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T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - SA Jewish Report
  south african                                           n   Volume 24 – Number 3   n   31 January 2020   n   5 Shevat 5780

T h e sour c e of qual i t y co n tent, n ews an d insights
T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - SA Jewish Report
 to    YUD SHVAT

T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - SA Jewish Report
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                                    south african                                                                                                n   Volume 24 – Number 3              n   31 January 2020   n   5 Shevat 5780

                               T h e sour c e of qual i t y co n tent, n ews an d insights

Anti-Semitic incidents in SA at 15-year low
NICOLA MILTZ                                                  “Drivers of anti-Semitism are multifactorial,                but it might go some way in explaining the                France this week recorded a total of 687
                                                           and shifts in any one of these factors could                    apparent contradiction between attitudes and            anti-Semitic incidents in 2019, of which 151

       he number of anti-Semitic incidents in              change the scenario quickly. We should be                       actions. The truth of the matter is that we             were violent. South African recorded one
       South Africa dropped to a 15-year low               pleased about the drop in incidents while                       don’t really know.”                                     violent anti-Semitic incident.
       in 2019, according to the latest figures            remaining vigilant.”                                               Saks attributed the relatively low number of           It occurred in January 2019 in Scottburgh
issued by the South African Jewish Board of                   Being vigilant involves educating where                      incidents to a number of factors.                       in KwaZulu-Natal. According to the board,
Deputies (SAJBD) this week.                                necessary, maintaining zero tolerance for                          The board’s zero-tolerance approach is one           a Jewish man was verbally abused and
   An anti-Semitism report released this                   anti-Semitism, and using the country’s civil                    factor.                                                 then physically attacked by three local men
week showed that a total of 36 anti-Semitic                protections to ensure that anti-Semites are                        “Whenever there is an identifiable                   after they learned he was Jewish. His (non-
incidents of abuse and harassment were                     held to account, Milner said.                                   perpetrator, every reasonable effort will                Jewish) friend came to his assistance, and
logged by the SAJBD and Community Security                    Commenting on the discrepancy between                        be made to make that person accountable,                in the ensuing fight, one of the attackers
Organisation (CSO) last year.                              the latest incident report and the ADL survey,                  publicly if necessary [which is why we make             was hospitalised. The community member
   This was more than a 40% drop from the 62               Saks said one needs to distinguish between                      sure to publicise our more high profile cases           suffered a badly cut lip.
incidents logged in 2018, and close to a 50%               anti-Semitic acts (doing bad things to Jews)                    in the media]. Our experience is that those we            An international comparison of violent anti-
drop from the annual average of 66 incidents               and anti-Semitic discourse (saying bad things                   publicly take on for anti-Semitism seldom if            Semitic incidents recorded in 2018 reveals
recorded since 2006, the report said.                      about Jews).                                                    ever repeat such behaviour.”                            that there were 123 incidents in the United
   David Saks, the associate director of the                  “South Africa has very low rates in the first                   The message being that if you cross the line,        Kingdom, 81 in France, 62 in Germany, and 11
SAJBD, told the SA Jewish Report that the                  category, but not necessarily in the second,                    you will be made to answer for it, no matter            in Canada. One case of violence was recorded
decline could in part be attributed to “relative           which is probably impossible to measure                         how long it takes.                                      in South African in 2018.
quiet” on the Israeli-Palestinian front,                   accurately in any case. The ADL survey really                      Visible security outside Jewish installations          Canada experienced 2 041 non-violent
notwithstanding the flare-up that occurred                 deals with a third category, namely thinking                    is another deterrent. “All in all, knowing that         anti-Semitic incidents in 2018 compared
late in the year between Israel and Palestinian            bad things about Jews without necessarily                       Jews aren’t an easy target, and that there              with the UK’s 1 652, France’s 541,
Islamic Jihad in Gaza.                                     ever expressing or acting on such beliefs. It                   could well be unpleasant consequences for               Australia’s 366, and South Africa’s 62
   He said these figures are consistent with               may well be that there is more anti-Semitic                     attempting to harm them will likely have                incidents.
the relatively low rates of anti-Semitism in               sentiment out there than we realise, but                        persuaded many potential anti-Semites that                Saks said South Africa had a culture of
South Africa that have been recorded since                 obviously not at a rate of nearly one in two                    it’s just not worth it,” said Saks.                     respect for religious diversity which might
comprehensive records began to be maintained               South Africans,” he said.                                          Many countries have not yet released their           account for the comparatively low rate of
in the mid-1990s. Only in 2009 and 2014, the                  Saks said the sharp decline in incidents from                2019 figures.                                           anti-Semitic incidents.
years when major conflicts took place between              the previous year was a “welcome surprise”,
Israel and Hamas in Gaza, did the annual total
incidents exceed the 100 mark.
                                                           but not completely out of the ordinary for
                                                           South Africa.
                                                                                                                             Building bridges
   “When these two unusually high years                       “Whereas other major diaspora countries
are removed from the equation, the average                 consistently count annual anti-Semitic
annual total over the remaining period drops               incidents in the hundreds or even thousands,
to the mid-50s, but even then the 2019 figure              ours have equally consistently been in the
is by comparison notably lower than normal.”               dozens. Last year happened to be somewhat
   The incident report rubs up against the                 lower than usual.”
recent Anti-Defamation League (ADL) survey                    Agreeing with this, anti-Semitism expert
last year which found that 47% of South                    Professor Milton Shain said South Africa
Africans harboured anti-Semitic attitudes.                 had always reported very few anti-Semitic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Photo: Liza Smith, US Embassy Pretoria

   Professor Karen Milner, the national vice-              incidents relative to many other countries,
chairperson of the board and an anti-Semitism              and it was heartening that the number of anti-
expert, said the board’s incident report and the           Semitic incidents had declined even further in
ADL survey were not directly comparable.                   2019.
   “The ADL research was about sentiment,                     “It seems to me that the absence of hostile
while the board report is about behaviour –                action against Jews – as opposed to hostile
actual incidents of anti-Semitism. In so far               ideas about Jews – might have something
as sentiment is expected to be reasonably                  to do with a government and media that
related to behaviour, this report does reinforce           is hostile to Zionism and Israel. This has
the concern expressed previously about the                 possibly resulted in a lessening of frustration
ADL’s findings in terms of international                   on the part of Jew-haters. But this is simple
                                                                                                                             Newly appointed United States ambassador to South Africa, Lana Marks, with President Cyril
comparisons.”                                              conjecture. I certainly don’t want to suggest
                                                                                                                             Ramaphosa on presenting her credentials to him this week. “I consider it the honour of a
   She said, however, it was important not to              that an antidote to anti-Jewish actions is
                                                                                                                             lifetime to represent the United States in South Africa,” she wrote on Twitter.
become complacent.                                         hostility toward Israel on the part of the state;

