Strong Leadership and Teamwork Drive Culture and Performance Change: Ohio State University Medical Center 2000-2006

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Academic Health Centers

Strong Leadership and Teamwork Drive
Culture and Performance Change: Ohio State
University Medical Center 2000 –2006
Fred Sanfilippo, MD, PhD, Neeli Bendapudi, PhD, Anthony Rucci, PhD,
and Leonard Schlesinger, DBA

Several characteristics of academic health              OSUMC’s academic, clinical, and                 and functions, (5) engaging constituents,
centers have the potential to create high               financial performance.                          (6) developing leadership skills, and (7)
levels of internal conflict and misalignment                                                            defining strategies and tracking goals.
that can pose significant leadership                    To achieve this goal, the senior vice
challenges.                                             president and his team employed the             The OSUMC setting during this period
                                                        service value chain model of improving          provides an observational case study to
In September 2000, the positions of Ohio                performance, based on the premise               examine how these stepwise changes,
State University (OSU) senior vice president            that leadership behavior/culture drives         instituted by strong leadership and
for health sciences, dean of the medical                employee engagement/satisfaction,               teamwork, were able to make and
school, and the newly created position of               leading to customer satisfaction and            implement sound decisions that drove
chief executive officer of the OSU Medical              improved organizational performance.            substantial and measurable improvements in
Center (OSUMC) were combined under a                    Implementing this approach was a                the engagement and satisfaction of faculty
single leader to oversee the OSUMC. This                seven-step process: (1) selecting the           and staff; the satisfaction of students and
mandate from the president and trustees                 right leadership team, (2) assessing the        patients; and academic, clinical, and
was modeled after top institutions with                 challenges and opportunities, (3) setting       financial performance.
similar structures. The leader who assumed              expectations for performance and
the role was tasked with improving                      leadership behavior, (4) aligning structures    Acad Med. 2008; 83:845–854.

T   his report examines a successful                    high levels of internal conflict and            values with the medical school versus
attempt to improve performance at                       misalignment of missions and resources          clinical programs and business values with
OSUMC by changing organizational                        that can pose significant leadership            the hospital and faculty practices
culture. With the addition of a strong                  challenges.                                     exacerbates these cross-mission program
new leader, OSUMC saw a measurable                                                                      conflicts with additional cross-
difference in its organizational structure,             AHCs have a complex—and often                   organizational and cross-cultural ones.
function, and expectations. This difference             internally competitive— organizational
resulted in improved performance                        structure. Each spans a medical school,         A final factor making AHCs difficult to lead
according to a number of important                      hospital(s), and faculty practice plan(s)       is the “free agent” nature of the highly
measures, including patient, student,                   and, respectively, the academic, business,      specialized faculty who provide education,
and employee satisfaction; external and                 and professional service cultures of each.      research, and patient-care services in
objective reputational survey rankings;                 The relationship among these components         disciplinary and interdisciplinary units of
and financial performance (Table 1).                    frequently changes, and new leadership of       departments and centers. Similarly,
                                                        any component usually causes a shift in         nonfaculty staff providing professional
                                                        power and authority alignments across           (e.g., nursing, pharmacy), technical (e.g.,
The Challenges                                          the entire organization.                        laboratory, imaging), and administrative
Challenges in academic health centers                   The components of the AHC perform a             (e.g., marketing, operations) services are
Academic health centers (AHCs) are                      range of diverse activities, including          in increasingly short supply relative to
complex and challenging organizations,                  education, research, patient care, and          demand. Overseeing a highly skilled
especially with regard to leadership,                   community service. Competition for              professional and service workforce that is
management, and performance. Several                    resources and priority are often as difficult   mobile and that requires substantial
factors, including AHCs’ organizational                 to resolve among programs across missions       infrastructural support is a significant
structure, mission diversity, and highly                (e.g., cancer research versus cardiovascular    challenge for leaders with responsibility
specialized professional and service                    surgery) as programs within any one             overseeing the units (e.g., departments,
workforces, have the potential to create                mission area (e.g., cancer research versus      centers, schools, hospitals) and programs
                                                        cardiovascular research). It is difficult to    (e.g., education, research, clinical) that
                                                        compare costs with benefits when benefits       comprise the functional components of
                                                        are so dependent on academic value              AHCs.
Please see the end of this article for information
about the authors.                                      judgments of impact and recognition rather
                                                        than just the business values of financial      Challenges of service organizations
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr.
