Studies and publications - Alaset Import

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Studies and publications - Alaset Import
Studies and publications

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Studies and publications - Alaset Import

          For several years now, the LPG® Technique has been the subject of a major scientific research program exploring
          its mechanism of action, physiological effects and applications. The data collected from fundamental, experimental
          and clinical research have shown the reliability, the efficacy and the safety of the LPG® Technique. It explains why
          a growing number of physicians now use it daily.

                         AUTHOR(S) PLACE                                 TITLE                                                       REFERENCE

   2013         FABRE J.B., MARTIN V., ESP-Consulting, Research          Effects of a whole-body strength training program on       The Journal of sports Medicine and
                BORELLI G., FRITSCH N. Department, Mimet, France         metabolic responses and body composition.                  Physical Fitness 2013. In press.
                     AND THEUREL J.

             KUTLUBAY Z, SONGUR A, Department of Dermatology,            An alternative treatment modality for cellulite: LPG®      J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2013 Apr 22.
            ENGІN B, KHATІB R, CALAY Istanbul University, Turkey         endermologie®.                                             Oct; 15(5): 266-70
                    O, SERDAROĞLU S

                  MAJANI U., MAJANI A. Minimally Invasive Aesthetic      Tissue mechanostimulation in the treatment of scars.       Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2013,
                                       Surgery Clinic; (MIAS),                                                                      29. 133-134
                                       Catania, Italia

   2012         RUBIO FERNANDEZ D, Neurology Department,                 Contribution of endermology to improving indurations       Adv Ther. 2012 Mar; 29(3):267-75.
             RODRIGUEZ DEL CANTO C, Hospital de Cabueñes, Gijón,         and panniculitis/lipoatrophy at glatiramer acetate
                             ET AL. Spain                                injection site.

   2011      MARQUES MA, COMBES M Inserm, UMR 1048, Obesity              Impact of a mechanical massage on gene expression          Obes Facts. 2011;4(2):121-9.
           ROUSSEL B, VIDAL-DUPONT Research Laboratory;                  profile and lipid mobilization in female gluteofemoral
           L, THALAMAS C, LAFONTAN Toulouse, France.                     adipose tissue.
                      M, VIGUERIE N.

                             LEBRUN C Department of Neurology            Cutaneous Side-effects of Immunomodulators in              Int MS J. 2011 Sep;
                           BERTAGNA M Pasteur Hospital, Nice;            Multiple Sclerosis.                                        17(3):88-94.
                             COHEN M. France

                 LEBRUN C, MONDOT L Department of Neurology              Endermology: A treatment for injection-induced             Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2011 Nov;
                BERTAGNA M, CALLEJA Pasteur Hospital, Nice;              lipoatrophy in multiple sclerosis patients treated with    113(9): 721-4.
                         A,COHEN M. France                               sub cutaneous glatiramer acetate.

                                 KIM YH   Department of Plastic and      Analysis of postoperative complications for superficial    Plast Reconstr           Surg.     2011
                                CHA SM    Reconstructive Surgery,        liposuction: a review of 2398 cases.                       Feb;127(2):863-71
                                NAIDU S   College of Medicine, Hanyang
                              HWANG WJ    University, Seoul, Korea

                              MAJANI U. Minimally Invasive               Cellu M6® Endermolab e miniliposuzione enl                 L’ambulatorio medico numero 33;
                              MAJANI A. Aesthetic Surgery Clinic;        rimodellamento del profile corporeo                        maggio-agosto 2011, anno XI.
                                        Catania, Italy

   2010              MARC T., RIFKIN D. Rehabilitation Center ;          SPINE FORCE™ la machine du dos au service du rachis        Le Rachis N°2, Mars/Avril 2010,
                       HOMBOURGER E. Montpellier, France                 cervico dorsal et épaule instable.                         p.28.

                               FABRE JB Esp-consulting ; Mimet,          Gainage de stabilisation et la force de gainage :          Le Rachis N°3, Mai/Juin 2010, p.
                                        France                           Intérêt d’un renforcement musculaire avec la machine       26-28.
                                                                         du dos- HUBER® SPINE FORCE™.

                             SAGGINI R. Chair of Physical Medicine &     Evaluation de l’efficacité du Système HUBER® dans          Le Rachis N°4, Septembre 2010,
                                        Rehabilitation;                  l’amélioration de l’équilibre des personnes âgées.         p. 22.
                                        G. D’Annunzio University ;
                                        Chieti, Italy

                BOJINCA M., BOJINCA V Department of Internal             Intérêt d’un programme d’entraînement sur HUBER®           Le Rachis N°6, Décembre 2010,
                               ET AL. Medicine and Rhumatology,          dans le traitement des lombalgies chroniques:              p. 31.
                                      Cantacuzino Hospital;              Comparaison avec un programme de rééducation
                                      Bucharest, Roumania.

                           LAFONTAN M. INSERM 586,                       Stimulation cellulaire mécanique en esthétique             La revue du médecin
                                       Hôpital Rangueil,                 médicale: des bases scientifiques.*                        esthéticien;
                                       Toulouse                                                                                     Janvier 2010 p. 22-24.

                                                                                                                                   *No version available in English.

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Studies and publications - Alaset Import

                         AUTHOR(S) PLACE                                  TITLE                                                       REFERENCE

    2009               FABRI S., DUC A. Rehabilitation Center ;           Evaluations prédictives de l’entorse de cheville.            Journal de Traumatologie du Sport,
                    CONSTANTINIDES A. Montpellier, France                 A propos de 58 cas.                                          Volume 26, Issue 3, Septembre 2009,
                     PEREIRA-DURIF Y.                                                                                                  Pages 139-147
                     MARC T., LACAZE F.

                               GÜLEÇ AT. Department of Dermatology,       Treatment of cellulite with LPG® endermologie®.              Int J Dermatol. 2009 Mar;48(3):265-
                                         Başkent University Faculty of                                                                 70.
                                         Medicine; Ankara, Turkey

                            SPEZIALE F. Medical Center; Bologna, Italy    Endermologie® e stimolazione tissutale                       Hi-Tech         Dermo         3/2009,
                            MONTEUX C.                                                                                                 p 55-59

                               BACCI P.A. Centro Studi,                   Endermologie® LPG® Systems after 15 years                    Cellulite: Pathology and
                                          Firenze, Italia                                                                              treatment (2nd edition);
                                                                                                                                       Taylor and Francis Editor, NY.