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T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - SA Jewish Report
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2 SA JEWISH REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  31 January – 7 February 2020


                                                                                                                                                                                            B r i e f • • Wo

                                                      “The eyes of the soldiers of the caliphate,                                                              A Chagall painting, Les                                                                     France.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            r i e f • • Wor l
Islamic State threatens Israel                     wherever they are, are still on Jerusalem,”                                                               Amoureux, sold at Sotheby’s                                                                     “I wanted to make the portraits
The Islamic State says it will focus its new       al-Quraishi said. “And in the coming days,                                                                in New York in 2017 for a                                                                     deeply personal to Yvonne and Steven

                                                                                                                                                                                                s in

attacks on Israel.                                 G-d willing, you will see what harms you and                                                              record $28.45 million                                                                       – a celebration of family and the life


                                                                                                                                                                                                               d                                  si
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   or l
                                                                                                                                                             (R540.7 million).                                                                         that they have built since they both
   The terror group, also known as ISIS, made      what will make you forget the horrors you                                                                                                                              ••W         rief

the statement in a 37-minute audio message         have seen.”                                                                                                                                                                                      arrived in Britain in the 1940s,” Middleton
on Monday by its spokesman, Abu Hamza al-             The message was published on the terror                                                                Duchess holds photo shoot                                                              said. “The families brought items of personal
Quraishi, the AFP news agency reported.            organisation’s usual social-media channels,
   Speaking on behalf of ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim according to AFP, which said it had not
                                                                                                                                                             with Holocaust survivors                                                               significance with them which are included in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the photographs.”
al-Hashimi, al-Quraishi called on Islamic State    authenticated the message. ISIS rarely targets
fighters to launch a “new phase, which is to fight Israel, the news service said.                                                                                                                                                                   Majority of racist crimes in
the Jews and restore all that they have usurped
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    France target Jews
from Muslims”, the London-based Asharq-Al-         Stolen Chagall auctioned
Awsat reported.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Most of the racist hate crimes documented
                                                   A painting by Jewish modernist Marc                                                                                                                                                              in France last year were anti-Semitic
   Appliance Repairs on Site                       Chagall sold at auction for $130 000 (R2.4                                                                                                                                                       incidents directed at Jews – who make up
                                                   million), the lowest estimated bid suggested                                                                                                                                                     less than 1% of the country’s population.
                              h e rs,
                      h w  as                      by the auction house.                                                                                                                                                                              The French interior ministry published
                 Di s                  toves          The buyer, from Tel Aviv, wishes to remain                                                                                                                                                    the data on Sunday in a report that counted
              s ,           n  e s, S
        id ge Machi                                anonymous,    a spokesman for the Tiroche                                                                                                                                                        687 anti-Semitic incidents last year from a
     Fr shing
                                                   Auction   House  in Herzliya told the Jewish                                                                                                                                                     total of 1 142 racist hate crimes.
          a                 &m     o  re
      W ble Dryers
                                                   Telegraphic  Agency.  The artwork, the size of                                                                                                                                                     The 2019 figure constitutes an increase
                                                   a standard sheet of office paper, was sold on                                                                                                                                                      of nearly 27% from 541 such cases
     Tum                            Call Jason Saturday.                                                                                                                                                                                            documented in 2018. Threats accounted for
      082 401 8239 / 076 210 6532                     Titled Jacob’s Ladder, the oil painting by                                                             Kate Middleton, the duchess of Cambridge,                                              536 incidents last year, with the remaining
        FREE QUOTATIONS                            the famed Jewish modernist was scheduled                                                                  has released photo portraits she took                                                  151 defined as “acts” – instances of assault
                                                                             for a 1996 sale, but                                                            of two Holocaust survivors with their                                                  against Jews or vandalism of their property.
                                                                             was stolen days                                                                 grandchildren.                                                                           France has about half a million Jews
                                                                             before that auction.                                                              The photos, released on Monday, marked                                               among a population of 65 million.
                                                                             It was found in 2015                                                            as International Holocaust Remembrance                                                   Attacks and threats against Muslims rose
                                                                             in the estate of an                                                             Day, are part of a project of the Royal                                                54% over the previous year at 154 incidents.
                                                                             elderly woman in                                                                Photographic Society, the Holocaust                                                    Muslims account for about 9% of France’s
                                                                             Jerusalem after her                                                             Memorial Day Trust, and the London-based                                               population.
                                                                             death.                                                                          Jewish News.                                                                             Anti-Christian incidents are not classified
                                                                                Migdal Insurance,                                                              Kensington Palace shared three behind-                                               as racist, and are their own category in the
                                                                             which paid the                                                                  the-scenes photos of the wife of Prince                                                report. They numbered 1 052 cases.
                                                                             1996 claim on the                                                               William, who is second in line to the British                                            The acts documented in the report “are an
                                                                             stolen Chagall,                                                                 throne, with the subjects of the portraits.                                            intolerable attack on our shared project, the
                                                                             demanded custody                                                                They will be part of an exhibition scheduled                                           fundamentals of our social and republican
                                                                             of the painting and                                                             to open later this year of 75 images of                                                contract”, Interior Minister Christophe
                                                                             a Tel Aviv court                                                                survivors and members of their families                                                Castaner wrote in response to the report.
                                                                             ruled in 2015 that                                                              to mark 75 years since the end of the
  Michael David                                                              the painting be
                                                                             transferred to the
                                                                                                                                                               The subjects of the portraits are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • All briefs supplied by JTA