Sanfilippo, 1440 Clifton Road NE, Suite 400, Atlanta,   return and market position. The relative        “Customers” of AHCs, especially
GA 30322; e-mail: (          association of academic programs and            students and patients, receive services

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                                                                                                                                                                                                             rather than acquire tangible assets. This
 Table 1                                                                                                                                                                                                     leads to a different set of management
 Changes in Leadership Culture, Employee Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction,                                                                                                                                imperatives when dealing with employees
 and Performance at Ohio State University Medical Center, 2000 –2006*                                                                                                                                        than one might expect in a traditional,
                                                                                                                                   2000–2001                                  2005–2006                      consumer-driven model centered around
                                                                                                                                                                                                             a manufactured product.1
 Leadership culture (behavior norms; percentile)
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   First, AHC leadership must motivate
     Constructive                                                                                                                                  29%                                          62%
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   faculty and staff to present a positive face
     Passive–defensive                                                                                                                             66%                                          52%
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   of the organization to students, patients,
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   volunteers, the public, and others they
     Avoidance                                                                                                                                     91%                                        61%†
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   serve. A customer who enjoys a particular
     Achievement                                                                                                                                   28%                                        74%†           product may find it relatively easy to
     Affiliative                                                                                                                                   20%                                        44%‡           assess the quality of the product
     Self-actualizing                                                                                                                              23%                                       59%†            independently of quality perceptions
     Humanistic–encouraging                                                                                                                        44%                                       71%‡            about a surly clerk who makes the sale;
 Employee satisfaction
                                                                                                                                                                                                             this is more difficult to do when assessing
                                                                                                                                                                                                             the quality of a lecture provided by an
          High satisfaction                                                                                                                        66%                                        76%†           uninspired teacher or of the care
                                                                                                                                                                                                             provided by an inattentive physician.
          High satisfaction                                                                                                                        46%                                          57%          This is because the intangible benefits
 Customer satisfaction                                                                                                                                                                                       accrued by the student or patient who
     Patients                                                                                                                                                                                                receives services at an AHC are often
          High satisfaction (9–10 rating)                                                                                                      65.8%                                        77.1%            personified by the individual who
          Occupancy rate (average/year)                                                                                                              637                                          805        provides them.
          Total patient admissions                                                                                                            40,423                                       54,314
          Local market share                                                                                                                   22.7%                                        26.4%            Second, AHC leadership must reduce real
     Students                                                                                                                                                                                                or perceived inconsistencies in the quality
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   of services delivered by different providers.
          Satisfaction (% favorable)                                                                                                           90.5%                                        98.1%
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   When a product rolls off a production line,
          Applicants (% total national pool)                                                                                                      8.9%                                      10.9%
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   management is usually able to set up strict
          Acceptance rate                                                                                                                      13.3%                                          9.3%
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   quality controls to reduce the variance of
          Matriculation rate: in state                                                                                                             62%                                          67%
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   important attributes. In an academic or
          Matriculation rate: out of state                                                                                                         31%                                          45%
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   clinical setting, it is much more difficult to
          Entering class average MCAT score                                                                                                         30.8                                         32.8
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   ensure that every faculty and staff member
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   is uniformly engaged and capable.
          Employment                                                                                                                             7,608                                     11,350
 Performance                                                                                                                                                                                                 Third, AHC leadership must ensure that
     Academic                                                                                                                                                                                                faculty and staff possess interpersonal as
          U.S. News & World Report (USN&WR) medical school                                                                                              44                                           32      well as technical skills. Employees who
          rank: overall
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   manufacture products can be hired for
          USN&WR medical school rank: objective                                                                                                         42                                           23
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   their technical skill with less regard to their
          USN&WR medical school rank: reputation                                                                                                        44                                           30
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   personality and behavior. In providing
          Sponsored research effectiveness (total funding/sf                                                                                  $253/sf                                     $371/sf
          research space)
                                                                                                                                                                                                             academic and clinical services, however,
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   leaders must emphasize the interpersonal
          Total research funding                                                                                                  $80.6 million                             $184.4 million
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   skills of faculty and staff, because most
          Total research funding rank                                                                                                                   46                                           25
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   students and patients will use this as a
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   proxy for the technical skills that they are
          USN&WR hospital rank                                                                                                                          35                                           20
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   unable to judge.2
          USN&WR number of top programs                                                                                                                   6                                          10
          UHC ranking                                                                                                                                  NA                                              5
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   Finally, AHC leadership must manage the
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   demand for and supply of their highly
          Revenue                                                                                                                   $548 million                            $1,215 million
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   talented workforce. Unsold products can
          Operating margin                                                                                                              ⫺$10.5%                                               6.4%
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   be discounted in an effort to get rid of
          Operating cash                                                                                                        (⫺$53 million)                                     $25 million
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   inventory, but the unused time of a
          Cash reserves                                                                                                               $45 million                               $124 million                 service provider is gone forever. Because
* Leadership culture, employee satisfaction, and customer satisfaction data are based on OCI surveys conducted in                                                                                            the ability to manage the time and
  2001, 2003, 2004, and 2006; similar external surveys of faculty and staff conducted in 2002 and in 2005; and                                                                                               number of tenured faculty is especially
  an ongoing Press Ganey Associates survey of patient satisfaction. See text for details.
  P ⬍ .001.                                                                                                                                                                                                  difficult, program planning and
  P ⬍ .01.                                                                                                                                                                                                   forecasting become critical.

