State Youth Games Group Coordinator Manual - Everything You Need To Get Your Group To SYG 2020

Page created by Edwin Reynolds
State Youth Games Group Coordinator Manual - Everything You Need To Get Your Group To SYG 2020
State Youth Games
Group Coordinator
Everything You Need To Get Your
Group To SYG 2020

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This is a Download of the
Online GC Manual.
The contents of this document have been downloaded
directly from the online database at stateyouth- and formatted for print. As
such, there are some aspects of the Manual that may
appear or function better online. Links throughout the
document will direct to pages in the online Manual.

Updates to the Manual will be made to the online
database, and not to this version of the Manual.
Please consult the Manual for the most up to date

This document is correct as of 12/03/2020.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact

2 // State Youth Games Group Coordinator Manual 2020
Table of Contents
Getting Started................................................... 5               Things to Bring................................................. 44
   Designed For Sharing.........................................5                  Visitor Sign In and Restrictions...................... 45
Introduction....................................................... 7           Catering............................................................. 49
   Admin Office.......................................................7            Fire Safety......................................................... 49
   Dictionary Of Terms...........................................7                 Food Safety....................................................... 49
   Group Coordinator.............................................9                 Head Cook........................................................ 49
   Lardner Park..................................................... 11         Transport.......................................................... 51
   LEVEL UP: Celebrating 30 Years of SYG......... 11                               Car Parking....................................................... 51
   Purpose of Manual.......................................... 11                  Driving at Lardner Park................................... 51
   SYG Committee................................................ 12                Driving Policy.................................................... 51
   Weekend Run Down........................................ 12                     Red P-Platers.................................................... 51
Key Dates.......................................................... 15             Travelling to Sports......................................... 52
Communication................................................ 17                   Visitor Sign In and Restrictions...................... 52
   Contacting the Committee............................. 17                     Finance.............................................................. 53
   GC Emails.......................................................... 17          Fees................................................................... 53
   Emails for Leadership Teams......................... 17                         Insurance.......................................................... 57
   GC Facebook Group........................................ 17                 Awards.............................................................. 59
   Group Coordinator Manual............................ 17                         Points Awards.................................................. 59
   MySYG App....................................................... 18             The Good Sports Award.................................. 59
   Social Media..................................................... 18            The Graham Ball Award.................................. 59
Registration...................................................... 19              The Spirit of the Games Award...................... 59
   Day Visitors....................................................... 19       Evening Program.............................................. 61
   Group Registration.......................................... 19                 Closing Ceremony........................................... 61
   Reference Checks............................................ 19                 Opening Ceremony......................................... 61
   Participant Registration.................................. 20                   Volunteers........................................................ 61
Sport.................................................................. 23      The Village......................................................... 63
   Allocating Teams.............................................. 23               Late Night Worship.......................................... 63
   Allocation Process........................................... 23                Stallholders and Sponsorship........................ 63
   Awards.............................................................. 24         Volunteers........................................................ 63
   Categories......................................................... 24       Pastoral Care.................................................... 65
   Forfeiting and Withdrawing............................ 25                       Bible Studies..................................................... 65
   Grades............................................................... 25        Buddy Groups.................................................. 65
   List of Sports.................................................... 26           Conversation Starters..................................... 65
   Priority.............................................................. 26       Group Coordinator Support........................... 65
   Requesting Sports........................................... 27              Junior Games.................................................... 67
   Selecting Sports............................................... 27           Fundraising....................................................... 69
   Restricted Sports............................................. 28               Congregational Offering................................. 69
   Resources......................................................... 29           Leadership Formation Funds......................... 70
   Rules.................................................................. 30      Outreach and Mission Funds......................... 70
   Scoring.............................................................. 30        Samaritan Tickets............................................ 70
   Volunteers........................................................ 31           Sausage Sizzle, Cake Stall, Etc........................ 70
Arts.................................................................... 35     Uniforms & Team Spirit................................... 71
Camping............................................................ 37             Custom Design Guidelines............................. 71
   Buddy Groups.................................................. 37               Custom Shirts and Uniforms.......................... 71
   Campsite Safety............................................... 37               Team Spirit....................................................... 71
   Campsites......................................................... 39        Policies.............................................................. 73
   Quiet Time and Lights Out............................. 43                       Code of Conduct.............................................. 75
   Lardner Park..................................................... 43            Driving Policy.................................................... 79
   Rubbish............................................................. 44         Drone Use Policy.............................................. 80
   Safety Wardens................................................ 44               Medicine Policy................................................ 81
   Security............................................................. 44        Participant Image Use Policy.......................... 83

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Refund and Cancellation Policy..................... 87
  Website Privacy Policy..................................... 89
  WWCC Policy.................................................... 91

4 // State Youth Games Group Coordinator Manual 2020
Getting Started
Welcome to the State Youth Games Victoria Group
Coordinator Manual. This is an online database of all
the information you need to bring a group to State
Youth Games Victoria.

There’s a lot of information in this Manual that
requires an understanding of other information to
grasp. Throughout this Manual there are links that
direct you to another section of the Manual. Whenever
you see one of these, that means there’s more to
know about this particular area, but from another
angle. Make sure you check that information out too.

Designed For Sharing
Some groups rely on a single GC (Group Coordinator)
or a team of GC and 2IC (2nd In Command) to man-
age all aspects of their SYG team. Other groups have
a GC whose role is to delegate and coordinate other
leaders who have responsibility for specific areas of
attending SYG.

If needed, this Manual is designed to be distributed to
the people in your teams to whom the information is
most relevant.

Some sections are colour coded based on key areas
of responsibility. The colour code goes like this: Sport,
Camping, Cooking, Travel and Transport, Church or
Organisation, Fundraising, Uniforms, and Pastoral
Care. You can print these colour coded sections and
give those pages to the people who are responsible
for that area.

