Structuring the IPO: Empirical evidence on the portions of primary and secondary shares

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Structuring the IPO:

     Empirical evidence on the portions of primary and secondary shares


                                              Nancy Huyghebaert

                                               Cynthia Van Hulle

                                 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium*

 The authors are, respectively, Assistant Professor, and Full Professor of Finance, Department of Applied Economics,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. The authors thank Vladimir Atanasov, Piet Sercu, Linda Van de Gucht,
participants at EFA 2002, Berlin and FMA European Conference 2002, Copenhagen and seminar participants at K.U.
Leuven for useful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.
Corresponding author:
Nancy Huyghebaert, Department of Applied Economics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Naamsestraat 69, 3000
Leuven, Belgium; tel.: 32-16-32 67 37, fax: 32-16-32 67 32, e-mail:
Structuring the IPO:

     Empirical evidence on the portions of primary and secondary shares


We empirically study the determinants of the portions of primary and secondary shares offered in

IPOs. The data show that young growth firms tend to issue primary shares. Limited internal cash

generation and a debt mix that largely consists of bank loans significantly positively affect the size of

the primary portion. The data are also consistent with the notion that if financing needs warrant a

relatively small primary portion, companies may add secondary shares to the offering to increase the

offering size, which enhances post-IPO market liquidity. Furthermore, these growth firms are also

more likely to issue seasoned equity in the aftermarket. Mature firms tend to issue only secondary

shares. The diversification motive does not drive the size of the secondary portion but adverse

selection costs have an impact. Also, firms including only secondary shares show relatively higher

control turnover ex post.

JEL classification: G32, G24

Keywords: IPO structure; primary and secondary shares; motives for going public; liquidity; turnover
1. Introduction

The source of the shares sold in an initial public offering is an important but little studied feature in

the IPO literature. Nevertheless, this decision has important implications, both for the company and

for the initial shareholders, and hence is likely to contain information on the motives for going

public. Specifically, when primary (i.e. newly created) shares are offered, the IPO selling proceeds

accrue to the firm. Conversely, original owners are entitled to the proceeds from selling secondary

shares (i.e. shares existing before the IPO). While Jegadeesh et al. (1993), Spiess and Pettway

(1997) and others use the nature of the shares that are sold in the IPO as an explanatory variable in

their research, we are not aware of any study that explicitly examines the portions of primary and

secondary shares in IPOs. A potential explanation could be that in the U.S., IPOs traditionally

include a notable primary portion whereas pure secondary offerings are scarcely observed. In

contrast, in Continental Europe purely primary and secondary offerings have been popular over time,

as well as offerings that combine primary and secondary shares.

       In this paper, we examine what factors determine the size of the portions of primary and

secondary shares relative to the number of shares outstanding pre-IPO. We also study the nature of

trade-off between these two fractions and link it to the motives for going public. Finally, we

complement our results with ex post information on firm behavior.

       Pagano et al. (1998) consider the question of why firms go public using data on Italian

companies.    From comparing publicly listed and privately held firms during 1982-1992, they

conclude that the likelihood of an IPO is positively related to the firm’s size and the market-to-book

ratio prevailing in the industry. Also, they find that the limited amount of new equity raised is used

to reduce leverage rather than to finance growth. Furthermore, once introduced on the exchange,

IPO firms show an abnormal reduction in profitability and a high turnover of the controlling

shareholder(s). Similar results are obtained by Rydqvist and Högholm (1995) using Swedish data for

the period 1970-1991, and by Goergen (1998) using data on UK and German firms that went public

during 1970-1988. Overall, these findings offer a rather pessimistic view on the role played by

European stock exchanges; they suggest that the stock market is not used as a mechanism to finance

growth, but rather as a way for owners to reduce their firm’s risk – what Pagano et al. (1998) have

called a rebalancing of financial structure – and to cut back on their involvement in the company.

       However, in Continental Europe several changes have taken place since the sample period(s)

covered by these earlier studies. Cornelli and Goldreich (1999) and Sherman (2000), for instance,

document the global trend towards using the bookbuilding method for selling shares in IPOs, which

reduces asymmetric information problems. Also, in the second half of the nineties, new markets,

such as EASDAQ and the alliance of European growth markets Euro.NM, were set up to meet the

needs of an increasing number of young and high-growth companies. Simultaneously, consolidation

in more traditional sectors enlarged the financing needs of the more established firms. From these

observations, it is clear that other motives for going public may have become important.

       Using a sample of 95 Belgian IPOs over the period 1984-2000, we find that younger and

smaller firms with substantial growth opportunities and limited internal cash generation issue a larger

fraction of primary shares. Whereas the overall debt ratio is not significantly related to the size of

the primary portion, the fraction of bank debt has a positive impact. Given the decision to go public,

market conditions, as measured by the stock market return and issue activity in the pre-IPO year, do

not seem to affect the portion of primary shares. Overall, these results indicate that the need for

additional financing is the main force determining the size of the primary portion. Furthermore, the

evidence suggests that the creation of a liquid market – which is an important concern when the firm

wants to tap the stock market in the future –induces firms with growth opportunities and eminent

internal cash generation to add secondary shares to a relatively small primary portion to achieve a

sufficiently large free float. By contrast, mature firms with high internal cash generation tend to

offering only secondary shares. In determining the size of the secondary portion, the worry to avoid

adverse selection costs under the form of underpricing proves to be important. Simultaneously,

given the decision to go public, the evidence indicates that windows of opportunity may also have an

impact. By contrast, diversification does not seem to be an important motive when owners fix the

size of the secondary portion. Furthermore, post-IPO data on market liquidity and seasoned equity

offerings support the notion that at IPO-time, growth firms wish to establish a liquid market with a

view to realizing seasoned offerings in the future. Data on control turnover indicate that firms

issuing only secondary shares in their IPO are more likely to be taken over in the years following

their going public operation. Overall, while the relative importance of different offering types varies

over time, we find that the underlying relations between firm characteristics and deal structure are

largely stable during the sampling period.

