St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church

Page created by Gene Clarke
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church
St. Raymond– St. Elizabeth
                                Maronite Catholic Church
                Most Rev. A. Elias Zaidan, Bishop of The Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon
                Most Rev. Mitchell Rozanski, Archbishop of St. Louis
                Rev. John Nahal, Rector

                           Downtown                                      Crestwood
                       931 Lebanon Drive                          1420 S. Sappington Road
                      St. Louis, MO 63104                          Crestwood, MO 63126
                      Tel: (314) 621-0056                           Tel: (314) 968-0760
                                                                    Fax: (314) 968-8023
                    Facebook: St. Raymond’s
                    Maronite Cathedral group                 Facebook: St. Elizabeth of Hungary
                                                              Catholic Church @sehcrestwood
                          DIVINE LITURGY                         DIVINE LITURGY/HOLY MASS:
                                                                 Saturday: 4:00pm– Roman
                        Sunday: 10:15am
                                                                           5:15pm— Maronite
                     Monday—Friday: 12 noon
                                                             Sunday: 8am and 10:30am—Roman
                                                                    Monday–Friday: 8am
                         RECONCILIATION:                               RECONCILIATION:
                          Sunday: 9:15am                               Saturday: 3:00pm
                         or by appointment                              Sunday: 9:45am
Sacrament of Baptism: call the rectory 1 month in advance to schedule an appointment and date with Fr. John
Sacrament of Matrimony: call the rectory 6 months in advance (1 year in advance if there are canonical issues)
Visitation and Anointing of the Sick: call the rectory; Fr John’s emergency contact is on the answering machine
Intentions for Divine Liturgy: call the rectory, mail, or email your intentions

THE REVELATION TO JOSEPH                                   THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT
Book of Offering p. 57                                     Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11
Ephesians 3:1-13                                           Psalm (Luke 1)
Matthew 1:18-25                                            1 Thessalonians 5:16-24
                                                           John 1:6-8, 19-28

                                  Sunday, Dec. 13, 2020
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church
DIVINE LITURGY & MASS INTENTIONS                                       WEEKLY OFFERING 12/6/20
                                                                       ST. RAYMOND-ST.ELIZABETH:
                                                                       4:00pm Saturday
      10:15am Sam Ulett (By Ann Ulett and Family)
                                                                       Loose cash                         331
 Mon, Dec. 14 St. Nimatallah Kassab Al-Hardini                         Checks/Envelopes                  1,697
      12:00pm No Divine Liturgy                                        7:30pm Shepherd’s Table            439
                                                                       8:00am Sunday
 Tues, Dec. 15 St. Eleutherius and his Mother, Martyrs                 Loose cash                         100
      12:00pm Susan Cuddihee (By Patti Carnie and Family)              Checks/Envelopes                  1,228
 Wed, Dec. 16 Prophet Haggai                                           10:30am Sunday
                                                                       Loose cash                          35
      12:00pm No Divine Liturgy
                                                                       Checks/Envelopes                   310
Thurs, Dec. 17 Memorial of Hanananiah, Azariah, and Mishael            Revenue during the week           4,860
      12:00pm Edward Elking (Birthday, By Dennis & Roxanne Elking)     St. Vincent de Paul                278
  Fri, Dec. 18 Prophet Daniel                                          Candles                            13
      12:00pm No Divine Liturgy                                        Special Collections                 0
                                                                       Online Giving                     1,025
  Sun, Dec. 20 GENEALOGY OF JESUS                            
      10:15am Dennis Slay (By Nancy, Diana Slay & Antoinette Lemons)   Total Income                     $10,316

CRESTWOOD:                                                             ST. RAYMOND:
 Sat, Dec. 12 Sunday Vigil                                             5:15pm Saturday
       4:00pm The Willging & Englehard Families                        Loose cash
       5:15pm Salwa Ghoussain
                                                                       Checks/Envelopes                   140

