Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Glenroy Public School 4468 - Amazon AWS

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Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Glenroy Public School 4468 - Amazon AWS
Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024

                    Glenroy Public School 4468

Page 1 of 8               Glenroy Public School (4468) -2021-2024   Printed on: 30 March, 2021
School vision and context
       School vision statement                                                                                      School context
       Glenroy Public School strives to improve educational outcomes for all students through                       Glenroy Public School is situated in the rural city of Albury. The total enrolment number in
       continuous improvement and collaboration. This is achieved by providing evidence-based,                      2021 was 210, which is a 19% increase since 2017. There are a small number of English as
       high impact learning. The school's commitment to all students, creates a culture of                          an Additional Language or Dialect students and 30% Aboriginal students. The dedicated
       opportunities, in which students engage with high quality and challenging learning                           and enthusiastic staff work collaboratively to provide a safe and challenging learning
       experiences within a context of high expectations. This is attained while building core values               environment that encourages all students to meet their full potential in academic, cultural,
       of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.                                                                   social and sporting endeavours.

                                                                                                                    The school has a strong focus on teacher development and instructional leadership. This
                                                                                                                    occurs through a designated professional learning day, collaborative programming and
                                                                                                                    lesson observations designed to improve and reflect upon teaching and learning. The
                                                                                                                    school flexibility utilises equity funding to provide additional teaching and support staff to run
                                                                                                                    literacy and numeracy intervention programs and support classroom learning.

                                                                                                                    The school has an unwavering focus on student wellbeing and attendance, with a
                                                                                                                    designated attendance officer and Aboriginal Education Officer working with families to
                                                                                                                    ensure regular attendance is maintained. The students are explicitly taught the three core
                                                                                                                    values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. To support the students and families, the
                                                                                                                    school operates a daily breakfast club, has a second hand uniform shop and works closely
                                                                                                                    with agencies outside of the school to help improve outcomes for all students.

                                                                                                                    Through our situation analysis we have identified a need to improve data informed practices
                                                                                                                    and explicit teaching to ensure effective and responsive curriculum delivery. Student
                                                                                                                    wellbeing remains a key driver at the school, with the need to further develop whole school
                                                                                                                    wellbeing processes and improve student attendance through increasing student
                                                                                                                    engagement. Developing strong collaborative practices will assist in lifting student and
                                                                                                                    teacher capabilities and practices. All this will be achieved through strong systemic whole
                                                                                                                    school systems.

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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment

       Purpose                                                         Initiatives                                                   Success criteria for this strategic direction
       All teaching staff consistently utilise a range of data to      Explicit Teaching                                             Teaching and learning programs are dynamic, showing
       understand the individualised learning needs of students                                                                      evidence of revisions based on feedback on teaching
       and implement evidence-based explicit                           Develop, embed and revise a core collection of explicit       practices, consistent and reliable student assessment and
       teaching practices in the classroom.                            teaching practices for reading, numeracy and learning         continuous tracking of student progress and achievement.
                                                                       support.                                                      (SEF - Curriculum- Teaching and Learning Programs)