         The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 surveys the main reasons of

why companies go public, and the ensuing preference for issuing primary and/or secondary shares.

Section 3 describes the sample of 95 Belgian IPOs over the period 1984-2000. Section 4 analyzes

the determinants of the portions of primary and secondary shares and investigates the nature of trade-

off between primary and secondary shares. Section 5 provides a link between deal structure and

post-IPO market liquidity, seasoned equity offerings and control turnover. Section 6 concludes the


2. Theory and predictions

As indicated by Pagano et al. (1998), the decision to go public is too complex to be captured by a

single model. Therefore, likewise that paper, we start from the main theories on why companies go

public and infer their predictions for the portions of primary (= new shares offered relative to the

number of shares outstanding pre-IPO) and secondary shares (= fraction of existing shares divested).

The predictions from these models, as summarized in table 1 and discussed below, will allow us to

derive empirically what forces drive the size of the primary and secondary portion. This will give us

additional insight in the interaction between motives for going public and observed choices regarding

deal structure.

2.1. The costs of going public

2.1.1. Adverse selection costs

Adverse selection costs, which occur when (some) investors are less informed than the issuers about

the true value of the firms going public, induce underpricing. Not surprisingly, several authors (e.g.,

Ritter, 1984; Megginson and Weiss, 1991; Chemmanur and Fulghieri, 1999) find these costs to be

more serious for young (AGE = logarithm of the firm’s age at IPO-time) and small (SIZE =

logarithm of total assets) companies as the latter typically have a limited track record and low


        Considering the case of primary shares first, we expect adverse selection problems to induce

firms to offer a smaller portion of primary shares.        For within the firm’s set of investment

opportunities, fewer projects become attractive as the price at which shares can be marketed

decreases. As this effect holds particularly true for young and small companies, adverse selection is

likely to induce a positive relation between the age and size of the firm and the primary portion.

Furthermore, ownership structure may interact with adverse selection. Specifically, if high adverse

selection costs are to be borne by a few shareholders, one could argue that these owners may prefer

to limit the primary portion at IPO-time and issue less than needed. Then, the firm could issue

seasoned equity later on, when more information has become publicly available and adverse

selection costs have decreased. However, next to the direct costs of an extra capital increase later on,

such action may result in forgone investment opportunities for the company and/or waiting costs. If

these costs are important, ownership structure is not likely to affect the size of the primary portion.

Nevertheless, to take the possible impact of ownership concentration into account, we add a variable

measuring the ownership percentage of block holders owning at least 5% of the shares (= CONC).

Furthermore, to control for the fact that the absolute amount of adverse selection costs may increase

with the size of the firm, we also include an interaction term between ownership concentration and

firm size.

Conditional upon listing, adverse selection costs may also induce a positive relation between

firm age and size and the size of the secondary portion: if adverse selection decreases the price at

which securities can be marketed, old owners will be less inclined to part from their shares, ceteris

paribus. Likewise the primary portion, ownership structure and adverse selection may also interact.

Specifically, Gomes (2000), Habib and Ljungqvist (2001) and others argue that when underpricing

imposes considerable costs, large owners may try to maximize their overall proceeds from divesting

by limiting the secondary portion at the IPO; afterwards, as more information becomes publicly

available, they may continue to sell shares gradually. As this policy does not hamper the firm’s

investment opportunities, we expect this reduction in the size of the secondary portion to be less

costly as compared to the reduction in the size of the primary portion. To measure the impact of

ownership structure, the same variables as defined above for the primary portion are used.

2.1.2. Other costs

Other costs of going public – such as the administrative expenses and fees and the loss of

confidentiality – may affect the likelihood of going public, but these are not directly related to the

size of the primary or secondary portion. For example, the existence of fixed listing costs reduces

the attractiveness of an IPO for small firms (e.g., Ritter, 1987), but, given the decision to go public,

we expect no relation with the portions of primary or secondary shares. Similarly, the information

that has to be disclosed upon listing does not depend upon the fractions of primary or secondary

shares that are offered to the public.     Given the diversity of these costs and the difficulty of

measuring them, we do not define variables to test this hypothesis.

2.2. The benefits of going public

2.2.1. Overcoming financing constraints

When firms go public, they obtain access to an additional source of financing (e.g., Pagano et al.,

1998; Allen and Gale, 1999; among others). Especially companies with sizeable financing needs and

a largely used debt capacity may value this benefit.

       Financing needs will be important when firms have valuable growth prospects. High-growth

firms often are financially constrained as entrepreneurs have limited personal wealth or dislike

investing more of their own resources in the firm. Simultaneously, when there is a sizeable time lag

between investments in new projects and cash generation, debt may not be the most suited source of

financing. For these reasons, we expect growth opportunities to be positively related to the size of

the primary portion.     The firm’s market-to-book ratio (= MARKET/BOOK) is an often-used

indicator of growth opportunities. Although it has the advantage that it includes market values and

therefore is forward looking, it has the disadvantage that it may also reflect windows of opportunity

embedded in too optimistic perceptions by the market. Therefore, in accordance with the literature,

we use AGE and SIZE as additional indicators of growth prospects. We expect AGE and SIZE to be

negatively related to the size of the primary portion.

       Highly levered firms may have fully used their borrowing capacity. According to Myers and

Majluf’s (1984) pecking order theory, these firms will raise equity to meet their financing needs.

Pagano et al. (1998) indeed find that firms go public to rebalance their financial structure. We

therefore expect a positive relation between leverage (LEVERAGE = debt to total assets) and the

size of the primary portion.

