STEWARDSHIP REPORT - The Catholic Community of St. Thomas More - 2020 | 2021 Pray, Serve, Spread the Gospel with Joy - St. Thomas More Catholic ...

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STEWARDSHIP REPORT - The Catholic Community of St. Thomas More - 2020 | 2021 Pray, Serve, Spread the Gospel with Joy - St. Thomas More Catholic ...
The Catholic
        Community of
      St. Thomas More

            2020 | 2021

    Pray, Serve, Spread the Gospel with Joy.
STEWARDSHIP REPORT - The Catholic Community of St. Thomas More - 2020 | 2021 Pray, Serve, Spread the Gospel with Joy - St. Thomas More Catholic ...
STEWARDSHIP REPORT - The Catholic Community of St. Thomas More - 2020 | 2021 Pray, Serve, Spread the Gospel with Joy - St. Thomas More Catholic ...
  4    Our Parish By the Numbers
  6    Letter from Fr. Scott McCue
  7    Letter from Carlos Lima
  8    Liturgical Ministries
 10    Music Ministries
 11    Community Ministries
 14    Hispanic Ministries
 15    Evangelization Ministries and Groups
 15      For Adults
 20      For Children and Youth
 22    School Report
 24    Service Ministries
 28    Church Financial Report
 29    Letter from the Finance Council
 30    School Financial Report
 31    Letter from the School Advisory Board

Called by Christ and inspired by the
Holy Spirit, we respond in love and
fidelity as the Virgin Mary did and
embrace our journey of intentional

As disciples of Jesus Christ we are
a diverse and hospitable Catholic
Community. We pray, serve and
spread the Gospel with joy.

STEWARDSHIP REPORT - The Catholic Community of St. Thomas More - 2020 | 2021 Pray, Serve, Spread the Gospel with Joy - St. Thomas More Catholic ...

    8,563                     4,056                     4,481                     34.6                       1,200
    Total registered          Registered                Registered                Average age of             Registered parishioners
    parishioners              males*                    females*                  parishioners*              involved in ministries

    *Some registered parishioners declined to fill out this information.

    Age of Registered Parishioners                                            Longevity of Registered Parishioners
    What are the ages of our registered parishioners?                         How long have our registered parishioners been members
                                                                              of St. Thomas More?
               7%                           0-8 years old
          7%                                                                                6%                         0-4 Years
                                            9-17 years old
                                                                                                                       5-9 Years
      11%                                   18-30 years old                      10%
                            20%                                                                       39%
                                                                                                                       10-14 Years
                                            31-40 years old
       15%                                                                                                             15-19 Years
                                            41-50 years old                     18%
               12%                                                                                                     20-24 Years
                                            51-60 years old
                                                                                             22%                       25 Years & Longer
                                            61-70 years old

                                            71+ years old


    3,003                     2.83                      55%                       44%                             344
    Total registered          Average family            Households with           Households who                  Families enrolled in
    households                size                      children                  donate to offertory             Faith Development*

    *Faith Development enrollment number impacted by COVID-19.

    Households in the Parish by Ethnicity                                  Households with Children in Specific Age Groups
    This does not include non-registered Mass attendees.
                                                                                        Anglo          Hispanic         Other
       Anglo                                         60.9%
    Hispanic                        32.7%
       Other                                                           100

                                                                             Age 0-4        Age 5-8    Age 9-13      Age 14-17 Age 18-21

STEWARDSHIP REPORT - The Catholic Community of St. Thomas More - 2020 | 2021 Pray, Serve, Spread the Gospel with Joy - St. Thomas More Catholic ...
                   We Pray, Serve, and Spread the Gospel with Joy.

                                        1 out of 7 parishioners is                                     which is 15%
                                        actively involved in a ministry,                      15%      of our parish.

                                                                             There are 129 ministries at
                                                                             St. Thomas More Parish.
                                                                                Community: 27              Service: 32

                                                                                Evangelization: 37         Councils Serving
                                                                                                           the Parish: 4
                                                                                Liturgy: 29

                          This past year as a parish community, we celebrated:

      676               324                     226                      126                  36                    27
    Masses           First               Confirmations               Baptisms              Funerals           Weddings

We are blessed to have many community partners that help us with various aspects of our mission to serve those in need.
PORCH, Faith Connections on Mental Illness, AA, Al-Anon, and Friends of Christ School for Christian Spirituality are some of
the organizations that use our facilities rent-free. In addition, our parish financially supports some local not-for-profits.
There is a balance of assistance for young, old, poor, pregnant, handicapped, unemployed, illiterate, mentally ill, and addicted.

This year we tithed to the following organizations. These tithes are funded by our yellow Charity Share donation envelopes.

ARC                                         Compass Center                              Meals on Wheels
Catholic Charities                          Durham Crisis Response Center               National Alliance on Mental Illness
CASA                                        El Centro                                   Orange County Living Wage
Catholic Worker (Silk Hope)                 El Futuro                                   People of Faith Against the Death Penalty
Charles House, Chatham County               FLOC Farm Workers                           Pregnancy Support Services
Council of Aging                            Freedom House                               Project Rachel
Child Care Services, Asso.,                 Habitat for Humanity                        Reality Ministries
Church Women United                         Handicapped Encounter Christ                Special Olympics NC
Club Nova                                   Holy Trinity Church                         St. Paul Village
Coastal Horizons                            Inter-Faith Council                         TABLE
Community Empowerment Fund                  Justice United                              UNC Horizons
STEWARDSHIP REPORT - The Catholic Community of St. Thomas More - 2020 | 2021 Pray, Serve, Spread the Gospel with Joy - St. Thomas More Catholic ...
a L ET T ER f rom F R. SCOT T McCU E
    My Dear People,                                       successful year of safe, in-person instruction.
                                                          Our Faith Development program adapted their
    Pope St. John Paul II said: “Do not be afraid to be   model of formation for our young people. Our
    saints. Follow Jesus Christ who is the source of      rental assistance program transitioned to a call-
    freedom and light. Be open to the Lord so that He     in system. Our Caring and Sharing Center was
    may lighten all your ways.”                           closed for many months but reopened in an
                                                          intentional way to best serve those in need in our
    Sainthood, holiness, is possible                                      community.
    for all of us. As we walk this
    pilgrimage through life, our                                           I am proud of how we responded
    Catholic faith serves as our                                           to the pandemic and how are
    guide. It is how we encounter                                          continuing to do so. I am proud
    Christ in His Sacraments, most                                         of how we are living out our
    especially in the Eucharist. We                                        parish mission in the midst of a
    are all striving to become a little                                    pandemic. We place our faith
    more holy each day. We are                                             in God who we know is with us,
    striving to take on the attributes                                     even in the midst of the serious
    of the saints of our tradition and                                     challenges of life.
    incorporate them into our own life
    so that one day we, too, can gaze                                       Our annual Stewardship Report
    upon the beauty of God.                                                 provides a chance for us to look
                                                                            back on our parish life over the
    The parish provides us with                                             last year and see how we have
    the chance to come together                                             lived out the call to be Intentional
    as a community of faith so that we may be             Disciples working on sainthood. Here you will see
    strengthened in this life-long pilgrimage back to     how our ministries, groups, and organizations
    God. It is here that we learn more and more how       helped us to be witnesses to the Gospel, right
    to follow Jesus so that we can live in freedom and    here in Chapel Hill. You will also find parish
    in light. I hope that this is what St. Thomas More    demographic information, as well as information
    Parish is for you: a place where you are able to      on church and school finances. Thank you for your
    encounter God each day. A place where Christ can      financial gifts and sacrifices that help us meet our
    lighten your way.                                     obligations and serve one another.