 Sun, Dec. 13 3rd Sunday of Advent
                                                                       10am Sunday
                                                                       Loose cash                          16
       8:00am Sylvia Scherrer                                          Checks/Envelopes                   705
      10:30am People of the Parish
                                                                       Revenue during the week           2,800
 Mon, Dec. 14 St. John of the Cross, Priest & Doctor of the Church     Coffee Hour
       8:00am Rita Scheve
                                                                       Candles                            43
Tues, Dec. 15 Advent Weekday                                           Second Collection                  285
       8:00am Mary, Nira, & James Brady                                Online Giving                     2,025
 Wed, Dec. 16 Advent Weekday
                                                                       Total Income                     $6,014
       8:00am Tom Deiters (By Jean Leonhardt)
                                                                       Expenses                         3,867.14
Thurs, Dec. 17 Late Advent Weekday
       8:00am Betty Berra
                                                                       WEDNESDAY LUNCH 12/9/20
  Fri, Dec. 18 Late Advent Weekday
                                                                       Total Revenue                    3,007.90
       8:00am Shirley Milford
                                                                       Expenses                          964.30
 Sat, Dec. 19 Sunday Vigil
       4:00pm The Works & Dorley Families
       5:15pm Loretta Linder (By Kathie Amacher)

 Sun, Dec. 20 4th Sunday of Advent
       8:00am David Brophy
      10:30am People of the Parish
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church
                                                                              Rev. John Nahal

                                                                              ASSOCIATE PASTOR
                                                                              Rev. Patrick Kassab

                                                                              Dcn. Bill Meister
Pope Francis proclaims “Year of St. Joseph”
                                                                              Dcn. Lou Peters
With the Apostolic Letter “Patris
corde” (“With a Father’s Heart”), Pope
Francis recalls the 150th anniversary
of the declaration of Saint Joseph as                                         PASTORAL ASSOCIATE
Patron of the Universal Church. To                                            Jen Ryan
mark the occasion, the Holy Father                                  
has proclaimed a “Year of Saint
Joseph” from today, 8 December
2020, to 8 December 2021.                                                     PARISH SECRETARY
By Vatican News                                                               Crestwood: Mona Milford
In a new Apostolic Letter
entitled Patris corde (“With a Father’s
Heart”), Pope Francis describes Saint                                         Downtown:
Joseph as a beloved father, a tender                                
and loving father, an obedient father,
an accepting father; a father who is
creatively courageous, a working                                              BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS
father, a father in the shadows.                                              Deadline: 8am Tuesdays
                                                                              To submit: Email Jen
The Letter marks the
150th anniversary of Blessed Pope
Pius IX’s declaration of St Joseph as                                         Please note upcoming early bulletin
Patron of the Universal Church. To                                            deadlines due to holiday printing
celebrate the anniversary, Pope                                               schedules: Dec. 20 items due by
Francis has proclaimed a special “Year                                        Dec. 9; Dec. 27 items due by Dec.15;
of St Joseph,” beginning on the                                               Jan. 2 items due by Dec. 21.
Solemnity of the Immaculate
Conception 2020 and extending to the
same feast in 2021.                                                           ONLINE GIVING
Church grants plenary indulgence for year of St. Joseph
The Holy Father wrote Patris corde against the backdrop of the Covid-19
pandemic, which, he says, has helped us see more clearly the importance of    ADORATION OF THE BLESSED
“ordinary” people who, though far from the limelight, exercise patience and
offer hope every day. In this, they resemble Saint Joseph, “the man who       SACRAMENT– CRESTWOOD
goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet and hidden presence,” who nonetheless       Mondays 8:30am-6:30pm
played “an incomparable role in the history of salvation.”                    Benediction at 6:30pm

                                                                              OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP
                                                                              DEVOTIONS– CRESTWOOD
                                                                              Tuesdays 8:30am
                                                                              (following daily Mass)

