Study Abroad - SPRING 2019 SAN RAMÓN, COSTA RICA - UW-Eau Claire

Page created by Dave Gonzalez
Study Abroad - SPRING 2019 SAN RAMÓN, COSTA RICA - UW-Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire


Study Abroad

      SPRING 2019

                                 Program Guide
                                                                         Scholarships..................................................... 8

                                                                            Hilda Belle Oxby Scholarship ................ 8

General Information ....................................... 3               USAC Scholarships ...................................... 9

   The Program ................................................ 3        Health & Safety ............................................... 9

   The Location ................................................ 3          Before You Go ............................................. 9

   Academic Calendar ..................................... 3                Common Health Problems ........................ 9

   The University .............................................. 3          Water .......................................................... 10

Academics ........................................................ 3        Insect Bites ................................................. 10

   Program Prerequisites ................................ 3                 Zika Virus .................................................... 11

   Registration in Costa Rica .......................... 4                  Health Facilities in Costa Rica .................. 11

   Language Track ........................................... 4             Emergency Contacts ................................. 11

   Add/Drop Courses On Site ........................ 4                      Safety in Costa Rica .................................. 11

   Withdrawing from USAC Courses ............. 4                            Marijuana and other Illegal Drugs .......... 12

   Credits and Course load............................. 5                   911 Equivalent in Costa Rica ................... 12

   Class/Activity Attendance .......................... 5                Required Documents ................................... 12

   Grades........................................................... 5      Visa .............................................................. 12

   Grade Reports.............................................. 5         Packing Tips................................................... 12

   Foreign                Language                   Immersion              Weather ...................................................... 12

   Requirement ................................................ 6           Packing Less is More ................................ 13

   The Academic Program .............................. 6                    Clothing ...................................................... 13

   Volunteering ................................................ 7          Gifts ............................................................. 13

   Service-Learning Requirement .................. 7                        What to Pack ............................................. 13

Money Matters ................................................ 7            Appliances .................................................. 13

   Cost Estimate ............................................... 7       Arrival/Departure .......................................... 13

   Currency Exchange ..................................... 8                There is information on student-oriented

   ATMs ............................................................ 8      travel agencies, instructions for booking a
                                                                            flight, and other travel information in the
   Credit/Debit Cards .................................... 8
                                                                            Study Abroad Handbook. ........................ 13
   Traveler’s Checks ...................................... 8
                                                                            Travel Arrangements ................................ 14
USAC Group Flight .................................... 14             Culture ............................................................ 25

   Early Arrivals .............................................. 14      Travel .............................................................. 25

   Airport Pick-Up Service ............................ 14

   Clearing Immigration & Customs ........... 15

   Late Arrivals-Expected and Unexpected 15

   Leaving Costa Rica .................................... 15

Settling In....................................................... 16

   Orientation ................................................. 16

   Homestays ................................................. 16

Communication ............................................ 19

   Telephone Information ............................ 19

   Computers and Cell Phones .................. 19

   Internet ....................................................... 20

Cultural Notes ............................................... 20

   Greetings and Addresses ......................... 20

   Tico Time .................................................... 20

   "Developing World" .................................. 21

   Family.......................................................... 21

   Gender Issues ............................................ 21

   "Piropos" .................................................... 22

   Other Notes ............................................... 22

Travel While Abroad ..................................... 22

   Program Excursions .................................. 22

   Optional Excursions .................................. 22

   Guidebooks ................................................ 22

Contact Names & Addresses ...................... 24

WEB RESOURCES: COSTA RICA .................. 25

Costa Rica ...................................................... 25
CONGRATULATIONS on being accepted to the UW-Eau Claire program with USAC
to San Ramón, Costa Rica. Living and studying in a foreign culture is both an exciting and a
challenging experience. Past participants of study abroad report that the many advantages of
international study include:

                         Building upon foreign language skills
                Gaining new perspectives on a chosen academic field
                     Increasing understanding of different cultures
                    Developing different perspectives on U.S. culture
                       Gaining self-confidence and independence
                Learning skills for the future international job market

It is up to you to determine how you can best benefit from these possible advantages. This is
your adventure!

This program guide is to be used together with the general Study Abroad (SA) Handbook. The
SA Handbook has information that is valid for all study abroad programs. This guide will provide
you with specific information for the Costa Rica study abroad program. It is designed to
complement the SA Handbook, study abroad orientation, and your individual pre-departure

Please realize that, although this guide contains all of the information available at the time of
printing, it is impossible for any single resource to answer all of your questions. Your peer adviser
will email additional information throughout the semester. Please contact the Center for
International Education (CIE) staff, your peer adviser, and past program participants with your
specific questions. You should also make use of the additional written and web resources listed
towards the end of this guide.

Basic questions only you can answer include:

1) What are YOUR goals for this experience? Common objectives of student travelers include
advancement in future profession, desire to gain fluency in a second language, wish to expand
personal and academic horizons, need for a change, wish to challenge oneself with immersion
in a new culture.

2) Given the way the program is set up, how can you best prepare to meet your goals? For
example, if one of your goals is truly being immersed in Costa Rican culture, yet you are going
with a group of UW-Eau Claire students, how can you ensure that you do not spend too much
time with other U.S. Americans?

The information in this guide was current at the time of printing, though changes may occur at
any time.

                                                    *Dates are subject to change. To see more
                                                    detailed program dates:
The Program                               
UW-Eau Claire has partnered with University         programs/costa-rica/San Ramón/calendars
Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) to offer
students the opportunity to study the
Spanish language and Latin American                 The University
cultures. You will live with host families to       The program is located on the western
help you fully experience the local culture.        campus of the Universidad de Costa Rica.
Some field trips will be included in the            UCR in San Ramón is home to over 2,200
program costs.                                      students. All USAC classes and the USAC
                                                    office is located on campus. Wi-Fi and
The Location                                        computer labs are available for research
San Ramón is situated just outside of the           and coursework. Students will also have
Manuel Brenes forest reserve in the                 access to the campus laboratories, teaching
beautiful Central Valley of Costa Rica. About       collections, herbarium, and research
an hour northwest of the capital, San José,         collections.
San Ramón offers a slow and relaxed
lifestyle with a small-town flavor. It’s city
center has plenty of restaurants and shops
and is near the Museo de San Ramón,                 Additional information on academic topics
where you can learn about the important             such as registration, class attendance, credits
role the city has played in Costa Rica’s            and course load, grades, transcripts, and
history.                                            accessing the UW-Eau Claire library while
                                                    abroad is in your Study Abroad Handbook.
Academic Calendar
Spring 2019                                         Program Prerequisites
 Depart U.S.               January 11               To participate in this study abroad program,
 Arrival                   January 11               you must be in good academic, conduct,
 Mandatory                 January 12               and financial, standing, and have the
 Orientation                                        minimum 2.5 GPA required. The CIE will
 Courses Begin             January 14               check grades at the end of the semester