    This past year was certainly a different one for      Fr. Steven and I are blessed beyond measure to
    us as a parish as we dealt with the changing          be your priests. Thank you for the gift you are to
    conditions of COVID-19. We had to figure out          us each day and remember: Do not be afraid to be
    new and different ways of being a parish. We          saints!
    had online-only Mass for a time, and then Mass
    outdoors in the heat of the summer. As we             In His Love,
    returned to Mass in the church, we purchased
    the necessary audio and video equipment to
    permanently livestream the liturgy for those
    who cannot be with us in person. We began             Very Rev. Scott E. McCue, V.F.,
    to do webinars as a means to hold Adult Faith         Pastor
    Development events. Our parish school had a

STEWARDSHIP REPORT - The Catholic Community of St. Thomas More - 2020 | 2021 Pray, Serve, Spread the Gospel with Joy - St. Thomas More Catholic ...
a LE T T ER f ro m CA R LO S LIMA
Dear Fellow Parishioners,                             of around 300 people each weekend. You could
                                                      sense the hunger of people for the Eucharist, for
I look back at my note from last year where I made    the Liturgy, for community.
reference to the 1982 movie “The Year of Living
Dangerously,” and when Iook at the past year,         Last September, we started celebrating Masses
the thought that comes to mind is Happiness,          indoors. With the support from our Return to
Ultimate Happiness. (I thought of referencing         Jerusalem Task Force, we worked on ensuring
“The pursuit of Happyness” but                                        social distancing, masking and
thought otherwise.)                                                   disinfection for each of the
                                                                      Masses. Air purifying equipment
St. Augustine, in the opening of                                      was installed in each of the
his Confessions, writes: “You have                                    HVAC units on campus (more
stirred in us the desire to praise                                    than 60!) to ensure air conditions
you, for you have made us for                                         would be safe for all coming
yourself and our heart is restless                                    into the facilities. We started
until it comes to rest in you.”                                       with three weekend Masses and
                                                                      about 600 people total; two of
As you see when you read                                              these were, and continue to be,
through this report, I think we                                       livestreamed. Within five weeks,
have lived like this in this last                                     we added two more Mass times
year. Despite the pandemic,                                           to accommodate the more than
despite the challenges, despite                                       1,000 people that were joining
the anxiety and, at times, fear, we                                   us each week. More recently, we
have continued to pray, serve, and                                    are averaging more than 1,500
spread the Gospel with joy.                           people attending Mass in person and more than
                                                      230 households on the livestreams.
In the beginning of the pandemic, more than
a year and a half ago, our Bishop wisely lifted       This goes to show the restlessness of our hearts,
the obligation to attend Mass as a measure to         that obligation being lifted notwithstanding, we
curb the spread of the virus. Many churches, St.      have a strong sense of our faith; we understand
Thomas More included, resorted to livestreaming       what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, and
Masses to keep the spirit of faith alive and engage   we will continue to pursue the ultimate happiness,
communities. At the beginning, we did this from       which is the fundamental purpose of life: to
the chapel, using an iPhone first and an iPad         become a saint, to go to Heaven.
next, learning how to bridge the remoteness of
life at the time and trying to create the sense of    I am humbled and moved by the example and
community and intimacy with Our Lord that the         experiences of our community, and I am privileged
Eucharist is to be (the source and summit of the      to walk alongside all of you on this journey.
Christian life, Lumen Gentium 11).
                                                      God Bless,
Then came the time to celebrate Mass outdoors,
which we did from late May to early September
2020. The obligation was still lifted, and we
celebrated one Mass in English and one Mass in        Carlos Lima
Spanish, both livestreamed, with total attendance     Director of Operations and Finance

STEWARDSHIP REPORT - The Catholic Community of St. Thomas More - 2020 | 2021 Pray, Serve, Spread the Gospel with Joy - St. Thomas More Catholic ...
LI T U R G I CA L M I N IST R I ES at St. Thomas More
    ALTAR AND SANCTUARY CARE                                          four to six per year;
    Mission: To fill an essential and literally “behind the scenes”   conducted classes                          145
    role in the preparations for St. Thomas More celebrations         virtually during the
                                                                                                              altar servers
    of the Eucharist and Baptism. Members have an assigned            pandemic; and then
    week every month to either (1) do light cleaning in the           transitioned back to all
    Sanctuary, or (2) take liturgical linens and towels home for      in-person classes in June                   96
    laundering and return before the Saturday 5:15PM Mass.            2021
                                                                                                            infant baptisms
    There is usually extra activity for Holy Days and Christmas/
    Easter seasons.                                                   ENVIRONMENT &
                                                                      ART COMMITTEE                          OF NOTE
    Major Accomplishments: The Altar Care team continued to           Mission: To enhance                usher ministry formed
    perform its function despite the limitations imposed by the       the worship spaces by
    pandemic in terms of distancing and sanitizing.                                                         garden planted for
                                                                      creating an environment
                                                                      which draws worshipers              liturgical decorations
    ALTAR SERVERS                                                     to a heightened spiritual
    Mission: To assist the priest throughout the Mass carrying        level through decorations
    the cross or candles in the entrance and dismissal                appropriate to each liturgical season. Our committee
    processionals, holding the missal for prayers, and assisting      contributes immeasurably to the beauty and reverence
    in preparations for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.                 of the many liturgical celebrations throughout the year,
                                                                      from Ordinary Time through all the liturgical seasons and
    Major Accomplishments: 2020-21 was challenging in                 special liturgies. Without the efforts of this ministry, our
    that many people chose not to attend Mass during the              large worship space would not feel nearly as warm and
    pandemic. However, a rather small but dedicated group             welcoming.
    of altar servers came forward to assist when Masses
    moved inside in the fall. In spring 2021, as vaccines             Major Accomplishments: Despite the challenges of working
    started to be more available, we saw a steady increase in         during the pandemic we transitioned in the fall from
    those returning to serve. The current roster includes 145         helping with the outdoor Masses back to decorating the
    Altar Servers: 100 for English Masses and 45 for Spanish          church for indoor Sunday liturgies. We decorated both the
    Masses.                                                           church and chapel for Christmas, Lent, Palm Sunday, and
                                                                      Easter, as well as Ordinary Time. We continued to care for
    BAPTISM COORDINATORS                                              potted plants throughout the church and Parish Center. We
    Mission: To help prepare the parents and godparents               also established a large cutting garden located outside,
    of infants and young children who are to be baptized              behind the St. Monica Room. After months of planning and
    into the Catholic Church, either at St Thomas More or at          with support from the parish staff, we created a fully-
    another parish. This includes accompanying parents and            planted garden, with numerous flowering bulbs, which
    families as they complete the paperwork, attend class, and        yielded many of the flowers and plants that were used
    navigate the rite itself.                                         in the Easter decorations. This garden served and will
                                                                      continue to serve as a source of flowers and greenery for
    Major Accomplishments: Assisted with 96 infant baptisms           our parish church and chapel decorations.
    at St. Thomas More; increased preparation classes from
                                                                      EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY
                                                                      Mission: To serve Christ who is present in the assembly by
                                                                      ministering His Body and Blood to our sisters and brothers
                                                                      and to take the Eucharist to those members who, through
                                                                      sickness, old age, or other causes, are prevented from
                                                                      taking part in the Mass.

