Page created by Ryan Simon
              APRIL 28TH, 2019

      SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23RD, 2018

            “EYEWITNESS NEWS”
      We are glad you are in worship with us today. If you have a prayer concern or
      praise, please share it on our Prayer Wall in the Great Room. You also may fill
      out a prayer request card located on the chair backs in the sanctuary or at the
      prayer table in front of the prayer wall.
      New to Tri-Lakes UMC? Please fill out a Connection Card located on the chair
      backs in the sanctuary and drop it in the offering plate. Also be sure to pick up a
      Welcome Bag, located at our Welcome Desk, on the left as you exit our building.
      This is also the place to go if you have any questions. Our regular service times
      are 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 AM.
      Looking for our Nursery? Our Nursery is located by the second hallway, directly
      across from the kitchen. Nursery care is provided for children 3 weeks through 4
      years of age. The Nursery is available during each of our worship services. Stop
      in, meet the staff and pick up a Nursery pamphlet.
      Children’s Worship is offered at both the 8:00 AM and 11:00AM services.
      Children enter sanctuary and sit with parents. They leave when dismissed and
      then are returned in time for communion with their families.
      Looking for the Restrooms? Our Restrooms are located in the first hallway, to
      the right, as you enter our building.
      Looking for Sunday School Classes? September through May we offer Sunday
      school classes for all ages. The children’s classes are located in the Faith Forest
      (Wesley Hall). Adult classes are available on both levels and Youth classes meet
      on the lower level. Please visit the Welcome Desk for more information.
      Want more information? Please pick up one of our newsletters located in the
      literature rack in the Great Room.

                                                Contact Us:
             719.488.1365          20256 Hunting Downs Way, Monument, CO 80132     



Sign up for our text messaging service for alerts on all cancellations and closings by emailing
Order of Worship
                  8:00 & 11:00am - Traditional Worship
                             April 28th, 2019

Prelude                            					                           Susan Fraser

Welcome							                                                Rev. Jason Baxter

*Call To Worship
  Leader: We have seen the Lord!
  People: My Lord and my God!
  Leader: Peace be with you.
  People: Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.
  Leader: We come to worship believing that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,
  and that by believing we may have life in his name.
  People: Amen!
  -Based on John 20:19-31.

*Opening Hymn             Easter People, Raise Your Voices             304 UMH

  God of the resurrection, we thank you for the new life you have given
  Jesus and all who follow him. Through the power of your Spirit, inspire
  us to make a leap of faith into your loving arms. May we believe the
  words of Scripture when they speak of your victory over death, and may
  we accept the promises you make for the future. In Jesus’ name we pray.
Dismissal of Children to Children’s Church
Anthem (11:00)		 Worthy is the Lamb Adult Choir
								 Narration: Richard Oliver

*Gospel Lesson                    John 20:19-31                     Lay Reader

Message                         Eyewitness News              Rev. Dr. Bob Kaylor

Pastoral Prayer
*Response                     He Lives (v. 1 & Refrain) 		                    310 UMH

Invitation to the Table                                      Rev. Jason Baxter
Prayer of Confession and Assurance of Pardon
  Redeeming God, you bring life out of dead ends, and hope in the midst
  of despair. Forgive us for doubting that you are still at work even in the
  darkest hour, even in the most painful moments. Forgive us for our hesi-
  tant action, our cautious compassion, our too-frequent reluctance.
  Redeeming God, teach us a stillness that leads to acts of kindness and
  clarity of vision. Shape in us a trust that leads to faithful witness and
  bold compassion. Form us in your love that loosens our worry and eases
  our anger. Make us true disciples filled with love, acting with justice, and
  living out hope. Amen.
Sacrament of Baptism (11:00)                Lucy, Laura and Anna Marie Mcpherson
Presenting our Tithes and Offerings
   Offertory Prayer		                                                       Lay Reader
   Offertory Music                 					                                   Susan Fraser
   *Doxology        Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow                   94 UMH
Great Thanksgiving and Holy Communion
Prayers of the People
*Closing Hymn                     Thine Be the Glory                          308 UMH
Sending Forth                                                      Rev. Dr. Bob Kaylor
*Response                              He Is Lord 			                        177 UMH
Postlude                                 					                             Susan Fraser

                               *Please stand if you are able
                UMH-United Methodist Hymnal, TFWS-small paperback hymnal
Order of Worship
                    9:30 AM - Contemporary Worship
                            April 28th, 2019

Welcome/Announcements                                       Rev. Jason Baxter
Song Set    			                                                Great Things
			      			                                        Because He Lives (Amen)
					                                                  How Great is Our God
*Gospel Lesson                   			                           John 20:19-31
Message                      Eyewitness News              Rev. Dr. Bob Kaylor
Silent Reflection
Invitation to the Table and Prayer of Confession            Rev. Jason Baxter
  Redeeming God, you bring life out of dead ends, and hope in the midst
  of despair. Forgive us for doubting that you are still at work even in the
  darkest hour, even in the most painful moments. Forgive us for our hesi-
  tant action, our cautious compassion, our too-frequent reluctance.
  Redeeming God, teach us a stillness that leads to acts of kindness and
  clarity of vision. Shape in us a trust that leads to faithful witness and
  bold compassion. Form us in your love that loosens our worry and eases
  our anger. Make us true disciples filled with love, acting with justice, and
  living out hope. Amen.

Offering and Offertory			              		                           Stronger
Prayers of the People
Closing Song                                                       Eyes Fixed
Message Notes
                      Eyewitness News
Text: John 20:19-31
Devotion Guide
                                 Eyewitness News
Verses of the Week: “Do you believe because you see me? Happy are those
who don’t see and yet believe” (John 20:29).