                             ELBERG J.P. Ecole du dos Mail 14,            Chirurgie vertébrale et mobilité rachidienne:                Le Rachis N°5
                                PETIT A. La Rochelle                      SpineForce™ Machine Du Dos et renforcement                   Novembre 2009,
                                                                          musculaire pré-et post-opératoire.*                          Tome 5 p.32-33.

                            RIHANE H. Centre of Physical Medicine         (La Machine Du Dos) Appareil de gymnastique du dos:          Le Rachis N°4
                       MANGOLD-COLAS and Rehabilitation                   Étude randomisée d’un traitement neuromoteur et              Septembre/Octobre 2009,
                           M.LAUER A. of the Spine,                       impact sur l’équilibre dynamique.*                           Tome 5 p.25.
                                      Avignon, France

                                 PETIT A. La Rochelle                     SpineForce™ en pathologie vertébrale et orthopédie.*         Le Rachis N°1
                                                                                                                                       Janvier/Février 2009,
                                                                                                                                       Tome 5

    2008                   LAFONTAN M. INSERM 586,                        Use of the microdialysis technique to assess lipolytic       J Eur Acad Dermatol
                                       Hôpital Rangueil,                  responsiveness of femoral adipose tissue after 12            Venereol. 2008, 22,
                                       Toulouse                           sessions of mechanical massage technique.                    1465-1470.

                      COUILLANDRE A. UFR-STAPS                            Changes in balance and strength parameters induced           Annales de
                    DUQUE RIBEIRO M.J. Université Paris10                 by training on a motorised rotating platform: A study on     Réadaptation et de
                           THOUMIE P.                                     healthy subjects.                                            Médecine Physique
                           PORTERO P.                                                                                                  2008 ; 51: p67-73.

                     BOURGEOIS J.F.        Centre Régional                A radomized, prospective study using the LPG®                Skin Research and Technology
                          GOURGOU S.       de Lutte Contre                Technique in treating radiation-induced skin fibrosis.       2008; 14: 71-76.
              KRAMAR A.; LAGARDE JM        le Cancer Val d’Aurelle et     Clinical and Profilometric analysis.
                           GUILLOT B.      Hôpital St Eloi, Montpellier

    2007                MOSELEY A.L. Flinders Medical Centre              Comparison of the effectiveness of MLD and LPG®              Lymphology 2007; 40,
                          PILLER N.B. and University, Adelaïde,           Technique.                                                   129-137.
                 DOUGLAS J.; ESPLIN M. Australia

                         MOSELEY A.L. Flinders Medical Centre             Endermologie® (with and without compression                  Journal of
                             ESPLIN M. and University, Adelaïde,          bandaging) - A new treatment option for secondary arm        Lymphoedema 2007,
               PILLER N.B.; DOUGLAS J. Australia                          lymphedema.                                                  Vol 2, N°2, 30-36.

    2006                     GORDON C. Memorial Hospital of               Use of a Mechanical Massage Technique in the treatment       Arch. Phys Med
                            EMILIOZZI C. Union, County                    of Fibromyalgia: A Preliminary Study                         Rehabil. 2006; Jan;
                          ZARTARIAN M. Marysville, OH; USA                                                                             87(1):145-7.

    2005                     LHOEST F. CHU Sart-Tilman,                   La maladie de Mondor : une complication de la chirurgie      Annales de Chirurgie
                        GRANDJEAN F.X. Université de                      mammaire.*                                                   Plastique Esthétique 50
                           HEYMANS O. Liège, Belgique                                                                                  (2005) 197-201.

    2004                   WORRET W.I. Dermatology Department             Effectiveness of LPG® treatment in morphea                   J. Eur. Acad. Dermatol.
                       & JESSBERGER B. Technical University,              (circumscribed scleroderma)                                  Venereol. September 2004;
                                       Munich, Germany                                                                                 18(5): 527-30

                                                                                                                                     *No version available in English.

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Studies and publications - Alaset Import

                         AUTHOR(S) PLACE                              TITLE                                                            REFERENCE

                             MASSIOT M. LPG® Systems,                 LPG® Techniques for plastic and aesthetic physical               Kinésithérapie Scientifique;
                                        Valence, France               therapy: technologies, scientific data, results                  Janvier 2004; n° 440; p. 19-32

                   ORTONNE J.P. ET AL. Dermatology Department,        Treatment of cellulite: effectiveness and sustained              Nouv. Dermatol.;
                                       Archet Hospital,               effect at 6 months with Endermologie® demonstrated by            Vol. 23, n° 5, Mai 2004;
                                       Nice, France                   several quantitative evaluation methods                          p. 261-269

    2003            INNOCENZI D. ET AL. Policlinico La Sapienza       Evidenza delle modificazioni cutanee indotte                     DermoCosmetologia-
                                        University of Rome, Italy     dalla Tecnica LPG® mediante analisi d’immagine*                  anno II-numero 1,
                                                                                                                                       Gennaio-Marzo 2003; p. 9-15

                        TENNA S. ET AL. Policlinico La Sapienza,      Approche du Lift 6® dans le traitement esthétique du             J. Méd. Esth. et Chir. Derm.
                                        University of Rome, Italy     decolleté                                                        Vol. XXX, 117 ; Mars 2003,

    2002                 REVUZ J. ET AL. Dermatology Department,      Clinical and histological effects of the Lift 6® device used     Nouv. Dermatol. 2002
                                         Henri Mondor Hospital,       on facial skin ageing                                            21: 335-342
                                         Créteil, France

                    INNOCENZI D. ET AL. Policlinico La Sapienza       Alterazioni morfologiche della cute indotte con la               DERMOtime
                                        University of Rome, Italy     Tecnica LPG*                                                     Settembre-Ottobre 2002,
                                                                                                                                       anno XIV, n° 7/8; p. 25-27

                       BACCI P.A. ET AL. University of Siena, Italy   Vibroassisted Liposuction and Endermologie® for
                                                                                                                                       The European Journal
                                                                                                                                       The European Journal
                       CAMPISI C. ET AL. University of Genoa, Italy   LPG® Technique in the Treatment of Peripheral                    Vol. X – Nr. 35-36; p. 16
                                                                      Lymphedema: clinical Preliminary Results and

