Sunday, October 7, 2018 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

Page created by Antonio Chapman
Sunday, October 7, 2018 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
307 Montrose Drive ● Folsom, California 95630
                                     Phone: (916) 985-2065 ●

Fr. Sylvester Kwiatkowski
PASTOR                                     Sunday, October 7, 2018
Fr. Jossy G. Vattothu
William Goeke
                                         27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jim McFadden
Fr. Ignatius Haran

Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m.
Sunday          7:30 a.m.
                9:00 a.m.
               11:30 a.m.
                6:00 p.m.
Holy Day         6:30 a.m.
                 8:15 a.m.
               12:00 p.m.
                 7:00 p.m.

1st Sun. Spanish-English 1:30 p.m.
Mon. - Fri.       6:30 a.m.
Mon. - Sat.       8:15 a.m.
(Confession) Saturday 3-4:30 p.m.
& By Appointment

P                2065
Fax: 916-985-7579

                                                 OUR MISSION
We the people of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church are committed to being an inclusive and welcoming family.
                       We respond through active ministries as a reflection of God's love
                              and witness to the Gospel in prayer, word, and deed.
Sunday, October 7, 2018 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
LITURGY AN1D PRAYER                                            Readings and Saints for the Week
October 6 - October 14                                         Sun: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                               GN 2:18-24 / HEB 2:9-11 / MK 10:2-16
Saturday, October 6                                            Mon: GAL 1:6-12 / LK 10:25-37
 5:00 pm - For Our Homeless Brothers and Sisters               Tue: GAL 1:13-24 / LK 10:38-42
Sunday, October 7                                              Wed: GAL 2:1-2, 7-14 / LK 11:1-4
  7:30 am - Carlos del Rosario† by Cora Gonzales               Thu: GAL 3:1-5 / LK 11:5-13
  9:00 am - Anthony Henry Trieu† by Family                     Fri: GAL 3:7-14 / LK 11:15-26
11:30 am - Anna Dinh† by Le Family                             Sat: GAL 3:22-29 / LK 11:27-28
  1:30 pm - Maria Gonzalez† by Maricela Walton                 Sun: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
  6:00 pm - Josephine Grace Martinez† by Arman & Greta         WIS 7:7-11 / HEB 4:12-13/ MK 10:17-30
Monday, October 8
  6:30 am - All Souls
  8:15 am - Steve Neumann† by Connie
Tuesday, October 9                                             Please pray for our sick parishioners, family and friends, and
  6:30 am - Alex Gugger (for healing) by the Teresi’s                  those in need of healing of the body and soul.
  8:15 am - Bill Halloran† by Jodi & Mike                       (Names will appear for one month. Call to extend the time or remove.)

Wednesday, October 10                                          Annamma                Ernest Deus              Nina Punzal
  6:30 am - Bob Rohland† by John & Elaine                      Arlene Malandron       Ester Raymundo           Norma Aley
  8:15 am - Carol Manhart† by Eucharistic Adoration Ministry   Arlene Siqueiros       George Demarest          Patrick Fenton
                                                               Baby Brock             Gordon Ferriss           Paulita Ferriss
Thursday, October 11                                           Baby Carter            Gregory Baker            Paul Prejean
  6:30 am - Sherry Lynn Salazar Barker† by Nancy Baltazar      Baby Elena Guillen     Helena Lucic             Phillip Keller
  8:15 am - Therese Rearick† by Bob & Joy Magrino              Betty Iliff            Ja-Na Castillo           Priscillo Guilles
Friday, October 12                                             Bob Ely                Jean Reetz               Robert Vasquez &
  6:30 am - Reynalou Reyes by Arman & Greta                    Bonnie Spencer         Jesse Diaz                              Family
  8:15 am - Sal Vitale Jr. (for healing) by Mom                Carine Stava           Jim McArdle              Ryan Cochrane
                                                               Carmen Hogan           Joe Scalzi               Sarah Schnitzler
 Saturday, October 13                                          Christopher Kovarik    Judy Klaisle             Santino Justo
  8:15 am - Jennifer Pais† by Ron & Marie Schmidt              Chuck Cimino           Lois Boeck               Steve Kleinbach
  5:00 pm - Larry Hawkinson† by Family                         Cindy L.               Majeet                   Steve Spenard
Sunday, October 14                                             Darryl Hall Sr.        Margene Goodrich         Stuart Galka
  7:30 am - Rosa Caviglia† by Emily Rossi & Family             Dean Key               Mark Newman
                                                               Don Russell            Martha Fuentes
  9:00 am - Joseph John Pham† by Family                        Doris Bourgeois        Marty Baker
11:30 am - People of the Parish                                Edward Brown           Mary Jane McMahon
  6:00 pm - Fortunato Almero† by Salazar Family                Ellen Norby            Mel Ortega