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Leadership challenges in professional           Finally, leaders must manage the inherent            staff, and students; about one million
services                                        performance ambiguity of professional                patient visits per year; and more than
Professional services like academic             services that, in fact, are really “credence”        $1.6 billion in revenue. It includes the
medicine involve certification by external      services.4 This is because it is difficult to        college of medicine, two general and four
bodies of professional staff (e.g.,             determine whether the service provided               specialty hospitals, and a clinical practice
physicians, nurses, technologists) and          was the best among all possible options,             plan of more than 700 faculty.
their delivery organizations (e.g., medical     even after the service is performed (e.g.,
schools, hospitals) to be eligible to serve     could the educator have given a better               In September 2000, a new leader began
customers such as students and patients.        lecture, or could the clinician have                 serving as the OSUMC senior VP, a new
Leaders in professional service settings,       provided a more effective treatment?).               position that combined the previous
such as department chairs, center               Academic and clinical leaders must                   positions of senior VP for health sciences
directors, deans, and vice presidents           accept that, realistically, they can neither         and dean of the Ohio State University
(VPs), work with a talented labor force         completely control the input (i.e., define           (OSU) College of Medicine with a new
quite distinct from the frontline               exactly what the faculty/staff member                position of chief executive officer (CEO)
employees generally associated with the         should do in a specific situation) nor               of the OSUMC. This position was
nonprofessional services setting.               comprehensively evaluate the output (i.e.,           developed by the president and trustees
                                                did the faculty and/or staff member                  during the previous two years to better
For example, professional service leaders       provide the best service possible?).                 align the components of the OSUMC and
must accept the dual loyalties most AHC                                                              to provide a single point of leadership.
                                                The complexity of AHCs as professional               This was in response to declines in
faculty and many service staff have to          service organizations provides a significant
their careers as well as to their employer.                                                          medical school rankings and hospital
                                                set of management and performance                    financial performance, and to a mandate
Although they depend on their employer          challenges. When a need for change is
to provide the leadership and support to                                                             from the president and trustees to
                                                identified in such an organization,                  improve OSUMC’s academic, clinical,
which they are entitled as employees of         executing this change becomes all the
an AHC, professionals tend to identify                                                               and financial performance.
                                                more challenging. One approach to drive
with their own career and to be loyal to        performance change in such a setting is
the standards and mores set by their                                                                 The service profit chain5,6,7 (Figure 2)
                                                to create a set of leadership behavioral             posits that leadership behavior drives
professional bodies.3 Thus, faculty or staff    expectations and norms (i.e., organizational
members may be active in their national                                                              employee engagement, which, in turn,
                                                culture) that is constructive and that               impacts customer satisfaction and results
professional associations or specialty          stresses high performance. It is equally
societies and find these affiliations more                                                           in improved performance and outcomes.
                                                important that leaders recognize and deal            This model of interdependence guided
important to their identity than the            with any attitudes and behaviors that
responsibilities conferred by their                                                                  OSUMC’s approach to the institutional
                                                impede the overall mission of the                    changes that were required. The period
department or service unit. This dichotomy      organization.
is intensified by the significant time                                                               from September 2000 to August 2007 at
commitment involved in getting and                                                                   OSUMC provides an observational case
maintaining professional certification,         Culture, Structure, and                              study to examine how a purposeful series
which may be required by an employer but        Performance Changes at OSUMC:                        of seven steps (List 1) to change leadership
obtained through a specialty society.           2000 –2006                                           culture, as well as organizational structure,
                                                                                                     function, and expectations, was able
                                                Background                                           to improve (1) the engagement and
AHC leaders also must accept that faculty
and professional staff are usually the final    OSUMC is one of the largest AHCs in the              satisfaction of faculty and staff, (2) the
arbiters of their own daily activities. In      country, with more than 13,000 faculty,              satisfaction of students, patients, and
many professional services, the employee
usually has the knowledge and expertise
to respond directly to the needs of the
customer. This is particularly true in
academic medicine, where the specific
knowledge and skill of the educator,
researcher, and care provider often
determine the course of action in real
time at the point of service. Moreover,
the lead professional sets the tone and
guides a team that operates under her or
his orders (e.g., the course leader for the
lecturers, the research lab director for the
students in the lab, the surgeon for the
operating room team, or the department          Figure 1 The service value chain illustrates that leadership behavior influences employee
chair for the faculty). The leader must,        engagement/satisfaction, which, in turn, affects customer satisfaction and organizational performance.
therefore, carefully navigate egos and          Source: Adapted from Heskett JL, Sasser WE, Schlesinger LA. The Service Profit Chain: How Leading
expectations and lead by influence rather       Companies Link Profit and Growth to Loyalty, Satisfaction, and Value. New York, NY: Simon &
than edict.                                     Schuster; 1997.

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employees, and (3) academic, clinical,
and financial performance.

Step one: Selecting a leadership team
One of the earliest and most important
steps the senior VP took to address the
issues and opportunities facing OSUMC
was to appoint a small executive
leadership team to provide input and
oversee strategic and tactical decision
making across all aspects of the center.