 Spring Break              April 15-21              prior to departure. If you are on not in good
                                                    academic, conduct, or financial standing at
 Courses End               May 8
                                                    that time, we will need to check with USAC
 Final Exams               May 9
                                                    to see if you will be allowed to participate. If
 Move out of housing       May 10
                                                    you have been suspended, you will not be
                                                    allowed to participate on the program. This
means that cancellation may happen days              not have to take it again for credit, but you
before your planned departure date.                  must audit it. The tracks are made up of 2-4
                                                     language courses that require that the first
Registration in Costa Rica                           course in the track be completed before
As part of the USAC admissions process,              moving on to the second, then third, etc.
you are required to submit a preliminary             You will be with the same students/
course registration. You will find the Course        instructor the entire semester.
and Tour Registration Form in your USAC
Gateway account. You will complete this              It is important to note that UWEC does not
form indicating your course and tour                 allow students to skip courses in the
selections along with two alternative                Spanish language sequencing. For example,
courses in case any courses become                   if you have complete SPAN 201 at UWEC, if
unavailable. You will submit the completed           you take the course that is equivalent to
form directly to USAC.                               SPAN 301, you will instead earn credit for
                                                     SPAN 202 (since you have not taken that
You will receive your final course schedule          yet). If you had already taken SPAN 202,
during the on-site orientation. Your                 then you would earn credit for SPAN 301. It
Resident Director in Costa Rica will make            is important to pay attention to the
every effort to avoid class conflicts;               sequencing of the language courses to
however, there may be scheduling conflicts           avoid this.
and you may need to adjust your class
selection. Please be flexible and prepared           Add/Drop Courses On Site
for course changes.                                  You will have 10 class days after the class
                                                     begins to add/drop courses on site. Written
Language Track                                       permission is required from both the
You will have to do your best to decide              Resident Director and instructors in order to
which language track you want to                     add/drop/change a course once it has
participate in. If you haven’t taken any             begun.
university level Spanish before, you will
need to start with Track I (Elementary               Withdrawing from USAC Courses
Spanish). If you have taken Spanish before,          Your Resident Director in Costa Rica will
you will base your decision off levels you           establish a course withdrawal deadline
have completed. Once you arrive in Costa             (typically this is about two-thirds of the way
Rica, if you want to pursue a different level,       into the term). If you must drop a course
you will need to take a placement test.              after the drop deadline, but before the
                                                     withdrawal deadline, a grade of “W” will be
If you register for a track but have already         reported on your USAC grade report. If you
taken the first course in the track, you do          abandon a class without officially
withdrawing from it, a grade will be
reported as an “F.”                                   Grades
                                                      Courses in the program are graded on the
Credits and Course load                               U.S. A-F grading scale. The grades reported
You must enroll in a minimum of 12 credits,           on your USAC grade report are the same
and you can take a maximum of 18 credits.             grades that will appear on your UW-Eau
Dropping below full-time status may result            Claire transcript; grades are included in
in loss of financial aid and/or insurance             your UW-Eau Claire GPA. Pass/Fail grades
coverage and must be approved in advance              are not allowed.
by the CIE.
                                                      Grade Reports
The credits you earn abroad are considered
                                                      At the end of the program, USAC prepares a
UW-Eau Claire resident credits. The classes
                                                      grade report, which is sent to UW-Eau
you take abroad will count towards the total
                                                      Claire. USAC will also update your grades
credits needed for graduation, and grades
                                                      on your Gateway account for you to review.
will be figured into your UW-Eau Claire
                                                      Courses, credits, and grades are
                                                      incorporated into your UW-Eau Claire
Class/Activity Attendance
When studying abroad, you are required to             Grade reports are not available until a
follow the attendance policies of your                few weeks after the program. Due to this
program abroad. In general, you are                   delay, you will initially receive a grade
expected to attend all regularly scheduled            report with “NR” (not reported) for all
classes and field trips unless illness or other       courses. The actual courses you took will be
unavoidable circumstances make this                   reflected on your record once the CIE
impossible. Absences must be approved in              receives your grade report from USAC.
advance by the instructor and may result in
lower grades.                                         If you are a senior and are studying
                                                      abroad for your last term, please note that
USAC generally allows students one                    the different timelines in grade reporting
excused absence. Each tardy is considered             may require you to delay your
one half of an absence. If you fail to attend         graduation from spring to summer. The
class, this will affect your grade in the             UW-Eau Claire Registrar's Office must
course. All exams must be taken as                    receive grades within 42 days of the last day
scheduled.                                            of the UW-Eau Claire term in order to
                                                      confirm your graduation that term. This is a
                                                      UW-Eau Claire requirement, and our

partners abroad cannot change their usual             class, or while the professor or invited
timelines to accommodate it.                          guests lecture.