    QUALITY WORKMANSHIP                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Shabbat times this week
                                                                             insurance company.                                                              Yvonne Bernstein and Steven Frank,
                                                                             Migdal offered                                                                   who both emigrated to Britain after the                                                       Starts                          Ends
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           18:15                           19:33           Johannesburg
    Tired of your old worn-out furniture? Rejuvenate your home...            the work for sale                                                               Holocaust. Frank, photographed with his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           19:15                           20:28           Cape Town
                                                                             through Tiroche to                                                              granddaughters, Maggie and Trixie, was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           18:15                           19:29           Durban
   CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY & FURNITURE REPAIRS                                     recoup the money it                                                             imprisoned in the Theresienstadt camp.                                                        18:15                           19:47           Bloemfontein
                                                                             paid to the painting’s                                                          Bernstein, who was photographed with her
                   Michael 082 820 7091                                      previous owner.                                                                 granddaughter, Chloe, was a hidden child in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Port Elizabeth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           East London
 430 Louis Botha Avenue, cnr Main Street, Rouxville
                                                                             Torah Thought                                                                                                                                                                                      Rabbi Asher Deren,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Chabad of the West
                                                                             Rebbe’s army marches victorious                                                                                                                                                                     Coast – Cape Town
                                                                               Seventy five years ago this week, Elka                                                       reluctantly assumed the position following                                                           first liberation – not
                                                                            Ganot, prisoner number 12750, was                                                               the passing of his father, the previous                                                              from Auschwitz, but
                                                                            liberated from Auschwitz. Her grandson,                                                         Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak                                                              Egypt. Here, too,
                                                                            Barak, a major in the Israel Defense Forces                                                     Schneerson of blessed memory.                                                                        Hashem refers to us
                                                                            (IDF), marked the occasion last year as                                                            In the Goldman family, this celebration                                                           three times in Parshat
                                                                            he marched with ten other soldiers from                                                         has taken on a very personal meaning                                                                 Bo as an army – tzivot Hashem (from the
                                                                            his elite army unit past the very barracks                                                      because just two weeks after the                                                                     root word tzava, which means army, like
                                                                            where his bubbeh (grandmother) suffered                                                         passing of the previous rebbe 70 years                                                               Tzavah Haganah LeYisrael – the IDF).
                                                                            the tortures of Europe’s hatred for our                                                         ago, zeideh (grandfather) and bubbeh                                                                    In the landmark Bosi Ligani Maamer,
                                                                            people.                                                                                         Goldman were blessed with a son whom                                                                 the rebbe explains that the word comes
                                                                               For my wife, Zeesy, and I, our common                                                        they named Yosef Yitzchok, or “Yossy”                                                                from the same root as the word tzevayon,
                                                                            heritage as grandchildren of Holocaust                                                          as Rabbi Yossy Goldman is known to the                                                               which means colour or diversity of colours
                                                                            survivors has always given us a shared                                                          thousands of South Africans whose lives                                                              because in Hashem’s army, it’s our diversity
                                                                            sensitivity to our generation’s responsibility                                                  he and rebbetzin Rochel have touched                                                                 of strengths, and embracing through
                                                                            to ensure, “never again”. While my                                                              since the rebbe sent them as his personal                                                            ahavat Yisrael (the Jewish people) the
                                                                            grandfather passed away before I had a                                                          ambassadors here.                                                                                    differences between us, that empowers
                                                                            chance to know him, his close friend with                                                          Today, their 11 children serve with                                                               us to truly transform the world, as those

                                                                            whom he escaped from Nazi ravaged                                                               distinction in the “Rebbe’s Army”, whether                                                           survivors of Egypt and today’s survivors of
                                                                            Poland – Rabbi Shimon Goldman, whose                                                            in formal positions or as lay leaders in                                                             Auschwitz did.
                                                                            granddaughter I was blessed to marry –                                                          the rebbe’s institutions across the globe                                                               Every Jew today is a Holocaust survivor.
                                                                            taught me a lesson that I aspire to live,                                                       in Melbourne, Johannesburg, Cape Town,                                                               And whether we are major Barak in the
                                                                            learn, and celebrate – a lesson that he                                                         Uruguay, Philadelphia, and Hawaii. As this                                                           IDF or the Goldman family in the Rebbe’s
                                                                            taught the world 70 years ago this week.                                                        elite unit of 11 in the Rebbe’s Army gathers                                                         Army, our colours are coming together to
                                                                               This week, the Jewish world marks                                                            at Sydenham Shul for the 70th birthday                                                               lead us to the victory of revealing this entire
                                                                            the 70th anniversary of the leadership of                                                       celebration this week, some may wonder                                                               world, from Auschwitz to Jerusalem and
                                                                            the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem                                                           where this army comes from.                                                                          everywhere in between, as the garden of
                                                                            Schneerson of righteous memory, who                                                                This Shabbat, we read the story of the                                                            Hashem, where colours shine brightest.

                                                                                                                           Editor Peta Krost Maunder – editor@sajewishreport.co.za • Sub-editor Julie Leibowitz •
                                                                                                                           Journalists Nicola Miltz • Tali Feinberg Jordan Moshe • Editorial co-ordinator Martine Bass                                                                                                         –

      Any make, any model, any condition                                                                                   – editorial@sajewishreport.co.za • Proofreader Kim Hatchuel • CEO Dani Kedar                                                                                                                        –
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T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - SA Jewish Report
31 January – 7 February 2020                                                                                                                SA JEWISH REPORT 3

SA takes measured approach
to peace plan
TALI FEINBERG                                                    between Gaza and the West Bank.                                 “The ANC calls on the Israeli
                                                                   DIRCO said the establishment of a                          government to release all political

        he South African government                              viable Palestinian state existing side                       prisoners, cease the expansion
        has responded cautiously to                              by side in peace with Israel should be                       of settlements in the West Bank
        the United States’ new Peace                             “within internationally recognised                           immediately, and stop the wanton
to Prosperity plan for resolving the                             borders, based on those existing on                          and consistent attacks on Palestinian
Israeli-Palestinian conflict.                                    4 June 1967, prior to the outbreak                           people in the Gaza Strip. [It] also calls
   The Department of International                               of the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, with                           on all organisations and people that
Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO)                                East Jerusalem as its capital, in line                       support the cause of free Palestine to
said South Africa “continues to                                  with all relevant United Nations                             strengthen the solidarity campaign
support international efforts aimed                               resolutions, international law, and                          for a peaceful and just solution.”
at the establishment of a viable                                 internationally agreed parameters”.                             Mabe also emphasised the need for
Palestinian state, existing side by                                “South Africa believes that only                           South Africa to enact the resolution                          cause. COSATU and its affiliates                                                                               Wendy Kahn, the national
side in peace with Israel within                                 initiatives developed with the                               it adopted at its 54th national                               have resolved to embark on a                                                                              director of the South African
internationally recognised borders”.                             full participation of the people of                          conference to downgrade its embassy                           continuous picket of the embassy                                                                          Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD),
   This approach contrasts with a                                Palestine can achieve lasting peace,                         in Tel Aviv, saying, “Downgrading the                         and consulates of the US until                                                                            said, “The SAJBD embraces any
more emphatic reaction from the                                  and it remains consistent in its view                        embassy is a practical act of solidarity                      the US stops its offensive in the                                                                          initiative that will bring the parties
African National Congress (ANC).                                 that genuine inclusive, open dialogue                        with the oppressed people of                                  Middle East. We look to the South                                                                         closer to the negotiating table.
Speaking to the SA Jewish Report,                                can resolve the current impasse.”                            Palestine in the face of the injustices                       African government to lead on                                                                             It’s our hope that the proposed
ANC national spokesperson Pule                                     Said DIRCO spokesperson Clayson                            and atrocities meted out against                              this question, particularly since                                                                         peace plan will reinvigorate a peace
Mabe said, “An effective peace                                    Monyela, “South Africa maintains its                         innocent civilians.”                                          South Africa is uniquely placed                                                                           process that has been dormant for
solution must be inclusive. The                                  principled position that any peace                              The Congress of South African                              as the one country that survived                                                                          far too long. Ultimately, we believe
ANC believes any                                                                                                                                                                                              apartheid through                                                                       that the Israelis and Palestinians
peace solution that        US President Donald Trump                                                                                                                                                          international                                                                           need to sit together to determine