                                                                      Major Accomplishments: 2020-21 was challenging in
                                                                      that many people chose not to attend Mass during the
                                                                      pandemic. However, a rather small but dedicated group
                                                                      of people came forward to assist with outdoor Masses
                                                                      celebrated in the summer of 2020. When Masses moved
                                                                      inside in the fall a few more ministers came back to serve.
                                                                      In spring 2021 as vaccines started to be more available,
                                                                      we saw a steady increase in those returning to serve.
                                                                      The ministry continued to have a robust membership that

STEWARDSHIP REPORT - The Catholic Community of St. Thomas More - 2020 | 2021 Pray, Serve, Spread the Gospel with Joy - St. Thomas More Catholic ...
easily met the needs of all Masses and eagerly awaits          celebration of every Mass. They also assist the Celebrant
ministering the Blood of Christ once it is authorized          as needed during Mass.
to be distributed again. The Health Care Facility and
Homebound Ministries were suspended until June 2021.           Major Accomplishments: Sacristans quietly and “invisibly”
Nine new Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion               did outstanding work during the pandemic by supporting
(EMHCs) were trained, and a Homebound Eucharistic              all Masses which ranged from outdoor, to live-stream
Ministry Mentor Program was launched to meet the pent-         from the St John Fisher Chapel, to socially-distanced in the
up need as the pandemic restrictions were lifted.              church, to fully attended Masses.

MASS COORDINATORS                                              USHER MINISTRY
Mission: To ensure that all Altar Servers, Readers,            Mission: To promote a culture of hospitality and facilitate a
Eucharistic Ministers, and gift-bearers are present and        welcoming atmosphere at St Thomas More. Ushers warmly
ready for celebration of Sunday Liturgies.                     greet all who enter the church, offer assistance, answer
                                                               questions, and give directions. Ushers direct the offertory
Major Accomplishments: During the initial stages of the        collection during Mass and distribute bulletins as people
pandemic when Mass was conducted outside, Mass                 exit the church at the end of Mass.
Coordinators were not needed. When the Mass moved
inside, the Mass Coordinators resumed their role.              Major Accomplishments: This new ministry was created in
                                                               2020 by combining the St. Matthew Ministry, St. Benedict
READERS                                                        Ministry, and seating functions so that the church could
Mission: To proclaim the Word of God at the Mass in a          comply with the guidelines for masks, social distancing,
clear persuasive way with interpretive emphasis so that        and overall safety during the global pandemic. Ushers
the faithful may discover anew God’s Word alive in our         assisted with our Return to Jerusalem initiative by directing
assembly.                                                      seating, entry, and exit for outdoor and indoor Masses from
                                                               Pentecost 2020 onward.
Major Accomplishments: The ministry had about 70
English Mass readers with six new readers given individual     WEDDING COMMITTEE
training during the past year. Due to COVID-19 restrictions,   Mission: To assist at wedding rehearsals and wedding
a very limited group of readers were used for the outside      liturgies. Working in groups of two to three, or alone for
Masses during the summer of 2020. When inside Masses           smaller weddings, the members help set up the church
started again in September, more readers came back into        or chapel, assist with the rehearsal and the processional,
the rotation with the number increasing as the vaccination     help with the Eucharist, and provide other assistance as
process got underway. The readers proclaimed God’s             needed.
Word during the liturgies with dedication, understanding,
enthusiasm, and joy.                                           Major Accomplishments: The Wedding Committee was
                                                               very active this past year assisting with 23 English-
SACRISTANS (WEEKDAY)                                           speaking weddings since July 2020. It was a challenging
Mission: To prepare and manage the church, sanctuary,          year with changing COVID protocols and frequent
and altar for weekday Masses by ensuring the liturgical        modifications to the calendar. With aid from St. Michael
elements including books, vestments, candles, and other        ministers, the wedding committee was able to help
items are in place to facilitate the beautiful and smooth      weddings run safely and smoothly.

STEWARDSHIP REPORT - The Catholic Community of St. Thomas More - 2020 | 2021 Pray, Serve, Spread the Gospel with Joy - St. Thomas More Catholic ...
MUSIC MINISTRIES                                                 anyone who is interested.