       Conversely, firms that generate substantial cash internally have a smaller demand for external

financing at IPO-time, ceteris paribus. As a result, we expect a negative relation between internal

cash generation (ROA = EBITDA to total assets) and the size of the primary issue.

       The wish to overcome financing constraints is unlikely to influence the size of the secondary


2.2.2. Greater bargaining power vis-a-vis banks

Rajan (1992) argues that banks with private information about borrowers can extract rents at the time

loans have to be extended or rolled over. By going public and disseminating information to the

public, a company elicits outside competition to its bank and ensures a lower cost of credit and/or a

larger supply of external finance. Pagano et al. (1998) indeed document that firms experience a

decrease in the cost of credit after their IPO. We therefore expect that firms whose debt largely

consists of bank loans (DEBT MIX = bank debt to total debt) will include a larger primary portion in

their offering to reduce bank bargaining power.

       The wish to reduce bank bargaining power, however, is unlikely to impact on the size of the

secondary portion.

2.2.3. Monitoring

Another benefit of being publicly quoted is the managerial disciplining provided by the stock market

(Homström and Tirole, 1993; Stoughton et al., 2001). While the danger of a hostile takeover

frequently is absent in Belgium – since firms usually introduce less than half of their shares on the

stock market – it is still possible to expose managerial decisions to the market’s assessment. This

information could then be used to develop managerial compensation schemes. Again, this motive

may affect the likelihood of going public, but we expect no direct relation with the size of the

portions of primary and secondary shares.

2.2.4. Windows of opportunity

The decision to go public may be affected by perceived windows of opportunity. Specifically, in

addition to filling true financing or divestment needs, firms may also try to capitalize on the

optimistic perceptions in the market at IPO-time (e.g., De Long et al., 1990; Ritter, 1991; Rajan and

Servaes, 1997).

During periods of high pre-IPO market returns (MARKET RETURN = the return on the

Belgian All Shares Index (BASI) in the year preceding the IPO), firms may increase the size of the

primary portion beyond their financing needs. However this action also entails costs. Next to

increasing problems of adverse selection, free cash flow theory shows that building financial slack

negatively affects the stock price. Models by Easterbrook (1984) and Jensen (1986), for instance,

stress that the need to regularly tap the stock market imposes discipline on firms and improves stock

prices. This argument likely holds true especially for young and small firms without a proven record

and, in general, for firms that have accumulated substantial financial slack. Another aspect of the use

of windows of opportunity is the feedback effect. In particular, because of the positive market

assessment, companies may revise their investment plans upward and correspondingly increase the

size of the primary portion. This market feedback effect, however, may also be captured by the

firm’s MARKET/BOOK ratio, since, as indicated before, this measure includes company specific

expectations. Simultaneously, the clustering of IPOs (VOLUME = the number of IPOs in the

preceding year scaled by the total number of IPOs in the sample) may induce information spillovers

and hence lower information problems (e.g., Booth and Chua, 1996; Bayless and Chaplinsky, 1996;

Hoffmann, 2001). Reduced information asymmetries allow to market shares at a lower cost and

hence may increase the number of attractive projects within the investment opportunity set. As a

result, VOLUME is likely to affect positively the size of the primary portion.

       If capturing windows of opportunity is important in shaping the size of the secondary portion,

we expect this variable to be positively related to MARKET RETURN, and to the extent it also

reflects windows of opportunity, the firm’s MARKET/BOOK ratio. Also, the reduced information

asymmetries during periods of high IPO activity (VOLUME) would allow firms to market more

secondary shares at lower cost.

2.2.5. Investor recognition/liquidity

In a capital asset pricing model with incomplete information, Merton (1987) shows that stock prices

are higher the larger the number of investors aware of the company’s securities. Kadlec and

McConnell (1994) find support for this argument: when companies listed elsewhere announce their

decision to also list in New York, their stock on average yields a positive abnormal return. This

motive mainly affects the likelihood of going public. In the same way, one could also argue that

having a sufficiently large number of quoted shares is important, because then more investors (e.g.,

institutional investors) become interested in the firm’s securities. This latter argument is closely

related to the notion that market liquidity may reduce the cost of capital (e.g., Benveniste and

Wilhelm, 1990; Szewczyk et al., 1992; Booth and Chua, 1996; Maug, 1998; Sherman, 2000).

Furthermore, this idea has also been supported empirically (e.g., Eckbo and Norli, 2000).

       Young and small growth firms are likely to benefit most from investor recognition. The

reason is that because of their growth prospects, these firms presumably will use the stock exchange

for financing their investment projects not only at IPO-time, but also at later dates. It is clear that

increasing the size of the primary portion could add to investor recognition. However, as discussed

in section 2.2.4. above, issuing primary shares beyond financing needs entails additional costs of

adverse selection and creates free cash flow problems, especially for young and small firms.

Alternatively, these companies could add secondary shares to the primary portion to increase

liquidity. As the latter action avoids free cash flow problems, it may be a better solution. This is

likely to hold true especially if at IPO-time financing requirements are too small to create a

sufficiently liquid market, for instance when the company benefits from internal cash generation.

Preceding arguments imply that if investor recognition is important, one would likely observe it in ex

post data. Specifically, if it can be achieved by increasing the total size of the offering, we should

observe that a measure for the total size of the issue at IPO-time is positively related to liquidity in

the aftermarket. Also, firms that go public because of financing needs should be more likely to

return to the market with a seasoned equity offering.

The positive price impact of investor recognition may also benefit old owners who wish to

cash in on their shares. However, increasing the secondary portion at IPO-time implies incurring the

cost of underpricing. As discussed in section 2.1.1., a better policy may be to limit the size of the

secondary portion and sell afterwards additional shares as more information has become publicly

available. Overall, we do not expect any clear-cut relation between this motive and the size of the

secondary portion.

