Student housing the keys to a succe ssful search - - ENSA Toulouse

Page created by Mathew Arnold
Student housing the keys to a succe ssful search - - ENSA Toulouse
              ke y s to a s uc c e s sful
Student housing the keys to a succe ssful search - - ENSA Toulouse

    Entering student life, or moving to a new city to continue your
    studies, requires a series of important steps. Finding suitable ac-
    commodation is often the first of them, once you have chosen
    where to study.
    To simplify this often complex process, here you have a 3rd up-
    dated version of our housing guide which outlines the steps to
    take, the financial aid that is available and a directory of student
    residences (including from the Crous) throughout Toulouse and
    the surrounding areas.
    It also contains tips for each step of the process (finding accom-
    modation, moving in, living there and moving out) and some use-
    ful contacts for temporary housing, shared housing, intergenera-
    tional housesharing, etc.
    For more advice and answers to your specific questions, you
    can also come speak to us at the Welcome Desk, 41 allées Jules
    Guesde in Toulouse, along with our key partners and, in particular,
    the Haute-Garonne Welfare and Benefits Office (Caf). If you
    can’t come to us, please visit our website at ­­welcomedesk.univ-, where you will find plenty of useful information.
    We wish you the best of luck with your housing search and your
    studies in Toulouse!

    Philippe Raimbault
    President of University of Toulouse

    Directeur de la publication : Philippe Raimbault
    Service communication : Mélanie Ducolombier, Sabine Aubineau
    Suivi de l’édition : Clément Guillemet, Laetitia Galindo-Marlese, Rebecca Pustoc’h
    Création graphique et maquette : Céline Collaud

2                                                                                        3
Student housing the keys to a succe ssful search - - ENSA Toulouse
Student accommodation                                         7

Compiling your housing application and defining your budget   8

Average student budget                                        10

What help is available?                                       12

The Visale guarantee                                          14

Types of accommodation                                        16

What to do once you have found your accommodation             19

Furnishing: think second-hand!                                21

Moving out of your accommodation                              21

Notes                                                         24

Student housing by city                                       25

Albi                                                          26

Auch                                                          28

Cahors                                                        29

Castres                                                       30

Figeac                                                        31

Foix                                                          32

Millau                                                        33

Montauban                                                     34

Rodez                                                         35

Tarbes                                                        37

Toulouse                                                      38

Other housing options in Toulouse                             48

Information and useful contacts in Toulouse                   49

Student housing the keys to a succe ssful search - - ENSA Toulouse

Student housing the keys to a succe ssful search - - ENSA Toulouse
The ideal time to find accommodation
                                                                                                                                    Various tips
   Be prepared                      is from early July (Bac results) to ­­mid-
        for your                    It becomes more difficult at the beginning of the

 housing search!
                                    academic year as housing options are more scarce.
                                    If you can afford it, we recommend booking accom-           Housing location: don’t             Watch out for scams and            When viewing
                                    modation and paying rent for a few extra weeks,          underestimate the time it will         listings that seem too good       accommodation,
                                    even if it is not occupied, and putting together the      take to get from your home             to be true (rent that is too   have your application
                                    required documents for your housing application.              to where you study.               cheap for the area, perfect     ready and with you to
                                                                                                                                             photos, etc.)           save valuable time!

                       1                                         2                          Never pay in cash and don’t hand        Never accept the services        Warning! A room
                                                                                            over any money for rent or a secu-      of a person offering to sell      of less than 9m²
      Compiling a housing                     Calculating your budget for                  rity deposit before signing the rental    you a “list of properties”     does not qualify for
         application                          the 1st month and the rest of                agreement. Also, never send money          in exchange for money,          housing benefits
                                                                                            by postal or money order or similar      but with no guarantee of       provided by the Caf!
                                                        the year                               methods (e.g. Western Union).         finding accommodation.
Here is a list of the documents that are
usually requested:                           It is essential to know your budget and
 { a photocopy of your proof of identity     any other expenses to be paid each
   (identity card, passport or residence     month in advance so you can choose ac-
   permit)                                   commodation within your means. Also,
 { your student card or schooling            set aside enough money for temporary
   certificate                               accommodation when you arrive and
                                             the compulsory upfront student accom-
 { proof of address
                                             modation fees.
 { your bank account details
 { your employment contract or your
   most recent pay slips, if applicable.                 In the 1st month,
                                                       you will have to pay
The list of documents that your                   the 1st month’s rent the security
physical guarantor will have to provide         deposit (one month of rent excluding
(or a guarantee certificate if your                utilities and service charges)
guarantor is an organization) cf. p14:         agency / application fees furniture
 { three most recent pay slips plus            if the accommodation is unfurnished.
   employer statement
                                                         The rest of the year
 { proof of address
                                                  electricity / gas and internet bills
 { proof of identity                            (except in some student residences),
 { latest tax declaration.                      and any other expenses that are not
                                               related to housing: studies, transport,
                                                 food costs, recreation, etc. See the
                                                         budget table on p10

 8                                                                                                                                                                                    9
Student housing the keys to a succe ssful search - - ENSA Toulouse
HOUSING                                                                     FOOD
         • Security deposit               • Monthly average cost
           (when you move into your         Crous : €230 to €400                     • University Canteen (Resto U’)
           accommodation)                   (besides shared flat, housing for          €1 from to €3.30
           1 month’s rent                   families and couples)
                                                                                     • Groceries
           (without monthly charges)        Private rental :
           unfurnished                                                                 From €200 per month
                                            €300 to €550
           2 months’ rent                   (studio, one-bedroom flat)
           (without monthly charges)
         • Home insurance                                                                                                      HEALTH INSURANCE
           (at time of renting)
           €30 to €110 per year                                                                                                From €60 per year

                                                             Student            budget
     • Bike          Bus / Metro / Tram
                                                                                                                                       OTHER EXPENSES
     Vélô Toulouse
     bike hire                                                                                                                         €200 per month
                     Train                                                                                                             (leisure, clothing, etc.)
     €20 a year
                         LANDLINE &
                                                                                • Tuition fees             • Differentiated fees for      • Student Contribution
                         INTERNET                    ELECTRICITY                 2020-2021                   international students         (Healthcare &
                                                                                 Bachelor’s Degree €170      (non E.U students)             socialprotection, sport
                         €30 to 50€ per month        GAS                         Master’s Degree €243        Master’s Degree €3770          and culture)
                                                                                                                                            €92 (2020)
                         MOBILE PHONE                €50 to €70
                                                                                 PHD €380                    Bachelor’s Degree €2770
                                                                                                             Doctorate €380
                         €2 to 20 per month          per month

10                                                                                                                                                                    11
Student housing the keys to a succe ssful search - - ENSA Toulouse
What help is                           For non-European students:
                                                     { Passport + visa (and confirmation of
                                                                                              > Is there any interest to pay?
                                                                                              No, it is a zero-interest rate loan
                                                                                                                                              months that is in progress at the
                                                                                                                                              time of application