                                                                      THE CHILDREN’S CHOIR was temporarily suspended
     Mission: To lead the assembly during liturgy in the singing
                                                                      during the pandemic. When it returns, children from grades
     of the hymns and responses that support communal
                                                                      3 through 12 will learn how to use their voices in joyful
     prayer and enhance the worship experience. Drawing
                                                                      celebration of Mass
     on the rich diversity of the Church’s musical tradition and
     the talent of adult, youth and Spanish-language cantors,
                                                                      THE CORO SANTA CECILIA has not sung together since
     choirs, organists, and other instrumentalists, we express
                                                                      the beginning of the pandemic. Our long-time director,
     our faith and give voice to the beauty of the liturgy.
                                                                      Marianne Kremer, retired recently for medical reasons. We
                                                                      are grateful for Marianne’s 40 plus years of service to the
     Major Accomplishments: Rehearsals were suspended for
                                                                      parish as an organist and for serving as the director of our
     the past year because of the pandemic. We look forward
                                                                      choir for many years. We look forward to singing again
     to coming together once again and sharing our talents
                                                                      when a new director is in place.
     with the St. Thomas More community.
                                                                      THE PAZ Y ALEGRIA CHOIR, led by Pavelid Castañeda,
     CANTORS lead the congregation in song. Through their
                                                                      has been leading music at both the 7:15PM Vigil Mass and
     singing, they inspire and encourage the community to join
                                                                      1:15PM Sunday Mass most Sundays over the past year. In
     in singing with one voice. They assist at weekly Masses,
                                                                      addition, Paz y Alegria adds their voices and instruments
     holy days, weddings, funerals, and special events. The
                                                                      to bilingual Masses. Rehearsals are Tuesdays from 7:00PM
     cantors adapted to the pandemic restrictions during the
                                                                      to 9:00PM.
     past year and embraced the return of the pre-pandemic
     Mass schedule.
                                                                      THE SCHOLA CANTORUM, led by Music Director Sarah
                                                                      Franco, normally sings at the Sunday 11:15AM Mass
     THE CELEBRATION SINGERS, led by Barbara Reynolds,
                                                                      from September to June, and rehearses Wednesdays
     normally sing at the Sunday 9:15AM Mass, major feasts
                                                                      from 7:00 to 8:30PM. The approximately 45-person choir
     from early Sept. to mid-June, and rehearse Tuesdays,
                                                                      sings a wide variety of musical styles but leans toward a
     7:30-9:30 PM. Cantors and accompanists continued to
                                                                      traditional and classical repertoire. Scholas Cantorum was
     help with providing music for liturgies. Choir activities this
                                                                      temporarily suspended during the pandemic.
     year included: bi-weekly Zoom meetings for prayer and
     fellowship, adopting families at Christmas, and the making
                                                                      In the ST. THOMAS MORE SCHOOL CHOIR, led by Angela
     of virtual choir videos for the parish.
                                                                      Sigl, children learn to use their voices in prayer, normally
                                                                      singing for weekly school liturgies, biannual Sunday
                                                                      Masses, and at combined-grade Christmas programs in
     Director Sarah Franco, brings the splendor of bells and
                                                                      December. The School Choir was temporarily suspended
     chimes to our liturgies. The ensemble normally rings
                                                                      during the pandemic.
     monthly at the Saturday 5:15PM Mass and rehearses on
     Thursdays from 7:00 to 8:30PM. We continue to welcome
CO MMU N I T Y M I N I ST R I ES at St. Thomas More
       - BEREAVEMENT MINISTRIES -                             -FUNERAL
                                                              RECEPTION                                  110
-BEREAVEMENT CORRESPONDENCE                                   MINISTRY                            prayer shawls made
Mission: To contribute to St Thomas More’s bereavement        Mission: To provide
efforts to provide love, comfort and the healing support
of God to parish families after the death of a close family
                                                              hospitality to family and             1,000 lbs
                                                              friends and to honor the        of produce distributed from
member.                                                       life of the deceased.
                                                                                                 the San Isidro Garden
Major Accomplishments: Though the pandemic                    Major Accomplishments:
significantly reduced activities, in conjunction with the
pastor and parish staff, members of the Bereavement
                                                              Due to pandemic                         OF NOTE
                                                              restrictions no funeral
Correspondence Ministry were able to offer prayers and to                                      funeral livestreams offered
                                                              receptions were held
send cards, monthly letters, and/or grief-help materials to   at St. Thomas More;                through outside vendor
support 52 families during the 2020-21 year. This ministry    however, our volunteers          weekly pastoral phone call
of compassion has been very well received by people           continued to provide
going through a painful time.                                                                     ministry was formed
                                                              support to bereaved
                                                              families and show them
-BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT                                          that St. Thomas More
(SEASONS OF HOPE)                                             cared. We devised safe but creative ways to deliver meals
Mission: To provide a Christ-centered safe place for          after their funeral service. Whether left on a home porch
grieving for those who have lost a loved one.                 or transferred in the church parking lot, our wonderful,
                                                              dedicated group of volunteers worked “behind the scenes”
Major Accomplishments: In 2020-21, we had two sessions:       but quickly and willingly met challenges and special needs.
one in-person with about six people, and another via Zoom     On-site funeral receptions will return later in 2021.
with three people; however, the pandemic limited our
outreach efforts.                                             -GETHSEMANE MINISTRY
                                                              Mission: To protect the sanctity of those interred in the
                                                              Columbarium when it is opened for ceremony or procedure.
Mission: To provide pastoral support for families who have
                                                              Major Accomplishments: Gethsemane ministers continued
just experienced the death of a loved one including help
                                                              to pray, read, write, or sit in silence while keeping watch
to plan the funeral mass, being present at funerals, and
                                                              over niches that necessitated opening (for engraving, for
providing follow up bereavement support when needed.
Major Accomplishments: Funerals continued with intimate
numbers throughout the pandemic. Families appreciated         CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE
the option to livestream so their family and friends could    AMERICAS COURT AVE MARIA
participate remotely.                                         Mission: To participate in the religious, charitable, and
                                                              educational activities of the church; enhance the spiritual

development of its members; and provide philanthropic            know that people appreciated being prayed for. We felt it
     outreach to the parish and the community.                        gave them hope during hard times. The Lord showed His
                                                                      grace through the answered prayers reported to the Team,
     Major Accomplishments: The Catholic Daughters of Court           and through their ministry they will continue to serve,
     Ave Maria participated in several activities to enhance the      support, and build community at St Thomas More.
     spiritual development of its 54 members and continued
     to provide outreach to both the parish and community.            JOBS NETWORK OF ST. THOMAS MORE
     Activities included a memorial service on All Souls Day,         Mission: To help unemployed or under-employed people
     weaving palm decorations for Palm Sunday, creating rose          achieve their job-search goal by providing assistance
     floral arrangements as a gift to the parish for Mothers’ Day,    with resumes, interviewing, networking, cover letters,
     and sponsoring the annual student Art, Poetry and Essay          negotiating, LinkedIn and accountability.
     education contest. The Daughters also provided assembled
     gift bags of goodies for St. Thomas More teachers and            Major Accomplishments: Meetings continued, albeit
     staff, Christmas gifts for three families, Valentine gift bags   through Zoom, using networking to facilitate those without
     and blank greeting cards for an assisted living facility,        jobs to locate and acquire gainful employment.
     and numerous hand-made blankets and teddy bears for
     a children’s camp. Members also prepared and served a
     meal to the residents of the UNC Hospital SECU Family
                                                                      KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS – Council 10910
     House.                                                           and Assembly 3005 (4th degree)
                                                                      Mission: To empower Catholic men to live their faith at
                                                                      home, in their parish, at work and in their community.
     CATHOLIC WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB                                       Guiding principles of charity, fraternity, unity, and
     Mission: To gather monthly for fellowship, to pray the
                                                                      patriotism permeate all our programs in church,
     rosary, and to reflect on and discuss books pertaining to
                                                                      community, council, family, culture of life, and youth
     the Catholic faith.
     Major Accomplishments: The Catholic Women’s Book Club
                                                                      Major Accomplishments: Council 10910 started off its
     did not meet during the pandemic but plans to resume
                                                                      Fraternal Year, July 1, 2020, with limited fundraising
     meetings in the fall.
                                                                      opportunities at St. Thomas More due to pandemic
                                                                      restrictions. Monthly Pancake Breakfasts and Lenten Fish
     INTERCESSORY PRAYER TEAM                                         Fries, our largest fundraisers, were curtailed. The Council
     Mission: To prayerfully intercede to God for physical,           worked fundraisers in other ways including collaboration
     spiritual and mental healing of our parishioners, and to         with local businesses such as Panera Bread, Duck Donuts,
     pray for unity in the Church.                                    Jersey Mike’s, and Captain John’s Dockside Seafood
                                                                      Restaurant. With support of the Parish and the friends
     Major Accomplishments: Despite limitations from the              and family of Knights, the Council made the fundraisers
     pandemic and inability to gather in person, the St. Thomas       with businesses successful. The success of the fundraisers
     More Intercessory Prayer Team continued to pray from             enabled the Council to fulfill its financial obligations and
     home for the needs of parishioners, the parish and for           charitable activities. The Council also supported or hosted
     those outside St. Thomas More. While the Team had no             several spiritual events during this past year. Charitable
     idea how many lives their prayers have affected, they did
activities included support for seminarians, the IFC Food      fellowship. Four new crafters were welcomed last year.
Bank, Knights of Columbus Pandemic-19 Relief Fund, St.         Since inception of the ministry in January 2015, 575 prayer
Thomas More Financial Assistance Program, St. Thomas           shawls have been made – 110 during the past year!
More Catholic School, parish audio/visual equipment
upgrades and usher badges, and the Catholic Daughters of       SAN ISIDRO LABRADOR GARDEN
the Americas. Spiritual and community accomplishments          Mission: To serve as a witness to how we cooperate with
included a Memorial Mass for Deceased Knights, a               God, nature, and each other in order to produce organic
Novena for the Beatification of Father McGivney (founder       food in an environmentally sustainable way.
of the Knights of Columbus), a special Mass for Loss of a
Child, Pro-Life Activities, and Operation LAMB to support      Major Accomplishments: Even during the pandemic
children with mental disabilities.                             we continued to work the garden, safely outdoors. We
                                                               distributed 1000 pounds. of our organic produce on
PASTORAL PHONE CALL MINISTRY                                   Sundays after the 1:30PM Mass. Gardeners also benefitted
Mission: To make phone calls to parishioners who submitted     from produce during times when there was not a sufficient
prayer requests to St Thomas More.                             quantity to distribute.

