Strategic Plan Update - FY 2020 September 2019 - Arizona Department of ...

Page created by Jamie Brooks
Strategic Plan Update - FY 2020 September 2019 - Arizona Department of ...
Strategic Plan Update
              FY 2020
          September 2019
Strategic Plan Update - FY 2020 September 2019 - Arizona Department of ...
FY 2019 At A Glance


                        Number of individual and transaction privilege              5.56 million
                               tax (TPT) paper and electronic returns

                         Average days to process individual income tax                  8.0 days
                                       refunds from electronic returns

                         Average days to process individual income tax                 23.0 days
                                           refunds from paper returns

                                                   Average days to process             1.26 days
                                                     TPT electronic returns

                                           Total tax documents processed            6.43 million

                      Education  and Compliance
                              >> Actual vs. estimated state tax
                                 >> Number of agency FTE count
                                 >Actual    vs estimated
                                   > Percentage  of adoptionstate  tax collection
                                                             of Arizona                    104%
                                     Management System
                                 >> Number of breakthroughs achieved                 $7.7 million
                           Dollars recovered from individual income tax
                                                       fraud prevention
                         >> Customer phone call wait times
                                  Number of outreach events conducted                        115
                         >> Percentage of online transactions
                         >> Percentage of online services
                      Taxpayer Services

                                          Average number of phone calls                  55,000
                                                     answered monthly

                                 Average customer phone call wait time              2.13 minutes

                                        Percentage of online transactions                   74%

                                    New users registered in                 122,696

                                        Number of logins to               4,256,367

                                    Unclaimed property dollars returned $48.4 million
                                                          to customers
Strategic Plan Update - FY 2020 September 2019 - Arizona Department of ...

                      I am pleased to provide the fiscal year 2020 update to the         information that is shared with our customers.
                      Arizona Department of Revenue 2018-2022 Strategic Plan.
                                                                                         This update maintains ADOR’s steadfast commitment to results-driven management
                      As the cover for this fiscal year’s update showcases, the          through the Arizona Management System to deliver better, faster and more cost-
                      Department of Revenue’s focus is to fund the many programs         effective service for Arizonans. It also maintains a focus on customer service that
                      and services that Arizonans enjoy and rely on every day.           was built into our five-year strategic plan.

                      Based on the agency’s mission of Serving Taxpayers!, the           Carlton Woodruff
                      department’s approach to this fiscal year continues to be          Interim Director
 guided by the five-year blueprint’s four priorities of optimizing taxpayer services,
 accelerating processing, maximizing taxpayer education and compliance, and
 supporting and championing the agency’s mission.

 For fiscal year 2020, the agency is implementing remote seller legislation, which
 requires out-of-state sellers and marketplace facilitators to begin filing and paying
 TPT in Arizona as of October 1, 2019.

 The updated plan has corporate taxpayers filing their income tax electronically in
 2020, an important advancement in this department’s commitment to e-filing and
 supports another objective to continue to increase electronic filing and paying.

 This fiscal year’s update also includes conforming to the Internal Revenue Code,
 which encompasses key modifications to state tax forms and systems, as well as
 reducing the number of tax brackets from five to four for individual income taxes.

 Additionally, the Strategic Plan Update for fiscal year 2020 has the department
 enhancing our agency’s administration and execution of the transaction privilege
 tax system, which is part of ADOR’s ongoing collaboration with municipalities and
 counties. And the plan outlines a commitment to further developing taxpayer
 communication plan that will result in compiling and evaluating all existing
 communications to taxpayers to determine what is needed to further develop all
Strategic Plan Update - FY 2020 September 2019 - Arizona Department of ...
                                                                                                                                                      Carlton Woodruff
                                                                                                                                                        INTERIM DIRECTOR
 Our strategy begins with a comprehensive look at ADOR’s ecosystem as an organization — an ecosystem
 that includes a variety of perspectives and demands that influence our vital mission. We then make an honest
 assessment of our recent past and current reality, including a brutally honest evaluation of our performance. We
 refer to this as the “current state”. The Governor’s vision for the state and the agency’s vision together define           Carlton Woodruff                                 Grant Nülle
                                                                                                                            CHIEF DEPUTY DIRECTOR                            DEPUTY DIRECTOR
 our desired “future state”. It is by analyzing the gap between our current state and future state that we develop
 our plan. ADOR has adopted strategic goals to close the gap between the reality of our current challenges and
 future state vision.

 In addition to the goals, ADOR has identified strategic initiatives to help overcome challenges that could keep
 us from closing the gap. The strategies are to be developed as specific projects to resolve the challenges. The         Tom Johnson                      Derek Beck               Kelly Peloquin
 outcomes associated with our goals, as supported by our strategies, and as executed through our projects, will      EDUCATION & COMPLIANCE                PROCESSING             TAXPAYER SERVICES
 be measured rigorously by our performance measures.

 The performance measures ADOR has adopted track success through two primary lenses: the return on
 investment that taxpayers demand as an outcome of fulfilling our mission — i.e., delivering the revenue that
 finances Arizona’s future, and customer value in the form of quality service.