Six of the eight positions on this team
were newly created and were intended to
align the center’s mission and administrative
activities. The six new positions were
associate VPs (AVPs) (also with
responsibility as vice deans) for the
mission areas of education, research,
and patient care, as well as a chief
communications officer, chief planning
officer, and chief operating/financial
officer (COO/CFO). The CEO of the
OSU Health System and director of the
OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center were
also appointed as members.
                                                  Figure 2 Ohio State University Medical Center (OSUMC) vision for the future. This graphic was
The AVPs charged with overseeing each             first introduced by the OSUMC senior vice president in his January 2001 State of the Medical
                                                  Center address and was used subsequently in the next five annual addresses to articulate clear
of the mission areas were selected on the
                                                  expectations for OSUMC. The important association of mission, vision, and values with
basis of their demonstrated leadership            organizational performance has been well examined.
and stature; each was a sitting chair of a
major department, which provided these
new positions an instant level of credibility
and influence. To assist in their new part-       List 1
time responsibilities as AVPs, each               Seven Steps in the Culture/Performance Transformation of Ohio State University
worked with several part-time associate           Medical Center, 2000 –2006
and assistant deans to help them perform          1. Select a leadership team.
the range of activities under their
                                                     • Appoint a small executive leadership team to provide input and oversee strategic and tactical
oversight. These included associate deans              decision-making.
of basic, translational, and clinical research;      • Appoint members from both functional (academic, clinical) units and support (administrative)
surgical, medical, hospital-based, and                 units.
primary care services; and each of several        2. Assess the challenges and opportunities.
education programs. Two of the                       • Objectively evaluate organizational culture.
administrative leaders (communications,
                                                     • Solicit formal and informal input to gauge organizational structure, function, and
planning) also were well established and               performance.
were recognized as effective sitting
                                                  3. Set expectations.
directors in the OSU Health System.
                                                     • Establish and clearly communicate a shared vision.
The value of this new leadership team                • Expect a high degree of collaboration within and among units.
was significant, especially because seven         4. Align structures and functions.
of the members were already highly                   • Align medical school, practice plans, and hospital functional units.
trusted, respected members of the                    • Align education, research, and clinical service missions.
OSUMC community. Their counsel                       • Align support services across the center.
provided the senior VP an excellent               5. Engage constituents.
means to learn and understand issues,                • Make faculty and staff feel like part of the center at large—not just their own units.
challenges, and opportunities and helped
                                                     • Engage external constituents in driving culture and performance change.
him communicate more effectively with
                                                  6. Develop leadership.
faculty and staff. The eighth member (the
                                                     • Offer leadership retreats and educational programs around specific leadership themes.
COO/CFO) was a highly respected
community business leader and the                    • Implement “360” leadership scorecards and mentoring to evaluate and enhance performance.
sitting chair of the board of the affiliated      7. Define strategy and track goals.
Columbus Children’s Hospital. This                   • Create a workplace of choice by encouraging a high-performance culture.
appointment helped the leadership team               • Establish objective criteria and standards for measuring successful performance.

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understand and communicate with other           organizational goals. Defensive cultures       Organizational structure, function, and
community leaders. Although this newly          may be either passive (where employees         performance. The academic, clinical, and
formed executive leadership team was            diminish success through avoidance,            administrative leaders throughout the
expanded in 2003, and the roles and             conformity, rigidity, and lack of              university, as well as external advisors in
responsibilities of some of the team members    accountability) or aggressive (where           academic medicine, management, and
changed during this period, all six members     employees are highly competitive, to the       leadership, offered formal and informal
in newly appointed positions on the original    detriment of the team, and short-term          input to assess the organizational
team were still members through the             gains are valued over long-term success).      structure and function of OSUMC. The
period of this report (2007).                   The results of the survey showed a             consistent observation was that the whole
                                                challenging picture. Compared with             was much less than the sum of the parts
Step two: Assessing the challenges and                                                         of OSUMC, because its multiple
opportunities                                   reference organizations, the senior
                                                leadership survey of actual behavior           organizational units were not structurally
Evaluating the current situation and            norms put OSUMC in the 28th percentile         aligned (often competing rather than
potential directions for improvement was                                                       collaborating), and its missions of
                                                for constructive culture, the 66th
a critical early step in the process of                                                        education, research, and patient care
                                                percentile for passive/defensive culture,
improving culture and performance.                                                             were not functionally aligned with each
                                                and the 64th percentile for aggressive–
Although the most visible issues were in                                                       other, the organizational units, or the
                                                defensive culture. Moreover, the
academic, clinical, and fiscal performance,                                                    faculty and staff.
