Sussex Recovery College Prospectus 2021-2022

Page created by Calvin Pearson
Sussex Recovery College Prospectus 2021-2022
Sussex Recovery College
  Prospectus 2021-2022
Sussex Recovery College Prospectus 2021-2022
Welcome to your Sussex Recovery
College Prospectus 2021-2022                       3
Index of courses                               4-5
Open Days, Term Dates and Graduation               6
Views of peer trainers (Peer Trainer 1)            7
Course Listings: Understanding
and Managing Health Conditions               8 - 20
Course Listings: Creative, Wellbeing
& Vocational                                 21 - 38
Views of peer trainers (Peer Trainer 2)          39
Supporting your learning journey
with Recovery College                            40
Our Charter and Student Code of Conduct          42
Our partner organisations                        44
Other sources of information,
advice and guidance / support                    46
Reading Well: ‘Books on Prescription ‘list       47
Our campuses                                     49
Acknowledgements                                 50

Sussex Recovery College Prospectus 2021-2022
Welcome to your Sussex Recovery College
Prospectus for 2021-2022
In these pages you will find a range of courses         professionals and peer trainers – people with
that focus on mental health education, wellbeing        lived experience of the subject
and recovery. Our courses are co-designed and
co-delivered by specialist clinical practitioners       Providing hope and empowerment We pride
and Peer Trainers - people with lived experience        ourselves on enabling our students to become
of mental health challenges. We work closely in         experts in self-management
partnership with local providers of mental health       Offering a supportive environment Our
services.                                               courses and services challenge stigma and
This prospectus covers courses available over           discrimination often associated with mental
three terms in the 2021/22 academic year. More          health
detailed timetables for each term are published
separately and are launched at our Open Day             Respecting your views and opinions We listen
events (see page 6).                                    to student feedback and use this to improve
                                                        our services
We offer a broad curriculum specific to both
Understanding and Managing Health Conditions          Booking onto a course
and Creative, Wellbeing & Vocational. Course
durations range from one-off workshops to             You may select up to three courses by registering
weekly sessions lasting up to 6 weeks                 an expression of interest.

What’s new this year                                  Online: go to
For the first time, we are offering both online and   and follow links to our registration pages. A link
in-person courses across the whole of Sussex,         to our online booking request service can also be
included in one prospectus. Some of our courses       accessed via the QR code at the foot of this page.
are available online in addition to being available   On paper: paper application forms are available
face to face, some are only available face to face    on request from our Recovery College central
and some are only available online.                   office (see contact details below).
As a Recovery College, we are committed to
                                                      Open Days: these are held in both campuses
running courses to help people with learning
differences achieve social inclusion. Please          three times a year – see page 6 for details.
contact us for any additional support you may
                                                      Contact us
All courses are referenced in our index on pages           Sussex Recovery College
4 & 5. You are welcome to apply for a place on             Aldrington House
any course in any location. (Please note, not all          35 New Church Road
courses are provided in all locations.)                    Hove BN3 4AG

Our principles                                   
  Delivering education Our focus is on           
  education: we’re a college, not a clinic – we
  work with students, not patients                         @SusRecColl

  Building partnerships The courses and                    0300 303 8086
  services we provide are only possible because            (Office hours are
  of our partnership working                               Monday - Friday
                                                           9:00am to 5:00pm,
  Valuing co-production Our courses are co-                excluding Bank and
  designed and co-delivered by mental health               Public holidays)
                                   0300 303 8086                 3
Sussex Recovery College Prospectus 2021-2022
Index of All Courses

           COURSE LISTINGS                 Page              COURSE LISTINGS                  Page

ADHD/ADD: Understanding                     9     EMPATHY and LISTENING: Make the              25
and Managing Adult ADHD/ADD                       Most of Your Empathy and listening Skills

ANGER Management Workshop                   9     EUPD: An Introduction to Understanding       12
(ONLINE only)                                     and Living with Emotionally Unstable
                                                  Personality Disorder
ANGER: Resolving the Red Mist:              10    EUPD: Living Well with a Diagnosis           13
Managing Your Anger                               of Emotionally Unstable Personality
ANXIETY: Understanding and                  10    EXPLORING Recovery Stories                   25
Coping with Anxiety (Also ONLINE)

ART in the Wild Wood                        22    FOOD and MOOD                                26

BIPOLAR: Living with Bipolar                11    FOOD and MOOD Introduction to Food           26
(Also ONLINE)                                     and Mood Workshop (ONLINE only)

COPING SKILLS for Wellness and              22    GRIEF AND LOSS: Introduction to              27
Recovery                                          Grief and Loss

CREATIVITY for Wellbeing                    23    HAPPINESS: Finding Happiness                 27

CREATIVITY: Mapping Your Journey: A         23    LEARNING DISABILITIES: Coping with          14,
Creative Approach to joining up the dots          my ups and downs                            20

CREATIVITY: When Words Are Not              24    MEDICATION: Understanding                    14
Enough                                            Medication

DECLUTTERING                                24    MEDICATION: Understanding Medication         15
                                                  for Depression (ONLINE only)

DEMENTIA: Understanding and Living         11,    MUSIC: Creative Music Making for             28
with Dementia (Also ONLINE)                19     Wellbeing

DEPRESSION: Understanding and               12    OCD: Understanding and Living with           15
Coping with Depression (Also ONLINE)              Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

4        Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
Sussex Recovery College Prospectus 2021-2022
PAINTING for Wellbeing                    28   SLEEP: Improve Your Sleep                33

PHOTOGRAPHY for Wellbeing                 29   STRESSBUSTERS Workshop                   17
                                               (ONLINE only)

PRINTING: Experiments in Printing         30   SUICIDE: Coping with Suicidal Thoughts   18
                                               and Feelings

PROBLEM-SOLVING: Become your own          30   SUICIDE: Understanding and Supporting    18
A-Team (ONLINE only)                           People with Suicidal Thoughts and
PSYCHOSIS: Understanding Psychosis        16   TEXTILES: Experiments in Textiles        34

PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress: Life after   16   VOCATIONAL: Co-production:               34
Trauma                                         Understanding the Benefits

PTSD: Trauma in the Current Climate       17   VOCATIONAL: Expert by Experience:        35
(ONLINE only)                                  Participation Workshops

RESILIENCE: Building Resilience for       31   VOCATIONAL: Work for Wellbeing           35
Wellness and Recovery (Also ONLINE)

RESILIENCE in a Nutshell Workshop         31   WALK for Wellbeing                       36
(ONLINE only)

RUNNING: One Step at a Time: A            32   WELLBEING in the Garden                  36
Running Journey to Recovery

SELF-ESTEEM AND CONFIDENCE                32   WELLBEING in the Wild                    37

SLEEP: How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep    33   WELLBEING: Five Ways to Wellbeing        37
Workshop (ONLINE only)

VIRTUAL CAFÉ – Drop in sessions (ONLINE only)                                           38

ZOOM: Training to take Online Courses - Getting to Grips with Zoom (ONLINE only)        38

                              0300 303 8086          5
Sussex Recovery College Prospectus 2021-2022
Open Days, Term Dates and Graduation

Open Days
Our Open Days give you the opportunity to find out about us, speak to our
trainers and consider our courses. You can then book onto a course (see
page 2).
Open Days are held in September for the Autumn term 2021. More Open Days
are planned for the Winter, Spring and Summer terms. There are also virtual
open days. Please check our website for updates.
If you are unable to attend an Open Day, please just contact us or register your
details/apply for a course following instructions on page 2 of this prospectus.
All courses are free for adults with mental health-related challenges, their
supporters (relatives and carers) and staff of Sussex Partnership NHS
Foundation Trust and our partner organisations.