St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church
  Sat, Dec. 19 Teresa Killian           Ongoing: Monday Night Bible Study, 7pm (Crestwood)
                                        Ongoing: Thurs. mornings, Pivotal Players, 8:45am (Crest.)
 Sun, Dec. 20 Silivo Flaim              Dec. 15-Dec. 23: Christmas Novena, 6:30pm nightly (Crestwood)
                                        Wed. Dec. 16: Blood Drive (Downtown)
      10:30am Drew Finke                Fri. Dec. 25: Christmas, The Nativity of The Lord
                                        Friday, Jan. 1: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Roman) &
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK                  The Feast of the Circumcision (Maronite)
AND HOMEBOUND OF OUR                    Mon. Jan. 11 Salvation History Bible Study Begins (Crestwood)
St. Elizabeth      St. Raymond
                                       KITCHEN SCOOP
Gertrude Slama     Pat Webbe           The kitchen will be open for carry out and curbside pick up Wed.
Mark Beck          Terry Leong         Dec. 16th. The kitchen is preparing Kibbe aras and rolling grape
Tom Hearst         Judge Paul & Mary   leaves Tuesday at 8:30am. We encourage everyone to preorder
Steven Sulze       Jane Simon          through our Square link so
Victor Sciarrino   Joseph & Mary       you are guaranteed your order. All help is welcomed.
Rosalie Hubert     Ojile               Check out our Holiday specials of baked Kibbe trays on sale now
Mike McSorley Sr.  Gloria (Skip)       through our online store (Square site above). We are offering trays
James Brumfield    Leisure
                                       with or without pine nuts. Thank you, Denise, Kathi and Gina
Christopher &      Elizabeth Wolff
Cathy Seemayer     Don Ganim           CHRISTMAS NOVENA 2020
Mary Lou Works     Kathleen Antoni     Each evening from Dec. 15 through Dec. 23 at 6:30pm we will
Patrick Nelms      Esther Nassif       pray the traditional Maronite Christmas novena in the church
Chris Nelms        Nijmeh Abounader    at St. Raymond-St. Elizabeth (Crestwood). This includes
Ted Arunski        Elias Hitti
                                       special prayers, songs, and Eucharistic Adoration. See the flier
Dave Holdinghausen Ralph Salamie
                                       for a line-up of reflection topics for each evening.
Barb Fix           John Anton
Beverly Klipfel    Jim Hoffman         COVID SAFETY REMINDERS
Pat Deiters        Gary Bieller        Thank you to everyone who has helped to keep our churches a
Joann Vollet       Richard Baker Sr    safe place to pray. Let us continue to help each other feel safe
Lynn Warfel        Patrick Carr
                                       to worship together; please remember to keep your mask on
Pat Cooseman       Steve Baker
                   Jana Smith
                                       throughout the entire Mass, removing it only at the moment
Mary Ann Reiter
                   Bernie Elking Sr    you receive Communion. Thank you for your cooperation!
Jean Weidler
Dave Wissler       Janet Emerson       COMING SOON: SALVATION HISTORY BIBLE STUDY
Michelle Bausworth Janet Zhakaria      Have you ever wondered how the many people, places and
Tom Saucier                            events found in Sacred Scripture tell the one story of Salvation
Will Karcher
                                       History? If so, join us for an upcoming series that will cover
Rhoda Simpher
Carole Gassel
                                       the many twists and turns in God's great story of our
Dave Flores                            Salvation! Beginning with Adam and Eve and ending with the
Patricia Beck                          person of Christ, we will read, study and pray through the
Sr. Carol Kopff                        riveting & pivotal events found in the Old Testament. Classes
Maren Dyer                             will begin Monday January 11th from 7-8pm in the Cafeteria.
Betty Tracy                                        -4-
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church
   ITEMS MOST NEEDED:                      Thank you to all who participated in our November Canned Food
    Canned meat/fish, soups/stews,         Drive. In addition to three full BINS of canned goods, The Kirkwood
    fruit and vegetables, pasta/rice,      Knights of Columbus Council and our St. Vincent de Paul Conference
            cereal/cereal bars             also donated a total of 50 frozen turkeys to St. Pius food pantry. For
