Summer stage! o n summer camps & classes - The Rose Theater

Page created by Donald Mccoy
Summer stage! o n summer camps & classes - The Rose Theater
 o n stage!

          su m m er ca m ps & cl a ss es
              « ac tin g « dr am a «      da nc e «
              « m us ica l th ea te r «   vo ice «
Summer stage! o n summer camps & classes - The Rose Theater

     PRODUCTION CLASSES                                       4
    Summer Musicals (3-4 Weeks) · Short Musicals (1 Week)
    Summer Plays (3-4 Weeks) · Short Plays (1 Week)
                                                                                                     SUMMER AT-A-GLANCE CALENDAR
                                                                                                               May 28 - 31                         June 3-7                            June 10-14                            June 17-21
     CREATING THEATER                                         10                                                                                              J James & the Giant Peach (Ages 8-12)          9 am-4 pm · Pg. 7

                                                                         PRODUCTION CLASSES
     Art of Theater Design · Young Actors · Young Directors
     Creating Theater · Intro to Theater

     DRAMA ADVENTURES                                         PAGE                                                                                                            J Conservatory: Playscape (Ages 13-18)             9 am-4 pm · Pg. 7

     Week-Long Creative Drama Camps
     for Students Ages 4-18                                   12                                                                          e 101 Dalmatians (Ages 4-8)
                                                                                                                                               9 am-4 pm · Pg. 5
                                                                                                                                                                              e 101 Dalmatians (Ages 4-8)
                                                                                                                                                                              9 am-12 pm OR 1-4 pm · Pg. 5
                                                                                                        J Little Engine (Ages 3-4)        Theater Design (Ages 9-14)           J Mo Willems(Ages 4-6)              J Matilda & Me (Ages 9-12)
                                                              PAGE                                          9-11 am · Pg. 13                 9 am-4 pm · Pg. 11                  9 am-12 pm · Pg. 14                   9 am-4 pm · Pg. 14
    Morning & Afternoon Drama Activities
                                                              19                                          J Pokémon (Ages 5-8)          J Acting Technique (Ages 8-11)          J Harry Potter (Ages 6-9)            J Descendants (Ages 6-8)
    for Students Enrolled in Rose Camps and Classes                                                        9 am-12 pm · Pg. 13               9 am-12 pm · Pg. 22                  9 am-12 pm · Pg. 14                   9 am-4 pm · Pg. 14

                                                                         WEEKLONG DRAMA ADVENTURES
                                                                                                     J Unfortunate Events (Ages 9-12)    J Intro to Improv (Ages 8-11)           J Hamilton (Ages 9-14)

     INCLUSIVE CLASSES                                        PAGE                                         9 am-12 pm · Pg. 13                  1-4 pm · Pg. 13                   9 am-4 pm · Pg. 14

     Classes for Students with Special Needs                  20                                                                        J Things That Honk (Ages 4-6)
                                                                                                                                            9 am-12 pm · Pg. 13

                                                                                                                                          J Fairies & Trolls (Ages 5-8)

     ACTING & MUSIC CLASSES                                   PAGE
                                                                                                                                                1-4 pm · Pg. 13

    Acting Technique · Musical Theater
    Group Voice Lessons · Private Voice Lessons               22                                                                             J Alice in Wonderland
                                                                                                                                          (Ages 7-11) 9 am-4 pm · Pg. 8

                                                                                                                                        J Improv for Teens (Ages 12-18)
     DANCE CLASSES                                            PAGE

                                                                                                                                             9 am-12 pm · Pg. 14
     Hip Hop Dance Camp · Summer Dance Intensives
                                                                                                     j Hip Hop Dance Camp (Ages 5-18)   J Acting Technique (Ages 12-18)                                           e Greatest Showman (Ages 8-11)
     Prince & Princess Dance Camp
                                                                                                            See pg 25 for times                 1-4 pm · Pg. 22                                                          9 am-4 pm · Pg. 22
                                                                     VOICE, ACTING & DANCE

                                                                                                                                                                 I Group Voice (Tues. & Thurs.)       4:30-5:45 pm (Ages 8-11) · 5:45-7 pm (Ages 12-1
     AUDITIONS                                                PAGE


                                                                                                                                                     j Summer Dance Intensive for Beginners (Ages 3-18)          See page 25 for times
     The Dance Lab at The Rose
     The Rose Brigade
                                                                                                                                                                                           j Summer Dance Intensive (Placement Required)                 S

     CLASS POLICIES                                           PAGE
                                                                                                                                                                           j Prince & Princess Dance Camp (Ages 3-11)            See page 25 for times

     Everything You Need to Know
     About Taking a Class at The Rose                         30                                               May 28 - 31                         June 3-7                            June 10-14                            June 17-21
Summer stage! o n summer camps & classes - The Rose Theater
Class held at Rose Theater, 2001 Farnam Street.                                                                                        J Drama/Acting Class    j                                     Dance Class
                                                                                                                                                      e Musical Theater Class                                      Creating Theater
               Class held at Rose West Studio, 12100 West Center Rd.                                                                                  I Voice Class

                June 24-28                         July 1-5                            July 8-12                            July 15-19                            July 22-26                              July 29-August 2                               August 5-9

                                                                                                                            e Spamalot (Ages 13-18)        9 am-4 pm · Pg. 5

                                                   e Honk Jr. (Ages 8-12)     9 am-4 pm · Pg. 5

                                                                                                   J The Brave Little Tailor (Ages 8-12)      9 am-4 pm · Pg. 8

                                                                                                                                                       e 101 Dalmatians (Ages 9-12)
                        J Knock It Off Sketch Comedy (Ages 10-14)       9 am-4 pm · Pg. 7
                                                                                                                                                             9 am-4 pm · Pg. 5
       J Star Wars (Ages 8-13)                                               J Do Your Thang (Ages 3-5)             J Harry Potter (Ages 9-14)             J Dr. Seuss (Ages 3-5)           J Enchanted Kingdom (Ages 5-8)                            J Improv Finale
         9 am-4 pm · Pg. 15                                                       9-11 am · Pg. 15                     9 am-4 pm · Pg. 16                    9-11 am · Pg. 17                     9 am-4 pm · Pg. 17                            (Ages 9-14) 9 am-4 pm · Pg. 9
                                                                                                                                                       J Nightmare Before Christmas                     Intro to Theater
      Theater Design (Ages 9-14)                                                J Moana (Ages 6-9)                  J Star Wars (Ages 5-8)                                                                                                       J Secret Life of Your Pet
                                                                                                                                                       for Children with Special Needs        Inclusive Class for Children of All Abilities
         9 am-4 pm · Pg. 11                                                      9 am-12 pm · Pg. 15                    1-4 pm · Pg. 16                                                         (Ages 6-12) 1-3 pm · Pg. 11                     (Ages 5-8) 9 am-4 pm · Pg. 18
                                                                                                                                                          (Ages 13+) 1-3 pm · Pg. 21
                                                                                                                                                                                              Scene Work for Young Actors
                                                                             J Beauty & Beast (Ages 6-9)          J Winnie the Pooh(Ages 4-6)         J Fairy Tale Mash Up(Ages 6-9)
                                                                                                                                                                                                     (Ages 9-12)
                                                                                  1-4 pm · Pg. 15                    9 am-12 pm · Pg. 16                    9 am-4 pm · Pg. 16
                                                                                                                                                                                                  9 am-4 pm · Pg. 11
                                                                               J Pokémon (Ages 9-13)                Young Actors (Ages 8-13)             J Paw Patrol (Ages 4-6)             J Percy Jackson (Ages 8-13)
                                                                                9 am-12 pm · Pg. 15                    9 am-4 pm · Pg. 11                  9 am-12 pm · Pg. 16                   9 am-12 pm · Pg. 18
                                                                                                                                                          J Dragons Love Tacos                       J Fantastic Beasts
                                                                            J Steven Universe (Ages 9-13)         Young Directors (Ages 13-18)
                                                                                                                                                               (Ages 5-8)                               (Ages 8-13)
                                                                                   1-4 pm · Pg. 15                    9 am-4 pm · Pg. 11
                                                                                                                                                             1-4 pm · Pg. 16                          1-4 pm · Pg. 18
                                                                                                                                                              J Terrible Trolls
                                                                                                                                                                                                   J Zootopia (Ages 5-8)
                                                                                                                                                                 (Ages 7-10)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    9 am-12 pm · Pg. 18
                                                                                                                                                              9 am-4 pm · Pg. 8
                                                                                                                                                            J Devising: Tweens                      J The Incredibles
                                                                                                                                                       (Ages 10-14) 9 am-4 pm · Pg. 8            (Ages 5-8) 1-4 pm · Pg. 18
  e Greatest Showman (Ages 12-18)                                                               j Sing, Sing, Swing Summer Dance Intensive with Performance (Ages 6-18)             See page 27 for times
         9 am-4 pm · Pg. 22

18) · Pg. 22                                                                                j Sing, Sing, Swing Summer Musical Theater Intensive with Performance (Ages 8-18)            See page 28 for times

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        August 12-22
See page 26 for times                                                                                                                                                                                                                               j Stay in Shape Ballet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Ages 5-18) · See page 28 for times

                June 24-28                         July 1-5                            July 8-12                            July 15-19                            July 22-26                              July 29-August 2                               August 5-9
Summer stage! o n summer camps & classes - The Rose Theater
star in a
    At The Rose Theater, 2001 Farnam St.
    Spend your summer in the          spotlight! Students will fully          spotlight
    participate in the process of producing a stage      musical.
                                                                           confidence creativity
    The curriculum consists of technique training in
    acting, dance, and voice, while incorporating these                      problem-solving
    techniques in a professional rehearsal setting. Actors will
    present their work in a fully staged production in the
    Hitchcock Theater at The Rose.