Major Accomplishments: Pastoral phone calls were an            SOFTBALL TEAM
important part of the parish’s ministry during the pandemic.   Mission: To provide an opportunity for men and women to
Our parish staff called parishioners who were 75 years and     engage in fellowship on the softball field.
older to check in on them, and an additional 34 volunteers
continued with weekly phone calls to people who wanted         Major Accomplishments: The team did not play for a
extra contact from the parish.                                 second summer. For more than 30 years, the St Thomas
                                                               More Softball Team has competed in a spring/summer
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY                                          Church Softball League that begins play in May, with a 10-
Mission: To provide a tangible reminder of God’s love and      game schedule and weekend tournament, and ends prior
prayers of the St. Thomas More Community for those in          to Labor Day. The league is co-ed and includes other local-
need of comfort.                                               area churches. All participants must be at least 13 years of
                                                               age to play. Games have been held on Sunday afternoons
Major Accomplishments: Even though they couldn’t gather        at Homestead Park in Chapel Hill, from 1:30 - 4:30PM
together at St. Thomas More due to pandemic restrictions,      Unfortunately, the COVID pandemic not only caused
the ladies continued to create shawls from home and a          cancellation of the 2020 season but necessitated so many
small group met outdoors weekly with social distancing         teams to drop out of the league due to lack of players,
to continue their ministry crafts and to share prayers and     which effectively canceled the 2021 season as well.

H I SPAN I C M I N I ST RI E S at St. Thomas More
     Bilingual liturgical celebrations and events that allow      initiative by taking turns
     parishioners to express their faith as one community         to lead the Rosary on a                   11
     speaking two languages, such as the Sacred Paschal           given day.                     adults received Sacraments
     Triduum, Patronal Feast of Saint Thomas More, Feasts of
     the Assumption and Immaculate Conception, All Saints         Monthly celebrations of
     and All Souls days and Our Lady of Guadalupe.                Quinceañeras resumed in                   35
                                                                  April 2021.                         children baptized
     Bilingual children and teens attended both in-person and
     at-home Faith Development and Sacramental Preparation.       Four couples completed
     The Hispanic Ministry office supported communications        matrimonial preparation              OF NOTE
     with parents.                                                and were married at our        virtual Marian retreat held
                                                                  church. Some previously
     Eleven adults fulfilled their Christian Initiation through   scheduled weddings were        daily Rosaries were offered
     a Spanish Adult Faith Formation Program, receiving           postponed until 2022.              via Facebook Live
     Confirmation and First Eucharist.
                                                                  The Emmaus Retreat for
     A virtual Lent Retreat was held in March 2021 where          men and women did not
     about 100 people connected through St Thomas More’s          take place in 2020; nevertheless, weekly meetings were
     social media livestream. The event received over 1,000       held virtually to keep core members connected and to
     views!                                                       grow in their faith.

     There were Baptism ceremonies both at public liturgies       One Safe Environment Training session in Spanish
     and private ones with appropriate restrictions due to        was held, with about 20 people attending, and thereby
     COVID-19. We served about 35 families to have their          providing more certified volunteers committed to providing
     children baptized.                                           a safe place for children of our community.

     A virtual Marian Retreat was celebrated on May 15,           In partnership with Justice United of Orange County, St
     2021 where about 90 participants connected through the       Thomas More Hispanic Ministries supported campaigns to
     STMHispanos Facebook page. Sixty parishioners were           improve living conditions at three local mobile home parks
     consecrated after completing the Consecration to the         where a good number of parish members live. As a result,
     Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Blessed Virgin Mary.       one mobile home park canceled all residents’ debts (a total
                                                                  of at least $30,000!) and began construction of a new
     A daily Facebook-live Rosary in Spanish was offered by       well. Another received 300 tons of gravel to fix roads and
     parishioners at 7:00PM, with 16 families supporting this     regularly maintain drainage ditches within the park.

G R O U P S at St. Thomas More

               MINIST R IES A N D G RO U P S FO R A D U LTS
ADULT CONFIRMATION                                            Roman Catholic Church
Mission: To draw our adult Catholics who have received the    through reception of the                   9
Sacraments of Baptism and First Eucharist into a deeper       Sacraments of Initiation:        adults were Confirmed
relationship with Christ and His Church in preparation for    Baptism, Confirmation
reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation.                   and Eucharist.
Major Accomplishments: Nine adults completed weekly           Major Accomplishments:           adults began RCIA Inquiry
classes, reading, and prayer in early 2021 and received the   Since July 2020, 28
Sacrament of Confirmation on Pentecost, May 23, 2021.         men and women began
                                                              a period of inquiry to                       17
                                                              question and explore               couples began marriage
AWAKENING FAITH                                               becoming Catholic prior
Mission: To provide a safe place where those who have                                                  preparation
                                                              to beginning the RCIA
drifted away from the Catholic faith can explore the
                                                              catechetical process.
possibility of returning to the practice of their faith.
                                                              During weekly sessions,                     196
                                                              seven catechists guided                people received
Major Accomplishments: In 2020-21, we tried to hold
                                                              inquirers through a time             Spiritual Direction
Awakening Faith sessions in January and again in March
                                                              of evangelization, faith
but received no response. The pandemic may have played
                                                              formation, catechesis,
a role in people staying away from in-person meetings.
                                                              prayer, and discernment,
                                                              educating them about Catholic tradition and teaching,
BAPTISM PREPARATION                                           and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Three adult
Mission: To help prepare the parents and godparents           catechumens, those who were previously unbaptized, were
of infants and young children who are to be baptized          joyfully received into the Catholic Church at the Easter
into the Catholic Church, either at St Thomas More or at      Vigil. Twelve candidates, Christians who were baptized in
another parish. This includes accompanying parents and        another denomination, entered into full communion with
families as they complete the paperwork, attend class, and    the Catholic Church during Sunday liturgies throughout
navigate the rite itself.                                     the year. RCIA welcomes new inquirers year-round. As
                                                              of June 2021, six adults continued at different stages in
Major Accomplishments: Successfully conducted baptism         their catechumenal journey and look forward to joining
classes every other month virtually during the pandemic;      St Thomas More as full participants of the Catholic
and then transitioned back to all in-person classes in June   Community later in the 2021 calendar year.
                                                              CATHOLIC MOTHERS’ NETWORK
Mission: To enable participants to understand the Bible       Bible Study and Playgroup
and enjoy reading it.                                         Mission: To provide an opportunity for women to grow in
                                                              their understanding of Scripture and in fellowship with one
Major Accomplishments: This program began both in             another.
person with social distancing, and via Zoom, but when
COVID cases in the area increased, it transitioned            Major Accomplishments: Nine women met regularly this
exclusively to Zoom. Ten members completed the entire         past year. We are currently studying “The Holy Spirit and
program via Zoom and a number of others reported              Spiritual Gifts” by Stephen J. Binz. We read and discuss
proceeding through the program as an independent study.       one lesson each week.