the concerns of many leaders and the            behavioral norm was low in excellence,
senior VP’s initial observations suggested      teamwork, and innovation styles (below         The units’ lack of alignment with each
that there were two root causes                 the 30th percentile in each dimension)         other was most pronounced for the
underlying these manifestations: the            and high on avoidance (above the 90th          faculty practice plans, which comprised
organizational culture and its structure.       percentile). Fortunately, the ideal culture    33 separate independent corporations, of
                                                desired by the same senior leadership          which 29 were for profit. Very few of the
Organizational culture. To take a more          group was, in contrast, highly constructive,   practice plans retained earnings for
objective view of the organizational culture,   with scores high (⬎90th percentile) in         future investment or provided financial
the senior VP commissioned a survey             excellence, innovation, and teamwork, and      support to the research or educational
to collect quantitative data of the             low (⬍10th percentile) in avoidance.           missions of OSUMC. For most, all year-
organization’s leadership culture. The                                                         end earnings were distributed in salary.
purpose of the survey was threefold: (1) to     The external assessors noted an extremely      In a few clinical departments, the chair
determine the “current” leadership              dominant, passive–avoidant culture that        was not the head of the practice plan,
culture relative to benchmarks of high-         promoted avoidance of risk, controversy,       and, in some cases, the practices were in
performance organizations, (2) to identify      timely decision making, and accountability.    direct competition with each other and
the differences with the “ideal” behavioral     In particular, the emphasis was on             with hospitals in the OSU Health System.
norm desired by the leadership team, and        process rather than outcome, and               In some cases, there was direct competition
(3) to provide a baseline assessment to         authority was diffused throughout the          among the hospitals themselves. The
assess progress.                                organization in committees and processes       poor financial status of the OSU Health
                                                that often required unanimous consent.         System in FY00 was felt to have a significant
A well-established survey instrument
                                                Thus, it was difficult to make any             effect on OSUMC’s performance and culture
(Organizational Culture Inventory,
                                                decision at all, let alone in a timely         problems; an operating loss of $58M was
Human Synergistics, Inc.)8 was
                                                manner, because everyone effectively had       posted for FY00, and the deficit in
administered in February 2001 by
                                                a veto. This process reinforced a culture      operating cash ($53M) was greater than all
Human Synergistics through an external
                                                of passive avoidance and weak leadership       cash reserves ($45M). Technically, OSUMC
process to ensure anonymity to all 113
                                                                                               was insolvent.
senior leaders surveyed. The surveyed           because it was hard for any individual to
group included all leaders who oversaw          make a decision and be held accountable.
                                                                                               Business interaction among the practices,
functional units of education, patient
                                                                                               hospitals, and medical school focused on
care, and research, as well as directors of     The results of the culture inventory were
                                                                                               shifting costs and/or revenue rather than
administrative and support service units        interpreted and messaged as good news,
                                                                                               on creating value through partnerships.
across all parts of OSUMC. With a 100%          because the desired constructive culture       In some cases, transactions by individual
response rate, the survey quantified three      was strongly associated with high              practice plans or hospitals would
types of organizational culture and             performance and “workplace of choice”          generate revenue for their own unit that
each of 12 behavioral norms against             organizations, and there was so much           was less than what could have been
benchmarks of other organizations. A            upside potential in closing the gap            gained by the entire enterprise. Such
second, identical survey was administered       between actual and ideal. By eliciting         win–lose scenarios were considered
simultaneously to identify the ideal            participation through an independent           acceptable and a normal part of the
culture desired by the same leaders and to      third party with a standardized                competitive environment. In many cases,
quantify the differences between their          assessment tool, it was easier to secure       discretionary resources and even
ideal culture and actual behavior norms
                                                engagement of the senior leadership            operating funds were allocated on an ad
                                                to help change their own culture               hoc basis, without a plan for their use or
Constructive cultures promote excellence,       (behavioral norms) from what it was to         benefit, and often with no written
innovation, and teamwork in achieving           what they actually desired.                    agreements to document commitments.