    Students will have the opportunity to improve their own
    individual performance techniques, understand the entire show
    process and work together as an ensemble, while making new
    friends and memories.

    Tuition covers the class, four show tickets, and a souvenir t-shirt.
    (No classes Thursday, July 4, 2019.)

Summer stage! o n summer camps & classes - The Rose Theater
Sing, dance and act in these week-long                         camps
PRODUCTION CLASSES                                                                                           designed to introduce     kids to the magic of Broadway. Students will
                                                                                                             spend the week working on a 20-minute            short musical they will
SUMMER MUSICALS                                                                                              perform for family and friends.
Class Code #10-DBAR-901
Honk! Jr.                                                       Ages 8-12                                    SHORT MUSICALS
Dates:       June 24-July 20 (M-F) (No class July 4th)                                                       Based on the classic animated film, Disney’s 101 Dalmatians features Cruella De Vil,
Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm                                                                               Disney’s most outrageous villain, and 101 of the most adorable heroes to set their paws
Location:    Rose Theater Downtown                                                                           onstage. Come sing, dance and act with us in this “fur-tastic” musical adventure of
Tuition:     $500                                                                                            kidnapping villains and courageous puppies. Four options available to fit your summer
Performances: July 19 (5:30 pm) and July 20 (2 pm & 4:30 pm)                                                 schedule!
             In the Hitchcock Studio Theater
Honk! Jr. is a heartwarming celebration of being different that is sure to delight audiences of all ages     Class Code #10-MT-901                         Class Code #10-MT-903
with its sparkling wit, unique charm and memorable score. Witty and hilarious, but also deeply moving,       101 Dalmatians             Ages 4-8           101 Dalmatians             Ages 4-8
Honk! Jr. will treat your audiences to equal amounts of laughter and tears.
                                                                                                             Dates:       June 3-7 (M-F)                   Dates:       June 10-14 (M-F)
Ugly looks quite a bit different from his darling duckling brothers and sisters. The other animals on the    Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm                Time:        9:00 am - 12:00 pm
farm are quick to notice and point this out, despite his mother’s protective flapping. Feeling rather foul   Location:    Rose Theater Downtown            Location:    Rose Theater Downtown
about himself, the little fowl finds himself on an adventure of self-discovery, all the while unknowingly    Tuition:     $200                             Tuition:     $150
outwitting a very hungry Cat. Along the way, Ugly meets a whole flock of unique characters and finds         Performance: June 7 (3 pm)                    Performance: June 14 (11 am)
out being different is not a bad thing to be.                                                                             at The Rose Theater                           at The Rose Theater
                                                                                                                          Downtown                                      Downtown
Class Code #10-DBAR-902
Spamalot                                                      Ages 13-18                                     Class Code #10-MT-902                         Class Code #10-MT-904

Dates:       July 8 - Aug. 3 (M-F)                                                                           101 Dalmatians           Ages 9-12            101 Dalmatians             Ages 4-8
Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm                                                                               Dates:       July 22-26 (M-F)                 Dates:       June 10-14 (M-F)
Location:    Rose Theater Downtown                                                                           Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm                Time:        1:00 - 4:00 pm
Tuition:     $500                                                                                            Location:    Rose Theater Downtown            Location:    Rose Theater Downtown
Performances: Aug. 2 (5:30 pm) and Aug. 3 (2 pm) In the Hitchcock Studio Theater                             Tuition:     $200                             Tuition:     $150
                                                                                                             Performance: Friday, July 26 (3 pm)           Performance: June 14 (3:15 pm)
The Tony Award winning Best Musical, Monty Python’s Spamalot, begins its search for the Holy
                                                                                                                          at The Rose Theater                           at The Rose Theater
Grail this outrageous musical comedy that is lovingly ripped off from the film classic “Monty
                                                                                                                          Downtown                                      Downtown
Python and the Holy Grail.” Spamalot tells the tale of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round
Table as they embark on their quest for the Holy Grail. Flying cows, killer rabbits, taunting
Frenchmen, and show-stopping musical numbers are just a few of the reasons audiences
worldwide are eating up SPAMALOT!

Summer stage! o n summer camps & classes - The Rose Theater
be in a play
    At The Rose Theater, 2001 Farnam St.

    Students do all the acting in these multi-week, fully-staged
    and rehearsed theater
                       productions. Students learn about                        skills
    acting, improvisation, and working together as an ensemble.               spotlight
    There are sets, lights, costumes, and lines to memorize! We have
                                                                           confidence creativity
    chosen scripts that allow ALL students a chance to shine on stage.
    Tuition covers the class, four show tickets, and a souvenir t-shirt.
    (No classes Thursday-Friday, July 4-5, 2019.)

    Students will have the opportunity to improve their own
    individual performance techniques, understand the entire show
    process and work together as an ensemble, while making new
    friends and memories.

    Tuition covers the class, four show tickets, and a souvenir t-shirt.

Summer stage! o n summer camps & classes - The Rose Theater
Students do all the acting in these multi-week, fully-staged and rehearsed                                         Class Code #10-DBAR-904
theater productions. Students learn about acting, improvisation,                                                   James and the Giant Peach                           Ages 8-12
and working together as an ensemble. There are sets, lights, costumes, and lines to                                Dates:       June 3-22 (M-F)
                                                                                                                   Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm
memorize! We have chosen scripts that allow ALL students a chance to shine on stage.                               Location:    Rose Theater Downtown
Tuition covers the class, four show tickets, and a souvenir t-shirt.                                               Tuition:     $400
                                                                                                                   Performances: June 21 (5:30 pm) and June 22 (5:30 pm)
(No classes Thursday, July 4, 2019.)                                                                                            In the Hitchcock Theater
                                                                                                                   A magical peach! An imprisoned boy! Insect friends! An incredible journey! This
                                                                                                                   amazing adventure of James Henry Trotter will fulfill the fantasy of anyone who has
                                                                                                                   ever dreamed of escape. Roald Dahl’s story comes hilariously to life in this delightful
 Class Code #10-DBAR-903                                                                                           dramatization that reveals the wickedness of some, the goodness of others, and the
                                                                                                                   indecision encountered by many when they are faced with crises. You will see James
 Performing Arts Conservatory:                        Ages 13-18                                                   (as he cleverly gets the Peach out of danger), the wise Old-Green-Grasshopper
 PLAYSCAPE                                                                                                         and the pessimistic Earthworm. You will also see James’ mean Aunt Spiker and
                                                                                                                   cruel Aunt Sponge come to a suitably sticky end. The action is tied together by the
 Dates:       June 3-June 29 (M-F)
                                                                                                                   Narrator, a storyteller, motivator, emcee and audience friend.
 Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm
 Location:    Rose Theater Downtown
 Tuition:     $425
 Performances: June 28 (5:30 pm) and June 29 (5:30 pm) in the Hitchcock Studio Theater                             Class Code #10-DBAR-905
                                                                                                                   Knock It Off Sketch Comedy                        Ages 10-14
Conservatory is a multi-disciplinary series of rehearsals, performances, workshops,
and discussions taught by the entire DRAMA at The Rose professional staff. It is for                               Dates:       June 24 - July 13 (M-F)
committed, intermediate-to-advanced students only and covers the topics of actor training, stage                                (No class July 4th)
combat, improvisation, movement for actors, vocal diction and projection, playwriting, directing,                  Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm
scenography (sets, lights, costumes, sound, and make-up), dancing, and singing.                                    Location:    Rose Theater Downtown
                                                                                                                   Tuition:     $400
Have you ever wished you had a whole magical roomful of playmates who could make the stories in                    Performances: July 12 (5:30 pm) and July 13 (2 pm)
your imagination appear right before your eyes? Come play and pretend with us in your own spectacular                           In the Hitchcock Theater
PlayScape! In this interactive, completely improvised storytelling experience, young people with big
imaginations can work together with a team of animated actors to build a tale of adventure right on the spot.      Let’s make a tween version of Saturday Night Live! This production camp will teach
Actors and audience members alike become the characters, settings, and complications that make a fantastic         students the art of sketch comedy through writing and improvisation. We will be
tale come to life! PlayScapers can go anywhere our imaginations can soar (and still be back in time for dinner)!   focusing on acting skills, ensemble, improv games, playwriting, brainstorming,
                                                                                                                   studying the different types of comedy sketches, and writing sketches. The camp will
This year conservatory will be exploring the collaborative form of long form improvisation, creating a brand new   end with a culmination show (half improvisation and half scripted by the students)--
play at each performance based on what the audience suggests.                                                      an original comedy extravaganza, written and performed entirely by the students!