Foreign Language Immersion                            The professor's role is to be the
Requirement                                           classroom facilitator, not the lecturer, as is
                                                      usually the case in the U.S. You, as
This program fulfills the immersion
                                                      students, are expected to be active
requirement if you are a Spanish or LAS
                                                      participants in the learning process. If you
major or minor and need to have the
                                                      do not come to class prepared to critically
fulfillment of your language immersion
                                                      discuss whatever reading has been assigned
requirement noted on your degree audit.
                                                      for that class period, very little will happen
                                                      in class!
The Academic Program
USAC courses at UCR are taught by local
                                                      Syllabi may also be different than those
and visiting faculty. Professors will provide a
                                                      used in the U.S. They have much less detail
syllabus at the beginning of the term and
                                                      and are far less explicit about exact dates
coursework will generally follow a typical
                                                      things are due, what percentage each
U.S. structure with a combination of exams,
                                                      assignment counts toward your grade, etc.
projects, essays, and/or homework. Your
                                                      Some of your professors have taught or
classmates will be other USAC or
                                                      studied in the U.S. system and will use a U.S.
international students. Local students are
                                                      style syllabus. Don't expect that from
already fluent in Spanish and typically their
                                                      everyone, part of your experience abroad is
English is not proficient enough to join you
                                                      learning how to operate in a different
in courses taught in English. There will still
                                                      academic system.
be plenty of chances for you to interact with
local students.
                                                      You may also be required to do more
                                                      independent research than you typically do
You should plan to be in courses Monday –
                                                      in the U.S. Doing research will present its
Friday. You will have plenty of time to
                                                      own challenges. Again, although you may
explore Costa Rica on weekends. It is not
                                                      take some courses in English, don't forget
recommended to plan any weekend travel
                                                      that you are taking them in a Spanish-
until after you arrive.
                                                      speaking country. Ninety five percent of
                                                      all library resources will, of course, be in
The teaching methodology differs from that
                                                      Spanish. Most of your "textbooks" may
in the U.S. Computers are used in the
                                                      actually be photocopies of books, due to
classroom when researching assignments
                                                      the high cost and lack of availability of
only. Homework and written essays are
                                                      actual books.
normally completed outside the classroom.
Computers are not to be used during a
Another thing to keep in mind is the                 find out about different opportunities once
privilege you enjoy in terms of academic             you’re in San Ramón.
resources in the U.S. and to realize that
Costa Rica is a developing country with              Service-Learning Requirement
much less wealth to invest in this area.             Depending on the volunteer activity, you
Library resources are not centralized, as            may be able to fulfill part or all of your UW-
they are in the U.S. In other words, you             Eau Claire service-learning requirement.
cannot go to the library, find the book you          There is detailed information on how to do
want listed at another library, and request it       your service-learning abroad in the Study
through inter-library loan. As explained in          Abroad Handbook.
the UW-Eau Claire Study Abroad
Handbook, you still have access to the UW-
Eau Claire library resources. You will also be       MONEY MATTERS
relying on other resources found on the              Information about how payments are made,
Internet.                                            when they are due, and the
                                                     withdrawal/refund deadlines, financial aid,
Volunteering                                         scholarships, budgeting and ways to bring
Volunteering during study abroad is a                money abroad is in your Study Abroad
wonderful way to get involved in the local           Handbook.
community, make meaningful relationships,
and improve your Spanish-language skills.            Cost Estimate
                                                     You can find the most current cost estimate
When considering volunteering during                 for your program, in easily printable format,
study abroad, it is important to note that it        on the CIE Costa Rica, San Ramón (USAC)
represents both time and commitment to               webpage. Be sure you are looking at the
the organization. It requires time on the            correct term. Remember that the cost
part of the organization to plan projects for        estimate includes what you pay to UW-Eau
and supervise a volunteer, so please take            Claire, what you pay to USAC, and what you
your commitment seriously or some of the             pay directly to other vendors.
community partners may not be willing to
host volunteers in the future. Also,                 Personal Travel:
volunteering abroad requires you to take             The above estimate does not include
initiative. The more you are willing to invest       additional personal travel. How much
in the experience the more rewarding it will         money you need for travel is always a
be!                                                  difficult and personal decision. Keep in
                                                     mind that you can spend as much money as
Volunteer projects will be available based           you have, but you do not need to! Students
on current need in the community. You will           who spend more time with their host
families often have richer interpersonal              If you are going to take a credit card
experiences than those who spend every                (recommended by past participants as a
spare moment traveling.                               back-up or for making large purchases),
                                                      Visa and MasterCard are accepted within
Currency Exchange                                     Costa Rica; American Express is not. Please
The currency of Costa Rica is the Colon.              note that most stores will not accept
There are 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100 and 500              credit/debit cards for small purchases. Past
colones coins, and 1,000, 2,000, 5,000 and            participants typically only used credit/debit
10,000 colones bills. Past participants note          cards to make online reservations for
that it can be hard to use 10,000 colones             hostels, etc., instead of using them for
bills for small purchases, such as in cafes, in       everyday purchases.
taxis, etc. The exchange rate as of June 2018
was $1 USD = 559.031 colones. You can                 Traveler’s Checks
find current exchange rates at                        Traveler’s checks are increasingly rare and             difficult to use and not recommended. They
                                                      generally must be cashed at a major bank,
ATMs                                                  although, in some countries, post offices
If using a debit card from the U.S., make             also offer this service, and you must have
sure you understand how much the                      your passport with you. Most banks
withdrawal fees are. Also note that there             charge a fee for cashing the checks; it can
may be an international fee assessed every            vary widely. Before cashing a check, ASK
time you use your card.                               what the fee is.

When withdrawing money from the ATM,                  Make sure you record your check numbers
always use caution.                                   and keep the numbers separate from the
                                                      checks, in case you need to get them
Make sure you notify your bank and credit             replaced.
card companies before your travel. They will
want to know your travel itinerary to the              SCHOLARSHIPS
best that you have it planned out. Also
                                                      In addition to the scholarships listed in your
make a copy of all of your credit cards so
                                                      Study Abroad Handbook, this may also apply
that in the event they are lost, stolen, or
                                                      for Costa Rica students.
eaten by an ATM, you have the contact
information to call and cancel.
                                                      Hilda Belle Oxby Scholarship
                                                      Advanced students of Latin American
Credit/Debit Cards
                                                      Studies or Spanish, with a cumulative GPA
                                                      of 3.0 and a GPA of 3.5 in Spanish are

eligible to apply. Contact the Foreign              physician to see if you should receive any
Languages Department for application                other vaccinations, depending upon the
details. This scholarship generally has a           type of travel you plan to do. While there
March deadline.                                     are no required vaccinations for Costa Rica,
                                                    the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) does
USAC Scholarships                                   have several recommendations depending
USAC offers a variety of scholarships for           on your travel plans and your health history.
students. To see more information, visit
USAC’s Scholarship website. You will have           Common Health Problems
optional scholarship applications applied to        The most common health problems for U.S.
your USAC Gateway account when they are             Americans in Costa Rica are intestinal
open. Students are able to apply for all            upsets. They usually occur as a result of the
scholarships they are eligible for and can be       change in diet, the different meal schedule,
awarded more than one scholarship.                  and organisms unfamiliar to your system.