                                                       validation of your residence permit)                                                 { can provide proof of a temporary
                                                                                              > Supporting documents to be
                                                       or residence permit                                                                    work contract lasting at least three
                                                     { You will be asked to provide your                                                      months, in progress at the time of
                                                                                                { Proof of identity
                                                       birth certificate a few weeks after                                                    application.
                                                                                                { Proof of enrolment / schooling
                                                       submitting your application.
                                                                                                  certificate                             > What type of accommodation does
                                                   > Contact : transmettreundocument.           { Copy of rental agreement                it cover?
                                                                     { Bank account details                    Any type of accommodation
                                                                                                { Direct debit authorisation
     Housing benefits provided                     To find out more and apply once you
                                                                                                { For young professionals, proof of
                                                                                                                                          > What does the benefit consist of?
     by the Caf                                    have signed your rental agreement,                                                     It covers the amount of the security
                                                                                                  departure from their Habitat Jeunes
                                                   visit the Welcome Desk (41 allées Jules                                                deposit defined in your rental agreement,
                                                                                                  residence and proof of income
     This is provided monthly and is for           Guesde, Toulouse) or                                                        up to €1,200
                                                                                                  (employment contract, last 3
     French and international students. It is                                                                                             For shared housing, it covers the share
     paid at the beginning of each month for                                                                                              of the security deposit to be paid by the
                                                                                                { Download the application form on
     the previous month (e.g. for the month of     Insta’l Toit                                   the Toulouse city council website.
                                                                                                                                          person receiving the benefit
     January it is paid in February). The first                                                                                           > Is there any interest to pay?
     month spent in the accommodation does         This loan facility is set up by the Tou-   > Repayments:
                                                                                                                                          No, it is a zero-interest rate loan
     not qualify for housing benefits.             louse city council and covers various      Monthly repayments of a minimum
                                                   housing costs: rent, security deposit,     amount of €20 must be made from the         > Supporting documents to be
     > Please note:                                                                                                                       provided:
                                                   agency fees, home insurance, etc.          first month following the start of the
     • remember to notify the Caf in June if                                                                                                { proof of identity
                                                                                              loan payments.
       you are keeping your accommodation          > Who is it for?                                                                         { tenant’s bank account details
       in July and August, otherwise your be-      Young people aged 18 to 29 who are:        > To find out more / apply:                   { landlord’s bank account details
       nefits will automatically be suspended,       { enrolled in a higher education            { schooling certificate
     • if you are under 21 and your parents            institution in the Toulouse            aides-au-logement/jeunes-instal-toit          { final grant certificate for grant
       receive child benefits, these will also         metropolitan area                      Toulouse city council housing benefits          holders
       be suspended if you apply for housing         { in training programmes,                department: +33 (0)              { copy of your signed rental agreement
       benefits. Think about it together!              apprenticeships, work / study                                                      Additional supporting documents may be
     • Visit to do a simulation of          programmes or young professionals                                                  requested depending on your situation.
       how much you are entitled to in benefits.       moving out of “Habitats Jeunes”
                                                                                              Loca-Pass Advance                           > Repayments:
     Apply online!                                                                                                                        • allow for a period of 3 months before
                                                     { renting a property in Toulouse (and    This is provided by the association
     For all applications, have your bank ac-                                                                                               your first repayment
                                                       signed their rental agreement less     Action Logement and is used to pay for
     count details and your rental agreement                                                                                              • by direct debit from your bank
                                                       than 3 months ago).                    security deposits.
     at the ready, which should include your                                                                                                account.
     landlord’s contact information, and how       > What type of accommodation does          > Who is it for?
     much you pay in rent, utilities and service   it cover?                                  Young people under 30 who are in voca-      > To find out more / apply:
     charges.                                      Any type of accommodation                  tional training, looking for work or cur-   •
     Supporting documents to be provided:                                                     rently employed.                            • Tel. +33 (0)970 800 800
                                                   > What does the benefit consist of?                                                    • Take an eligibility test on
     For European students:                        The benefit amount is between €100 and     Working students who:
       { Proof of identity                                                                       { receive a grant from the French
                                                   €500 according to your needs and can be                                                • Crij Toulouse, 17 rue de Metz
       { European Health Insurance Card            combined with the Loca-Pass advance.            government
       { Schooling certificate                                                                   { can provide proof of an internship       Tel. +33 (0)
       { Birth certificate.                                                                        contract lasting at least three

12                                                                                                                                                                                    13
Student housing the keys to a succe ssful search - - ENSA Toulouse
The Visale                     The Visale guarantee is also provided by Action
                                      Logement and is an alternative to the security

                                      deposit required by your landlord when you move
                                      into an accommodation. It is free of charge, with no
                                      proof of income required, and can be applied for on-
                                      line at (allow approximately 48 hours
                                      to receive confirmation).

         Who is it for?      { Young people, students and work / study trainees aged
                             between 18 and 30
                             { Anyone who is eligible for the mobility lease

             Eligibility   For students: Being enrolled in a post-secondary institution for
            conditions     the current academic year

         What type of        { Any type of accommodation (excluding tourist residences
     accommodation?          and hotels)
                             { It must be the tenant’s main residence (= occupied during
                             the academic year)
                             { The accommodation must be located on French soil
                             (metropolitan France, overseas departments, not including
                             overseas territories)

        Do you have to     Free for landlords and tenants
            pay for it?

           Supporting        { Proof of identity or passport (if you are French or an EU
           documents         citizen) or residence permit / long-stay visa / talent passport
                             { Proof of enrolment (student card / schooling certificate /
                             certificate of enrolment)
                             { Work-study programme contract if applicable
                           Additional supporting documents may be requested depending
                           on your situation

           Duration of     The full occupancy period of the accommodation up to 36
             coverage      months for private rentals and 9 months for social housing
                           (Crous, HLM)

      Combining with         { Loca-pass advance (zero-interest rate loan) to pay for your
       other benefits          security deposit, to be paid to your landlord when signing the
                               rental agreement
                             { Housing benefits provided by the Caf
                             { Work-study trainees can also lower their rent by applying for
                               the aide mobili-jeune housing benefit for young people

     To find out more /      { / +33 (0)970 800 800
           apply online      { Welcome Desk 41 allées Jules Guesde, 31000 Toulouse /