Graduation Days
To celebrate the achievements of our students and the success of Sussex
Recovery College we hold annual Graduation events. Students from across
Sussex come along and receive a certificate to acknowledge all the work they
have put into attending and completing their courses. As well as listening
to key speakers, the event provides an opportunity for students to meet
each other and share their
Recognition is also given to
                                              Dates for your diary
our hardworking Peer Trainers,          Term dates 2021-2022
partners and clinicians.                Autumn term 2021
                                        04 October – 17 December

    “A great course.                    Graduation
                                        East Sussex: The View Hotel, Eastbourne
    The trainers                        14th July 2022
    were excellent”                     West Sussex: Charis Centre, Crawley
                                        19th July 2022

6       Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
Sussex Recovery College Prospectus 2021-2022
Views of peer trainers                    said this student’s life had been
Peer Trainer 1                            transformed - they have a part time
                                          job now and are able to get more
“My journey with Recovery College         involved in social groups which
started as a student following a          hadn’t been possible before.
challenging period with my mental
health. I have now retrained as a         They turned up at the first session
peer trainer and have a range of          very nervous - but the course has
other roles with the Trust.               given them confidence and helped
                                          with their sleep and their nutrition.
I find it rewarding to see the journey    It has been a real virtuous circle and
that the students go on - it is a         this makes me so happy.”
privilege to be a small part of that.
                                          Why should someone do a Recovery
For example, I had a student              College course?
who was in the early stages of
their recovery journey and it was         Because it will equip you with the
wonderful to see them develop             knowledge and empower you with
during those 6 weeks. One of their        the skills to enable your continued
family thanked me personally, they        recovery journey.

                          0300 303 8086    7
Sussex Recovery College Prospectus 2021-2022
Course Listings: Understanding and Managing
Understanding  and Managing Health Conditions
Health Conditions
                                 COURSE LISTINGS                                   Page

ADHD/ADD: Understanding and Managing Adult ADHD/ADD                                 9

ANGER Management Workshop (ONLINE only)                                             9

ANGER: Resolving the Red Mist: Managing your Anger                                  10

ANXIETY: Understanding and Coping with Anxiety (Also ONLINE)                        10

BIPOLAR: Living with Bipolar (Also ONLINE)                                          11

DEMENTIA: Understanding and Living with Dementia (Also ONLINE)                     11,19

DEPRESSION: Understanding and Coping with Depression (Also ONLINE)                  12
EUPD: An Introduction to Understanding and Living with Emotionally Unstable
Personality Disorder
EUPD: Living Well with a Diagnosis of Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder     13

Learning Disabilities: Coping with my ups and downs                                14,20

MEDICATION: Understanding Medication                                                14

MEDICATION: Understanding Medication for Depression (ONLINE only)                   15

OCD: Understanding and Living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder                    15

PSYCHOSIS: Understanding Psychosis                                                  16

PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress: Life after Trauma                                      16

PTSD: Trauma in the Current Climate (ONLINE Only)                                   17

STRESSBUSTERS Workshop (ONLINE only)                                                17

SUICIDE: Coping with Suicidal Thoughts and Feelings                                 18

SUICIDE: Understanding and Supporting People with Suicidal Thoughts and Feelings    18

8       Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
Sussex Recovery College Prospectus 2021-2022
ADHD/ADD: Understanding                 had a diagnosis. Supporters and
and Managing Adult ADHD/                carers are also welcome to apply.
ADD                                     ANGER Management Workshop:
This workshop will identify             Online Only
symptoms of attention deficit
                                        This workshop will enable
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and
                                        participants to develop their
the difficulties they can cause.
                                        understanding of anger and the
We explore different treatment
                                        ways in which anger can manifest
options, including medication. We
                                        in one’s thoughts/feelings/bodily
will share some tried and tested
                                        symptoms and behaviour. It covers
coping strategies and explore the
                                        the function of anger and its pros
three key areas that affect people      and cons.
with ADHD. We focus on managing
                                        The workshop will identify strategies
emotions, getting more organised
                                        to enable participants to confront
and developing different ideas about
                                        and manage symptoms of anger.
how you can manage the patterns
of behaviour that may be unhelpful.     It will give an opportunity to practise
We also consider other support          techniques to help participants
resources available.                    contain anger.
Learning Outcomes                       Learning Outcomes
Students will:                          Students will:
   Identify symptoms and difficulties      Gain a greater understanding of
   related to ADHD/ADD                     what anger is, why and how it is
                                           experienced physically and the
   Learn about the different               difference between the thoughts
   medications that can be used            and behaviours associated anger
   Develop at least three coping           Increase their knowledge of a
   strategies for ADHD                     range of different strategies to
Course structure                           help better cope with anger
Weekly sessions of up to 2 weeks.          Gain practical skills or techniques
Aimed at                                   in self-soothing or grounding
Anyone who considers they may be        Course structure
affected by ADHD/ADD or who has         One-off 90-minute online workshop.

                       0300 303 8086        9
Sussex Recovery College Prospectus 2021-2022
Understanding and Managing Health Conditions
Aimed at                                        ANXIETY: Understanding and
Anyone wanting to develop greater               Coping with Anxiety
understanding of anger issues and               Also Online
to develop more effective coping                This course is designed to help
strategies.                                     understand the way anxiety affects
                                                us physically and how it also
ANGER: Resolving the Red Mist:
                                                impacts on our thoughts, feelings
Managing Your Anger
                                                and behaviours.
This course will be of particular
                                                The sessions will look at ways of
interest to those who have found
                                                challenging negative thoughts,
that their anger and related
                                                exploring ways of working with
aggressive behaviour has caused
                                                anxiety behaviour. It will also include
them problems. We apply
                                                some simple relaxation techniques
motivational approaches and a range
                                                and explore the role of creativity.
of skills to manage angry emotions
better, including problem-solving and           Learning Outcomes
communication approaches.                       Students will:
Learning Outcomes                                 Gain an understanding of the way
Students will:                                    anxiety affects us
   Learn about the triggers to their              Learn how to challenge negative
   anger                                          thoughts and cope with panic
   Learn about managing or
   changing their relationship with               Develop a personal wellbeing
   anger and aggression                           ‘toolkit’ to help manage anxiety
   Consider next steps in their                 Course structure
   recovery                                     Weekly sessions for up to 4 weeks
Course structure                                (online) or 6 weeks (In person).
Weekly sessions for up to 6 weeks.              Aimed at
Aimed at                                        Anyone wanting to develop greater
                                                understanding of anxiety and
Anyone wanting to develop greater
                                                wishing to develop more effective
understanding of anger issues and
                                                coping strategies.
wishing to develop more effective
coping strategies.