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6 // State Youth Games Group Coordinator Manual 2020
SYG exists as a platform for you to do ministry with
young people, build relationships, and nurture young        Dictionary Of Terms
people in a welcoming and invitational setting. SYG
aims to provide opportunities for churches and faith
organisations to demonstrate the love of Jesus on and       2IC
off the sporting field, and to foster creative expression   The 2IC is a secondary GC role, working with their
in our arts stream. Camping in community creates            group’s Group Coordinator to support and manage
opportunities for young people to grow in friendships       their group. SYG treats 2ICs as GCs, but the exact
with one another, and with trusted leaders and              arrangement of responsibilities between GCs and 2ICs
mentors.                                                    will depend on the group and the leaders.

Every participant will have a different experience of
SYG which will be shaped by your group culture. SYG         Church or Organisation
provides a framework of activities, venues, and discus-     The majority of groups attending SYG are attached in
sion topics (through worship and our guest speakers)        some way to a church, organisation, agency, or some
for your group to flesh out and utilise for ministry in     kind of governing body. Often, but not always, this is
your unique context.                                        the group name the group will attend under (eg. The
                                                            Ringwood Church of Christ group is a group at SYG
SYG offers a blend of systems common to every group,        (as above), attending under the banner of Ringwood
and support for individual groups and situations.           Church of Christ the church organisation).
Every group that attends SYG does so in its own ways,
though there are a lot of commonalities that mean           Groups attending the event are required to do so with
GCs can learn from other GCs and gain insight from          the full knowledge and support of their church/organ-
experience.                                                 isation/agency, and to attend under their insurance
                                                            and behavioural policies as well as any policies of SYG
This Manual contains all the core information about         and CCVT.
the common systems, practices, and procedures for
getting a group along to SYG.
                                                            Churches of Christ Vic/Tas
                                                            Churches of Christ Vic/Tas (CCVT) is the overseeing
Admin Office                                                body for SYG, under which all event activities take
The SYG Admin Office is the hub of organisation             place. CCVT provides a framework of policies, insur-
and administration while we are at Lardner Park             ance, and conduct for all elements of SYG.
together. The Admin Office is the place to visit for
information about the SYG event. It is also the location
for Sport Coordinators to pick up and drop off sport        Group
equipment.                                                  A ‘group’ at SYG refers to the collection of people
                                                            who attend under a single group name. Groups can
The Admin Office can be contacted via telephone for         be of any size, and from any background. Groups
the duration of the SYG weekend by calling 0447 404         can be church youth groups, community mentoring
558.                                                        groups, mission agencies, or a blend of any of the
                                                            above or others. Each group is managed by a Group
                                                            Coordinator who is the point person for interaction
                                                            between SYG and their group. A participant may only
                                                            attend SYG with a single group.

                                                            Group Coordinator
                                                            The role of the Group Coordinator (GC) is vital to the
                                                            success of a group in attending SYG. GCs take ultimate
                                                            responsibility for all aspects of their groups, and

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receive support from SYG and their own communities          Sport Coordinator
to make sure everything runs smoothly and safely.           A Sport Coordinator is a participant, spectator, or
GCs must be 18 years old or older.                          group helper who is managing a sport session as a
                                                            volunteer for SYG. All sports have a Sport Coordinator
The GC is the primary contact point between the             to ensure the efficient running of the sport draw.
group and SYG. It is important that lines of commu-         The responsibilities of the Sport Coordinator include
nication are kept clear and direct; rather than SYG         managing the draw timetable, adjudicating rules with
communicating with a dozen different people from            reference to the SYG sport rules distributed to each
a particular group on specific things, and that infor-      sport session, and submitting final results to the SYG
mation becoming lost to the GC in the tangle, the           admin team.
GC forms a single point of contact through which all
communication should run.                                   Sport Coordinators are nominated through the
                                                   system before the event.
The SYG team cannot know your group’s situation like
you do. We rely on your insight to address the specific     Sport Coordinators are supplied with everything they
needs of your group. Your input, filtering, distribution,   need to fulfil their role, including copies of the sport
and adaptation of information is essential.                 rules, score cards and session draws, whistles, and
                                                            sport equipment (depending on the sport). These
See also: Responsibilities of a Group Coordinator           items should be picked up from the SYG Admin office
                                                            the night before the session, and returned promptly in
                                                            the evening after the session. Please ensure that the
Group Helper                                                Sport Coordinator is the one who picks up the pack to
A person attending SYG to contribute to the running of      avoid items going missing in the transfer.
a group’s food, camping, driving, etc. This person is a
spectator (above) with extra responsibilities from the      Once a Sport Coordinator picks up their pack, they
group.                                                      should read all the rules and documentation thor-
                                                            oughly, and pay attention to the session’s draw, the
                                                            process of calculating results, and whether the sport
Head Cook                                                   pack should be taken with them at the end of the
The Head Cook is the person who takes primary               session to return to Lardner Park or left at the venue
responsibility for catering for your group at SYG. The      for the following session.
Head Cook may not do all the actual food prepara-
tion, service, and transport, but is considered to be       It is often useful for Sport Coordinators to have a
ultimately responsible for all aspects of the above, and    buddy supporting them (even better if this is someone
must train their helpers in appropriate food safety         who has done the role before). This could be someone
practices.                                                  from your own group who is playing in that session, or
                                                            a new friend made at the event.

