Summer Classroom Y7 moving into Y8 September 2021

Summer Classroom
Y7 moving into Y8 September 2021

Here is a menu of lessons for you to work through over the summer
break. We do not want to allow the disruption caused by the pandemic
to weaken your knowledge, skills and understanding in key areas of the
curriculum, so the lessons have been carefully curated to focus on
aspects of the curriculum that are particularly important to support
your learning from September in Y8.

You may feel that you have covered some of these lessons before, but
we want to make sure that we give you every opportunity we can to
help you ensure that you are confident and secure with these key
aspects of the curriculum.

We will check your confidence and security in these areas on your
return in September to make sure that the curriculum we have planned
to teach you — and the order of what we plan to teach you — is
appropriate. These checks will also allow us to ensure that we provide
you with the most appropriate and personalised support we can.

Each lesson includes an introduction quiz with answers and the
opportunity to review your understanding; a video of a teacher
teaching the topic (which you can pause and replay if you need to); an
activity for you to practice what you have learned with solutions to
allow you to review your own learning; and an exit quiz to help you
check your own progress.

Good luck, and enjoy!

English Lessons................................................................... p3
Mathematics Lessons ......................................................... p3
Science Lessons .................................................................. p4
Computer Science Lessons ................................................. p4
Geography Lessons ............................................................ p5
History Lessons .................................................................. p5
French Lessons ................................................................... p6
German Lessons ................................................................. p6
Beliefs & Values Lessons .................................................... p7
Design & Technology Lessons ............................................ p7
Food Preparation & Nutrition Lessons ............................... p8
Art & Design Lessons .......................................................... p8
Music Lessons .................................................................... p9
Drama Lessons ................................................................... p9
PE Lessons .......................................................................... p10
English Lessons
(Click on the link to open the lesson and activities)

    1      Independent Clauses
    2      Subordinate Clauses
    3      Subject Verb Agreement
    4      Fragments
    5      Fused Sentences and Comma Splices
    6      Using Multiple Subordinate Clauses

English Challenge
     •     Fused Sentences and Comma Splices

Mathematics Lessons
(Click on the link to open the lesson and activities)

    1      Order of operations
    2      Subtracting positive numbers
    3      Subtracting negative Numbers
    4      Representing fractions, decimals, and percentages
    5      Adding and Subtracting Fractions (Part 1)
    6      Adding and Subtracting Fractions (Part 2)

Mathematics Challenge
     •     Can you solve the Smallest Fraction problem?
     •     Play with the 15-minute Maths Challenges on
           (if you wish you can create your own free account with the Teacher
           Code you may have been given).
Science Lessons
(Click on the link to open the lesson and activities)

    1       Plant cells
    2       Animal cells
    3       Elements
    4       Energy stores and transfers
    5       Conservation of energy

Science Challenge
        •   Try out some (or all) of these Marvin and Milo experiments.
            Take pictures of your experiments and make a poster about what happened.

Computer Science Lessons
(Click on the link to open the lesson and activities)

    1       The cost of cybercrime
    2       Non-automated cybercrime
    3       Automated cybercrime
    4       Fighting fire with fire
    5       Network defence
    6       Where is the danger?
    7       Being part of the solution

Computer Science Challenge
        •   Try creating an animated presentation (in Scratch or Pivot
            (both free and available online) using the themes you
            developed for your presentation in Lesson 6.
Geography Lessons
(Click on the link to open the lesson and activities)

    1       Locational Knowledge of the World
    2       Grid References
    3       Population Pyramids
    4       Processes of Erosion
    5       Earth’s Structure and Convection Currents
    6       Plate Boundaries

Geography Challenge
        •   Have a go at these Geography Games: test your locational knowledge, map skills
            and tectonics knowledge:

History Lessons
(Click on the link to open the lesson and activities)

    1       Background to the Crusades
    2       The journey of the First Crusade
    3       Was King John really a bad king?
    4       The First Barons’ War and the Magna Carta
    5       Black Death and the Silk Road
    6       Treating the Black Death

History Challenge
        •   Test yourself by choosing a topic and playing so games at
French Lessons
(Click on the link to open the lesson and activities)

    1      Describing a thing or person (in general)
    2      Describing a thing or person (masculine/feminine adjectives)
    3      Describing a thing or person (être and sounds)
    4      Describing a thing or person (adjective agreements)
    5      Describing people (size and adjectives revision)
    6      Describing people (plurals)

French Challenge
     •     Using what you have learnt from the lessons above,
           create a description, in French, of 60-100 words, to
           describe your imaginary family. Give it the title ‘ma
           famille imaginaire’.