                                           Christmas, KOC is also donating additional turkeys and coats for
Extras: Toilet Paper                       kids. May God richly bless your generosity to those in need!
Donations go to St. Raymond’s Food
Pantry Downtown. If you are in need of
                                           BLOOD DRIVE AT ST. RAYMOND CATHEDRAL
                                           Join Blood Drive at St. Raymond Cathedral- Lebanon room,
assistance in Crestwood, please call the
                                           Wed. Dec. 16 from 10am- 2pm.
help line below, and someone will
return your call in the next 24 hours:     CHRISTMAS & HOLY DAY LITURGIES 2020
                                           This year we ask that parishioners sign up in advance for in-person
    St. Vincent DePaul                     Christmas Liturgies to adhere to St. Louis Covid regulations.
         Help Line:                        Sign-ups for all liturgies at both churches are available
 314-289-6101 Ext. 2274                    from the same link found at or
                                  You may also call the office to sign-up.
We pray for the repose of the soul         Dec. 24:       4:00pm Roman (Crestwood)
of Bob Kalert. May his soul and all                       5:30pm Maronite (Crestwood)
the souls of the faithful departed,                       10:00pm “Midnight” Mass Roman (Crestwood)
through the mercy of God, rest in                         10:00pm “Midnight” Maronite (Downtown)
                                           Dec. 25:       10:00am Roman (Crestwood)
peace. Amen.                                              10:00am Maronite (Downtown)
ETERNAL REST GRANT UNTO                Solemnity of Mary (Roman)/Circumcision (Maronite):
THEM, O LORD                           Dec. 31: 4:00pm Roman (Crestwood)
 Thomas Deiters        11-4-2020
                                                 5:15pm Maronite (Crestwood)
 Marie Holley
                                            1: 10:00am Roman (Crestwood)
 Loretta Linder        9-28-2020
                                               10:00am Maronite (Downtown)
 Rajaa Haddad          9-15-2020          PIVOTAL PLAYERS VIDEO DISCUSSION SERIES
 Patricia Skinner      9-2-2020           Join us on Thursday mornings at 8:45am (following daily Mass) in
 Maurice Safar         8-11-2020          Fr. Edwards Hall to watch and discuss Bishop Robert Barron’s series
 Souad Batanian        7-31-2020          following some of the most influential leaders of the Church. This
 Walid Badra           7-29-2020          week’s pivotal player (Dec. 17) is G.K. Chesterton.
 Josephine Bender      7-11-2020
 Catherine Haman       6-10-2020                                         MARONITE YOUNG ADULTS
 Jean Louis            5-16-2020                                        ZOOM EVENT
 Melissa Haman         5-9-2020                                          The National MYA is offering a zoom
 Donald Behiter        5-9-2020                                          prayer event for young adults to help
 Dallis Koch           5-7-2020                                          prepare our hearts for Christmas
 Josephine Klein       5-6-2020                                          during this Season of
 Theresa McDermott     5-5-2020
 Thomas Powers         4-23-2020                                         Tuesday, Dec. 15th at 8/7 Central.
Walter McGinnis        4-20-2020
                                                                          Contact Fr. John or Jen for the zoom
Mary C. Louis          4-9-2020
 Robert Rapp           4-8-2020
 Hilaria Green         3-6-2020                       -5-
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church

 The nine prayers in anticipation of the Nativity of the Lord:
    6:30pm at St.-Raymond-St. Elizabeth Church
                      Dec. 15-Dec. 23
(December 15)

   God becomes Man: The meaning and the importance of
      the Incarnation

(December 16)

   Christian Hope: Expectation for a better life

(December 17)

   Christian Obedience: “Obedience unto death,”

   Philippians 2:8

(December 18)

   Mary: Purest of the Virgins

(December 19)

   Christian Humility: The beginning and the end of
      all virtues

 (December 20)

    The Bread of Life: The foretaste of Eternal Life

 (December 21)

     Jesus? Who – What – Why?

(December 22)

  Out of Egypt: From Moses to Jesus

(December 23)

   Christian Poverty: Learning to live poverty
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church
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