            LE BLANC-LOUVRY I. ET AL. Rouen Hospital                  Does mechanical massage of the abdominal wall after              J. Gastrointest. Surg.
                                      France                          colectomy reduce postoperative pain and shorten the              Vol. 6, n° 1, 2002; p. 43-49
                                                                      duration of ileus? Results of a randomized study

    2001                    PORTERO P. , Human Performance            Effets de la Technique LPG® sur la récupération de la            Ann. Kinésithér. 2001, t. 28,
                          & VERNET J.M. Institute, Paris, France      fonction musculaire après exercice physique intense*             n°4, pp 145-151

                               KINNEY B. University of Southern       •E  ndermologie® (the LPG® Technique) and cellulite: my         Journal of Cutaneous Laser
                                         California, Los Angeles,       clinical practice                                              Therapy 2001; 3: 13-50
                                         USA                          • Liposuction surgery and the use of Endermologie®

                       ADCOCK D. ET AL. Vanderbilt University         Analysis of the effects of deep mechanical massage in            Plast. Reconstr. Surg.
                                        Nashville, Tennessee, USA     the porcine model                                                2001 Jul., 108 (1); 233-40

                        BRUCE SHACK R. Vanderbilt University          Endermologie®: taking a closer Look                              Aesthetic Surg. J.
                                       Nashville, Tennessee, USA                                                                       2001, 21 (3); 259-60

                 LA TRENTA G.S. ET AL. Cornell University Medical     Endermologie® after External Ultrasound-Assisted                 Aesthetic Surg. J.
                                       College and the New York       Lipoplasty (EUAL) versus EUAL alone                              2001, 21 (2); 128-36
                                       Presbyterian Hospital,
                                       New York, USA

                   LEDUC A. & LEDUC O. Free University                Technique LPG® et traitement de l’œdème*                         Drainage de la grosse jambe
                                       of Bruxelles, Belgium                                                                           Lymphokinetics Ed. 2001,
                                                                                                                                       p. 83-87

              LATTARULO P., BACCI P.A. University of Siena, Italy     Physiological tissue changes after administration of             International Journal of
                               ET AL.                                 micronized Diosmin/Hesperidin, individually or in                Aesthetic Cosmetic Beauty
                                                                      association with Endermologie®                                   Surgery 2001, 1 (2); 25-28

                             PORTERO P. Human Performance             Delayed onset muscle soreness induced by eccentric               Kinésithérapie Scientifique
                                        Institute, Paris, France      muscle exercise: from the origin to the resolution.*             n°416, Novembre 2001

                                                                                                                                     *No version available in English.

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Studies and publications - Alaset Import

                         AUTHOR(S) PLACE                                TITLE                                                     REFERENCE

    2000             SARTORIO F. ET AL. Salvatore Maugeri               Trattamento delle complicanze post-chirurgiche del        Il Fisioterapista, maggio-giugno
                                        Fondation, Veruno, Italy        morbo di Dupuytren*                                       2000, (3); 43-47

    1999                       DABB F.W. Milton S. Hershey              A combined Program of Small-volume Liposuction,           Aesthetic Surg. J.
                                         School of Medicine,            Endermologie® and Nutrition: A logical Alternative        1999, 19 (5); 388-93
                                         P.A., USA

               WATSON J.P., FODOR P.B. U.C.L.A.                         Physiological Effects of Endermologie®: A Preliminary     Aesthetic Surg. J.
                                ET AL. Los Angeles, USA                 Report                                                    1999, 19 (1); 27-33

                         LA TRENTA G.S. Cornell University Medical      Endermologie® versus Liposuction External Ultrasound      Aesthetic Surg. J.
                                        College and the New York        Assist                                                    1999, 19 (6); 452-58
                                        Presbyterian Hospital,
                                        New York, USA

                     FERRET J.M. ET AL. Center of sport medicine        Effet de la Technique LPG® sur la performance motrice     Sport Med’.
                                        Lyon Gerland, France            du footballeur de haut niveau                             Décembre 1999 ; 117 p. 20-24

    1998                       FODOR P.B U.C.L.A.,                      Endermologie® and Endermologie®-Assisted Lipoplasty       Aesthetic Surg. J.
                                         Los Angeles, USA               Update                                                    1998, 18 (4); 302-04

                       ADCOCK D. ET AL. Vanderbilt University           Analysis of the Cutaneous and Systemic Effects            Aesthetic Surg. J.
                                        Nashville,Tennessee, USA        of Endermologie® in the Porcine Model                     1998, 18 (6); 414-22

                  CHANG P., ERSEK R.A. Southwest Texas State            Noninvasive Mechanical Body Contouring                    Aesth. Plast. Surg.
                                ET AL. University Austin, Texas,        (Endermologie®): a one year clinical outcome study        1998, 22 (2); 145-53
                                       USA                              update

                              ILLOUZ Y.G. Saint Louis Hospital          Liposculpture et chirurgie de la silhouette.*             Encycl. Méd. Chir. 1998;
                                          Paris, France                                                                           p.45 -120

    1997              ERSEK R.A, ET AL. Southwest Texas State           Noninvasive Mechanical Body Contouring:                   Aesthetic Surg. J.
                                        University Austin, Texas, USA   A preliminary clinical outcome study                      1997, 21 (2); 61-67

                              FODOR P.B. U.C.L.A.,                      Endermologie® (LPG®): Does It Work?                       Aesth. Plast. Surg.
                                         Los Angeles, USA                                                                         1997, 21; 68

    1996                      CUMIN M.J. Meylan,                        Utilisation du LPG® lors des lipoaspirations              J. Méd. Chir. Derm.,
                                         France                         (à propos de 185 cas)                                     Sept. 1996, vol.XXIII, 91; 185-188

                     GAVROY J.P. ET AL. Burn Rehabilitation Center      LPG® et assouplissement cutané dans la brûlure            Journal des Plaies
                                        Lamalou-les-Bains,                                                                        et Cicatrisations,
                                        France                                                                                    Déc. 1996, (5) ; 42-46

                         VERGEREAU R., Chamalières-Royat &              LPG® System et Dermatologie en particulier cicatrices *   Groupe de Réflexion en Chirurgie
                            CUMIN M.C. Meyan, France                                                                              Dermatologique 1996, p. 27-29

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Studies and publications - Alaset Import

                 AUTHOR(S) PLACE                                 TITLE                                         MEDICAL CONGRESS

    2013             GUIRAUD T. Clinique de Saint-Orens,       Evaluation de la réponse cardiovasculaire       Journées Nationales du GERS (Groupe Exercice
                                   SSR cardiovasculaire et     induite par un exercice aigu effectué sur       Réadaptation Sport de la Société Française de
                                   pulmonaire, Saint-Orens-de- plateforme motorisée (Huber Motion Lab,         Cardiologie) ; 19-21 septembre 2013 ; Hyères.
                                   Gameville, France           LPG®) chez des patients coronariens.
                                                               Etude pilote.