Participant                                                 Sport Coordinators are expected to be at their sport
A person attending SYG. Participants includes leaders,      venue well in advance of the first match in their draw,
helpers, youth, young adults, and everybody who             so that they can familiarise themselves with the venue
attends SYG as part of your group. Please note that         and set up timetable posters, etc. Sport Coordinators
while there are no age restrictions for participants        do not have the responsibility of setting up fields,
generally, participants playing sport must be no            opening up stadiums, or laying out courses.
younger than 13 years old or in year 7, and partici-
pants playing individual sports must be no older than       Final sports results can be uploaded to the MySYG
29.                                                         app, and a hard copy backup should be returned to
                                                            the Admin office on the Sports Coordinator’s return to
                                                            Lardner Park.
A person attending SYG but not playing sport or
participating in activities, except possibly the Village
and Evening Program. Includes day visitors.

8 // State Youth Games Group Coordinator Manual 2020
All groups, except for first-time groups, are required to   The Committee member(s) in a particular area is usu-
supply some Sport Coordinators. Coordinators receive        ally the best person to contact with questions about
an SYG t-shirt from the current year, and a discounted      that area. eg. If you have a question about kitchen
registration to SYG as our way of saying ‘thank you’ for    setup, contact the Grounds Committee member.
their important contribution to the event.

Please note that Sport Coordinators are not able to         Team
play in the sport they are coordinating. They must be       A ‘team’ refers to a collection of people participating
available to perform their role for the duration of the     together in a sport. A team will be constructed differ-
session.                                                    ently on a sport-to-sport basis depending on the rules
                                                            of that sport. ‘Teams’ are discussed when organising
Teams can aid Sport Coordinators by being gracious,         sports. A group will enter many teams in sports and
patient, and gentle. Sport Coordinators are valued          activities. A participant will be a part of many teams
volunteers, and should not be pressured, bullied,           across the event week-end.
yelled at, or in any way treated with anything short of
Christ-like love.
                                                            Youth Vision Vic/Tas
One common stressor for Sport Coordinators is               YV is the generational ministry arm of CCVT, and the
teams—out of enthusiasm and love of the game—               team within CCVT that is primarily responsible for SYG.
crowding them wanting to know final scores, ladders,
and finals positions. All leaders should be mindful of
keeping the participants in their teams from crowding       Group Coordinator
Sports Coordinators at the end of a round robin,            The role of the Group Coordinator (GC) is vital to the
when the Sport Coordinator will take a few minutes to       success of a group in attending SYG. GCs take ultimate
calculate overall scores and finals.                        responsibility for all aspects of their groups, and
                                                            receive support from SYG and their own communities
See also: Sport Set Up and Pack Up                          to make sure everything runs smoothly and safely.
See also: Sport Coordinator Discount                        GCs must be 18 years old or older.

                                                            The GC is the primary contact point between the
State Youth Games                                           group and SYG. It is important that lines of commu-
In public communication channels, ‘SYG’ can refer           nication are kept clear and direct; rather than SYG
to the event as a whole, being the weekend sport            communicating with a dozen different people from
and camping event happening at Lardner Park and             a particular group on specific things, and that infor-
surrounding areas over the Queen’s Birthday long            mation becoming lost to the GC in the tangle, the
weekend each June.                                          GC forms a single point of contact through which all
                                                            communication should run.
More commonly, especially in ‘back-end’ commu-
nications such as this Manual, ‘SYG’ will refer to the      The SYG team cannot know your group’s situation like
organising group(s) responsible for getting the event       you do. We rely on your insight to address the specific
running each year. This is a catch-all term for the         needs of your group. Your input, filtering, distribution,
Committee, CCVT, and service provider teams.                and adaptation of information is essential.

                                                            See also: Responsibilities of a Group Coordinator
SYG Committee
The SYG Committee is a team of volunteers and CCVT
staff that are the management hub of the event. The         GC Orientation
Committee are the primary organisers of the event,          Group Coordinator (GC) Orientations are an op-
with one or more Committee member taking respon-            portunity to meet with other Group Coordinators
sibility for particular areas of the event, eg. Grounds,    from around Victoria, plus chat with the State Youth
Sport, or Evening Programs. Committee members               Games Committee, and start to plan your year at
gather volunteer teams around them as required to           SYG.
manage their area of responsibility.

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Orientations are planned for certain dates early in       Command), and gather other volunteer helpers and
the SYG season. Orientations cover things like:           leaders as required. Possible roles for delegation
• Key information for GCs
• Safety and care requirements                            Sports Organiser: taking responsibility for sport
• Your goals and hopes for this year’s SYG                selections and submitting teams for your group. See
                                                          sections marked in brown.
GC Orientations are a requirement for Group
Coordinators every year. We also encourage GCs to         Camping Coordinator: taking responsibility for tents,
invite their whole leadership team, key volunteers, and   marquees, heaters, fireplaces, and other campsite
a team leader or board member from your church or         amenities and ensuring that campsite setup meets
organisation.                                             SYG’s safety standards. See sections marked in green.

View upcoming GC Orientation dates here                   Head Cook: taking responsibility for the preparation
                                                          and transport of food and drinks for the duration of
                                                          the event for your group in accordance with food safe-
Responsibilities Of A Group Coordinator                   ty requirements. See sections marked in navy blue.

Receive And Read GC Emails                                Travel Coordinator: taking responsibility for organ-
Email is the primary method of communication              ising transport between venues and coordinating
between GCs and SYG. Fortnightly and weekly (as the       volunteer drivers, including making sure all drivers
event gets closer) GC Emails will be sent to registered   meet the requirements of the SYG Driving Policy. Will
GCs. These emails will include news, tips, and updates    likely work closely with the Sports Organiser to select
to assist you in getting your group to SYG.               sports that your group can get teams to. See sections
                                                          marked in yellow.
Some email programs and websites treat our emails
as spam or categorise them as promotions. If you are      Church or Organisation Leader: an elder, senior
not re-ceiving regular emails from SYG, please ensure     minister, or youth minister (if that person is not
that you check mailbox tabs and automatic category        already the GC) who takes responsibility for ensuring
folders. If you still cannot find these emails, contact   all church policy and insurance requirements are met.
the Committee’s Communications member at com-             See sections marked in pink.
                                                          Other roles for delegation may include fundraising,
   If you use Gmail: Check the Promotions tab.            gear and uniforms, and pastoral care and spiritual
   If you use Outlook: Check the Clutter section.         input (this person is likely to be the church’s Youth
   All email programs: Check the Junk folder.             Minister or another key leader).