       Improvement measures                                             •   Evidence-based phonics teaching through the              A whole school approach ensures the most effective
                                                                            Foundation Literacy Project- Phonics and                 evidence-based teaching methods optimise learning
       Target year: 2022                                                    phonological awareness                                   progress for all students, across the full range of abilities.
                                                                                                                                     Teachers employ evidence-based effective teaching
       At least 30% of students are in the top 2 bands in the           •   Develop teacher knowledge and understanding
                                                                                                                                     strategies. Effective methods are identified, promoted and
       NAPLAN Reading test. (System negotiated target)                      around proficiency, syllabus knowledge and learning
                                                                                                                                     modelled, and students' learning improvement is
                                                                                                                                     monitored, demonstrating growth. (SEF- Effective
       Target year: 2022
                                                                        •   Explicit comprehension teaching, including               Classroom Practice, Explicit Teaching)
       At least 22% of students are in the top 2 bands in the               professional learning
                                                                                                                                     The learning goals for students are informed by analysis
       NAPLAN Numeracy test. (System negotiated target)                 •   Lesson observations on identified explicit teaching
                                                                                                                                     of internal and external student progress and
       Target year: 2024                                                                                                             achievement data. Progress towards goals is monitored
                                                                        •   Develop and implement consistent teaching                through collection of quality, valid and reliable data.
       Increase of 15% in the number of students that received a            practices in literacy and numeracy                       Reporting on school performance is based on valid and
       grade appropriate, or above level on Essential                                                                                reliable data and analysis. (SEF-Data Skill and Use, Data
                                                                        •   Develop evidence-based learning support                  Analysis)
       Assessment.                                                          interventions in reading and numeracy
       Target year: 2024                                                •   Develop and embed whole school explicit teaching         Teachers clearly understand, develop and apply a full
                                                                            practices that are informed by research. (What           range of assessment strategies - assessment for learning,
       A 0.4 Hattie's effect size in Year 1 through to Year 6 in the        Works Best)                                              assessment as learning and assessment of learning - in
       PAT-R assessment.                                                                                                             determining teaching directions, monitoring and assessing
                                                                       Use of Data to Inform Practice                                student progress and achievement and reflecting on
       Target year: 2024                                                                                                             teaching effectiveness. (SEF-Data Skill and Use, Data
                                                                       Ensure effective strategies and processes for data            Use in Teaching)
       75% of students reaching year level appropriate on the          collection, analysis and reflection are used for responsive
       Little Learners Assessment of Reading and Spelling              curriculum delivery.
       (LLARS) and DoE phonological assessment.                                                                                      Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                                                        •   High impact professional learning in data literacy,
                                                                            data analysis and data use in teaching for all staff
                                                                        •   Review and adapt practice to ensure reliable
                                                                            formative and summative assessment tasks are used        To what extent have we achieved our purpose and how
                                                                            to analyse student progress, evaluate growth over        can we demonstrate impact and improvement of student
                                                                            time and report student achievement                      outcomes in reading and numeracy?
                                                                        •   Consistent use of DoE short assessments to inform
                                                                                                                                     Are all staff implementing the change in practice in lesson
                                                                                                                                     planning and delivery?
                                                                        •   Evaluate and improve Glenroy Pathways, based on
                                                                            the Learning Progressions, to monitor student            Data:
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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment

                                         Initiatives                                               Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                          •   Assessment schedule to include the use of key data
                                              collection points to assist in whole school and      We will use a combination of data sources. These will
                                              teaching evaluation                                  include:
                                          •   Professional Collaboration Day to include a strong   * Internal assessment, eg. PLAN2
                                              focus on data collection and use in literacy and
                                              numeracy                                             * External assessment, eg. NAPLAN

                                                                                                   * Survey

                                                                                                   * Observation

                                                                                                   * Focus group

                                                                                                   * Student voice

                                                                                                   * Interview

                                                                                                   * Document analysis


                                                                                                   Analysis will occur throughout the 4 year plan with termly
                                                                                                   monitoring and yearly evaluation and analysis to enable
                                                                                                   the review of the progress towards the improvement


                                                                                                   The finding from the analysis will inform

                                                                                                    •   Additional support required
                                                                                                    •   Future actions to staffing and programs
                                                                                                    •   Inform the Annual Report
                                                                                                    •   Assist in developing the strategic resourcing of the

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Strategic Direction 2: Wellbeing and Attendance

       Purpose                                                       Initiatives                                                 Success criteria for this strategic direction
       To ensure that all of our students are able to connect,                                                                   The school engages in strong collaborations between
       succeed, thrive and learn, there will be a planned            Wellbeing and Positive Relationships                        parents, students and the community that inform and
       approach to developing whole                                                                                              support continuity of learning for all students at transition
       school wellbeing processes that support high levels of        To develop strong whole school wellbeing processes that     points, including highly mobile students and students with
       wellbeing, attendance                                         support students so that they can connect, thrive and       atypical enrolment. (SEF - Learning, Learning Culture)
       and engagement.                                               succeed.
                                                                                                                                 Teachers, parents and the community work together to
                                                                      •   Develop a safe and supportive learning culture by      support consistent and systematic processes that ensure
       Improvement measures                                               implementing whole school wellbeing guidelines, that   student absences do not impact on learning outcomes.
                                                                          promote positive behaviour and expectations.           (SEF - Learning, Learning Culture)
       Target year: 2022                                                  Combined with proactive strategies to prevent
                                                                          negative incidents                                     The school has implemented evidence-based change to
       At least 87% of students report positive wellbeing                                                                        whole school practices, resulting in measurable
       experiences on the Tell Them From Me survey. (System           •   Develop school based practices that support student
                                                                          mental health and wellbeing                            improvements in wellbeing and engagement to support
       negotiated target)                                                                                                        learning. (SEF- Learning, Wellbeing)
                                                                      •   Authentic relationships are consistent, modelled,
       Target year: 2024                                                  practiced, and reinforced across the whole school      Positive, respectful relationships are evident and
                                                                      •   Wellbeing guidelines and values are visible and        widespread among students and staff and promote
       At least 72% of students have an attendance rating of
                                                                          promoted throughout the school                         student wellbeing to ensure optimum conditions for
       90% or more. (System negotiated target)
                                                                                                                                 student learning across the whole school. (SEF- Learning,
                                                                      •   Develop the school environment to be culturally        Wellbeing)
       Target year: 2024
                                                                          inclusive and a functional wellbeing space
       At least 85% of Aboriginal students identify that they feel    •   Improve student voice and leadership throughout the    All classrooms and other learning environments are well
       good about their culture on the Tell Them From Me                  school                                                 managed within a consistent, school-wide approach. Well
       survey.                                                                                                                   planned teaching is taking place, so that all students can
                                                                      •   Teachers directly and regularly engage with parents    engage in productive learning, with minimal disruption.
       Target year: 2024                                                  to improve understanding of student learning and       Teachers model and share a flexible repertoire of
                                                                          strengthen student outcomes                            strategies for classroom management and promotion of
       70% of Personalised Learning Plans have a cultural goal                                                                   student engagement and responsibility for learning. (SEF-
       developed in partnership with families.                       Attendance and Engagement                                   Teaching, Effective Classroom Practice)

       Target year: 2024                                             Create a school culture that ensures student attendance
                                                                     and engagement remain high.
                                                                                                                                 Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
       Increase overall attendance percentage to at least 87%.
                                                                      •   Continue to develop and refine attendance
                                                                          procedures to incorporate positive practices that      Questions:
       Target year: 2024
                                                                          improve student attendance
                                                                                                                                 What is the student data showing us? Are there any links
       Increase overall Aboriginal student attendance                 •   Community engagement programs- workshops, meet         or patterns across the data? What has been the impact on
       percentage by 10% on 2020 results.                                 and greet, AEO to liaise with families and develop     community?
                                                                          positive school experiences for Aboriginal families
       Target year: 2024                                                                                                         Data:
       At least 45% of Aboriginal students have an attendance         •   Continue to refine and develop the ILP, PLP, BMP
                                                                                                                                 The school will use a range of data sources including:
       rating of 90% or more.                                             procedures through professional learning, to ensure
                                                                          they are a collaborative and meaningful process
                                                                                                                                   •   Tell Them From Me Parent, Teacher and Student
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Strategic Direction 2: Wellbeing and Attendance

                                         Initiatives                                                   Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                          •   Staff regularly utilise the Glenroy Pathways to ensure        surveys
                                              learning occurs at the point of need
                                                                                                        •   Attendance data
                                          •   Improve school physical environments to ensure that
                                              the learning environment is engaging, inclusive and       •   Student voice
                                              dynamic                                                   •   Smiling Minds feedback from staff and students
                                          •   Improved intervention strategies and procedures that      •   Suspension data
                                              are data informed and utilise evidence based
                                              research                                                  •   Reflection room data

                                          •   Improve key transition points to ensure greater           •   CPL High Expectations and Authentic Relations
                                              student success: Between schools, classes and                 Audit
                                          •   Value the perspectives and opinions of students and
                                              act on them in a way that genuinely shapes learning      Analysis will be embedded within the initiatives through
                                              and decision-making at the school                        progress and implementation monitoring. Attendance data
                                                                                                       is reviewed weekly.


                                                                                                       The findings will be utilised by the Wellbeing Team, for
                                                                                                       revising current whole school practices. Areas for support
                                                                                                       and change will be identified.

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Strategic Direction 3: High Expectations Culture