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Photo: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images
doesn’t include            with Israeli Prime Minister                                                                                                                                                        assistance.”                                                                            a viable and secure two-state
the participation          Benjamin Netanyahu                                                                                                                                                                    Darren Bergman,                                                                      solution. We applaud the US for
of Palestine and                                                                                                                                                                                              the Democratic                                                                          its efforts in trying to restart
Israel will have no                                                                                                                                                                                           Alliance (DA)                                                                           talks towards solving this painful
legitimacy.”                                                                                                                                                                                                  Shadow Minister                                                                         conflict.”
   US President                                                                                                                                                                                               of Foreign Affairs,                                                                         Rowan Polovin, the national
Donald Trump                                                                                                                                                                                                  said, “The DA has                                                                       chairperson of the South African
unveiled the much-                                                                                                                                                                                            noted the contents                                                                      Zionist Federation (SAZF), said,
awaited peace plan on                                                                                                                                                                                         of President                                                                            “The SAZF supports the right of
Tuesday at the White                                                                                                                                                                                          Trump’s peace                                                                           Jews to live in their ancient biblical
House alongside                                                                                                                                                                                               proposal. We wait                                                                       and indigenous homeland with
Israeli Prime Minister                                                                                                                                                                                        to hear how it is                                                                       Jerusalem as their capital. Alongside
Benjamin Netanyahu.                                                                                                                                                                                           received by affected                                                                     this, Israelis have the right to live
Palestinian leadership                                                                                                                                                                                        communities.                                                                            in peace and security with their
was not present, nor                                                                                                                                                                                          It’s therefore too                                                                      neighbours. This new peace plan
involved in the plan.                                                                                                                                                                                         early to make any                                                                       recognises these rights, and offers
   The main points of                                                                                                                                                                                         substantial input                                                                       the Palestinians a rare opportunity
the plan include the                                                                                                                                                                                          or declare support                                                                      to achieve their stated aims, with
notion of two states,                                                                                                                                                                                         or lack thereof.                                                                        international support and financial
while safeguarding                                                                                                                                                                                               “The DA has                                                                          assistance, and move towards a
Israel’s security. The Israeli state        plan should not allow Palestinian                                                 Trade Unions (COSATU) said it was                             long held the view that a two-                                                                            better and prosperous future.
would include all of its West Bank          statehood to devolve into an entity                                               “disturbed” by the peace plan. “This                          state solution, where both Israel                                                                            “Many Arab and Western
settlements and the Jordan Valley,          devoid of sovereignty, territorial                                                deal is forcing Palestinians to buy a                         and Palestine are recognised as                                                                           countries have already expressed
the strategically important piece of        contiguity, and economic viability.                                               concealed item that is locked up in                           sovereign states, is ideal provided                                                                       their support for this plan,”
land that Israel has largely controlled Doing so would severely compound                                                      a box, and then put its trust in the                          that both countries can live in                                                                           Polovin said. “We call upon the
since the Six-Day War in 1967.              the failure of previous peace-making                                              country that has been the source of                           peace without fear of attack. The                                                                         South African government to
   The plan entails a four-year             efforts, accelerate the demise of the                                              their suffering,” said Sonia Mabunda-                          DA concerns itself with the people                                                                        encourage the Palestinians to
freeze on the expansion of Israeli          two-state option, and fatally damage                                              Kaziboni, COSATU’s international                              of the Palestinian territories, Gaza,                                                                     engage in meaningful dialogue and
settlements. The Palestinians               the cause of durable peace for                                                    secretary.                                                    and Israel, and would support                                                                             negotiations with Israel towards
would have their own system of              Palestinians and Israelis alike.”                                                   “COSATU rejects this plot. We                               any initiative that empowers and                                                                          these aims.”
government throughout their state,             Said Mabe, “The ANC reiterates its                                             remain resolute in support of the                             brings them a better quality of                                                                              The SA Jewish Report also
but Israel would retain security            unequivocal support for the freedom                                               Palestinian cause, and we will                                life and stability to the region.                                                                         reached out to the Economic
control over all the territory.             of the people of Palestine, and that                                              never be silenced on this issue. We                           We are cognisant of the fact that                                                                         Freedom Fighters and African
Jerusalem would remain Israel’s             their struggle for self-determination                                             remain strong in our support for                              the people of Palestine, Gaza,                                                                            Christian Democratic Party for
capital, and the Palestinian capital        is just and unapologetic. A true                                                  the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions                            and Israel should be allowed to                                                                           comment, but had not received
would be in East Jerusalem. The plan        solution will not be found in any                                                 (BDS) [movement] and all other                                decide this process without fear of                                                                       any response at the time of going
allows for Palestinians to travel freely place other than Palestine and Israel.                                               efforts made in support of the                                 political or violent intimidation.”                                                                       to press.

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T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - SA Jewish Report
4 SA JEWISH REPORT                                                                                                                                                             31 January – 7 February 2020