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Student housing the keys to a succe ssful search - - ENSA Toulouse
2                                            3                                             4
                                                     Accommodation in a                                Social housing                             Intergenerational
                 Types of                              Crous residence                                  for students                                housesharing
           accommodation                       French students with Crous grants based       Social housing (also known as «HLM»)         This consists of a student living with a se-
                                               on household income are given priority.       is accommodation that is managed by          nior citizen who has a spare room in their
                                               To submit your request, put together your     social landlords or housing associations     home.
                                               Student Welfare Application (“Dossier         (e.g. Promologis, the Groupe des Chalets
                                                                                                                                          This type of housing is advantageous for
                                               Social Étudiant”) between 20 January          / Oh Mon appart, Toulouse Métropole
                                                                                                                                          both the student who, in return for various
                                               and 15 May of the previous year. Be care-     Habitat, etc.). Social housing may take
                        1                      ful, do not leave it until the last minute!   the form of a room, a studio, a one-be-
                                                                                                                                          services, pays low or sometimes even no
                                                                                                                                          rent, and the senior citizen who gets to
                                                   droom or other type of flat, located in a
      Private accommodation                                                                  student residence or a mixed residence
                                                                                                                                          have some company and avoid living in
                                               International students on an exchange                                                      isolation.
                                                                                             with young professionals.
This type of accommodation belongs to a        programme can contact their host ins-
                                                                                                                                          For more information on
private landlord who rents it out either di-   titution’s International Relations depart-    Any student can apply for social housing:
                                                                                                                                          intergenerational housesharing, visit
rectly or through an estate agency. It can     ment for more information.          
be furnished or unfurnished.                                                       
It is perfectly possible to co-rent private           For Crous residences
                                                      in each city, see p27!                 This can also be done directly with the             Please note: There are also
accommodation with another tenant,
                                                                                             housing associations. For this type of              private student residences,
provided the landlord agrees.
                                                                                             housing, applications are examined by               otherwise known as “service
Rental prices depend on the surface area             Support for access to Crous             a commission and you will receive an                residences”, that are not listed
and location of the accommodation, but               housing for students with               answer quickly.                                     in this guide. They can be found
remember that students are entitled             disabilities:                                                                                    at https:
to housing benefits. The average rent 
of a studio flat in the city centre varies      un-logement/handicap                                            5
between €330 and €565* for students in
Toulouse.                                                                                              A private room
Source: Rent observatory, AUAT
                                                                                             This is a bedroom rented out in an indivi-
                                                                                             dual’s home. The kitchen and bathroom            Here are some useful websites:
                                                                                             are shared with them and their family.
         You can check private                   Some useful links for temporary             Some may also offer a shared living                     Private room exchange
       accommodation listings at:                accommodation…                              space, and possibly breakfast and an                for students or in return for
                                                                                             evening meal.                                       intergenerational services:
             Youth Info Occitanie:                                                                              
                                         Please note:
                                                                                             the rental agreement must specify the               Private room rental listings
                   Crous                         Remember to contact youth hostels                                                              when you sign up for free on
                                                                                             services provided.
                         as well as Habitat Jeunes residences                                                                     Roomlala:
                                                                                             The advantage?                               
                             For more temporary
                                                                                             the rent is often cheaper, and you will be
                                                 accommodation and short-stay                                                            
                       options organised by city, check
                                                                                             eligible for housing benefits provided by
                                                                                             the Caf.                                  
                                                 this guide as well as our website

 16                                                                                                                                                                               17
Student housing the keys to a succe ssful search - - ENSA Toulouse
6                                             7
 Habitat Jeunes residences                             Shared housing:                                          Some steps
  provided by the Regional
  Union for Youth Habitat
                                             This is one of the cheapest housing op-                         to take before                Before unpacking your things
                                             tions available that also enables you
                                             to have a bigger living space. However,                             moving in                 and settling into your new
                                                                                                                                           home, there are a few more
                                             you do have to be ready to share com-
These are available to young people aged     mon areas on a daily basis (living room,                                                      steps you need to take.
16 to 30 who are employed, appren-           kitchen, bathroom, etc.) as well as the
tices, students, trainees or job seekers     rent and utilities.
on benefits. Several types of furnished      Each member of the household must be
accommodation are available (studio,         listed in the rental agreement. If you join a
one-bedroom flats, etc.) and they can be     pre-existing flatshare or houseshare, you
individual or shared. In Habitat Jeunes      will need to draft an amendment to the
residences, various guidance, workshops      rental agreement.
and activities are available to residents.
                                              There are two types of rental
Please note: Habitat Jeunes residences        agreement for this type of housing :
can also provide short-term accom-            1. A single rental agreement in which                   Home insurance                                  The guarantor
modation until you find a permanent              all the members of the household
home.                                            are listed, but be aware of the             As soon as you have found the right ac-       The guarantor undertakes to pay the rent
                                                 solidarity clause that binds the            commodation and before meeting with           and utilities and service charges on behalf
                                                 tenants together until the end of the       the landlord to receive the keys, you must    of the tenant if the latter is unable to do
      Here are some websites with                contract! This clause stipulates that       take out home insurance. This is compul-      so. This guarantor must be creditworthy,
        shared housing listings:                 if you leave the house or flat before       sory in order to protect you from various     i.e. able to show that they have sufficient
                                                 the term of the rental agreement,           risks (fire, water damage, burglary, etc.).   income and are capable of assuming this
       This website, created by young                                                        You can take out a policy with a mutual       responsibility. This is required by most
                                                 and the other tenants fail to pay
     people in Toulouse, allows you to                                                       insurance company, bank or private in-        agencies and landlords.
                                                 all the rent due, you will be liable
     find accommodation as well as                                                           surer.
                                                 for the amount owing. The clause                                                          If no-one can be a guarantor for you,
     flatmates based on affinity and
                                                 ceases to be effective 6 months             If you are part of a flatshare or             you can apply online for the Visale gua-
                                                 after the end of your notice period.        houseshare, each tenant needs to take         rantee, which is a free rental security
      Check shared housing listings by        2. An individual rental agreement              out home insurance.                           deposit.
         signing up for free on:                 (for each tenant), to which the                   solidarity clause does not apply;                  Tip: choose a comprehensive                   See the Visale guarantee
                                                 however, the landlord can decide                   policy that also includes liability           table on p15
           Find shared housing or a
                                                 who is allowed to join the household.              insurance.
     flatmate by signing up for a free
                                                                                                                                           If you do not meet the eligibility criteria for
       basic account that allows you
                                                                                                                                           one of these guarantees, you can contact
      to access certain listings, or by
                                                                                                                                           a bank or ask your landlord whether they
     paying for a premium account in
                                                       Shared housing listings                                                             will agree to let you pay several months’
     order to be able to contact them
                                                         on                                                                   rent up front.
          all and to be contacted:

18                                                                                                                                                                                    19
The security deposit                             Incoming inventory                       Housing benefits provided by                Work-study trainees /
                                                                                                          the Caf                           apprentices
You will then have to pay a security            The day you get the keys to your new
deposit that is usually the equivalent          home, you will carry out an incoming in-        Whether you are French or an interna-       Action Logement helps young
of a month’s rent excluding utilities and       ventory with the landlord. This is a full and   tional student, you can apply for housing   people under 30 in work-
service charges for unfurnished accom-          very precise description of the accommo-        benefits provided by the Caf when ren-      study programmes look for
modation, and two months for furnished          dation, drawn up in duplicate.                  ting accommodation. This is a monthly       accommodation and pay their rent,
accommodation. It will be returned to                                                           payment.                                    thanks to the Mobili-Jeune system
                                                Be sure to describe any visible damage,
you when you move out, but may be de-                                                                                                       in particular, which covers up to
                                                even if it is very minor, and keep a copy
ducted from in the event of any damage                                                          Contact your city council to find out       €100 of rental payments per month.
                                                of this document until the day you
to the accommodation.                                                                           what local services are available (e.g.     In order to benefit from this, certain
                                                move out. On this day, if the exit inventory
                                                                                                Instal’Toit, set up by the Toulouse city    income requirements must be met.
       The LOCA-PASS advance,                   matches the incoming inventory, your
       provided by Action Logement,             security deposit will be returned to you                                                    Submit your application online
       can help you pay this security           within one month. If the exit inventory               See the housing benefits              either 3 months before or up to
       deposit. See the housing                 does not match the incoming inventory,                table on p12                          6 months after the start of your
       benefits table on p12                    the landlord has two months to return                                                       training programme: mobilijeune.
                                                your security deposit and the expenses to                                         
                                                cover the damage will be deducted.
                                                After the incoming inventory, you can fi-                                                   For more information on the
                                                nally get the keys to your new home!                                                        other benefits offered by Action
                                                                                                                                            Logement, visit alternant.

     The rental agreement
You can now sign your rental agree-
ment (or «lease»), of which each party
gets a copy (landlord, tenant, guarantor).        Signing up with providers
It contains all the information about the                                                       Furnishing:
accommodation you are going to be li-
ving in (duration of the rental agreement,
                                                As soon as you move in, you will need to
                                                open an account in your own name with           think second-hand!                              Moving out?
contact information of the landlord and         utility companies (electricity or gas, as       In order to save money on furniture,            For all the steps you need to
the tenant, accommodation type and              the case may be) and an internet provi-         there are various associations,                 take before doing so, visit:
description, price of rent, and utilities and   der.                                            student initiatives and organisations 
service charges). It also lists the landlord    Generally speaking, if you are living in        that will allow you to furnish your             quitter-son-logement
and tenant’s rights and obligations.            a student residence or renting a private        accommodation more cheaply, e.g. with
                                                room in an individual’s home, these ex-         recycled furniture.
                                                penses will take the form of a flat rate
                                                and are usually included in the rent.           For more information, visit

20                                                                                                                                                                              21

                housing by
                                            Mémo pictos

                  Accessibility              Possibility of          ToulBox partner
                                             shared housing
                  Housing for work /         Possibility of
                  study trainees             short-term stay

             Rent prices and monthly rates are provided for information purposes only and
             may vary. For more details, please contact the organisation in charge of the

24                                                                                          25
                                                                                                                                              Accommodation listings and
                                                                                                                                              administrative support
Résidence Lapérouse - Crous                            Habitat Jeunes en albigeois -                                                          Institut National
2, rue Descartes 81 000 Albi                           URHAJ                                                                                  Universitaire Champollion
Rent between €270 and €424 including
                                                       Résidences Le 50 et Le 60                                                              Contact the Guichet Unique for
service charges
                                                       50-60 rue Croix Verte 81 000 Albi                                                      information:
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 48 16 92
                                                       Résidence Le Loirat                                                                    Monday to Thursday:
                                                       Avenue du Loirat, 81 000 Albi                                                          7:45 am - 5:30 pm &
                                                       Rent between €328 and €537 including                                                   Friday: 7:45 am - 5:00 pm.
                                                       service charges**                                                                      Place de Verdun 81 000 Albi
                                                        CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 54 16 47                                                          Ground floor of the administrative
Résidence L’Astrolabe - Crous                                                                         building.
13, rue de la Poudrière 81 000 Albi                                                                            CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 48 64 19
Rent between €270 and €407,                                                                                                         
                                                                                                  Résidence Crous L’Astrolabe
including service charges
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 48 16 92                                                                                                                 The "Boutique Logement                         Other accommodation available              Shared housing with the KAPS                Jeunes"                                                             solidarity project                          Supports, informs and guides
                                                       L’IMT Mines Albi                           AFEV Tarn, the “association of students     young people in Tarn aged
                                                       Allée des sciences 81 000 Albi             for the city foundation”, offers places     16 to 25 who are looking for
                                                       Has its own residences reserved for its    in so-called «KAPS», or «solidarity         accommodation.
Résidence Nobel - Crous                                students.                                  flatsharing projects».                       CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 54 16 47
36, Place du 19 mars 1962 81 000 Albi                  Rental rates**                             How do KAPS work? In return for a           boutiquelogement@habitat-jeunes-
Rent between €285 and €311 including
                                                        CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 49 30 00              few hours’ commitment per week to 
service charges
                                                                                                  a solidarity activity, you get to live in
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 48 16 92
                                                       Le bailleur social Tarn Habitat            reasonably priced shared housing.           IJ Tarn
                                                       Provides support for your social housing   Ready to sign up?                           10 place de la Marne 81 000 Albi
                                                       application and other housing matters.     Rental rates**                               CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 56 22 54
                                                       CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 77 86 40                CONTACT  
                                                       +33 (0)5 63 78 25 40                     
                   Mémo pictos
      Accessibility                  Possibility of
                                     shared housing
                                                                                                  Logement intergénérationnel       
                                                                                                  Association Intergénérationnel 81           As there are a limited number of
      Housing for work /             Possibility of
                                                                                                  32, rue des carmélites 81 000 Albi          places in university residences,
      study trainees                 short-term stay
                                                                       More infos                 Download the application form online        the Crous offers a plan B with its
                                                                    welcomedesk.                   CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 47 97 04               private room rental service.
  * Maximum rate                                                
    for family or couples accommodation.
  ** Rental information:
     contact the residence / school directly.

26                                                                                                                                                                                 27
Auch                                                                              Cahors