Distribute Information                                    Attend a GC Orientation
It is the responsibility of the GC to distribute infor-   All GCs are expected to attend a GC Orientation
mation from SYG, especially in this Manual and the        session, which will take GCs through systems, process-
GC Emails, to the people who need to know it. For         es, and re-sources helpful to getting a group to SYG.
example, information on camping safety in a GC            This is also a good opportunity for GCs to invite church
Email should be forwarded to the person in your           leaders and other key volunteers or staff who will be
group who is taking responsibility for campground         contributing to their SYG group in order to get every-
setup at Lardner Park, and Bible study and pastoral       body onto the same page.
care resources should be forwarded to leaders who
will be caring for the spiritual and social nurture of    You can register for a GC Orientation here.
                                                          Ensure All Safety Requirements Are Met
Delegate Responsibility                                   The GC must coordinate with all other team members
Depending on your group size, SYG may be too large        to ensure that all safety requirements are met. This
an event for one single GC to manage. We highly           includes requirements from SYG (eg. distance between
recommend that all GCs work with a 2IC (2nd In

10 // State Youth Games Group Coordinator Manual 2020
tents and fire pits), requirements from SYG and CCVT         Our theme explorations this year should take us on a
policies, and requirements from the policies of your         journey of reflection through who we are (as individ-
church or organisation.                                      uals, members of communities, and members of the
                                                             SYG community), where we have come from, how we
                                                             have been formed (again, as individuals, communities,
Lardner Park                                                 and SYG) and, most importantly in a go year, what it
Lardner Park is our venue for the majority of our time       looks like to live out our God-formed character in the
at SYG. It hosts our camping and community facilities,       world as part of God’s mission of restitution, reconcili-
as well as some sports.                                      ation, and redemption.

Lardner Park, 155 Burnt Store Rd, Lardner VIC 3820.          This will also be a year of celebration, as we mark this
                                                             significant milestone.

LEVEL UP: Celebrating 30 Years of SYG
SYG themes aim to follow a three year cycle of ‘gather’,     Purpose of Manual
‘grow’, ‘go’. In gather years we bring people together,      Whether you are a first time GC or a seasoned pro,
encourage, inspire, and edify, and connect young             this Manual is a crucial tool in your SYG preparation.
people to God. In grow years we focus on building            It comes with vital information that you need in order
up young people in preparation for God’s mission in          to get a group along to SYG, to be safe there, and to
the world, making sure they know they have what              have the best possible time. It’s about setting you up
they need to make a difference in the world. And in          for success, and helping to reduce the stress of the
go years we aim to point young people towards God’s          nitty-gritty tasks so that you can focus on the culture
mission in the world and help them step out into what        of your group and opportunities for ministry with
God has planned.                                             young people in your communities.

SYG 2020 is a go year. This is a year we take every-         The information in this Manual comes from many peo-
thing we have gathered, and the ways we have grown           ple who have walked the SYG preparation road before,
together as a community over the last few years,             so there’s tips, tricks and hacks that will help you along
and put it to action for God’s Kingdom. This is how          too. This Manual also tries to communicate the cul-
we Level Up: taking the things we have learned, the          ture, values, and hopes that the SYG Committee and
opportunities we have been given, and the resources          team is committed to encourage and cultivate.
we have access to, and putting them to work for God’s
Kingdom in new and renewed ways.                             Understandably, the preparation side has many
                                                             elements, so we’ve tried to simplify content into colour
2020 also marks 30 full years of State Youth Games           coded sections. If you have a leadership team to help
in Victoria It is an opportunity for us to look at the       you out, make sure you’re passing on the sections
ways we have been formed as a community of God’s             relevant to their role.
Kingdom, and the ways we embody God’s character
and mission in the world. As we Level Up, it is these        There’s a lot of information in this Manual that
characteristics and traits that we are building on; these    requires an understanding of other information to
are the markers we hope to embody in this next sea-          grasp. Throughout this Manual there are links that
son of our community: we are generous, we are kind,          direct you to another section of the Manual. Whenever
we are encouraging, we are fair, we are faithful, we are     you see one of these, that means there’s more to
active, we are creative, we are God’s people                 know about this particular area, but from another
                                                             angle. Make sure you check that information out too.
The question of Level Up is how do we take what we
have and what we know, and do more, grow more,               This Manual should be your first point of call for any-
trans-form more, and restore more, not out of a sense        thing SYG related. The next point of reference is the
of need to do in order to have worth, but out of a deep      GC Emails that come out fortnightly. GC Emails have
desire to partner with God’s restoring mission to the        year-specific updates, the latest info, and will point
best of our abilities (which will look radically different   you in the right direction with an overview timeline. If
from person to person).                                      you can’t find the answer you’re after in this Manual

                                                                                                                  // 11
or in the GC Emails, shoot an email through to Juzzy       Weekend Run Down
at and he’ll direct you to       You may be a first time GC, and you may even be
the right person.                                          a first time GC that has never been to State Youth
                                                           Games before. So, what can you expect from the
SYG Committee
The SYG Committee is a team of volunteers and CCVT         Here’s a rundown of what the weekend could look like
staff that are the management hub of the event. The        from start to finish.
Committee are the primary organisers of the event,
with one or more Committee member taking respon-
sibility for particular areas of the event, eg. Grounds,   Lardner Park
Sport, or Evening Programs. Committee members              SYG’s home base is Lardner Park. Imagine rolling hills
gather volunteer teams around them as required to          in the country, throw in some pretty big tin sheds and
manage their area of responsibility.                       some toilets and showers. That’s what Lardner Park
                                                           looks like. There’s grass fields and space for camping.
The Committee member(s) in a particular area is usu-       You get allocated a site prior to arrival and you pitch
ally the best person to contact with questions about       your group’s tent or marquee and set up your cooking
that area. eg. If you have a question about kitchen        facilities. This campsite is where you eat and sleep for
setup, contact the Grounds Committee member.               the weekend, and includes access to power for elec-
                                                           trical equipment for cooking, heating, and lights—all
                                                           things your group will need to provide to create a
Contact List                                               comfortable and fun camping environment.

