Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - Vanuatu Red Cross Society

Page created by Martin Lee
Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - Vanuatu Red Cross Society
Vanuatu Red Cross Society

Strategic Plan 2017-2020
Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - Vanuatu Red Cross Society
Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - Vanuatu Red Cross Society
Our Vision:
To be the leading humanitarian organization in Vanuatu, by providing
professional, effective and quality services.

Our Mission:
Our mission is to improve the lives of the most vulnerable, without
discrimination, through voluntary service.
Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - Vanuatu Red Cross Society




                                            Port Vila


Contact Us
Vanuatu Red Cross Society
Rue D’Auvergne, Nambatu
PO Box 618, Port Vila
(+678) 27418

Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - Vanuatu Red Cross Society
                                          be aiming to grow our social               strengthening the ones we already
                                          development and inclusion                  have. Decreasing our dependency on
                                          programming in response to an              project funding would allow us a
                                          identified need. We will also be looking   greater capacity to respond to small-
                                          for innovative ideas on how to tackle      scale disasters and emergencies as
                                          the problems our communities face          they occur.
                                          and will seek new funding
                                                                                     Achieving the targets we have set will
                                          opportunities that will allow us to
                                                                                     require hard work and determination
                                          diversify our approach.
                                                                                     but I am confident that we can do it by
                                          Cyclone Pam showed us that we have         working with communities and our
                                          great capacity to operate at a much        partners towards a shared vision of a
                                          higher level but it also highlighted       stronger and more effective National
                                          some areas in need of improvement.         Society.
In 2015, Cyclone Pam brought massive
                                          For example, our branches are one of
change to Vanuatu Red Cross, our
                                          our greatest assets, making us a truly
level of programming, along with
                                          nationwide organization, however we
technical support to implement those
                                          also need to work to strengthen their
programs, increased dramatically. As
                                          capacity to operate autonomously and
we reach the end of the recovery
                                          respond to the needs of their local
period, and programming starts to
return to normal levels, we have had
                                          Governance is another area that we                          Ati George Sokomanu
the chance to consider our future and
where we want to go from here.            want to focus on over the next few                                Board President
                                          years. To ensure that we are best
This Strategic Plan is the result of an
                                          representing the people we aim to
extensive consultation process.
                                          serve, we need to make a concerted
Ensuring that we captured the input of
                                          push to increase membership of the
all stakeholders, from board members
                                          Society. The larger and more diverse
to government ministries to volunteers,
                                          our membership, the more in touch
allows us to be sure that this plan is
                                          we will be with the needs of
the best representation of what is
                                          communities and the greater our
required of Vanuatu Red Cross Society
                                          ability to respond to those needs.
at this time.
                                          To improve the ability of the Society to
We will continue to focus on our core
                                          function into the future, we will be
activities of disaster preparedness and
                                          placing a strong focus on developing
response and health but we will also
                                          new fundraising activities and