USAC also offers an alliance scholarship just       A very common ailment is traveler’s
for UWEC students on one of their specialty         diarrhea. It can largely be avoided by being
programs. This application will be applied to       careful about where and what you eat and
your BlugoldsAbroad account in September            avoiding dairy products if they are not
for spring students and in March for                pasteurized. If you do come down with it,
Summer/Fall/Academic Year students. Your            the following suggestions will help speed
UWEC Study Abroad Coordinator, Jenna, will          recovery and guide your decision to seek
email you when it is available. The number of       formal care:
awards will vary by term. Amounts will vary
between $250 - $500.                                1. It will usually run its course in three to
                                                       five days. The worst symptoms usually

                                                       occur the first day. Bed rest may help
                                                       relieve cramps.
Additional information on these issues, as
well as information on CISI insurance, is           2. The main risk of the illness is
included in the Health Issues and Safety               dehydration. Be sure to maintain fluid
Abroad sections of your Study Abroad                   intake. An excellent source of fluid
Handbook.                                              replacement is ORS or Oraltye, a
                                                       prepackaged liquid sold in many
Before You Go                                          countries. If unavailable, the following
                                                       recipe will provide similar value: one-
In addition to the general health
                                                       liter carbonated water, 1/2 teaspoon
precautions listed in your Study Abroad
Handbook, you should consult your
salt, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda (not                diseases such as infectious hepatitis,
   baking powder), 4 tbsps. sugar.                    cholera, diarrhea and dysentery. Where
                                                      water is contaminated, ice is also
3. An over-the-counter medicine like Pepto            contaminated—you may wish to order
   Bismol may help relieve nausea and                 drinks “sin hielo” (without ice).
                                                      When you are not in control of your water
If nausea and vomiting persist for more               supply or cannot purchase bottled water,
than 24 hours, if you develop a fever                 consider bringing a portable water purifier,
over 101 degrees F, or if you develop                 available at most outdoor stores, and boil
severe abdominal pain, a physician                    water vigorously for at least 10 minutes, or
should be contacted immediately.                      use water purification tablets (one tablet
                                                      per quart of clear water, or two tablets if
Water                                                 water is cloudy).
The water in San Ramón is potable
(drinkable). However, if you are traveling            Please see the U.S. Centers for Disease
outside of San Ramón and buying food                  Control recommendations on eating and
from street vendors, and you are in an area           drinking safely in Costa Rica:
where you are not sure that the water is    
potable, stick to breads or fruits that you           aveler/extended_student/costa-rica
peel yourself. Fruits that cannot be peeled,
fruit juices diluted with water, raw                  Insect Bites
vegetables, and salads that have not been             Insect borne diseases, particularly mosquito,
washed with disinfected water should be               such as Zika, malaria and dengue fever, are
avoided.                                              present in parts of Costa Rica. Discuss
                                                      malaria prevention with your physician.
The general recommendation from the CDC
for water is to drink bottled or boiled water         Per the CDC, "Dengue fever is the most
any time you are outside of the San José              common cause of fever in travelers
area, where the water is treated. Brush your          returning from the Caribbean, Central
teeth with bottled or boiled water also.              America, and South-Central Asia. This
Carbonated bottled water, soft drinks, beer,          disease is spread through the bites of
wine, hot tea, and coffee are usually safe. Be        infected mosquitoes and cannot be spread
sure to wipe off the top of a bottle before           person to person.”
drinking out of it or ask for a straw
("popote" in Spanish). By making sure that            Severe dengue can be fatal, but with good
you are drinking uncontaminated water,                treatment, less than 1% of patients die from
you can reduce your exposure to many                  dengue. See a doctor immediately if you

develop dengue symptoms during or                     San Ramón or your host families will direct
after your time abroad:                               you to the appropriate one if you do get
                                                      sick. Be aware you’ll have to pay up front,
Symptoms of dengue include:                           and then CISI insurance will reimburse you.
•   Fever                                             See the Study Abroad Handbook for more
•   Headache                                          information about CISI.
•   Pain behind the eyes
•   Joint and muscle pain                             Emergency Contacts
•   Rash                                              General emergency procedures are
•   Nausea/vomiting                                   described in the Study Abroad Handbook,
•   Mild bleeding, such as nose or gum                and the USAC staff is available if difficulties
    bleeding or easy bruising                         arise. You will receive an emergency contact
                                                      card with USAC staff information at the
As there is no cure for dengue fever, the             Orientation, Part 2 meeting; be sure to keep
best prevention in all cases for insect bites         it in your wallet at all times. The information
is using a good repellent (with DEET) and             is also on the Contact Names & Addresses
wearing appropriate clothing. Depending               page of this guide.
on activity, loose, long-sleeved shirts and
pants are good choices. For more                      Safety in Costa Rica
protection, clothing may be sprayed with a
                                                      During orientation in Costa Rica, you will
repellent containing permethrin. (Don't use
                                                      hear about specific places and behaviors to
permethrin on skin.)
                                                      avoid, particularly in San José. For example,
                                                      the Coca-Cola bus station in downtown San
Zika Virus                                            José is not a place to hang around: if you
The CDC does warn that there is a risk for            need to transfer through to catch a bus, go
the Zika virus in Costa Rica. The Zika                in a group, and time your arrival very close
infection, in pregnant women, can cause               to your departure. While there, keep all
serious birth defects so the CDC does not             bags in your hands.
recommend travel to Costa Rica for women
who are pregnant. All travelers should                **NOTE: Both men and women should be
strictly follow steps to prevent mosquito             aware of their safety at all times. In the past,
bites. If you have concerns over this, please         men have been just as susceptible as
consult with your doctor.                             women to potential risks. As U.S. Americans,
                                                      you may stick out as "foreigners". The best
Health Facilities in Costa Rica                       advice is to be aware of your surroundings,
If you need health care while in San Ramón,           listen to your instincts, and use your
there are local medical facilities with               common sense.
different levels of service. The USAC staff in
For specific information on crime and road              list of 911 numbers abroad. Please note that
safety in Costa Rica, see the U.S. State                in some countries there are different
Department Information for Costa Rica.                  numbers for fire, police, and ambulance.
                                                        Plan ahead and research numbers before
If you are the victim of a crime or if you are          you go.
arrested abroad, get in touch with the