2.2.6. Portfolio diversification

Owners may use the IPO as a mechanism to divest shares and diversify their portfolio (Pagano, 1993;

Stoughton and Zechner, 1998). If so, one would expect the IPO to include a secondary portion.

Although selling shares to value enhancing block holders in a private sale rather than an IPO could

drive up the transaction price, the remaining owners may dislike the monitoring by these new owners

(e.g., Brennan and Franks, 1997). Also, Pagano and Roëll (1998) argue that large block holders may

even over-monitor the firm, which is not the case when selling to more dispersed shareholders in an

IPO. Simultaneously, the liquidity discount applicable to the equity of a private company can be

avoided when selling secondary shares in an IPO (e.g., Brau et al., 2000).

       If diversification of owner wealth is an important motive in the decision to go public, owners

of high-risk firms are likely to divest a sizeable secondary portion. Meulbroek (2000), for instance,

finds that in highly volatile Internet-based firms, many owner-managers sell a portion of their shares,

or even exercise their stock options with the objective to sell the acquired shares and diversify their

portfolio. For young, small firms with considerable growth opportunities, high leverage or limited

internal cash generation, the owners will feel the need to diversify to a larger extent, ceteris paribus.

       The diversification motive does not imply a need for primary shares and therefore is unlikely

to impact on the size of the primary portion.

2.2.7. Change of control

Preparing for a turnover in corporate control may be another motivation for selling secondary shares

at IPO-time. Zingales (1995) points out that going public can maximize the proceeds from a later

sale of the firm. By selling off a minority stake to a widely dispersed shareholder base, owners may

be able to increase the surplus they can extract from the future buyer. Mello and Parsons (1998),

Pagano and Roëll (1998) and Roëll (1996) similarly argue that an IPO can be used to improve the

efficiency of the ownership structure. Empirical evidence for other European countries indeed

indicates increased control turnover activity in the years following the IPO (e.g., Pagano et al. (1998)

for Italy, Högholm and Rydqvist (1997) for Sweden). If the transfer of control – whether immediate

or remote – is an important motive in the decision to go public, we expect the more established (i.e.

larger, older) firms to go public through selling secondary shares, as in these companies the firm-

specific investment of the initial owners is less essential. Although this motive has a positive impact

on the probability of an IPO through a secondary offering, the impact on the size of the secondary

portion is not a priori clear, other than that the original owners are likely to limit its size to keep

control and to reduce the loss in pocketing the takeover premium on the portion placed in public.

However, if this motive is important, one would likely observe it in ex post data. Particularly, we

expect a higher incidence of control transfers post-IPO when the IPO includes a secondary portion.

       The change in control motive does not offer a rationale for a positive primary portion.

                                            Insert Table 1

3. Sample

Our sample covers the period 1984-2000 and includes all new listings of Belgian firms on the three

main exchanges of the country, i.e. the main market of the Brussels Stock Exchange (now Euronext

Brussels), Euro.NM Belgium, and EASDAQ (NASDAQ Europe).1 Our sample does not include unit

offerings nor reverse LBOs.       For all companies, we obtained the issue prospectus and the

consolidated financial statements over the window two years before until one, two or three years

after the introduction, depending on the year of the IPO. For the post-IPO analysis, we collected

additional data as indicated in Section 5.

         Figure 1 reveals a concentration of new listings in the periods 1986-1987 and 1996-2000.

Other studies (e.g., Pagano et al., 1998; Arosio et al., 2001) show that in other European countries

the issue volume is also peaking during these time periods. As expected, increased IPO activity

coincides with periods in which the stock market index BASI is booming. Figure 2 shows that deal

structure varies over time, with offerings including a positive primary portion occurring more

frequently in the later sampling years.2

                                                Insert Figures 1 and 2

         Table 2 shows the industry distribution of the 95 sample firms.3 Similar to Arosio et al.

(2001) for Italy, financial IPOs are concentrated in the earlier years of the sampling period, while

high-tech flotations mainly occurred during the later years. Despite the creation of new markets, an

important fraction of the high-tech firms continued to opt for the main market of Euronext. In

particular, of the 29 high-tech IPOs since 1996, 14 firms (48.28%) listed on the main market, while 9

and 6 firms listed on EASDAQ, respectively Euro-NM Belgium.

                                                    Insert Table 2

         Table 3 contains some summary statistics on the IPO firms. Given the length of the sampling

period and the high inflation rates during the late eighties and early nineties, all absolute statistics are

corrected for inflation. The number of new shares offered in the IPO relative to the number of shares

  This approach seems justified as firms can choose where to list and as the listing requirements are not very different.
  In contrast to some other countries in Continental Europe, where reporting and marketing requirements are more
stringent for IPOs that include primary shares, the Belgian regulation does not distinguish between primary and
secondary shares.
  As in Pagano et al. (1998), holding companies that concentrate 75% of their assets in a single industrial company are
reclassified as belonging to the corresponding industrial sector. Financial firms are kept in the sample as in Belgium, and
many other European countries, these firms represent a relatively important subgroup. However, as financial firms may
differ from the other sample firms, we have tested the robustness of our results by removing them from the sample.
These results, which show that our conclusions are unaffected, can be obtained upon request.

pre-IPO (i.e. the primary portion) in the median firm is 10.50%. The median of the ratio of

secondary shares to the number of shares pre-IPO (i.e. the secondary portion) amounts to 15%. The

average amount collected as primary funds equals €31,609,018, which is very similar to the average

amount of secondary funds collected (€31,924,896). In total, the free float amounts to 25.79% of the

shares outstanding post-IPO. Median underpricing, after correcting for the market return, amounts to

5.31%. This figure is rather low compared to the underpricing reported for many other countries

(e.g., Ritter, 1991; Leleux, 1993; Arosio et al., 2001), but may reflect the fact that a large majority of

the sample IPOs are firm-commitment offerings (see, e.g., Jegadeesh et al., 1993).