Summer stage! o n summer camps & classes - The Rose Theater
Class Code #10-DAR-902
    Class Code #10-DBAR-906
    The Brave Little Tailor                     Ages 8-12
                                                                 SHORT PLAYS                                                      Performing in a Short Play:                            Ages 7-10
                                                                                                                                  Tale of the Terrible Trolls
    Dates:       July 8 - July 27 (M-F)
    Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm                               Students can take their first     steps on stage in these        Dates:         July 22-26 (M-F)
    Location:    Rose Theater Downtown                                                                                            Time:          9:00 am - 4:00 pm
    Tuition:     $400                                            week-long camps designed to introduce                            Location:      Rose West Studio
    Performances: July 26 (5:30 pm) and July 27 (5:30 pm)                                                                         Tuition:       $200
                                                                 kids to performing for an audience. Students will spend          Class Sharing: July 26 (3:30 pm)
                 In the Hitchcock Theater
                                                                 the week working on a 20-minute             short play,          When the Olsen family camping vacation goes awry during
    A mischievous silly jester (who speaks in verse)
    introduces the audience to a young tailor who has been       complete with simple costumes and props. Students                a thunderstorm, the parents start telling campfire stories
                                                                                                                                  about trolls. These stories come to life in their imagination
    discounted his entire life because he is small. This meek    learn about acting, improvisation, and working                   as they hear the stories of Buttercup (about a young boy
    tailor in the village is bullied by his boss, smothered by
                                                                 together as an ensemble. We choose scripts or
                                                                                                                                  who is tricked by two troll hags) and the Eating Competition.
    his mother and harassed by customers. The young tailor,                                                                       Students will learn how an actor prepares for a role, and
    however, dreams of fighting dragons, and during one
    vivid fantasy he manages to kill seven flies in one blow.    create pieces that allow ALL students a                          perform their short play for family and friends on the last day
                                                                                                                                  of class.
    Rumors spread around the village                             chance to shine on stage. Class sizes are limited.
    and get exaggerated until the
    king hears of a tailor who can                                                                                                Class Code #10-DAR-903
                                                                 The Rose offers morning and afternoon Drama Club.                Devising:                                           Ages 10-14
    kill seven giants in one blow.
                                                                 See page 19 for details.
    The tailor is brought before the                                                                                              If Tweens Ran the School
    cowardly king and his beautiful
    stepdaughter. The tailor then                                                                                                 Dates:       July 22-26 (M-F)
    must find his own courage (with                                                                                               Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                                 Class Code #10-DAR-901                                           Location:    Rose West Studio
    the help of the princess
    and the jester) to battle a                                  Performing in a Short Play:      Ages 7-11                       Tuition:     $200
    rampaging unicorn, two                                       Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland                                 Class Sharing: Friday, July 26 at 3:30 pm
    troublesome giants and                                                                                                        No screen time until homework is done. Dress codes at
    a fierce dragon.                                             Dates:         June 3-7 (M-F)
                                                                 Time:          9:00 am - 4:00 pm                                 school. Adults make all the rules at schools and tweens
                                                                 Location:      Rose West Studio                                  are forced to follow them. What if tweens ran school? In
                                                                                                                                  a world that wants tweens to only FOLLOW the rules, we
                                                                 Tuition:       $200
                                                                                                                                  are going to imagine what a world where we create our
                                                                 Class Sharing: June 7 (3:30 pm)                                  own rules. Join us as we create an entirely original piece
                                                                 Things at The Rose are getting curiouser and curiouser with      through improvisation that performs at the end of this
                                                                 this Alice in Wonderland class! Join us as we head through       week-long crash-course in devised theater!
                                                                 the looking glass and explore the silly characters and sillier
                                                                 situations of Wonderland in a script adapted especially for
                                                                 this class! Students will learn how an actor prepares for
                                                                 a role on stage as they create their very own Wonderland
                                                                 characters.                                                       Indicates classes that take place at
                                                                                                                                   The Rose West Studio (12100 West Center Rd., Suites 505 & 506)

Summer stage! o n summer camps & classes - The Rose Theater
Class Code #10-DAR-904
Whose Line:                                 Ages 9-14
Summer Improv Finale
Dates:       August 5-9 (M-F)
Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location:    Rose Theater Downtown
Tuition:     $200
Class Sharing: Friday, August 9 at 3:30 pm
Welcome to Whose Line Is It Anyway? “Where everything
is made up and the points don’t matter.” Join us for a
round of Drop a Line, World’s Worst, Taxi, and much more.
These fun improv skill-building activities will improve your
ability to give and take focus, make bold choices with your
body and voice, and build on other students’ ideas. You
will have the opportunity to show off your performance
skills during a class sharing for family and friends on the
last day of class.

Summer stage! o n summer camps & classes - The Rose Theater
try something
                           CREATING THEATER

                           Take   command of the stage! Discover the steps to bring a
                           stage production to life, from   directing to scenic design,
                           props creation, and the acting techniques that bring
                           a scene to life. In these classes, students get a glimpse into the many

                           jobs in the theater. They learn how to use their creativity
                           to bring their vision into   reality. Students enrolled in design
        skills             classes combine   STEM skills like math, science
      spotlight            and   engineering with their artistic abilities to create
     creativity science
        art & design       scenery and props to be used in our summer camp
                                                            Indicates classes that take place at
                                                            The Rose West Studio (12100 West Center Rd., Suites 505 & 506)

10                                                                                                                           10
CREATING THEATER                                                                                                                             Class Code #10-DAR-909 (June 3-7) OR
                                                                                                                                                  Class Code #10-DAR-910 (June 24-28)
     EXPLORE ARTISTIC JOBS IN THEATER                                                                                                             The Art of Theater Design:                                                       Ages 9-14
                                                                                                                                                  A Rose Theater and Joslyn Art Museum Class
     Take a trip backstage with these one-week        camps designed to help students experience the
     technical side of theater. Students in these camps learn acting, design, directing and more!
                                                                                                                                                  Dates:           June 3-7 (M-F) OR June 24-28 (M-F)
                                                                                                                                                  Time:            9:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                                                                                                                  Location:        Rose Theater Downtown
     Class Code #10-DAR-905                                               Class Code #10-DAR-907                                                                          and Joslyn Art Museum
     Introduction to Theater                       Ages 6-12              Young Actors                                      Ages 8-13             Tuition:         $200 $15 annual registration fee waived for
                                                                                                                                                                          Rose Theater & Joslyn Museum Members
     Dates:       July 29 - August 2 (M-F)                                Dates:       July 15-19 (M-F)
                                                                                                                                                  Producing a play takes more than just talented actors--it also
     Time:        1:00 - 3:00 pm                                          Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                                                                                                                  takes amazing artists! Spend a week exploring theatrical design
     Location:    Rose Theater Downtown                                   Location:    Rose West Studio
                                                                                                                                                  and the creative collaboration involved in creating scenery,
     Tuition:     $90                                                     Tuition:     $200
                                                                                                                                                  costumes, props, lighting, and sound designs for a show at             a wat                              g a snack

     Class Sharing: Friday, August 3 at 2:30 pm                           Class Sharing: Friday, July 19 at 3:30 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ng         e
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ri                                    rin

                                                                                                                                                  The Rose. We will meet professional designers and technicians,


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                                                                                                                                                  and create lots of hands-on theatrical designs for our summers


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     Do you want to learn all about plays and how they’re made?           Are you an aspiring actor? Then you’ll have to master the art

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                                                                                                                                                  shows like Spamalot, Brave Little Tailor and Knock it Off! In


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     This class of diverse learners will explore the different elements   of auditioning, cold reading, and scene work! In this all day


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a lu
                                                                                                                                                  the afternoons, we will create theater designs at the Joslyn Art


     of drama, such as acting, costume design, and set design,            class, we’ll spend the mornings learning the basics of acting,



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     and get a behind- the-scenes look at how a play is created at        auditioning and working with scripts. In the afternoon, acting          Museum. If you like ART, you will love this class!



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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bring a lu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ttle l

     the Rose!                                                            students will be directed in short scenes from the upcoming


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      g a wate                                       Bri n

                                                                          Rose season directed by teens in the Young Directors camp.
                                                                                                                                                  Note: Students will be at The Rose Theater from 9:00 am
                                                                          These scenes will be performed on the last day of the camp.
                                                                                                                                                  -12:00 pm and at Joslyn from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. Students will
     Class Code #10-DAR-906                                               This class is great for beginners who want to learn more about
                                                                                                                                                  be escorted between The Rose and Joslyn Art Museum and
                                                                          performing, as well as experienced actors looking to improve
     Scene Work for Young Actors                   Ages 9-12              their acting technique.
                                                                                                                                                  they will be supervised during the lunch hour.

     Dates:       July 29 - August 2 (M-F)
     Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm                                       Class Code #10-DAR-908                                                   This camp is presented jointly by both The
     Location:    Rose Theater Downtown                                   Young Directors                                  Ages 13-18              Rose Theater and the Joslyn Art Museum.
     Tuition:     $200
     Class Sharing: Friday, August 2 at 2:30 pm                           Dates:       July 15-19 (M-F)
                                                                          Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm
     Are you an aspiring actor? Then you’ll have to master the art of     Location:    Rose West Studio
     auditioning, cold reading, and scene work! In this all-day class,    Tuition:     $200
     we’ll learn the basics of acting, auditioning and working with       Class Sharing: Friday, July 19 at 3:30 pm
     scripts, all with the goal of preparing a scene from the upcoming
     Rose season. These scenes will be performed on the last day          If you love to act but want to learn more about how to put together the whole show, then maybe YOU should try your hand at
     of the camp. This class is great for beginners who want to learn     DIRECTING! During the mornings of this all-day class, students learn more about the job of the director through lots of hands-on activities.
     more about performing, as well as experienced actors looking to      You’ll learn how to interpret a script, stage a story, and bring the play to life with costumes, props, and sets! In the afternoon, teen
     improve their acting technique.                                      directors will direct younger acting students in scenes to be performed on the last day of camp. Students who complete the class can
                                                                          even apply to help out as a directing assistant for one of The Rose’s Teens ‘N’ Theater productions!