                                                        REQUIRED DOCUMENTS
nearest U.S. consulate or embassy. U.S.
consular offices will do what they can to
help U.S. citizens in serious legal, medical,           Passport information is included in your
or financial difficulties. They can often direct        Study Abroad Handbook.
you to a reliable doctor or clinic, help you
contact family, or re-issue your passport.              Visa
                                                        A visa is official permission to temporarily
Marijuana and other Illegal Drugs                       reside in another country and is granted by
Please note that the use of marijuana is                the government of that country. USAC will
illegal in Costa Rica. Even carrying it on your         post visa information to your Gateway
person can be considered drug trafficking.              account. However, it is your responsibility
Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking           to keep up-to-date about student visa
in illegal drugs in Costa Rica are severe, and          requirements for Costa Rica, and if
convicted offenders can expect long jail                required, to apply for and receive a visa
sentences and heavy fines. U.S. citizenship             from a Costa Rican consulate or embassy
offers no protection if you break a Costa               in a timely manner. Please read the “Visa”
Rican law. There is NOTHING the CIE, USAC,              section of your Study Abroad Handbook for
or the U.S. government can do if you are                more information about what you should
found in violation of Costa Rican laws.                 do to keep up-to-date on visa
In addition to legal penalties, you are

                                                        PACKING TIPS
putting yourself at risk any time you buy a
drug from a stranger. You may be in danger
of robbery or assault, or you may get a                 In addition to the general packing
much more dangerous combination of                      information in your Study Abroad Handbook,
drugs than you thought you were buying.                 you should know the following about Costa
911 Equivalent in Costa Rica
Just like in the U.S., Costa Rica uses 911 for          Weather
local police, fire, or ambulance services.              You will be in Costa Rica during the dry
                                                        season (December – April) and some of the
The U.S. State Department also provides a
                                                        wet season (May – November). The average
temperature year-round near San Ramón is
74 degrees Fahrenheit. Often times, when it            Gifts
rains, it will be a heavy rainfall but for a           You may want to pack some small items
short amount of time. For evenings, field              that you could use as gifts. It is suggested,
trips, and if you plan to travel in                    but not obligatory, to offer a small gift for
mountainous regions, you will want a jacket            your host-family. A small memento from
or warm sweater. A waterproof jacket is                Wisconsin, like a UWEC mug, might be nice.
suggested since San Ramón can still receive            If you are unsure what to bring for your
a bit of rain during the dry season.                   host family, ask your peer advisor.

Packing Less is More                                   What to Pack
When packing your bags for Costa Rica,                 Your Peer Advisor will give you a suggested
please keep in mind that it is vital that you          packing list at your second orientation
pack light, less stuff is easier to carry and          meeting.
less costly.
                                                       If you do decide to bring items that are
Students in the past have found that they              expensive to replace, such as cell phones,
have brought with them too many                        jewelry, or other luxury items, you may want
unnecessary items and too much clothing.               to consider personal property insurance for
Bringing along too many pairs of shoes,                your time in Costa Rica.
clothes for evening events, formal attire,
etc. is not a good idea. Most of the clothes           Appliances
you will be wearing in Costa Rica will be              Costa Rica uses the same electric current as
casual: summer outfits, such as t-shirts and           the U.S.
shorts, cargo pants, skirts and informal
blouses.                                               Forget something? San Ramón has
                                                       pharmacies, super markets and mini-
Clothing                                               markets available.
In the area of clothing, anything goes. Costa
Rican female students are more likely to
wear jeans or skirts (often quite short skirts)        ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE
than shorts or dresses, and usually wear               There is information on student-oriented
them with dressier shoes than U.S. women               travel agencies, instructions for booking a
might. Cotton t-shirts/sweatshirts with                flight, and other travel information in the
logos are less common than on a U.S.                   Study Abroad Handbook.
campus, particularly among women, but can
be seen. It is encouraged to dress more on
the conservative side.
Travel Arrangements                                     Early Arrivals
It is your responsibility to make and pay for           USAC strongly discourages students from
travel arrangements to Costa Rica. Airline              arriving early. If you decide to arrive early,
tickets are not included in your USAC                   you will need to find and pay for your own
program fees. An optional group flight is               accommodations. You should not expect to
available for this program through a travel             have much or any assistance upon arrival,
agency recommended by USAC. If you                      and should be prepared to deal with any
choose not to book the group flight, you                issues on your own
will need to book your own flight and arrive
prior to the mandatory orientation.                     Airport Pick-Up Service
                                                        There is only one airport pick-up service
USAC Group Flight                                       and it is tailored for students arriving on the
Benefits to booking with the optional group             group flight.
                                                        Students not on the group flight are
    •     Flexible tickets that are refundable
                                                        responsible for arranging and paying for
          and changeable for a fee
                                                        their transfer from the airport to San
    •     Select the group return date or select
                                                        Ramón. Instructions on how to do this will
          your own date for the same price
                                                        be provided in your Gateway account
    •     Frosch Student Travel can help book
                                                        approximately one month before the
          connecting flights to merge with the
                                                        program start date.
          group flight departure cities for a
          reasonable amount.
                                                        Students not on the group flight may be
    •     Flexible payment plan (pay a deposit
                                                        able to take advantage of the group
          to hold your seat, then pay the
                                                        transportation pending approval by their
          balance off 2 weeks prior to
                                                        USAC Program Advisor. Students will find
                                                        out if they’ve been approved for the group
    •     Airport pick-up in USAC (there is no
                                                        pick up approximately one week before the
          USAC staff to chaperone the flight,
                                                        program start date. If the request has been
          but group flight participants will be
                                                        denied, you will be responsible for paying
          met at the airport by USAC staff,
                                                        and arranging your own transportation to
          unless you arrive late).
                                                        San Ramón.
USAC will be in contact with you and
information will be on your USAC Gateway                Note: All students must complete the Flight
account on how to sign up for the group                 Form in your Gateway account after you’ve
flight.                                                 booked your flight.

