St. Vincent de Paul Parish

Page created by Michael Glover
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
 The St. Vincent de Paul community lives out the Vincentian charism by
 serving and loving the Body of Christ without exception.

 April 18th, 2021

 Third Sunday of Easter
 “The author of life you put to death, but
 God raised him from the dead.
 — Acts 3:13-15, 17-1

 Rev. Jeremy Dixon, C.M., Pastor

 Parish Center:

 1010 West Webster Avenu
 Chicago, IL 6061
 Phone: 773-325-861
 Fax: 773-325-862
 Email: info@stvdep.or

 Mass Schedule
 10:00 am
 5:00 p
 8:00 pm (CCM)

 8:00 am








St. Vincent de Paul Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 2

 Sunday Scripture Re ection

The following reflection from Pope Francis on today’s Gospel (Luke
24:35-48) reminds us of what we say each week in our Creed, that we
believe in the resurrection of the body. The Holy Father calls us to
remember then the dignity of our bodies.
At the center of this Third Sunday of Easter there is the encounter
with the Risen One experienced by his disciples, all together. This is
evidenced especially by the Gospel which introduces us once again to
the Upper Room, where Jesus manifests himself to the Apostles,
addressing this greeting to them: “Peace to you.” It is the greeting of
the Risen Christ, who gives us peace: “Peace to you!” It is a matter of
both inner peace and the peace that is established in interpersonal relationships. The episode recounted by Luke
the Evangelist rests heavily on the realism of the Resurrection. Jesus is not a spirit. Indeed, it is not about an
apparition of Jesus’ spirit, but of his real presence with his risen body.
Jesus’ insistence on the reality of his Resurrection illuminates the Christian perspective of the body: the body is
not an obstacle nor a prison of the soul. The body is created by God, and mankind is not complete if there is no
union of body and soul. Jesus, who has triumphed over death and risen in body and soul, helps us to understand
that we must have a positive idea of our body. It can become an occasion or instrument of sin, but sin is not
provoked by the body, but rather by our moral weakness. The body is a wondrous gift from God, intended, in
union with the soul, to express in fullness the image and likeness of Him. Therefore, we are called to have great
respect and care for our body and that of others.
Any offense or wound or violence to the body of our neighbor is an affront to God the Creator! My thoughts go,
in particular, to the children, the women, the elderly who are physically abused. In the flesh of these people we
find the Body of Christ. Christ wounded, mocked, slandered, humiliated, scourged, crucified.... Jesus taught us
love. A love that, in his Resurrection, is demonstrated to be more powerful than sin and death, and seeks to
redeem all those who experience in their own body the slavery of our time.
In a world where too often self-importance prevails over the weakest and materialism stifles the spirit, today’s
Gospel passage calls us to be people capable of looking deeply, full of wonder and great joy at having
encountered the Risen Lord. It calls us to be people who know how to welcome and appreciate the novelty of
life that He sows in history, in order to direct it toward new heavens and the new land.

* I will be on retreat this week until Thursday. In your kindness, please remember me in your prayers, and I will
keep all of you in mine.

Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 3

 Pray : Serve : Share

 Mike and Katie Toleman, coordinators for the Dream Center in conjunction with the O.U.R.
 (Operation Underground Railroad) together with Vincential Women wish to thank all
 who volunteered and donated clothing items, hygiene supplies, and monetary donations last
 Saturday. Your support and participation are very much appreciated!

Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021
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St. Vincent de Paul Parish 4

 Pray : Serve : Share

 Find out more the Catholic Social Teaching Theme “Care for God’s Creation and about the
 encyclical Laudato Si by watching one or all six videos in this informative online course!
 The rst video called, “Pope Francis & the Encyclical” features “Cardinal Turkson is a
 Ghanaian cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He is president of the Ponti cal Council
 for Justice and Peace since his appointment by Pope Benedict XVI on 24 October 2009.
 Cardinal Turkson is one of the primary architects of the Laudato Si’ and has served as the
 public face of Pope Francis’ position on human-induced climate change.”

 Find the videos here -
 h ps://

 We welc e into the ch ch this weekend:
 Louie Hunter, child of Cristina & Anthony Aiell
 Eleyna Anais, child of Marlene& Christian Castr
 Emmett Lawrence, child of Maggie May & Douglas Lawrenc
 William Manuel, child of April & James Seiter

 Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021



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 Pray : Serve : Share

Please Make Your Gift to the 2021 Annual Catholic Appeal
Come, follow me … and bring hope to the world.