 Name       Role                 Email Address
 Juzzy      Team Leader          juzzy@stateyouth-         On this same giant piece of land are those tin sheds,
 Trevan                                 where we hold our main night programs. One shed,
                                                           the North Pavilion, contains a stage with lights, camer-
 Sophie     Evening Program      evening@stateyouth-       as, musical instruments, and some pretty big screens.
 Moroney                                We gather here each night for songs, to hear from our
                                                           guest speaker, and participate in creative worship.
 Mitchell   Event                comms@stateyouth-         Remember, it’s a tin shed, so wear warm clothes and
 Salmon     Communications                 bring a chair. This is the same place the Opening
                                                           Ceremony is held. It’s where we kick off the weekend,
 Lisa       Group                gcsupport@stateyouth-     acknowledge the traditional owners of this beautiful
 Thomas     Coordinator                 land we get to camp on, and use creativity, dance,
            Support                                        drama, and art to begin exploring our annual theme
 Brett      Online               registrations@stat-
 Lucy       Pastoral Care        pc@stateyouthgames.       In the morning you’ll get up nice and early and be
 Bentley    Support              com                       ready to get on the road to venues in nearby towns,
                                                           where sports sessions are held. You’ll play two ses-
 Glenn      Sports               sports@stateyouth-        sions of sport in a day; morning and afternoon. There
 Davey                                  will be gaps in between matches with each session, so
                                                           make sure your teams have something to do—hang-
 Jarrod     Sports Admin         sportadmin@stat-          ing out and chatting, playing card games, or meeting
 Parsons                          new friends from other groups. The finals for each
                                                           session will be played at the same location, so stick
 Andrew     Village             village@stateyouth-        around to cheer other teams on.
For general enquiries email info@stateyouthgames.

12 // State Youth Games Group Coordinator Manual 2020
Food                                                        You’ll hit the sack before 11:45pm and be back up
Lunch is usually packed and eaten on the road, but          early to do it all again on Sunday.
some groups come back to Lardner Park or go into
Warragul for lunch—it’s up to you and what suits your
group’s schedule. After lunch you’re back in it with an     The End
afternoon sport session. Some individuals take the          Monday morning, you’ll pack up your campsite, return
break as an opportunity to shower at venues, rather         it to the state it was when you arrived or even better,
than early in the morning at Larder Park—if you do,         and we’ll go to the shed one last time, celebrate all
please make sure you leave it in excellent condition,       that’s happened during the weekend and share some
we want to have access to all our venues in future          awards before we drive off before lunch.

Once you’ve cooled down after the afternoon session,
head back to Lardner Park where your group will
have dinner together and join one of the two evening
program sessions. There’s so many people at SYG that
we have to run two sessions back to back, and you will
be asked prior to the event which session time suits
your group better—some groups decide to do a Bible
study before or after the evening session, others
have a team time celebrating the day. Again, bring
your chairs along to the tin shed. We’ll have a time of
worship, a message from a speaker, and some drama
and creative elements.

The Village
In the second tin shed is another space to let out some
energy. It’s called the Village. It has amusements, stall
holders, the beep test, and showcase sport finals.
There’s also some food and coffee trucks, for those
who want to eat and chat some more. For those who
have super sore muscles, there’s massages available
for purchase. The Village is a ministry space, where
young people can relax, discuss the content of the day
and the Evening Program, and where leaders can
encourage intentional conversations. There are also
opportunities for young people to engage with mission
organisations and explore how the SYG experience
can lead to lasting change in themselves and the

If your team members need a quieter space, we
recommend your team’s campsite. We hope these
spaces can be where you build relationship and have
the deep conversations in an uninterrupted and safe
place. Pack the marshmallows and we’ll hook you up
with some conversation starters. We have a few more
resources to help you use your weekend well, which
you’ll find in your GC emails as the event gets closer.

                                                                                                                // 13
14 // State Youth Games Group Coordinator Manual 2020
Key Dates
The following dates are derived from information in
this Manual. Dates are subject to change, so please     May 8 – Last Chance To Apply To Self-
keep your eye on GC Emails for the most up to date      Supply A Marquee
                                                        See also: Marquees and Equipment Hire
You can subscribe to a live calendar of key dates at
                                                        May 11 – Sport Confirmations Close
                                                        See also: Selecting Sports
Immediately – Sign up and pay Set
                                                        May 16 – Prayer and Worship Event
Register your group for State Youth Games, nominate     For leaders, Group Coordinators, and helpers.
a Group Coordinator, and give SYG an indication of
your expected attendance numbers.
                                                        May 18 – Waverley Party Hire Early
See also: Payment Steps                                 Bird Prices Close
                                                        Waverley Party Hire provide a discounted rate on
March 19-24 – Group Coordinator                         marquee hire for SYG groups. To take advantage of
Orientations                                            this offer, book before this date.