Clearing Immigration & Customs                        services, holding signs with people’s names
Flight attendants will give out two different         and just a general bit of confusion.
kinds of forms that need to be filled out, a
form with your personal information and               If you are utilizing the group pick-up, you
another form is the Costa Rica Customs                should watch for people wearing USAC
Declaration form. You do not need to                  shirts and holding a USAC sign or flag.
declare anything because you will only
be bringing items for personal use.                   Late Arrivals-Expected and
Your immigration category for entering                If you do not arrive as scheduled for any
Costa Rica is as a tourist. USAC will                 reason, you will be responsible for
arrange a day to take you to San José to              arranging and paying for your transfer from
apply for the student visa. You should                the airport. There will be a detailed Arrival
review the Visa Guide in your USAC                    Guide posted to your Gateway account
Gateway account before leaving for                    about a month prior to the program start
Costa Rica.                                           with instructions for late arrivals.

There is a short walk from your arriving gate         IMPORTANT REMINDER: If you don´t feel
to the immigration lines. You should be               comfortable communicating well in Spanish,
able to get through the line fairly quickly.          write down your host family’s address on a
You will get in line to have your passport            piece of paper and give it to the airport
stamped, and the first form is collected at           driver.
that point. The estimated time for clearing
immigration is about 20 minutes, but                  Leaving Costa Rica
unexpected delays tend to happen.                     A return airport transfer is included in the
                                                      program cost if you leave on the official
After clearing immigration and picking up             program end date and within a few hours of
your luggage, you will head to the exit               the return group flight. If you are not flying
(street level), which is in the same main area        back on or around the same time as the
of the airport. (San Jose’s airport is very           group flight, you will be responsible for
small, so do not worry about getting lost!)           arranging and paying for your own
                                                      transportation at the end of the program.
As you walk out to the exit, you will have
the choice of going either to the right or to         If you decide to stay in Costa Rica longer
the left; please go to your LEFT.                     than the official program end date, it is your
Immediately outside you’ll find a lot of              responsibility to make arrangements to get
people waiting: people offering taxi                  to your airport of departure and to pay for
                                                      the cost of whatever type of transportation
you use. Neither your host family or USAC             Financial Arrangements
staff are obliged to take you to the airport.         While USAC screens families carefully to try
                                                      to ensure that they have cultural interests

                                                      for participating, most households
                                                      participating do so at least partially for
Orientation                                           economic reasons. This is only logical, given
When you first arrive in Costa Rica, you will         the disruption that hosting a student causes
be taken to your host family’s house. The             to family life.
next day will be the mandatory orientation
where topics will include: living with host           Even for families with cultural reasons for
families, cultural differences, appropriate           participating, it is not easy to welcome a
behavior, Costa Rica in general, and safety           stranger into your home for the summer.
& emergency procedures. This is also a                The entire family needs to adjust schedules
great chance to get to know the USAC staff.           and habits to accommodate a new person.
                                                      In addition, there are very real costs
Homestays                                             associated with having another person in
                                                      the home. Receiving some monetary
To encourage the maximum use of newly
                                                      compensation for this is only fair, and most
acquired Spanish language skills, all
                                                      families would not consider hosting
students live with Spanish-speaking families
in San Ramón. USAC arranges
accommodations with carefully selected
                                                      If you stay after the program ends and want
host families. In general, only one student is
                                                      to remain at your host family's house, you
placed per family but occasionally you may
                                                      must pay your family for room and board.
be placed with other student; in all cases,
                                                      In some cases, the family truly needs that
you will have your own room. The cost of
                                                      income, in others the family may be in a
room and three meals a day is included in
                                                      position to charge you less than they
the cost of your program.
                                                      normally do. In all cases, you should not
                                                      expect your host family to provide room
Information about your family (name,
                                                      and board for free. The families need your
address, house telephone [or cell phone],
                                                      contribution in order to take care of you.
email, ages of family members) will be sent
to you about a week before you arrive in
                                                      Keep in mind, that any relationship is a two-
Costa Rica. You may want to contact your
                                                      way street. It is as much your responsibility
family via email or social media, or call
                                                      to fit into the family as it is their
them, after you receive the information in
                                                      responsibility to include you in their daily
order to introduce yourself a bit.
                                                      life. A few pointers that may help you to fit
                                                      in more easily:

for meals or to stay overnight without prior
The House                                             family permission.
In the words of a past participant, "My
house was pretty typical. There was a family          If you are expecting friends or family
room, eating room, and kitchen downstairs,            members from the States, make lodging
then the upstairs had three bedrooms. My              arrangements for them at a local hostel,
room had a twin bed, closet, mirror, and a            apartment or hotel prior to their arrival in
desk to do homework. I brought pictures of            Costa Rica. The host family should not be
friends and family from home and set those            expected to have additional visitors stay in
up in my room, which gave it a personal               their homes, even for just a few days.
touch to feel like my home”.
                                                      Even if a host family offers to allow a visitor
"Your" Room                                           to stay in their home for a night or two,
You will have your own room; however, the             they will appreciate a monetary
concept of a private room is different in             contribution of at least $20 per day per
Costa Rica than in the U.S. A messy room              person. Please be aware that it is not
reflects poorly on you and your upbringing.           culturally appropriate for you to have your
In addition, it will reflect poorly on your           boyfriend or girlfriend spend the night in
host family, as the messy room is part of             your room in your host family's house.
their house. Keep your room neat, make
your bed every day before leaving home,               Telephone
and you will avoid tensions that could                Telephone rates are very high in Costa Rica,
otherwise arise. Just closing the door is not         and every call, local or long distance, is
acceptable. In addition, be aware that it is          charged by the minute. Some families
never proper to entertain guests,                     forbid the use of the telephone, and all
regardless of their gender, in your                   prefer that students use a pay phone rather
bedroom.                                              than the phone at home. See the
                                                      "Communication" section of this guide for
Please do not keep snacks of any kind in              details.
your bedroom. Students sometimes
complain of ants and roaches, often this is           Water
because sweets or other foods have been               Water is a precious resource in Costa Rica.
left open in their rooms.                             Most Costa Ricans take a shower every
                                                      morning, and you can, too—but it should
Guests                                                be short, both to conserve water and to
You should only invite visitors to your               keep the bathroom as free as possible. Hot
house if you have first cleared this with your        water is not always guaranteed! If you can't
host family. Visitors should never be invited         figure out how to use the hot water, just