Many families in our parish have received the Annual Catholic Appeal
mailing from Cardinal Cupich. On behalf of those served by the ministries,
parishes and schools who receive funding from the Appeal, we thank you for
your gifts. Please return your response as soon as possible.

The Annual Catholic Appeal offers a wonderful opportunity to answer Jesus’
call to “Come, follow me … and bring hope to the world.” This is especially
important during these trying and challenging times.

 In addition to providing for
 ministries and services throughout
 the archdiocese, the Annual Catholic
 Appeal funds services in our own
 parish. When we financially support
 the work of our parish, our
 archdiocese and the Catholic Church
 throughout the world, we experience
 a feeling of deep gratitude, especially
 when we contemplate God’s many
 gifts to us personally. By sharing our
 wealth through gifts to the 2021
Annual Catholic Appeal, we demonstrate our commitment to the Church and
each other. Please go to to make your gift
today. You may also pick up envelopes and brochures in the back of church as
you leave.

Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 6

 Pray : Serve : Share

 Baby Bottle Project
 Please take a Baby Bo le home af r Mas
 beginning April 1
 om e Vincentian Women at e door
 it wi your spare change
 and return it on May 9 , Mo ers’ Day
 Bo les are also available in e Parish Cen r during o ce hours,

 Monday rough Friday, 9 – 5
 If you are making a donation by check, please make it payable to:

 The Women’s Center
 You can also go directly to their website at: or call 773-794-1313 to donate.
 Thank you on behalf of The Women’s Center.

 Encouraging women to build friendship and community in our parish through faith
 and service.

 Join us to Pray the Rosary every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.

 Visit our website for more information:

 Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021






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 Virtual Book Discussion

 “Zipporah, Wife of Moses”
 By Marek Halter
 From the internationally bestselling author of Sarah
 comes the riveting story of the remarkable woman who walked beside Moses.

 Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 7 – 8 pm
 We will meet via Zoom. Sign up is required for zoom link.
 Please RSVP to Ginny at

 Although she is a Cushite by birth—one of the people of the lands to the south—
 Zipporah grew up as the beloved daughter of Jethro, high priest and sage of the
 Midianites. But the color of Zipporah’s skin sets her apart, making her an outsider to
 the men of her adopted tribe, who do not want her as a wife. Then one day while
 drawing water from a well, she meets a handsome young stranger. Like her, he is an
 outsider. A Hebrew raised in the house of the Egyptian Pharaoh, Moses is a fugitive,
 forced to flee his homeland. Zipporah realizes that this man will be the husband and
 partner she never thought she would have.

 All are welcome to attend!
 Vincentian Women
 St. Vincent de Paul Parish
Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021
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 Pray : Serve : Share

 Weekday Morning Mass for the Lincoln Park –
 Old Town Parishes at 8:00 am
 The five parishes in our Renew My Church Grouping are working together to offer a weekday Mass.
 You will need to follow the same procedures for health and safety as you would for attending
 Sunday Mass.

 Monday- St. Joseph Church
 Tuesday – St. Michael’s in Old Town
 Wednesday – St. Teresa of Avila Church
 Thursday – St. Vincent de Paul Church
 Friday – St. Josaphat Church

Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 9

 Re ection om Fr. Murphy

 Third Easter

 When I was a kid my dad came home one day with two cows. Because I was
 the oldest child, care of the cows fell to me mostly. They were not milk cows
 so they were easy to care for. I came across the following story and
 remembered some of the things I learned as a young “rancher.” I like the
 kernel of wisdom at the end of the story and recommend it to you.

 Gini: My dad is a dairy farmer (Jerseys—the pretty brown ones with long
 eyelashes ), as was his father before him. It is in his blood; he has
 devoted much of his spare time over the last 40 years advocating for
 America’s (and Kentucky’s) dairy farmers in various organizations and
 volunteer roles.

 Recently, my husband and I hosted dear friends from St. Louis (Dan is my co-
 worker and his wife Amy) for a week-long vacation at our home, showing
 them the Kentucky sights—the Bourbon Trail, National Corvette Museum,
 400 Mile Yard Sale, and an afternoon visiting with my parents and touring our farm. During the tour, Dan
 asked my father what it was about dairying that made it so worth it (it is very demanding work).