                     HAFTEK M. University Lyon 1, INSERM        Ultrastructural changes induced by             40th Annual Meeting of Society for Cutaneous
                                   US 7- CNRS UMS 3453- SFR mechanical stimulation of the aged skin.           Ultrastructure Research (SCUR) & 6th Joint
                                   Lyon-Est Santé, Lyon, France                                                Meeting with Society of Skin Structure Research
                                                                                                               (SSSR); 12–14 May 2013, Salzburg, Austria.

                     MAULLU G. Studio Medico Oristano, Italia 1) La sinergia della mecano-stimulation         XXXIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana
                                                                 con le metodiche di biostimolazione          di Medicina Estetica (SIME); 10-12 Maggio 2013,
                                                                 (riempitivi e stimolanti).                   Roma.
                                                                 2) L’effetto della MECANO-STIMULATION®
                                                                 sull’espressione genetica e mobilizzazione
                                                                 dei lipidi nelle adiposità localizzate della
                                                                 regione gluteo-femorale.

                    HUMBERT P. CHU Besançon, Dermatology Mechanical stimulations and facial skin               10th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress &
                                   Department, France.           rejuvenation: a randomized simple-blind       MediSpa (AMWC); March 29-31, 2012; Monte-
                                                                 study with biopsies.                          Carlo, Monaco.

                     BOUAZIZ D. Office of Phlebology, Nice,      A new global approach for facial              10th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress &
                                   France                        rejuvenation.                                 MediSpa (AMWC); March 29-31, 2012; Monte-
                                                                                                               Carlo, Monaco.

                    MONTEUX C. LPG® Systems, Research            MECHANO-STIMULATION®: Scientific              11th Annual Convention of Philippine Academy of
                                   Department; Sophia            overview and added-value in aesthetic         Dermatologic Surgery Foundation Inc (PADSFI);
                                   Antipolis, France.            medicine.                                     February 22-24, Manila.

                     MAULLU G. Studio Medico Oristano, Italia L’effetto della MECANO-STIMULATION®             16° Congresso Internazionale (S.I.E.S.) Società
                                                                 sull’espressione genetica e mobilizzazione Italiana di Medicina e Chirurgia Estetica; 22-24
                                                                 dei lipidi nelle adiposità localizzate della Febbraio 2013; Bologna
                                                                 regione gluteo-femorale.

                      MAJANI U. Minimally Invasive Aesthetic     Utilità della meccano-stimolazione            16° Congresso Internazionale (S.I.E.S.) Società
                                   Surgery Clinic; (MIAS),       tessutale nella chirurgia minimamente         Italiana di Medicina e Chirurgia Estetica; 22-24
                                   Catania, Italia               invasiva del viso e del collo.                Febbraio 2013; Bologna

    2012               BEILIN G. Office of Aesthetic Medicine,   New Bio-stimulation approach for facial       Face2Face congress; November 2-3, 2012;
                                   Paris, France                 beauty enhancement.                           Cannes

                     BOUAZIZ D. Office of Phebology, Nice,       Stimolazione meccanica e                      17° Corso di Approfondimento Scuola
                                   France                        biostimolazione: un nuovo approccio           Internazionale di Medicina Estetica; 24-25
                                                                 combinato del viso.                           Novembre 2012, Roma.

                   ALBERICO FP Office of Aesthetic Medicine,     Un protocollo semplice per il trattamento     15o Congresso Internazionale della Società
                                   Napoli, Italia                dell’invecchiamento cutaneo:                  Italiana di Medicina Estetica (AGORA); 18-20
                                                                 Endermolift™ seguito da un peeling            Ottobre 2012; Milano, Italia
                                                                 rivoluzionario al TCA

                      MAJANI U. Minimally Invasive Aesthetic     Meccano-stimolazione tessutale e              15o Congresso Internazionale della Società
                                   Surgery Clinic; (MIAS),       chirurgia minimamente invasive nel            Italiana di Medicina Estetica (AGORA); 18-20
                                   Catania, Italia               rimodellamento del viso e del collo           Ottobre 2012; Milano, Italia

            BLANCHEMAISON P. Office of Phlebology; Paris,        Different types of cellulite                  8th European Congress in Aesthetic Dermatology
                                   France                                                                      and Surgery Anti Aging Medicine (EMAA); Oct
                                                                                                               12-14 2012; Paris.

               LEIBASCHOFF G. International Union of             Cellulite on the legs: Is it a fat problem?   8th European Congress in Aesthetic Dermatology
                                   Lipoplsty, Dallas,                                                          and Surgery Anti Aging Medicine (EMAA); Oct
                                                                                                               12-14 2012; Paris.

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Studies and publications - Alaset Import

                 AUTHOR(S) PLACE                                  TITLE                                        MEDICAL CONGRESS

                  MASSIRONE A. Scuola di Medicina Estetica        Mechano-stimualtion in the treatment of      54th World Congress of cosmetic and surgery
                                   «Agorà «; Milano, Italia       cellulite.                                   medicine (IACS); Oct 6-8, 2012; Buenos Aires –

                    HURWITZ D. Department of Surgery,             1) Complementing Facial Surgeries with       9th Annual Conference of the Canadian
                                   University of Pittsburgh       Fillers for Optimal Rejuvenation.            Association of Aesthetic Medicine; October 2012,
                                   Medical Center, USA            2) Complementing Body contouring             Toronto; Canada
                                                                  surgery with non Invasive Procedures.