       Purpose                                                        Initiatives                                                   Success criteria for this strategic direction
       To pursue and achieve aspirational expectations of                                                                           The school uses embedded and explicit systems that
       improvement for teaching and learning across the whole         Whole School Improvement Systems                              facilitate professional dialogue, collaboration, classroom
       school community through                                                                                                     observation, the modelling of effective practice and the
       effective systems of goal-setting, self-reflection, feedback   Achieve consistently high expectations for all students,      provision of specific and timely feedback between
       and collaboration.                                             staff and at the whole-school level.                          teachers. This drives ongoing, school-wide improvement
                                                                                                                                    in teaching practice and student results. (SEF Learning
                                                                       •   Develop strong systems to support building teacher       and Development, Collaborative Practice and Feedback)
       Improvement measures                                                capacity through a culture of continuous
                                                                           improvement                                              Teaching staff demonstrate and share their expertise
       Target year: 2024
                                                                                                                                    within their school and with other schools. All teachers
                                                                       •   Embed systematic data collection that informs
                                                                                                                                    have expert contemporary content knowledge and deploy
       The school rates itself "good to great" as a High                   teaching and learning
                                                                                                                                    effective teaching strategies. The school trials innovative
       Performance School Culture and Data Driven High
                                                                       •   All staff engaged with a number of high leverage         practices and has processes in place to evaluate, refine
       Reliability Systems on the CPL School Improvement
                                                                           development activities such as observation of            and scale success. (SEF- Learning and Development,
                                                                           classroom methods, video/audio review and                Expertise and Development)
                                                                           observing the practice of others and being observed
       Target year: 2024
                                                                           (CPL - Challenging, Engaging and Intentional             The leadership team maintains a focus on distributed
                                                                           Instruction)                                             instructional leadership to sustain a culture of effective,
       Receive "Excelling" for "Collaborative practice and
                                                                                                                                    evidence-based teaching and ongoing improvement so
       feedback" on external validation.                               •   There is key identified professional learning that all
                                                                                                                                    that every student makes measurable learning progress
                                                                           classroom teachers access (CPL - Challenging,
       Target year: 2023                                                                                                            and gaps in student achievement decrease. (SEF-
                                                                           Engaging and Intentional Instruction)
                                                                                                                                    Educational Leadership, Instructional Leadership)
       At least 55% of students achieving expected growth in           •   High expectations, goal setting for teachers and
       numeracy. (System negotiated target)                                leaders - AITSL Self-Evaluation Tool, Professional       The school is recognised as excellent and responsive by
                                                                           Standards for Teachers, PDP processes                    its community because it uses best practice to embed a
       Target year: 2023                                                                                                            culture of high expectations, and effectively caters for the
                                                                       •   Consistent teaching and learning protocols               range of equity issues in the school. (SEF- Educational
       At least 53% of students achieving expected growth in           •   Improve school data and record keeping so that it is     Leadership, Community Engagement)
       reading. (System negotiated target)                                 accessible, timely and efficient (OneNote
                                                                           programming & teacher profiles, develop teacher
       Target year: 2024                                                   handbook that outlines dates for ILPs, etc for each      Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                                                           term and file locations)
       At least a 10% increase in the number of Aboriginal                                                                          Questions:
       students achieving top 3 NAPLAN bands in reading and           Collaborative Practice
       numeracy.                                                                                                                    What further actions need to occur as a response to our
                                                                      To leverage excellence in evidence-based collaborative        impacts so far? How will this inform future planning?
                                                                      practice to establish a culture of continuous improvement.    What aspects of this initiative can be improved?
                                                                       •   Identifying expert practitioners and staff areas of      Data:
                                                                           strength to share expertise developed through CPL
                                                                           Triads, practice statements                              We will use a combination of data sources. These will
                                                                       •   School systems supporting structured and targeted        include:
                                                                           lesson observations
                                                                                                                                     •   Survey
                                                                       •   School wide systems developed for collaborative
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Strategic Direction 3: High Expectations Culture

                                          Initiatives                                                 Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                               planning and programming, that embeds student           •   Observation
                                                                                                       •   Focus group
                                           •   Reflective practice for teachers and leaders through
                                               AITSL self-evaluation                                   •   Interview

                                           •   School coaching/mentoring: Formalised coaching          •   Document analysis
                                               and mentoring at all levels of practice                 •   School self-evaluation
                                           •   System-level collaboration - collaboration between      •   CPL School improvement pathway
                                               schools to share innovative practice, professional
                                               learning communities                                    •   AITSL Teacher self-assessment
                                                                                                       •   Tell Them From Me teacher survey
                                                                                                       •   CPL High Expectations Audit


                                                                                                      Analysis will include term by term review and triangulation
                                                                                                      of data sources including quantitative and qualitative,
                                                                                                      internal and external data to develop and corroborate

                                                                                                      Regular review of these data sources to provide clarity
                                                                                                      around whether we are on track for achieving the intended
                                                                                                      improvement measures.


                                                                                                      After analysing the data a determination will be made as
                                                                                                      to the future of the four years' work and 'Where to Next?'

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