                                                                                        Prayers for Our Troops
                 Pray for the souls of all who have died,              We pray for our military personnel overseas. Call the
                             Alice Sandor† ,                           Parish Office at 916-985-2065 to add or remove a name.
             our family members, friends, and parishioners.
                         May they rest in peace.               Adam Moma             Eric Nelson              Nathan Dodd
                                                               Alan Price            Gavin Wenell             Rachael Anderson
                                                               Alex Gerow            Grant Appleberry         Rene Cornejo
                                                               Andy Felix            Ian Rubstello            Roel Mabutas
       For Next Weekend October 13 and October 14              Angela Nolan          Jacob Sampson            Ryan Joseph Bryla
                 EM’s B and Lectors B2                         Anthony Lawson        Jason Hayes              Ryan Sharp
                    Altar Servers B2                           Anthony Moore         Jay Guevarra             Sam Nichols
                                                               Benjamin J. Magana    John Buikema             Sean Martinez
Sat.                                                           Capt. Jeremy          Jonathen Nanpai          Sgt. Colin C. Pierce
 5:00 PM: Sar ah E., Emma S., Zachar y S., Gabr iel T.,                Chuidian      Jordan Bendel            Shawn O’Neill
                                                               Carlos Madrid         Justin Bates             SPC Eric A. Theby
         Angelica T.                                           Chris Hammer          Justin LeClaire          Stephen Holt
Sun.                                                           Christen Brown        Ken Martin               Steven Hector Valdez
 7:30 AM: Noah E., Eamon H., Ter r ence W.                     Christopher Gilman    Kevin Bateman            Taylor Norris
 9:00 AM: Celeste J ., Sophia L., Adaor a O., Udoka O.,        Christopher McCaul    Kevin Quinta             Thomas Pluff, Jr.
          Nicholas S.                                          Cody Stewart          Kevin Salvaggio          Travis Hegstrom
 11:30 AM: Char les G., Jasmine G., Emily H., Alex L.,         Colon Zook            Limwell Dollesin         TSgt. Michael Ray
           Amanda N.                                           Col. Matthew Rice     Lt. Phil Caswell                Coughlin
 6:00 PM: Dominic D., Olivia M., Daniel N., Logan N.,          Col. Nader Araj       Marcus O. Yateo          Ty Edwards
          Peter V.                                             Domonique Vargas      Matt Ruby
                                                               Erek Hartsell         Matthew Kearns
               Thank you and God bless you.                    Eric Kilcollins       Michael Francis Murphy

 2                                             St. John the Baptist - Folsom, CA
Sunday, October 7, 2018 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
Important Events Calendar: October
                                   07(Sun) Spanish/English Mass, 1:30pm, Church
                                   09(Tue) Scripture Studies, in Spanish, 7pm, Marian Room
                                   10(Wed)Women’s Games, 11- 4:30pm, Garden Room
                                            St. Joseph Men’s Group, 7pm, Church
                                   11(Thu) Grace Quilters’ Ministry, 9 am -1 pm., Garden Room
                                   13(Sat) Craft Fair, 9am - 4pm, Gallagher Hall
                                           Rosary Crusade, Noon, corner of Blue Ravine and East Bidwell by Wells Fargo Bank.
                                           Our Lady of Fatima procession following 5pm Mass