                     BOUAZIZ D. Office of Phlebology, Nice,       Traitement des cernes : protocoles           Journées Méditerranéenne de la Société Avancée
                                   France                         combinés.                                    de Médecine et Chirurgie Esthétique & Plastique
                                                                                                               (SAMCEP) ; 21-22 septembre 2012, Montpellier

                  LAFONTAN M. Inserm Unit 858, I2MR,              De l’esthétique à l’échelle de la cellule.   3èmes Journées de la Société Avancée de
                                   Rangueil Hospital; Toulouse,                                                Médecine et Chirurgie Esthétique & Plastique
                                   France.                                                                     (SAMCEP) ; 8 juin 2012, Beaulieu

                       FANIAN F. CHU Besançon, Dermatology Facial skin ageing : a new treatment                FACE Facial Aesthetic Conference & Exhibition;
                                   Department, France.            option through Mechano-stimulation.          June 2-4, 2012, London

                      ACHARD C. Office of Aesthetic Medicine;     Cou et décolleté : quelles solutions ?       Les Journées de Médecine Esthétique et Anti-
                                   Marseille, France                                                           âge ; 2-3 juin 2012 ; Monaco

                  LAFONTAN M. Inserm Unit 858, I2MR,            Impact of a Mechanical Massage on Gene         23rd congress of the European Association of
                                   Rangueil Hospital; Toulouse, Expression Profile and Lipid Mobilization      Plastic Surgeons (EURAPS) Annual Meeting,
                                   France.                      in Female Gluteofemoral Adipose Tissue.        24-26 MAY 2012; Munich – Germany.

                      MAJANI U. Minimally Invasive Aesthetic      Meccano-stimolazione tessutale e             XXXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana
                                   Surgery Clinic; (MIAS),        miniliposculture nel rimodellamento          di Medicina Estetica (SIME); 18-20 Maggio 2012,
                                   Catania, Italia                corporeo.                                    Roma.

                  SALLUSTIO M. Poliambulatorio San Luca,          Risultati sinergici con cavitazione e        XXXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana
                                   Udine, Italia                  meccano stimolazione tessutale.              di Medicina Estetica (SIME); 18-20 Maggio 2012,

                BENCHIMOL JM. Société Française de                Intérêt de la combinaison Endermologie®      Réunion Régionale de l’Association Française de
                                   Médecine Esthétique; Paris,    + mésothérapie.                              Médecine Morpho-Esthétique et anti-âge ; 12 mai
                                   France                                                                      2012, Paris.

                    HUMBERT P. CHU Besançon, Dermatology Mechanic stimulation of the skin.                     3rd Swiss International Congress in Anti Aging
                                   Department, France.                                                         and Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery (SICAAAMS);
                                                                                                               19-21 April 2012; Geneva

                       BEILIN G. Office of Aesthetic Medicine,    Mecanostimulation – new approach in          3rd Swiss International Congress in Anti Aging
                                   Paris, France                  Aesthetic Medicine.                          and Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery (SICAAAMS);
                                                                                                               19-21 April 2012; Geneva

                      ACHARD C. Office of Aesthetic Medicine;     Expérience sur la combinaison                Réunion Régionale de l’Association Française de
                                   Marseille, France              Endermolift™ + peeling: Etude sur 13 cas.    Médecine Morpho-Esthétique et anti-âge ; 21
                                                                                                               avril 2012, Marseille.

                       FANIAN F. CHU Besançon, Dermatology A new treatment option through                      10th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress &
                                   Department, France.            mechano-stimulation.                         MediSpa (AMWC); March 29-31, 2012; Monte-
                                                                                                               Carlo, Monaco

               LEIBASCHOFF G. International Union of              1) Carboxyhterapy and Endermologie®: a       10th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress &
                                   Lipoplsty, Dallas              physiology combination.                      MediSpa (AMWC); March 29-31, 2012; Monte-
                                                                  2) PRP, Mesotherapy, Carboxyhterapy,         Carlo, Monaco
                                                                  Endermologie®: and Manual Lymphatic
                                                                  Drainage: the basic treatments for

            BLANCHEMAISON P. Office of Phlebology, Paris,         The french experience in the treatment of    10th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress &
                                   France                         cellulite.                                   MediSpa (AMWC); March 29-31, 2012; Monte-
                                                                                                               Carlo, Monaco

1611-LPG-Studies-Publi-2013-OK.indd 7                                                                                                                     24/09/13 10:05
Studies and publications - Alaset Import

                 AUTHOR(S) PLACE                                 TITLE                                             MEDICAL CONGRESS

              HERAULT BARDIN. Office of Aesthetic Medicine;      Combination of mécano-stimulation                 10th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress &
                                    Martigues, France            (LPG®) with Milk Peel ( Dermaceutic).             MediSpa (AMWC); March 29-31, 2012; Monte-
                                                                                                                   Carlo, Monaco

                   ALBERICO FP. Office of Aesthetic Medicine,    Endermolgie, carbossiterapia e LED                14° Congresso Internazionale (S.I.E.S.) Società
                                    Napoli, Italia               880nm: primi risultati di un protocollo           Italiana di medicina e Chirurgia Estetica; 24-26
                                                                 vincente nella cellulite.                         Febbraio 2012; Bologna

    2011            MONTEUX C. LPG® Systems, Research            Endermologie®: Description et bases               Réunion Régionale de l’Association Française de
                                    Department; Sophia           scientifiques.                                    Médecine Morpho-Esthétique et Anti-Age ; 12
                                    Antipolis, France.                                                             décembre 2011, Paris.

                   LAFONTAN M. Inserm Unit 858, I2MR,            Impact of LPG®-mechano stimulation on             XI annual Congress of SSME (Société Suisse
                                    Rangueil Hospital; Toulouse, lipolysis and gene expression.                    de Médecine Esthétique) ; November 5th 2011,
                                    France.                                                                        Lausanne.

                       FANIAN F. CHU Besançon, Dermatology Facial skin ageing : A new treatment                    XI International Congress on aesthetic & anti
                                    Department, France.          option through mechano-stimulation.               Aging Medicine; 30 sept- 2 oct 2011, Varsaw.

