Page created by Milton Vazquez
                                                  Lamar County 4-H
                     Lamar County Extension ● 118 Academy Drive, Suite A ● Barnesville, GA 30204 ● 770-358-5163

             SUPER FUN FRIDAYS!                                                      SUPER TUESDAYS!
       June is Dairy Month Poster Contest!                                            Powerful Polymers
                 Friday, May 10                                                        Tuesday, June 11

Time: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.                                       Time: 9:30 a.m. – noon
Where: Lamar County 4-H office                                    Where: Lamar County 4-H office
For: rising 6th graders – College Freshmen                        For: rising 5th – 7th graders
Cost: Free                                                        Cost: $6
Participants: Unlimited                                           Participants: Minimum: 5      Maximum: 10
Registration deadline: May 10                                     Registration deadline: June 7

Use your super powers to create a prize-winning                   Have you ever wondered why some
             poster! For complete rules, go to the                things bubble or change shapes or
             Lamar County 4-H webpage and look                    colors when you mix them
             for the details:                                     together? We’ll have some science
                         fun learning about polymers!
                                                                  Registration fees include materials
offices/lamar/4-h-youth-development.html                          and lunch.

             SUPER FUN FRIDAYS!                                                   SUPER WEDNESDAYS!
               Fortson Fun Day!                                                  BINGO at the Heritage Inn!
                Friday, May 31                                                      Wednesday, June 12

                                                                  Time: 2:50 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
                                                                  Where: Meet at the Heritage Inn Nursing Home
Where: Hampton, GA
                                                                  For: rising 5th – 12th graders
For: rising 5th – 7th graders
                                                                  Cost: FREE
Cost: $25
                                                                  Participants: Minimum: 6       Maximum: 10
Participants: Minimum: 6      Maximum: 10
                                                                  Registration deadline: June 7
Registration deadline: as space is available before
May 30
                                                                  Use your super powers for good to help others! Meet
                                                                  at the Heritage Inn Nursing Home to play BINGO.
Enjoy all the best parts of summer camp in one day
                                                                  Parents will be able to pick up their children at the
including games, ropes course, swimming and more!
                                                                  Heritage Inn Nursing Home at 4:00 p.m.
Registration fees include all activities, lunch and
transportation to and from the event.
            Crystal Springs Pool                                       Cloverleaf Camp
              Tuesday, June 18                                  Monday, June 24 – Friday, June 28

Time: 12:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.                            Time: Monday, 12:30 p.m. – Friday, 10:30 a.m.
Where: Crystal Springs Pool, Thomaston, GA              Where: Fortson 4-H Center
For: rising 5th – 9th graders                           For: rising 6th – 7th
Cost: $8                                                Cost: $375
Participants: Minimum: 6      Maximum: 10               Participants: First-come, first-served as spaces are
Registration deadline: June 7                           available.