11                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              11
go on an
                              ONE-WEEK CREATIVE DRAMA CAMPS

                              These funweek-long creative drama camps teach
                              creativity through play. Each camp centers on a popular
                              theme led by our DRAMA at The Rose professionals. The result? A
                              presentation of improvisational scenes, colorful characters, and
                              non-stop fun presented in a sharing for family on
                              the last day of class.

          skills                   Students should bring a sack lunch, snack, and drink to
        spotlight                  all classes that extend over the lunch hour.

                                    The Rose offers morning and afternoon drama club.
     imagination friendship         See page 19 for details.
                                                               Indicates classes that take place at
                                                               The Rose West Studio (12100 West Center Rd., Suites 505 & 506)

12                                                                                                                              12
DRAMA ADVENTURES                                                                                                                      Class Code #10-DAR-915
                                                                                                                                           Fairies & Trolls:
                                                                                                                                           Legends from the Past
                                                                                                                                                                                         Ages 5-8

                                                                                                                                       Dates:           June 3-7 (M-F)
     Class Code #10-DAR-911                                            Class Code #10-DAR-913                                          Time:            1:00 - 4:00 pm
     The Little Engine That Could:                   Ages 3-4          A Series of Unfortunate Events: Ages 9-12                       Location:        Rose West Studio
                                                                                                                                       Tuition:         $125
     Do the Locomotion!                                                The Secrets of VFD
                                                                                                                                       Class Sharing: Friday, June 7 at 3:30 pm
     Dates:       May 28 - May 31 (T-F)                                Dates:          May 28 - May 31 (T-F)
                                                                                                                                       Clap if you believe in Fairies & Trolls! Get ready to hide under
     Time:        9:00 - 11:00 am                                      Time:           9:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                                                                                                                       bridges and sprinkle fairy dust as we explore the worlds of
     Location:    Rose Theater Downtown                                Location:       Rose Theater Downtown
                                                                                                                                       Fairies and Trolls. Act out some of your favorite fairies like
     Tuition:     $90                                                  Tuition:        $100
                                                                                                                                       Tinkerbell, become dim-witted, ugly Trolls from Norwegian
     Class Sharing: Friday, May 31 at 10:30 am                         Class Sharing: Friday, May 31 at 11:30 am
                                                                                                                                       myths, and spend the week creating your own the fairy and
     Chug chug chug, puff puff puff! Explore the classic story of      Very Fateful Days are ahead. If you’re reading this, it isn’t   troll characters and stories!
     “The Little Engine That Could” by becoming the characters         too late to sign up for a different, happier class. Here you’ll
     in the story and explore different ways to travel! Using acting   find only misery and woe, as we use our bodies, voices, and
     tools, students will learn how working together and helping       imaginations to continue Lemony Snicket’s investigation of      Class Code #10-DAR-916
     your friends can accomplish even the most difficult tasks!        the Baudelaire orphans in such places as the Carnivorous        Intro to Improv:                                    Ages 8-11
                                                                       Carnival, Cafe Salmonella, and Lake Lachrymose. Do you
                                                                                                                                       Think on Your Feet
                                                                       have what it takes to join VFD? Grab your commonplace
     Class Code #10-DAR-912                                            book and some wasabi if you dare.                               Dates:           June 3-7 (M-F)
     Pokémon: 		                                     Ages 5-8                                                                          Time:            1:00 - 4:00 pm
                                                                                                                                       Location:        Rose Theater Downtown
     Gotta Catch ‘Em All!                                              Class Code #10-DAR-914                                          Tuition:         $125
     Dates:       May 28 - May 31 (T-F)                                Things That HONK!                                 Ages 4-6      Class Sharing: Friday, June 7 at 3:30 pm
     Time:        9:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                                                       Dates:       June 3-7 (M-F)                                         Do you like making things up on the spot and playing improv
     Location:    Rose Theater Downtown
                                                                       Time:        9:00 am - 12:00 pm                                     games? Join us for a week of building our improvisation
     Tuition:     $100
                                                                       Location:    Rose West Studio                                       skills, working together as an ensemble, and having lots
     Class Sharing: Friday, May 31 at 11:30 am
                                                                       Tuition:     $125                                                   of fun! You will have the opportunity to show off your
     Gotta catch ‘em all! Pokemon is filled with fun characters and    Class Sharing: Friday, June 7 at 11:30 am                           performance skills during a class sharing for family and
     creatures, and endless stories to tell! We will create our own                                                                        friends on the last day of class.
     trainer characters and learn all about how to take care of our    Loud sound, fast sound, slow sound, quiet sound - what
     very own Pokemon!                                                 sounds go HONK? Join us for creative movement and
                                                                       drama as we explore things that HONK! Dance like nobody’s
                                                                       watching, sing like nobody’s listening, and HONK like the                 Sign-up for Class #10-DAR-916 & #10-ACT-901
                                                                       honkiest goose in town!                                                            (Acting Technique - Page 22)
                                                                                                                                                           for a full day of acting fun!

13                                                                                                                                                                                                        13

     Class Code #10-DAR-917                                                 Class Code #10-DAR-919                                             Class Code #10-DAR-921
     Whose Line? Improv for Teens                     Ages 12-18            Harry Potter &                                 Ages 6-9            Descendants:                                     Ages 6-8
     Dates:       June 3-7 (M-F)                                            the Amazing Acting Adventure                                       Young Villains & Heroes
     Time:        9:00 am - 12:00 pm                                        Dates:       June 10-14 (M-F)                                      Dates:       June 17-21 (M-F)
     Location:    Rose West Studio                                          Time:        9:00 am - 12:00 pm                                    Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm
     Tuition:     $125                                                      Location:    Rose Theater Downtown                                 Location:    Rose Theater Downtown
     Class Sharing: Friday, June 7 at 11:30 am                              Tuition:     $125                                                  Tuition:     $200
                                                                            Class Sharing: Friday, June 14 at 11:30 am                         Class Sharing: Friday, June 21 at 3:30 pm
     Welcome to Whose Line Is It Anyway? “Where everything is
     made up and the points don’t matter.” Join us for a round of Drop      Step into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Act out your        Do you want to portray the descendant of a famous Disney
     a Line, World’s Worst, Taxi and much more. These fun improv                                                                               character? In our Descendants class, we design our own
                                                                            favorite characters and scenes from the Harry Potter books.        descendent character and costumes. Then will explore these
     skill-building activities will improve your ability to give and take
                                                                            Then, create your own wizardry student, and experience the         different children and their new adventures in Auradon Prep
     focus, make bold choices with your body and voice, and build on
     other students’ ideas. You will have the opportunity to show off       classes, wild teachers, and adventures at Hogwarts School of       High School. It will be a wicked and heroic good time.
     your skills during a class sharing for on the last day of class.       Witchcraft and Wizardry!

                                                                                                                                               Class Code #10-DAR-922
                                                                            Class Code #10-DAR-920
      Sign-up for Class Class #10-DAR-917 & #10-ACT-902                                                                                        Matilda & Me                                       Ages 9-12
                  (Acting Technique - Page 22)                              Hamilton: Hip Hop History                     Ages 9-14
                                                                                                                                               Dates:       June 17-21 (M-F)
                   for a full day of acting fun!                                                                                               Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                                            Dates:       June 10-14 (M-F)
                                                                            Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm                                     Location:    Rose Theater Downtown
                                                                                                                                               Tuition:     $200
                                                                            Location:    Rose West Studio
                                                                                                                                               Class Sharing: Friday, June 21 at 3:30 pm
                                                                            Tuition:     $200
     Class Code #10-DAR-918
                                                                            Class Sharing: Friday, June 14 at 3:30 pm                          Watch out, Miss Trunchbull might catch you having fun
     Mo’ Lessons, Mo’ Laughs:                             Ages 4-6                                                                             in this class! We wouldn’t want you to be sent to the
     Mo Willems                                                             Are you “young, scrappy and hungry” and a fan of Lin-Manuel        chokey, so make sure to befriend Ms. Honey and Matilda
                                                                            Miranda’s Hamilton? Join us for a full-day drama camp as           so you can navigate elementary school and those nasty
     Dates:       June 10-14 (M-F)                                          we research, create and embody other important American            Wormwoods. Tap into your own special abilities like
     Time:        9:00 am - 12:00 pm                                        historical figures. We will explore our characters through drama   Matilda’s and have a great time doing it while you act,
     Location:    Rose Theater Downtown                                     and creative movement, and we will rap about what their lives      sing, and dance through your favorite moments from our
     Tuition:     $125                                                      might be like in contemporary America. Students will learn         mainstage production of Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical!
     Class Sharing: Friday, June 14 at 11:30 am                                                                                                We’ll even get to explore the set and costumes from our
                                                                            lyrics and choreography to “My Shot,” and write their own rap      production!
                                                                            stanzas to share on the final day. Don’t throw away your shot!
     Use your acting tools to learn and laugh alongside Mo Willems’
     best characters like Elephant and Piggie, Pigeon, and Nanette!
     Say thank you, try some slop, and maybe even drive a bus in                                                                                       Indicates classes that take place at
     this “best-of” Mo Willems adventure!                                                                                                              The Rose West Studio (12100 West Center Rd., Suites 505 & 506)