10     Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
BIPOLAR: Living with Bipolar             DEMENTIA: Understanding and
Also Online                              living with Dementia
As part of this course, students will    ONLINE only
be invited to develop a personal         This workshop is designed to help
Wellness Recovery Action Plan. To        you understand what dementia is,
facilitate this, a number of topics      to find out how you can maximise
will be explored including mood          your quality of life whilst living with
monitoring, medication, ideas to help    dementia and to link you with a
keep us as well as possible, sleep,      range of opportunities in your local
early warning signs and action to        community.
take if these signs are noticed. This    Time will be spent looking at
process enables us to manage this        treatments and support available.
mental health condition as to live a     You will also learn how you can help
full life with Bipolar.                  yourself (or support someone else)
Learning Outcomes                        to live well with dementia including
Students will be able to:                tips for managing memory, thoughts,
   Describe 3 key features of Bipolar.   mood and lifestyle.
   Identify 3 positive ways to help      Learning Outcomes
   manage Bipolar.                       Students will:
   Detect and act on early warning          Develop a greater understanding
   signs of changes in mental health        of dementia and treatments
Course structure                            available
Weekly sessions for up to 4 weeks           Discover strategies and
(online) or 3 weeks (in person).            approaches on how to live with
                                            dementia and improve quality of
Aimed at                                    life
Anyone with a diagnosis of Bipolar.         Have a greater awareness/ get
Supporters and carers are also              an overview of support systems
welcome to apply.                           available in their local area
                                         Course structure
  “Everyone was                          One-off 2.5 hour workshop.
  very supportive”
                       0300 303 8086       11
Understanding and Managing Health Conditions
Aimed at                                         Course structure
People recently diagnosed with                   Weekly sessions for up to 6 weeks.
dementia, their partners, relatives              Aimed at
and friends.                                     Anyone living with depression.
DEPRESSION: Understanding and                    Supporters and carers are also
Coping with Depression                           welcome to apply.
Also Online                                      EUPD: An Introduction to
Depression can happen to anyone.                 Understanding and Living
It impacts on how we feel about                  with Emotionally Unstable
ourselves and how we spend                       Personality Disorder
our time. Enjoyment in life and                  Emotionally Unstable Personality
motivation tends to decrease                     Disorder (EUPD) is a complex
and we can be left with feelings                 emotional difficulty that can have a
of hopelessness, guilt or simply                 significant impact on how you think,
numbness. In this course we define               feel, perceive or relate to others.
what depression means to us, we                  Often this can be a negative impact
identify the causes of depression                and can be distressing, not only for
and what we can do to help                       the person concerned, but also for
ourselves. The interactive sessions              family members and friends. This
explore a wide range of positive                 introductory course explores ways
coping strategies, techniques and                of understanding the experience
lifestyle choices to enable you to live          of living with EUPD and practical
well with depression.                            strategies to manage the challenges
Learning Outcomes                                it can present.
Students will:                                   Learning Outcomes
    Identify the ways depression                 Students will:
    disrupts how we think, feel and act             Gain an understanding of EUPD
    Discover and try out different                  and complex emotional difficulties
    tools to enable us to live well with            Identify at least 3 ways in which
    depression                                      EUPD can impact on daily life
    Understand how stress and sleep                 Explore strategies to manage the
    can affect mood                                 challenges of living with EUPD
12      Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
Course structure                          Explore and try out strategies to
Weekly sessions for up to 2 weeks.        manage the challenges of living
Aimed at                                  with EUPD and develop a personal
                                          wellbeing ‘toolkit’
An introductory level course for
anyone affected by a diagnosis         Course structure
of EUPD, especially those newly-       Weekly sessions for up to 5 weeks.
diagnosed, supporters and carers.      Aimed at
                                       Anyone living with a diagnosis of
EUPD: Living Well with a               EUPD. Supporters and carers are
Diagnosis of Emotionally               also welcome to apply.
Unstable Personality Disorder
Emotionally Unstable Personality
Disorder (EUPD) is a complex
emotional difficulty that can have
a significant impact on how you
think, feel, perceive or relate to
others. Often this can be a negative
impact and can be distressing,
not only for the person concerned,
but also for family members and
friends. This course explores ways
of understanding the experience
of living with EUPD and practical
strategies to manage the challenges
it can present.
Learning Outcomes
Students will:
   Increase their understanding of
   EUPD and complex emotional
   Identify at least 3 ways in which
                                       “The atmosphere was
   EUPD can impact on daily life            calm & relaxing”

                      0300 303 8086    13
Understanding and Managing Health Conditions
LEARNING DISABILITIES:                           MEDICATION: Understanding
Coping with my Ups and Downs                     Medication
On this course people talk about                 These are interactive question-
their thoughts and feelings and                  and-answer sessions in which we
about how their mental health                    look at medical and physiological
affects them. We provide a safe and              causes, treatments available and
welcoming environment for everyone               self-help resources, and “What you
to gain support from each other.                 always wanted to know about your
We share our thoughts using words,               medication”. We include areas such
symbols and pictures, and each                   as how medication works, what
student will complete an Easyread                helps healthcare professionals
recovery plan to meet their own                  decide on what to prescribe, side-
needs.                                           effects and management of side-
Learning Outcomes                                effects, and how medicines can
                                                 interact with other medications and
Students will:                                   illnesses.
   Learn how to cope better, through             Learning Outcomes
   interaction with others on the
   course                                        Students will:
   Identify their goals to improve                   Identify how medication works
   their mental health and wellbeing                 and the different treatments
   Take away a recovery plan tailored
   to their specific needs                           Develop an understanding of
                                                     how medication affects them
Course structure                                     personally and how to manage
Weekly sessions for up to 7 weeks.                   any side-effects they may
Aimed at                                             experience
Adults living with a learning disability             Feel more confident about
and mental health challenges.                        discussing medication with
Supporters and carers are also                       healthcare professionals
welcome to apply.                                Course structure
                                                 One-off 2 hour workshop.