ask! Water from your host families' homes             Gallo pinto: rice and black beans seasoned
is safe to drink.                                     with cilantro, onions, and peppers; typically
                                                      served for breakfast.
Toilets                                               Arroz con pollo: rice with chicken, usually
In Costa Rica, as in many parts of Central            some vegetables and different seasonings.
and South America, you can’t flush toilet             Arroz con leche: a typical dessert made
paper down the toilet. Plumbing pipes are             from rice and milk.
typically only one inch in diameter, rather           Refrescos: a type of juice made from fresh
than the standard two inches used in the              fruit, sugar, and water or milk.
U.S. There will be a garbage can next to the
toilet to be used for toilet paper. Make sure         Meals are considered family time. Some U.S.
to throw toilet paper in the garbage can,             students are in the habit of taking their
not in the toilet! This takes some getting            meals to their rooms at home; this is not
used to, but after a few weeks, it will               acceptable behavior in Costa Rica. Also, if
become habit.                                         you are going to miss a meal for any
                                                      reason, please be sure to let your host
Laundry                                               mother know well in advance.
Laundry will be done by your family. Discuss
with them the family laundry schedule.                The Refrigerator
Note that females may have to wash                    Typically, families encourage you to eat
their own underwear.                                  when you are hungry. However, the fridge
                                                      and cabinets are not stocked with snacks
Meals                                                 and food like in the United States. Families
You will be eating typical Costa Rican foods          typically purchase the food they will
with your host family. Expect lots of beans           prepare each day. It's better not to help
and rice, fresh fruits and vegetables, and a          yourself to snacks, but politely ask
variety of chicken and red meat. The food is          beforehand.
not spicy. Unless you have an actual food
allergy, it is only polite to try whatever you        Keep Lines of Communication Open
are offered. Do not expect your family to             If you have questions about what your
prepare special meals for you—remember                family expects of you, or you feel they do
that you should expect to be treated as part          not understand your behavior, talk with
of the family, not a special guest.                   them! Open lines of communication are
                                                      important in building trust in any
A few standards that you will encounter:              relationship.

                                                      Checking In

Costa Rican parents are generally more               Telephone Information
protective, even of university-age students,         As mentioned previously, phone calls are
than their U.S. counterparts. This may feel          very expensive in Costa Rica. The telephone
intrusive to you, particularly if you have           is primarily used briefly to set up
been living on your own for a while.                 times/places for meeting with friends. If you
Remember that this is a cultural adjustment          find it absolutely necessary to use a phone
and respect your host family's wishes. Let           at home, and your family approves, limit
them know if you are going out, particularly         yourself to ONE 3-minute call per day.
in the evening, where you are going, with
whom, and what time you will be back. Be             Never make a long-distance call from your
aware that they will most likely not go to           host family's home unless you make it
sleep until you have returned. If they ask           COLLECT. Ask someone in the family to help
that you be back by a particular time, be            you do this. Long distance calls are often
sure that you are. If you will be gone               not billed until two months later, and the
overnight, be sure to inform your family             bills may not be itemized. It is therefore not
well in advance.                                     practical or polite to offer to pay for a long-
                                                     distance call.
Visiting Your Host Family After the
Program Ends                                         Past participants note that it is easy to
Many students establish very strong bonds            Skype from Internet cafes, and, apart from
with their host families and end up going            the Internet charge, it is free.
back to visit after the program has finished.
It is perfectly acceptable to go back and            It will be easier for you to call home than for
visit your family, but we ask you to plan            your parents to call you at first. However,
your visit when a USAC program is not in             once you get situated, it is cheaper for your
session. Your family may be hosting another          parents and friends to call you. You may
student, and it puts them in an                      want to set a specific time and day so that
uncomfortable situation.                             you are by the phone.

COMMUNICATION                                        To call from the U.S. to Costa Rica: you
                                                     must first dial 011, which is the international
Information on accessing/forwarding your             dialing code. Next, you must dial 506 to get
UW-Eau Claire email address, which you               Costa Rica, and then the rest of the number
need to check while abroad, is in your Study         to reach a specific city and location.
Abroad Handbook.
                                                     Computers and Cell Phones
                                                     Some students wonder if they should bring
                                                     a laptop to Costa Rica. Past participants
recommend bringing a laptop if you have                  Wi-Fi is available on-campus as well as in
one.                                                     many restaurants and cafes off-campus.
                                                         Your host family may also have internet but
Many students also choose to bring their                 be aware that it may be slower than what
smartphones with them to Costa Rica and                  you are used to or it may go out from time
call home over the Wi-Fi. If you don’t have a            to time. Your host family is not required to
smartphone, a tablet works really well, too.             share the internet with you.
Most students choose to use Facetime or
Skype to call home. There are several                    Keep in mind that Internet cafés in Costa
texting apps, like WhatsApp, that you can                Rica are not the same as in the states. You
use to text back home when you are                       mostly have to use the café's computers,
connected to Wi-Fi.                                      and they are typically not a sit-down-and-
                                                         drink-coffee café where you can use your
You may also wish to purchase a local cell               laptop with wireless.
phone and SIM card once you arrive in
Costa Rica. SIM cards cost about $1.50.                  Please be sure to not 'over-use' the
More options for cell phones will be                     Internet! Don't forget that you are in Costa
explained during your on-site orientation in             Rica, and it is important to experience what
San Ramón.                                               is in front of you!!!