                                                                      Vanuatu Red Cross Society Strategic Plan 2017-2020 5
Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - Vanuatu Red Cross Society
Our Strategic Plan for 2017-2020
                                            team (SMT) members spent a critical        and challenges for VRCS to leverage
                                            period of time conducting an internal      including:
                                            analysis to understand the current
                                                                                             The need for VRCS to become a
                                            state of VRCS, including a review of its
                                                                                              more diverse, representative
                                            current operations, its governance,
                                                                                              and accountable organization,
                                            and the current state of its branches
                                                                                              by developing its branches,
                                            and staff capacities. These reflective
                                                                                              broadening its membership
                                            processes have also helped identify
                                                                                              base and improving its
                                            external trends, opportunities and risks
                                                                                              management systems
                                            that could influence the future of VRCS
                                            in the next five years.                          A revision of VRCS auxiliary role
Welcome to the Vanuatu Red Cross                                                              with the Government of
                                            The Strategic plan is comprised of four
Society 2017-2021 Strategic Plan. This                                                        Vanuatu
                                            strategic aims. Our plan is focused on
plan is the result of a consultative                                                         Partnering with others to co-
                                            the needs and expectations of our
process with our stakeholders, and it                                                         design and mobilize resources
                                            stakeholders. In addition, the
builds on Vanuatu Red Cross Society’s                                                         to support communities in need
                                            implications of our changing strategic
(VRCS) 2013-2017 Strategic plan. This
                                            environment helped shape our                     Investing in youth and
strategy is also aligned with Strategy
                                            strategy.                                         volunteerism to deliver an even
2020 (endorsed by VRCS in 2009
                                            Key trends identified include:                    greater humanitarian action
during the IFRC General Assembly)
and the VRCS-endorsed                             The impact of climate change in     In this context, VRCS has formulated its
recommendations from the                           Vanuatu and how the lack of         strategic objectives and outcomes to
Organizational Capacity Assessment                 access to safe water has            position VRCS to make a tangible
Certification (OCAC) processes                     affected public health and food     difference to communities in Vanuatu.
conducted in 2014. In addition, this               security across the country
strategy is aligned with the 2016 Pacific
                                                  How the disaster-prone nature
Commitments adopted by 14 Red
                                                   of the country requires urban
Cross Societies in the Pacific in
                                                   and rural community
October 2016.
Since 2014, VRCS leadership has
                                                  Increasing expectations that
embarked on a long journey to
                                                   humanitarian organizations are
consolidate various internal                                                                            Jacqueline de Gaillande
                                                   transparent about the use of
assessments and reflective processes
                                                   funds and their impact on the                         Chief Executive Officer
into this revised strategy. In October
                                                   communities they serve
and November 2016, the VRCS
Governance and Senior Management            With these trends come opportunities

Strategic Framework 2017-2020
Our Targets

     Strategic Aim One                                  Strategic Aim Two
     Save lives and strengthen resilience to            Enable healthy and safe living
     disasters and crises
                 200 men and women trained for                      5,000 people with improved water,
                 Emergency Response Teams                           sanitation and hygiene

                 Pre-positioned disaster relief stock               40 new communities reached with
                 for 1500 households                                CBHFA activities

                 30,000 people reached with                         A volunteer health emergency
                 disaster risk reduction and climate                response team established and
                 change adaptation activities                       trained

                 300 people reached with livelihood                 2,500 people in urban areas with
                 activities                                         improved knowledge of how to
                                                                    combat NCDs

     Strategic Aim Three                                Strategic Aim Four
     Promote social inclusion and a culture of          Build a stronger, self-sustainable,
     non-violence and peace                             accountable and diverse National Society
                 100% staff and active volunteers                   2 major fundraising events
                 trained in gender, protection and                  conducted by each branch every
                 inclusion                                          year

                 50 communities reached with                        500 financial members
                 message of non-violence
                                                                    Funding arrangement established
                 250 young women trained in basic                   with Vanuatu government
                 life skills
                                                                    2000 commercial first aid
                 Gender & diversity policy                          customers
                 produced and adopted
                                                                    500 active volunteers

                                                          Vanuatu Red Cross Society Strategic Plan 2017-2020 7
Strategic Aim One
Save lives and strengthen resilience to disasters and crises

                                          training, simulations, participation in    It is widely acknowledged that climate
Responding to disasters and
                                          relevant networks and establishing         change, coupled with urban migration
building community resilience is          effective and reliable modes of            and prevalent poverty have had a
an essential element of VRCS              communication with its branches.           deep effect on the livelihoods and
strategy and is one of the areas          VRCS will ensure its disaster
                                                                                     preparedness of the urban population.
                                                                                     VRCS hopes to launch an urban
where the National Society has            preparedness is maintained through
                                                                                     resiliency program that focuses on
the most experience.              VRCS    successful pre-positioning of NFIs in
                                                                                     creating income generating
                                          key geographical areas and regular
seeks to build on this experience                                                    opportunities for vulnerable
                                          training of Emergency Response
and to continue strengthening                                                        households, specifically within informal
                                          Teams. Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
its service delivery in this sector.      programs and the participation of new

The National Society seeks to ensure      and existing community disaster and
that its branches and HQ maintain a       climate change committees (CDCCCs)
high level of readiness in the face of    will play a large role in improving
future emergencies through relevant       preparedness at the community level.