CATECHUMENATE (RITE OF CHRISTIAN                              Families with Young Children Bible Study
INITIATION OF ADULTS)                                         Mission: To connect and encourage the faith lives of
Mission: To welcome and accompany non-Catholic                families with children under six years of age.
adults as they explore Catholicism, mature in their faith,
and prepare to be received into full communion with the       Major Accomplishments: Conducted a twice-a-month
                                                              virtual bible study sessions
CATHOLIC SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR                                      CAS alumni, periodic emails containing prayer reflections
                                                                     and updates about upcoming Adult Faith Formation
     ADULTS                                                          activities were initiated.
     Mission: To Increase the understanding of our Faith by
     studying Vatican documents, especially encyclicals.
                                                                     ENLIGHTENING FAITH
     Major Accomplishments: The group read and discussed             Mission: To provide an opportunity for weekly, in-depth
     encyclicals by Leo XIII on the Eucharist, St. Joseph, and the   study of the Scripture readings for the upcoming Sunday
     Holy Spirit and an encyclical by Pius X on the Immaculate       Mass.
                                                                     Major Accomplishments: Our group remained intact and
                                                                     met via Zoom despite internet glitches. We transitioned
     “COME AND SEE” RETREAT                                          back to in-person meeting in May of 2021. We also
     Mission: To proclaim the Gospel through a series of
                                                                     incorporated more prayers into our preparation and
     powerful personal testimonies of God’s love and mercy, the
                                                                     incorporated the Lenten Small Group program into our
     goal of which is to renew one’s relationship with Christ and
                                                                     religious journey.
     to be drawn toward intentional discipleship.

     Major Accomplishments:                                          ERASMUS LIBRARY
     • The Annual Come and See (CAS) Retreat, slated to              Mission: To provide resources that enable parishioners to
     be held in February 2021, was canceled after careful            study and learn about the Catholic faith.
     evaluation of possible onsite and online options. After
     much consideration, the CAS Core Team decided that it           Major Accomplishments: The ministry was essentially
     was best to postpone the retreat until 2022 so as to not        dormant owing to the lack of volunteers during the
     to compromise the in-person fellowship element of the           pandemic.
                                                                     IRON SHARPENS IRON MEN’S
     • The Committee aims to prepare for an in-person CAS            FELLOWSHIP
     Retreat potentially slated for February 19-20, 2022.            Mission: We are men of St. Thomas More who come
                                                                     together for the common purpose of growing in our
     • Preparation for the CAS 2022 Retreat will start in August     relationship with God and His Church while encouraging
     2021 and will set up focused teams of Shepherds and             and challenging one another to imitate the heroic, self-
     Speakers as part of the planning process.                       sacrificial love of Christ in our lives. Our mission is to pray,
                                                                     serve and spread the Gospel with joy as disciples of Jesus
     • The monthly Sunday fellowship gatherings are projected        Christ. We accomplish this through weekly fellowship,
     to resume around September or October 2021.                     study, reflection, discussion, prayer and service to the
                                                                     Church and community.
     • In order to address and renew the spiritual needs of our

Major Accomplishments: We started our studies and              charisms of the Holy Spirit so as to proclaim God’s salvific
reflections this past year with “Presence - The Mystery        plan of love and redemption for those who are within,
of The Eucharist” found on Next, we looked         outside, or fallen away from the Catholic Church.
at approved Marian Apparitions from MiracleHunter.
com followed by “St. Benedict For Fathers” by Fr. Dwight       Major Accomplishments:
Longenecker. That brought us to the end of 2020. We            • The Life in Christ Group continued to steer people toward
kicked off 2021 with Fr. Bartunek’s, “A Quiet Place” and       intentional discipleship in its fourth year of operations.
transitioned in March to C. S. Lewis’ “The Problem of Pain”.   It helped parishioners grow in their spiritual journey by
Our group led one Friday Stations of the Cross during Lent.    creating an environment of prayer and praise that allowed
                                                               the Holy Spirit to speak powerfully to their hearts.
Mission: JustFaith is a small-group program that               • In the past year, we discussed topics such as the
challenges participants to live out the Gospel call to care    Holy Spirit’s witness in evangelization, and the study of
for the poor and marginalized. Through the lens of Catholic    Sacraments as they relate to gifts and charisms of the Holy
Social Teaching, JustFaith Catholic uses books, articles,      Spirit.
online videos and immersion experiences to expose
participants to obstacles that hinder human flourishing so     • Additional teaching topics included surrender to God’s
the group might explore together how their own gifts and       will; suffering from a Catholic perspective; repentance and
skills can meet the world’s needs.                             faith; examination of conscience and reconciliation; and the
                                                               teachings of the early Church Fathers on the Eucharist and
Major Accomplishments: JustFaith met virtually this year       the divinity of Christ.
with 10 participants: 5 parishioners from St. Thomas More,
3 from Newman parish, and 2 from Holy Infant in Durham.        • This past year, our group conducted online prayer
We studied several books, including “The Joy of the            meetings via Zoom. We were blessed by the presence of
Gospel” by Pope Francis, “Just Mercy” by Brian Stevenson,      the Vincentian Priests and lay teachers from within the
which addresses racism in the criminal justice system, and     Diocese of Raleigh.
“A New Way To Be Church” by the founder of JustFaith,
Jack Jezreel, which addresses parish renewal. “A New Way       • In September 2020, our group partnered with the
To Be Church” excited us so much that we bought copies         Diocese of Raleigh’s Catholic Charismatic Services to host
for the pastors of the three parishes - and one for Bishop     an online Diocesan Healing Prayer Conference. Around
Zarama! We plan to have another JustFaith group in the         120 participants from various Catholic Churches in the
coming year and hope to meet in person at Newman.              Diocese joined in online worship, healing prayer, Adoration
                                                               and Holy Mass.
LIFE IN CHRIST GROUP FOR                                       • Recently there was an expansion of the group’s charter
EVANGELIZATION                                                 to encompass the Evangelization ministry. Based on
Mission: To promote key learning of evangelization through     consensus by its core team members, the group’s broader
prayer, apologetics, study of Scripture, and gifts and         focus will enable it to move beyond the study of the