                                                          Made For Each Other...
Today’s First Reading under scor es God’s intention that man and woman be joined in marriage. It supports the Gospel theme of
strengthening the bonds of marriage. In this Genesis account, God creates Eve from Adam’s rib. The Sumerian word for rib is the
word for life. Eve’s life is drawn from Adam. There is also a sense of intimacy in the choice of the title “woman”. Men and
women were made for each other and complete each other. Today’s Responsorial is a wisdom psalm, focusing on the blessings to
those who walk in God’s ways; using societal images. The first blessing is eating the fruit of one’s labor. (So the curse Adam
received as punishment for his sin is hereby reversed.) The second blessing is a happy family life, seen in terms of children. The
third blessing is societal, for the entire community, society blessed with prosperity. Today’s Second Reading, fr om Hebr ews, is
the first in a series until the feast of Christ the King. It’s a foreshadowing of our Savior’s Incarnation. God made Him briefly
(while on earth) less than the angels so that the One (Jesus) born as one like us, would save us by atoning for our Divine transgres-
sion. Only the God-man could fully achieve this reparation. In today’s Gospel, J esus upholds the sanctity of mar r iage and the
innocence of children. In His day the rabbis interpreted the law as loosely as possible to facilitate a man divorcing his wife on even
the most trivial grounds, including a burned meal. Jesus rejected this tendency as abusive. Jesus not only sought to protect women
from exploitation, but also wanted to protect the sanctity of the marriage bond. He taught them that God intended man and woman
to become one flesh. So given that, it follows that man and woman should not separate or divorce. Jesus was adamant in His
condemnation of divorce (twice in Matthew, plus First Corinthians). Since God had made them for each other, they should not be
separated. Regarding children; Jesus welcomed them and instructed His disciples to be simple and innocent like children, not
power-hungry. It is precisely a child’s attitude of acceptance that makes it possible to enter God’s Kingdom.

Pastor’s Corner            October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary
but it is also Respect Life Month. Let us remember that every
human life is priceless and we are all loved by God. Reflect on
this year’s theme - "Every Life: Cherished, Chosen, Sent." . The
essence of our identity is that we are created in God's image and
likeness and loved by Him. Nothing can diminish the priceless
worth of any human life. Every person is cherished. God cr eates
every person for eternal union with Himself and continually
invites us to embrace a loving relationship with Him. Every
person is chosen. We ar e called to be messenger s of God's love,
treating one another as cherished and chosen by Him. In doing so,
we help build a culture that respects all human life. Every person
is sent.
Our Lady of Guadalupe entrusted to Juan Diego the mission to
help bring Christ's transforming love to cultures gripped by
oppression and death. Like St. Juan Diego let us embrace our                         Tuesday, October 16, 10 am
daily mission to help others encounter God's transforming,                      Please join us for this special Mass
life-giving love.                                        Join us for a blessing in
                                                                                   mind, body, spirit and emotions.
                                                                              The sacrament of the A nointing of the Sick
           Please join us on October 13, Saturday in a procession
           celebrating the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima. On
                                                                                will be administered during the Mass.
           this day beginning in May, 1917 and on every 13th of           A special luncheon will be served after the Mass
           the month through that October our Lady appeared six           in Gallagher Hall for all those who RSVP, by the
           times to three shepherd children – Lucia dos Santos,
           age 10, and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto,
                                                                          end of the day on Friday, October 12. If you wish
           ages 9 and 7. She entrusted to them a message from             to attend the luncheon, please call the Parish
heaven of hope and peace for people’s lives and the world.                Office at 916-985-2065.
       The procession will take place after 5:00pm Mass.                          “For I, the Lord, am your healer.”
            Please pray the Rosary daily as Our Lady                                        Exodus 15:26
                   requested of these children.