      1.1 Ensure effective and coordinated disaster response
             Improve readiness of branches to respond to disasters
             Strengthen logistics capacity
             Strengthen partnerships with NDMO and other humanitarian actors

      1.2 Assist communities in high risk areas to prepare for and respond to disasters
             Work with CDCCCs to prepare communities for disasters
             Establish resilient livelihoods for communities
             Focus on climate change adaptation as a high priority

                                                                      Vanuatu Red Cross Society Strategic Plan 2017-2020 9
Strategic Aim Two
Enable healthy and safe living

                                              and ability to practice good hygiene,       is no exception. Lifestyle factors
Improving        the        health      of
                                              the National Society has identified         contributing to the rise of NCDs are
communities,           in        particular   WASH as a key area in which to focus        particularly prevalent in urban areas. In
through increased access to                   activities. The core programs that          addition, vector-borne diseases are a
water, better        sanitation       and     VRCS would like to expand on include        continuing issue. Vanuatu Red Cross
                                              hygiene promotion through the               has identified Community-based
good      hygiene,          is    another
                                              Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation        health and first aid (CBHFA)
strength on which Vanuatu Red
                                              Tranformation methodology, and              methodology as a potential conduit
Cross will continue to build.                 increasing the access to safe water         through which the public health needs
Water, sanitation and hygiene                 through the installation and/or             of vulnerable communities can be
programs (WASH) have been a main              rehabilitation of water sources and         addressed and aims to expand the
activity of Vanuatu Red Cross for the         facilitation of the Drinking Water Safety   program to new areas in need.
last five years. The team also gained         & Security Plan (DWSSP) program in
                                                                                          The Dengue Fever emergency
considerable experience implementing          communities. Expansion of the WASH
                                                                                          response in early 2017 has highlighted
and managing WASH programs linked             in schools program is also a key aim
                                                                                          the opportunity for VRCS to work in
to the TC Pam response operation.             following the success of the pilot
                                                                                          partnership with the Ministry of Health
Coupled with continual threat of both         implementation of this program in
                                                                                          on public health emergencies. The
sudden and slow onset disasters such          2016.
                                                                                          National Society aims to improve its
as Cyclone Donna and the drought like         Non-communicable diseases (NCDs)            preparedness to respond to these
conditions caused by El Nino which            have been identified as a key public        situations as requested by the Vanuatu
affect the populations access to water        health issue in the Pacific and Vanuatu     government.

      2.1 Improve the health of vulnerable people through increased access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene
            Improve community WASH knowledge, behavior and practice
            Establish new WASH projects in areas experiencing high levels of water stress
            Expand WASH in schools program

      2.2 Increase access to health information and improve public health response
            Work with the government to improve public health in emergencies
            Establish programs targeting non-communicable diseases in urban areas
            Expand CBHFA program to new areas

Strategic Aim Three
Promote social inclusion and a culture of non-violence and peace

                                                working towards greater equality.            term programs seek to encourage
As a cross-cutting issue, VRCS
                                                VRCS aims to promote the                     communities to prevent and respond
seeks       to     ensure        that     its   empowerment of young women in                to inter-personal violence towards
programs           integrate         gender     their communities through the                vulnerable groups.
balance and are inclusive of the                provision of life skills training.
                                                                                             Gender, Protection and Inclusion (GPI)
most         vulnerable               groups    The incidence of physical and sexual         will continue to be an important cross-
including elderly, the disabled,                violence in Vanuatu is extremely high,       cutting theme in the work of VRCS in
                                                with over 60 per cent of women and           the next five years. Work will focus on
women        and      children.        VRCS
                                                girls experiencing some form of              mainstreaming GPI across all VRCS
programs          seek     to        improve
                                                violence in their lives. UN Women has        projects. Strengthening of VRCS staff
equitable         access        to      basic   identified a serious lack of coordination    and volunteer capacity and knowledge
services, considering different                 in response to cases of physical sexual      in this area will be undertaken through
needs based on gender and                       and emotional abuse from formal              regular training and monitoring.
                                                justice agencies and medical and
other diversity factors.                                                                     To continue its work in this area
                                                counselling services. It has also
                                                                                             beyond 2017, VRCS will require further
It is acknowledged that gender                  identified a lack of clear and consistent
                                                                                             support. The National Society is also
inequality is a significant barrier to the      information on the fundamental rights
                                                                                             hoping to develop a new Gender and
participation and representation of             of women and children, the laws that
                                                                                             Diversity policy, to guide the Society in
women in the community. Targeted                protect them and how they can access
                                                                                             its incorporation and implementation
programming can assist in meeting the           the formal justice system. VRCS long-
                                                                                             of GPI elements.
needs of vulnerable groups as well as