14      Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
MEDICATION: Understanding              OCD: Understanding and Living
Medication for Depression              with Obsessive Compulsive
ONLINE only                            Disorder
This workshop will give a brief        Does Obsessive Compulsive
overview of the commonly               Disorder (OCD) rule your life? This
prescribed medications for low         interactive course will give the
mood, how they work and what           opportunity to understand more
the side effects are. Students         about the symptoms of OCD and
will be encouraged to ask any          share your personal experiences
questions they have regarding          in a supportive environment. We
their medications and share their      will explore and trial self-help
experiences of taking medications.     techniques, tackling negative
Learning Outcomes                      thinking and compulsive checking.
Students will:                         Learning Outcomes
   Name at least 1 main type of        Students will:
   medication for managing low            Identify at least 3 ways in which
   mood                                   OCD affects their daily lives
   List 3 common side effects of          Explore and trial at least 3
   antidepressant medication              strategies to cope with OCD
   Apply the information learned to       Develop a personal wellbeing
   have empowered conversations           ‘toolkit’ to cope with and reduce
   about medication                       OCD symptoms
Course structure                       Course structure
One-off 90-minute online Workshop.     Weekly sessions for up to 5 weeks.
Aimed at                               Aimed at
Aimed at anyone who is interested in   Anyone living with OCD. Supporters
finding out more about medication      and carers are also welcome to
based treatments for depression.       apply.

                      0300 303 8086     15
Understanding and Managing Health Conditions
PSYCHOSIS: Understanding                        PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress: Life
Psychosis                                       after Trauma
This course helps you to make                   Most people experience traumatic
sense of and cope with psychotic                events in their lives. Following
symptoms, exploring the causes                  these, some people may experience
of psychosis and what can help                  symptoms of Post Traumatic
towards recovery. A range of                    Stress Disorder (PTSD) such as
resources will be made available,               intrusive memories, flashbacks and
including handouts and information              nightmares. This course explores
to take home to aid in development              the impact of trauma and what help
of coping skills.                               is available. We share tools to help
                                                alleviate symptoms and help you
Learning Outcomes
                                                reclaim your life. We give carers
Students will:                                  and staff an insight into PTSD and
   Better understand their diagnosis            what helps someone to recover from
   and formulation, including                   traumatic events.
   symptoms and causes                          Learning Outcomes
   Have an overview of medication,              Students will:
   other treatments and support                    Understand what the causes and
   Become familiar with and                        effects of trauma can be
   practise coping skills and self-                Learn how to look after
   management tools                                themselves and others, using
Course structure                                   trauma-specific as well as general
Weekly sessions for up to 6 weeks.                 strategies
Aimed at                                           Understand what support might
Anyone diagnosed with psychosis,                   be helpful
schizophrenia or a schizo-affective             Course structure
disorder, or who hears voices, sees             Weekly sessions for up to 3 weeks.
visions or has beliefs that others              Aimed at
think are delusional. Supporters and
carers are also welcome to apply.               Anyone suffering from mental health
                                                issues associated with trauma,
                                                particularly PTSD. Supporters and
                                                carers are also welcome to apply.
16     Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
PTSD: Trauma in the Current              STRESSBUSTERS Workshop
Climate                                  ONLINE only
ONLINE only                              We are living through stressful
In this 90 minute online workshop        times. Left untreated, chronic
we explore the effects that Covid19      stress can lead to mental and
is having on our relationship with       physical issues such as depression,
trauma. It is open to people who         anxiety, insomnia and a suppressed
already have a diagnosis of PTSD         immune system. In this interactive
but also to people who think that this   workshop we’ll define what stress
will help them with some difficult       is, what causes it and how it affects
experiences they have had due to         our bodies, minds, emotions and
the current challenging times.           behaviour.
Learning Outcomes                        We’ll share our own stressors
By the end of the session, students      and coping strategies as well as
will be able to:                         looking at new techniques that can
   Describe the 5 key themes of          help relieve stress and maintain
   trauma-related behaviours             wellbeing.
   Create an understanding of what       Learning Outcomes
   we can do to influence our coping     Students will:
   responses to traumatic or difficult      Recognise their own source of
   events (with a focus on Covid-19)        stress
   Develop coping mechanisms                Understand the impact of stress
   and tools that can help support          on mind and body
   increased resilience and wellbeing       List 3 ways to reduce stress
   when living through traumatic or      Course structure
   difficult events
                                         One-off 90-minute online workshop.
Course structure
                                         Aimed at
One-off 90-minute online workshop.
                                         Aimed at anyone whose mental
Aimed at                                 health is impacted by stress - and
Anyone who has experienced trauma,       their supporters.
including those with a diagnosis of
PTSD and their supporters.

                       0300 303 8086      17
Understanding and Managing Health Conditions
SUICIDE: Coping with Suicidal                   SUICIDE: Understanding and
Thoughts and Feelings                           Supporting People with Suicidal
This course helps you to understand             Thoughts and Feelings
what can lead a person to want                  This course helps you to understand
to take their own life. Through                 what can lead a person to
discussion and group work we                    experience suicidal thoughts and
explore interventions that grow your            feelings and how you can support
confidence, such as safety planning             them. This will include identifying
and resilience building. The course             possible triggers and early warning
includes an overview of services                signs, and how to support that
to support individuals experiencing             person in developing a plan to keep
suicidal thoughts.                              him/herself safe.
Learning Outcomes                               Learning Outcomes
Students will:                                  Students will:
   Be able to identify early warning               Be able to identify the triggers and
   signs that may lead to suicidal                 early warning signs that may lead
   thoughts and feelings                           to suicidal thoughts and feelings
   Learn at least 3 coping strategies              Feel confident about how to help
   for dealing with suicidal thoughts              someone experiencing suicidal
   and feelings                                    thoughts and feelings
   Find out about services that can                Find out about services that can
   support people experiencing                     support people with suicidal
   suicidal thoughts and feelings                  thoughts and feelings
Course structure                                Course structure
Weekly sessions for up to 4 weeks.              One-off 3-hour workshop.
Aimed at                                        Aimed at
Anyone who has experienced                      Anyone who is supporting a
suicidal thoughts and / or has                  family member or friend who has
attempted suicide.                              attempted suicide or experienced
                                                suicidal thoughts.