Land-expropriation amendment                                                                                                     @Sowellnomics an outspoken libertarian
could herald ‘Zimbabwe-style’ decline                                                                                            NICOLA MILTZ                                    “That kind of online bullying can have
                                                                                                                                                                              real-world consequences, and is a really
TALI FEINBERG                                                  arbitrary decision process, as I have little doubt that the  @Sowellnomics was a well-known social-            important lesson for everyone. It’s clear
                                                               South African economy as a whole will suffer.”                media influencer, activist, and vehement          that Sherlin was a person of principle, and
“As Jews, we have endured a long history of having our            He fears this amendment will go ahead “unless sense       Israel supporter whose real identity was          a strong person, but I think the fact that he
property confiscated. The current proposal to allow            prevails, which it hasn’t up till now. Particularly if you   unknown to most in the community.                 was so heavily targeted may have played
for expropriation without compensation should be of            consider the way this was introduced – it was underhand,         For years, his identity remained a            a role in his mental state.”
particular concern to our community,” says advocate Mark       and crafted with a view to elicit the least possible         mystery in spite of numerous attempts by             Govender was a devout Christian and
Oppenheimer.                                                   objection. The only possible light is that it seems that     his critics to “out him”.                         an intellectual, his friends said.
    This Jewish lawyer is by nature not alarmist, but he       the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) won’t go along               After he took his life in January his real       @Sowellnomics encouraged public
feels strongly that the African National Congress’s (ANC’s)    with it, and as the ANC in parliament requires a two-        identity became known by many of his              discourse and open debate, often
approach to land reform and its latest announcement to         thirds majority to pass the legislation which it doesn’t     followers. Political commentator Sherlin          agitating his critics with his controversial
have the process run by the executive instead of the courts    have without the EFF, maybe it will be watered down          Govender, 30, was the man behind the              political views on land reform and gun
could herald a Zimbabwe-style descent for South Africa.        somewhat.”                                                   highly controversial and prolific Twitter         control. He often butted heads with left
    The Sunday Times reports that the amendment will              Wisenberg says that property in both urban and rural      account.                                          wing activists and politicians, ruffling
effectively remove the courts as the “decider” on whether       areas may be affected. “All areas are exposed, but I’m of         He described himself on Twitter as a          feathers in government circles.
the state will pay for land expropriation, and will instead    the opinion that it will affect rural areas more. I believe   “Lover of liberty, free markets, innovation,         Govender was often seen sipping hot
give that power to a minister of land reform.                  that urban, abandoned properties – for example in            the state of Israel and Arsenal FC. Dislike:      chocolate at kosher eatery Jozi Blue
    The proposal was reportedly adopted by the party at its    Hillbrow – will be affected, and that will probably be a      socialism, Marxists and social-
National Executive Committee lekgotla earlier this month,      positive consequence.”                                       justice warriors.” For this, he
and is expected to be voted on by ANC MPs in parliament           He is unsure how urban property owners can protect        was liked and disliked.
in coming weeks.                                               their properties. “With rural properties, some farmers           Benji Shulman of the South                 He was a fearless thinker,
    “This is unprecedented. Remember, we have never            have given their workers a share in the properties, and so   African Friends of Israel              someone who didn’t just think but
before changed the Bill of Rights,” says Oppenheimer.          on. This may stave off government intervention.”              (SAFI) described Govender as           acted and debated with the people
He is sounding the alarm because he thinks people                 Wisenberg believes “the aim of the ANC to bypass          “unique”.
should be fighting “tooth and nail” to stop expropriation      the courts will surely invite court action on the part of        “There is literally no one in          he disagreed with. That’s rare.
without compensation in its tracks. He has called on           opposition parties and other organisations. This will surely South Africa on Twitter that
members of the public to write submissions to parliament       delay its implementation, which again will create more       has a combination of his reach, clarity of       in Glenhazel, Johannesburg, engaging
to oppose the constitutional amendment. However,               uncertainty which creates an even greater anti-investment    thought, and confidence of expression.           in active debate with his good friend,
several people have received ‘block notifications’ from        climate.”                                                    He was a fearless thinker, someone who           Sihle Ngobese, well known as @
parliament advising them that their submissions contain           Says Isaac Jocum, a cattle farmer near Vryburg, “When     didn’t just think but acted and debated          BigDaddyLiberty on Twitter.
inappropriate content. Oppenheimer has since advised           the ANC writes this new bill into law, by the stroke of      with the people he disagreed with. That’s           Ngobese who is head of strategic
people to make their voices heard through the ‘Dear South      that pen, it will not only devalue all property across the   rare.                                            operations at the Institute of Race
Africa’ submissions page.                                      country, but will simultaneously remove more than 100            “He was willing to stand up for truth,       Relations, told the SA Jewish Report that
    Oppenheimer notes that since the ANC adopted land          years of farming and agricultural experience and expertise   and the best way he saw it,” Shulman             one of the highlights of Govender’s life
expropriation without compensation as an official policy         from the agricultural sector and the country. This loss of   said. “He was prepared to take the               was his visit to Israel last year.
in 2017, “property prices have been in a downward spiral”.     experience and expertise cannot be obtained from books       punches to say what he believed. He will            “I get emotional thinking about how
He predicts that destabilising property                                                                                     be missed for this.”                             happy that trip made him. As a Christian,
rights could lead to the economy collapsing                                                                                     Political and social commentator             Israel was his spiritual home,” he said.
like Zimbabwe and Venezuela.                                                                                                Jonathan Witt of the Renegade Report                Ngobese described Govender as an
    He points out that changing the                                                                                         announced last week on Twitter that              “intelligent young man” who wanted to
Constitution is very difficult because it                                                                                     Govender had died. “Very sad to have             keep his online persona separate from
needs a two-thirds majority. However,                                                                                       to tweet this, but the person behind the         his real identity because he attracted so
if it does go through, more “draconian”                                                                                     @Sowellnomics account took his own               much vitriol.
legislation could follow, and that would                                                                                    life last week. A really great guy with a           “Many wanted to dox him,” Ngobese
need only a 50+1 majority. “It may start                                                                                    thoughtful and inquisitive mind. Suicide         said. Doxing is a cyber-attack that
out with an initial bill that is not that                                                                                   is nobody’s fault, but the vitriol on Twitter    involves discovering and revealing the real
contentious, but this could easily be                                                                                       often directed by big accounts didn’t            identity of an internet user so others can
changed in, say, an Ace Magashule or                                                                                        help.”                                           target them.
David Mabuza regime.”                                                                                                           This received more than 1 500 likes             This weighed heavily on him, said close
    He says expropriation without                                                                                           and was retweeted more than 500 times.           friends.
compensation targets land and                                                                                               It’s believed that @Sowellnomics had                According to Ngobese, Govender was
improvements, which includes homes,                                                                                         about 30 000 followers. Some said he had a classical liberal thinker and libertarian,
factories and business premises. This                                                                                       an auto-immune illness which contributed which meant he advocated the protection
can affect anyone living in urban and                                                                                        to his flailing mental health.                   of individual liberty and economic freedom
rural areas. Addressing the ANC’s latest                                                                                        The name @Sowellnomics was                   by limiting government power.
proposed change of allowing an “executive”                                                                                  in reference to acclaimed American                  @Sowellnomics, who grew up in a
to have power over these decisions, he says the chance of      and learning institutions without the addition of a hands- economist and social theorist, Thomas              conservative, ANC-supporting family in
expropriation on a whim becomes enormous. “‘Executive’         on approach.                                                 Sowell, 89.                                      KwaZulu-Natal, was interviewed by the SA
is a vague term. Does it mean the president, a cabinet            “The agricultural sector doesn’t function in economic         According to close friends, the              Jewish Report last year on his return to
minister, or the mayor of your municipality? Imagine if        isolation, it’s intricately linked to every part of the      Pietermaritzburg-born Govender, worked           South Africa from Israel. He affectionately
it’s up to the mayor of a small town, who expropriates         national economy,” he says. “By devaluing this large asset   in the banking sector and kept his online        described Israel as the “rainbow nation of
your property without compensation because he doesn’t          base, the economic consequences known and unknown            persona totally separate from his real           the Middle East”.
like you? It also opens the door to corrupt officials using      will be far-reaching and devastating to an already fragile   identity in a bid to protect himself and his        Oppenheimer described his friend
expropriation powers for their own benefit.”                   and failing economy with an ever depreciating currency.      family from numerous detractors.                 as “incredibly warm, passionate, and
    Retired Constitutional Court Judge Albie Sachs told        The last and only hope, which has not proven very                A friend of his, Johannesburg advocate       remarkably bright”.
the SA Jewish Report that with regards to this latest          successful in history, is in the hands of the international  Mark Oppenheimer, told the SA Jewish                He said, “He was a wonderful person
amendment, “The ANC is presenting the matter in a very         community to do whatever is necessary to prevent the bill Report that as a young person who had               to have at a dinner party. We had a
clumsy way. My understanding is that the Constitution          going into law.”                                             recently moved up to Johannesburg,               few Shabbos meals together, and the
and the law currently allow for the executive to make             But affordable housing advocate and Cape Town              Govender didn’t want to endanger his             last time I saw him was at a Chanukah
the initial determination, and the court to approve. As        resident Gavin Silber, who has a Masters in urban            career and his livelihood.                       dinner. He cared a lot about Israel, and
long as the court has a free hand to make the ultimate         planning from New York University, believes that it’s vital      “He spoke about free speech, free            held Jews in high esteem. He told me
determination, this isn’t problematic. I’m not sure that       to speed up land reform, even if it means placing it in      markets, the importance of non-racialism, Israel is a remarkable place, and that
the court itself is well-suited to doing valuations, though    the hands of one person. “The longer we fail to support      and the idea that we shouldn’t judge             describing Israel as an apartheid state
it’s best suited to deciding on how to balance the different    action on spatial justice in our cities – and the legal and  people by the colour of their skin but by        was completely uncalled for.”
constitutional factors to be taken into account. The           policy framework already exists to do this – the greater the the content of their character. He was              Shulman said that @Sowellnomics was
answer might be to create an independent compensation          likelihood of extreme legislation being implemented in the good at pointing out which government              always prepared to engage with people.
determination body, similar to a Chapter 9 institution         near-future.                                                 policies were going to be detrimental to            “He listened to their viewpoint, and
… containing lawyers, historians, and people who know             “Much of this can be achieved with the legislation        the economy and to the flourishing of all        had the emotional capacity to argue with
about land values, to make the initial determinations          that already exists,” says Silber. “Ministers, premiers,     South Africans, and for that he was both         people and take the fight, he never swore
fairly speedily, with well-defined rights of speedy recourse   and mayors already have significant powers over              loved and hated,” he said.                       or insulted. He was an interesting guy who
to the courts.”                                                land-use decisions that they aren’t tapping into. They           A lot of people said how much they           liked to think for himself and back up his
    Paul Wisenberg, a partner at Maurice Phillips Wisenberg    could announce tomorrow that thousands of acres of           loved him online but, said Oppenheimer, it opinions with logical argument.”
Attorneys, Notaries and Conveyancers, who has extensive        well-located public land will be used for public good –      was also clear that he had been targeted            The Twitter account @Sowellnomics
experience in property-related disputes, says, “I don’t        affordable housing, land restitution, social services, and    and attacked, and that there were moves          was closed last week. Whether you loved
believe the alarm should be limited to just the Jewish         so on. This wouldn’t require amending the Constitution       to try and vilify him and make his life          him or loathed him, @Sowellnomics, left
community. All communities should be concerned                 or going through lengthy court processes. The problem is     incredibly uncomfortable because of some his mark. He is survived by his mother
including those communities that might benefit from the        political will.”                                             of the views that he held.                       and older brother.
T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - SA Jewish Report
31 January – 7 February 2020                                                                                                                                                                               SA JEWISH REPORT 5