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It was apparent that the dominant             relationships. Each organizational unit          four department chairs (surgery, internal
leadership culture of avoiding risk,          would be expected to demonstrate                 medicine, pathology, family medicine) to
controversy, timely decision making, and      significant engagement and commitment            work with the other chairs to align all of
accountability provided a significant         to each mission area, which was in               the practice plans with each other and
challenge for change. This was coupled        contrast to the low academic interest of         with the medical school and health
with the organizational, structural, and      the clinical practice and hospital               system. Many similar attempts had been
functional issues of an AHC that was a        enterprises and the low clinical                 made unsuccessfully during the prior 25
loose affiliation of competitive private      orientation of the medical school. A             years. In this case, however, the clinical
practices and community hospitals             matrix diagram was used repeatedly to            chairs and newly appointed COO/CFO
associated with a medical school—all          describe how each mission area should            succeeded within two years in merging
with leaders who had limited authority.       align with each component of OSUMC.              more than 30 independent companies
                                                                                               into a newly created, university-affiliated
Step three: Setting expectations              Units and their leaders were expected to         entity, OSU Physicians, Inc. (OSUP), a
The next step toward addressing               develop win–win relationships and to             nonprofit corporation whose service
organizational performance at OSUMC           prioritize those activities that had benefits    mission was to benefit OSU. This success
was to articulate clear expectations for      for the entire organization and across           was largely the result of the trust in the
the entire organization and for individual    missions, rather than just their own unit        department chairs who led this effort
units and their leaders. This was             or self-interests. Resource allocation           and the expertise of the COO/CFO in
accomplished broadly with the senior          would be based on overall mission                corporate mergers. To enhance mission
VP’s first State of the Medical Center        priorities, and recognition, rewards, and        and organizational alignments, each
address in January 2001, shortly after his    incentives would be based on mission-            clinical department in the medical school
arrival. In an opening slide (used            related achievements.                            had a corresponding limited liability
repeatedly in his five subsequent annual                                                       company (LLC) within OSUP (which was
addresses), he diagrammed the “Vision         Expectations were also set to change the         the sole member of each LLC), each
for OSUMC” as a pyramid with three            organizational “values/culture” from             department chair was made director of
tiers of expectations (Figure 1). The top     passive–avoidant to constructive by              the corresponding practice plan LLC, and
tier, “Mission—Balance and synergy,”          encouraging values of teamwork,                  malpractice coverage was combined with
was supported by a middle tier of             innovation, and excellence. Leaders were         that of the OSU Health System. The impact
“Alignment—Organizational structures,         expected to become proactive rather than         of these alignments was substantial and
resources, recognition” on a base of          passive–avoidant by being actively               almost immediately reduced overall
“Values/Culture—Teamwork,                     engaged in issues rather than just               expenses for OSUMC (especially for
innovation, excellence.” The important        showing support for others who were              malpractice coverage) and increased
association of mission, vision, and values    engaged. The senior VP explicitly                revenue (especially for provider contracts).
with organizational performance has           expected leaders to make occasional,
been well examined.9,10                       “well-intentioned, well-informed” errors         For the medical school, organizational
                                              by trying to be innovative and decisive          alignment among departments and
Each tier was described repeatedly in         rather than simply avoiding risks or             centers occurred within the first year
many venues during the succeeding             decision making. He proposed to                  through a common budgeting process. In
months and years. The goal of                 improve culture, service, and financial          addition, a task force of department and
“Mission—Balance and synergy” was to          performance by growing revenue faster            center leaders, led by the executive AVP,
increase the priority and amount of           than expense through investment in               reviewed and developed the relationships
research at OSUMC to be in balance with       high-performing people and programs,             among departments and centers. The task
the education and patient-care missions,      rather than the more common tactic of            force completed a white paper within a
and to close a major gap in performance       turning around a financially failing             year, outlining the expected structural
and reemerge as a top-tier AHC. The           enterprise by cutting expenses and               and functional alignments. The
synergies among research, education, and      focusing on work process improvement.            university-owned hospitals were more
patient care at aspirational peer AHCs were                                                    tightly coordinated as a health system
used to demonstrate how each mission          Step four: Aligning structures and               under a single CEO and aligned with the
could contribute to the excellence of the     functions                                        practice plans and medical school to
others and to the overall performance of      To promote the desired expectations in           create a more unified OSUMC.
the organization. The message was that to     organizational culture and performance,
improve its performance, OSUMC needed         substantial changes in structure,                Support services. To align and enhance
to function as a true AHC, rather than        function, and relationships were put in          internal communications throughout the
as a community-practice type of clinical      place across OSUMC within and among              enterprise, and to provide a consistent
enterprise that was simply associated with    the academic and clinical functional             and coordinated external message,
a medical school.                             service units and support services.              communication was the first administrative
                                                                                               function aligned across the entire center.
“Alignment” included expectations of a        Functional units. The first and most             This meant coordinating all the disparate
high degree of collaboration among and        important organizational alignment               communications offices in the hospitals,
within each organizational component          involved the faculty practice plans.             college units, and practice plans into one,
(medical school, hospitals, practice plans)   Within the first month of arrival, the           center-wide support service that was
in contrast to the existing competitive       senior VP charged a leadership group of          decentralized enough to meet the needs of

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each local unit, while at the same time           Step five: Engaging constituents               the organization. In expressing their
demonstrating a true sense of ownership           One of the earliest challenges was             vision, leaders must pay special attention
and responsiveness, creating a centralized        engaging internal and external                 to the language that motivates their
level of accountability, and developing a         constituents to help drive needed changes      people. In an AHC populated by highly
common brand for the organization’s               in culture, organizational structure, and      trained physicians and scientists, it is
disparate entities.                               function. Achieving the desired                important for leaders to use the language
                                                  improvements required active                   and norms of science and to be viewed as
In parallel, the leaders had to facilitate        participation from many diverse groups,        genuine and authentic.12 Thus, the senior
communication and exchange of                     including OSUMC leadership, faculty            VP discussed the challenges facing
information among groups. A unified               and staff employees, and external              OSUMC in terms of his own research and
medical center could not become a reality         constituents, such as alumni and               clinical background in immunogenetics,
as long as information systems did not            community leaders. One key to securing         pathology, and physics.