charisms to the overarching end goal of evangelization and     Kerygma”, that is, the proclamation of the story of Jesus
     will use the charisms and study of Scripture to this end.      which leads people to conversion of heart and Intentional
                                                                    Discipleship. Our reflection incorporated Lectio Divina,
     MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT                                            Ignatian Spirituality and modern Biblical scholarship.
     Mission: To create opportunities for married couples to        Twelve participants met every week on Wednesdays,
     strengthen and nourish their marital relationship.             7:30 PM to 9:00 PM, via Zoom. The group shared insights
                                                                    on the Sunday Scriptures and can be found at www.
     Major Accomplishments: The Marriage Enrichment Ministry
     offered a four-part Advent reflection series online in
     November-December of 2020. Two parishioner couples             RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY
     (Carlos and Gloria Lima and Jose and Monica Gulisano)          Mission: To plan programs and activities according to the
     were guest witnesses and spoke about their marital             pastoral plan for pro-life activities developed by the United
     covenant. Deacon Stephen and Adrienne Yates offered            States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) including
     the Scriptural reflections of each Sunday as they related to   education, pastoral care, public policy and prayer and
     marriage.                                                      worship.

     MARRIAGE PREPARATION                                           Major Accomplishments: During the past year, our
     Mission: To prepare engaged couples for the Sacrament of       activities were limited because of the pandemic.
     Matrimony and for their vocation of marriage.                  • Throughout the year, the Respect Life Ministry provided
                                                                      support for teen moms attending local high schools.
     Major Accomplishments: Seventeen engaged couples                 Through the generosity of many St. Thomas More
     began the preparation process in the period from July 2020       parishioners, we were able to assist both teen moms
     through June 2021. More than half have been, or will be,         and other mothers and their babies with needed diapers,
     married at St. Thomas More. All but four are marriages           formula, baby food, and baby clothes in addition to
     between two Catholics. While most of our “large group”           financial support for other unmet needs.
     meetings were held in person in the church, sessions with      • We advertised and promoted the biannual Project
     sponsor couples were mostly through Zoom. We expect to           Rachel retreat, a post abortion healing program in the
     return to in-person meetings later in 2021.                      Raleigh Diocese.
                                                                    • Beginning on Ash Wednesday, we sponsored the
                                                                      40 Days for Life Spring Campaign in Chapel Hill (8th
     PREPARING HEARTS FOR SUNDAY MASS                                 consecutive year). Over 50 persons participated in the
     BIBLE STUDY                                                      campaign which consisted of prayer, fasting, public
     Mission: To help parishioners prepare for a fruitful             education and providing witness to the evils of abortion
     celebration of the Sunday Eucharist through prayerful            through quiet prayer in front of the Planned Parenthood
     study of the Sunday Scriptures.                                  clinic in Chapel Hill.
                                                                    • We advocated for legal protection of unborn babies by
     Major Accomplishments: This weekly program drew                  signing petitions to state and federal lawmakers and
     on documents from bishops, popes and the Vatican                 encouraging others to do the same.
     on interpreting the Scriptures. It focused upon “The
Mission: To provide opportunities for Christians to deepen     Mission: To listen, share, care, encourage and communicate
their relationship with God by providing individual and        God’s love to incarcerated individuals.
group spiritual direction, the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises,
retreats and support for retreats, and spirituality based      Major Accomplishments: No accomplishments to report
educational offerings. Additionally, we provide oversight      after the COVID-19 lockdown of state prisons. Prior to the
and preliminary vetting of our spiritual directors.            pandemic, eight St. Thomas More ministry volunteers met
                                                               weekly with young men at the Polk Correctional Institution
Major Accomplishments:                                         in Butner, NC. It is hoped that the State will allow us to
• Thirteen spiritual directors companioned 196 directees       reinstitute our ministry in the fall of 2021.
  during July 2020-June 2021. These directees came from
  various Catholic parishes and Protestant churches, as        YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY
  well as from various locations in NC and the US.             Mission: To provide opportunities for Catholics ages 21-35
• We developed a coordinated relationship of spiritual         in the St. Thomas More, Newman, Holy Infant, and other
  direction between the ministries of St. Thomas More and      local Catholic communities to encounter the person of
  Newman Center.                                               Jesus, grow in faith, connect with each other, and become
• We developed an annual calendar of spirituality program      more deeply involved in the life of the parish.
  offerings including an 8-month group experience of The
  Spiritual Exercises, three 6 and 8-week group spiritual      Major Accomplishments: Over the last year, the Young
  direction programs, a day of reflection, two information     Adult Ministry doubled in size! Accomplishments include
  sessions to explain the spiritual direction ministry, and    monthly bonfires, weekly after-Mass socials, two outdoor
  offered spiritual direction and a retreat for 12 sexually    trivia nights, five new small groups, a monthly praise and
  abused women.                                                worship group, pickup sports groups, and an increased
• In addition, we developed a marketing plan which             collaboration with neighboring churches. Most activities
  included an update of the St. Thomas More Spiritual          have been taking place outdoors to allow for social
  Direction webpage.                                           distancing.
• We continued with our ongoing support of the annual
  Come and See Retreat by identifying 11 speakers and
  working with each to help develop their faith story.

     CATECHUMENATE FOR CHILDREN                                      few activities last year
     (RCIA-C)                                                        due to the pandemic                        12
                                                                     and the inability to meet       children welcomed into the
     Mission: Children 7 years and older who have not been
                                                                     in-person at St Thomas
     baptized and desire to join the Church are invited into the                                      Church through RCIA-C
                                                                     More. Yet, despite not
     ancient celebration of the Rite of Christian Initiation for
                                                                     being permitted to meet
     Adults adapted for Children. During this process, children
     are introduced to the Liturgy, and the teachings and the life
                                                                     indoors due to NC state                   143
                                                                     regulations and school            children received First
     of the Catholic Church.
                                                                     mandates, the following
                                                                     activities were held:
                                                                                                     Reconciliation & Eucharist
     Accomplishments: Twelve children were welcomed into
                                                                     Fall ‘Virtual’ Campout
     the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil after two years of
                                                                     (September 2020); Space                   215
                                                                     Derby kits (October
                                                                                                    youth received Confirmation
                                                                     2020); Pinewood Derby
                                                                     (February 2021); District
     CATHOLIC SCOUTING                                               Pinewood Derby (March                      37
                                                                     2021) Spring ‘Virtual’         youth involved in leadership
     BOY SCOUT TROOP 820                                             Campout (May 2021);
     Mission To prepare young people to make ethical and             and the Advancement
     moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the    Ceremony (June 2021).
     values of the Scout Oath and Law.
                                                                     GIRL SCOUTS, ST. THOMAS MORE SCHOOL
     Major Accomplishments:                                          Mission: To build girls of courage, confidence, and
     • Five Scouts completed Eagle Scout Service Projects and        character who make the world a better place.
       obtained the Eagle Scout rank, the highest award that
       can be earned by youth members.                               Major Accomplishments: We continued to meet virtuality
     • We worked to provide virtual advancement opportunities        via Zoom and did some limited badgework, but the time
       for younger Scouts during the pandemic and planned a          involved was much less than in previous years due to
       full calendar of activities for the 2021-2022 school year.    pandemic restrictions.