18     Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
Supporting Dementia at Recovery College
  A diagnosis of dementia can           Learning Outcomes
 lead to a range of thoughts            Students Will:
 and feelings for both the                Develop a greater understanding
 person with dementia and                 of dementia and explore how it
 those supporting them. It                feels to receive a diagnosis
 may take time to adjust to the           Discover strategies and
 news and raise questions and             approaches around how to live
  worries about the future.               with dementia and improve quality
Understanding and Living with             of life
Dementia                                  Gain a greater awareness/
                                          overview of support systems
Also Online
                                          available in their local area
This 2½ hour workshop is designed
                                        Course structure
to help you understand what
dementia is, to explore feelings        One-off workshop.
associated with receiving a             Aimed at
diagnosis, and to find out how you      People recently diagnosed with
can maximise your quality of life       dementia, their partners, relatives
whilst living with the condition.       and friends.
We look at treatments and support,
and at how you can help yourself (or
support someone else) to live well
with dementia. We include tips for
managing memory, thoughts, mood
and lifestyle.
Please come and join us in a relaxed
and friendly atmosphere where you
can meet others in similar situations
and share ideas, experiences and
ways of managing. You can attend
by yourself, or with someone else if
you prefer.

                       0300 303 8086   19
Learning    Wellbeingat and
Learning Disabilities: Coping
with my Ups and Downs                                At Recovery College we offer
                                                    courses of benefit to people
On this course people talk about                    living with the challenges of
their thoughts and feelings and                     learning disabilities.
about how their mental health
affects them. We provide a safe and                 People with learning disabilities
welcoming environment for everyone                  have an increased likelihood of
to gain support from each other.                    developing mental ill health. With
We share our thoughts using words,                  this in mind, and in providing
symbols and pictures, and each                      courses that meet very specific
student will complete an Easyread                   requirements, we aim to make
recovery plan to meet their own                     our services as inclusive as
needs.                                              possible. By making reasonable
                                                    adjustments in teaching
Learning Outcomes                                   approaches and in our course
Students Will:                                      materials, we focus on the needs
     Learn how to cope better, through              of students with a sensory
     interaction with others on the                 impairment and communication
     course                                         difficulties, as well as those on the
                                                    autistic spectrum.
     Identify their goals to improve
     their mental health and wellbeing              Our courses are open to all
     Take away a recovery plan tailored             applicants, including families,
     to their specific needs                        supporters and carers.
Course structure
Weekly sessions for up to 7 weeks.
Aimed at
Adults living with a learning disability
and mental health challenges.
Supporters and carers are also
welcome to apply.

20        Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
Course Listings: Creative, Wellbeing
& Vocational
                                COURSE LISTINGS                                   Page
ART in the Wild Wood                                                               22
COPING SKILLS for Wellness and Recovery                                            22
CREATIVITY for Wellbeing                                                           23
CREATIVITY: Mapping Your Journey: A Creative Approach to Joining Up the Dots       23
CREATIVITY: When Words Are Not Enough                                              24
DECLUTTERING                                                                       24
EMPATHY and LISTENING: Make the most of Your Empathy and Listening Skills          25
EXPLORING Recovery Stories                                                         25
FOOD and MOOD                                                                      26
FOOD and MOOD Workshop: Introduction to Food and Mood (ONLINE only)                26
GRIEF and LOSS: Introduction to Grief and Loss                                     27
HAPPINESS: Finding Happiness                                                       27
MUSIC: Creative Music Making for Wellbeing                                         28
PAINTING for Wellbeing                                                             28
PHOTOGRAPHY for Wellbeing                                                          29
PRINTING: Experiments in Printing                                                  30
PROBLEM-SOLVING: Become Your Own A-Team (ONLINE only)                              30
RESILIENCE: Building Resilience for Wellness and Recovery (Also ONLINE)            31
RESILIENCE in a Nutshell (ONLINE only)                                             31
RUNNING: One Step at a Time: A Running Journey to Recovery                         32
SELF-ESTEEM and CONFIDENCE                                                         32
SLEEP: How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep (Also ONLINE)                               33
SLEEP: Improve Your Sleep                                                          33
TEXTILES: Experiments in Textiles                                                  34
VOCATIONAL: Co-Production: Understanding the Benefits                              34
VOCATIONAL: Expert by Experience: Participation Workshops                          35
VOCATIONAL: Work for Wellbeing                                                     35
WALK for Wellbeing                                                                 36
WELLBEING in the Garden                                                            36
WELLBEING in the Wild                                                              37
WELLBEING: Five Ways to Wellbeing                                                  37
                           0300 303 8086     21
Creativity, Wellbeing and Lifestyle
ART in the Wild Wood                             COPING SKILLS for Wellness
This course offers students the                  and Recovery
benefits of wellbeing through                    This course aims to help students
creativity based in a safe woodland              to develop their ability to overcome
site (managed by the Woodland                    their mental health challenges.
Trust and overseen/owned by                      Students will explore a range of
Salehurst Parish Council) while                  helpful coping skills and strategies
working with two professional artists            promoting self-management and
from BlackShed gallery. Students                 recovery.
will explore woodland materials and              Learning Outcomes
skills through creative exploration.             Students will:
The course also offers the
opportunity to observe and support                  Learn at least 3 strategies to help
an art installation at the sponsoring               recovery and wellbeing
Black Shed Gallery.                                 Develop personal life skills and
Learning Outcomes                                   employ at least 3 appropriate
                                                    techniques to help manage
Students will:                                      unhelpful symptoms
   Try a variety of woodland skills                 Learn to recognise ‘triggers’ and
   and crafts                                       early warning signs, developing
   Gain an understanding of                         appropriate coping strategies
   how creativity and the natural                Course structure
   environment can help with mental
   wellbeing                                     Weekly sessions for up to 6 weeks.
   Create their own journal that can             Aimed at
   be continued for further creative             Anyone in the early stages of
   practice beyond the course                    recovery or seeking to refresh/
Course structure                                 reinforce their knowledge to help
                                                 themselves maintain personal
Weekly sessions for up to 6 weeks.               wellbeing. Supporters and carers are
Aimed at                                         also welcome to apply.
Anyone with mental health
challenges – no special artistic skills                         “Its been
                                                             a huge help”
22      Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
CREATIVITY for Wellbeing                 journey through practical creative
This course introduces leisure           exercises. We help you select both
activities vital to wellbeing, and       positive and challenging moments to
here students will use a variety of      share through pictures, movement,
media and techniques to complete         imagination and sounds. We
personal and group projects. You will    include relaxation and self-empathy
learn to express your thoughts and       approaches to help build a new way
feelings as you explore what your        of overcoming challenges. Moments
recovery means to you. No drawing        of joy, individually and within the
or painting ability necessary – all      group, become a pattern to be built
levels welcome.                          on during the course.
Learning Outcomes                        Learning Outcomes
Students will:                           Students will:
   Understand the importance and            Use a range of creative
   benefits of creativity to wellbeing      imaginative exercises to develop
   Gain knowledge of and experience         their marks and creative skills
   with new techniques and media            Develop confidence in creativity,
   Create a portfolio of expressive         communicating and working with
   works                                    others
Course structure                            Identify interesting and creative
                                            approaches that can be continued
Weekly sessions for up to 6 weeks.
                                            with and sustained beyond the
Aimed at                                    course
Anyone with long-standing,               Course structure
moderate or severe mental health
                                         Weekly sessions for up to 4 weeks.
challenges. Supporters and carers
are also welcome to apply.               Aimed at
                                         Anyone with mental health
CREATIVITY: Mapping Your                 challenges, all levels of experience
Journey: A Creative Approach to          and none. Supporters and carers are
‘joining up the dots’                    also welcome to apply.
In this course you will develop an
understanding of your recovery

