call 314-421-9151 on
                     Gary Bieller
Joann Vollet                             Wednesday to place an order. Thanks! -Kathi and Gina
                     Richard Baker Sr
Lynn Warfel
                     Patrick Carr
Pat Cooseman
                     Steve Baker
Mary Ann Reiter
                     Jana Smith
Jean Weidler
                     Bernie Elking Sr
Dave Wissler
Michelle Bausworth
Tom Saucier
Pat Webbe
Will & Claudette
Rhoda Simpher
Br. John
Mangogna, CM                                        -4-
          JULY                          ‐John Cleary for painting the rectory!
Canned spaghetti, canned meat or ham,   -Tom Brehmer of Environmental HVAC for servicing our A/C units!
crackers, cookies, jello mix            -Jim Canova for helping us with our sound system!

Optional: Powdered milk
                                        ST. RAYMOND FOOD PANTRY
      (Please bring your own bags       Thank you to all who have been making food and/or monetary
              at this time)             donations to the Food Pantry. Your generous donations are
                                        enabling St. Raymond’s to provide groceries as well as rent, utilities
Extras: Toilet Tissue, Bar Soap, Dish   and transportation assistance to our friends and neighbors who are
Wash, Chicken Noodle Soup, Peanut       in greater need during the current pandemic crisis. Currently
Butter and Jelly                        needed items: canned meat/fish, soups/stews, fruit, peanut butter,
                                        pasta/rice, cereal, and toilet paper. If you are in need of food or
     St. Vincent DePaul                 other assistance, please contact Father John at the rectory:
            Help Line:                  (314) 621-0056.

 314-289-6101 Ext. 2274                 BLOOD DRIVE: ST. RAYMOND HALL
                                        St. Raymond Hall will be open for a blood drive on Wed. Aug. 12.
                                        Contact Mary Anne Powell for more info. Details at
Bann 1:                                 LEBANESE FESTIVAL
Steven Herberts &                       St. Louis Lebanese Festival Committee Chairpersons will be sending
Marie Bruno                             online questionnaires soon to volunteers and participants: please be
(August 15, 2020)                       part of it, so we will have a better Festival for our community.


 Josephine Bender      7-11-2020
 Catherine Haman       6-10-2020
 Jean Louis            5-16-2020
 Melissa Haman         5-9-2020
 Donald Behiter        5-9-2020
 Josephine Klein       5-6-2020
 Theresa McDermott     5-5-2020
 Thomas Powers         4-23-2020
Walter McGinnis        4-20-2020
Mary C. Louis          4-9-2020
 Robert Rapp           4-8-2020
 Hilaria Green         3-6-2020
 Shirley Milford       3-1-2020
 Meha Alkhouri         2-9-2020
 Dorothy Morice        2-3-2020
 Margaret Dooling      1-11-2020

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