       Firm age at flotation varies between zero and 283 years, with a median of 18 years. Firm size

in the year preceding the IPO is also dispersed, independent of whether it is measured by total assets

or sales. The median firm has a return on assets of 14.52%, but profitability again differs widely

across firms. Companies are highly levered: on average, 67.16% of total assets are debt-financed,

and bank loans represent 42.53% of total debt. Despite high leverage, an average coverage ratio of

22.05 seems to indicate that firms can easily meet debt obligations. The median coverage ratio,

however, is much lower (3.09). From the observation that some firms have a debt ratio above one

and/or a negative coverage ratio, it can be concluded that not all firms are financially sound at IPO-

time. The average market-to-book ratio, calculated using the offer price, is 3.94. The median firm

experiences a 28.22% increase in total assets and a 21.43% growth in sales in the pre-IPO year.

       Ownership before and after the IPO is highly concentrated. On average, there are 2.46 block

holders per firm; together, they own 93.31% of the shares before the IPO. Afterwards, their number

and stake are reduced to 1.99, respectively 64.94%. In only 16% of the cases, initial ownership

decreases below 50 percent because of the IPO, but this does not need to imply that initial block

holders lose control once listed. Similar results have been found for Italy (Pagano et al., 1998),

Germany (Ljungqvist, 1997; Goergen, 1998) and other European countries.

                                             Insert Table 3

Table 4 presents the median of each variable in Table 3 when firms are sorted according to

deal structure (i.e. when firms include only a primary portion, only a secondary portion or a

combination of both). Reporting separate statistics may give a first indication of whether the profile

of IPO-firms differs across deal structure. Table 4 also contains p-values corresponding to a non-

parametric Wilcoxon rank sum test of difference in distribution across pairwise subsamples. Table 4

shows that 24 of the IPOs have only a primary portion, 34 have only a secondary portion whereas 37

combine both portions.

       The size of the primary and secondary portion is significantly different across all categories.

Interestingly, offerings that combine primary and secondary shares have both a smaller primary and

secondary portion than the corresponding pure offering category. The amount of primary and

secondary funds collected also differs across categories, except for primary funds collected by firms

issuing only a primary portion and firms combining both portions. Consequently, although the

percentage of shares placed in public is similar, the total amount of funds collected is significantly

higher for the latter type of firms. Especially as compared to offerings with only a secondary

portion, firms issuing only primary shares are younger, smaller and more levered, but they do not

differ significantly from firms issuing both types of shares with respect to age, size (when measured

by total assets) and leverage. Also, IPOs issuing only primary shares generate significantly less cash

internally (ROA) when compared to offerings including a secondary portion and have significantly

worse coverage ratios. Furthermore, offerings combining both primary and secondary shares have

internal cash generation and coverage ratios similar to those issuing only a secondary portion.

Finally, firms issuing only primary shares do not significantly differ from firms combining both

portions in terms of growth prospects; by contrast, growth opportunities of offerings including only a

secondary portion are significantly lower, especially when considering the market-to-book ratio and

the growth rate of total assets one year before the IPO.

       In sum, table 4 suggests that firms issuing a primary portion are younger and smaller growth

companies with a subgroup that generates more cash internally, services debt more easily and –

consistent with the discussion in section 2.2.5. on investor recognition – adds a secondary portion.

By contrast, firms that only issue secondary shares are mature and have limited growth opportunities.

Simultaneously, the fact that the total fraction of shares placed in public does not differ across

subsets of companies, suggests the existence of trade-offs between the size of the primary and

secondary portion. Such a trade-off is predicted by some of the motivations for going public

discussed above.     It is also likely to arise, when, as may be expected, several motivations

simultaneously shape the data in the sample. From that perspective one can consider companies that

only include a primary (secondary) portion to have opted for a limit case in a continuum whereby the

secondary (primary) portion is set equal to zero.

                                             Insert Table 4

4. Determinants of the flotation structure

In this section, we first try to identify the variables that explain the size of the primary, respectively

secondary portion in IPOs. Table 5, Panel A presents the results – parameter estimates and p-values

– from OLS regressions that explain the size of the portion of primary (column one) and secondary

(column two) shares. Then, a two equations system is set up to determine the nature of trade-off

between both variables; the results are presented in Panel B of Table 5. To limit the influence of

outliers, all variables are winsorized at 5-95%, i.e. extreme values are replaced by the corresponding

percentiles. Also, we have checked for multicollinearity by regressing each explanatory variable on

all the others.

4.1. OLS analysis of the determinants of the size of the primary, respectively secondary portion

On the basis of the discussion in section 2, we estimate the following OLS-model of the primary

portion in Table 5, Panel A, column one:


                                + α5AGE + α6SIZE + α7CONC + α8CONC*SIZE + α9CARVEOUT

                                + α10MARKET RETURN + α11VOLUME + γiINDUSTRY)                    (1)

Equation (1) shows that in addition to the explanatory variables discussed above, a dummy indicating

a carve-out as well as industry dummy variables are included. Earlier work (e.g., Michaely and

Shaw, 1995; Pagano et al., 1998) suggests that including the former dummy variable is useful as the

motivation of corporate owners in an IPO may be different from that of owners in stand-alone firms.

Concerning the industry dummy variables, we use the classification by Ritter (1991); their parameter

estimates are not reported.