Résidence Habitat Jeunes                                                             Résidence Habitat Jeunes                  Housing associations
Le Noctile - URHAJ                     Accommodation listings                        Jean-Jaurès - URHAJ
2 Ter rue du 8 mai 32 000 Auch                                                       188 avenue Jean Jaurès 46 000 Cahors
Rental rates**                         and administrative                            Rent: €300 including service charges      Résidences Polygone
CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 64 02 32           support                                        CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 31 29 32             25 boulevard Gambetta, 46 000 Cahors                                                                              Accommodation consisting of
                                       La Maison du Logement                                                                   3 residences for students, apprentices
                                       7, bis rue Gambetta 32 000 Auch                                                         and young people under 30 with a
                                                                                                                               professionalisation contract.
La Maison Diocésaine                   La Maison du logement provides                Association pour l’habitat de             Rent between €280 and €300 including
                                       information and support to those
13 Rue Dr Samalens 32 000 Auch                                                       jeunes en Quercy - URHAJ                  service charges
Close to IUT Paul Sabatier             looking for accommodation by
                                                                                     129 rue Fondue Haute 46 000 Cahors         CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 35 40 40
Rental rates**                         listing vacancies in the town of
                                                                                     (Old quarter). Rent between €274 and
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 61 91 72
                                       Auch and its surrounding areas.
                                                                                     €402 including service charges                         CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 05 52 80
                                                                                      CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 35 29 32
                                                                                               Lot Habitat
                                                                                                                               23 avenue A. Juin, 46 000 Cahors
Housing associations                   Plateforme J’loge Gers                                                                  CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 53 20 20
                                       This is a housing platform for                                                
Toit de Gascogne                       people under 30 looking for                     "Qualité logements jeunes"    
68, rue Dessoles 32 000 Auch           accommodation in the Gers.                      Label                                   Apply for social housing at:
Résidence Darwin                                             A quality label has been set up by
Résidence Embaques                                                                     greater Cahors to facilitate rentals
Close to IUT                           Infos Jeunes Auch                               by private landlords to young
Rent between €215 and €228 excluding
service charges
                                       16 bis rue Rouget de Lisle
                                       32 000 Auch
                                                                                       people, and to guarantee that the
                                                                                       accommodation meets a certain           Temporary / Short-term
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 61 69 91           CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 60 21 21                   standard of quality. All information    accommodation •                   and accommodation listings are
                                                                                       available at the greater Cahors Youth
                                                                                       Information Office: 193 allée des
                                                                                       soupirs, les Docks, 46 000 Cahors       Le Chai - Youth Hostel
Office public de l’habitat -                                                            CONTACT                                52 avenue André-Breton 46 000 Cahors
OPH 32                                                                                 +33 (0)5 65 24 13 66                    CONTACT +33 (0)5 36 04 00 80
71 rue Jeanne d’Albret 32 000 Auch                                                     +33 (0)7 61 72 43 34          
Close to sixth-form colleges and IUT   * Maximum rate                             
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 60 14 50            for family or couples accommodation.                cahors-le-chai.html                       ** Rental information:                          information-jeunesse
                                          contact the residence / school directly.

28                                                                                                                                                                29
Castres                                                                                            Figeac
Résidence le Sidobre - Crous
Rue Firmin Oulès 81 100 Castres
Close to IUT                                                                              Résidence Françoise Sagan -                    Lot Habitat
Rent: €366 including service charges             Accommodation listings                   Crous                                          Montviguier, Bât. B av. du Grial
                                                                                                                                         46 100 Figeac
CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 12 54 89                                                              La Pintre 46 000 Figeac                and administrative                       Close to IUT                                   "Nayrac" and "Les Miattes"                 support                                  Rent between €257 and €303 including
                                                                                          service charges
                                                                                                                                         Possibility of accommodation for trainees
                                                                                                                                         from February to the end of August.
                                                                                           CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 50 06 80
                                                                                                                                         Rental rates**
                                                 Le Syndicat Mixte                                                                        CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 34 26 71
Résidence le Corporal - URHAJ                    39 rue Firmin Oulès 81 100 Castres                                            
7 et 9 rue Pasteur Hubac 81 100 Castres          Supports students looking for                                                 
"Les Pins"                                       accommodation by offering an                                                  
"Les Lauriers"                                   online "housing contact point".                                                         Apply for social housing at:
Close to CFA Anne Veaute                         This contains listings exclusively for   Résidence Habitat Jeunes             
Rent between €293 and €345 including             students from private landlords,         Les Soleihos - URHAJ
service charges                                  estate agencies or social housing        8 avenue Bernard Fontanges
                                                 offices.                                 46 100 Figeac                                    ** Rental information:
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 62 58 10
                                                  CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 62 11 64                                                                contact the residence / school directly.                                                         Rent between €300.20 and €483.60                 including service charges
                                                 Accommodation listings available on:
                                                                                           CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 38 62 75
                                                                                                         Service Habitat C.I.A.S
Office Public de l’Habitat de                                                                                                              8, place Vival 46 100 Figeac
Castres - OPH-Castres                                                                                                                      The C.I.A.S Habitat service of
Provides student accommodation:                                                                                                            greater Figeac puts landlords and
Résidence 2 place Bouffard                                                                                                                 tenants in contact, free of charge,
Résidence 24 rue de la Tolosane                                                                                                            for temporary accommodation
Rent between €173 and €259 including                                                                                                       rentals.
service charges                                                                                                                             CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 50 05 01
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 62 61 00                                                                                                    
                                                               More infos
                 Mémo pictos
     Accessibility             Possibility of
                               shared housing
     Housing for work /        Possibility of
     study trainees            short-term stay
                                                                                          Résidence Habitat Jeunes Les Soleilhos 2

30                                                                                                                                                                                       31
Foix                                                                              Millau
                                                                                             Résidence Pierre Douzou -
Centre Universitaire de l’Ariège                                                             Crous
                                                                                             1, rue du Jumel 12 100 Millau
Robert Naudi                                          Accommodation listings                 Rent between €309 and €390 including     Office Public de l’Habitat
4 Rue Raoul Lafagette, 09 000 Foix                                                                                                    de Millau - OPH Aveyron
Student residence on the Foix university              and administrative                     service charges
                                                                                              CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 48 16 92            23 ter Bd. de la Capelle
campus. Possibility of accommodation
for trainees between April and August
                                                      support                                           12 104 Millau
                                                                                          CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 61 50 70
Rent between €225 and €350 including                                                                                        
service charges.
Applications are made directly with the               Campus et toits                                                                 Info Jeunes Aveyron
university.                                           Campus et toits is a housing           For listings by private landlords,       CONTACT
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 02 19 80                         co-operative offering students         visit the platform                       Ms Borie +33 (0)6 30 50 24 19                eco-responsible and participatory                        shared housing.                                   
                                                      By filling vacant properties and
                                                      getting them back on the mar-
                                                      ket, the co-operative enables its
Résidence Le Léo de Foix                              residents, or «campotes», to access
16 rue Noël Peyrevidal 09 000 Foix                    affordable housing under simplified
Close to the university campus                        conditions while fostering a sense
Rooms and studios available for                       of community.
students.                                             Ready to sign up? For accommoda-
Rental rates**                                        tion listings in Foix, visit
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 65 09 04                                                    Youth Information
                                                      Office Foix
                                                      Espace Olivier-Carol, Boulevard
                                                      François-Mitterrand, 09 000 Foix
                                                      Find accommodation and shared
                   Mémo pictos                        housing listings for students on the
      Accessibility                 Possibility of
                                    shared housing    CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 02 86 10
      Housing for work /            Possibility of
      study trainees                short-term stay

  ** Rental information:
     contact the residence / school directly.

32                                                                                                                                                                       33
Montauban                                                                                      Rodez
                                                                             Résidence Camonil Leclerc
                                                                             6 rue du Maréchal Leclerc 12 000 Rodez
                                                                             Close to Institut Champollion and IUT            Foyer Étudiants de la Maison
                                                                             Rental rates**                                   Saint Pierre
                                                                             CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 77 14 40                     Avenue de Saint Pierre, 12 000 Rodez
                                                                                                Rental rates**
                                                                                CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 68 82 82