                                        St. John the Baptist - Folsom, CA                                                      3
                                                                                         We Need A Few Volunteers!
           Perpetual Adoration is held in the church the first         We are in need of adults to oversee childcare for our Saturday
           Friday of the month through Saturday. Volunteers            Happy Together Date Night for Married Couples once a
 are always needed between the hours of Friday 8:00PM                  month. You do not have to commit to every night. We have
 through Saturday 8:00AM. Please contact Veronica Thomas               around 15-20 kids. Childcare takes place in the old Parish Hall.
 at or Cathy Kovarik at                          A movie is put on in the youth room and kids are able to play
 916-353-0688 for any questions you may have about the                 in the old Parish Hall. Childcare will be from 5:45-8:15. Dates
 Adoration Ministry.                                                   needed for Childcare volunteers are: November 3, December 1,
                                                                       and January 12.
         The Adoration Ministry has immediate need for
                      Committed Adorers                                      Please contact Danielle Leyva if you are interested at
                                                                                (916) 985-7338 or
 Monday 11:00-12:00PM, 2:00-3:00PM (ALL URGENT NEED)
 Wednesday 4:00 -5:00 pm, 6:00-7:00PM
 Friday URGENT 1:00-2:00 and 6:00-7:00                                 St. John’s Grace Quilters’ Ministry, October 11 & 25
 1st Saturday 3:00-4:00PM                                              This group meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday in the Garden
 2nd Saturday 4:00-5:00PM                                              Room from 9 am -1 pm.
 4th Saturday 12:00-1:00PM and 3:00-4:00PM                             Contact Catherine T. Scott at 831-402-4681.
 Sunday 8:00-9:00AM and 9:00-10:00AM
            St. Johns Adoration Chapel is Open
                  to Everyone 7 days a week                                        St. Joseph Men’s Group
                                                                                   Second Wednesday, October 10, 7:00pm
 Chapel Hours:                                                                     We will meet this Wednesday, at 7 pm in the small
 Monday through Friday 9:00-8:00PM (the Fatima Ministry                            chapel of the Church. Please join us for this prayer
 holds adoration Friday until Midnight)                                            and social ministry.
 Saturday 9:00-5:00PM first Friday and Saturday closed
 (adoration will be held in the church)
 Sunday 7:00-1:00PM                                                    NEW FALL 2018 SCRIPTURE STUDIES
 The fifth Saturday of the month the Chapel is closed.                 Come join us to share and learn more about your faith and
 The Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be recited by our                    salvation history! Fall Scripture Studies will begin the week of
 volunteers daily at 3:00 PM                                           October 8th. Studies will include:
                                                                       The Bible Timeline (24 week journey through many of the
                                                                           Old and New Testament books and our Salvation History),
  Parish Announcements                                                 Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John (8 weeks),
                                                                       Kingdom of Happiness (8 week study of the Beatitudes)
           Thank you to everyone who contributed to                    Walking Through Eternity: Daring to Walk the Walk
           St. Vincent de Paul. Together we collected $5165.                                                                 (8 weeks).
         This weekend’s second collection will be for                  More information and sign-up forms are available in the
      Religious Education Program and SJND School.                     vestibule. Please complete your forms and drop it either in the
                                                                       basket provided in the vestibule or in the Parish Office. The
                                                                       Scripture Studies offer fellowship and enrichment for new and
               October is Respect Life Month                           existing parishioners. Everyone is welcome!
              October 7 is Respect Life Sunday                            Please contact Teresa or Lee Weider at (916) 983-8065 or
                40 Days for Life is Underway!                   if you have questions or comments.
Yes, we should pray from home. Yes, we should pray at
church. BUT, If we want to serve mothers in crisis, it is                           ANNUAL “SILENT BABY SHOWER”
imperative that we go where they are. It's the presence and                         To benefit the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home.
peaceful witness of Christians in the public square that have                       We will be collecting items for newborns through
led more than 14,000 moms to turn away from abortion at                             the month of October. Donations can be left at the
the very last moment and choose life. Showing up matters.                           parish Gift Shop (located in the vestibule of the
A former Planned Parenthood manager that converted from abor-                       church).
tion provider to pro-life activist recently revealed that upwards of                        For more information,
70% of confirmed appointments for abortion were no shows when                         please call Carol Bryant 351-1439.
people were outside praying at the sidewalk.
Please come join us if you can! We even have carpools from St.
Johns on Wednesdays after 8:15am Mass and late afternoons              NEED COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS?
leaving at 3:30pm.                                                     Grupo Pastoral Hispano is looking for two volunteers on
Sept. 26 - Nov. 4,                                                     October 12th to help set up the front room of the Parish Hall/ th
Mon-Fri. 8am-6pm, 2322 Butano Drive, Sacramento                        Old Gym for Octoberfest, and two volunteers on October 13
Contact Joanne @916-607-2228, Kathy @916-337-6824, or                  to help clean up.
                                                                                 For more information, and to sign up, contact
Sue@916-337-6237.                                                                 Beatriz LeCam at