GC Orientations are a requirement for all Group         See also: Marquees and Equipment Hire
Coordinators, and are recommended for leadership
teams, church or organisation leaders, and key help-
ers. Full details here                                  May 18 – Final Team Sport Allocations
• March 19, Syndal Baptist Church
• March 21, Liberty Christian Life Centre               See also: Selecting Sports
• March 24, Berwick Church of Christ

                                                        May 20 – Deadline to contact Pastoral
April 20 – Early Bird Prices Close                      Care team with information about
Discounted registrations end and full-price registra-
tions take effect.
                                                        participants with special needs
                                                        To ensure our team is able to adequately support you
See also: Fees                                          and your leaders, please contact us with important
                                                        information about your participants early.

April 27 – Group Registrations Close,                   See also: Pastoral Care and Group Coordinator
Second Payment Due                                      Support

See also: Payment Steps
                                                        May 25 – Registrations Close, Final
                                                        Individual Sport Allocations Close,
May 4 – Sport Requests Close
Let SYG know which sports and activities your partic-
                                                        and Final Balance Due
ipants would like to play over the course of the SYG    See also: Payment Steps See also: Selecting Sports
weekend.                                                See also: Registration

See also: Selecting Sports

                                                                                                        // 15
June 3 – Lardner Park Open For
Waverley Party Hire To Set Up
See also: Marquees and Equipment Hire

June 4 – Lardner Park open for Campsite Setup, 9am
to 5pm

June 5-8 – State Youth Games

16 // State Youth Games Group Coordinator Manual 2020
The SYG team aims to keep lines of communication           relevant—for example, information on campfire safety
between SYG and groups as open and conversational          should be sent to whoever is responsible for the
as possible. We welcome questions and requests at          team’s campsite at Lardner Park.
any stage of the SYG season. Knowing how and with
whom to communicate will help you get the best             If you are not receiving GC Emails, please check your
answer to your questions as quickly as possible.           junk mail folder and other mail categories before

Contacting the Committee                                      If you use Gmail: Check the Promotions tab.
                                                              If you use Outlook: Check the Clutter section.
                                                              All email programs: Check the Junk folder.
This is the preferred communication method
should you wish to contact a Committee member              Emails for Leadership Teams
directly. Please keep in mind that the majority of the     All GCs and 2ICs will always be sent all emails. Other
Committee are volunteers who are balancing their           leaders contributing to your team can sign up to re-
SYG commitments with work, other roles, family, etc.       ceive emails with content in their areas of leadership.
They will do their best to get back to you in a timely     GC emails will include a link to invite other leaders to
manner.                                                    subscribe to emails, or leaders can be directed here.

See also: Contact List                                     Even if a team member is subscribed to GC emails, it is
                                                           important for GCs to distribute relevant information to
                                                           their teams, and follow up with their teams to ensure
Phone                                                      that information has been understood and actioned.
For any urgent enquiries please call the CCVT Office
on 03 9488 8800 during business hours (9am to
5pm, Monday to Friday). For enquiries that cannot be       GC Facebook Group
immediately answered, a staff member will pass your        For those who have a Facebook account, you can re-
message on to a relevant SYG team member. If you           quest to join the SYG GC Facebook Group. This group
leave a message with a CCVT staff member, please           is a space for GCs to share tips and advice they have
leave your name, your church name, and your group          found helpful in preparing for SYG, to ask questions of
name (if different).                                       one another, and to connect with one another.

                                                           Individuals will need to be registered to receive GC
GC Emails                                                  Emails before joining the group. The SYG team re-
Email is our primary method of communication with          serves the right to remove individuals from the group.
Group Coordinators. When a GC and 2IC are regis-
tered with SYG, they will be asked to provide email
addresses. It is essential that these email addresses      Group Coordinator Manual
are accurate, direct to the person listed, and checked     This GC Manual contains most of the information
regularly.                                                 you will require to get your teams to SYG. Please use
                                                           this as your reference guide before contacting the
GC Emails are fortnightly (December through March)         Committee with questions. Please ensure that all
and weekly (April through June) updates for GCs that       members of your organising team have access to
aim to assist you to get your group to the event. Each     relevant parts of this Manual.
GC Email includes upcoming key dates (eg. deadlines
for completing certain tasks), new announcements           Some information in this Manual may change as we
specific to the current event year (eg. the addition of    get closer to the event. Some elements of the event
a new trial sport), and information relevant to GCs. It    shift from year to year, or are forced to change by
is the responsibility of the GC to pass this information   circumstance. For this reason, it is essential that GCs
on to the person in their group to whom it is most         read and distribute GC Emails.

                                                                                                               // 17
The MySYG App contains information tailored to
the individuals and groups at SYG, including sports
timetables, maps, and results submissions for Sport

The MySYG App is available on Apple and Android
devices.Information is tailored to the user’s group,
and access requires a special code that will be dis-
tributed to all groups in the week before the SYG
event. Group Coordinators will receive their group’s
code(s) via email, and should distribute them to their

Participants may receive notifications of some infor-
mation via the MySYG app across the weekend.

Social Media
SYG maintains a public social media presence to
connect with young people and supporters of the
event. This avenue of communication is not a primary
method of distributing information. Ideally, all an-
nouncements made on social media (eg. new sport,
etc) will be announced via GC Email first.

•   Facebook
•   Instagram
•   Twitter
•   YouTube

18 // State Youth Games Group Coordinator Manual 2020
                                                              (not the GC) to make the initial registration to ensure
Day Visitors                                                  that groups attend the event with the knowledge,
SYG can be a great social space for your entire church        consent, and support of their overseeing body.
or organisation community, and we encourage you
to invite members of the broader community to visit           Once the group has been approved by the SYG
for a day and check out what the event is about. But          team, the church representative will have the ability
please be mindful of some requirements for day                to add additional Group Coordinators to the team.
visitors.                                                     However, the church representative cannot manage
                                                              participants in the team, or do most of the things
Day visitors that attend sport venues around the              a Group Coordinator can do on the site. Similarly,
Warragul area do so under the responsibility of your          a Group Coordinator cannot add additional Group
group. If the visitor attends Lardner Park at any             Coordinators—this must be done by a church rep-
point—for example, to have dinner with your group—            resentative. The church representative manages the
they must sign in at the Gate 1 security booth.               group’s GCs, and the GCs manage the group.