                LEIBASCHOFF G. International Union of            Verdades y mentiras sobre la                      XIX Jornadas Mediterràneas de confrontaciones
                                    Lipoplsty, Dallas, USA.      Endermologie®.                                    Terapéuticas en Medicina Estética y Cirugià
                                                                                                                   Cosmética ; 13-15 de Mayo 2011, Sitges

                    DRAGANIC D. Dermatological Clinic, DISM,     Improvement of aesthetic results of cavitation    13° Congresso Internazionale della Società Italiana di
                      STINCO G. University of Udine; Italy       associating a therapeutic program with            Medicina Estetica (AGORA); 13-15 Ottobre 2011; Milano,
                                                                 mechano-stimulation technique                     Italia

                LEIBASCHOFF G. International Union of            Truth and untruth in the use of Endermologie®     13° Congresso Internazionale della Società Italiana di
                               Lipoplasty, Dallas, USA                                                             Medicina Estetica (AGORA); 13-15 Ottobre 2011; Milano,

                     SPEZIALE F. Medical Center;                 Physician Aesthetic approach of kinesitherapy     13° Congresso Internazionale della Società Italiana di
                                 Bologna, Italy                  in overweight and body imperfections. New         Medicina Estetica (AGORA); 13-15 Ottobre 2011; Milano,
                                                                 synergies and first results                       Italia

                      MAJANI U. Minimally Invasive Aesthetic     LPG® assisted mini liposuction                    13° Congresso Internazionale della Società Italiana di
                      MAJANI A. Surgery Clinic;                                                                    Medicina Estetica (AGORA); 13-15 Ottobre 2011; Milano,
                                Catania, Italy                                                                     Italia

                  ALBERICO F. P. Office of Aesthetic Medicine;   1) Un protocollo vincente nella cellulite :      13° Congresso Internazionale della Società Italiana di
                                 Napoli, Italia                     Endermologie®, carbossiterapia e LED           Medicina Estetica (AGORA); 13-15 Ottobre 2011; Milano,
                                                                    880nm.                                         Italia
                                                                 2) Endermolift™ + Needling con un nuovo
                                                                    Dermaroller + LED ad 880nm nel

                LEIBASCHOFF G. International Union of            How to improve the result of the liposculpture?   7th European Congress in Aesthetic Dermatology and
                               Lipoplasty, Dallas, USA           The pre and post treatments                       Surgery Anti Aging Medicine (EMAA); Sept 30th-Oct
                                                                                                                   1rst, 2011; Paris; France

            BLANCHEMAISON P. Office of Phlebology;               The mechano-stimulation in the cellulite          7th European Congress in Aesthetic Dermatology and
                             Paris, France                       treatment                                         Surgery Anti Aging Medicine (EMAA); Sept 30th-Oct
                                                                                                                   1rst, 2011; Paris; France

                       FANIAN F. CHU Besançon                    Facial skin aging: a new treatment option         7th European Congress in Aesthetic Dermatology and
                                 Dermatology Department          through mechano-stimulation                       Surgery Anti Aging Medicine (EMAA); Sept 30th-Oct
                                 France                                                                            1rst, 2011; Paris; France

                    MONTEUX C. LPG Systems, Research
                                                                 Impact of a Mechanical Massage on Gene            3rd Aesthetics Asia Exhibition and Congress, 9-11
                   LAFONTAN M. Department; Sophia Antipolis,     Expression Profile and Lipid Mobilization in      September 2011; Singapour
                   THALAMAS C. France                            Female Gluteofemoral Adipose Tissue
                    VIGUERIE N.

                LEIBASCHOFF G. International Union of            1) Novos conceitos na fisiopatologia do tecido   18° Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina Estética, 1-4 de
                               Lipoplasty, Dallas, USA              adipose                                        junho de 2011; São Paulo, Brazil
                                                                 2) No tratameto da lipodistrofia ginoide

1611-LPG-Studies-Publi-2013-OK.indd 8                                                                                                                             24/09/13 10:05
Studies and publications - Alaset Import

                 AUTHOR(S) PLACE                                    TITLE                                              MEDICAL CONGRESS

                       KINNEY B. University of Southern California ; Lipomassage™ e Cirurgia Plàstica                  18° Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina Estética, 1-4 de
                                 Los Angeles, USA                                                                      junho de 2011; São Paulo, Brazil

                       KINNEY B. University of Southern California ; Tratamentos complementares à atividade            31° Jornada Paulista de Cirurgia Plàstica 1-4 de Junho
                                 Los Angeles, USA                    do Cirurgiao Plastico Moderno e o impacto         de 2011, São Paulo, Brazil
                                                                     positive em seu retorno financeiro (Workshop
                                                                     da ESTHETICARE)

                  ALBERICO F. P. Office of Aesthetic Medicine;      1) Un protocollo vincente nella cellulite :       XXXII Congresso Nazionale della
                                 Napoli, Italia                        Endermologie®, carbossiterapia e LED            Società Italiana di Medicina Estetica (SIME); 6-8 Maggio
                                                                       880nm. I risultati di alcuni casi trattati      2011; Roma, Italia
                                                                    2) Endermolift™ + Needling con un nuovo
                                                                       Dermaroller + LED ad 880nm nel
                                                                       cronoaging. Esperienze preliminari

                      FANIAN F. Department of Dermatology-          Clinical and biometrological evaluation            9th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress & MediSpa
                    HUMBERT P. St Jacques Hospital, Besançon;       after mechanic stimulation of the face by          (AMWC); March 24-26, 2011;
                                France                              Endermolift™                                       Monte-Carlo, Monaco

                LEIBASCHOFF G. International Union of               The mechano-stimulation in the cellulite           9th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress & MediSpa
                               Lipoplasty, Dallas, USA              treatment: The right steps for a physiological     (AMWC); March 24-26, 2011;
                                                                    treatment (Endermologie®)                          Monte-Carlo, Monaco

            BLANCHEMAISON P. Office of Phlebology;                  Endermospa, firt stage towards the Medical         9th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress & MediSpa
                             Paris, France                          Spa                                                (AMWC); March 24-26, 2011;
                                                                                                                       Monte-Carlo, Monaco

                    MONTEUX C. LPG Systems, Research
                                                                    La mécano-stimulation                              XXI Annual Congress of the Belgian Society of Aesthetic
                               Department;                                                                             Medicine; March 18-19, 2011; Brussels,Belgium
                               Sophia Antipolis, France