allow groups to have one shared view of           engagement and support across these
the customer or to exchange information           groups was to develop a clear, coordinated     He repeatedly used the immunogenetics
in a relatively cost-free fashion. Thus,          message tailored to their specific             analogy of the relationship between
another early process was to align several        perspectives,11 as well as appropriate         structure and function. Translated to the
separate information systems and their            incentives, expectations, and rewards.         leadership challenge, it meant that
management teams across the hospitals,                                                           organizational structures needed to be
practice plans, and medical school into           Internal constituents. Leaders needed to       modified to fit the functions that were
an OSUMC-wide enterprise, again with              feel they were part of OSUMC as a whole        desired. From pathology, he expressed
central accountability and decentralized          (not only their own academic, clinical, or     the importance of leaders not just
services.                                         business units) to extend this expectation     focusing on the symptoms of a problem
                                                  to faculty and staff in their units. Leaders   but, rather, identifying, understanding,
To accomplish this, an enterprise                 were asked to assess the organization of       and treating underlying root causes (the
informatics advisory board (EIAB) of              their divisions and departments in the         basic disease) to achieve a sustained and
executive level mission leaders was               context of services provided to students,      effective solution. His background in
appointed by the senior VP to oversee all         patients, employees, volunteers, and the       physics informed another metaphor he
                                                  community, as well as what needed to be        used to describe two strong and ever-
information technology projects
                                                  done to improve financial performance.         present challenges: inertia and entropy.
spanning research, education, and patient
                                                  The formal hierarchies and informal            Inertia, the propensity of a body to resist
care. Likewise, an academic department
                                                  pecking orders which had developed             change of its current state, extends to
of biomedical informatics was created in
                                                  among teachers, practitioners,                 human behavior as well. People must
the School of Medicine in 2001 to house
                                                  researchers, and administrators had to be      have a significant reason to change their
faculty engaged in the development of
                                                  surmounted to encourage dialogue and           current state, which is why resistance to
information systems and technology to
                                                  develop collaboration across missions          change is so high. Entropy is the
enhance quality and performance across
                                                  and units. Extensive communication             inevitable and steady dissipation and
the OSUMC enterprise.                                                                            diffusion of energy, which—as with
                                                  plans were developed and launched
                                                  throughout the organization to break           organizations—requires that energy must
Each of the other support services that                                                          be constantly applied in an effective way
                                                  down walls among the unit-level silos
previously had been distributed, and were                                                        to retain focus and direction. Senior
                                                  and to create awareness and pride in the
often competitive or duplicative, were                                                           leaders were asked to change and to focus
                                                  organization as a whole and in each of its
also brought into aligned, shared-service                                                        on building the constructive culture they
                                                  missions. These included a variety of new
models; these included operations, fiscal,                                                       themselves desired.
                                                  print and electronic publications targeted
strategy planning, human resources,
                                                  to specific employee groups as well as
facilities, legal, fundraising, and                                                              Within six months of his arrival, the
                                                  faculty and staff across OSUMC. In
government affairs. Within a year,                                                               senior VP held his first medical center
                                                  addition, numerous interdisciplinary and
OSUMC-wide positions were created,                                                               leadership retreat with the culture
                                                  interorganizational programs and centers
including a chief communications officer,         were created to align activities across        survey participants to discuss how they
COO/CFO, and chief strategy planning              missions and functional units.                 might overcome inertia by creating
officer to align the decentralized services.                                                     organizational structures and processes
This was achieved largely by consolidating        To enhance faculty and staff engagement        that would facilitate changes in behavior,
some of the unit-based leadership                 broadly, it was also necessary for the         communication, and performance. How
positions; in several cases, the OSUMC            leadership to be transparent in discussing     to maintain a long-term focus on the
support service leader also served as the         stated goals and the plans for achieving       imperative of culture change driven by
leader of one of the major organizational         them. To accomplish this, the senior VP        the discontent with the organization’s
units. The process was largely one of             and senior leaders met with individual units   culture and performance was the focus of
realignment and reassignment of                   and held regular OSUMC-wide retreats,          another of the 13 subsequent retreats
responsibilities; after five years, an internal   town hall meetings, and an annual State of     held during the next five years. These
report demonstrated essentially no net            the Medical Center update.                     retreats were an important vehicle for
increase in overall senior administrative                                                        engaging leadership right from the start.