                                                                             Résidence Habitat Jeunes
                                                                             Cœur de ville - URHAJ
                                                                             21 rue de Bonald 12 000 Rodez                    Résidence Universitaire INSPE
                                       Accommodation listings                Close to IUT and university                      12 Rue Sarrus, 12 000 Rodez
                                       and administrative support            Rent between €250 and €350 including             Rental rates**
                                                                                                                               CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 68 03 43
                                                                             service charges
                                                                              CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 77 14 00          
                                       Student support - Centre                                                     
Résidence du Fort - Montauban URHAJ   Universitaire du Tarn et                                                               sites-de-formation/rodez
                                       116 boulevard Montauriol
                                       82 000 Montauban
Résidence Habitat Jeunes du            Consult listings by private           Résidence Habitat Jeunes Les
Fort - URHAJ                           landlords.                            Capucines - URHAJ
5 rue du Fort, 82 000 Montauban        CONTACT                               26 boulevard des Capucines 12 850
Rental rates**                         +33 (0)5 63 91 88 77                  Onet-Le-Château
CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 21 26 00           +33 (0)6 71 83 01 60                  Rent between €360 and €460 including
                                                                                                                                                   More infos               service charges                                                welcomedesk.                                                     CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 77 51 05
                                       Greater Montauban Youth     
                                       Info Point                  
Résidence Emeraude - SA                2 Boulevard Edouard Herriot
Patrimoine                             82 000 Montauban
30 rue de Gamarra, 82 000 Montauban    Personalised support in finding
For students and young professionals   accommodation and Caf
Rent between €355 and €405 including   procedures. Listings by private
                                       landlords available on the website.                                                                     Mémo pictos
service charges
                                                                              ** Rental information:
CONTACT                                 CONTACT +33 (0)5 63 66 32 11                                                               Accessibility                Possibility of
                                                                                 contact the residence / school directly.                                                                                                        shared housing
                                                                                                                                   Housing for work /           Possibility of
                                                                                                                                   study trainees               short-term stay

34                                                                                                                                                                         35
Social student accomodation                                                                                                        Tarbes
Rodez Agglo Habitat - Housing
14 rue de l’Embergue 12 000 Rodez
Provides social housing to students                                                                Résidence Simone Veil - Crous             Résidence Atrium FJT - URHAJ
Thanks to an agreement with the Crous,                                                             39 rue Vincent Scotto 65 000 Tarbes       88 rue Alsace Lorraine 65 000 Tarbes
certain accommodations are provided to                                                             Located in the heart of the university    Rental rates**
grant holders.                                                                                     campus. Rent between €230 and €352        CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 38 91 20
Rental rates**                                                                                     including service charges       
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 77 14 40                                                                       CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 44 65 65                                                                   
                                               Résidence Habitat Jeunes Les Capucines 2 -
                                               Rodez Onet-Le-Chateau

                                                                                                   Housing associations
                                                                                                                                               Other useful contacts
  Accommodation listings                          Administrative support for the Caf,
                                                  Action Logement, etc.
                                                                                                   OPH 65 (Office Public de l’Habitat
                                                                                                   des Hautes-Pyrénées)
                                                                                                                                               Tarbes Youth Information
  and administrative                               CONTACT +33 (0)5 65 73 16 32                    28 rue des Haras 65 000 Tarbes              Office
                                                                                                                                               3, rue Colomès de Juillan 65 000
                                                                                                   OPH 65 assists students who are looking
                                                                                                   for accommodation.                          Tarbes
                                                                                                   Social housing application form can be      Online listings by private landlords,
  CLAJ Rodez (Local committee                     Info Jeunes Aveyron                              downloaded online.                          and presentation of student
  for independent housing for                                                                      Rent between €346 and €540                  housing options.
                                                  4 rue du Maréchal Leclerc 12 000
  young people)                                                                                                                                 CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 93 22 12
                                                  Rodez                                             CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 96 81 17
  4 rue du Maréchal Leclerc de                                                                                                       
                                                  CONTACT                                          +33 (0)6 45 11 15 27
  Hautecloque 12 000 Rodez                                                                                                           
                                                  Ms Borie +33 (0)6 30 50 24 19          
  Information and guidance about
  accommodation for young people.       
                                                                             La SEMI (Société d’Économie Mixte           ADIL 65 (Departmental Agency
  Listings by private landlords that                                                                                                           for Housing Information)
  have all been visited by the associa-                                                            de Construction de la Ville de Tarbes)
                                                                                                   29 rue Georges Clémenceau 65 000            24 Rue Larrey 65 000 Tarbes
  tion, as well as private room rentals                                                                                                        Advice and support for all aspects
  and intergenerational houseshares.                                                               Tarbes
                                                                                                   Résidence Bastillac Université              of housing, whether legal, financial
                                                                                                   76 avenue d’Azereix 65000 Tarbes            or tax-related.
                                                                                                   Résidence Carline                            CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 34 67 11
                                                                                                   10 avenue de l’Echez 65 000 Tarbes
                                                                 Mémo pictos                       Application form can be collected from      Telephone contact only
 ** Rental information:                                                                            reception. Rental rates**
    contact the residence / school directly.         Accessibility               Possibility of
                                                                                 shared housing     CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 51 78 51
                                                     Housing for work /          Possibility of
                                                     study trainees              short-term stay

36                                                                                                                                                                                     37
Toulouse                                              Résidence Taur - Crous
                                                                                     6 rue Bellegarde 31000 Toulouse
                                                                                     (quartier Capitole)
                                                                                     Rent between €245 and €399 including
On the Université Toulouse Capitole campus and TBS                                   service charges
                                                                                      CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 28
Résidence Jardins de                      Résidence Arsenal - Crous        
l’Université - Crous                      2 boulevard Armand Duportal 31 070
31, rue Valade 31 000 Toulouse            Toulouse (quartier Compans)
(Capitole / Compans-Caffarelli area)      Rent between €245 and €393 including
Rent between €234 and €268 including      service charges                            Résidence Larrey - Crous
service charges                            CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 28
                                                                                     17 bis rue Larrey 31 000 Toulouse
                                      (Compans-Caffarelli area)
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 28
                                              Rent between €206 and €385 including
                                                                                     service charges
                                                                                      CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 41
                                                                                                                                                      Résidence Les Chalets - L’Annexe