                       0300 303 8086    23
Creativity, Wellbeing and Lifestyle
CREATIVITY: When Words Are                      DECLUTTERING
Not Enough                                      This course defines the problem of
Sometimes it can be difficult                   clutter and offers suggestions on
to express how we are feeling                   how to combat it, having considered
with words. This course gives                   why people clutter in the first place.
learners the opportunity to express             It will include storage suggestions
themselves through different art                and what to do with things no longer
mediums. Each week focuses on                   wanted or needed. We look at how
a different mini-project such as                to declutter and how to organise,
using charcoal and pastels for                  plan and get started. There will be
mark making, creating an image of               opportunities to share tips, tools and
an emotion through collage, and                 experiences.
designing and decorating small                  Learning Outcomes
boxes.                                          Students will:
Learning Outcomes                                  Be able to assess how cluttered
Students will:                                     they are
   Learn how creative activity can aid             Understand the barriers to and
   wellbeing                                       benefits of decluttering
   Learn how to express themselves                 Know how to start to declutter
   in a range of different media                   and what to do with what they
   Take experimental pieces away                   don’t need or want
   with them and explore paths of               Course structure
   creativity and inspiration                   Weekly sessions for 2 weeks.
Course structure                                Aimed at
Weekly sessions for up to 4 weeks.              Anyone who finds it hard to get rid of
Aimed at                                        items they don’t use and who wants
Anyone who feels they could benefit             to, but is struggling to, declutter their
from this course. No special creative           space.
skills needed, just enthusiasm and
an interest in exploring creative
                                               “It was an excellent
24     Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
EMPATHY and LISTENING: Make             EXPLORING Recovery Stories
the Most of Your Empathy and            In this course we explore people’s
Listening Skills                        recovery journeys and what helps
Empathic tools can help people get      us get through difficulties. We offer
through tough times successfully.       the opportunity to look at recovery
This course introduces self-            from different perspectives, from
awareness, self-empathy tools           our own sense of identity, and to
and improved communication with         develop self-awareness of how we
others, drawing on research, practice   describe ourselves to other people.
and lived experience. It will aim to    We use a range of creative methods
overcome challenges by building on      to explore recovery, and assess
our inner strengths and on the world    what is working well in our lives.
around.                                 Approaches will be offered for future
Learning Outcomes                       goal planning and building resilience.
Students will:                          Learning Outcomes
   Create their own ‘toolkit’ of        Students will be able to:
   listening and empathy skills            Explain the concept of recovery
   Use their own personal toolkit to       as it applies to mental health and
   improve their listening skills and      other long- term conditions
   relationships with others               Explore the impact of a mental
   Use their own personal toolkit to       health diagnosis through a range
   communicate more clearly with           of recovery stories, and look at
   health professionals                    what brings hope into our lives
Course structure                           Reflect on their personal recovery
Weekly sessions for up to 4 weeks.         journey, identifying at least three
                                           things that help with recovery
Aimed at
                                        Course structure
Anyone with mental health
challenges. Supporters and carers       Weekly sessions for up to 5 weeks.
are also welcome to apply.              Aimed at
                                        Anyone with mental health
                                        challenges. Supporters and carers
                                        are also welcome to apply.

                       0300 303 8086     25
Creativity, Wellbeing and Lifestyle
FOOD and MOOD                                   FOOD and MOOD Workshop:
The course starts with some                     Introduction to Food and Mood
basic information on nutrition. We              ONLINE only
establish which foods are necessary             Evidence suggests that certain
to increase health, and we discuss              foods can affect your mood. This
healthy eating for improved mental              workshop gets you looking at
health. The course includes practical           healthy eating for improved mental
exercises, discussions, healthy                 health with an emphasis on low
snacks and lots of handouts –                   mood and anxiety.
including easy recipes to cook at               Learning Outcomes
                                                Students will:
Learning Outcomes
                                                  Be able to identify food/drink that
Students will:                                    support wellbeing
   Be able to choose foods that                   Be able to identify food/drink that
   contain the nutrients needed for               hinder wellbeing
   good health
                                                  Describe how you plan to include
   Know about the research and                    food/drink that supports wellbeing
   evidence base that indicates
   which foods and nutrients                    Course structure
   particularly support mental health           One-off 90-minute online workshop.
   Be better able to interpret food             Aimed at
   labels                                       Anyone who experiences low mood
Course structure                                and is interested in learning about
Weekly sessions for up to 7 weeks.              how nutrition maybe able to support
                                                their wellbeing.
Aimed at
Anyone who would like to be more
informed about nutrition and healthy               “The trainers were
eating for improved mental health.
                                                     brilliant, helpful,
                                                 welcoming and kind”
26     Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
GRIEF and LOSS: Introduction            HAPPINESS: Finding Happiness
to Grief and Loss                       This course is for everyone who may
Grief is a completely normal process    feel that their lives could be happier.
that we all encounter at some point     This is a fun, interactive course
in our lives. In this workshop, that    where you will try out different
provides a safe, supportive and         activities to find out what can
non-judgemental space, we begin         improve your happiness levels.
to explore the impact that grief and    Learning Outcomes
loss can have on us. We learn to        Students will:
recognise some theories such as the
Five Stages of Bereavement, and we        Learn at least 3 happiness facts
explore and practise some coping          and describe what happiness
strategies.                               means to them personally
Learning Outcomes                         Understand the ‘10 Keys to
                                          Happier Living’ and identify their
Students will:                            goals to increase personal levels
   Develop an understanding around        of wellbeing
   the impact of grief and loss           Practise at least 3 ‘keys’ to
   Gain some knowledge of the             happier living
   processes of bereavement             Course structure
   Become familiar with coping          Weekly sessions for up to 5 weeks.
   strategies, including the creation
   of a memory bracelet                 Aimed at
Course structure                        Anyone with mental health
                                        challenges. Supporters and carers
One-off workshop.                       are also welcome to apply.
Aimed at
Anyone who feels they could benefit
from these approaches, including
supporters and carers.