We will join Upson County 4-H’ers for an afternoon                        You’ll have a week of Stone
of swimming at the natural spring-fed pool Crystal                        Mountain, the Atlanta Motor
Springs! Bing your towel, pool shoes and anything                         Speedway and zip-lining and
else that you may need.                                                   hanging out with friends Call the
                                                                          Lamar County Extension office
                                                        for more details at 770-358-5163!
             SUPER WEDNESDAYS!
                  Craft Day
               Wednesday, June 19                              SUPER TRAVELING TUESDAYS!
                                                                        Sky Zone
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.                                          Tuesday, July 9
Where: Lamar County 4-H office
For: rising 5th – 12th graders                          Time: 2:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Cost: $10                                               Where: Lamar County 4-H office
Participants: Minimum: 5       Maximum: 10              For: rising 5th – 10th graders
Registration deadline: June 7                           Cost: $25
                                                        Participants: Minimum: 5       Maximum: 10
Use your super powers to create a “Bee Hotel”! Bee      Registration deadline: June 7
houses provide nesting sites for bees. If you like,
you may enter this craft in the Georgia National Fair   Let go and grab some air on the sprawling wall-to-
for cash prizes in the fall!                            wall trampoline courts at Sky Zone McDonough. We
                                                        will meet Upson County 4-H’ers there for an
                                                        afternoon of fun! A Sky Zone liability waiver is
            TERRIFIC TWO DAYS!                          required.
                  State Council
           Friday - Sunday, June 21-23
                                                                     SUPER WEDNESDAYS!
Time: 4:30 p.m. (Friday) – 2:00 p.m. (Sunday)                             Craft Day
Where: Meet at the Lamar County Extension office                       Wednesday, July 10
For: rising 9th – 12th graders
Cost: before May 29, $90; after $95                     Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Participants: Minimum: 1 Maximum: 5                     Where: Lamar County 4-H office
                                                        For: rising 5th – 12th graders
Spend a weekend at Rock Eagle at                        Cost: $10
State Council! Attendees can                            Participants: Minimum: 5       Maximum: 10
participate in cool classes, elect state                Registration deadline: June 7
officers and help Northwest District
compete in the Iron Clover                              You will create a beautiful gourd bird nest. If you
Olympics. Two “First Timer”                             like, you may enter this craft in the Georgia National
competitive partial scholarships will be awarded!       Fair for cash prizes in the fall!
SUPER WEDNESDAYS!                                         TERRIFIC TUESDAY!
            BINGO at the Heritage Inn!                             Georgia National Fair Contests!
               Wednesday, July 10                                         Tuesday, July 17

Time: 2:50 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.                              Time: 12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Where: Meet at the Heritage Inn Nursing Home             Where: Lamar County 4-H office
For: rising 5th – 12th graders                           For: rising 5th – 8th graders
Cost: FREE                                               Cost: $15
Participants: Minimum: 6       Maximum: 10               Participants: Minimum: 6      Maximum: 9
Registration deadline: June 7                            Registration deadline: May 25

Use your super hands for                                 You will use your super creativity to make items to
larger service! Meet at the                              enter into the Georgia National Fair for cash prizes!
Heritage Inn Nursing Home to
play BINGO. Parents will be
able to pick up their children                                         SUPER FUN FRIDAYS!
at the Heritage Inn Nursing Home at 4:00 p.m.                         4-H Photography Contest!
                                                                          Friday, August 30

             SUPER FUN FRIDAYS!                          Time: by 5:00 p.m.
              Summer AGvacation                          Where: online
                Friday, July 12                          For: rising 5th graders – College Freshmen
                                                         Cost: Free
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.                              Participants: Unlimited
Where: Upson-Lee High School                             Registration deadline: August 30
For: rising 4th – 10th graders
Cost: $10                                                Use your super powers to take a picture that will earn
Participants: Minimum: 6       Maximum: 10               you cash prizes! For complete rules, go to the link
Registration deadline: July 5                            below:
At this “summer ag day of fun” you will learn what       content/uploads/2018/06/PhotoContestDetails.pdf
makes up the agricultural industry with games and
hands-on learning. There will be seven stations over
               topics related to animals, plants,
               conservation, and safety. Come enjoy
               the fun and maybe even learn a little!
               Hosted by Upson/Lamar/Pike Farm
               Bureau, Upson/Pike FFA, NRCS, and
               Upson/Lamar/Pike Extension.
Transportation is the individual responsibility of the
parent. RSVP by July 5 to Lamar County Farm
Bureau (770) 358-2298.
How do I register? Registration for the 2019 Lamar County 4-H Summer Program is in progress NOW! Please
check each event for the registration deadline. Activities have a limited enrollment and will be filled on a first-
come, first-served basis. Please bring the registration form and your payment to the office when you register your

What does it cost? The cost varies for each activity. The fees include insurance, transportation (if applicable)
and material costs. The fee is due when you come to register your child for summer activities.