All visitors that are 18 years old or older must have         Once the GC creates their account, they will be able
a valid Victorian WWCC, and produce their WWCC                to update and add limited details to what the church
card at sign in. If this creates an issue for attendance,     representative has initially submitted on their behalf.
please contact                      This includes nominating to attend the Orientation
                                                              date that best suits them, and information about their
SYG reserves the right in all cases of attendance to          group’s demographics.
refuse entry to any person deemed unsafe or unfit
to be at the event, or to remove them from the event          The SYG team carries out reference checks and re-
after entry has been granted.                                 views all group registrations before approving them to
                                                              attend SYG.
The requirement to hold a valid WWCC can be used by
groups to refuse entry to persons that the GC is un-          After being approved by the SYG team, each GC will
sure about or unwilling to have visit, if they believe this   receive an additional email as notice of this. Approved
would be in the best interest of a person or persons          GCs have access to manage participants, sports,
under their care. SYG is happy to be the ‘bad guy’ in         volunteers, uniforms, finances between their group
these situations.                                             and their participants, and between their group and
                                                              SYG, all from the registration website.

Group Registration                                            We recommend that the first step is carried out by a
Reflecting best practices for safety and care for             prospective GC and church representative working
groups, churches, and individuals, registrations for          together to provide the basic information about the
SYG will follow the process below.                            group to SYG.

A church or organisation representative goes to
the registration website and signs up your group              Reference Checks
to attend SYG. The church or organisation represen-           SYG conducts reference checks on all nominated
tative nominates a Group Coordinator as part of the           Group Coordinators to ensure that GCs are the right
registration process, including references for that GC’s      person for their role. A GC’s role is high-demand, and
suitability to hold their role. GCs will receive an email     the SYG Committee is committed to making sure that
inviting them to create their account for the registra-       all GCs have the support they need to do their role
tion site for 2020. This church or organisation repre-        well and safely. If a reference call indicates that a GC
sentative might be an Elder, a Board Member, a Senior         doesn’t have the necessary support and capacity to
Minister, or a Youth Minister, so long as this person is      do their role, the Committee can start a conversation
not also a GC. SYG requires the church or organisation        with the GC’s church or organisation to make sure that

                                                                                                                  // 19
additional support is offered. Our Group Coordinator        your participants know the name you registered your
Support team will also know to reach out and offer          group under (especially if this is significantly different
some extra help.                                            to your normal church or youth group name).

                                                            All participants are required to adhere to a code of
Making Changes to Registrations                             conduct, which they will be asked to agree to when
Over the course of your SYG season, you may come            they register. This code of conduct covers some basic
across situations where you need to make changes            expectations that are required to be a part of the SYG
to a participants’ registration in the SYGrego system.      community, covering behaviours such as the use of
Please do not make changes to registrations without         drugs and alcohol (none!), behaviour on and off the
first contact-ing the SYG Online team. Some changes         sports field (Christ-like), and upholding the values of
to registrations may have unintended effects, includ-       the event. The full text of these codes of conduct (one
ing changes to your group’s fees. To contact the Online     for people under 18, and one for everyone 18 or
team, please email registrations@stateyouthgames.           over) is available in this Manual.
                                                            Please note that due to the unique nature of the SYG
                                                            event, all participants who are 18 years old or older
Participant Registration                                    require a current Victorian Working With Children
Group registration must be completed before par-            Check (WWCC).
ticipants are able to register to attend with your
group. Group registrations will open in advance of          SYG reserves the right to refuse entry to any person
participant registrations.                                  deemed unsafe or unfit to attend the event, or to
                                                            remove persons from the event after entry has been
Participants should be encouraged to register for           granted.
SYG at the SYG website. The SYG registration site
contains tools for GCs to manage sports preferences,        See also: Finance
team construction, and finances. Having your group’s        See also: Code of Conduct for Participants Under 18
participants in the online system will make your life as    See also: Code of Conduct for Participants 18 and
GC easier, so encourage your participants to sign up        Over
as quickly as they can after your group is signed up
and approved.
                                                            Custom Extras
Participants should be encouraged to register for           In your MySYG tab, you can add things like uniform
SYG at When                 options for your participants to select and customise
doing this, ensure that your participants know how to       on signup. To enable this:
identify your group from the list of groups. Alternately,
under the MySYG tab of your GC registration site, you       • Tick the ‘Show Custom Extras in MySYG’ box,
will find a signup link that is specific to your group.     • Update your group,
This will look something like ‘           • Then go to the ‘Add Custom / Extra Costs’ link from
yourgroup/signup’.                                            the sidebar.