 “I’m really happy that Recovery College managed
 to run some classes online. It’s been a life saver”

                       0300 303 8086       27
Creativity, Wellbeing and Lifestyle
MUSIC: Creative Music Making                    Aimed at
for Wellbeing                                   Anyone with mental health
Explore the soothing and wellbeing              challenges, all levels of experience
effects of music making on this                 and none. Supporters and carers are
collaborative course. In a welcoming            also welcome to apply.
and inclusive space, we will
experiment with our voices and                  PAINTING for Wellbeing
musical instruments to create brand             Through a simple series of guided
new music as a group together.                  exercises designed to eliminate the
Everyone is welcome - you don’t                 fear of a blank canvas. The focus
need to have previous experience                of this course is on the enjoyment
of music making although you are                of using colour and relinquishing
encouraged to bring a musical                   the performance fear of making
instrument if you already play one.             something look like something. It
This is a group experience where we             aims to recapture the childhood
will work together supportively and             pleasure of using colour for its own
as a team to express our individual             sake.
creativity and to be inspired by                Learning Outcomes
the creativity of others. This is
                                                Students will:
a Soundcastle music and health
course supported by the Rayne                      Experience the pleasure of using
Foundation.                                        paint
Learning Outcomes                                  Build their confidence in the use of
                                                   paint, brushes and canvas
Students will:
                                                   Recognise the uniqueness of
   Describe the wellbeing effects of               self-expression within a group
   music making                                    experience
   Demonstrate enhanced skills                  Course structure
   around listening, collaboration &            One-off half day workshop.
                                                Aimed at
   Connect with others through
   music                                        Anyone with mental health
                                                challenges, all levels of experience
Course structure                                and none. Supporters and carers are
Weekly sessions for up to 6 weeks.              also welcome to apply.
28     Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
PHOTOGRAPHY for Wellbeing
                Connecting with nature can help with
                mental wellbeing, and photography
                can be a very beneficial creative
                outlet. This course encourages
                students to focus their attention on
                photography projects and improve
                their photography skills. All you need
                to bring along is your own camera –
                or smartphone that can take photos.
                Your best photographs can be
                printed out as part of the project, for
                you to take away at the end of the
                Learning Outcomes
                Students will:
                   Gain an appreciation of how
                   photography can help with mental
                   Develop a critical eye in learning
                   how to take better photographs
                   Compile a portfolio of their best
                   photos to keep when the sessions
                   have been completed
                Course structure
                Weekly sessions for up to 4 weeks.
                Aimed at
                Anyone with mental health
                challenges – no special artistic or
                photography skills needed.

0300 303 8086      29
Creativity, Wellbeing and Lifestyle
PRINTING: Experiments in                        PROBLEM-SOLVING: Become
Printing                                        your Own A-Team: Skills to Cope
Creativity can help reduce anxiety,             with Life’s Difficulties
depression and stress, so have fun              ONLINE only
and be creative! Basic printmaking              The opening credits to the 80s TV
techniques will be taught and                   show the A Team went something
explored. Participants will go away             like this: If you have a problem, if
with a personal sketchbook full of              no one else can help, and if you can
their ideas, samples and finished               find them... maybe you can hire The
pieces, and create a basic monoprint            A-Team.
using tools and materials available.            At Recovery College we believe we
No experience needed, this course               all have innate skills and abilities
takes an experimental approach                  that can help us on our recovery
to learning in a no-pressure                    journey. This online workshop is
environment.                                    about becoming your own A Team.
Learning Outcomes                               We’ll introduce different problem-
Students will:                                  solving techniques and concepts,
   Learn how creative activity can aid          look at where the difficulties
   wellbeing                                    come from in our lives, how much
   Learn new techniques using                   influence or control we have over
   printmaking media                            them and practise some tools to try
                                                and make things better.
   Take ideas away with them and
   explore paths of creativity and              Learning Outcomes
   inspiration                                  Students will:
Course structure                                   Learn about different problem-
Weekly sessions for up to 4 weeks.                 solving techniques
Aimed at                                           Practise a wellbeing technique
                                                   (Colour Breathing)
Anyone who feels they could benefit
from this course. No special artistic              Work on a specific difficulty using
skills needed, just enthusiasm and                 a Problem Solving Tree exercise
an interest in exploring creative               Course structure
ideas.                                          One-off 90-minute online workshop.

30     Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
Aimed at                                   facing tough times in their lives.
Aimed at anyone who wants to               Supporters and carers are also
learn about and use coping skills to       welcome to apply.
manage their wellbeing.
                                           RESILIENCE in a Nutshell
RESILIENCE: Building Resilience            ONLINE only
for Wellness and Recovery                  In this 90 minute online workshop
Also ONLINE                                you will get a brief overview of what
This course introduces resilience,         resilience is, why we need it and
drawing on research, practice and          how we build it. Resilience has been
lived experience. It aims to help          shown to help us get through tough
people overcome challenges by              times successfully and even grow
building on strengths inside them          from our experiences.
and in the world around. Resilience        Learning Outcomes
can help people get through tough          Students will:
times successfully. There will be             Describe what resilience is and
opportunities to share resilience tips,       what it is not
tools and experiences.
                                              Be able to describe at least 3
Learning Outcomes                             different resilient moves
Students will:                                Develop some resilience tools to
   Increase their understanding of            take away
   what resilience is and what it is not   Course structure
   Identify and try out at least 3         One-off 90-minute online workshop.
   resilient moves to help cope with
   the challenges in their lives           Aimed at
   Create their own personal ‘toolkit’     Anyone with an interest in building
   by the end of the course                their resilience through applying and
                                           nurturing resilience strategies.
Course structure
Weekly sessions for up to 6 weeks.
Aimed at                                     “I can’t sing your
Anyone with moderate to severe
mental health challenges who is
                                             praises enough”
                        0300 303 8086       31
Creativity, Wellbeing and Lifestyle
RUNNING: One Step at a Time: A                   SELF-ESTEEM and CONFIDENCE
Running Journey to Recovery                      Join us as we take a look at the
This course is designed to help                  relationship between what we think
students start running and                       of ourselves and how this impacts
understand how this can contribute               on how we feel about ourselves.
to building better mental and physical           Develop ways to move beyond the
health. The educational sessions will            negative ideas that contribute to low
explore a variety of evidence-based              self-esteem. This course involves
techniques and lifestyle choices.                discussions in which you will be
Topics covered include nutrition                 helped to feel comfortable, given
and sleep hygiene, routine and goal              resources to use after the sessions,
setting, and relaxation strategies.              and take away skills for the future.
Developing an understanding of                   Learning Outcomes
the content will enable students to              Students will:
build and maintain better mental and
physical health.                                    Understand what self-esteem is
                                                    and how to improve it
Learning Outcomes
                                                    Take a look at negative thoughts
Students will:                                      and how to challenge them
   Describe 3 ways to build better                  Develop a ‘toolbox’ of ways to
   mental and physical health                       increase self-esteem and have a
   List 3 ways running can improve                  more positive outlook
   mental health                                 Course structure
   Demonstrate improved running                  Weekly sessions for up to 6 weeks.
                                                 Course structure
Course structure
                                                 Anyone with mental health
Weekly sessions for up to 6 weeks.               challenges who feels that how
Aimed at                                         they think about themselves could
Anyone who feels they would like                 improve. Supporters and carers are
to get into running or continue with             also welcome to apply.
running to achieve a personal goal.
All abilities welcome!