Daily Prayer: Resurrected God, by the power of your Holy Spirit, grant us the
trust to believe the Gospel not because we see it but because we have been
seen by it and transformed through it. Amen.

Introduction to this week’s Scripture readings: As we continue the celebration
of Easter this week, the Scripture lessons explore how faith leads to a powerful
and truthful witness.

Daily Scripture Readings:
Monday – Hebrews 11:1-40 - Faith in action
Tuesday – 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 - Walking by faith not by sight
Wednesday – Ephesians 2:1-10 - Saved by grace through faith
Thursday – Romans 10:1-21 - Faith comes by hearing
Friday – Acts 1:1-11 - Witnesses for Christ
Saturday – 1 John 5:1-12 - The testimony about Jesus

Questions for Reflection/Journaling/Discussion:
1. Reflect on this week’s message on Thomas. How are you like Thomas? How
   are you unlike him?
2. How would you define “faith” based on this week’s Scripture readings?
3. Think of your own story of encountering the risen Christ. Practice telling
   that story to somone else and ask God for opportunities to share it with some
   one who doesn’t yet know the good news.
4. Consider the sources of evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. How would
   you describe the evidence for and meaning of the resurrection to someone
   who is unfamiliar with it?

Intercessory Prayer Guide:
Monday - Pray for those who are struggling with doubt and faith.
Tuesday - Pray for an opportunity to witness to someone today.
Wednesday - Pray for those concerns listed on the TLUMC prayer list this week.
Thursday - Pray that the universal Christian church be a bolder and more coura-
geous witness to Christ.
Friday - Pray for Christians around the world who are persecuted for their faith.
Saturday - Pray for those who will attend worship tomorrow, that they would
come to know the risen Christ personally and powerfully.

              If you would like to receive a list of submitted prayer requests via email
                             please email Cary Diaz at
Tri-Lakes Community Car Show
                   May 18th     8:30 AM - 11:30 AM      TLUMC Parking Lot
                              Watch for More Information

     The King Sooper’s Community Rewards Program Has Changed
    To all of you who have been reloading their King Sooper’s Gift Card to raise money
    for the Youth, we thank you! Last year the youth received $1157.50 from this effort.
The new program is even easier to use. You no longer need to reload the gift cards, the do-
                nations can now be linked to your King Sooper’s Loyalty Card.
  If you don’t have a Loyalty Card please stop by one of their services desks to sign up.
            To link your King Sooper’s Loyalty Card(s) to donations to TLUMC,
       go to and click on Enroll Now
  to bring up the log in screen. Log in and you will see the page where you choose your
             charity. Search for “KV544” (our Non-Profit Organization number)
   or “Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church” and select the church listing that comes up.
         Scroll all the way to the bottom and under the Community Column click on
     “King Soopers Community Rewards”. On the next Screen click on “Enroll Now”.
        Questions? Call King Soopers help line at 303-698-3403 or 1-800-576-4377.
Church Staff
                Rev. Dr. Bob Kaylor                      Rev. Jason Baxter                        Rev. Linda Pelletier
                Lead Pastor                              Associate Pastor                         Minister of
                                           Congregational Care

                Cary Diaz                                Nancy Fritzsche                          Sam Hastings
                Admin Assistant                          Christian Education                      Youth/Communications

                Clint Perry                              Lynne Lane                               Susan Fraser
                Contemporary Worship                     Choir Director                           Accompanist

                Tom Schmits                              Christy Kayser-Cook                      Teri Worley
                Facilities Manager                       Financial Secretary                      Treasurer

                                                Coordinator: Cyndy Matlack
Workers: Leslee Bray, Loagyn Guill, Tricity Gustafson, Jane Penrod, Cathy Richardson, Kelly Sigfrids, Jeanne Schmitt-Pierce

                                      In Service Today
                                             Flowers: TLUMC Art Committee

              8:00 AM Service:                                             9:30 AM Service:
Audio/Visual: Shelley Pruett, Dick Merring                        Audio/Visual: Rick DiFiore, Srephanie Perry
Acolyte: David Cooper                                             Greeter: Phil Lane
Usher: Kwai Ying Den                                              Ushers: Hal & Cindy Stanton
Lay Reader: Linda Aldrich                                         Communion Servers: John & Staci Stallings, Jenni-
Communion Servers: Kwai Ying Den, Kent Traylor,                   fer Kaylor, Sue McCreedy, Becky Moulden
Ron Maw, Lynne Lane                                               Praise Band: Chris Sigfrids, Jen Filla, Bob Kaylor,
Fellowship: Helen Liou                                            Clint Perry, Jacob Laux, Mike Brooking
Safety Monitor: Scott Davis                                       Welcome Desk: Jan VonBerg, Kendra Tomlinson

                                                11:00 AM Service:
Audio/Visual: Clint Perry, Tom Quinn                              Ushers: Jay Kelley, Phil Brown
Lay Reader: Orchard Corl                                          Welcome Desk: Alan & Pat Simmons
Communion Servers: Tres & Julie Conrique, Amanda                  Fellowship: Carol Groesbeck, Vickie Caparelli
Calhoun, Rob & Candace Gordon, Maggie Reilly                      Safety Monitor: Jim Ambuehl
                  United Methodist Church

MISSION                                VALUES
Building followers of                   Scriptural Teaching
Jesus Christ who love               Intentional Disciple-making
   and serve God                        Gracious Hospitality
    and neighbor                       Neighborhood Service

        Loving God and neighbor through acts of
        Worship, Devotion, Service and Compassion
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