As a GC, you must enable participant sign up for            Options
your group. In your MySYG tab, if you see ‘Your site is
not open yet’, your participants will not be able to sign   • Name is what your participants will refer to this
up. You must click the ‘Open now’ button to enable            extra item as, eg. ‘Hoodie’, ‘Beanie’ ‘Transport’, etc
this. Once you have done this, you can customise what       • Optional means that your participants will see a
your participants experience when they sign up.               tick-box for their item to select only if they want to
                                                              include it
When a participant signs up, they will select your          • Needs size will mean the participant will be given a
group name from a drop down list of registered and            drop-down box allowing them to select a size from
approved groups. To avoid confusion, including par-           the options ‘XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL’
ticipants registering to attend with the wrong group,       • Cost is any additional cost you are associating with
please ensure that your participants attempt to sign          this item (it can remain ‘0.0’ if it is included with
up only after you have registered your group, and that        your other costs)

20 // State Youth Games Group Coordinator Manual 2020
• Show comment will allow your participants to              Viewing participant Sport Preferences
  specify something specific for the item (eg. A            You can see the sports preferences of each of your
  customised name)                                          participants by selecting the ‘Sport Preferences’ link
• Comment prompt is where you give instructions             from your Sports tab.
  to your participants as to what you want them to
  enter in the comment above                                You can also see these listed for each participant in
                                                            the sidebar of their entry in your Participants tab.
For example, if you add a Custom Extra as below,your
participants will see this:Viewing participant Custom       Customising Financial Instructions
Extra requests                                              You can also choose whether your participants can
                                                            see any information relating to the finances they need
You can see which of your participants have requested       to pay you. If you wish to manage payments outside
your custom extras by using the ‘See Wanted Extras’         of the site, untick the box titled ‘Show
link from the MySYG tab.                                    Finance Information in MySYG’.

Customising Available Sports
By default, your non-spectator participants will see all    • Payment instructions will appear on your partic-
available and applicable sports when they log in to the       ipants’ Finance tab and should be used to direct
registration site. You can customise this behaviour in        them in how to make payments to you.
several ways.                                               • Additional Costs (full weekend) applies to your
                                                              full-time participants and shows the costs, ad-
Disable sports preferences for your participants. To          ditional to the SYG fees, that you will include for
do this, untick the ‘Show Sports Preferences in MySYG’        each of your participants to attend with your group.
box in your MySYG tab. This may be suitable if you          • Additional Costs (each) applies to your part-time
plan to appoint all team participants yourselves, or if       participants and shows the costs, additional to
you plan to do this with all of your youth together in a      the SYG fees, that you will include for each of your
room at a youth event.                                        participants to attend with your group for each day
Filter visible Team Sports and/or Individual Sports.
Each type of sport has the same options available for       For example, if you update your Finance section as
filtering:                                                  below,your full-time participants will see this:If your
                                                            participants have included any Custom Extras (see
• Show all will show all available and applicable           ‘Adding Custom Extras for your participants’, above),
  sports for each participant. If a participant is too      they will also be shown itemised and accumulated
  old, too young or is not the required gender for          here.
  a sport, it will not be shown. This is the default
• Show none will not show any of the sports in this         Participant Sign Up Behaviour
  type. You may want to use this option if for exam-        You can control how much input the State Youth
  ple, you only want your participants to see Team          Games registration platform requires when a new
  Sports – ie. Filter out the Individual Sports using       participant applies to join your group.
  ‘Show none’.
• Show sport entries only will filter the list to only      Under the MySYG tab of the registration website,
  the sports that you have requested in your sports         you can customise whether participants can join
  tab                                                       your SYG group immediately, or must be approved
• Show listed allows you the most control but takes         by a Group Coordinator. There are three behaviour
  the most effort to configure. Using the list of sports    options:
  below for each sport session, click the ‘Show/Hide’
  action links to specify which sports your partici-        • Strict behaviour means that the registration
  pants will see. Sports in the list highlights Blue will     platform will require a GC to manually approve
  be shown. Grey will not be shown                            every participant that applies to join the group. This
                                                              gives the GC a chance to reject accidental sign ups
                                                              from participants from other groups, or prevent

                                                                                                                // 21
sign ups in circumstances where this is desirable.        Every person aged 18 years old or older at State
  When a participant signs up with your group, you          Youth Games must hold a current WWCC. This in-
  will receive an email prompting you to accept or          cludes teachers, police officers, and others who might
  reject their application. Until you accept, they will     normally be exempt from holding a WWCC to work
  not be able to access team information, sports, or        with children.
  any other function of the registration site. Pros: Full
  control over who signs up with your group. Cons:          It is the responsibility of the Group Coordinator to
  Extra work for the GC.                                    make sure that all participants, parents, leaders, visi-
• Normal behaviour means that participants who              tors, and helpers are made aware of the requirements
  have not attended SYG with your group in previous         of entry of SYG. This includes clearly articulating to
  years will need to be approved, while participants        teachers and police officers and any others normally
  from past years will be able to sign up directly. This    exempt from holding a WWCC that they must hold a
  is the recommended setting.                               current WWCC for the duration of SYG if they wish to
• Tolerant behaviour means that all participants            enter Lardner Park.
  who sign up for your group will be automatically
  approved and have immediate full access to all
  functions on the website. The downside is that
  if someone registers for your group by accident,
  thinking it is another group, it can be frustrating
  to untangle the error. Also note that your group is
  financially responsible for all registrations attached
  to your group, even if they are in error. Errors
  can be addressed by the Online team before the
  event, but if they are not addressed in a timely
  fashion, your group may still be responsible for
  costs incurred. Pros: No extra work for GCs, par-
  ticipants can hit the ground running in regards to
  sports preferences, etc. Cons: Mistaken sign ups
  happen, and these may have flow on effects if not
  addressed quickly.

Please select the option that works best for your

See Also: Fees

Registration Support
If something goes awry, the Online team is available to
support you. Email registrations@stateyouthgames.
com. Screenshots and detailed descriptions of what
went wrong are often helpful.

Working With Children Check
It is a requirement of entry to Lardner Park that all
persons aged 18 years old or older hold a current
Victorian Working With Children Check (WWCC).

A WWCC can be obtained at no cost at the WWCC
website or by completing a form obtained at an
Australia Post office. A current passport photo is
required, which may incur a small cost.

22 // State Youth Games Group Coordinator Manual 2020
You can also read