Close to Université Toulouse Capitole campus, TBS and Toulouse-
INP ENSEEIHT                                                                         Résidence Castelbou -                              Résidence L’Annexe -
                                                                                     Promologis                                         Les Chalets / Oh mon Appart
                                                                                     22 rue Léonce Castelbou 31 000                     61 allée de Brienne 31 000 Toulouse
Résidence Chapou - Crous                  Résidence Capitaine Philippe -             Toulouse (Compans-Caffarelli area)                 (Close to Saint-Pierre area)
1 rue Saunière 31 069 Toulouse            Crous                                      Rent between €545 and €701 including               Rent between €280 and €661 excluding
(Amidonniers area)                        1 rue Saunière 31 069 Toulouse             service charges                                    service charges
Rent between €245 and €315 including      Rent between €331 and €395 including        CONTACT +33 (0)9 70 82 84 60                      CONTACT
service charges                           service charges                            
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 12 55 26              CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 12 55 26                            
+33 (0)6 27 11 08 71                      residence.capitainephilippe@crous-
hé                                                                                   Résidence Anatole France    
                                                                                                       Mémo pictos                      Habitat Jeunes Ô Toulouse -
                                                                                           Accessibility              Possibility of
                                                                                                                      shared housing    42 place Anatole France 31 000
                                          Résidence L’Aérophile - Crous                    Housing for work /         Possibility of
                                                                                                                                        Toulouse (Capitole / Compans-
                                          4 rue Pierre Laplace 31 000 Toulouse             study trainees             short-term stay   Caffarelli area)
               More infos                 (Compans-Caffarelli area)                                                                     Rent between €343.50 and €520.80
                                                                                           Toul’box partner                             excluding service charges
            welcomedesk.                  Rent between €325 and €691* including
               service charges                                                                                CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 52 41 34
              logement                     CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 43
                                                                                       * Maximum rate                         
                                         for family or couples accommodation.

38                                                                                                                                                                                39
Close to Université Toulouse Capitole campus, TBS and      Résidence Les Triades -
Toulouse-INP ENSEEIHT                                      Promologis
                                                           12 rue de Périole 31 500 Toulouse
Résidence Espérance Habitat                                (Marengo / Jean Jaurès area)
Jeunes Ô Toulouse - URHAJ                                  Rent between €515 and €650 including
20 grande rue Nazareth 31 000 Toulouse                     service charges other than EDF
(Carmes area)                                               CONTACT +33 (0)9 70 82 84 60
Rent between €375.60 and €511.20                 
excluding service charges                        
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 52 41 34                                          Résidence Jolimont - Habitat
                                                           Jeunes Ô Toulouse (URHAJ)
                                                           2, avenue Yves Brunaud 31 500 Toulouse
                                                           (Jolimont area)
Résidence Fidelio - Toulouse
                                                           Rent between €364.80 and €535.80
Métropole Habitat                                          excluding service charges
5-7 Rue du Port Saint-Etienne, 31 000
                                                            CONTACT +33 (0)5 34 30 42 80                   Résidence Les Triades - Promologis
Toulouse (François Verdier area)
Rent between €283 and €640 including
service charges                                                                                            Close to Rangueil campus, Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier,
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 67 69 67 69
                                                           Résidence Pierre Garrigues -                    ISAE-SUPAERO, ENAC and INSA
                                                           77, rue Saint Jean 31 130 Balma                 Résidence Maryse Bastié -                  Résidence Clément Ader - Crous
                                                           Rent between €348 and €414 including
Résidence La Coulée Verte - Crous                          service charges
                                                                                                           Crous                                      118 route de Narbonne 31 400 Toulouse
31 rue Dinetard 31 500 Toulouse                                                                            118 route de Narbonne 31 077 Toulouse      (Rangueil area)
                                                            CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 28                                                              Rent between €330 and €716* including
(Jolimont / Roseraie / Argoulets area)                                                                     (Rangueil area)
                                                           residence.pierregarrigues@crous-                                                           service charges
Rent between €370 and €430 including                                                                       Rent between €369 and €674* including
                                                                                                                                  CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 30
service charges                                                                                            service charges
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 29 23 86                                                                               CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 30                                                        
                                                           Résidence Marc Chagall - Cité                                                            
                                                           10 rue Marc Chagall, 31700 Blagnac
                                                           Close to IUT in Blagnac                                                                    Résidence Latécoère - Crous
                                                           For students and young professionals            Résidence Les Intégrales - Crous           6 allées du Lieutenant Lucien Lafay
                     Mémo pictos                           Rental rates**                                  118 route de Narbonne 31 077 Toulouse      31 077 Toulouse (Rangueil area)
                                                            CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 71 79 19                   (Rangueil area)                            Rent between €283 and €341 including
        Accessibility                    Possibility of                                                                                               service charges
                                         shared housing              Rent between €233 and €583* including
                                                                                                           service charges                             CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 64
        Housing for work /               Possibility of
        study trainees                   short-term stay     * Maximum rate                                 CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 64    
                                                               for family or couples accommodation.
        Toul’box partner                                     ** Rental information:              
                                                                contact the residence / school directly.

 40                                                                                                                                                                                      41
Toulouse                               Résidence Les Tripodes
                                                           Rangueil (Archimède, Bichat,
Close to Rangueil campus, Université Toulouse III - Paul
Sabatier, ISAE-SUPAERO, ENAC and INSA                      Curie) - Crous
                                                           118, route de Narbonne 31 400 Toulouse
                                                           (Rangueil area)
                                                           Rent between €238 and €308 including
Résidence Colonel Roche - Crous                            service chargess
15 avenue du Colonel Roche 31 400                           CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 00
Toulouse (Rangueil area)                                   +33 (0)5 62 25 60 14
Rent between €369 and €480 including             
service charges                                  
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 12 55 70
                                                           Résidences INSA - Promologis
                                                           4, 6, 8, 10, allée des Sciences appliquées
                                                           141, avenue de Rangueil
Résidence INSA - Crous                                     17, avenue du Colonel Roche
135, avenue de Rangueil 31 077 Toulouse                    31 400 Toulouse (Rangueil area)
Rent between €194 and €343 including                       Rent between €380 and €680 including
service charges                                            service charges
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 55 96 96                               CONTACT +33 (0)9 70 82 84 60                             

                                                           Résidence Olympes de Gouges -                      Résidence Paul Voivenel
                                                           Crous                                              1 & 2 - Crous                            Résidence Parc Bellevue - Crous
Résidence Thalès - Crous                                                                                      35, rue Maurice Bécane 31 078 Toulouse
118, route de Narbonne 31077 Toulouse                      35 rue Maurice Bécanne 31 078                                                               3 avenue du Professeur Ducuing
                                                           Toulouse (Rangueil area)                           (Rangueil area)
(quartier Rangueil)                                                                                                                                    31 400 Toulouse (Rangueil area)
                                                           Rent between €361 and €621* including              Rent between €351 and €484 including
Rent between €267 and €528* including                                                                                                                  Rent between €208 and €317 including
                                                           service charges                                    service charges
service charges                                                                                                                                        service charges
                                                            CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 62                       CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 62
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 60 30                                                                                                                           CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 75
                                                                                                              Résidence At’Ome - Crous                 Résidence Jacqueline Auriol -
Résidence Pythagore - Crous                                                  Mémo pictos                      35 rue Maurice Bécane 31 078 Toulouse
118, route de Narbonne 31 077 Toulouse
                                                                                                              (Rangueil area)
                                                                                            Possibility of
(quartier Rangueil)                                              Accessibility                                                                         6 mail Françoise Dolto 31 520
                                                                                            shared housing    Rent between €334 and €397 including
Rent between €306 and €801* including                            Housing for work /         Possibility of                                             Ramonville-Saint-Agne
                                                                                                              service charges
service charges                                                  study trainees             short-term stay                                            Rent between €384 and €428 including
                                                                                                               CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 62
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 60 30                                    Toul’box partner                                                                      service charges
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 60
                                                             * Maximum rate
                                                               for family or couples accommodation.