                        OUR MISSION: Serving Taxpayers!
                                                                                                                           Olga Lazo                   Tom Ferruccio                Dan Borns
                                                                                                                        HUMAN RESOURCES             INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY   CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT

                                                                                                                      Neeraj Deshpande                  Joie Estrada              Ed Greenberg
                                                                                                                     ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES               BUDGET                COMMUNICATIONS

                                                                                                                                               PURSUANT TO ARIZONA REVISED
                                                                                                                                               STATUTES (A.R.S.) TITLES 42 AND 43

                                                                                                                                               $82.8 MILLION
                                                                                                                                                    FY 2020 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET
Strategic Plan Update - FY 2020 September 2019 - Arizona Department of ...
                               Vision: Funding Arizona’s future through excellence in innovation,
                                        customer service and continuous improvement.

     Goal         Goal Performance Indicator(s)                                          Objectives                                         Target

Optimize          Taxpayer                         •   Sustain all taxpayer call center wait times to under 1 minute                  < 1 minute all year
Taxpayer          wait times                       •   Increase E-pay options for taxpayers by accepting credit card and debit card   Multi-Year Project
Services                                               payments
                                                   •   Implement live chat functionality for taxpayers on ADOR website                      DONE

Accelerate        Processing time for all tax      •   Automate business tax returns and payments (complete electronic data capture         DONE
Processing        types                                for TPT )
                                                   •   Develop plan for Phase 2 of electronic data capture for other tax types           PLAN DONE
                                                   •   Develop Corporate E-file Phase 1 according to multi-year plan                       DONE

Maximize          Actual vs. Estimated state tax   •   Increase revenue from delinquent accounts and audit activity by $55 million          DONE
Taxpayer          collections                      •   Increase participation in outreach events by 50%                                     DONE
Education and                                      •   Increase electronic filing and paying                                          Multi-Year Project

Support and       Training                         •   Deploy enhanced training agency wide to improve standard work, enhance               DONE
Champion the                                           consistency and boost retention
Agency Mission
(internal only)
Strategic Plan Update - FY 2020 September 2019 - Arizona Department of ...
     Goal         Goal Performance Indicator(s)                                          Objectives                                                Target

Optimize          Taxpayer                         •   Conform to income tax adjustment in House Bill 2757                                   Jan. 30, 2020
Taxpayer          wait times                       •   Develop a standard call quality assurance (QA) evaluation tool and process            June 30, 2020

Accelerate        Processing time for all tax      •   Complete Corporate E-file Phase 2 according to multi-year plan                        Dec. 31, 2019
Processing        types

Maximize          Actual vs. Estimated state tax   •   Enable remote sellers and marketplace facilitators to obtain TPT licenses, file and   Nov. 30, 2019
Taxpayer          collections                          pay electronically
Education and                                      •   Increase electronic filing and payments                                               Multi-Year Project
Compliance                                         •   Improve internal and external collaboration                                           Multi-Year Project

Support and       Training                         •   Develop taxpayer communication improvement plan                                       June 30, 2020
Champion the                                       •   Sustain and enhance the department’s new employee training/career track               June 30, 2020
Agency Mission                                         process
(internal only)
Strategic Plan Update - FY 2020 September 2019 - Arizona Department of ...
RESOURCE                              FY 2020                  FY 2021         FY 2022      FY 2023      FY 2024
                                         Budget Request           ESTIMATE        ESTIMATE     ESTIMATE     ESTIMATE
                                         or Estimate
 Full-time-equivalent (FTE) Positions
                                                         895.0           895.0        895.0        895.0        895.0

 General Fund
                                                     31,245.2          32,545.2     32,545.2     32,545.2     32,545.2

 Other Appropriated Funds
                                                     49,730.1          47,730.1     47,730.1     47,730.1     47,730.1

 Non-Appropriated Funds
                                                       1,789.3          1,789.3      1,594.1      1,594.1      1,594.1

 Total Agency Funds
                                                     82,764.6          82,064.6     81,869.4     81,869.4     81,869.4

NOTE: Excluding FTE’s, numbers are in thousands rounded to hundreds.

Customer Care-Frequently Asked Questions                                 Criminal Investigation Unit
Local: (602) 255-3381                                                    Local: (602) 542-4023
Toll-free: (800) 352-4090

Problem Resolution Officer                                               ADOR Identity Theft Call Center
(602) 716-6025                                                           Local: (602) 716-6300                                        Out of State: (844) 817-9691
Strategic Plan Update - FY 2020 September 2019 - Arizona Department of ...
Arizona Management System...I don’t
                                think there is an agency in the state
                                that has embraced that and brought
                                it to life with more success than the
                                Department of Revenue.
                                                — Governor Doug Ducey

Arizona Department of Revenue
1600 West Monroe Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Strategic Plan Update - FY 2020 September 2019 - Arizona Department of ... Strategic Plan Update - FY 2020 September 2019 - Arizona Department of ...
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