positions, even though OSUMC as a whole           One of the most significant roles that         Each had breakout sessions so that every
had doubled in budget.                            leaders play is to articulate the vision for   participant could provide feedback on the

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specific discussion topic, and each retreat     senior functional and support unit               The benefits of the Leadership Academy
theme was developed on the basis of             leaders included regular leadership              were readily apparent. First, by working
input from the participants and followed        retreats, a Leadership Academy, internal         as a team, emphasis was placed on the
up on the next steps identified at the          feedback, and external coaching.                 shared identity of leaders as members of
previous retreat.                                                                                OSUMC rather than solely as representatives
                                                The 15 leadership retreats held between          of their particular academic, clinical service,
Another key to success was providing            February 2001 and March 2007 focused             or administrative unit. Second, the leadership
incentives for the leadership to act as a       on specific leadership themes with               team gained administrative and management
team in the best interest of the                external speakers. Guest speakers                knowledge from experts. Third, the
organization13,14 and expanding authority       included well-known authors such as Phil         participants learned to accept the limits
to allow for greater accountability.            Harkins,11 Ian Morrison,15 and Frank             of their professional knowledge and to
Motivation required that all leaders,           LaFasto13,14; academic business school           adopt the role of students rather than
whether academic, clinical, or                  experts such as Jay Barney,16 Roy                teachers. Being in the role of trainee
administrative, be seen expressing the          Lewicki,17 Neeli Bendapudi,1,2,18 and            allowed the leadership team to be more
behaviors desired because they were             David Greenberger19; business leaders            comfortable with accepting new ideas
expected to be both role models and change      such as Len Schlesinger,5,7 Anthony              and advice.
drivers. A wide range of incentives and         Rucci,6 and Robert Walter (CEO, chair,
rewards for achieving desired performance       and founder, Cardinal Health); academic          Another early and effective approach to
and leadership were developed, including        clinical practice expert Mark Keroack20;         leadership development was implementing
budget, space, personnel, and compensation      and well-known local experts on                  a “360” leadership scorecard to both evaluate
benefits. Reciprocally, disincentives were      teamwork such as Andy Geiger (athletic           and enhance leadership performance. The
instituted for poor performance involving       director) and Jim Tressel (head football         scorecard was developed to assess (1)
the same resource levers. Budgets were          coach).                                          values—mapped to the constructive culture
changed, space and personnel were                                                                styles of teamwork, excellence, innovation,
                                                These retreats provided significant              and integrity, (2) administrative
reassigned, and salaries were restructured to   education and development of the
allow for incentives and disincentives to be                                                     competence— communication; use of
                                                leadership team on a regular basis by            personnel, space, and funds; strategic
provided more easily.                           focusing on topics such as change                thinking; mentoring; and management
                                                management, organizational culture,              skills, and (3) change management—
External constituents. Engaging several
                                                service value, competitive advantage,            involvement in, enthusiasm for, and time
external constituents was critical in
                                                customer service, employee management,           commitment to change.
driving the culture and performance
                                                strategic priorities, teamwork,
change of OSUMC. Most noteworthy was
                                                innovation, performance excellence,              Each senior leader was invited to suggest
the creation of an informal Strategic
                                                trust, and leadership development.               peers, supervisors, and direct reports as
Planning Group (SPG) composed of a
                                                                                                 reviewers; those who were ultimately
small group of experts, university and          A second approach to leadership                  selected remained anonymous to ensure
community leaders invited by the senior         development was the creation of a                objectivity. Both the individual and
VP to advise the executive team. This           Leadership Academy with the Fisher               aggregate evaluations of leadership
group met with leadership almost                College of Business. Developed to                performance using this tool helped set
monthly and provided significant insight,       specifically address the leadership team         expectations in changing culture and
expertise, and feedback on strategic,           needs of OSUMC as assessed by an                 performance. In several cases, external
tactical, and technical issues brought          external review and planning sessions, the       coaches mentored and assisted motivated
before them. Two of the members (A.R.,          Leadership Academy consisted of several          leaders who were having difficulties in
L.S.) led executive team retreats, and          modules: strategy, finance, organizational       meeting performance or behavior
most of the members also became                 performance/design, leadership, culture/         expectations. Nevertheless, despite these
engaged in other important activities of        trust, strategic planning, team building,        various efforts, several leadership changes
great benefit to OSUMC.                         communications, performance management,          were necessary. In some cases, the leader
                                                change, and metrics. Ninety-six OSUMC            was supportive of needed changes but not
An important perspective provided by            leaders, including the executive team, went      proactively engaged in making them
the SPG was the importance of defining          through the Leadership Academy, which            happen; in others, the leader was
and articulating the value and benefit to       was first offered in April 2002. Additional      unable or unwilling to respond to the
the local community and other external          leadership development modules were              expectations of performance; and, in
constituents if OSUMC reached its goals         offered subsequently, using the Health Care      others, the leader’s desire for control and/
through culture and performance change.         Advisory Board (The Advisory Board Co.,          or autonomy was to the detriment of the
This proved to be very effective in             Washington, DC). The Leadership                  organization. Replacing some ineffective
broadening the support and engagement           Academy was held in three successive             or unresponsive leaders and bringing in
of other external constituents, especially      sections of six months’ duration, with one       new leaders from high-performing
alumni, patients, local leaders, and            third of the leaders in each session. The        organizations both clearly had significant
volunteers.                                     most senior leaders (including the executive     benefits in accelerating the organization’s
                                                team) participated in the first session, and     change in culture and performance.
Step six: Developing leadership                 the positive response of the first group was
Approaches to developing and improving          an incentive for participation by others in      The fundamental challenge of leadership
the leadership and management skills of         the two subsequent sessions.                     development was to get leaders to think,

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