Internet is a great resource and the
                                                         CULTURAL NOTES
program uses it for regular communication                Greetings and Addresses
with the students as well as for academic                Observe proper greeting and leaving
research; nonetheless, patience is required              etiquette. Always shake hands when you
as the service is not as reliable as it is in the        meet an acquaintance. It is also acceptable
U.S. You should exercise all precautions                 for women to kiss friends (men and women)
when saving your work, as problems with                  on the cheek; men shake hands. Using titles
electricity, Internet failure and others can             and addressing people with the “Usted”
render the product of your effort                        form is considered polite.
“disappeared” in seconds. Bring a flash drive
with you for backing up your school work.                Tico Time
Send yourself a message with your work                   Former students have reported that the
attached, just to have it in a safe place. You           concept of time in Costa Rica is different
might also want to send it to a friend of                than in the U.S. While buses and tourism
yours or to a second address of your own.                agencies are usually very punctual and
                                                         dependable, departure and returning hours
                                                         might change due to unexpected
circumstances. Traditionally, Ticos tend to           Despite the outward appearance of relative
be more relaxed about the concept of time             wealth, however, Costa Rica is a developing
and are not driven by the belief that “time is        country. You may become frustrated when
money.” This laid-back attitude has become            the ATM doesn't work, and when you are
known as “Tico Time.”                                 forced to stand in line at the bank for two
                                                      hours to complete a transaction that takes
There is a sense that what you are doing at           three minutes at home. Keep in mind that
the present is important, particularly if you         this is all part of truly experiencing life in a
are spending time with a person, and that             different culture.
things planned for later will be taken care of
later. In Costa Rica, it is not uncommon for          Family
a friend to show up a half hour after an              The family plays an important role in Costa
agreed-upon meeting time, or for a party to           Rican culture. The extended family is often a
begin two hours later than announced. It              very large, close circle of relatives and
would be considered rude to arrive on time            friends. It is not unusual for children to live
if invited to a friend’s house for dinner.            with parents until they marry, or to continue
Relax and try a new style.                            to live with parents if they never marry. Your
                                                      host family may include several generations
Note: The more relaxed time concept does              in one house.
not apply in academic situations, such as
class or a meeting with a professor. In these         Traditional family roles, although not as
situations, and other more formal business            pronounced as in the past, are still apparent
settings, punctuality is expected.                    to a U.S. observer. The man is still the
                                                      authority figure and main provider, while
"Developing World"                                    the woman, even if she works outside the
Part of U.S. students' frustration with time          home, is usually responsible for running the
and schedules in Costa Rica may be that, on           household and caring for the children.
the surface, Costa Rica can seem similar to
the U.S. There is a McDonald's, Ace                   Gender Issues
Hardware, the Gap, Subway, and TCBY in                Women in Costa Rica have made great
San José. The glaring poverty in many                 gains toward equality. They make up 50% of
Central American countries is less evident in         the student body at all educational levels up
Costa Rica. People are generally well-                to the university and are better represented
educated; the buses are clean and new-                in professional roles than in most other
looking, and there are ATMs and phone                 Latin American countries.
booths in many locations.
                                                      Despite the above paragraph, as you
                                                      interact with Costa Ricans your age, you
may become aware that social rules and               -   Be sure to agree on a price before you
etiquette are stricter for women than for                get into a cab, or you may be charged a
men. A woman’s reputation is important.                  high rate. Also ask if the driver has a taxi
You may notice that Costa Rican women                    meter (known as a Maria)—if not, look
rarely drink very much, and they almost                  for another taxi, as the rate could be set
never go to clubs or bars alone.                         arbitrarily.

U.S. females are stereotyped as being
“easy,” so flirting openly with local men may
                                                     TRAVEL WHILE ABROAD
send out the wrong signals to them – you             Program Excursions
could be seen as an easy sexual conquest.            USAC plans some excursions that are
You would want to avoid this stereotype.             included in the program cost. You should
Remember you are an ambassador of your               not ask to stay longer at certain places, or
country and of your university while                 to have the bus driver come back and get
studying abroad.                                     members of your group later, because you
                                                     want to spend some more "free time"
"Piropos"                                            exploring. The trips are carefully planned
Piropos (catcalls) are a fact of life for            and budgeted for by the USAC Resident
women in Costa Rica. Although they may be            Director, and if you want to go back to visit
considered "harmless" at one level, they             an area, that is great, but you should plan
often do not feel that way to U.S. American          to do so during a free weekend.
women. The best way to deal with piropos
is to just ignore them and continue on your          Optional Excursions
way.                                                 USAC also plans optional tours and field
                                                     studies at an additional cost. You can select
Other Notes                                          these options on the Course & Tour
-   Pedestrians never have the right of              Registration Form you filled out as part of
    way—be careful when crossing the                 your USAC application.
-   Visiting students usually notice that            If you are like many students, you may want
    there are no pollution controls for              to travel around a bit on your own. To make
    vehicles, buses, industry, etc. With the         the most of this, you’ll want to do some
    advent of eco-tourism, Costa Rica is             advance planning. Travel guides such as
    becoming more environmentally                    Lonely Planet receive good comments from
    conscious.                                       past participants and are available at any
                                                     major bookstore. Some guides are written
                                                     specifically for economy travelers.
Christopher Baker's Costa Rica Handbook
has lots of good information, also.

     General UW-Eau Claire & CISI contact information is in your Study Abroad Handbook.

            USAC San Ramón
      Resident Director: Carlos Salas             We suggest that you copy this page and leave it
                    with your emergency contact and/or parents.
         Universidad de Costa Rica
              Oficina de USAC
             Sede do Occidente
           San Ramón, Costa Rica
   Office Phone: 011-506-4030-2899* or                             UW-EAU CLAIRE
      Cell Phone: 011-506-8992-3923*
                                                       Center for International Education
                                                                     Jenna Krosch
*If calling from within Costa Rica, drop “506”;
                                                              Study Abroad Coordinator
  call a few times until you get through. If
  calling from the US, add 011 before the
                                                                    3 Schofield Hall
                                                                 105 Garfield Avenue
                                                           University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
      USAC Central Office (U.S.)
                 Justine Toro                                    Eau Claire, WI 54702
                                 Phone: (715) 836-4411
   University Studies Abroad Consortium                           Fax: (715) 836-4948
   MS 0323 / University of Nevada, Reno
            Reno, NV 89557-0323

                                                       COSTA RICAN CONSULATE IN THE
               Calle 98 Via 104
                                                            Consulate General of Costa Rica
               Pavas, San José
                                                                    2112 S St. NW
                  Costa Rica
                                                                Washington, DC 20008
            Tel: (506) 2519-2000

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