        3.1 Assist communities to address the needs of the most vulnerable, including disadvantaged and marginalised
                Provide training on protection and inclusion to CDCCCs and other community groups
                Improve awareness of gender and diversity principles amongst VRCS volunteers
                Establish programs targeting vulnerable groups

        3.2 Ensure principles of gender, protection and inclusion are mainstreamed in all VRCS activities
                Aim for diverse representation in all VRCS activities
                Actively monitor our success at implementing inclusive activities
                Practice inclusion and promote diversity in our human resources

        3.3 Support communities to promote a culture of non-violence and peace
                Encourage community action to eliminate violence
                Strengthen partnerships with local organisations working in violence prevention and response

                                                                             Vanuatu Red Cross Society Strategic Plan 2017-2020 11
Strategic Aim Four
Build a stronger, self-sustainable, accountable and diverse National Society

                                             One key recommendation is that the          strategic aim will be improving VRCS’
Enabling      action     1    of      IFRC
                                             legitimacy of VRCS is strengthened by       communications and dissemination to
Strategy 2020 seeks “To build                increasing the number and diversity of      the public and key stakeholders on
strong National Red Cross and                its members. It is expected that an         VRCS role and work. Effective
Red Crescent Societies”. It is the           added benefit will be increased local       communications will improve VRCS’
                                             resource mobilisation.                      ability to mobilise resources, to recruit
foundation stone on which the
                                                                                         volunteers and members and,
success of the VRCS strategy will            Another equally important element in
                                                                                         importantly, to cement the relationship
                                             the strengthening of VRCS is the
be built. This strategic aim looks                                                       with the Vanuatu government as an
                                             empowerment and strengthening of its
to improve structures, systems                                                           auxiliary organization.
                                             branches. This will involve fostering a
and services of the National                 sense of ownership to improve the
Society.                                     outcome of their service delivery,
                                             encouraging branches to mobilise
The Organizational Capacity
                                             local resources and increasing financial
Assessment and Certification process
(OCAC) and Branch Organizational
Capacity Assessment (BOCA) are key           While the VRCS has quite a number of
tools developed by the IFRC                  unrestricted income streams, they are
Secretariat to support Strategy 2020, in     largely insufficient to cover the
building stronger national societies. It     National Society’s needs. The restricted
is important to highlight that VRCS has      income streams are very much linked
welcomed and endorsed the                    to the donor funded projects. It is
recommendations from these two               critical that VRCS implement significant
processes. To best inform the                and regular resource domestic
formulation of Strategic Aim 4, the          mobilization and fundraising strategies
recommendations from both the                that will increase the National Society’s
OCAC and BOCA process have been              domestic income.
                                             Another key area for improvement is
The Vanuatu Red Cross Society’s              the need for increased engagement
constitution clearly determines that the     and recognition of youth volunteers.
General Assembly is the highest              VRCS is hoping to commence a
authority within the Society and is          program designed to remedy this
responsible for the election of the          situation by increasing youth
National Board by the members. At            engagement and strengthening the
the moment it is acknowledged that           volunteer base.
VRCS holds a very small membership
                                             Central to the achievement of this
base, which weakens its legitimacy.

4.1 Strengthen governance
     Establish systems to ensure a strong and accountable board
     Recruit a more representative and diverse membership
     Increase awareness of Red Cross and its auxiliary role to the Government
     Clarify roles, relationship and authority of the board and management

4.2 Strengthen branches
     Establish systems to ensure strong and accountable branch committees
     Recruit a membership base in each branch
     Assist branches to engage in local fundraising activities

4.3 Strengthen fundraising and finance systems
     Establish new methods of fundraising
     Strengthen commercial first aid program as a main source of funding
     Invest in finance development
     Improve visibility of the Society and our work

4.4 Strengthen volunteer program
     Recruit more skilled volunteers
     Establish a more effective volunteer data management system
     Train more volunteers in emergency response

                                                              Vanuatu Red Cross Society Strategic Plan 2017-2020 13
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