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                      14
Class Code #10-DAR-923                                           Class Code #10-DAR-925                                            Class Code #10-DAR-927
Star Wars: Jedi Knight Academy Ages 8-13                         Moana: The Realm of Monsters                    Ages 6-9          Pokémon: I Choose You                        Ages 9-13
Dates:       June 24-28 (M-F)                                    Dates:       July 8-12 (M-F)                                      Dates:       July 8-12 (M-F)
Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm                                   Time:        9:00 am - 12:00 pm                                   Time:        9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location:    Rose Theater Downtown                               Location:    Rose West Studio                                     Location:    Rose West Studio
Tuition:     $200
                                                                 Tuition:     $125                                                 Tuition:     $125
Class Sharing: Friday, June 28 at 3:30 pm
                                                                 Class Sharing: Friday, July 12 at 11:30 am                        Class Sharing: Friday, July 12 at 3:30 pm
Create your own Jedi Knight character, and take Jedi Knight
Academy courses on using The Force, lightsaber techniques, and   Join Moana and Maui on their adventure across the seas and into   Gotta catch ‘em all! Pokemon is filled with fun characters
more - and answer the most important question of them all: are   Lalotai, the Realm of Monsters! We will use our bodies, voices,   and creatures, and endless stories to tell! We will create
you Light Side or will you be tempted by the Dark Side?          and imaginations to face Tamatoa and other monsters, explore      our own trainer characters, fill our Pokedex, and search for
                                                                 new islands, and create our own characters as we explore the      Legendary Pokemon!
                                                                 world of Moana.
Class Code #10-DAR-924
Superhero, King or Queen...                   Ages 3-5           Class Code #10-DAR-926                                            Class Code #10-DAR-928
Do Your Thang!                                                   Beauty & the Beast:                             Ages 6-9          Steven Universe: Beach City!                 Ages 9-13
Dates:       July 8-12 (M-F)                                     Secrets of the Enchanted Castle                                   Dates:       July 8-12 (M-F)
Time:        9:00 - 11:00 am
                                                                 Dates:       July 8-12 (M-F)                                      Time:        1:00 - 4:00 pm
Location:    Rose West Studio
                                                                 Time:        1:00 - 4:00 pm                                       Location:    Rose West Studio
Tuition:     $110
                                                                 Location:    Rose West Studio                                     Tuition:     $125
Class Sharing: Friday, July 12 at 11:30 am
                                                                 Tuition:     $125                                                 Class Sharing: Friday, July 12 at 11:30 am
There are all kinds of ways to be me, to see me, to help me be   Class Sharing: Friday, July 12 at 11:30 am
                                                                                                                                   We are the crystal gems, we always save the day! Create your
a Superhero or King or Queen! Join us for a class of kindness,
                                                                 Join us in the Beast’s castle, as objects and furniture come to   very own gem and team up with Stevonnie and their friends
teamwork and imagination as we explore who we want and
                                                                 life, and magic is everywhere. We will use our bodies, voices,    to help save Beach City from mysterious forces. Have home
what we want to be when we grow up! Reading books like Mae
                                                                 and imaginations to explore and create our favorite scenes and    world gems come to wreak havoc? Or is Onion playing an
Amongst the Stars, Kylie Jean Pirate Queen, The Superhero Kid,
                                                                 original characters from Beauty and the Beast.                    elaborate prank? You decide! Using your body, voice, and
and William’s Doll. Our young team will explore who we want to
                                                                                                                                   imagination, you and your classmates can learn different
be! Free to be You and Me!
                                                                                                                                   gems’ powers and help create a wonderful adventure!

                                                                       Sign-up for Class #10-DAR-925 & 926                              Sign-up for Class #10-DAR-927 & 928
                                                                      for a full day of acting fun for just $230.                      for a full day of acting fun for just $230.
                                                                                         SAVE $20                                                        SAVE $20

     Class Code #10-DAR-929                                        Class Code #10-DAR-931                                     Class Code #10-DAR-933
     Harry Potter:                    Ages 9-14                    Winnie the Pooh:                            Ages 4-6       Paw Patrol: Save the Day!                          Ages 4-6
     School of Witchcraft, Wizardry & Drama                        Heffalumps & Woozles                                       Dates:       July 22-26 (M-F)
     Dates:       July 15-19 (M-F)                                 Dates:       July 15-19 (M-F)                              Time:        9:00 am - 12:00 pm
     Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm                                Time:        9:00 am - 12:00 pm                            Location:    Rose West Studio
     Location:    Rose Theater Downtown                            Location:    Rose West Studio                              Tuition:     $125
     Tuition:     $200                                             Tuition:     $125                                          Class Sharing: Friday, July 26 at 11:30 am
     Class Sharing: Friday, July 19 at 3:30 pm                     Class Sharing: Friday, July 19 at 10:30 am                 Ryder and his team of pups are here to save the day! Join Skye,
     Step into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Create your    Join Pooh, Christopher Robin, Tigger, and all the other    Chase, and Marshall on a creative drama adventure as we
     own wizardry student, and experience the classes, Quidditch   friends from The Hundred Acre Wood on their search         create our own missions for Paw Patrol to go on. Students will
     matches, and array of wacky teachers at Hogwarts School of    for the fabled beast known as the Heffalump. Will your     design new Paw Patrol characters with their own Pup Packs!
     Witchcraft and Wizardry!                                      acting tools lead you on an adventure full of twists and
                                                                   turns? Laughs and tears? Kangas and Roos? What
                                                                   will become of you and your friends when you meet this     Class Code #10-DAR-934
     Class Code #10-DAR-930                                        mighty creature?                                           Dragons Love Tacos:                              Ages 5-8
     Star Wars: Explore the Galaxy               Ages 5-8                                                                     Sauteed Soiree!
     Dates:       July 15-19 (M-F)                                 Class Code #10-DAR-932                                     Dates:       July 22-26 (M-F)
     Time:        1:00 - 4:00 pm                                   Fairy Tale Mash Up                          Ages 6-9       Time:        1:00 - 4:00 pm
     Location:    Rose West Studio                                                                                            Location:    Rose West Studio
     Tuition:     $125                                             Dates:       July 22-26 (M-F)                              Tuition:     $125
     Class Sharing: Friday, July 19 at 3:30 pm                     Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm                             Class Sharing: Friday, July 26 at 3:30 pm
                                                                   Location:    Rose Theater Downtown
     Create your own Star Wars character, learn how to use The     Tuition:     $200                                          It’s time for a party! A taco party! A DRAGON taco party! Join
     Force, visit planets like Hoth and Jaaku, and meet lots of                                                               us for another fiery fiesta - a blazing bash - a spicy shindig -
                                                                   Class Sharing: Friday, July 26 at 3:30 pm
     creatures like Wookies, Tauntauns, and the dreaded Rancor!                                                               whatever you want to call it; just don’t let things get too hot!
     Do you have what it takes to explore the galaxy?              The Gingerbread man in a red hood? The big bad wolf        Join as as we create our own characters and tell a brand
                                                                   goes to the ball? A witch loses her glass slippers? Step   new story using our bodies, voices, and imaginations!
                                                                   into the world of fairy tales and storybooks to create
                                                                   alternate endings and combine some of your favorite
                                                                   tales. At the end of the camp, we will make a new, fun,
                                                                   and exciting story to share.

                                                                                                                                     Indicates classes that take place at
                                                                                                                                     The Rose West Studio (12100 West Center Rd., Suites 505 & 506)

Class Code #10-DAR-936
Class Code #10-DAR-935                                                                  Enchanted Kingdom: Fairy Tale Fun
Dr. Seuss: Funny Foods,               Ages 3-5                                                       Ages 5-8
Cats in Hats & More!                                                          An Omaha Children’s Museum & Rose Theater collaboration!
Dates:       July 22-26 (M-F)                                                 Dates:          July 29 - August 2 (M-F)
Time:        9:00 - 11:00 am                                                  Time:           9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location:    Rose Theater Downtown                                            Tuition:        $200 ($15 registration fee waived for members of
Tuition:     $110                                                             		              Omaha Children’s Museum and/or The Rose Theater.)
Class Sharing: Friday, July 26 at 11:30 am                                    Class Sharing: Friday, August 2 at 3:15 pm at The Rose Theater
Mmm, green eggs and ham! Roast beast! Who Hash!
Beezle-Nut Juice! What funny foods will we imagine
                                                         Spend your mornings at The Rose Theater and your afternoons at the Omaha Children’s Museum in the
this week as we meet our favorite Dr. Seuss characters
like the Cat in the Hat, Horton, the Grinch, and more!   Enchanted Kingdom! Students will use their bodies, voices, and imaginations to explore and act out dragons,
Join us as we tell our own unique stories inspired by    court jesters, unicorns and other favorite fairy tale characters! On Friday, students will present an original fairy
Dr. Seuss!                                               tale at The Rose Theater!

                                                                                     Morning Drama Club available at The Rose Theater ($15)
                                                                                             Afternoon care available at OCM ($15)

                                                         Please Note: Students will be at The Rose Theater from 9:00-12:30 pm and at Omaha Children’s Museum
                                                         from 12:30-4:00 pm. Student morning drop off will be located in the Rose Theater lobby. Student pick up will
                                                         be located in the Omaha Children’s Museum lobby. Students will be escorted between The Rose and Omaha
                                                         Children’s Museum, and they will be supervised during the lunch hour. Students must bring a sack lunch, drink,
                                                         and snack to class each day.