Living in a ghost town – but no reason to panic
JORDAN MOSHE                                                                                                               Volunteers in Wuhan, China, preparing supplies for hospitals    Beyond China, cases have been reported
                                                                                                                                                                                         in Hong Kong, Australia, Malaysia,

            hen South African-expat Adam                                                                                                                                                 Thailand, France, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam,
            Wolov steps out his front                                                                                                                                                    Singapore, South Korea, Macao, and Nepal.
            door in Wuhan in China, he                                                                                                                                                   There have also been five confirmed cases
slips on a safety mask and gloves. The                                                                                                                                                   in the United States.
streets he walks on are almost completely                                                                                                                                                  “All deaths have been in China so far,” he
deserted, with few pedestrians and non-                                                                                                                                                  says. “The majority of cases outside China
existent public transport. Although a few                                                                                                                                                are secondary cases among travellers. They
supermarkets remain open, malls and                                                                                                                                                      display fairly mild symptoms, and have
cinemas are shuttered. It’s a ghost town.                                                                                                                                                reported no deaths thus far.”
   Wolov shares this reality with 11 million                                                                                                                                               In spite of the spread of the disease,
fellow residents of the capital of China’s                                                                                                                                                            public-health organisations
                                                                                                                                                                                       Adam Wolov
Hubei province. For more than a week, they                                                                                                                                                            have issued different
have all been quarantined following the                                                                                                                                                               recommendations for
outbreak of what is commonly referred to                                                                                                                                                              travellers. “The World Health
as coronavirus. The Chinese are striving to                                                                                                                                                           Organization (WHO) has not
contain it, and it has caused considerable                                                                                                                                                            yet called it an emergency of
panic worldwide.                                                                      it looks like a coronet worn by royals under       deaths across the                                            international concern,” says
   Wolov is originally from Johannesburg.                                             a microscope,” says Barry Schoub, emeritus         Middle East, North                                           Schoub. “It probably won’t, but
He moved to China five years ago to teach                                             professor in virology at the University of         America, and Europe)                                         that depends on the spread.
English and travel around Asia, getting                                               the Witwatersrand and former director of           it, too, passed into                                         It’s still too early to know, and
married and having children along the way.                                            the National Institute of Communicable             obscurity.                                                   from a virologic point of view,
   As per government instruction, he and                                              Diseases (NICD). “The virus itself is                 “The general                                              its sustainably and ability
his family remain indoors, venturing                                                  ubiquitous biologically, primarily among           rule is that once an                                         for further establishment
out only for essential supplies instead of                                            animals, but has been relatively trivial – it      animal virus is found                                        is unknown.” He says South
travelling to celebrate the Chinese New                                               can cause the common cold.”                        circulating among                                            Africa, too, has issued no
Year as planned.                                                                         Corona remained a low-key virus group           humans, it doesn’t                                           warnings, but America’s Centre
   “We are allowed to go out for food and                                             until 2003, when the first instance of             really last long because it doesn’t circulate   for Disease Control has issued a level-three
other resources we may deem necessary,                                                an animal-originating virus crossed the            very well,” says Schoub. “It’s not adapted      warning to avoid all non-essential travel to
but we have to take necessary precautions                                             species barrier to affect human beings. The        to human carriers, so it passes away, which     China.
to prevent infection and transmission of                                              Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (or              is probably what happened to SARS and             Wolov said all public transport had been
the disease,” he told the SA Jewish Report                                            SARS virus) circulated from February that          MERS.”                                          suspended, as had all flights in and out of
on Wednesday. “We have to wear safety                                                 year across 24 countries, primarily in Asia.          The current coronavirus is similarly         Wuhan. Some American and French citizens
masks and gloves which have now been                                                  Traced to wildlife markets in Eastern Asia,        believed to have originated from animals,       had been evacuated (with plans to evacuate
made a legal requirement. If we don’t, we                                             about 8 098 cases of SARS were confirmed,          potentially snakes sold at a live market in     British citizens also in place), and the South
risk being arrested and fined, a necessary                                            and 9.6% of them resulted in death.                Wuhan. According to Schoub, about 4 577         African consulate had issued a statement
evil to prevent the spread of infection.”                                                After the virus seemingly died out (with        cases have been identified so far and about     saying that South Africans wishing to
   The virus came to the attention of                                                 no cases reported from 2004), corona               130 deaths reported, 2.3% lower than the        evacuate must do so on their own account.
the Chinese in December last year after                                               appeared again in 2012, this time in Saudi         rate for SARS and MERS.                                                   Continued on page 10>>
a cluster of pneumonia cases presented                                                Arabia and believed to have originated
themselves. It was only in January that it                                            in camels. The Middle East Respiratory
was identified as a coronavirus capable of                                            Syndrome (MERS) was strikingly similar
infecting humans.                                                                     to SARS, and while a more severe virus
   “We refer to the virus as a corona because                                         (causing about 2 500 cases and about 833