 4                                                 St. John the Baptist - Folsom, CA
3rd Annual Craft Fair                                                               Please Join the
           Saturday October 13, 2018                                                 2018 Public Square Rosary Crusade
            Yummy For Your Tummy                                               Our nation is in great need of public prayer,
                                                                               repentance and conversion. We ask God to save
                                                                               America through the Rosary of His Most
                          Baker’s.....                                         Holy Mother.
                          WOW Already                             Please join us in praying for our nation on October 13, 2018 at
                                                                  12:00 noon. The local Public Square Rosary Rally will take
                                                                  place at the corner of Blue Ravine and East Bidwell by
  What are your favorite recipes?? - share them with lots of      Wells Fargo Bank. Flyers available in the vestibule.
            people when you bake them for our                                   For more information please contact
     Pastoral Care Ministry Bake Sale!                            Kathryn Larson at 916-837-8388 or Claudia Ruiz at 916-504-1952
            Bring Bake Goods to the Parish Hall on
      Fri. 10/12/18, 9 AM – Noon or Sat. 8 AM – 9 AM
                         Thank You!                                                    Volunteer Opportunities
                                                                                  For St. Vincent de Paul Ministry
        Contact - Catherine Scott at 831-402-4681 or
                  Candice Ralston at 916-806-8090                 Would you like an opportunity to assist those in need - those
                                                                  who are struggling to make ends meet? Our goal is to help
                Produced by Grace Quilters Ministry
                                                                  them meet their basic needs. The aid we provide most often is
                                                                  food and clothing and you can help.
               TAMALE SALE
                                                                  In order to do this, we need volunteers to help with the following.
               Grupo Pastoral Hispano (Hispanic Pastoral            - Load and unload food donations.
               Ministry) will be selling delicious handmade         - Prepare and distribute bags of food.
               tamales at the Octoberfest Craft Fair. We will       - Assist donors with clothing donations..
be taking pre-paid orders after all of the Masses on                - Sort clothing.
October 6 and 7, in the vestibule of the Church.
$20.00/dozen - Cash and Check Only. Choice of Pork or Bell        Our activities and needs increase as Thanksgiving and
Pepper & Cheese. Tamales will be ready to be picked up at the     Christmas approach.
Craft Fair on October 13th, in the Parish Hall/Old Gym            If you want more information or are interested
between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.                                  in volunteering, please contact John or Mercy
               Don’t miss out, Place your order!                  Knight at (916) 985-4630 or (916) 402-4104.

                                                                 updating our 56 year old facility. This is an expensive but
                                                                 necessary fix which will increase our students’ safety and
                                                                 Furthermore the Annual Fund continues to support a tech-
                                                                 nology refresh which includes important software and
                                                                 hardware updates needed to prepare our students as 21st
                                                                 century citizens.
                                                                                 Your support and donations directly im-
 Tuition alone cannot fund the entire cost                                       pacts our students’ security and education-
 of a high quality education. The Annual                                         al growth. Please make a donation today
 Fund bridges this gap. Participation from                                       at Our goal
 parents, grandparents, alumni, teachers,                                        this year is to raise $40,000. Remember,
 faculty, parishioners, and the local busi-                                      all contributions are tax deductible.
 ness community ensures that St. John                                            Together, as one parish family, we can
 Notre Dame continues to make a differ-                                          continue to provide a strong, faith-filled
 ence in our children’s lives.                                                   academic foundation for our children.
 Student safety is a primary concern of educators, hence,        Thank you for
 our 2018 theme “There is No Sec_rity Without U”.                your consideration
 Recently we have made important upgrades to our campus          and prayers for a
 including a perimeter security fence and campus video           successful 2018
 cameras. The next phase is to keep our students safe with-      Annual Fund.
 in the classrooms by replacing outdated door locks and

                                                 St. John the Baptist - Folsom, CA                                                5
            Have you discovered you can help St. John Notre
            Dame School when you do your everyday shop-
            ping? This Columbus Day take advantage of sales
and shop using gift cards that benefit SJNDS. You receive
equal value of what you spend and the merchants donate back
to the school. Some of the participating merchants are Kohl’s,
Bath & Body Works, Macy’s, Ulta and Nordstrom. Bring cash
or your checkbook to the scrip table in the vestibule near the
music room and pick up some scrip gift cards today!