                                                           This camp is presented jointly by both The Rose
                                                            Theater and the Omaha Children’s Museum.

Class Code #10-DAR-937                                          Class Code #10-DAR-939                                      Class Code #10-DAR-941
     Percy Jackson:                                Ages 8-13         Zootopia: 		                                 Ages 5-8       Secret Life of YOUR Pet                      Ages 5-8
     Camp Half-Blood                                                 Create Our Metropolis                                       Dates:       August 5-9 (M-F)
     Dates:       July 29 - August 2 (M-F)                           Dates:       July 29 - August 2 (M-F)                       Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm
     Time:        9:00 am - 12:00 pm                                 Time:        9:00 am - 12:00 pm                             Location:    Rose Theater Downtown
     Location:    Rose West Studio                                   Location:    Rose West Studio                               Tuition:     $200
     Tuition:     $125                                               Tuition:     $125                                           Class Sharing: Friday, August 9 at 3:30 pm
     Class Sharing: Friday, August 2 at 11:30 am                     Class Sharing: Friday, August 2 at 11:30 am                 Ever wonder what your pet does behind closed doors?
     Percy’s world is turned upside down at age 12 when he           Have you ever wanted to be a smart-talking fox, or          Are they a jamming rock star? Or an elegant famous
     discovers that his father is the Greek God Poseidon, and        maybe an excitable, hard-working rabbit? This is the        ballerina? Maybe they run the whole neighborhood? You
     that the monsters and creatures of Greek Mythology still        perfect class for any student who loves Zootopia, or        get to decide what double life your pet has! This class
     exist. In our acting class, we’ll create our own characters     animals in general! We will explore the characters and      will use their bodies, voice and imaginations to explore
     with a Greek god as a parent, and join Camp Half-Blood          locations from the movie (such as Sahara Square,            their pets secret identities! Who knows what secret life
     for training, adventure, and fun.                               Tundratown, Little Rodentia, etc). We will then create      their pets are hiding...
                                                                     original animal characters, and create new places and
     Class Code #10-DAR-938                                          adventures in the metropolis of Zootopia!
     Fantastic Beasts:                             Ages 8-13
                                                                     Class Code #10-DAR-940
     Who Let the Imps Out?
                                                                     The Incredibles:                             Ages 5-8
     Dates:       July 29 - August 2 (M-F)                           An Unstoppable Team
     Time:        1:00 - 4:00 pm
     Location:    Rose West Studio                                   Dates:       July 29 - August 2 (M-F)
     Tuition:     $125                                               Time:        1:00 - 4:00 pm
     Class Sharing: Friday, August 2 at 3:30 am                      Location:    Rose West Studio
                                                                     Tuition:     $125
     Unicorns, nifflers, bowtruckles, demiguise - these are just     Class Sharing: Friday, August 2 at 3:30 am
     a few of the creatures we will meet on our adventures
     in this class and try to keep in our suitcases. Help us         Get your super suit - it’s time to create an unstoppable
     discover more fantastic beasts - new and old - as we            team of heroes! The Incredibles are back, and they are
     use our bodies, voices, and imaginations to explore             facing tougher villains than ever before. Create your own
     their habitats, mimic their behavior, and create our own        superhero, imagine new powers, and design a stellar
     fantastic field guide, all inspired by the Harry Potter spin-   costume (cape and mask not required).
     off stories!

          Sign-up for Class #10-DAR-937 & 938                              Sign-up for Class #10-DAR-939 & 940
         for a full day of acting fun for just $230.                      for a full day of acting fun for just $230.
                            SAVE $20                                                        SAVE $20

              Morning Drama Club                                  Ages 5-15
              Morning Drama Club is led by the Rose’s Education Staff
              and offers students the opportunity to participate in drama            ROSE THEATER DOWNTOWN
              games, work on lines, meet new friends, or just relax and chat.
              Enrollment is limited to students currently enrolled in classes, and   Morning Drama Club:       7:30 - 8:45 am (see dates below)
              is available every day that class is in session at The Rose Theater    After Camp Care:          4:15 - 5:30 pm (see dates below)
              Downtown from May 28 to August 9 and at The Rose West
              Studio from June 3 to June 14 and July 8 to August 2.                  Class Code #10-DAR-9901D-AM (Week 1)                    May 28-31**
                                                                                     Class Code #10-DAR-9902D-AM (Week 2)                          June 3-7
              After Camp Care                                    Ages 5-15           Class Code #10-DAR-9902D-PM (Week 2)                          June 3-7

              After Camp Care is a safe hang-out space for students to unwind        Class Code #10-DAR-9903D-AM (Week 3)                        June 10-14
              at the end of the day and led by Rose staff. Students can work         Class Code #10-DAR-9903D-PM (Week 3)                        June 10-14
              on lines, play games, meet new friends, or just relax. It’s designed
                                                                                     Class Code #10-DAR-9904D-AM (Week 4)                        June 17-21
              for students age 5-15. Enrollment is limited to students enrolled in
                                                                                     Class Code #10-DAR-9904D-PM (Week 4)                        June 17-21
              classes at the Rose Theater Downtown from June 3 to August 9.
                                                                                     Class Code #10-DAR-9905D-AM (Week 5)                        June 24-28
              Tuition: 		                        $15 per week (per session)
                                                                                     Class Code #10-DAR-9905D-PM (Week 5)                        June 24-28
              Morning Drama Club:                 7:30 - 8:45 am (see dates)
              Afternoon Drama Club:              4:15 - 5:30 pm (see dates)          Class Code #10-DAR-9906D-AM (Week 6)                          July 1-5*
                                                                                     Class Code #10-DAR-9906D-PM (Week 6)                          July 1-5*
                                                                                     Class Code #10-DAR-9907D-AM (Week 7)                         July 8-12
                         ROSE WEST STUDIO                                            Class Code #10-DAR-9907D-PM (Week 7)                         July 8-12

               Morning Drama Club:          7:30 - 8:45 am (see dates below)         Class Code #10-DAR-9908D-AM (Week 8)                        July 15-19
                                                                                     Class Code #10-DAR-9908D-PM (Week 8)                        July 15-19
               Class Code #10-DAR-9902W-AM (Week 2)                   June 3-7       Class Code #10-DAR-9909D-AM (Week 9)                        July 22-26
                                                                                     Class Code #10-DAR-9909D-PM (Week 9)                        July 22-26
               Class Code #10-DAR-9903W-AM (Week 3)                June 10-14
                                                                                     Class Code #10-DAR-9910D-AM (Week 10) July 29 - August 2
               Class Code #10-DAR-9907W-AM (Week 7)                   July 8-12      Class Code #10-DAR-9910D-PM (Week 10) July 29 - August 2
               Class Code #10-DAR-9908W-AM (Week 8)                 July 15-19       Class Code #10-DAR-9910D-AM (Week 11)                       August 5-9
                                                                                     Class Code #10-DAR-9910D-PM (Week 11)                       August 5-9
               Class Code #10-DAR-9909W-AM (Week 9)                 July 22-26
                                                                                                           * Four days only; No classes July 4    ** Morning Only
               Class Code #10-DAR-9910W-AM (Week 10) July 29 - August 2

theater for
                             At The Rose Theater, we believe everyone deserves a

                            chance to experience the magic of the theater. Classes

                              are   open to children of all abilities. We are
                              committed to removing          obstacles and opening up
                                     new opportunities for all students.

        skills                       A standard DRAMA at The Rose class can be
      spotlight                      rambunctious and noisy - an environment not suited for all
                                     students. If your child has a Sensory Processing or Autism
                                     Spectrum Disorder, we strongly suggest that you begin by
        imagination                  enrolling him or her in one of our Autism Sensory-Friendly
     positive interaction            classes. Class placement for the fall session can be
                                     assessed from there.
          social play


Class Code #10-ASD-905
Introduction to Theater                       Ages 6-12
Inclusive Class for Children of All Abilities
Dates:       July 29 - August 2 (M-F)
Time:        1:00 - 3:00 pm
Location:    Rose Theater Downtown
Tuition:     $30
Class Sharing: Friday, August 2 at 2:30 pm
An inclusive class for students of all abilities. Do you want to learn all about plays
and how they’re made? Join us as we explore the different elements of drama, such
as acting, costume design, and set design, and get a behind-the-scenes look at
how a play is created at the Rose!

Class Code #10-ASD-942
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Ages 13+
Welcome to Halloween Town
A self-contained class for students with special needs
Dates:       July 22-26 (M-F)
Time:        1:00 - 3:00 pm
Location:    Rose Theater Downtown
Tuition:     $30
Class Sharing: Friday, July 26 at 2:30 pm
Let’s follow the misadventures of Jack Skellington, Halloweentown’s beloved
pumpkin king! Students will use their bodies, voice and imaginations to create
spooky characters that stumble on Christmastown! Will our best laid plans of mice
and skeleton men go seriously awry or will we we triumph in eerie success!