 42                                                                                                                                                                                         43
Close to Rangueil campus, University of Toulouse 3 Paul    Résidence Patagonia                         Close to Toulouse-INP ENSAT, ENSFEA, TBS (Entiore site) and
Sabatier, ISAE-SUPAERO, ENAC and INSA                      Montaudran - Les Chalets / Oh               Rangueil campus
                                                           Mon Appart
Résidence Notre-Dame - Crous                               Rue Jacqueline Auriol 31400 Toulouse
12 rue Notre-Dame 31 400 Toulouse                          (Montaudran area). Rent between €272
(Saint-Michel area)                                        and €412 excluding service charges          Résidence Pont de bois -                   Résidence Horizon 172 Labège -
Rent between €301 and €691* including                      CONTACT                                     Promologis                                 ALTEAL
service charges                                               15 allée Ville Tarn 31 320 Auzeville-      172 rue Charles Bourseul 31 670 Labège
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 12 55 37                                     Tolosane                                   (Enova Campus)                                                                  Rent between €430 and €700                 Rent between €349 and €649 including                                                                        CONTACT +33 (0)9 70 82 84 60              service charges
                                                                                                         CONTACT +33 (0)6 49 85 27 38
                                                           Résidence les Roses - Groupe                      
                                                           Les Chalets                                                                            horizon-172-lab-ge
Résidence Daniel Faucher -                                 54 rue des Roseaux 31 400 Toulouse
Crous                                                      (Rangueil area). Rent between €162 and                                                 Résidence Habitat Jeune @
11 allée Camille Soula 31 078 Toulouse                     €510 excluding service charges              Résidence Rachel Carson -
(Ile du Ramier area)                                       CONTACT                                     Crous                                      Home (URHAJ)
Rent between €248 and €493* including                                                                                                             172 rue Charles Bourseul 31 670 Labège
                                                              Avenue de l’Agrobiopole 31 320
service charges                                                                                                                                   (Enova Campus)
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 12 55 37                                                                          Rent between €332 and €532 including       Rent between €468 and €543.60                                                                  service charges                            excluding service charges                                                                                                              CONTACT
                                                                                                        CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 25 62 15
                                                           Résidence ISAE - ALTEAL           
                                                           4 avenue Edouard Belin 31 400 Toulouse                                       
                                                           (Rangueil area). Priority given to ISAE-                                               home
Résidence Cap Juby - Les                                   SUPAERO. Rental rates**
Chalets / Oh Mon Appart                                     CONTACT +33 (0)5 32 11 05 50
5 rue Pierre Deley 31 400 Toulouse                         www.alté     Résidence Le Colombier
(Montaudran area)                                          l35.php                                     Labège - ALTEAL                            Résidence Ariane - Patrimoine
Possibility of shared housing                                                                          395 rue du Colombier 31 760 Labège         SA
Rent between €272 and €412 excluding                                                                   (Enova Campus)                             34 avenue Mercure 31 130 Quint-
service charges                                                                                        Co-renting is not permitted but students   Fonsegrives
                                                           Résidence Blaise Pascal -                                                              Résidence mixte étudiants et jeunes actifs
CONTACT                                                                                                can live as a couple if they so wish                            ALTEAL                                      Rent between €370 and €585 including       Rent between €380 and €540 including                                150 avenue de Lespinet 31 400 Toulouse      service charges                            service charges
                                                           (Montaudran area)
                                                                                                        CONTACT +33 (0)5 34 31 82 50              CONTACT
                                                           Rent between €360 and €475 including                                         
                      Mémo pictos                          service charges
                                                            CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 88 00 37
                                         Possibility of                                                colombier.l36.php
                                         shared housing    +33 (0)7 61 68 53 65
                                                                                                                                                    * Maximum rate
        Housing for work /               Possibility of                                                                    for family or couples accommodation.
        study trainees                   short-term stay
                                                           www.alté                                                ** Rental information:
        Toul’box partner
                                                           pascal.l34.php                                                                              contact the residence / school directly.

 44                                                                                                                                                                                               45

Close to Mirail campus, Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès,
ENSA de Toulouse, ENVT, ICAM, CHU Purpan

Résidences Humanités 1 & 2 -                    Résidence JUMP - Les Chalets /
Crous                                           Oh mon Appart
5 allées Antonio Machado 31 058                 10 rue Rochefort 31 100 Toulouse
Toulouse cedex 9                                (Fontaine Lestang area). Rent between
Rent between €230 and €719* including           €308 and €476 excluding service charges
service charges                                 CONTACT
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 12 55 19          
                                                Résidence Bernadette - URHAJ
                                                9 rue Bernadette 31 100 Toulouse
                                                Rental rates**
Résidence Constantinople - Les
                                                CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 43 23 00
Chalets / Oh Mon Appart               
4 rue Ferdinand Laulanié 31 100 Toulouse
Rent between €262 and €581 excluding
service charges
                                                                                          Résidence Badiou - URHAJ
                                                                                          13 avenue Badiou 31 300 Toulouse
                                                                                          Rental rates**                           Résidence Habitat Jeunes San                 Résidence Aragon - Les Chalets                                                     Francisco - URHAJ
                                                                                           CONTACT +33 (0)5 62 14 95 00                     / Oh Mon Appart                              92 route d’Espagne 31 100 Toulouse
                                                6 rue du 11 novembre 1918 31 100                                                   (Croix de Pierre area)
                                                Toulouse (Arènes area). Rent between                                               Application forms can be picked up on
                                                €232 and €487 excluding service charges                                            site. Rental rates**
Résidence Jean Gilles -                         CONTACT                                   Résidence de l’Ecole Vétérinaire          CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 43 23 00
Patrimoine SA                         
8, rue Jean Gilles 31 100 Toulouse
                                                                                          (ENVT) - Les Chalets / Oh Mon  
(Reynerie area)                                                                           Appart                         
Rental rates**                                                                            51 Chemin des Capelles 31 100 Toulouse
 CONTACT +33 (0)5 34 61 19 41
                                                                                          (Lardenne area)                          Résidence Habitat Jeunes                      Résidence Apollinaire - Groupe            Accommodation reserved for ENVT          Anadyr - URHAJ
                                                Les Chalets                               students. Rental rates**                 108 route d’Espagne 31 100 Toulouse
                                                                                          CONTACT                                  (Croix de Pierre area)
                                                4 place Agapito Nadal 31 100 Toulouse
                                                                                          Application forms can be picked up on
                                                (Arènes area).Rent between €212 and
  * Maximum rate                                €281 excluding service charges                                                     site. Rental rates**
    for family or couples accommodation.
                                                CONTACT                                                                             CONTACT +33 (0)5 61 43 23 00
  ** Rental information:
     contact the residence / school directly.

46                                                                                                                                                                     47
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