       The hypothesis that companies with more need for external financing include a larger primary

portion is confirmed. The variables indicating growth opportunities (i.e. MARKET/BOOK as well

as AGE, SIZE) are significantly positively related to the size of the primary portion. These results

suggest that firms with attractive investment prospects go public because they require additional

equity. Conversely, internal cash generation significantly lowers the primary issue, in line with the

pecking order argument of Myers and Majluf (1984). Leverage does not significantly influence the

size of the primary portion, but for a given level of leverage, firms whose debt largely consists of

bank loans issue a larger fraction of new shares at IPO-time. The latter result is supportive for the

argument of Rajan (1992) about bank information monopolies and consistent with the findings in

Pagano et al. (1998).

       The data show that older and larger companies issue a lower fraction of new shares at IPO-

time; simultaneously, we also find that ownership concentration and the interaction term of

ownership concentration with firm size lack significance.         Hence, the hypothesis that adverse

selection costs are important in shaping the size of the primary portion is clearly rejected.

       Neither the stock market return nor IPO volume in the year preceding the IPO does influence

the size of the primary portion. These results, however, do not provide conclusive evidence that

firms are not trying to benefit from windows of opportunity. As discussed earlier, buoyant market

conditions may also be captured by the market-to-book ratio and create an important market

feedback effect on investment. Furthermore, when market returns or IPO clustering are high, firms

may still collect a larger amount of new equity through a higher offer price. However, when using

the log of primary funds collected as the dependent variable, the historical stock market return and

preceding IPO volume are not significant either (not reported). Our results, therefore, do not support

the idea that, except possibly for the market feedback effect, firms try to exploit windows of

opportunity when raising new equity at IPO-time.

            Likewise the primary portion, the size of the secondary portion is estimated on the RHS of

equation (1) above; the results are contained in Table 5, Panel A, column two.

           The hypothesis that diversification is an important driver of the size of the secondary portion

is not supported by the data. For, contrary to the predictions of this hypothesis, owners of more

stable and mature firms with large cash generation sell a larger portion of their shares as compared to

owners of higher risk companies.4 In line with our findings, Pagano et al. (1998), Goergen (1998),

and others report supportive evidence for the idea that European IPOs are mainly used to reorganize

ownership structure. In larger, cash generating firms, the firm-specific investment of initial owners

is less essential, which might provide an impetus to rearrange ownership.5 In Section 5, we provide

more direct evidence on control turnover following the IPO.

    When owners time the IPO by selling more shares when cash flows are unexpectedly high or even dress up their firm’s

financial statements before going public (e.g., Teoh et al., 1998), the same positive relation between size of the secondary

portion and ROA might be observed. To test this argument, the variable internal cash flow generation is split up into an

expected part, which is based upon the historical value of EBITDA/total assets, and an unexpected or potentially

manipulated part. We find that only the expected part of internal cash flow generation is significant. These results are not

reported, but can be obtained from the authors upon request.
    As the nature of ownership might influence our conclusions, we have also re-estimated the model using the subsample

of firms where a venture capitalist is involved in the ownership structure (25 firms), respectively the subsample of firms

where no such investor owns shares. Our conclusion that the diversification motive does not drive the size of the

In contrast to the primary portion, the data indicate that in determining the size of the

secondary portion, adverse selection costs matter. Specifically, although ownership concentration is

not significant, the interaction term between ownership concentration and firm size has a

significantly negative coefficient. Hence, owners worry about underpricing when selling their shares

at IPO-time, which is consistent with the earlier mentioned arguments of Gomes (2000) and Habib

and Ljungqvist (2001), among others. Also in line with adverse selection is the finding that for the

secondary portion, the carve-out dummy variable is significantly positive. For this result supports

the argument, as developed in Pagano et al. (1998), that carve-outs are subject to smaller information

asymmetries and therefore can divest a larger fraction of existing shares at IPO-time.

         Market conditions, as reflected by the stock market return, and IPO clustering in the pre-IPO

year, do not seem to influence the size of the secondary portion. Also the MARKET/BOOK ratio

lacks significance. However, when using the log of the amount of secondary funds collected as the

dependent variable (not reported), the historical stock market return is significantly positively related

to the amount owners cash in from selling their shares, suggesting a window of opportunity effect

after all. Interestingly, this result is driven by the offerings with only a secondary portion.

4.2. The trade-off between the primary and secondary portion: a simultaneous equations model

To take the potential simultaneity of the IPO structuring decision into account, we present the results

from a simultaneous equations model in Table 5, Panel B. Given the explanatory variables used in

Panel A, the model is not identified. Therefore, we remove the variables CONC and CONC * SIZE

from the equation explaining the primary portion. The variable DEBT MIX is deleted in the

secondary portion equation.

         The results from the equation explaining the primary portion in column one of Panel B are in

line with those from Panel A and show that taking into account the interaction with the size of the

secondary portion holds in both subsamples. This result is not surprising since the venture capitalist’s equity stake at

IPO-time is relatively small.

secondary portion does not add information. By contrast, the significant impact of the size of the

primary portion on the secondary portion indicates that the former is an important driver of the latter.

Specifically, the data show that if the size of the primary portion is already large, owners divest only

a small fraction of their shares.        Furthermore, internal cash generation and size no longer

significantly affect the secondary portion once the interaction is accounted for. That is, the primary

portion incorporates all relevant information these variables add to the explanation of the size of the

secondary portion. This change in significance levels, however, leaves our earlier conclusion that

diversification is not an important force in shaping the size of the secondary portion, unaltered.

          In Panel B, column two historical IPO-volume carries a negative and significant coefficient,

which implies that in hot IPO-markets the size of the secondary portion tends to be smaller as

compared to cold markets. However, when using the log of the amount of secondary funds collected

as the dependent variable (not reported), this significance disappears. This indicates that the smaller

secondary portion likely is the result of a higher issue price during hot IPO-markets.