                  ALBERICO F. P. Office of Aesthetic Medicine;      Endermolift™ + Needling + LED: si può fare?        14° Congresso Internazionale S.I.E.S.
                                 Napoli, Italia                                                                        Società Italiana di medicina e Chirurgia Estetica; 25-27
                                                                                                                       Febbraio 2011; Bologna, Italia

    2010             SPEZIALE F. Centro di Riabilitazione; Ferrara, Endermolift™ by Endermologie®: Tecnica anti        SIES Day, 27 Novembre 2010, Bologna; Italia
                                 Italia                             aging e procollagenica

                      MAJANI U. MIAS – Mini Invasive Aesthetic  Miniliposuzione laser-assistita e LPG®                 15° Stage in medicina estetica e chirurgia plastic-
                      MAJANI A. Surgery Ambulatorio Chirurgico, Cellu-M6 Endermolab nel rimodellamento del
                                                                                                                       estetica; 20-21 Novembre 2010; Torino; Italia
                                Catania; Italia                 profilo corporeo

                    HUMBERT P. Department of Dermatology-           Clinical and biometrological evaluation            6th European Congress in Aesthetic Dermatology and
                      FANIAN F. St Jacques Hospital, Besançon;      after mechanic stimulation of the face by          Surgery Anti Aging Medicine (EMAA); October 15-17,
                                France                              Endermolift™                                       2010; Paris; France

                   LAFONTAN M. Inserm Unit 858, I2MR, Rangueil Does Endermologie® have any action? What is             6th European Congress in Aesthetic Dermatology and
                               Hospital ; Toulouse, France     the evidence-based action?                              Surgery Anti Aging Medicine (EMAA); October 15-17,
                                                                                                                       2010; Paris; France

                LEIBASCHOFF G. International Union of               1) What is the difference between lipolytic and   6th European Congress in Aesthetic Dermatology and
                               Lipoplasty, Dallas, USA                 lipoclastic treatments?                         Surgery Anti Aging Medicine (EMAA); October 15-17,
                                                                    2) Cellulite: Is it a FAT problem? The whole      2010; Paris; France
                                                                       treatment for a good medical and aesthetic

                    HUMBERT P. Department of Dermatology-           Facial skin ageing : a new treatment option        10th meeting of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging
                               St Jacques Hospital, Besançon;       through Endermolift™ process                       Medicine (JAAM), June 11-13, 2010; Kyoto, Japan

                   LAFONTAN M. Inserm Unit 858, I2MR, Rangueil Evaluation of the effects of Endermologie® on           National Congress of Aesthetic Medicine (SIME), May
                               Hospital ; Toulouse, France     lipid mobilization and gene expression using            7-9, 2010; Roma, Italy
                                                               microdialysis and DNA microarray analysis

1611-LPG-Studies-Publi-2013-OK.indd 9                                                                                                                                   24/09/13 10:05
Studies and publications - Alaset Import

                 AUTHOR(S) PLACE                                 TITLE                                              MEDICAL CONGRESS

            LEBRUN FRENAY C. Neurology Department; Pasteur       A Treatment for Lipoatrophy-Induced Injection      62nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of
                  MONDOT L. Hospital; Nice, France               with Subcutaneous Glatiramer Acetate (poster)      Neurology (AAN); April 10-17, 2010; Toronto, Canada
                BERTAGNA M.
                   THOMAS P.
                    COHEN M.

                   LAFONTAN M. Inserm Unit 858, I2MR, Rangueil Evaluation of the effects of Endermologie® on        International Congress of Aesthetic Medicine, January
                               Hospital ; Toulouse, France     lipid mobilization and gene expression using         28-30, 2010: Moscow
                                                               microdialysis and DNA microarray analysis

    2009              BACCI P.A. Centro Studi,                   LPG® Endermologie®: 15 anni dopo.                  International Congress of Aesthetic Medicine (AGORA),
                                 Firenze, Italia                                                                    October 15-17 2009; Milano, Italy

                   LAFONTAN M. INSERM 586, Hôpital               Valutazione degli effetti di una tecnica di        International Congress of Aesthetic Medicine (AGORA),
                               Rangueil, Toulouse                massaggio meccanizzato sulla lipolisi e            October 15-17 2009; Milano, Italy
                                                                 l’espressione dei geni usando rispettivamente
                                                                 le tecniche di microdialisi e di DNA microarray.

            BLANCHEMAISON P. Paris                               Interest of the cellular mechanical stimulation    I congreso del Colegio Colombiano de Medicina
                                                                 in aesthetic medicine                              Estetica (Colcome), September 24-26, 2009; Cartagena,

                      BACCI. P.A. Centro Studi,                  LPG® Endermologie®: 15 anni dopo.                  National Congress of Aesthetic Medicine (SIME), May
                                  Firenze, Italia                                                                   8-10, 2009; Roma, Italy

                     SPEZIALE F. Bologna, Italia                 Attualità nelle metodiche LPG® per il corpo e      12th International Congress SIES, February 20-22,
                                                                 per il viso (Workshop LPG®)                        2009; Bologna, Italy

            BLANCHEMAISON P. Paris                               State of the Art on cellulite and fat treatment    European Masters in Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine
                                                                                                                    (EMAA); October 2-3 2009; Paris

    2008           LAFONTAN M. INSERM 586, Hôpital               LPG®-Endermologie® nella lipodistrofia             CONVEGNO L’organo adiposo: Dalla Biologia cellulare
                               Rangueil, Toulouse                localizzata                                        alla clinica. 20-21 novembre 2008; Abano Terme, Italia

                   ORTONNE JP. Dermatologie,                     Cellulite: evaluation and treatment                12th International Dermatology Conference of the Saudi
                               Hôpital Archet, Nice                                                                 Society for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery,
                                                                                                                    November 9-13, 2008; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

                   LAFONTAN M. INSERM 586, Hôpital               Use of the microdialysis technique to assess       International Congress of Aesthetic Medicine (AGORA),
                               Rangueil, Toulouse                lipolytic responsiveness of femoral adipose        October 9-11, 2008; Milano, Italy
                                                                 tissue after 12 sessions of mechanical
                                                                 massage techniques

    2007           BARRETT J.B. Los Angeles, USA                 Changes in balance and strenght parameters         IMCAS ASIA International Master Course on Ageing
                                                                 following training with SpineForceTM / HUBER®      Skin; July 16-17, 2007; Bangkok, Thailand
                                                                 isoproterenol in women with cellulite

                     PORTERO P. INSERM UMR731/UPMC               Changes in balance and strenght parameters         15th World Physical Therapy Congress, 2-6 June 2007,
                     THOUMIE P. Rothschild Hospital              following training with SpineForceTM / HUBER®      Vancouver, Canada
                         ET AL. Paris, France                    device in healthy subjects.