 Dad promptly responded, as if he didn’t have to give it a second thought— “Number one, the cows don’t
 talk back (then he laughed). Two, you visibly see the product of your labors, and your outcome is directly
 related to the degree of effort you put in. And number three, learning the cows. You have to manage the
 herd, but you must know each cow individually and treat her accordingly.”

 Even cows need to be treated as individuals.

 We may worry about our families but we love them one at a time. We
 may worry about our parish but we worry about the parish one person
 at a time. We may work with a team but we work with them as

 Go to your fridge now and pour yourself a tall glass of milk. Enjoy,
 celebrate, tell Gini’s story to a friend. (By the way, the next animal Dad
 brought home was a pony….)

 Email me at

 Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021
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 Pray : Serve : Share

 Our local council of knights at St. Vincent de Our local c
 Paul Parish engages in Faith in Action Paul Parish
 Programs, activities designed to serve our Programs,
 community while building upon core values of community
 charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. charity, un
 Membership is always open and we invite you Membersh
 to learn more about us. to learn mo
 For more information? Contact Justin Tucker For more in
 at at jmtucke

 Service and charity are at the heart of the Knights. Founded to Service and ch
 meet the needs of immigrants, refugees and families suffering meet the need
 from the death of a breadwinner, the Knights began as a small from the death
 service organization and has grown into a worldwide financial service organiz
 and charitable organization. and charitable


 We are in need of more volunteers to greet people Our soup kitchen needs volunteers to help serve
 and act as ushers. Currently, we have mass at on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays in the
 10am and 5pm on Sunday and 8am on Thursday, morning from 7:30-10am. In addi on, volunteers
 in addi on to bap sms and weddings on are needed to pick up dona ons at Costco on
 Saturdays. The number of masses and the Sunday morning at 9:15am. If you would like to
 celebra on of daily Mass depends largely on the volunteer or want more informa on, please
 availability of volunteers. If you would like to help, contact Nelson Mendoza at
 and are not part of the vulnerable popula on, or register at h p://
 please contact Fr. JeremyOurat
 local council of knightswww.rotundaso
 at St.
 de Our local c
 or 773-325-4155. Seton_SandwichKitchen?enroll=1
 Paul Parish engages in Faith in Action Paul Parish
 Programs, activities designed to serve our Programs,
 Third Sunday of Easter community while building upon core values of community
 April 18, 2021
 charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. charity, un
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 11

 Pray : Serve : Share

 Did you know that we send out weekly emails with parish updates, events
 and the e-bulle n? If not, please go to our website ( and
 subscribe to our newsle er. As we begin to have public mass, this will be
 your opportunity to get the link for pre-registra on for masses every
 Thursday. Also, please check to make sure it’s not going to your spam folder!

 St. Vincent de Paul
 Emergency Assistance Fund
 Are you or someone you know struggling with keeping up with bills or rent at this me?
 Thanks to some generous donors, we have created an emergency assistance fund. This will
 provide a one- me, short-term, emergency nancial support to parishioners, and those who
 are sponsored by parishioners. It is designed to give an extra hand to those of you who may
 be struggling nancially. Any of you who need this help are invited to apply here.

 Ministry of Praye
 While we are separated from each other physically, we are all connected in one spirit in Christ.
 “Being Church” means more than coming to a building. The Church is you and me – all of us
 together – living out our mission. This con nues even if we are physically separated. Let us pray
 for each other.

 We have formalized a Ministry of Prayer by asking the members of the Vincen an Women and
 Men’s Prayer group to pray for your inten ons each day. We now would like to invite anyone
 from the parish to par cipate. If you would like to join, please email Leslie Linke at

 If you have any prayer inten ons, please email Fr. Jeremy at or send a
 message to our parish Facebook page. As Catholics, we believe that our prayers make a
 di erence in the world. Now, more than ever, we must band together as a community of faith
 and keep this prac ce alive.

 Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021

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 Pray : Serve : Share

St. Vincent de Paul Parish
Masses in the church:
Sunday Mass at 10:00am, 5:00pm,
and 8:00pm (DePaul University)

(10:00am also streamed live on

Thursdays at 8a

Parish Center Hours:
9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday)

 living out the Vincentian
 charism by serving and loving the Body of Christ without exception

 Financial Stewardship

 Actual Budget
 Current Previous Variance Current Mo Variance
 Feb 2021 FY 2021 FY 2020 FY 2021
 Collections $ 27,865 $ 28,637 -3% $ 31,500 -12%
 Easter $ 15 $ 50 -70% $ 15 0%
 Other $ 19,861 $ 21,854 -9% $ 22,915 -13%
 Total $ 47,741 $ 50,541 -6% $ 54,430 -12%

 Collections $ 226,065 $ 253,597 -11% $ 266,700 -15%
 Other $ 171,003 $ 194,750 -12% $ 189,120 -10%
 Total $ 397,068 $ 448,347 -11% $ 455,820 -13%

Thank you for your continued support of St. Vincent de Paul Parish! Your commitment is vital to the scal
health of our parish. For convenient regular giving, please consider using our auto-withdrawal program.
 Visit for more information.

Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021


St. Vincent de Paul Parish 13

 Pray : Serve : Share

 Calendar of Events
 Sunday, April 18 Mass, 10:00 am, Church (registration required) and on Facebook:
 Mass, 5:00 pm, Church (registration required)
 CCM Mass, 8:00 pm, Church
 Baby Bottle Project at Masses

 Monday, April 19 Divine Mercy Chaplet - 7pm
 Baptism Prep Class, 7:00 pm on Zoom

 Tuesday, April 20 Music, Stillness, Solidarity - 5:30pm-6:30pm
 Evening Prayer in the style of Taize, 8:00 pm, Facebook Live

 Wed., April 21 Pray the Rosary - 6pm

 Thurs., April 22 Mass, 8:00 am, Church, no reservation required.

 Sunday, April 25 Mass, 10:00 am, Church (registration required) and on Facebook:
 Mass, 5:00 pm, Church (registration required)
 SPRED First Communion, 5:00 Mass, Church
 CCM Mass, 8:00 pm, Church
 Baby Bottle Project at Masses

 The Archdiocese of Chicago's O ce of Young Adult Engagement has gathered a list of online
 resources for your use during this time of social distancing and beyond.

 Visit to nd resources about local and national
 prayer opportunities, mental and physical health, books to read, podcasts to listen to and so
 much more. These resources are speci cally geared toward young adults to help them stay
Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 14

 News & Notes

 Copyright 2021 by John B. Reynolds (

Today’s Gospel--Luke’s account of Jesus appearing to his disciples following the Resurrection--contains one
of my top-two favorite lines in all of Scripture. It comes shortly after Jesus reveals himself in the breaking of
the bread to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. They return to the Eleven in Jerusalem to share the
news. As they are speaking about all of this, Jesus shows up. The disciples, “startled and terrified,” think they
are seeing a ghost. Jesus assures them that they are not, then asks, “Have you anything here to eat?”!

 I love this. Here’s a guy dead and gone, showing up out of nowhere like nothing happened. His
friends are beside themselves with confusion and fear. “Have you anything here to eat?”!Really? It reminds
me of a scene from the old movie, Oh, God when God (George Burns) shows himself to a regular Joe (John
Denver) just out of the shower. The JD character is shaken. The Godly Burns tells him to shave. Denver says
(essentially) “Huh?” God then explains that doing normal things when you’re rattled can help you feel normal

 Certainly Jesus and his friends had shared many meals, so what could be more normal than sharing
one more? Per Luke, the disciples gave Jesus a piece of baked fish, and that he “…took it and ate it in front of
them.” But our Lord’s request for food may go deeper than simply calming his friends’ nerves, because just
before he asks for it--which is just after his friends think they’re seeing a ghost--Jesus says, “why do questions
arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me and see, because a ghost does
not have flesh and bones as you can see I have.”

 Jesus wants to calm them, yes, but more so, he wants their witness. HE IS UP FROM THE DEAD,
for God’s sake! Or ours. This is not some metaphor put in play to keep the Jesus message alive. Jesus is alive.
This is a big deal. As Bishop Barron puts it in his reflection: “That the Resurrection is a literary device, or a
symbol that Jesus’ cause goes on, is a fantasy born in the faculty lounges of Western universities over the past
couple of centuries. The still-startling claim of the first witnesses is that Jesus rose bodily from death,
presenting himself to his disciples to be seen, even handled.”

 All of which prompts Jesus--after opening his friends’ minds to the Scriptures--to say this: “Thus it
is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance, for the
forgiveness of sins, would be preached in his name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are
witnesses of these things.” Let’s savor that, especially given that priests and deacons are always telling us the
Scriptures are a living document applicable to our lives today. We may not be physical witnesses to the risen
Christ in the person of Jesus. I pray, though, that we are all witnesses to the risen Christ in the persons of
others, and through our own experiences. “You are witnesses of these things,” Jesus says. The hook of an old
song asks, “Can I Get A Witness?” Seems to me Jesus himself could be making the ask. Seems to me it’s on
each of us to respond.

Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021

St. Vincent de Paul Parish 15

 News & Notes

 Mass offerings are available for all weekend masses
 and weekday masses

Request a mass to be o ered on behalf of your loved one. You
can reserve one for the anniversary of a death or support
someone during a di cult time, o er one for a birthday or
wedding celebration, or however else you wish.

We are still taking requests, but please contact Fr. Jeremy
directly by email ( instead of calling
the Parish Center.


DONATE with Zelle DONATE online

• Select “Transfer $ using Zelle”
• Enter
• Enter an amount to donate
• Send!
• Register as a parishioner so we
 have your contact information

Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021

St. Vincent de Paul Parish 16

 Weekly Intentions

 Please Pray for Our Sick
Let us remember all those here at St. Vincent’s who are ill and in need of God’s healing and
comfort. Let us keep them in our prayers and thoughts, especially: Sue Maris Allen, Elaine
Anderson, Alyssa Beverly, Phil Bogert, Margaret Charles, Sommer Churchill, Danica Djalovic,
John Garrity, Leticia Gross, Mary Hayes, Laura Linke, David Neesan, Ruth Ohrem, Natalia De
Los Rios, James Schwake, Joyce Wals

 Please contact Ginny in the parish center to inform us of those who are ill and
 in need of God’s healing and comfort. They will be listed in our bulletin for 4
 weeks. Renewal of prayers for the sick is available by contacting Ginny at
 that time. If you would like Fr. Jeremy to visit the person (if they live in the
 area), please let Ginny know when you add them to the list.
 If you would like a mass intention for any open date, as well as other dates in the future, please
 contact Fr. Jeremy at to schedule. He continues to celebrate mass for
 your intentions in private.

 Mass O erings
 Sunday, April 18th 10:00 am – Marci O’Malley, 5:00 pm – People of the Parish

 Monday, April 19th Tracy Dolce (living)

 Wednesday, April 21st Sheila Alcorn

 Thursday, April 22nd Hugh Cole

 Friday, April 23rd The Moore Family

 Saturday, April 24th Leonor Alba

 Sunday, April 25th 10:00 am – David Noetzel, 5:00 pm – Romy Galano

Welcome New Parishioners:
Lindsay Shake, Ada Blasdel, Christopher Allara and Frances Ellison, Deidre Harrington

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 Contact Us

 Parish Sta
 Rev. Jeremy Dixon, C.M.
 Pastor ......................................................................................................................
 Robert Beatty
 Director of Music and Community Development ……………………………………..
 Rebecca Simons
 Evangelization & Faith Formation Coordinator ………………………………………. rcarmic1@depaul.ed
 Christopher Allen
 Communications Director ……………………………………………………………………….
 Mary Carter
 Administrative Assistant & Records ……………………….………………………………
 Ginny Costigan
 Administrative Assistant ………………………………….……………………………………..
 Suzanne Hannau
 Assistant Director of Music & Young Adult Ministry ………………………………….
 Jen Olson
 Director of Operations ………………………………………………………………………..
 Jose and Salvador Perez

 Bulletin Information

 Articles must be submitted on or before Noon on Saturday for the next weekend’s bulletin (earlier, for
 the week preceding holidays). Microsoft Word attachments are requested. Please make sure to indicate
 which Sunday date(s) you’re requesting.
 Please DO NOT send content by email, but instead use the Bulletin Submission Form: Contact Christopher Allen ( with any questions
 Website Information
 Submit news items, photos, PDF announcements, and similar promotional materials at any time to
 Christopher Allen. Please include your complete contact information in case we need to reach you.

 The Word Among Us ( is a Catholic
 devotional magazine with the daily mass readings and
 re ections.

 The US Conference of Catholic Bishops DePaul University ( has a
 ( has a daily video re ection on variety of resources regarding St. Vincent de Paul and
 the mass readings, as well as the readings the Vincentian Family, including articles, podcasts and
 interviews, in “All Things Vincentian.”
 Busted Halo ( is an “online magazine
 for spiritual seekers” sponsored by the Paulist Fathers. Saint of the Day ( provides a
 It includes re ections on faith and popular culture. short biography of the saint for the current day.

 Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021



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