          The loss of significance of explanatory variables – except those linked to adverse selection –

once the information embedded in the primary portion is accounted for, highlights the importance of

the latter in shaping the size of the secondary portion. In fact, the data seem to be generally

consistent with a decision process that could be summarized as follows. In case the company has

financing needs, the size of the primary portion is chosen first and is determined by these needs. If

this portion is relatively large, no secondary shares are added. However, if financing needs can be

filled with a relatively small primary portion, particularly when internal cash generation is

substantial, owners divest some of their own shares. In case the company has no financing needs, the

primary portion is set equal to zero and a relatively large fraction of secondary shares is sold to the


          Except for the earlier documented result that firms issuing only secondary shares benefit from

windows of opportunity, the findings in Table 5 do not support any motive for selling secondary

shares; the data only indicate that owners try to avoid (adverse selection) costs associated with the

operation. Consequently, what begs further investigation is the question why owners of firms with

financing needs add a secondary portion if the primary portion is small. The analysis in section 2

above, the absence of support for any other motive, the fact that firms adding a secondary portion to

the primary issue are young growth companies and the univariate statistics in section 3, all suggest

that investor recognition may play an important role. Second, the benefits associated with going

public for firms without financing requirements, need further clarification. The discussion in section

2 as well as the fact that firms issuing only secondary shares are relatively mature, indicate the need

to investigate the control turnover motive for these companies. These issues will be addressed in

section 5 below; we end this section with a discussion of the robustness checks we implemented.

4.3. Robustness checks

The introduction section mentioned that changes occurred in the IPO market during the sampling

period. To distinguish between changes in the values of the independent variables, that reflect

changes in the characteristics of the firms going public, versus changes in the underlying structure of

the IPO market, we checked for structural breaks. Specifically, we allowed the coefficient of each

variable in Table 4 to show a break at the beginning of 1996.6 In a first model, which consumes

more degrees of freedom, all variables are allowed to change at once, whereas in a second model, the

coefficient of each variable – one by one – could differ before and as of 1996. Using a Chow test,

the hypotheses of identical parameter estimates could not be rejected in the equation explaining the

primary portion. However, in the secondary portion equation, some of the parameter estimates

turned out to be significantly different across both subperiods.                     After including year dummy

variables, these differences disappeared without affecting the significance of the other explanatory

variables. These results indicate that the relations between firm characteristics and the primary,

respectively secondary portion have remained stable over time, although institutional features (e.g.,

    Using 1995 as the dividing year results in the same classification, whereas using 1997 leads to fewer differences in

parameter estimates. The results of these robustness checks are not reported, but can be obtained from the authors.

bookbuilding) and the mixture of firms engaging in an IPO have changed. Section 3, for instance,

showed that most financial companies in the sample listed in the earlier years while the high-tech

offerings mainly have taken place in the later years. As a last check, the simultaneous regression

model has been re-estimated using only the subsample of IPOs that listed in the second half of the

nineties. The earlier conclusions prove to be robust.

                                            Insert Table 5

5. Post-IPO characteristics

In this section, we investigate whether post-IPO data support the hypothesis that at the IPO, investor

recognition is an important factor driving the size of the secondary portion for growth firms.

Similarly, we investigate whether post-IPO data confirm the idea that subsequent control turnover

may be a benefit owners of mature firms bear in mind at IPO-time. Specifically, we examine market

liquidity, seasoned equity offerings and control turnover following the IPO and before December

2001. A major problem we encountered is that for many firms in the sample we do not have

information that extends a long period beyond the IPO. For an examination of market liquidity, the

problem is limited though. Listings with a history shorter than one, respectively two years are simply

disregarded, depending upon the horizon under consideration. In line with the literature, we use a

window of three, respectively five years to analyze seasoned equity offerings respectively takeovers.

Therefore, we especially consider our findings with respect to takeovers as preliminary evidence.

5.1. Market liquidity

Presently, we investigate the hypothesis that securing market liquidity is an important consideration

for firms at the time of the IPO. Post-IPO market liquidity is hereby defined as the number of shares

traded during a horizon of one, respectively two years starting one month after the IPO divided by

the number of shares outstanding after the IPO (see also Eckbo and Norli, 2000). The first post-IPO

month is disregarded to correct for the fact that early liquidity may be affected by the adopted

distribution rules.

        To determine whether free float influences post-IPO market liquidity, we calculate total funds

collected as the log of the number of shares placed in public times the offer price. To control for

firm age and size, the log of firm age at the IPO, respectively the log of total assets post-IPO are

included. Following the specification of Brennan and Subrahmanyam (1995), Chordia et al. (2001)

and others, we control for additional factors that may impact on market liquidity: our earlier measure

for growth opportunities, a dummy that equals one when the firm lists on a market for innovative

growth companies (i.e. EASDAQ or Euro.NM Belgium), a dummy that equals one when at least one

market maker is appointed, the historical stock market return and our measure for IPO-activity.

Again, we include industry dummy variables using Ritter’s (1991) classification. The model of post-

IPO market liquidity thus looks as follows:


                        + α5MARKET TYPE + α6MARKET MAKER

                        + α7MARKET RETURN + α8VOLUME + γiINDUSTRY                                    (2)

The results shown in Table 6 are in line with the empirical findings in the literature. However, the

main piece of evidence for this research is the fact that increasing free float (i.e. funds collected) at

IPO-time significantly increases market liquidity in the years following the IPO. Hence the data are

consistent with the idea that complementing a relatively small primary issue with a secondary portion

significantly helps to secure a sufficient free float and hence liquidity.