                     BOJINCA M. Rheumalotoly Department          Exercise program with the HUBER® System            7th European Congress on clinical and economic
                         ET AL. Cantacusino Hospital,            compared with classic exercise program in          aspects of osteoporosis and ost eoarthritis (ECCEO)
                                Bucarest, Romania                rehabilitation for patients with chronic low       March 28 31, 2007 Porto, Portugal
                                                                 back pain (poster).

    2006          ZARTARIAN M. Nice, France                      Silhouette et Technique LPG®.                      Dermatologists & Information in aesthetic dermatology
                                                                                                                    in Rhône-Alpes. Training day,
                                                                                                                    Nov. 16, 2006; Lyon, France

                 MAERTENS DE CNRF                                Using the HUBER® technique for the                 21th Congress of the French Society of Physical
                 NOORDHOUT B. Fraiture, Belgique                 rehabilitation of patients with multiple           Medicine and Rehabilitation, (SOFMER)
                       ET AL.                                    sclerosis.                                         October 19-21, 2006, Rouen, France

1611-LPG-Studies-Publi-2013-OK.indd 10                                                                                                                                24/09/13 10:05

                 AUTHOR(S) PLACE                                  TITLE                                              MEDICAL CONGRESS

                    THOUMIE P. INSERM UMR731/UPMC                 Changes in posture, balance and strength           21th Congress of the French Society of Physical
                  & PORTERO P. Rothschild Hospital                parameters following training with HUBER®          Medicine and Rehabilitation, (SOFMER)
                               Paris, France                      device in healthy subjects.                        October 19-21, 2006, Rouen, France

                     BOJINCA M. Rheumalotoly Department           Etude comparative entre le systeme HUBER® et       Conférences FMT, Salon Mondial Rééducation
                         ET AL. Cantacusino Hospital, Bucarest,   la kinesitherapie classique dans la reéducation    Equip’Salles, 6 - 8 Octobre 2006, Paris, France
                                Romania                           de la lombalgie chronique commune.

                       MARES P. CHU Caremeau,                     Intérêt du système HUBER® dans la prise en         Conférences FMT, Salon Mondial Rééducation
                       LADET J. Nîmes, France                     charge de l’incontinence urinaire d’effort et/ou   Equip’Salles, 6 - 8 Octobre 2006, Paris, France
                         ET AL.                                   mixte chez la femme.

                     BOJINCA M. Rheumalotoly Department           Efficacy of exercise program with the HUBER®       Annual European Congress of Rheumatology of the
                         ET AL. Cantacusino Hospital,             System compared with classic exercise              European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), June
                                Bucarest, Romania                 program in rehabilitation for patients with        21-24, 2006 Amsterdam, Netherlands
                                                                  chronic low back pain (poster).

                    THOUMIE P. INSERM UMR731/UPMC                 Changes in posture, balance and strength           15th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation
                  & PORTERO P. Rothschild Hospital                parameters following training with HUBER®          Medicine, May 16-20 2006 Madrid, Spain
                               Paris, France                      device in healthy subjects.

                MAERTENS DE CNRF                                  Using the HUBER® technique in physical             15th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation
             NOORDHOUT B. ET Fraiture, Belgique                   medicine and rehabilitation.                       Medicine, May 16-20 2006 Madrid, Spain

                   GORDON C Hospital of Union Country,            Use of a Mechanical Massage Technique in           15th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation
              ZARTARIAN M. ET Marysville, OH; USA                 the Treatment of Fibromyalgia : A Preliminary      Medicine, May 16-20 2006 Madrid, Spain
                          AL.                                     Study.

                     PARADIS N. Urogynecological                  Treatment pre and post-surgery of patients         3rd Congress of the Society of Pelvic and
                       MARES P. Rehabilitation Center             with prolapsus.                                    Gynaecological Surgery; May 11-13, 2006 ;
                         ET AL. Nîmes, France                                                                        Nîmes, France

                MAERTENS DE CNRF                                  Using the HUBER® technique for the                 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis
             NOORDHOUT B. ET Fraiture, Belgique                   rehabilitation of patients with multiple           (RIMS). XVIII technical worshop.
                         AL.                                      sclerosis                                          May 10-12, 2006, Barcelona, Spain

                      ROQUES C. Rehabilitation Center             LPG® Technique in burn scars: A 14 years           1rst Scar Meeting; March 29-April 1, 2006; Montpellier,
                                Lamalou Le Haut,                  experience                                         France

                       MARES P. CHU Caremeau,                     The pelvic handicap: A dynamic and global          Congress of the International Society of Reeducation in
                                Nîmes, France                     approach with the HUBER® systems                   Pelvi-Perineology. March 24 – 25, 2006; Lyon, France

                  ZARTARIAN M. Nice, France                       Silhouette et Technique LPG®                       16th Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology Meeting.
                                                                                                                     March 22-24 2006 ; Paris, France

                         TEOT L. Burn Rehabilitation Center,      Wound healing and scars in reeducation :           34th Conversations of Physical Medicine and
                                 Lamalou-les-Bains,               Interest of the LPG® Technique                     Rehabilitation (EMPR). March 8-10 2006 ; Montpellier,
                                 France                                                                              France

                         TEOT L. Burn Rehabilitation Center,      LPG® Technique in burn scars: A 14 years           1rst National Congress Italian Conference for the Study
                                 Lamalou-les-Bains,               experience                                         and Research on Ulcers, Wounds, Scars and Tissue
                                 France                                                                              Repair (CO.R.TE); March 1-3 2006; Rome, Italy.

                  ORTONNE J.P. Dermatology Department,            Cellulite: Evaluation and treatment                International Master Course on Ageing Skin (IMCAS) ;
                               Archet Hospital, Nice,                                                                January 6-8, 2006 ; Paris, France

                                                   Before 2006

1611-LPG-Studies-Publi-2013-OK.indd 11                                                                                                                                 24/09/13 10:05
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