          ACTING TECHNIQUE                                                     MUSICAL THEATER                                                   VOICE LESSONS

     Class Code #10-ACT-901                                            Class Code #10-MT-906                                      June 4-27 (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
     Acting Technique                             Ages 8-11            The Greatest Showman                        Ages 8-11      Each group voice session offers different materials. Students are
     Dates:        June 3-7 (M-F)                                      & Other Songs                                              encouraged, but not required, to participate in both sessions.
     Time:         9:00 am - 12:00 pm                                  Dates:       June 17-21 (M-F)
     Location:     Rose Theater Downtown                               Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm                             Class #10-VOC-908
     Tuition:      $150                                                Location:    Rose West Studio                              Group Voice Technique & Ensemble Ages 8-11
     Student actors will experience acting warm-up, games, scene       Tuition:     $200                                          Start Date:     June 4 (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
     work, interpretation, voice and speech training, movement and     Class Sharing: Friday, June 21 (3:00 pm)                   Time:           4:30 - 5:45 pm
     ensemble performance.                                                            at The Rose Theater Downtown                Tuition:        $200
                                                                       Want to learn or better your singing, dancing and acting   Location:       Rose West Studio
                                                                       skills? Join us as we learn songs and dances from The
        Sign-up for Class #10-ACT-901 & Class #10-DAR-916              Greatest Showman plus other popular Broadway tunes.        Class #10-VOC-909
        (Intro to Improv - Page 13) for a full day of acting fun!      Please note: This class will meet at The Rose Theater      Group Voice Technique & Ensemble Ages 12-18
                                                                       Downtown on Friday.                                        Start Date:     June 4 (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
                                                                                                                                  Time:           5:45 - 7:00 pm
     Class Code #10-ACT-902                                                                                                       Tuition:        $200
                                                                       Class Code #10-MT-907                                      Location:       Rose West Studio
     Acting Technique                           Ages 12-18             The Greatest Showman                      Ages 12-18
     Dates:        June 3-7 (M-F)                                      & Other Songs                                              Class #10-VOC-910
     Time:         1:00 pm - 4:00 pm                                                                                              Private Voice                                            Ages 12-18
     Location:     Rose West Studio                                    Dates:       June 24-28 (M-F)
     Tuition:      $150                                                Time:        9:00 am - 4:00 pm                             Singers enrolled in Private Voice receive weekly 30-minute private
                                                                       Location:    Rose West Studio                              lessons. Singers focus on developing vocal technique, building power,
     Student actors will experience acting warm-up, games, scene       Tuition:     $200                                          exercising control and expanding their range. Private voice lessons are
     work, interpretation, voice and speech training, movement and     Class Sharing: Friday, June 28 (3:00 pm)                   scheduled individually with student’s assigned vocal coach.
     ensemble performance.                                                            at The Rose Theater Downtown                Location & Time Scheduled Individually
                                                                                                                                  Tuition:        $90 per month
                                                                       Want to learn or better your singing, dancing and acting
     Sign-up for Class #10-ACT-902 & Class #10-DAR-917 (Whose          skills? Join us as we learn songs and dances from The
      Line Improv for Teens - Page 14) for a full day of acting fun!   Greatest Showman plus other popular Broadway tunes.
                                                                       Please note: This class will meet at The Rose Theater             Indicates classes that take place at
                                                                       Downtown on Friday.                                               The Rose West Studio (12100 West Center Rd., Suites 505 & 506)

22                                                                                                                                                                                                        22
step into
the spotlight

Spend your summer in the   spotlight!
Rose classes help students develop their skills

in a professional          environment
where   technique is the focus
and learning takes place in a fun and
supportive environment.                           spotlight
                                                  technique skills

     dance now!

     Rose dance classes are ideal for beginning or

     advanced students, and anything in between!
     If you want to   dance -      we have
     a spot for you, whatever your goals!
     Try a new   dance style. Experiment with
     innovative choreography.
     Improve your technique.                           skills
     This is the summer when you
                                                     technique skills
     achieve more than you                                 poise
     ever thought possible.

1 WEEK                                    3 WEEK SUMMER DANCE INTENSIVE                                           4 WEEK PRINCE & PRINCESS
HIP HOP DANCE CAMP                        ABSOLUTE BEGINNER DANCE SERIES                                          DANCE CAMP FOR AGES 3-11
                                          FOR TEENS & TWEENS
June 3-7 (Monday-Friday)                                                                                          June 4-27 (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Rose West Studio                          June 4-20 (Tuesdays and Thursdays)                                      Rose West Studio
12100 West Center Road, Suite 505 & 506   Rose West Studio                                                        12100 West Center Road, Suite 505 & 506
                                          12100 West Center Road, Suite 505 & 506
Class #10-DAN-901                                                                                                 Class #10-DAN-905
Beginning Hip Hop              Ages 5-8   A new series designed for teens and tweens with no dance                Prince Charming & Cinderella              Ages 3-4
Dates:      June 3-7 (M-F)                experience. Join a dance class and learn the basics with kids your      Ballet & Tap Level I
Time:       4:30 - 5:45 pm
                                          own age. Pay full tuition to attend all classes or pay $15 per class.   Dates:      June 4-27 (T & Th)
Location:   Rose West Studio                                                                                      Time:       Tuesdays - 9:00 - 10:00 am (Ballet)
Tuition:    $40
                                          Class #10-DAN-904                                                                   Thursdays - 9:00 - 10:00 am (Tap)
                                          Beginner Teens & Tweens Dance                          Ages 11-18       Location:   Rose West Studio
Class #10-DAN-902                                                                                                 Tuition:    $90
                                          Dates:        June 4-20 (T & Th)
Intermediate Hip Hop      Ages 9-12       Location:     Rose West Studio                                          Sharing:    Thursday, June 27, 2019, Rose West Studio
(Minimum 2+ years’ experience)            Tuition:      $150 for all or $15 per class
Dates:      June 3-7 (M-F)                                                                                        Class #10-DAN-906
Time:       5:45 - 7:00 pm                Tuesdays                                                                Kristoff & Princess Anna                  Ages 5-7
Location:   Rose West Studio              4:30-5:30 pm Ballet                                                     Ballet & Tap Level II
Tuition:    $40                           5:30-6:30 pm Jazz                                                       Dates:      June 4-27 (T & Th)
                                          6:30-7:30 pm Tap                                                        Time:       Tuesdays - 10:00 - 11:15 am (Ballet)
Class #10-DAN-903                                                                                                             Thursdays - 10:00 - 11:00 am (Tap)
Advanced Hip Hop               Ages 12+   Thursdays                                                               Location:   Rose West Studio
(Placement Required)                      4:30-5:30 pm Beginning Hip Hop                                          Tuition:    $90
Dates:      June 3-7 (M-F)                5:30-6:30 pm Beginning Lyrical                                          Sharing:    Thursday, June 27, 2019, Rose West Studio
Time:       7:00 - 8:15 pm                6:30-7:30 pm Beginning
Location:   Rose West Studio                           Musical Theater Dance                                      Class #10-DAN-907
Tuition:    $40                                                                                                   Prince Eric & Princess Ariel             Ages 7-11
                                                                                                                  Ballet & Tap Level III
                                                                                                                  Dates:      June 4-27 (T & Th)
                                                                                                                  Time:       Tuesdays - 11:30 am - 12:45 pm (Ballet)
                                                                                                                              Thursdays - 11:30 am - 12:30 pm (Tap)
                                                                                                                  Location:   Rose West Studio
                                                                                                                  Tuition:    $90
                                                                                                                  Sharing:    Thursday, June 27, 2019, Rose West Studio

     At The Rose West Studio, 12100 West Center Rd, Suite 505 & 506
     June 10 - 28

     Class #10-DAN-908                         Mondays                         Friday
     Dance Level IV                            9:00-9:30 am     Stretch        9:00-10:15 am    Ballet

                          Placement Required
     Dates:         June 10-28 (M-W-F)         9:30-10:45 am    Ballet         10:15-11:00 am   Contemporary
     Location:      Rose West Studio           10:45-11:30 am   Leaps/Turns    11:00-11:30 am   Tricks
     Tuition:       $200                       Wednesday
                                               9:00-10:15 am    Ballet
                                               10:15-11:00 am   Tap
                                               11:00-11:30 am   Tricks

     Class #10-DAN-909                         Mondays                         Friday
                                               9:00-9:30 am     Stretch        9:00-10:15 am    Ballet
     Dance Level V        Placement Required
                                               9:30-10:45 am    Ballet         10:15-11:00 am   Contemporary
     Dates:         June 10-28 (M-W-F)
                                               10:45-11:30 am   Leaps/Turns    11:00-11:30 am   Tricks
     Location:      Rose West Studio
     Tuition:       $200
                                               9:00-10:15 am    Ballet
                                               10:15-11:00 am   Tap
                                               11:00-11:30 am   Tricks

     Class #10-DAN-910                         Wednesday
     Dance Int/Adv       Placement Required
                                               1:00-1:30 pm     Pilates
     Dates:         June 10-28 (M-W-F)         1:30-3:00 pm     Ballet
     Location:      Rose West Studio           3:00-3:45 pm     Pointe
     Tuition:       $250                       3:45-4:45 pm     Contemporary

     Mondays                                   Friday
     1:00-1:30 pm         Stretch              1:00-1:30 pm     Stretch
     1:30-3:00 pm         Ballet               1:30-3:00 pm     Ballet
     3:00-4:00 pm         Leaps/Turns          3:00-4:00 pm     Jazz
     4:00-4:45 pm         Tap                  4:00-4:45 pm     Tricks

                                                                                                                     SUMMER DANCE
                                                                                                                     INTENSIVE WITH
                                                                                                                       J u l y            8 - A u g u s t                          3
                                                                                                                      REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JULY 5, 2019
Calling all dancers and musical theater performers! Join us for a summer dance and musical production of Sing, Sing, Swing, on The Rose Theater mainstage. Students will have an
intensive 4-week class and rehearsal schedule at The Rose West Studio (12100 West Center Road, Suites 505 & 506). The final performance will be on The Rose Theater
Mainstage (2001 Farnam Street). Students will receive 4 free tickets and a costume for the performance. Additional tickets may be purchased at The Rose Box Office for $6.