     Bulletin Articles are due on Monday by 3:00 pm.
       You can e-mail to,                                   In theaters on October 12
 or bring your article to the parish office, attention: Marie          Based on the NY Times Bestseller - Gosnell: The Untold
                                                                             Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer
                                                                     Ann McElhinney is a NYT best-selling author, journalist, film
Upcoming Community Events                                            producer and director. She and her husband, journalist Phelim
                                                                     McAleer produced and co-wrote the Gosnell movie, one of
Jesuit High School Open House                                        the most successful crowdfunders in the world. The book
Please join us for Open House on Sunday, October 21, from            debuted at #3 Amazon Best Seller and sold out in 3 days after
12 Noon to 3:00 p.m. Find out how Jesuit integrates holistic         publication.
education blending strong academics with a strong co-                                            Synopsis
curricular program, forming young men for others. Take a             The film is the shocking true story of the investigation and
campus tour, visit with teachers, coaches, administrators, par-      trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell - his 30 year killing spree and the
ents and students. Presentations by our President and Principal      political and media establishment that tried to cover it up.
are at 12:30, 1:00, and 1:30, as well as presentations from Tui-     Originally investigated for illegal prescription drug sales, a
tion Assistance, Academic-College-Wellness Counseling, and           raid by DEA, FBI & local law enforcement revealed crimes
our Academic Support Center. Watch a live demo from our              they could not have expected within the clinic.
internationally acclaimed Robotics team, stroll through the              Starring Dean Cain, Sarah Jane Morris, Earl Billings
Digital Media Center and Physics Lab and enjoy live perfor-                             This movie is rated PG-13
mances from our choral groups, drum line and jazz band. We                     For more information & theater locations
are proud of our community and look forward to welcoming                       
you on our campus. Visit for more infor-                                     Testimonials
mation and to register for this event.                               Marjorie Dannenfelser, Susan B. Anthony List: “Everyone
                                                                     needs to see the Gosnell movie particularly young people. I
                                                                     can’t recommend this movie more strongly. The Gosnell
         Job Openings for the Diocese of Sacramento                  movie faces viewers with the brutality and inhumanity of
PASTORAL CENTER Have you ever considered working for                 abortion and it achieves this in a movie that looks as good as
the Diocese of Sacramento? The Diocese of Sacramento is a            any Hollywood film. This movie will change hearts and
place where you are able to grow your faith while serving the        minds about abortion. It needs to be available widely.”
ministry and mission of the Bishop of Sacramento. As Catho-          Kristan Hawkins, Students for Life of America: “After
lics, we believe that all persons are called by God to contrib-      watching the Gosnell movie, I’m angry, I’m sad, and I’m
ute to the sanctification and transformation of the world, by        more motivated than ever to end abortion. Every American
fulfilling their own particular duties in the spirit of the Gospel   should watch GOSNELL. If pro-choice, they need to watch it
and Christian discipleship. Listed below are openings that are       and be able to defend their beliefs. If pro-life, they need to
currently seeking to be filled by our practicing Catholics.          watch it and ask themselves why they aren’t active in ending
                                                                     this atrocity. This movie should be screened on every college
Auditor (Case Manager) – Sacramento                                  campus in our nation.”
Campus Minister - Davis
CATHOLIC FUNERAL & CEMETERY SERVICES The                                             Retrouville Marriage Recovery
Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services (CFCS) is a non-profit                                October 12-14, 2018
organization founded in faith and dedicated to providing sup-        Is your marriage in trouble – miserable – dead? Would you
port and resources during life’s most difficult moments. The
                                                                     like it to come alive? Retrouvaille can give you the communi-
mission of CFCS is to make every effort to achieve the final         cation skills you need to relate to one other in a more respect-
wishes of the departed and to empower their families to make         ful and emotionally mature way. The next weekend is in
thoroughly informed decisions.                                       Sacramento, October 12 – 14. For more information call (800)
   To apply for a position, please email a short cover letter,       470-2230, email or visit http://
 resume, and application to Positions are If you have any questions, please
   open until filled. For more information and complete job          contact the Retrouvaille coordinators, Jerry or Toni Hicks,
          descriptions, visit       209-498-2226 or cell 209-598-6710

6                                                St. John the Baptist - Folsom, CA
Principal –

e-mail: or 916-


Classes every 3rd Saturday, 9 – 10 am in the Garden
Room. Call Parish Office to schedule a meeting with the
priests or deacon prior to taking the preparation class and
scheduling a Baptism.

               Pastoral Council Members:
          Tim Conner (Chair), Drew Johnson,
     Allan Starosciak, Rene Morales, Bill Carpentier,
       Genny Arietta, Jeff Russell, Vinnie Paulson,
          Jeroen Smit, Fr. Sylvester Kwiatkowski

                                       St. John the Baptist - Folsom, CA   7
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