What about payment? Fees for all classes may be paid by cash or check. Please make checks payable to Lamar
County 4-H.

Are there any forms needed? Apart from the registration form, a Medical Information and Release form must
be completed for each child participating in Lamar County 4-H summer activities. A Code of Conduct form must
be on file for every 4-H’er that attends an activity as well.

What about transportation? A number of out of town field trips have been planned for the summer.
Transportation for these trips will be provided by Lamar County Extension. However, you are responsible for
transporting your child to and from the Lamar County Extension office.

What about chaperones? All activities will be chaperoned by Lamar County Extension staff and/or parent
volunteer leaders. If you are interested in serving as a chaperone, you must complete a volunteer leader
application and go through a screening process conducted by the University of Georgia. Please contact the 4-H
office before June 7 if you would like to assist with or chaperone an activity as a UGA Certified Volunteer (must
pass an interview and background check).

What is the cancellation policy? All the activities for the 2019 Lamar County 4-H Summer Program have been
allotted a minimum number of participants per activity. If this number is not met, the activity will be canceled. If
a class is canceled, registered participants will be notified.

What is the refund policy? Registration fees are not refundable unless an activity is canceled. Please notify us
immediately if you are unable to attend an activity.

Questions? Call the Lamar County Extension office at 770-358-5163.

We are looking for 4-H’ers to participate in 4-H judging events!

Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging: Do you like to shop and find the best value for your money? Then this
event is for you. You will learn about cotton and to make good purchasing decisions. Practices for the Cotton Boll
and Consumer Judging Team will begin in September for participation in the November competition. This activity
is for rising 5th – 12th grade 4-H’ers!

Forestry Judging: You identify trees, insects, and diseases while also gaining an understanding of how forests
affect our lives. You also learn to use a compass and to cruise timber. Practices for the Forestry Judging Team
will begin in July for participation in the September competition. This activity is for rising 5th – 12th grade 4-

Land Judging: 4-H’ers will learn about the properties of soil such as slope, depth and color, and others that can
be seen, felt or measured, are reliable indicators of soil characteristics. Practices for the Land Judging Team will
begin in June for participation in the August competition. This activity is for rising 5th – 12th grade 4-H’ers!

Poultry Judging: 4-H’ers will learn to judge live hens, grade eggs, grade ready to cook poultry, and identify
poultry parts. It also provides experience in organizing thoughts and defending decisions with oral reasons. In this
contest, 4-H'ers learn to rank laying hens based on standards and quality, 4-H'ers will evaluate the chickens and
tell why they think one is better than the other. This activity is for rising 5th – 12th grade 4-H’ers!

Wildlife Judging: 4-H’ers will learn to identify common wildlife foods, judge the quality of wildlife habitats
from aerial photos, recommend wildlife habitat management practices and develop separate rural and urban
wildlife management plans. Practices for the Wildlife Judging Team will begin in September for participation in
the November competition. This activity is for rising 5th – 12th grade 4-H’ers!
2019 4-H Summer Activity Schedule Registration Form
Name (please print)

Mailing Address                                                City_                             Zip

Phone                                                          Email Address

Male           Female                                          Grade (2019-2020 school year)

                    Yes, I want to participate! Sign me up for the activities listed below:

         ACTIVITY                                                                     COST

     1. ________________________________________________                            __________
     2. ________________________________________________                            __________
     3. ________________________________________________                            __________
     4. ________________________________________________                            __________
     5. ________________________________________________                            __________
     6. ________________________________________________                            __________
     7. ________________________________________________                            __________
     8. ________________________________________________                            __________
     9. ________________________________________________                            __________
     10. ________________________________________________                           __________
     11. ________________________________________________                           __________
     12. ________________________________________________                           __________
     13. ________________________________________________                           __________
     14. ________________________________________________                           __________


                        I am also interested in being a member of the following team(s):


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