        Next, we find evidence of different levels of market liquidity depending upon the exchange

on which the firm lists. Hence, as pointed out by Corwin and Harris (2001), the selection of the

appropriate stock market is an important consideration for IPO candidates. Appointing a market

maker also significantly increases market liquidity, especially over longer horizons. The latter result

is not surprising as the task of a market maker mainly consists of guaranteeing market liquidity.
Historical stock market performance affects market liquidity positively, indicating that in a buoyant

stock market trade volume tends to be high. Also, there is some evidence of reduced liquidity

following periods of high IPO volume (during the two-year window). Finally, a comparison of the

adjusted R² of the models in Table 6 indicates that it is easier to explain market liquidity over the

longer horizon. The reason may be that the trade of shares in the first post-IPO year still is subject to

some random factors, for instance distribution rules or support activities by the investment banker.

                                                    Insert Table 6

5.2. Seasoned equity offering

In this section, we investigate what firms use the stock exchange to raise additional equity once

listed. Given that the latest IPOs in our sample could only be followed during a limited post-listing

period, this analysis might be subject to biases if we miss seasoned equity offerings outside the

observation window. However, Spiess and Pettway (1997) find that the firms in their sample quickly

return to the public equity market once listed: on average, this occurs after 1.3 years (median of 1.2

years). Following Jegadeesh et al. (1993), Levis (1995), and Spiess and Pettway (1997), we use a

three-year horizon to investigate the likelihood of a seasoned equity offering post-IPO. In our

sample, 31 firms raise additional equity within this three-year horizon.

         In Table 7, column one, we present the results from a multivariate logit model based on

Garfinkel (1993) and Jegadeesh et al. (1993). The variables included are the market-to-book ratio,

internal cash generation, leverage post-IPO, firm age, firm size post-IPO, unexplained underpricing,7

the percentage adjustment in the offer price relative to the mid-price of the initial price range, the

cumulative return on the firm’s equity, respectively the stock market, both measured in the year

  Unexplained underpricing is the residual of the regression of underpricing on the adjustment in the offer price, the
market-to-book ratio, firm age, firm size, a dummy variable that equals one if a high-reputation foreign investment bank
is part of the underwriting committee, and the historical stock market return and IPO volume (see Garfinkel, 1993). All
variables have the expected sign and are significant at the 10% level, except for firm age and size. The adjusted R² of the
regression amounts to 23.20%. These results can be obtained upon request.

following the IPO,8 and the industry dummy variables. Finally, the model includes a dummy

variable that equals one when the offering contains a primary portion. The model looks as follows:

         SEO DUMMY = F (α1MARKET/BOOK + α2ROA + α3LEVERAGE + α4AGE+ α5SIZE

                             + α6UNEXPL.UP + α7ADJ.PRICE + α8FIRM RETURN

                             + α9MARKET RETURN + α10PRIMARY DUMMY + γiINDUSTRY                                           (3)

The main finding for the present research is that, as reflected in Table 7, column one, the primary

portion dummy is significantly positive. Firms with a positive primary portion thus are more likely

to launch a seasoned offering. Hence, in line with the results in Table 5 and 6, this finding is fully

consistent with the hypothesis that firms that include a (relatively small) primary portion in their IPO

worry about the post-IPO liquidity of their stock and therefore, may include a secondary portion. In

column two of Table 7, we present the results when the model is estimated solely on the firms that

include a primary portion and PRIMARY PORTION is replaced by a dummy variable that equals

one when the offering combines a primary and secondary portion. Since the combined offering

dummy is not significant, we are able to conclude that combined and primary offerings are as likely

to issue seasoned equity after the IPO.

         Next, Table 7 shows that leverage post-IPO is positively related to the likelihood of a

seasoned equity offering. Hence, consistent with the pecking order hypothesis of Myers and Majluf

(1984), firms with a relatively high post-IPO debt ratio are more likely to subsequently tap the stock

market.     Furthermore, the coefficient of the firm’s cumulative return on equity post-IPO is

significantly positive. This relation is also documented by Garfinkel (1993) and Spiess and Pettway

(1997), among others. It may support the argument that when their stock is undervalued, firms wait

to reissue until the share price increases to reflect its fair value. However, it is also consistent with

the market feedback hypothesis, which states that after a price run-up firms adjust upward their

  If IPO firms reissue before the first year had passed, the firm and stock market return are calculated until the day before
the announcement of the seasoned offering and transformed to a one-year basis. A similar procedure is adopted by
Garfinkel (1993).

marginal return estimates and reissue equity to finance additional projects (e.g., Jegadeesh et al.,

1993; Garfinkel, 1993).

       Finally, note that the proxies for growth opportunities and internal cash generation at IPO-

time are not significant in explaining a seasoned offering. This result should not come as a surprise.

Specifically, if, as argued earlier, at IPO-time firms issuing a primary portion worry about the

liquidity of their stock in the aftermarket because they intend to return to the market with a seasoned

offering, insiders’ expectations at IPO-time about such a future event will already be reflected in the

primary portion dummy.

                                           Insert Table 7

5.3. Transfer of control

Finally, we investigate which IPO firms are taken over subsequent to listing. For this purpose, we

study takeovers during a period of five years following the IPO. In view of the length of this

window, the results from this section should be considered as preliminary. Within the horizon under

study 12 sample firms are taken over.

       Following Palepu (1986), we set up a multivariate logit model to explain the likelihood of an

IPO firm being taken over within five years following its initial listing. The variables included are

the market-to-book ratio, internal cash generation, leverage post-IPO, firm age, firm size post-IPO,

and the cumulative return on the firm’s equity, respectively the stock market, both measured in the

year following the IPO. To this model, we add a dummy variable that equals one when the IPO only

includes a secondary portion. The model looks as follows:


                                + α5SIZE + α6FIRM RETURN + α7MARKET RETURN

                                + α8SEC. OFFERING DUMMY + γiINDUSTRY                                (4)

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