 Ramaphosa ‘could do more’
 MIRAH LANGER                                                                            Matisonn’s
                                                                                      latest book,

        olitical journalist John Matisonn                                             which is
        believes President Cyril Ramaphosa                                            subtitled
        “could do more than he is doing” to                                           Lessons from
 turn the country around. He said this at the                                         25 Years of
 launch of his latest book, Cyril’s Choices, in                                       Freedom in
 Parkview on Tuesday.                                                                 South Africa
    The book’s title, Matisonn says, emerged in                                       follows on
 the process of writing the book as somewhat                                          from his 2015
 ironic.                                                                              book, G-d,
                                                                                      Spies and Lies:
                              John Matisonn                                           Finding South
                                                                                      Africa’s Future Through Its Past.
                                                   Photos courtesy of John Matisonn

                                                                                         He said that while it’s too soon to be able
                                                                                      to suggest what Ramaphosa’s ultimate legacy
                                                                                      might be, “Right now, all one can say is it’s
                                                                                      stasis. Things are slowly being improved.”
                                                                                      Yet, he suggested, South Africans are still
                                                                                      waiting for concrete action such as the arrest,
                                                                                      prosecution, and conviction by the National
                                                                                      Prosecuting Authority of those involved in
                                                                                         Matisonn conceded that while “obviously,
                                                                                      state capture was far deeper and wider than
                                                                                      we thought”, nevertheless, “I made the same
                                                                                      mistake that I think most people made in
                                                                                      thinking that he could turn things around
    “I started writing the book when Jacob                                            faster.”
 Zuma was still president, thinking that when                                            He suggested that, indeed, for Ramaphosa,
 Cyril comes it will be better,” said the author                                      the 2020 political calendar would be
 at the book launch.                                                                  dominated by the African National Congress
    “And, of course, now we [as South Africans]                                       (ANC) national general council meeting. This
 realise that the choices are really choices for                                      was the halfway point between the previous
 us to make. They aren’t going to be made                                             national conference, held in December 2017
 by government and the political parties in                                           in Nasrec, Johannesburg, and the one which
 an efficient way. We are going to have to be                                           will follow in 2022.
 involved in it ourselves.”                                                                                   Continued on page 8>>
T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - SA Jewish Report
6 SA JEWISH REPORT                                                                                                                                              31 January – 7 February 2020

 Jewish Report                                                                         Any chance that Trump’s Mid-East
       south african

    The source of quality content, news and insights

                                                                                       peace plan can work?
Holocaust remembrance                                                                  “It’s time for the Muslim world to fix the             DATELINE:
more poignant than ever                                                                mistake it made in 1948 when it chose to
                                                                                       attack instead of recognising the new state
                                                                                                                                              MIDDLE EAST