     CUB SCOUT PACK 820                                              CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD
     Mission: To prepare young people to make ethical and            Mission: To provide readings adapted to a child’s level
     moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the    from the Lectionary for Masses with Children. Through
     values of the Scout Oath and Law. There are four aims           CLOW these readings are explained in words that appeal
     of Scouting: citizenship, character, personal fitness, and      to the children and couples it with activities that bring
     leadership.                                                     the readings to life. Children are escorted from Mass just
                                                                     before the Liturgy of the Word begins and return to their
     Major Accomplishments: Cub Scout Pack 820 held very             parents during the Preparation of the Gifts.

                                                                     Major Accomplishments: CLOW was suspended last year
                                                                     due to the pandemic.

                                                                     ELEMENTARY FAITH DEVELOPMENT
                                                                     Mission: To form children from pre-k to fifth grade in
                                                                     their Catholic faith through scripture, church teaching,
                                                                     papal documents, and stories of saints as models of
                                                                     faith; to promote an understanding of and devotion to
                                                                     the Eucharist; and to remind children that they are each a
                                                                     loved and beautiful child of God.

                                                                     Major Accomplishments: EFD had four “Pick-Up Parties”
                                                                     to distribute catechetical materials to families during the
                                                                     year and prepared 143 children for First Reconciliation and
                                                                     First Eucharist. Thirty Sacramental Preparation children
                                                                     met in person once a month. Our second year Sacramental
                                                                     Preparation children took part in a First Eucharist Retreat
                                                                     which included a behind the scenes tour of the church.

Our fourth and fifth graders met and produced a video         VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL (VBS)
of the Stations of the Cross for Children, and our Fifth      Mission: To provide a joyful, faith-filled week of crafts,
Graders ended their EFD year with an EP!C Retreat. To         games, music, and Bible stories for children from pre-k to
build fellowship within our faith community, we offered Car   eighth grade, and to provide a service opportunity for the
Bingo and a canned food drive, a Holy Week Scavenger          children within or beyond our local community.
Hunt, and a Family Movie Night.
                                                              Major Accomplishments: In June 2021, 103 children and
HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY (HSYM)                             40 volunteers participated in the Rocky Railway Vacation
Mission: To empower young people to lead lives as             Bible School. The children also spent time in Adoration
disciples of Jesus Christ in the world today, to draw young   as part of their week. Our service project this year was
people into responsible participation in the life of the      a Drive-By Baby Bundles Baby Shower for our local
Church, and to foster personal and spiritual growth in the    pregnancy support centers and diaper banks.
lives of each young person.

Major Accomplishments:

• 42 students participated remotely in the Remote
  Year Confirmation Preparation program, 38 students
  participated remotely in the Immediate Year
  Confirmation Program, and 48 students participated in-
  person in the Immediate Year Program.
• We confirmed 215 youth during six Confirmation liturgies
  in the fall and spring of 2020-21.
• 22 students participated in our post-Confirmation
  program (Wired, and 9 joined us for sacramental
  preparation for the sacraments of First Eucharist and
• This year, 20 students worked alongside the Director of
  Youth Ministry in guiding our youth community as part
  of the High School Youth Council and 2 served on our
  parish Pastoral Council.

Mission: To provide opportunities for middle schoolers to
grow and become more knowledgeable about their faith
and become more actively involved members of our parish

Major Accomplishments:

• The Middle School Youth Ministry program enrolled
  92 students in grades 6-8 for the 2020-2021 season,
  40 of whom met in person at St. Thomas More and
  52 participated via in-home learning. This was a
  tremendous accomplishment by a core team of 6 “full-
  time” catechists.
• MSYM used the LifeTeen “Edge” curriculum to provide
  catechesis based on age/grade guidelines from the
  Diocese of Raleigh.
• 14 non-traditionally tracked middle school youth
  celebrated the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First
  Eucharist and Confirmation.
• The Middle School Youth Council (MSYC) consisted
  of 17 middle school youth who helped plan and lead
  MSYM events and service projects and participated in 3
• Service and Outreach projects are important to MSYM.
  This year the MSYC helped serve the UNC Hospital SECU
  Family House with several projects, placed Kindness
  Rocks around the St. Thomas More campus, participated
  in “Cards for Kidz,” collected winter accessories for the
  Caring and Sharing Center, and hosted Drive-In BINGO.

     St. Thomas More Catholic School, as part of the Catholic         of our curriculum and
     Community of St. Thomas More, provides an exceptional            instruction, as well as                 345
     educational experience. We exist to share the Good               analyze strengths and              students enrolled
     News of Jesus Christ, educating children and families in         needs of individual
     the Catholic faith. We welcome all to worship and learn          students.
     with us. Our school provides an innovative approach to                                                   30%
     learning while preserving the strong traditions of our         • Our classrooms are               athletic participation
     faith. We strive to provide opportunities to all families        engaging, fun and                  among students
     to take advantage of our Catholic education. Our school          exciting places to
     currently serves 345 students in Pre-K through 8th grade.        learn and worship
     In addition to maintaining our amazing programs and staff,       as teachers craft                   OF NOTE
     we wish to continue to offer affordable tuition and tuition      and enhance their                STEAM curriculum
     assistance to families who demonstrate need.                     instruction each
                                                                      year. Teachers               Updated spaces for outdoor
     Below are some of the ongoing initiatives to improve our         attend local and                learning and play
     academic, athletic and spiritual programs:                       regional professional
                                                                      development offerings
     • We enrich and broaden our curriculum by integrating            to continue their
       differentiated resources aimed at individualized need,         learning and growth.
       meeting our students where they are, while supporting
       them in reaching our academic expectations. Students         • Our middle school offers student spiritual retreats,
       who graduate from our program report that their                leadership opportunities and the chance to interact
       freshman grades reflect continued success in high              with one another in a safe, hands-on environment for
       school. Our students achieve high marks on Cardinal            learning. The 6th-8th graders serve as role models
       Gibbons’ entrance exams, and most are placed in honors         for our elementary students and lend their voice and
       level courses, and/or math tracks one year ahead of            experience to planning school programs.
       Common Core. Each spring, our former students appear
       on valedictorian and salutatorian lists throughout the       • Student enrollment in athletics continues to be as
       region, and are featured members in academic and               high as 30% of our middle school population during
       sports activities.                                             all three sports seasons. Students have the option to
                                                                      participate in 8 different sports and compete with a
     • Resource services continue to grow and provide the             range of Catholic, public and private teams throughout
       capability to reach an even broader spectrum of learners.      the Triangle area. Contributing to our children’s overall
       Monitoring academic skills, within a RTI (Response to          fitness is also a robust Physical Education curriculum in
       Intervention) model, is helping us track the effectiveness     all grades.

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