Class #10-DAN-911                                     Class #10-DAN-912                                              Class #10-DAN-913
Mini/Petite Dance Level     Ages 6-11                 Junior Dance Level          Ages 8-12                          Teen/Senior Dance Level     Ages 12+

                                                                                                                                                                                   See Page 28 for Musical Theater Information
			(Placement Required)                               			(Placement Required)                                        			(Placement Required)
Tuition: $360                                         Tuition: $500                                                  Tuition: $500
Days:     Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays                  Days: Mondays-Fridays                                          Days: Mondays-Fridays
Tech Rehearsal: August 1, 4:30 - 9:30 pm              Tech Rehearsal: August 1, 4:30 - 9:30 pm                       Tech Rehearsal: August 1, 4:30 - 9:30 pm
Rose Theater Downtown                                 Rose Theater Downtown                                          Rose Theater Downtown
Performance: August 2 (2:00 pm and 7:30 pm),          Performance: August 2 (2:00 pm and 7:30 pm),                   Performance: August 2 (2:00 pm and 7:30 pm),
August 3 (1:00 pm), Rose Theater Downtown             August 3 (1:00 pm), Rose Theater Downtown                      August 3 (1:00 pm), Rose Theater Downtown (1:00 pm)
Monday                                                Monday                      Wednesday                          Monday                      Wednesday
4:30-5:00 pm Stretch                                  4:30-5:00 pm Stretch        4:30-6:00 pm Ballet                4:30-5:00 pm Stretch        4:30-5:00 pm Pilates
5:00-6:30 pm Ballet                                   5:00-6:30 pm Ballet         6:00-6:30 pm Pointe                5:00-6:30 pm Ballet         5:00-6:30 pm Ballet
6:30-7:15 pm Contemporary                             6:30-7:00 pm Pointe         6:30-7:15 pm Tap                   6:30-7:00 pm Pointe         6:30-7:00 pm Pointe
7:15-8:00 pm Rehearsal                                7:00-8:00 pm Jazz           7:15-8:15 pm Hip Hop               7:00-8:00 pm Contemporary   7:00-8:00 pm Leaps/Turns
                                                      8:00-9:00 pm Rehearsal      8:15-9:00 pm Rehearsal             8:00-9:00 pm Rehearsal      8:00-9:00 pm Rehearsal
4:30-6:00 pm Ballet                                   Tuesday                     Thursday                           Tuesday                     Thursday
6:00-6:45 pm Leaps/Turns                              4:30-6:00 pm Ballet         4:30-5:00 pm Pilates               4:30-6:00 pm Ballet         4:30-6:00 pm Ballet
6:45-7:00 pm Tap                                      6:00-6:30 pm Pointe         5:00-6:30 pm Ballet                6:00-6:30 pm Pointe         6:00-6:30 pm Pointe
7:00-8:00 pm Rehearsal                                6:30-7:30 pm Contemporary   6:30-7:00 pm Pointe                6:30-7:30 pm Jazz           6:30-7:15 pm Tap
                                                                                  7:00-8:00 pm Leaps/Turns                                       7:15-8:15 pm Hip Hop
                                                      7:30- 8:00 pm Improv                                           7:30- 8:00 pm Improv
Friday                                                                            8:00-9:00 pm Rehearsal                                         8:15-9:00 pm Rehearsal
                                                      8:00-9:00 pm Rehearsal                                         8:00-9:00 pm Rehearsal
4:30-6:00 pm Ballet
                                                                                  Friday                                                         Friday
6:00-7:00 pm Rehearsal                          with Performance at               4:30-6:00 pm Rehearsal
                                                                                                                                                 4:30-6:00 pm Rehearsal
                                                Rose Theater Downtown
                                                                  M U S I C A L T H E AT E R
                                                                  INTENSIVE WITH

SING           Continued from Page 27
               Class #10-MT-914
               Musical Theater Junior Level
               Tuition: $360
               Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
                                                      Ages 8-11

               Tech Rehearsal: August 1, 4:30 - 9:30 pm
                                                                    July 8-August 3

               Rose Theater Downtown
               Performance: August 2 (2:00 pm and 7:30 pm),
               August 3 (1:00 pm), Rose Theater Downtown
               Tuesday                     Thursday
               4:30-5:30 pm Ballet         4:30-5:30 pm Ballet
               5:30-6:15 pm Jazz           5:30-6:15 pm Tap
               6:15-7:00 pm Acting         6:15-7:00 pm Voice
               7:00-8:00 pm Rehearsal      7:00-8:00 pm Rehearsal

               Class #10-MT-915
               Musical Theater Senior Level            Ages 12-18
               Tuition: $300
               Days: Saturday Mornings July 13, 20, 27                                                           Class C
                         and Sunday evening July 28                                                             #10-DA de
                                                                                                    Augus              N-916
               Tech Rehearsal: August 1, 4:30 - 9:30 pm                                                     t tay-
                                                                                                              S    In-Sh
               Rose Theater Downtown
                                                                                                              Ages 8 ape Ballet
               Performance: August 2 (2:00 pm and 7:30 pm),                                     Dates:                -18
               August 3 (1:00 pm), Rose Theater Downtown                                       Locatio        Aug. 1
                                                                                                        n            2-2
                                                                                               Tuition :     Rose W 2
               Saturday                    Sunday (July 28 ONLY)                                      :               est Stu
                                                                                                             $60              dio
               9:30-10:30 am Ballet        4:30-5:30 pm Ballet
               10:30-11:15 am Tap          5:30-6:15 pm Jazz                                                  Min
               11:15 am-12:00 pm Voice     6:15-7:00 pm Acting                                          :00 Mo i/Petite
               12:00-12:30 Lunch Break     7:00-8:00 pm Rehearsal                                                     & Wed
                                                                                                         Junior/                     s
               12:30-1:30 pm Rehearsal                                                           4:30-6          Teen/S
 with Performance                                                                                       :00 Tue         enior
                                                                                                                sdays &
  at Rose Theater                                                                                                        Thursd
     Downtown     REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JULY 5, 2019
The Dance Lab at The Rose Company
Auditions for 2019-20 Season
                                                          The Rose Brigade Musical Theater
                                                          Company Auditions for 2018-19 Season
                                                                                                                    audition &
TDL dancers are selected by audition to represent
The Rose Theater in local, regional, national dance
competitions and to perform within the community.
                                                          The Rose Brigade is a select group of musical theater
                                                          performers, who perform pre-shows before select main
                                                          stage productions, and, in some cases, participate in
Auditions for the 2019-2020 season are open to dancers    local or regional competitions. Auditions for the 2019-
between the ages of 5 and 18. Please note that all        2020 season are open to singers and dancers age 8-18.     SELECT PERFORMANCE
members are financially responsible for costumes,         All members for The Rose Brigade must enroll as an
competition fees, and potential travel fees. All TDL      intensive student, choose a major, and register for the   TROUPES
members must enroll as an intensive student and attend    required classes.
all required classes.                                                                                                           As a member of
                                                                 Junior and Senior Brigade Auditions:
                   TDL Auditions:                             Saturday, June 1, beginning at 10:00 am OR             The Rose Brigade or
              Saturday, June 29, 2019                      Monday, August 5, beginning at 6:00 pm (Choose ONE)
              at The Rose West Studio                                  at The Rose West Studio                          TDL, you will be a part of a
             (12100 West Center Rd, Suite 505)                          (12100 West Center Rd, Suite 505)
    9:00 - 10:00 am
    10:00 - 11:00 am
                                    Ages 5-8
                                    Ages 9-12
                                                                    EMAIL or
                                                              CALL (402) 502-4617 FOR AN APPOINTMENT.               top-notch group
    11:00 am - 12:00 pm             Ages 13-18              Students who do not schedule an audition time will be
                                                                scheduled for the next available appointment.              of performers. Put your
All students must attend audition per age requirements.
Students will be selected per dance                       Come prepared with 32-64 bars of a memorized                  talent in the spotlight
by the following requirements and placed into the         Broadway or Disney song. Accompanist will be provided,
proper competition level.                                 but sheet music will need to be supplied.                   and show       the world how
Dancer Prerequisites:
• Dance Experience: students must have dance
                                                                          Mini Brigade Auditions:
                                                                   Saturday, June 1, 9:00 - 10:00 am OR
                                                                                                                                you shine!
   experience prior to attending auditions and are                Monday, August 5, 5:30 - 6:30 pm OR
   required to take intensive level dance classes             Thursday, August 16, 6:00 - 7:00 pm (Choose ONE)      Brigade & TDL
   throughout the year.                                                  at The Rose West Studio                        Auditions
• Attend TDL Choreography/Technique Boot Camp                           (12100 West Center Rd, Suite 505)
                                                                                                                          Held At:
   (Date TBD)                                                   Call (402) 502-4617 to make a reservation.
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