   nternational Holocaust Remembrance Day                                              of Israel,” American President Donald Trump            Paula Slier
   comes around every 27 January, but this year                                        said on Tuesday night as he unveiled his
   it seemed so much more intense and horrifying                                       vision for an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.          Palestinian states.
(if that’s possible). It hit home in a way I haven’t                                     But in an emotional televised address,                  Back in 2008, in what is widely regarded
experienced before.                                                                    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas                    as Israel’s most generous offer to the
   Granted this year was a milestone, being                                            rejected “the new Balfour Declaration” with “a Palestinians, former Israeli Prime Minister
the 75th anniversary of the liberation of                                              thousand no’s”, insisting that Jerusalem and           Ehud Olmert was willing to cede 93.7% of the
the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and                                               the rights of Palestinian people were “not for         West Bank to a future Palestine. In Trump’s
extermination camps. Social media was alive                                            sale”. Not even invited to the unveiling, the          plan, 70% will be ceded, while Israel will
with posts about the Holocaust from Jewish and                                         Palestinians haven’t had direct contact with           retain 30%. Trump set eight conditions for
non-Jewish people. I don’t recall such a response                                      the Trump administration in more than two              Palestinian statehood while warning this
before.                                                                                years.                                                 could be the Palestinians’ “last chance” for a
   I was asked by people from outside the                                                Still, this didn’t stop the palpable                 state.
community whether we were writing about                                                excitement as Trump, with Netanyahu                       But the American president must have
remembrance day. One of the most startling                                             standing alongside him in the White                    known that the proposal would be rejected
memes I saw (and posted) was a photograph of                                           House, announced his so-called “deal of the            outright by Abbas so why even propose
a sweet, smiling little boy named Istvan Reiner from Hungary who was said to           century”. It’s been three years in the making,         it? The answer lies in its timing. Trump is
have been murdered in Auschwitz a few days after the photograph was taken.             and already last year, the first phase – a             facing trial in the US senate after the house
Under the photograph were the words, “If we held a moment of silence for every         $50-billion injection (R729.6 billion) into            impeached him last month. This offers a
victim of the Holocaust, we would be silent for eleven and a half years.” It’s so      the Palestinian economy – was snubbed by               welcome respite. In November, he will run
accurate and chilling. The vast number of Jews killed – six million – is so hard for   Palestinians.                                          for re-election, and this plan is also intended
our brains to compute because it’s just so many innocent souls taken from us.            Pointedly, though, major Arab states have            to satisfy his electoral base of evangelicals.
   On Monday, I read a Facebook post by South African photographer Eric Miller         expressed their support. Saudi Arabia, the             And satisfied they are. As are right-right-wing
describing his visit to Auschwitz a number of years ago. He describes “a room          United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Bahrain                American Jews and right-wing Israelis. Its
filled with brushes. Hair brushes, tooth brushes, shaving brushes, countless           described it as an opportunity to achieve              announcement comes at a crucial time also
types and shapes of brushes”. Then, there is the “room filled with worn leather        peace between Israelis and Palestinians.               for Netanyahu who is running for re-election
suitcases, each neatly, meticulously labelled with the owner’s name, place of          Turkey rejected it, while Egypt said it                at the beginning of March.
origin, and camp number”.                                                              “appreciates the continuous efforts exerted by            It’s highly probable that the announcement
   But the enormity of the horror and loss hit me most when he wrote about the         the United States administration to achieve            is meant to distract Israelis from Netanyahu’s
“room filled roof high with hair, used by the Germans for making mattresses.           a comprehensive and just settlement of the             immunity proceedings. He’s been indicted on
The hair is all grey.” Miller wrote that his guide explained the hair wasn’t grey      Palestinian issue”.                                    counts of fraud, breach of trust, and bribery
because it belonged to elderly people, but from the Zyklon-B gas used in the gas         The plan lays the groundwork for Israel to           in three separate cases. No doubt Netanyahu
chambers.                                                                              immediately begin annexing the Jordan Valley will use the plan to earn brownie points
   The inhumanity of this is impossible for me to understand. What makes               and all of its settlements in the West Bank,           amongst his voters.
people able to do this to other people? How did they not see the humanity in the       something Netanyahu says he will bring to a               The Trump plan will never work – but
eyes of those they were about to kill and stop doing so? How did they not have         cabinet vote as early as this coming Sunday.           it isn’t meant to, as far as Netanyahu is
nightmares after the first time that made it impossible to carry on?                     However, a few hours before the plan’s               concerned. Some suggest this is why he’s
   I have always believed I was quite fortunate not to have lost family in the         unveiling, Netanyahu was formally indicted by embracing it, including the bits he and his far-
Holocaust, as my grandparents and great-grandparents came out to South Africa          the country’s attorney general on corruption           right base find unpalatable. He doesn’t need
from Lithuania before the war.                                                         charges. Earlier, Netanyahu withdrew his               to worry about it materialising, while he can
   However, on Tuesday morning, that myth was dispelled when a cousin a few            request for parliamentary immunity, a request still take advantage of annexing territories.
times removed in America posted on Facebook the names of 15 members of                 he was almost certain to lose. It’s unclear               Previous peace plans have been aimed at
our family, all with the surname Krost, who she knew to have been killed in the        whether in this position, and with a caretaker         both Israelis and Palestinians. This one is
Holocaust. “There are at least a dozen more that we are unable to account for          government, Netanyahu can legally push                 overtly pro-Israel. While some may argue
who were still in Lithuania in 1941,” she wrote.                                       through a proposal as significant as redrawing that this is an American plan and therefore
   I went cold reading the rest of her post, but then I realised that actually it      Israel’s borders.                                      not binding on anyone, it’s highly unlikely
isn’t possible to be Jewish and untouched by the Holocaust. When 6 000 000               But what is significant is that Trump’s plan         it would have been presented without
are removed from a minority group, two-thirds of all the Jews in Europe, it has        gives Israel the
a permanent impact on all of us. Today, there is estimated to be 14.6 million          green light to
Jews in the world, a bit more than double those who were annihilated in the            annex settlements
Holocaust.                                                                             regardless of
   And yet, there are people who get tired of hearing Jewish people discussing the     Palestinian
Holocaust. Some say we should get over it.                                             support for
   And now we are at a precipice again, with anti-Semitism increasing around the       the plan. At
world.                                                                                 the same time,
   This is another reason for this year’s commemoration being so much more             in recognition
poignant and distressing. It seems like humanity is fast forgetting the horror of      of Israeli
what was done to Jews. Surely, the world will never let it happen again?               sovereignty over
   On Tuesday, I stumbled onto a post written by a fellow South African                the settlements,
journalist, someone I had worked with at Independent Newspapers years ago,             Israel must freeze
who wrote, “I wonder if those people who get irritated by black people talking         any further
about white racism get as irritated when the world (not just Jews) talks about         settlement
the fact of Nazi death camps, as it is happening now. Do they tell the Jews to ‘get    expansion for four
over it’, like they tell us?”                                                          years.                Benjamin Netanyahu, left, said Donald Trump had ‘charted . . . a brilliant future for Israel’
   Without getting into comparisons, I told him that not only do people tell Jews        Trump’s deal envisions the establishment of              Jerusalem’s consent. So one gets a very
to get over it, but there are many who deny the Holocaust ever happened, or laud       a Palestinian state with limited sovereignty.              good idea of how far – or not – Jerusalem
Hitler for what he did to us.                                                          Jerusalem will remain “Israel’s undivided                  is prepared to go to reach peace with the
   He didn’t believe that anyone said those things publicly in South Africa. Would     capital” while a future Palestinian state would            Palestinians. In the past decade, Abbas has
that he were correct, and all those ugly cases we write about, tand the South          also have a “capital in eastern Jerusalem”.                gone from the status he inherited from
African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) takes on, would go away!                        Such a capital would be established in the               Arafat to being little more than the mayor
   However, the truth is that while the world is feeling the rise of this ugly         Arab neighbourhoods of Jerusalem on the                    of Ramallah. He is widely disliked on the
scourge, the SAJBD has recorded a reduction in anti-Semitic attacks in South           eastern side of the separation barrier. Trump              Palestinian street. The world has to some
Africa. This is really good news! Does it mean anti-Semitic sentiment is dropping      said he would be “proud” to have an American               extent given up on the Palestinians and their
off in South Africa? I’m not sure, especially when it come to the so-called “new       embassy there. Palestinians would be able to               cause is no longer fashionable beyond the far-
anti-Semitism”, namely hatred of Jews through what appears to be politically           call their capital “al-Quds” – the Arabic term             left and right fringes in the West.
correct demonisation of the Jewish state.                                              for Jerusalem – and they would continue to                    Nothing much is expected to come out of
   May we find a way to get rid of all racism and hatred. It certainly doesn’t serve   have access to all holy sites, but no significant          Trump’s deal. But perhaps it presents a new
us or anyone else.                                                                     part of East Jerusalem would be in their                   framework for negotiations between Israelis
                                                                                       capital. This is well short of what they would             and Palestinians, a starting point from which
Shabbat Shalom!                                                                        ever accept.                                               future negotiations can develop. If that were
Peta Krost Maunder                                                                       What’s interesting is that for the first time            to happen, it would indeed be something. But
Editor                                                                                 ever, an American president published a map                at this stage that seems far from likely.
                                                                                       of how he foresees the future Israeli and
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