German Lessons
(Click on the link to open the lesson and activities)

    1      Alphabet revision and spelling
    2      Numbers revision
    3      Numbers and poem
    4      Indefinite article (ein/eine/ein)

German Challenge
     •     Using what you have learnt from the lessons above,
           create 20 of your own Maths problems and solutions in
           German. Write them out. For example: ‘vier und vier sind
           acht’. Use this website to help you: Maths in German.
Beliefs & Values Lessons
(Click on the link to open the lesson and activities)

    1       The Life of Jesus
    2       How does Dharma influence how Hindu’s live?
    3       How did Hinduism being and develop?
    4       What are Hindu beliefs about samsara, karma and moksha?
    5       Chosen people

Beliefs & Values Challenge
        •   See the ‘Beliefs and Values Book and Film List’ uploaded to Class Charts for some
            books that you could read to enhance your learning of the topics in Beliefs and
            Values this year. Maybe 'The Help' by Kathryn Stockett or the 'The diary of Anne
            Frank'. There are also some films that you could watch, maybe: Gandhi (PG),
            Freedom Writers (PG), Selma (12 A).
        •   Learn about (and watch these short video biographies on)
            Mahatama Ghandi and Martin Luther King.

Design & Technology Lessons
(Click on the link to open the lesson and activities)

    1       Core design: Graphic communication
    2       Textiles technology and sustainability
    3       Packaging pop-outs
    4       Future technology now!

Design & Technology Challenge
        •   Try and complete one (or both!) of the following:
                  Cambridge Consultants STEM Challenge
                  Challenge cards from the James Dyson Foundation
Food Preparation & Nutrition Lessons
(Click on the link to open the lesson and activities)

    1      An introduction to what influences our food choices
    2      Recipe development
    3      Health and Safety: Preparation and hygiene
    4      Minimising Waste

Food Preparation & Nutrition Challenge
     •     Cook a dish for a special diet of your choice,
           e.g., vegetarian, gluten free, lactose free:

Art & Design Lessons
(Click on the link to open the lesson and activities)

    1      Vincent Van Gogh (Part 1): Mark making
    2      Vincent Van Gogh (Part 2): My bedroom
    3      Vincent Van Gogh (Part 3): Self portrait
    4      Introduction to art: Drawing techniques

Art & Design Challenge
     •     Present your work in a creative way.
           You may want to share it with your teacher.
           It could be in the form of a slide show, video or gallery display.
           Be creative!
Music Lessons
(Click on the link to open the lesson and activities)

    1      Pulse and Rhythm: Lesson 1
    2      To review how Rhythms are notated
    3      Creating a structured-rhythm focused composition
    4      How to develop rhythmic ideas

Music Challenge
     •     Present your work in a creative way and send to your teacher.
           This could be in the form of a slide show; video or recording.
           Be creative!

Drama Lessons
(Click on the link to open the lesson and activities)

    1      Vocal Skills 1
    2      Vocal Skills 2
    3      Physical Skills 1 - Mime & Character
    4      Physical Skills 2 - Still Image & Slow Motion
    5      Combining Vocal & Physical Skills

Drama Challenge
     •     Design your character’s costume and a key prop.
PE Lessons
(Click on the link to open the lesson and activities)

    1      How can we train muscular endurance?
    2      How can we train power?
    3      How can we train agility?
    4      How can we train balance?
    5      How can we train cardiorespiratory fitness?

PE Challenge
     •     Attempt to complete 60 minutes of moderate to physical activity
           every day for example walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc.
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