32      Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
SLEEP: How to Get a Good                 SLEEP: Improve Your Sleep
Night’s Sleep                            This course explores the latest
Also ONLINE                              sleep science and introduces some
According to the mental health           practical skills and tips for improving
charity Mind, living with a mental       your sleep. Students will set their
health challenge can affect how          own sleep goals, but common
well you sleep and poor sleep can        objectives are to obtain sound,
have a negative impact on your           consistent and restful sleep.
mental health. In this interactive       Learning Outcomes
workshop we’ll find out why sleep is     Students will:
so important and look at the impact         Understand how sleep can be
of poor sleep on our bodies, minds          monitored with the use of a sleep
and behaviours. We’ll share sleep           diary
challenges and coping strategies
and consider what healthy sleep             Describe how surroundings and
habits we can practice to improve           lifestyle can affect sleep
the quality of our sleep.                   Identify and practise a number of
Learning Outcomes                           strategies to improve sleep
Students will:                           Course structure
   Explain why sleep is important        Weekly sessions for up to 4 weeks.
   Understand the impact of              Aimed at
   poor sleep on mind, body and          Anyone who experiences difficulties
   performance                           in sleeping and would like to get a
   List 3 ways to improve sleep          better night’s sleep or help others to
                                         do so.
Course structure
One-off 90-minute workshop
(online), 2 hours (in person).                  “Good handouts,
Aimed at                                         well taught and
Anyone who experiences difficulties
in sleeping and would like to get a                     priceless
better night’s sleep or help others to              knowledge”
do so.

                        0300 303 8086       33
Creativity, Wellbeing and Lifestyle
TEXTILES: Experiments in                        VOCATIONAL: Co-Production:
Textiles                                        Understanding the Benefits
Creativity can help reduce anxiety,             Co-production is about everyone’s
stress and depression, so have                  views and experience being of equal
fun and be creative! From fabric                value in planning both individual
printing, to weaving and patchwork              care and wider service provision.
join this course to create some                 Being involved both benefits your
beautiful textile based craft items.            personal wellbeing and can help to
No experience necessary/all levels              make services better for all. This
welcome. This course takes an                   workshop is of benefit to people who
experimental approach to learning in            use our services and carers, as well
a no-pressure environment.                      as frontline and managerial staff.
Learning Outcomes                               It aims to enable people to work
Students will:                                  together effectively to plan their next
                                                steps towards co-produced services.
   Learn how creative activity can aid
   wellbeing.                                   Learning Outcomes
   Learn and explore new techniques             Students will:
   within textiles                                 Develop a common understanding
   Take experimental pieces away                   of co-production
   with them and explore paths of                  Look at ways of making co-
   creativity and inspiration                      production effective, comfortable
Course structure                                   and meaningful
Weekly sessions for up to 4 weeks.                 Explore the benefits of working in
                                                   partnership to improve services
Aimed at                                           for all parties
Anyone who feels they could benefit             Course structure
from this course. No special creative
skills needed, just enthusiasm and              One half-day workshop.
an interest in exploring creative               Aimed at
ideas.                                          Anyone who feels they would benefit
                                                from gaining a deeper understanding
                                                of co-production in practice.

34     Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
VOCATIONAL: Expert by                     VOCATIONAL: Work for
Experience Participation                  Wellbeing
Workshop                                  This course aims to guide you
This introductory workshop gives          through all practical areas of
you an opportunity to learn or            employment-seeking, including
refresh your knowledge of the             construction of CVs, filling in
techniques and information to help        application forms and what to
you get involved effectively in service   expect in an interview. It also
improvement at Sussex Partnership.        indicates how you can keep well
You will have the option of joining       whilst looking for work. You will
our bank of Experts by Experience,        consider the sort of occupation that
becoming involved in a wide range         suits you best, in relation to your
of engagement work, including             skills and knowledge.
recruitment of new staff. We teach        Learning Outcomes
you how to articulate your thoughts
and ideas coherently to effect            Students will:
meaningful changes in services and           Have a good understanding of the
support you on your recovery journey.        job-searching process and be able
Learning Outcomes                            to job-search effectively
Students will:                               Understand how to reduce
                                             stress in the workplace and what
   Be able to use their experiences,         safeguards exist to help keep
   good and bad, in a way that is            them well
   safe for them, to make positive
   changes in the organisation               Understand the benefits of work
                                             and the wellbeing it can bring
   Be confident and effective in             when sought in the right way
                                          Course structure
   Become involved in recruitment of
   new staff                              Weekly sessions for up to 5 weeks.
Course structure                          Aimed at
Two consecutive full-day workshops.       Anyone with experience of mental
                                          health challenges who feels at a
Aimed at                                  disadvantage in gaining and/or
Anyone with long-standing or              sustaining employment.
moderate to severe mental health
                        0300 303 8086    35
Creativity, Wellbeing and Lifestyle
WALK for Wellbeing                              WELLBEING in the Garden
Learn how walking can boost your                Gardening has numerous benefits,
wellbeing. This course introduces               not least being great for your mental
the combination of walking with                 wellbeing. Developing a connection
present moment awareness and the                to local and global communities,
‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’. It starts             feeling closer to nature, getting your
indoors with discussions in small               hands dirty and watching things
groups and finishes with a scenic               grow are just a few of the ways
walk, putting into practice what has            gardening can make you feel good.
been learned. Come prepared with                Not only that, it has been researched
suitable shoes and clothing for the             and evidenced as a great way to look
walk. After the walk participants               after your mental health. We include
have the option to go to a cafe for a           sessions on resilience and reflective
chat and socialising.                           practice, combined with practical
Learning Outcomes                               gardening skills whilst spending time
Students will:                                  in the fresh air.
   Become familiar with the benefits            Learning Outcomes
   of outdoor exercise for physical             Students will:
   health and mental wellbeing
                                                   Develop practical skills as well as
   Gain an understanding of simple                 life skills such as organisation and
   relaxation techniques and the                   working in groups
   ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’
                                                   Learn protective coping strategies
   Learn these techniques when                     to manage distress
                                                   Engage in reflective practice as a
Course structure
                                                   group and individually
Weekly sessions for up to 5 weeks.
                                                Course structure
Aimed at
                                                Weekly sessions for up to 6 weeks.
Anyone with mental health
                                                Aimed at
challenges. Supporters and carers
are also welcome to apply.                      Anyone with mental health
                                                challenges. Supporters and carers
                                                are also welcome to apply.

36     Sussex Recovery College – 2021-22 Prospectus
You can also read